Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1917)
V. Horth a fio THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB,, JULY 13L9Q7. No. 52 mm i 1 XINCOLX COUAT1' MUST FURNISH 121 MEN' Based on a population of 18,498, Lin coln county must furnish 124 mon for ImBls of tho draft la ono-thlrd of one basis of tho draft If tno-thlrds of ono par cont of tho paper population, and tho population glvon Lincoln county Is 18,498, 'which Is about 500 less than tho total voto and tho school population would Indicate. Early In tho week It was thought that tho drawing would occur tomor row, but lato Washington dlspatchos state tho organization of tho exemp tion boards in all tho states has not been completed and tho drawing can not bo hold until next week. Arthur county will bo required to furnish fourteen mon, McPherson county ten, Logan county fourteen, Keith county thlrty-llvo and Dawson county 104. Tho total number to bo soloctod from tho state iw'lll bo 8,468. ;.o;; Novlllo lu Uio Limelight. Certainly tho North Platto governor of Nebraska Is in the limelight, brought so largely by tho Omaha Beo and tho Lincoln Journal. Ono day ono or tho other has Governor Novlllo slated as colonel of tho "Aristocratic Sixth" Nebraska regiment, the next day ho Is to be tho successor of Sena tor Narrls, thon tho following day he is to bo both, because a man with a military record can defeat any man who does have such a record. Person ally wo aro for Novlllo for colonel of tho Sixth and also for United States senator. Slnco January 1st ho has certainly mado "good" as govornor; ho has tho ability to mako good as a col onel or as a senator. Ho comes from a section where they breed and grow good men. ::o:: Shorter Hours for Employes. Harry Plolshmann and J. Q. Wil cox circulated a petition Wednosklay securing tho signatures of morchants to a six o'clock closing agreement and a discontinuance of remaining open pay-day evenings. Tho closing of the stores a half hour earlier in the ov enlng is, not likely to discommode any one to any great extent and gives own ers and employes an opportunity to havo an earlier su'pper a distinct ad vantage to them arm to tho house wife. Keeping open on pay day even ings has brought llttlo trade to the merchant, and as wo aire to havo two Union Pacific! paydays each month bo ginning with August, keeping open both evenings would scarcely mean enough trado to 'pay for tho lights. iummer Suits for the Are you one of those men who find the problem of buying one of those ready-to-put-on suits that fit a hard one to solve? Perhaps you've tried time and time again to get a suit ready made, and invariably, you fai to get just the style that looks well and feels comfort able. If so, it's a safe bet you haven't tried this store. We're well prepared to fit you with a suit that's all that can be desired in fit, style and quality. If nature has so decreed that you are unusual proportions, don't let it bother you, come here you'll find a good assort ment of clothes and courteous salesmen who will do all in their power to take care of your particular needs. You'll need a cool suit for summer. Here it is just ready to slip into and priced to your satisfaction too. $7.50 to $1&50. Har court Clothing Co, Episcopal Church Sunday, July 15, boglnnlng of Week or Pilgrimage of Prayer. Holy communion at 8 n. m.' Arch dncon Bowkor will bo assisted by tho Rev. II. A. Covoll, of Now York. This Is a corporate communion Bor vico for mombors of Anchorago Guild, and the mombors of th parish, and the directions will bo connected with the lntontian of tho Pilgrimage eok. Will not our communicants mako a special effort to bo present at his servlco? At 11 n. m. there will bo a sorvlco at which tho Rev. Mr. Covoll will preach the meditation, and Archdeacon Bow ker will tnko tho s&rvlco and explain tho moaning and! intention of tho Pray er Pilgrimage. Wo Invito to this weok of prayer tho co-operation of all christian people in tho city, and slncoroly hopo that our Invitation will bo as affectionately ac cepted as wo tender tho same, Tho Woman's Auxiliary of tho stato of Nobraska havo this work In ohargo, and prayers will bo s'pclally used for (l) Speedy and permanent penca; (2-i Tho binding together of christian hearts In more perfect lovo; (3) Tho spread of Christ's kingdom; (4) That! all christian organizations recognize moro fully tho ossontlal 'purposo of I their formation; (6) Ftor missions, missionaries, of all chrictian churches; (G) For our soldiers and sailors, wid ows and orphans, wounded and strick en; (7) For lovo and charity. On Friday, tho 20th, tho day will bo kopt as a day of Intercession and wo Invito all christians to tako part with us for ono hour at least. Sunday wo hope to havo you all present. : :o: : Ilrldgo Work Completed Work on repairing tho fill at tho Lincoln Highway bridge will bo com iploted today. State Engineer John son will nrrlvo In town tomorrow, will probably O. K .tho fill and tho bridge and traffic over tho stitucturo will bo resumed. Tho water in tho river has fallen about olghteon inches in the last two days. :o::- Notlco to Water Consumers Water bills for the past quarter are now duo and If paid on or boforo July 20th a discount of ono cont per thous and gallons will bo given. No discount after Jluly 20. HERSHEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. Snfo Wanted Wanted to buy, safo suitable for jowoly store. Address L. A. Borsee, Chappoll. Neb. When Its 9! Shade And "Mo Shade" Our Coo! Clothes Will Help You Beat The Heat, CIIAUTAUQUV COMMITTEE MEETS TO ARRANGE TICKET SALES Tho committee which n year ago ob ligated itself to soli $1400 worth or sea son tlckots for tho 1917 Chaufnuqua met in tho Chamber of Commorco rooms last evonlng and organized by tho soloctlon of Geo. E. Gihbs as chair man and N. E. Buckloy socrotary troaou'ror. A reprosontatlvo of tho Rodpath-Hornor Co. mot with tho com mitteo and suggested plans to aid tho salo of tickets. Thoso who signed for tickets at tho closing session of tho Chautauqua Inst year will bo waited upon first and thon will follow t hefuso to houso canvass. J. II. Hogarty and Howard MoMl chaoV wore appointed a Committed for tho dlstrlhution of tho advertising and that work will bo started! today. Tho Chautauqua program this year Is tho most olaborato, most oxponslvo and best that has boon given North Platto. Included is "Llttlo Women, and "Plnaforo," both of which will be pioduccd by New York companies. For tho production of "Plnaforo" a full car load of scenery is carried. Wore those two plays to bo presented nt tho local thoatra tho tlckots would bo $1.50 for oach, or fifty cents n-oro than Is nsked for a Chautauqua season ticket, and in nddltlon you hear twolvo additional attractions in tho tvsUy of lectures. musical entertainments ami nets of tho magicians. Knowing by reputation 'practically all tho talent that will appoar on tho program, Tho Trlbuno has no hesitancy in saying that tho peoplo of North Platto and vicinity havo novor boforo boon offored so much for their monoy as 1917 Chautauqua gives them. : :o: : Enrly Call to Franco A Washington special to tho Stato Journal dated yesterday says: "That tho national guard of Nebraska may bo in Franco within a fow months is possibility. Members of the genornl Btaff aro keeping their plans secret, but enough Information has been giv en mombors of congress who are In touch with military affairs to Indlcato that it Is tho intention to send somo of tho national guard organizations abroad in tho fall or early wlntor. It Is known that at least ono colonel of a national guard regiment has been noti fied to havo his regiment ready to go abroad at a comparatively oarly date, It is proposed, according to Informa tion hero, to send the national guard to Franco after merely perfunctory training hero becauso they are already seasoned by their training on tho Mox lean border." 6 fibres to Fit ' W Is mmJ r St LOCAL AND PEKSOKAL. VTlio Et-a-Vlrp club will meet with Mrs. Buchflnk Wednesday nftomoo. Mrs. II. S. Whito loft last oveing for an oxtonded visit In Amboy, Wash. Miss Nina Haamusson will entor taln tho Lutheran girls' club thlsuv onlng. Miss Irono Stunrt will 1 week for Donvor to visit friends for a week or loncor. Minor Hlnmnn returned last evonlng from a business visit In tho oastorn part of tho stnto. Hornmn HaofUgar, of Donvor, camo here rocontly to nccopt a position In the Dixon Jowolry store. Frod Woingand, of Omaha, arrived In town yostorday nnd will visit his brothors and sistors for several days. Mrs. Parks, or Evansvlllo, Wis., who had boon visiting her nioco Mrs. Will Ottcn fbr somo tlmo, loft last ovonlng. Miss Augusta Kosbau, mho has boon visiting frionds in Omnha and Lincoln for two woolcs, will return tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bort Culton and baby loft yostorday morning for Molroso af ter visiting at tho Brodbeck homo for somo time. Miss Mnry Lacy, who has been In chargo of tho Hub millinery depart ment, will loavo this ovonlng for her homo in Wymoro. Miss Mario Laughlln, of Cheyenne rived horo a fow ilnvs nm tn viaii ....,,, i, . ... , - "-Maun m uo pmyou on mo local grounds S &tS,l n Uny nB t0 vislti 110x1 Suilt,n when a team, with Dr. C. at tho McFarland home for a week or h lunger. Dr. Everett Fonda, of niilnnrn tnr .. v, v.iuu, ui jmi;iiiu, lur- meily of this city, is oxpoctcd soon to Fonda. yi'ituio uii. nnu mis, j. ii, "h !ii,ii a hjii uiiiud, arm aii3ininea in a mil tlio lit this weok. 11113H UOPPltn. MIYmntl lf Pi.fiiif1 Trt land Is Zt w!1 r'i: Miss Cecelia Blxman, of Grand Is accept a 'position in tho local tolo. phono office. Mrs. Lou Tlln-Hna f nv,i ...... lind boon a CHOSt for tnn ilnva n'f lli. id been a S ' Z' i ' " homo of hor undo Jonathan Hlggins, luii Luis morning. O. E. Johnston, of International Falls, arrived horn n fow i w. v.,, w vty t J visit his daughter Miss Tyrone Frnzior ior a wcok or longer. - - iuu(,ci, Mr, and Mrs. Miner Hull, who wore nrrlml fit n Innl.N I.- - married throo iwiooks ago In Omaha, reiurncu mst ovonlng and will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelso. "Maternity," a story In tho law of heredity, with Allco Brady In tho lead ing role, will bo shown at tho Crystal Saturday aftornoon and ovonlng. ."Wllito mfuslln lirwlnrwnJiln nnln nt , 1 .......... ' r..( . u.iu in Drlces that will tmnht. i tn im fm. - V " V . W I your presont antt tuturo noeus at Tho Loader Morcantllo Oo.'s. Mrs. Charles Groon wns tnlr mi anrl- OUSly 111 a fow days ago and romoved to n local llOSnitnl. wlinro nil nnnmtlnn will be porformwl today. Mr. and Mrs. Honrv IInMiiinmn nr LexIiiKtou. who riod, vlsltoji horo this weok. Mrs. Ilnzoncamp wns formerly Miss Char lotto Robb. Visit Tho Leader IWnrpnntlin nn 'a - - - ..v..v vui , BtOrO WllOnOVOr VOll nrn'rillf alinnnliir- you will find many nttractlvo bargains in items you noeti every day. Weather forocast for Nortii Pinttn and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and tomorrow, not inimii -ii n n im In 1 tomporaturo. Highest temperature yostorday 98, a year ago 90; lowost last night C2, ,a yoar ago GO. Littln bovs liiinnnr wnnli sizes to fit llttlo follows in ages from s 6 years; prices rrom C5c to $1.45 per suit, at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. Ono of tho features of Mm n,i danco at tho Lloyd this ovonlng will bo tno music uy an orcnestra or olghteon or twenty ploces undor tho direction of Earl Stamp and Trovlyn Doucot. Tho members of tho orchestra are all mcmbors of tho North Pinttn Muni- clans' Association nnd will donate tholr services. TllO Juno croii of n!trn on thn Tlilflinn- an & Pattorson Villa Vista farm num- uer about 250. Only fairly good suc cess was had, somo of tho best 'Hik ing sows inroduclnir tho smallost Ht- tors and somo of tho Binaller sows bringing tho largest number of tho llt tlo fellows. Two hundred and fifty, however, moans a nlcn hunch for nwir. kct tills fall. Sport wash and silk matorlals. now lot Just rocolvod In fancy stripoa and tho nowoat offocts at Tho Leader Mor cantllo Co.'s. II. L. Woinberg, living southwoat of town, who mas a calior yostorday, said ho and tho boys would begin cutting rail wlioat Monday. Thoy havo 140 ncres of wlntor wheat,, part of which ho thought would yield thirty bush- ols, whllo other Holds would not yield moro than flvo bushels. Tho dlf feronco Is duo to tho wlntor kill on cor- tain classos or condition of laiuL ::o:; Houses For Trntlo J I onin town and city properties which I wish to trado for Nobraska 1p d. Write description and 'nrlco. L. E Tait 1C45 Washington St., Lincoln. Nebraska. C2-4 CRYSTAL THEATRE SATURDAY Matinee ami Evening. 'THE CRIMSON DOVE' with Carlyld tJlackweli and June Elvidfe. COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO I ENTERTAIN COMPANY E At a mooting of tho Lincoln County; DofeilSn Oollllfill linlil In Mm fnilnml I - - . . w . . . . ltn 1 1.1 1 1. n Innl I 1 tl t I.. iJiiMiiiiih 111.11 UVUI1I1I 1I1UI1M UL K'"1 a rocoptlon to and o'ntctrtnining tho mombors of Compnny E upon their ar rival and during tholr twelvo-dny stay In tho Cltv was illscu&Hnrf. Until 1nr.11 and women woro present nt tho meet ing nnu sovorni plans or ontortninlng tho boys woro proposed. It was final ly decided to nlnco tho rnnnnllnn nt Mm non-rosldont mombors of tho com. nnnv and othor fnatnrns Mini, miiriit. im decided upon In tho hands of a commlt- 100 01 ion, rour or. which slioliild bo Indies, m 1th power to appoint any sub committees ncodod. It wan clival runt. od In tho motion that T. C. Pattorson, prosldont of tho Defense Council, and Capt. Halllgau bo mombors or tho com mlttoo. This committor! will lnv nlnnn for receiving tho non-rosldont mombors as inoy arrive on tno Bovorai trains next Motldav. ntlil nlun in nrnvliln rnrtnlti ontortnlnmont for nil mombors of tho compnny during tholr stay In town. un uio ovo or ma uopnriuro or tno cnilinntlV frvr Mm f nrirnntrnttnn nnmn It Is probablo that tho mombors will uo given n compumontnry picnic at tho city park. Null Gnmo Sundny Tho Initial iriimn nt hull nt ihn nnn. .. i. . . ... ..... . Ailnms as mnnnirer. will nlav Mm Gothonburg toam. Tho Doctor has as- 1 . 1 .. .1 1. .- 0 l . f . uiiiuii.'u ii uuiicu oi kuuu iiuiyuiB, anil for a couple of weeks past has been i giving iiioiu trenuuus prnctico witu Ii.uu uauib V 11 tit' HI' ball vory clovorly, tho result that thoy now handlo the ' L, Is suf- oau vory ciovony. Tlio uotlionuurg! biiiib uji monuay tno morn i which ho team has boon In tho field slnco the' lMB Ptissongor train on tho branch will 'st part ol early Iait of tho soason and has plny-lloavo Rn hour lator, dopartlng follow ed a niumbor of games with Loxlngton,1 J"B tho arrival of train No. 19 from I iDiuim iiiiu uiuui tvtilio Ul nill rounding towns. Tho uct I,rococds of Sunday's game will bo donated to Uio moss fund of VMy u. ino nuuiaguuo.ii asKH a f TTt t1l. . I 1 sonorous patronago from the public Hall Appointed Colonel Today's pa'pora announced tho ap pointment, by Govornor Novlllo, of Phil L. Hall, Jr., as Colonel of tho "Dnndy" Sixth Nobraska rcglmont. una huis ai rosi an uio rumors ioi- ntlvo to Govornor Novlllo going to mni n M nAlAitnl nC It rv Clvtli war as colonel of tho Sixth. Gcorgo E. Harris, of Omaha, has boen appointed brigadier gonornl of tho Nobraska Guard. ::o:: 3rrs. Foley Weds Cnpl, Moore. Mrs. Cathorlno W, Foley, of Gothen burg, widow of Gratton Foley, at one tlmo a North Platto boy, was marriod at Omaha yostorday to .Capt. Milan S. Mooro, Co. M, Fifth Nebraska. Both aro residents ot Gothonburg. Mrs. Mooro is woll known to many NoitU Platto people ::o:: Lawyer Ucnlly is n Benedict Attornoy Robt. H. Beatty, son of Col. Wm. Boatty, and now practicing law in this city, was married nt Loxlng ton last Sunday to Miss Ethol Brown, of Brady. Both aro products of that vMlniTA linvlntr hnnn horn tlinrn niwl . .....Qv) .. . . ..ww "-- w.w.w ...... mado that their continuous homo. "jjoi ' ami ins unuo navo our host wishes. ::o:: FOR SALE 2 mowers, 1 rako, 1 sweep, J slack er, nil nonrlr now and In first Hilmu condition. 52-3 LEYT0LDT & PENNINGTON. What you have orge IN 6( BROADWAY JONES" A typical American .play endorsed by the American public and personified by America's greatest stage interpreter, the inimitable George M. Cohqn. An Artcraft Picture Achievement At KEITH THEATRE Mon. & Tues. July 16-17. SPECIAL ORCHESTRA. ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. ItAILROAl) NOTES Trnlnmastor John Mullck went to fllilnnv vnolnnlnv mnrnlnn l. I wuvv.wij vii I Iiils Johnson will succeed D. W. Itoborts as Union Pacific storo keeper at tho shops. Chns. Boguo loft yostorday morning for Choyonno on business connocted with tho B. of R. T. Englnoor J. D. Cox and son Harold loft Wednesday morning for Rawlins and othor wostcrn points to visit rela tives. Vlncont Roddy, who had boon em ployed In tho U. P. innchlno shop for tinto years, was transferred to round houso work this week. Dick Stoggomnnn, for many years employed In tho Rush grocery, has roslgnod and tnkou a, position as passenger brnkotnan out of this tor- mlnnl. Attached to train No. 4 Tuesday woro two cars containing raro animals, birds nnd roptllos consigned to a Now York zoological gardon. Tho speci mens enmo from India. A soldlor of n California company, In n. domonted condition, was taken through this city on a noon train yos totilay. Ho was accompanied by throo gunrvls and will bo takon to Washing ton, D. C. Traffic on' tho Union Pacific is so hoavy thnt ail onglno nnd train mon who woro taking vacations havo boon called back Into sorvlco. Tho Wy oming division is said to bo short 100 brakomon and swltchmon. Beginning noxt Monday tho morn- ..... ...... w .ui u!t "tes later at night, thus making up mvonty minutes on tho road undor tho now schodulo. Tho ro-distrlctlng of tho Union Pa cific will bocomo offoctlvo next Sun day, when this tormlnal becomes part of the Wyoming division, and the newly croatod Utah division from Groen Riv er to Ogdon takes form. Tho Wyom ing division bogins at tho west end1 of tlio railroad bridgo cast or town. Gonl. Supt. Stongor of tho Union Pa cific has boon called to Washington to moot in conforonco with tho National Dofonso Council rolatlvo to tho move ment of troops, which noxt month promises to tax to tho utmost tlio car rying capacity of tho railroads of tho country. It Is undorstood that tho troops to tho concentration compa will bo moved In units of 10,000, with about 300 men and baggago to each train. As thoro will bo ovor 800,000 to bo movod within a given porlod, It moans a feat of good, and tost railroading. Joo P. Larson loft last night for Groon River, Wyoming, to tnko up his dutios as chief dark to tho master me chanic of tho Utah division. In his leaving North Platto loses ono of its best nnd most popular young mon, and ovory acquaintance regrets his going. Ho was popular among buslnoss mon as as with railroad onvployos; Division Foromnn McGraw, to whom ho was chlofi cloiU for eovcjral yoarsj, lias" nothing but good words to say of him, and as ono or tho directors or tho Mu tual Building & Loan Association ho proved his worth as a buslnoss man. Wo all wish Joo nil kinds or good luck In bis now homo. been waiting for!- 111 ARTCRAFT PICTURES ( Cohan