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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1917)
IBA L. BABE; Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Yonr by Jlall In Advance. . . .11.25 One Tear by Carrier In Adtuuce. ,iM Entered nt North PUtte, Nebraska, Postofflco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, JULY 17,11)17. AFTER PROTRACTED ILLNESS GRACE OUIER PASSES AWAY 'Graco Odor. daUKhtor of Mr. and Mra. E. N. Oglor, dlod shortly after mid. night at tho family roaldonce Friday Death followed an Illness of eleven months, tho greater part of which time sho was confined to her room and suffered Intensely. Tho dovotlon and oaro of loving relatives and friends and tho attontlon of skilled physlciana made loss burdensomo tho sufforlngfl which sho iwro patiently, but tho nuturo of lier dlsoaso was such that oarthly nld was of no avail and tho end camo peacefully. Tho taking away of this yoJung woman In tho springtime of llfo brings sorrow to tho hearts of tho relatives and to the many friends who had known and lov ed her, and tho fortitude with which ho boro hor Illness Is un examplo of a noblo character and christian llfo. Graco Almlra Oglor was born, near Wallace April 12th, 1890. Sho camo to this city at an early ngo and at tended tho local schools nvlioro sho was a favorlto with hor classmates and Instructors. Later sho graduated with honors from tho Hastings busi ness collogo and for aovornl months assisted in tho offlco of hor fathor. About AugUBt 1st, 1910, sho loft for Guide Rock to visit with Miss Erma Schorbachor who had roslded with tho Oglor family and to whom sho had bocomo attachod. Whllo thcro hor hoalth failed and August 22d Mho was taken with her final Illness and throughout this lllnoss her popularity among tho younger sot mtos shown by tho bcnu,tlful llowern which filled her room and tho sentlmonts of sympathy which wore oxtondod dally. Sho had always boon an attendant of tho Prosbyterlan church and Sun day school and had always folt sho had hor part thoro, and during tho early part of hor Illness, at her own ro (liiest, sho was ba'ptized and taken Into tho fellowship of tho church. Sho wis also a mombor of tho Robokalv lodgo. Ono trait of Graco's charactor was the ability to onjoy llfo as sho found It and to gain from tho living tho Joy our creator Intended mo should. Whllo hor years wore fow Bho onjoyod them as they passed, and loft us knowing nothing but kindness. In addition to, tho loving parents and brothers Rayuvond and Robert sho is mourned by uncles, nunts and cou sins to whom sho hnd endeared horself. Throughout tho long illness of tho deceased hor unsolflsh disposition showed Itsolf In that thoro was novor a murmur that would worry tho loved ones and always that carofulnoss to protect othor poaplo. The funoral services woro hold at tho PreBbytorian churcU nt 3:30 Sun day afternoon, conducted by Rov. U. A. Crnm. Tho auditorium was filled with sorrowing friends and tho lloral tributes evidenced tho ostoom in which sho was hold. Pall boarora woro Thurston Woodhurst, Cody Boal, IIur - um nuiiw, uuipa umnaugu, roil Boguo and' 'Harry Huffman. Infor jnont was made in tho North Platto comotory. ; Iionorary pall bonrors woro Misses Dorothy IUnnian, Goorgio Hoxio, Foi'n anu zoo watts, ISrma Schorbachor and Ajlflh Hatfield of Hastings. Mexican Killed In Slonn. Mnnuol Rnmlrz, a Moxlcan ngod thlr-ty-fivo, was killed during the storm Friday night. Ho had boon oniDlov- od on tho Henry Woll farm wost of ttwn and in company with his broth er, Podro Rumlrz, madothoir homo in tho boot tenders' shack. Tho mon woro in bod when tho wind carried tho shack away and tho falling timbers crushed tho body of tho formor who dlod a fow mlnutos later from tho ln- juriOB received. The Cunoral sorvlcos woro hold nt two o'clock Sunday af tornoon from tho Malonoy undertak ing Tooms. ::o:: Florence No wiin Passes Away. Tho remains of Miss Floronco Downs of this city, who died In Donvor, ar rived hero Saturday morning and fu nortil services were held Sunday r tgrnoon at tho Methodist church. Tho deaausod wub tho oightoon year old dnlughtor of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Downs, and had boon ill for a yonr past, Tho Boniousnowi or hor condition two months ngo cnusod hor to lonvo for Donvor to tnko treatment. Doath was duo to tuberculosis Hor many friends In UiIb vicinity will rogrot to lonrn of bor demise, in hor oarly wom anhood. ::o::- Nollco of Cmuilug School. - A sorles of canning schools will bo bold in tho basomont of tho Franklin building beginning Thursday and Friday, July 12 and 13 Tho second canning echool will be held July 10th and 17th, tho third July 18th an,i 19th, .tho fourth July 20th and 21st and will conumuo -until ovory ono who carton to loarn tho "Cold PneJ." mothod of canning nns noeii auio to do so. Thoro, will bo morning bossIoiib only, which will bogln at nine o'clock Each parson will furnish hor own Yoaotnhlo and also bring n modlutn slzod pan. paring knlfo and npoon and Jnrs for canning. Mason, JarB nnd rubbors can bo purchased at tho school. The first morning two vogotabloT will bo icnnnod, oithor boots or boot tepB and oithor pons or bonus. Tho socond morning oithor carrots or to .natooti will bo connod and one of tho following: rhubarb, goosoborrios or gLiprrlos In ordor to domoiiBtrato UiIb ju,olliOd of canning fruit Tho ton fWr n. fnmllnrr tlm nflmn1 will twonty-ilYo contfl. Anyone desiring to attond can do by notifying MIsh Alloon Gantt C2-3 :::: For quick action nnd fwtlsfadorjr snlo list your Bind with Thnclockc. If ""Tho largo plato glass window of tho Overland, garago was brokoa during iio Bionn rnaay nigui. W WE CAN WE CAN Broken OR MAKE Replace New The same day the order in given in our own LENSE GRINDING PLANT. It will pay you to investigate our DIXON-PERFECTO v Non Breakable Lenses. Harry Dixon & Son. Optometrists. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Rover Hastings returned Saturday morning from Kearney. Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovdr Stone Drug Store. Miss Noll Hanlfln, of Tho Loader, Is taking a two weeks' vacation. W. II. McDonald and Charles Strauss spout Sunday in Staploton. Rov. C. B. Harman spont tho latter part of last week in Chnppoll. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Bulldinc & Loan Building.. COtt! Dr. and Mrs. Hoopor wont to Ft. Doming N. M., Friday ovonlng. MIsb Dorothy Jefforles has accepted a position in tho O'Connor storo. Furnished, rooms for ront, Inquire 321ast Sixth or phono Black 3C0. Miss Ruby McMichaol loft a fow dayB ago for Sldnoy to visit hor Bis ter. Mlua Mnn Wnlknu nntorlnlnod tho Saturday aftomoon bridge club last Satlurdny. i Chalos McGrow wont to Ogalnlla, Saturday to conduct a mall clorks' ex amination. Roy Cochran icamo up from Lincoln tho lnttor part of lastiwook to spond a dny or two. Sco Julius Mogonson for all kinds - I of P. &.O. farm Implements and wag ons. 3-ltf Robert Dlckoy wont to Omaha and Hustings tho latter part of lust wook on buslnoss.. F. T. Redmond Is among thoso who purchased a Ford car tho latter part of last wook. Missos Irono nnd Patricia Schott, ro turned last ovonlng from a short visit with frlonds in Halg. Freeman Hanson roturnod Saturdny morning from Council Bluffs whoro ho vlsltod his fnthor for a week. IJog Millet Sood for sale. Inqulro of Thomas Orton, 209 south Mnplo stroot, NorUi Platto. 47tf C. O. Dodmoro loft Saturday after noon for Cozad and Lexington to spond sovoral days on buslnoss. William Otton and a ..arty of frlendB nro spomllng this wcok on tho lakes north of town catching fish. Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Haynos, of Flats, are Bpondlng this wook In town. The former Is a morchunt at Flats. Mrs. Edward Inman will leavo soon for Parsons' Kansas, to visit with tho homo folks for a couple of wooks. I now havo funds at 51. per cent on cholco bottom table land. Gone Crook, Room -1, Keith thoatro Bldg. Mrs. J. N, Dick rnd chlldron loft yes- torday morning. Thoy will visit in Omaha and Chicago for Boveral vooks. Miss jr. Sicilian, steam baths mid Swedish TdiiKNiigo, gentlemen and la dies. Phono S'J7, Brodbcck building. During the absence of Miss Mnrgarot Hall In California, tho Nurso Brown hospital will bo closol for two wooks. Miss Mario Laughlln, of Choyonno, who has bson viBltlng tho Missos Lu cille and Mabol MoFarhuul, will loavo today. Mrs. "William Allon, of Oninhn, Is ox poctod bora tomorrow ovonlng to visit hor iMirents Mr. mm Mrs. John Weln borgor. Roy Soars, of LoxliiKton, spont tho woek end visiting with Ilonry Simon Small will bo associated with his broth, whllo onrouto homo from weskvn on-ln law, O. R. Handloy, In tho nmto lwlntg. 1 mobile biiBinoss. UM Hi Lenses Ones Georgo Wior roturncd to Grand Is land Saturday manning aftor visit ing local friends for a week. Paul Harrington returned Saturday morning from Donver where he spent two wcokB with the homo folks. Clarenco Blickcnsdorfor, of Chicago, arrived hero Saturday to visit local frlonds. Ho formerly attended tho lo cal schools. Thomas Green and Mrs. Green- re turned tho latter part of last week from a visit In Lincoln, Omaha and Grand Island. For Salo Nicely marked Fox Tor rior pups. Joo Glaser, 1204 east 4th street. Phono Black 1070. 52-2 A masque skating "party was held at tho rollor rink Thursday ovonlng which was onjoyod by a largo number of young people. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan,"'6f Grand Island, woro hero tho latter part of last week whllo onrouto to Es tes park by auto. Mrs. Louis Derr and chlldron, of Ev nnston, formorly of this city, enmo a fow days.ago to visit her mother Mrs. Johanna McGraw. Miss Edna Lewis, of tho Kearney normal, camo tho latter part of last wuu io visit wiin miss rioronco ijou don for a fow days. Misses Rluth Lowis, of Cozad, and Clarabollo Miller, of Lexington, who woro guosts of Miss Rcgina Frnzicr, havo roturned homo. Misses Marian Lawson and Riitb Wlngot will leave shortly for Colo- rado Springs and other points of in terest to spend their vacation. Thoso In need of painting, paper hanging and decorating nro assured satisfactory work if they omnloy Julius Hoga. Phono Black 692. 3Stf Mrs. Harry Lantz and children, of Storllng, formor residents, mflio have boon visiting hor slstur Mrs. Glc'n Forguson for two weoks will leavo Thursday. County Clork Allon received a com munication from Stato Engineer John son stating that tho stato would con sider tho application for tho bridge south or town on August Gth. Buy your Alfalfa Seed of Johnson Seed Co., Grand Island, Nob. Thoy havo strictly dry land, 191G crop ro- cionnoti and govornmont tostod sood. Wrlto for samples and quotations. -18-8 Mrs. J. W. La Rosa, ot Los Angolos, who had boon visiting hor paronts for soveral months, roturnod homo Satur day morning. Mrs. La Rosa was for morly Miss Mabel Donegan, of this city. Dr, and Mrs. Frank Conlln. of Oma ha, iwtoro tho guests of honor nt a ban- nuot and danco glvon by tho Rotary ciui) or umaha Thursday ovonlng. Thoy woro prcsontcd with a mock wedding enko. .arm and Ranch loans at lowest rntos and best terms. Money on hand to closo lonns promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Mr. and Mrs. York Illnmnn hold a rounlon Thursday ovonlng In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blickcnsdorfor, of Bloomlngton, 111., formor rosldorita horo. Tho ovonlng was Boont In rem lnlsconcos and muslo and tho cuosts Included tho neighbors nnd frlonds of formor years, Brokon oyo gloss lenses can bo re placed tho Bamo day as ordor Is glvon in our lonso grinding aopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduate Optometrists Mrs. K. D. Smnll and children, who recontly camo boro to visit tho for mor'B paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Victor von Gootz, Sr., loft a fow days ago for wmnua wnero thoy will locnto. Mr. Our Ice Cream is onjoyod by tho chlldron and ndulta allko. And bocauso It is rich, croamy, wholosomo und puro, it 1b a food as woll as a dossort Order It Bont to your homo in gallon containers. For your health's Bako ask for Porfoctlon Ico Cream, Mndo by North Platte Creamery. PHONE C2. Notice for Bids. Sealed bids will bo received by tho Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Platto, Nobraska, for tho con struction of side-walks and cross walks, tho same to conform to ' tho specifications as laid down in tho or dinances of said city, np to tho 30th day of July, 1917. Tho Council reserves tho trlght to reject any and all bids, O. E. ELDER 52-4 City Clork Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hah Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 58 A modern institution for ths scientific treatment of- medical, surgical and confinement casus. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Sirams, M.D 1)11. IIAItOLI) A. FENNER Osteopath. Belton Building: Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Office Black 333 Ros. Black 1020 OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS E. SEBASTIAN. State Mirr. J. Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. olstein I will hnvo n carload of Holstein Cows about July 1st. Thoy arc us good as money can buy. If you need one or more sco mo Am soiling nil kinds of cattle In any number desired, in addition to buying hogs. Phones: Office 159 House Red C.1G. C. H. WALTERS. DEIiltYBERItY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Director Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU Quality In Cigars has has been our aim alnco iwo began making cigars lu North Platto ovor thirty yoara ago, Wo put quality in tho first cigars we mado, and that soma quality is in tho cigars wo raako today. Schmalzrlod's Cigars havo stood tho tost of thoso moro than thirty yearB. "What greater ovldonco ot quality could you doslro? If you havo not boon smoking Sahmalz dlod's cigars, try them they are cor- taln to pleoso. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Notlco lo Creditors. Estato No. 14S9 of Thomas Henry Sullivan, doconsed, in tho County court or Lincoln County, Nbraska.- Tho Stato ot Nobraska, ss: Credl tors of 6aldostato will take notlco that tho Umo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said ostato In Fobruary 10, 1918, and for settlement or said ostato Is July 6, 1U1S: that will sit at tho county court room In Bald county, on August 10, 1917, at o'clock a. m., and on Fobruary 10, 1918 at 9 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, oxonv lno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims anu objections duly mod. GEO. E. FRENCH, J10-4w County Judge. Cow IV. FETTER, Physician -r X RAY Office: First National Bank Building. Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska. The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital 1008 West Fourth Street. For the treatmont of Medical, Surgical and Obstotrlcal Patients. JOHN S. TWINI53I, 31. 1). J. B. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIANS SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfield & Redfield Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 076 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 728 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PRITCIIARD, Graduate) Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housfe NOTICK TO OIlKDITOItS Estato No. 1183 or Estella Hollo Rlmms. deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, sa: Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho ttmo limited for presentation and 111- Ing of claims against said Estate is Fobruary 27, 1918. and for settlement of said Estato Is Juno 22, 1918; that I will sit at the county couil room In said county, on July 27, i917, at 9 o'clock a. m.. and on February 27. 1918. at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, alloy. orljust all claims and objections d. itied. GEO. E. FRENCH, J2G-4w County Judge. SIiorlll'M Snlc. Bv virtue of an ordor of bhIo iRaunri from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court whoreln Tho Beatrice Bulldlnp and Loan Association of Beatrice, Nobraska. Is plaintiff, and Clark Lons ot al are defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 14th flay ot July, 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub lic Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following described nronorty. to-wit: Lot Ono m in monk Twenty (20) In the original town, now ot isorin jiaito, in Lincoln coun ty, -Monrasiia. Dated North Platte,, Nobr., Juno 7, 191-7. J12-J13 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Snlo of Goods on Kxnuutiou. Notlco Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution issued by Geo E French, County Jude, In nn.i for Lincoln county, Nobraska, in favor of Paxton & Gallagher Co. and against Clarence J. Vroman and to me direct ed, I will at 2 o'clock P. M on the 23d day of July, 1917, at 120 west Sec ond street, in North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, oiTor for sale at public vendue tho following goods and chattels tonwlt: One Schiller piano, ono table, ono music rack, three rock ing chairs, ono leather armcii chair. ono half dozen dining room chairs, ono table, ono buffet, one sanitary couch, ono 9 by 9 rug, two small rugs, one 9 by 12 nig, one wood bedstead, one iron bed, dresser, onft chiffonier, ono Hoos. ier cabinet, ono External range, ono miction tanie, ono ice box; taken on saiu execution as tho property of Clarences J. Vroman. To bo sold subject to ilrat lien in favor of W. R. Malonoy. Dated this 7th day of July 1917. A. J SALISHURY J10-17 Sheriff. NOTICH To the heirs of II. A. Lozler. Ilonrv A. Lozler; the heirs of Henry A. Lozler: e.n.A r - rr. ...... . r-1 . . ' niuiu until, it j.iuoL unimiiy ui vjgll- llala, Nebraska: Eastern Banking Com pany; Honry A. Lozler & Company, a corporation organized under tho laws of the Stato of Ohio; Mary M. Lozlor; George M. Lozior; Georgo .Sparks Lo zlor; Fannlo Lozler; Lllllo Lozlor; Mecca Lozler; Ilonry Sutton; An nie Sutton; Elizabeth Thomas; Mnbel Thomas; Pearl Thomas; Thomas, child or James Thomas; Thomas, child of James Thomas; Thomas, child of James Thomas: Fan nie uaaKou; iionry rauu; Don Robin son; Lowls II. Bill; Jonas Felghnor; Fred Ensworth; Harry A .Lozlor, Jr.; soph T. Lozlor; Georgo Popo, Receiver of the Popo Manufacturing Company, a curiiuruuun; mm xuo i'opo .Manufac turing Comnany. a corporation, nnd Tho American Blcyclo Company, a cor- Iiuruiioil. you ana cacn or you are noreuy no tified that on tho flrst day of Novem ber, A. D. 1915, Bertha Thoelecko pur chased of fho Treasurer of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at public tax sale, mo eouiuoast wuarier isijj or sec tion Eighteen (18). Townshln Ten (10). North, Range Thlrty-ono (31), West of tho Gth P. M. In Lincoln County, Ne braska. Said land was assessed and taxed for tho years 1914, 1915 nnd 1916 to. nnd in tho namo of tho Heirs of TT. A. Lozlor; that. I purchased said tax certincaio, ana an or me rights ac cruing thereon, nnd now bold an as signment thoreof: that aft, r the ov- plratlon of three months from the data" or sorvico or tins notice, a tax dood rrom mo county Troasuror or said Lin coin County will bo annllcd for. Tho tlmo for redemption from Bald tax salo will oxplro with the flrst day oc isovomuer v. u. uk Certificate No. 8098. ARTHUR C. MAYER. Assignee of Bertha Thoelccke, purcnasor. Notlco Lesllo Karr will tako notlco that on tho 13th day of Juno, 1917, Paul Q. Moyor, a Justlco of tho Peace of Lin coln County, Nobraska, Issued an or dor of attachment for tho sum of $45.00, In an action ponding beforo him, whoroln Chas. C. Hupfor is plaintiff and Losllo Karr is dofondant. that property of tho defendant, con sisting of wngos, owned by him In tho sorvico of and now In tho hands of tho Union Paclfla Railroad Company, a corporation, has boon attached under sold ordor. Said cnuou arias contin ued to tho 30th day of Ju)y 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. I OIIAS. C. HUPFER, Plaintiff. SCRAP IRON $6 per Ton. North Platte Junk House. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Oflice: Building and Loan Building p. . i Olllce 130 Phone8 Residence 116 Statement of the Condition of the MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 30th lay of June, 1917. Certlllente Xu. 32 ASSISTS First niortgaeo loatiB $S22,GCO.0O Loans In process of foreclo sure 2,200.00 Loans on stock or pass book security C.C0O.OO Ileal estate, olllce 30,321.80 Cash 12,040.68 Delinquent interest, lines, etc. 787.30 Furniture and fixtures 1,017.37 Foreclosure account 54.94 Total $87C,222.09 LIABILITIES Itunning stock and dlvldonds.$403,G91.84 Paid-up stock and dividends. 417,800.00 Reserve fund 19.500.00 Undivided prollts 35,114.45 unearned premium, advance Interest 115.80 Total $876,222.09 IleceltitH nnd HxpeudltiireN for (he Year KndliiK .lime :il, 1017. RECEIPTS Cash on hand last report....? 19,828.82 Dues (Running: stock)...... 117,113.00 Paid-up stock 70,100.00 Mortgage- payments 92,272.49 Stock loan payments 2,445.69 Real estato sales 1,834.70 Interest 59,926.20 Premium, Taxes and Insur ance 830.71 Fines G17.30 Rents, olllce building 1,162.21 Membership and transfer fees 332.25 Total $366,463.37 DISBURSEMENTS Mortgage loans $199,300.00 Stock loans 800.00 "Withdrawals running stock and dividends 33,869.49. Withdrawals, .paid-up stock 88,200.00 Withdrawals dividend on paid-up stock 26,835.41 Salaries 2,550.00 Othor expense 415.15 Real estate account . .' 966.99 Cash on hand 12,640,68 Taxes and Insurance 895.65 Total $366,463.37 State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. I, Samuel Goozee, Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that tho foregoing Statement of the condition of said Association, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SAMUEL GOOZEE, Socretary. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 30th day of June, 1917. FRANK BUCHANAN, Notary Public. My Commission Expires June 9, 1919. Approved: TIIOS.'C. PATTERSON, WILLIAM R. MALONBY, IRA L. BARE, Directors. Legal Notice To Fred J. Malono, deceased, and the unknown heirs of Fred J. Malone, do ceased, and all othor porsons interest ed in tho estato of Fred J. Malone, deceased, and tho unknoiwm owners and unknown claimants of lot seven (7), In Block thirty-six (36), of the original- -town of North Platte, -Nebraska, you and each of you will bore by take notlco that on the 3d day of July, 1917, -Tho Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platto. Ne braska, a corporation, plaintiff, filed Its petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, agaTnst sold defendants and' each of them and ngalnst Julia Malone, a defendant In said action. ' Tho object and prayer of which pe tition aro to forclose a certain mort- gago deed upon Lot seven (7), in Block Thirty-six (3G) in tho original town of North Platte, Nobraska, execute,!, by ino uerenaants Fred J. Malono and Julia Malono, on Juno 20th, 1914, to securo ono certain bond executed by tno uorenuants to the plaintiff or oven date with said mortgage in tho. sum of $700.00 amji on which said bond and mortgage thoro is due tho sum of $590.60 with interests at 7 2-10 from May 20, 1917, and to forclose and cut off any lntorest of the said Fred J. Ma lono and tho unknown heirs of Fred J. Malono ami all others 'parsons In terested in. the estato of Fre, J. Ma lono and any interest of tho unknown owners and "umknown claimants of lot Bevon (7), block thirty-six (36); In tho original town of North Platte, Nebras ka; and to havo an accounting of tho amount of nionoy duo tho plaintiff from tho defendants on said mortgage, and to havo said real estato sold upon tho falluro of tho defendants to pay tho amount found due on said bond and mortgogo within 20 dayB from tho date of said docree, and for general oqultablo relief. All of said defendants aro required to answer said potltion on or beforo the 13th day of August, 1917. THIS MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, uyswitqc-X & IIALLIGAN, 'WW- I i Its Attorneys. Notice to Xo-ResJdent Dcfendnnt. Sadio L. Bnicf , alias Sadio L. Strom berg: I Tho abovo Ainmed will tako notice that on tht fOth day of June, 1917, Georgo fj. French, County Judgo of Lincoln county, Nobraska, Issued on ordor of attachment for tho sum'ot $88.28 In the caso ponding In cald court wherein C. -F. Blanko Tea & Cof foo Company, a corporation, Is plain tiff and you aro dofondant; that prop erty of tho dofondant consisting of ono tablo, ono largo box ot goods, ono crato of bedding nnd glass, ono pi ano, threo pieces of furnlturo crated, ono bundlo of chairs, qjc, ono trunk and suit easo, ono bundlo of. rugs,, ono boating stove, ono brass bed, ono sow ing machlno, ono top rango, ono roll of mattrossos, ono box of dishes, ono Ironing board, ono cook stove and ono heating Btqve, altogether fifteen (1G) bundles and cratos, havo been at tached limlnr Rnlil runlr. That said caso was continued to tho 21st day of August, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. C. F. BLANKB TEA & COFFEE COM PANY. By Muldoon jpbor3t,rit8 Attorneys. 4