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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
What the Man B Fill You GUARANTEED WOOLEN AUTOMOBILE ROBES, EXTRA LARGE SIZES, 60x80 INCHES, IN A WONDERFUL ASSORT MENT OF COLORS AND PATTERNS. PRICE $6.75 EACH.' Wilcox Department Store CLUB DISCUSSES POSSIBLE SHORTAGE OF FOOD Tho first mootlmr of tho Domosttc Dapartmont on the Twontloth Contury Olub 'was hold at ho lrainte of Mrs. Ot to Thoelecko .Monday Afternoon Tho altornoon's program oponod with tho singing of "Aniorica" by the ontliki club. Tills was fol,owed by a short talk by Mrs. Ralph Smith, do- partmont chairman, outlining the yoar's work and sotting forth tho Im portance of ovory woman In America co-oporatlng with tho food administra tion In their work of conservation. The subject for tho day was "A World's Shortago of Food" and was handled in a vory creditable manner. Mrs. Charlos Bogue read a paper on "Woman's Part iln Winning the War:" sho said In part: "It has f;4.en to the women of America to do a groat part In winning and ending this war. Tho war wV'l bo won by tho nation that can hold out the long est In tho matter of food supply. Tlun tho problem which concerns tho worn- on of this nation most Is the conser vation of food -and tho decreasing of food waste. Worn on must cut off lux uries and think only of necessities. Woman will havo changed conditions and through her labor, courage and un sq'.flsnnoas, Bho will bo a groat factor in winning tho war." Mrs. Harry Cramer sipoko at length on community wastes and concorva tlon in general. Her talk was to the point and very helpful to a'.l who heard her Enrly l'cnco 'ot Anticipated. Washington. United States gov ernment officials are discounting any poacoxtalk and nrf not permitting It to intorforo with plans for entering actlvoly into a European military campaign- They aro further dlsposod to do this, bollevtng that here is no im- modiato chanco of a revolution over throwing tho kaisor. It Is known tnat discontent is strong; that critiolsm Is increasing; that thousands of dormant, aro in fact becoming undeceived; but this sontlniflnt is not yot strong enough to form a foundation for an internal uprising against the throne. Possibly yanothr wintor may add suf ficient to tho stringency that tho mass es will begin to clamor for poaco. but this will l)o on;.y when thoy arc driven to It by actual hunger, bor dering on starvation. As a result Amorlca Is laying plans for two or more yoars of warfare, and 'pushing thoso plans with all possini o speed. Reports from Rhm'ei say thnlt ho pope is waiting lor America to "soe tho light," which moans that ho thinks Germany can not bo "whipped, while Amorlca and tho allies aro convlncul that German dofoat is inevitable. IHA ).. J1AHK, Editor mid Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: Ouo ?cnr by JInll In Athnnce.. , ,$1.15& One fear by Carrier In AUTnnce. ,I.T0 Eutufcd at North Platte, Nebraska, Poatotllco as Swuuuu CIuho Matter. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1917 LOCAL AND PERSONAL If present plans do not miscarry W. J. Landgraf and Henry Landgraf will go to Chicago noxt week to witness tho won'd series' ball games to bo plav ed in that city. Christian Scioncu servlso Sunday 11. Sunday school 13 m Wednesday even ing moetlngs every wetik at S. A cor dial ivltation is oxtail si to all. Buill lng & Loan building. Claronco McCabo, -who wont to Om- Lutheran Congregational Meeting. Tho Lutherans hej'd their annual mooting Wednesday ovoning of this week. All reports show another vory Buccossfufl year's work. A llew of tho itoms of interest foi'tow. Tlioro 'Wlaro 17 children baptlzad and 3li adult mombers received, mak ing in !11 GO. Tho amount spent ,'.o cally during the year was $2,307 and ?G43 eontilbutbd to bonovolonda, a grand total of $2,950, bosides a couplo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flolsliman re turned yoatorday morning from a visit In Omaha. Mrs. Harry Dixon returned yoator day from a visit with hor daughter in Omaha. Loulo Lipshltz, wfro had boon visit ing in Omaha for soveral days, ro ' turned yesterday. A. N. Durbln sold a Studobakor road stor yostorday. tho olghtottnth car of that mako hoMins sold since ho on tored business Jitly 11th. On mid Iftqr October First sikes ARE CASH s lienor Si I'ioInIiiiuiii, Miss Sarah McGinn, who had beon nguoat nt'thd.Ey and Austin hdinos, returned to Grand Junction yostor day. Wanted I 'want to rent a modern. or uwiriy nio:ni nvo h6use, by Octobor 15Ui. A Father Vaughan Story. Father Bernard Vauglian, tho famous English Jesuit prencher, says whnt ho means and means what ho says and is never afraid of dieting hiii criti cisms oven against tho most powerful sections of society, especially tho idle rich. An amusing refercnceHvna onco mndo to tho defy methods w denunciation .ho employs .when in tho pulpit. He hvck'i 1)0011 InencnlH'' 1,1 omo and had, 25 "s usual, uoait out pnim trutlis nuout Koarnoy wi)l havo a good roads fair ryh?Z wllU I1'3 5Ptoined forco. Octobor 10th, ono foaturo at which1 ?" of V10 c"rdlnnls JpJ'unrkcd that will bo a parado of Ford autos. Thol 1,0 lu'oncllcd Hko an Italian. "Yes," commlttoo hopos to havo two' thousand Bn,(l another dignitary, f'but lie is an Fords In lino. Henry Ford was invited' Italian. Ho was born, on Vesuvius, to bo prosont but ho wired that ho' and wo only sent him to England to could not accept on aocount of pro- cool." London Globe, vloiih ongngomont. aha to onlist In tho signal servlco of, n. miuniwl ilr11nu rniafil f nr i lin nnw tho gbvonunonU was ncde'pU.'d andci,Urch' buVdlng. Tho total amount possod through Wednesday night to n0lW on nant for tno now cUurcli is go in training nt Ft Logan, near Don- abovo $0,100. Tho Undies' aid raised during this year $833, and have now on hand above $2200. Threo now church officers woro olectod; 'they aro Albort Haspol, II. F. Tramp and Dr. O. II. Cressler. The nowly olocted offlcors for tho building fund association aro: President, O. U. Thoolccko; vlco 'president, Walter Kochon; secretary, Louis Johnson; troasurer, C. O. "Wolngand. Tlio pastor's resignation tchdorod to tho church councfi1 (last woclc was regretfully accepted by tho congre catlon. Tho solo reason clvon for Uia taking of this stop by tho paster was tho continuing doclinci of his. health and that of his wife, plainly due to the altitude, and on this ground only did tho congregation agroo tq.onddrso tho nction of tho counicfl. A ronjmltteo to adopt rosofutlons to bo 'presented at tho sorvico a wtok from nox't Sun day was appointed. Thoso resolutions will appear later. : :o Mr. C. J. Story, travollng auditor vor. Drokon oyo glass lenses can bo re placed tho same day us ordor is glvon In our lonso grinding department. HARRWDIXON & SON, tf Graduate Optometrists. W. R. Yoho, for a dozen or moro yoars a resident of Medicine precinct, died Tuesday following a paralytic stroke When ho first camo to Woll lleet ho purchased tlio merchandise business of Chns. Glazo. Tho funeral was hold yesterday, W. R. Malonoy, of this city, going over to act ns funoral dlroctor. Tlic parting gift A Vest Pocket Kodak. It is monotony, not bullets tlint our soldier boys dread. At the front, they will upbold bravely tho traditions that are dear to every loyal American heart. But in 1 the training camps and during the months of forced inaction, there arc going to bo some tedious, home-sick days days the Kodak can make more cheerful. There's room for a little Vest Pocket Kodak in every soldier's and sailor's kit. The expense is small, six dollars. THE REXALL DRUG STORE. Agents for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. . of tho Groat Western Accident,, Insiuir anco Com'pany, of Dog Moines, Iowa, has been placed in. tomporary chargo of that company's business at North Platto on account of tho resignation of Mr. A. A. Schatz. E. T. Koliher. i;( Stato Manager'. ::o:: A. F. Kfnas 'loft yostorday for Dig Springs to spend a fow days hunting. :,:o: : Room For Thrift. Tho American Society For Thrift Is sounding a warning that should not go unheeded. Tho statistics it has gath ered indicnto how reckless wo aro with our money and how little wo lay up for a rainy day. Wo aro pre-eminently a nation of spenders who believo in liv ing whilo wo live. Statistics show that nlncty-flvo of every hundred Ainorlcrins who reach tlio ago of sixty aro dependent upon their dally earnings or on others for support Tho total, of course, Includes wives, mothers and daughters who hud not tried nor expected to, accuniulato n compotoncy. lint aftor they aro elim inated tho percentage of workers who have a nest egg at sixty Is very small, even if that is generally considered too young for retirement "The Thirteenth Chnlr." William Harrlsj, Jr. Avfir.1 present "Tho Thirteenth Chair" his sensa tion, melodramatic succoss by Day ard Voiller which ran for ono year at tho Forty-eighth Strcot Thejatro, Now York, hero Octobor 12. An 'ideal cast has been chosen for the production that out-of-town audiences may see Mrs. M. E. Scott fully explained the tho play presented under quite ns fa Hoover Dledgo Card, showing tho la- v?rablo as did those who onjoyed it cues now.with tho slightest onort, dining its remarkable engagement in they could save thousands of pounds New York of Eood annually for our allies. Some! Bayard Verier, tho author of "Tin! good example Which she gave follow; j Thirteenth Chair" is wtm known to use ono-uuru ounco loss 'por uay oi( theatre-goers horo as the. author of animnn tat, ami tnreo nunurea seven- "Wi'illn theLaw" whiich up to tho ty-ftvo tons will bo saved ycaily. If, present season was unquostlonabty ovory ono in Amorlca saves ono quncoi tho most nonutar mid llin most lo- of sugar dally, It moans cne m.lion,' sorvodly successful drama of that ono hundred thousand tons for the character over writttn. It was tho year, small In tho aggregate, but enor- unanimous concensus of critics on tho mous as a whole. s I opening night of "Tho Thirteenth Tho afternoon closed with tho sorV'iChalr" that with It. Mr. Veillor had lug of dainty refreshments by the hos-i cxccflod his own best efforts and tho oss. Tho noxt meeting wlfl be hold subsequent succoss of tho play bore Octobor 8th, at ho homo of Mrs. J. S. ut tho early judgment of tlio rcview- uavis ana win no mo uuii)3 nnnuai.orgi picnic, to which Club members and: ' ::o: their husbands aro invited. I wln, wu 'a tinon We are not going to spend $99.00 telling you about just one ordinary Piano we sell and try to make you think it is the only Piano to buy but just call your attention to the many splendid makes we have to select from Pankard, McPhail', Kimball, Jesse French & Sons, Bond, Lagonda, Healy and others. We invite you before you buy a Piano to investigate elsewhere then see our selection which we are sure will pay you for investi gation. Yfalker Music Co. bM,uMAHY. , th0 SouUl 0nmha markat Wcdnos- North Platles Only Music" Store. Owon Mooro and Irono Fonwlck in,UOg3 in tho near futuro. a uiri Liiito lnai ' ai me ivoiui aai- urday night. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Mr. and Mrs. IJert Barber, of Lcw eil'on, aro In town visiting relatives and frlonds, and as prosidont of the; Garden county fair, which will bei held Octobor 3d, 4th and 5th, Mr. Bar ber Is doing some real live boosting. Every fall wo give our customers tho advantago of a special discount sale on lyankets, both tho cotton and wool.i This special salo will bo for this weokf oniy. ii you nceu anytning in tins lino it 'will pay you to investigate our prices. Wo carry only first class mer chandise. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. Woman and Electricity. Wlitn n woman is sulky and will not speak exciter. If sho gots too excited controller. . If sho talks too long Interrupter. If hor way of thinking Is not joius convorter. If she Is willing to meet you hair way motor. If sho will moot you all tho way re ceiver. If fiho wants to go further conduc tpr. If sho would go Btlll fartherdis patcher. If sho wants chocolate feeder. Ex. change. Stamp Taxoa. Taxation through tho nso ot stamps is ncnrly 300 yoars old. The stute.1 general of tho Netherlands offered a roward for tho invention of a now tax, and somo person in 1021 suggested that Btamps bo required on legal documents. England first used stump taxes In 1004, tho United States in 1707. Now York Suu. Getting It RlQht. Mrs. Qulzzer I seo your friend, Mr. Sluglcton, is here. Ho was tho best man at your wedding, was ho not) Mr. Whlzzer No; ho was merely the -JOIN THE- NORTH PLATTE SPECIAL Garden at L ewe THURSDAY, County Fair HI T "3" "51 lien, Webo9 v " Attractions: AIR SHIPS, BALLOON RACE FOR HEIGHTH, by two mammoth ballons, WILD WEST EXHIBITIONS, CARNIVAL and innumerable free attractions. A B USUI I. Train Leaves North Platte 9 A. Returns at 9: P. M. BANNERS ON TRAIN Inquire of B. M. Stackhouse, experimental, station, for local ar- aangements, or address Bert Barber, president of fair, JLewellen 1 -V t Uiiktftst New. York Glob