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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1917)
A.. - - WE CAN ' or Replace Broken Lenses OR MAKE New Ones The same day the order in given in our own LENSE GRINDING PLANT. It will pay you to investigate our DIXON-PERFECTO Non Breakable Lenses. Harry Dixon & Son. Optometrists. I 15 WILT, DISCONTINUE- KKEPINO t OPEN PAY DAY HyjNINGS North Plntto, Nob., July 10, 1917. Wo, tho undorslgncd morchants; of North Platto ngroo to discontinue kooping open our rospoctlvo (places of buslncsa on U. P. pay-day nights. Dlonor & Floishmnn W. J. O'Connor 10c Storo Wilcox Department Storo Harry Dixon Llork-Sandall Co. Rush More. Co. Tho Hub CM. Austin E. T. Tramp & Sons J. 13. McDonald Tho Star, Inc. Harry I. Block ' ' Tho Loader Co. C. S. Clinton A. P. Pink Harry Samuolson Derryborry & Porbes J. Herrod Harcourt Clothing Co. D. J. Antonides P. D. Wstcnfcld J. L. Loudon W. R. Malonoy Co. Shoo Market, R. U. Dovor R. N. Lamb H. S. Hasklns DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist .Office over'th McDonald Stat Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs. Homer Musselman be gan housekeeping this week In tho Frazlor house on east Fourth street. Miss Helen Alden, who had boon the guost of friends In Grand Island for somo time, returned, Tuesday evening. " Charles Dixon returned tho fore ipart of tho week from Omaha where ho vis ited his sister and transacted business. ,Mrs. James Hart and son Lawrenco will leavo this week for Denver and other Colorado points to spend a fort night. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tiley will leave by auto next week for Denver, Colo rado Springs and other points to spend two weeks. I now have funds at 5 per cent on choice bottom table land. Gone Crook, Room 4, Keith theatro Bldg. Miss Comfort Conway, who spent been visiting in Excelsior Springs and other eastern points for several weeks, will return this week. After spending several weeks at tho homo of her brother John II. Day, Mrs. Qulmby Lamplaugh returned to Den ver tho first of this week. Mrs. J. B. Mur'phy and daughter Miss Loretta will leavo shortly for Chicago and Croston, Iowa, to visit relatives for several weeks. Rov. Herbert Covell, of Now York City, a former resident, came hero a few days ago to visit his mother and sister, Mrs. Edmund Dickey. Tako advantage ofJLho bargains in millinery at McvlciteEs tiunng me removal salo. 51-2 Mr. and Mrs. Cody Boal returned Tuesday ovoning from Denver and will mako their homo -with tho latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. .J. II. Day.. Lightning struck a barn on tho Wm, Bickly farm in Logan county Saturday nicht burning seven sets of harness and six hundred bushels of grain. Clarlsso Garman entertained ten lit tle friends Tuesday afternoon at a hirthday party at the homo of Mrs. M. A. Bonham. Tho afternodn was spent in games. Charles Loth, of tho McDonald Bank, left this week for Lincoln to sipend his vacation . Mrs. L. B. Dick left yesterday for Mountain Vlow, Missouri, whoro she will visit her fr.thoi for a couple of weeks Master John O'Keefo sustained an injury to his eyo tho first of this week whllo playing with a number of boy friends. Mrs. Harman Chambors and baby, of Keystone, who havo boen visiting tho former's paronts Mr. and Mrs. El mer Coatos, will leavo Monday. Bryon Schott has been ill for several days from tho effects of poisoning in both arms which ho contracted while attendrng a picnic in tho hills south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dickey are contemplating a trip to tho mountains next. weok. They will travel by auto and rent a cabin for a couplo of weelcs Miss Arvllla Whittakon and mother will loavo this week for Central City and eastern points, the formor to pur chase mllllnory stock and tho latter to visit friends'. Miss Mildred Fltzpatrlck returned to Omaha Tuesday to contlnuo her course In nursing in Sti. Catherine's linanHjil. Rhft was accomDanled bv hor sister Margaret who will visit Omaha friends for two weeks. Tho Gathollc girls club- was enter tained Tuesday evening by Miss uutn Hubbard). Mlssas Efflci Christ and Madge Flynn wore awarded the prizes and tho hostess was assisted by Misses Nell Hanlfin, Ellen McCarthy and Mrs. Harry Gutherless. If you want to como down town, nhono Donald Newton, 2G1. Ho will ibo after you quick. You iwant tho rldo, ho wants the 10 cents. Messcn cor Car Service. Bltf Mr. and Mrs Simon B. Panr and baby formorly of this city, iwho havo re Riilnrl in Des Moines for six years camo tho first of this" week to mako tliolr hnmo with Mrs. Parr's mother. Mrs. Anna Church, Mr. Parr has ac cepted a position in tho A. T.k& i office. Tho remains of Mrs. Olo O'Dean, of Victor. Colorado, worn sent hero Wed nesday and .Interred in tho North Plafte cemetery. Sho was formerly Miss nor tha Mathowson, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbor Mathewson, of Hershey, and was born In Kansas City in 1890 Sho was married to Olo O'Dean who survives hor two- years ago. Death was due to child birth and the Infant was burled with hor. Funeral ser vices ra'oro hold at tho Methodist church and attended by many frionds from this city and Hershey. Special Teachers' Examination. A Bpecial teachers' examination will bo held Friday and Saturday, July 27th and 28th, at North Platto, Nob. Tho Reading Clrclo examination will also bo given at this time. Teachers who wish to ronow tholr certificates for tho coming yoar and havo not dono so already, nro urged to tako notice that this is tho last Rootling Clrclo ex amination to bo given this yoar. G2-4 : :o : SOCIAL DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ait . HERSHEY OPERA HOUSE After Picture Show, 9 to 12 to. m. Tick- osts 50 cents. Good music, good floor and a good time,. Notice for Bids. Sealed bids will bo recolvod by tho Mayor and City Council of the city of worth I'latte, Nebraska, for tho con struction of side-walks and cross iw'alks, tho samo to conform to tho specifications as laid down in the or dlnances of said city, up to tho 30th day of July, 1917. Tho Council reserves tho irlght to roject any and all bids. O. E. ELDER, 52-4 City Clerk. Saturdny Murker, T03 Dewey Street. Fresh vegetables, fresh picked at market prices. Mr. Garman has gen erously offered tho alcovo at tho front of tho Crystal theatro for tho Saturday market Patronize the children and help them klo their bit. If it is im possible for you to como to soo their lino display, phono your noedsno 38 and tho children will bring you what you order. ::o:: Red Cross Notes. Tho attendance at tho work room has been good this week butjyv'o cohild uso many more helpors every aftor- non that wo sow. Wo do not need any more ginghams as tho comfort bags arcr'flnlshekl, but if you havo any pieces of bath robe cloth largo enough for making a pair or bed socks please send them, in: and contlnuo to save for us all tho old muslin and tablo linen that you can. Wo can uso tho smallest scraps If they aro freshly laundered. LOCAL AND PERSONAL In Harvest Times THIS BANK IS AT THE SERVICE of ovory former In this community dur ing tho busy days of harvest and hay ing. Should you find it Inconvenient to como to tho bank In person you can send your deposits to us by mall. They will receive our prompt and courteous attention. Wo will also bo glad to furnish any needed funds at a moderato rato of in terest and easy terms. Como in and seo us. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. . THE UNIVERSAL CAR Do the People of Lincoln County Think The Ford Car A Good Car? Well we guess so, Look at this Record: Total Registration of all Cars in Lincoln County for March, April, Nay and June was 557. 1 NUMBER OF FORDS ----- 0281 ALL OTHER MAKES - - - 271 More Fords than all other makes combined. Don't you want a Ford, the kind that more than half the people buy? HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. COR. FOURTH AND DEWEY. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. LOCAL AND PEB50NAL Arthur Curtis has a'ctcoptod a posi tion as clork in the Rush grocery Charles Hall,1- of Omaha, cpont a few days this week visiting with J. II. Hegarty. Frank Whitlako, of tho Citizens' Se curity bank of Wallace, was a business caller Jioro yesterday. Miss Iva Mills', of tho OfConnor store,, left a fow days ago for Kansas to visit rolatlvos for a week. Miss Margaret Mottin will leavo next weok for Portland to spend a couplo of woeks with relatives. Miss Ethol Wills, formorly of this city, who spent tho past mteek with frionds, has returned to Stapleton. Mrs. H. V. Templo, son and two daoghtors, of Lexington, visited local frionds this weok whllo enrouto to Cojorado. Word i was recolved hero tho first of this week of tho birth of a baby girl to M,r. and Mrs. Samuol Woods, of St. Paul, Nob. Mrs. Woods Is a sla ter of Harry Cramer and has frequent ly visited horo. Mrs. E. W. Cross entortalned tho El- deen club Wednesday afternoon. Guests of tho day woro Mrs. Daisy Bakor and Mrs. Henry Simon. It was agreed to discontinue mootings until Soptembor 1st. Dr. L. C. Drost returned yesterday afternoon from Omaha whoro ho ac companled Mrs. C. H. Waltor, who was placed in tho care of Dr. Honry. Mrs. Waltor for somo timo has boon suf fering from nervous prostration. Brokon oyo glass lensos, can bo re placed tho same day as ordor Is given In our lonso grinding Uopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduato Optometrists. Is thero any such thing as a totally unselfish lovo a dovotion that gives all and asks nothing in roturn? Can a girl so lovo a man that sho suffors in Bllonco whllo sho bocs him throw himself away on anothor that Is not worthy of Ills consideration? That Is the theme of "Tho Rowand, of Pa tience" in which Louisa Huff is soon as Uio Uttlo Quaker girl at tho Kolth Saturday night - i ; q- i For Snlo Two G room houses to bo movo off their lots. Bids opened at G p. in. July IS. Joseph MfcrscU, 209 oast Fourth Btrcot. 51-3 FOR TOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or sovon passenger car for funeral service MOOENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agency, Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. C. E. Cross, of Kansas Olty, arrived horo a few days ago to visit tho Cross family. Hog Millet Seed for sale. Inquire of Thomas Orton, 209 south Maplo street, -North. Platto. . 47tf Marston Van Doran resigned his po sition with tho Lierk-Sandall Co. Wed nesday. Dr. "Morrill, Dontist Mrs, Sarah Bangs entertained tho Methodist Biblo class yesterday af ternoon.. Miss Mary Nowton, of Marietta, O., Is tho guest of Mildred and Josephine McKoown. '.Mrs. Goorgo T. Fioid was hostess to Chapter AK, P. E. O. Wednesday afternoon. Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. GOtf Miss Lucillo McFarland left tho first of tho weok for Gerlng to visit frionds for a week. Mra. Ad. Boyerly and children loft Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Elm Creels F. C. Pielstickod transacted busi ness on tho branch road tho foro part of this week,. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. Mrs., Gus Hollo, of Omaha, who had boon a guest at tho Day homo loft a fow days ago. Harry Bcoglo returned a fow days ago from Grand Island whoro lio vis ited relatives. Vnr niitfk nciioii nml satisfactory snlo llHt your Innd with Thocleclcc. tf Miss Vlasto. Vosolpka loft nfow days ngo for Bridgeport to visit relatives for two wooks. Mrs. William Waltemath ontortalncd a fow friends at a dlnnor party Wed nesday ovoning. Mrs. Georgo Loomis has gone to Grand Island to visit frionds for a wook or longor. j Mrs. Mary O'Haro, who has boon sor iously ill for several months, is vory much improved. Frooman Hanson left tho first of this wook for Council Bluffs to visit his father for ton days. Mrs. Guy Granger loft a fow days ago for Colorado cities to visit with frionds for a fortnight. For Salo On easy payments, nlco 0 room houso and 2 lots. South of Yard Offlco. Call phono 880. 51-42 Miss Isabella Doran has gono to Omaha and Grotna to viBlt rolatlvos for a couplo of woeks.. Miss Mabol McFarland returned Tuesday aftornoon from Choyonne whoro sho visited frionds. Dr. Claudo Solby, who was recently appointed lloutenant, was called to Lincoln Wednesday ovoning. E. W. Wright left Saturday for a wook'B visit with his mother Mrs. T. G. Edmlsten at Morldan, Wyo. Mrs. Harry Cramer iwias called to St. Paul, NobraBka, Wednesday morn lng by tho lllnoss of a rolatlva Seo Julius Mogonson for all kinds of P. &0. farm Implements and wag ons. 34tf Mra. A. E. Huntington roturncd Wodnosday ovoning from Omaha, af ter visiting thpro for ten days. Mrs. Jomos McEvoy wont to Hor- shoy Wodnosday to attend tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Bortha O'Dean. Maurico Lannlng roturncd to Mos sex, Colorado, Tuesday ovoning after visiting local frionds for a weok. Sport suits on salo to closo out at $6.48; sizes 1G to 40. Any of these suits worth doublo tho prlco at Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Chautauqua and Home-Coming Week. NORTH PLATTE JULY 29, 30, 31, AUG. 1, 2, 3, 4. DR. RUSSELL H. C0NWELL Will Deliver the World's Most Famous Lecture, "ACRES OF DIAMONDS" -at the- Chautauqua, Saturday . August 4th. Evening, This lecture has been delivered over 5,300 times,.by its author, Dr. Con well. ... Dr.. Conwell brings to his hearers a rich harvester help and inspiration gleaned from a half century in tliBjj service of humanity. This is a rare opportunity to heauf this wonderful speaker deliver this lecture, famonfi; throughout the civilized world. .'" s j i-i v j U umer famous jueciurers Other famous lecturers on the program include Ed-' ward Amherst Ott. He is a great lecturer and educator, with themes pertaining to individual and community bet-! torment. There will be Lou Beauchamp, who gives "Take the! Sunny Side." It is a new lecture with the same name un-j der which he has given it over 5,000 times. This is a fun- ny lecture. Brooks Fletcher is the noted newspaper editor and, lecturer. Three years ago he was on the Redpath-Horner circuit and the demand for his return has been so urgent and continuous that he will be with us again this season. William Itainey Bennett is "The Man Who Can." His; entertainment ior mat is wuat ins iuuluiu iuny i mj a series of song, story and solid substance, mingled with; tho touch of a master. There will be musical attractions superb, including tho Althea Players, the Metropolitan Men Singers, W. S. Ellis and his Iiawaiians, Harrison Keller, Violinist, and Stewart Wille, pianist. Then the entertainers include tho funny Ada Roach, Ducrot, tho magician, Jane Dillon, the reader, and others. Tho climax of all will be tho great drama, "Little Women," and the opera "Pinafore." SEVEN BIG DAYS FOURTEEN BIG PROGRAMS. BUY A SEASON TICKET. John Bratt transacted business in Juleaburg Wodnosday. 'Mrs. II. S, Whlto left Thursday for Oregon to spond tho aummor. Mrs. Will Horton loft Wednesday morning for Sldnoy to visit frlondB. Charlos Toniplo transacted business In Cozad tho foro part of this wook. Miss Carrio Woil, who had boon vIb ltlng In Ogalalla, has returned homo. A now lot of stripe voiles and organ dies, Babardlnes and othor materials at Tho Loador Mercantile Co.'s. Snlo of (loods on locution. Notlco la haroby given that by vlr tuo of an execution Issued by Geo E JVpnch, County Judgo, In nn,i for Lincoln county, Nobraska, In favor of Paxton & Gallagher Co. and against Clarenco J. Vroraan and to mo direct ed, I will at 2 o'clock P. M on tho 23d day of July, 1917, at 120 woHt Sec ond street, In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, offor for salo at public venduo tho following goods and chattols to-wlt: One Schlllor piano, ono table, ono music rack, thrco rocks lng chairs, ono leather armo,i, chair, ono half dozen dining room chairs, ono tablo, ono buffet, one sanitary couch, ono 0 by 0 rug, two small rugs, ono 9 by 12 rug, ono wood bedstead, ono iron bod, drossor, ono chiffonier, ono JIoos lor cablnot, ono Extornal rango, one kitchon table, ono lco box; taken on said oxocutlon as tho proportyl of Clarences J. Vroman. A t To bo Bold subjoct to Tlrat Jion in favor of W. It. Malonoy. Dated this 7th day of July. 1917. A, J SALISBU11Y, J10-17 Sheriff. ;