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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1917)
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY 17, L917. No. 53 OVER 200 SOLDI Kit HOYS A HE now IN TOWN Company E, Fifth Nebraska, with its ono hundred and sovonty-two mem bers, mobollzod In this city yesterday. Tho n'on-xcsldont mombc(s arrival Sunday and yestorday, the greater number arriving yestorday morning and on tho afternoon train. Tho citi zen's committee, mombors of tho U. S. W. V., tho resident members of Com pany E, and members of Co. L met tho arriving dologatlons at tho dopot and escorted them to tho Franklin auditor ium, which will bo used as an armory during tho stay of teio boys in town. Tho boys will not bo outfitted until thoy roach Ft. Crook, and whllo they aro In town thoy will bo knam by tho badge thoy wear. There aro now In town, including tho Co. L boys and thoso who havo enlisted in tho regu lar branches of tho service and aro awaiting call, over two hundred young men who will becomo part of tho country's great army which iv411 bo put in shapo for tho trenches in Frnnce. Thoy aro a clean, healthy looking, bright-eyed lot of young fol lows, among the best to bo found in the counties from which thoy como, and thoy represent Lincoln, Dawson, Koith, Frontier, Perkins, Garden and several other surounding' counties. : :o: : I. 0. 0. F. Notice. Tho local order of I. 0. 0. F. will hold a special meeting for degree work Wednesday evening, July 18th. A largo attendance is deslrod. Tho session will open at 7:30 sharp. J. GUY SWOPE, Secretory. : :o: : Traffic Over Hlglnvny llcsumcd Tho work of repairing tho fills at tho Lincoln highway brldgo was com ploted tho latter part of last week, and tho highway is again open to traffic, much. to tho convenience of those coming from tho cast end of tho county to this city. Tho stretch of sand on tho highway near the Blanlconburg ranch is hav ing a drossing or clay, and when this is 'properly worked and packed will makei a wonderful Improvement to that part of tho road, .son HeimlrliiL' Itulldings A gang of six or eight men began work yesterday morning repairing tho damage dono tho county fair buildings uy tno storm Friday nlgnht,. Tho dam aged buildings will bo put In as good shape as before tho storm, and tho oth or now buildings -will at once bo erect ed,. So far as exhibition accommoda tions aro concerned, thoy will surpass in every way thoso of last year. In fact tho proposed now buildings will give tho grounds the appearance of a real county fair. ;:o: r For Sale NorthwoBt quarter of Section 12-13-31. Good hay land. Price cheap for quick sale, or will sell the grass as it stands on land. W. A. WILSON, 53-4 Sutherland, Neb Building, Building, adding to Dodge Brothers Works, every day of the past two years, and still there is always a great shortage of Dodge cars. This is only the inevitable re sult of building honestly, with no compromise with price in any part or department. Two ' years ago an unknown factor in industry today, the third largest producer of motor cars in the world. Your only protection from substitution of something much less worthy of your good dollars is to drop in and sign up that order for a Dodge car today. I will make dellivery exactly in accordance with the date of the filed order. J. V. Romigh, DEALER. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Tho city council will meet this ov cning In regular session. Miss Mabol Day was a passenger to Omaha yesterday morning. Miss Ilclon Bird returned Sunday ov cning from a short visit in Sutherland with friends. Miss Gladys Bird will loavo at noon today for Grand Island to Visit friends for several days. Anson McNeil, of Hillsdale, Okx, is horo this week visiting his sistor Mrs. Lloyd Powor. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Snyder will leave in a few days for Estes Dark to visit for sovoral wocks. Frank Garman, of Sutnorland, was called hero Saturday by tho death of his niece, tho late Miss Graco Oglcr. Mr. and Mrs. George Klous and daughtor Mary . Constanco havo gone to Omaha and will lcavo later for Oklahoma. Mr. ana Mrs. Arinur MCMimen wun leave In a fow days for Denver, Colo rado Springs and other points to spend ton days or more. Harry Samuolson sustained a bruis ed limb Saturday by falling from tho Herrod truck which ho was trying to hoard whllo running. Tho Misses Mehlmann, of Denver, who spont tho past month with Mr. and Mrs. lloy Mehlmann, returned homo Sunday afternoon. Dodgo ropairs on hand for tho ser vice of Dodgo owners, which boats! waiting weeks as many havo export-1 onced. J. V. Ronilgh, dealer. 53-5 j Tho county commissioners wore in , session yesterday allowing claims and transacting lOthdr ro,utino business. Today they go to Willow precinct to look after roads and bridges. I Ray L. Mason and rearl L. Cannon,' both colored, and giving their rcsi-j dence as Sutherland, were married' Saturday aftornoon by County Judge' French, with W. A. Mason and Mrs. E.( Bendy as witnesses. I If you wish hard enough for any-! thing your wish will como truo. See how this theory is proven out by a poor waitress who wishes for a no bleman for a husband, In "Sally In a Hurry" at tho Keith Wednesday night. Lillian Walker plays tho lead ing part Several south side farmers who had thoir stave silos blown down last Fri day night, say that thoy are now satis- fled that the material to uso in silo building is hollow tilo or cement, -Thoy bollove that had thoy usod oithor of tho two their silos would still be standing, . Forn Bshorn, the six yenr old daugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Eshon, of east Sixth street, was knocked down and badly bruised by tho Hanson car at nino lo'clock Sunday evening. Tho lit tle girl had started for a walk with hor father and discovering that she had lost her hair ribbon, went back to pick it up. Sho was struck by tho car which was turning tho corner of Sixth and Pino streets. A family reunion of tho Welngand family was hold Sunday afternoon at tho Hotel McCabo when thoy wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Woingand at dinner. This was tho first time in thitry years that tho family had as sembled together and the aftornoon was spent very onjoyably. Out of town members wore Miss Amanda and tVlvln Woingand, of Rossvlllo, 111., and Fred Woingand, of Omaha. Covors wero laid for fourteen. For Siilo Two C room houses to bo movo,i off their lots. Bids oponed at C p. m. July IS. Joseph Miorsch. 200 east Fourth strcot." 51-3 WORK ON THE DEPOT MOVES ALONG HAIMDLY 3IE.MHEHS OF COMPANY E PAULINE FREDERICK taraous Plsrcrs Rsramwmi Brick work on tho now dopot Is progressing rnpidly and tho walls above tho stono baso aro now sovoral feet high. Fifty men aro now om ployed thoro and tho ground work of tho plumbers and oloctriclnns has boon complotod. A baso courso of white Bedford stono of 800 feet has boon placed around tho ontlre building and 7,500 cubic foot of this stono will bo, usod in tho contrlction of tho depot. j Tho lumber to bo usod will amount to 200,000 foot and tho number of bricks' will be GOO.000, In addition to 1,000 yards of concroto. Tho bnsomont uiu, nor tno Kiicnon, moasuros ou uy 3t' foot and divided into storo iboms,! and a dining room for tho employes. ! Tho kitchen on tho vcat end of tho' first iloor is 45 by 52 feet and Includes 1 a locker room, linen closets and bak-j ory. Tho dining room and kitchen will bo divided by iv wooa panel scroon.l Tho wood work will bo panelled oak. and mosala flooring,. Tho genornl! waiting room, 45 by 110 feet will bo in tho contor of tho building and adjoin-; Ing this will bo ladios' rest rooms, gentlemen's smoking irboiuHh tidkot j office, nowHstand and vostibtilos. It' will bo flinshed with faced brick and.1 imitation stono cornico and ornamental plastered coiling. Tho baggago room on tho cast will bo 50 by 50 foot,. The sccond"iloor, 110 by 80 foot will bo di vided into offices for tho chiof dla-l patchor, othor dispatchers, roadmnstor and trainmaster. Tho balcony will' bo usod for tho station master for an-, nounclng trains. Tho wood work throughout tho building will bo icnbl not finished oak, originated by tho Jas. Stewart Company, who havo the' contract for tho building,. Tho grounds I will be paved to tho street on tho south and tho track on tho north. Tho Un-I ion Pacific Railroad sign in cut stone will bo placed over tho entrnsce on tho north and on either side will bo, loctric namo plates. Tho building will' bo ready for use early in Novcmbor. i Services for Company E. j Tho wardens and vostrymon of tho! Church of Our SavVour havo Invited Co. E and tho officers to attend tho i morning servicos at olovon o'clock Sunday morning. Archdeacon Bowkor will deliver tho sermon and tho choir will render special music. I A solemn high military mass -will bo read at St. Patrick's church Thurs-i day morning at 10 o'clock for Coniapny. E and tho officers and frionds. Rev.! Kavanaugh, of Gothonburg, will doliv-' er a patriotic sermon and bo assisted i in the servicos by Rev. Sullivan of Elm Creek, Rev. Malonoy of Lexing ton, and Ro,v. McDaid, tho local pas-, tor. Tho choir, .under tho direction of Miss Ida Ottcnstoln, will rondor ap propriate hymns and a number of solos will bo given by vocalists of tho choir. ::o:: Geo. Mudd, who sold 240 acres of i land north of Horshey to tho Great Western Sugar Co. for $24,000 cash. is confident tliat tho land was pur , chased for a factory site. Ho Is con I firmed In this belief ffy tho fact that tho company has secured right of way for a sower from tho slto to tho I north river, and tho right of wny for ) tracks to tho Union Pacific main lino, i Tho Franklin nurlltorliim rnrfniniv furnishes ideal quartors for tho mom bors of Co. E whoso homes aro out side of town. Four rows of mattresses extend tho full length of the room thus providing sleeping quarters for them. Capt. Halllgan maintains an of ilco in ono of tho rooms off tho stage, and tho. corridors furnish a loungiiiR placo whllo tho boys aro off duty. Strict military discipline is maintain ed in and around tho building. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Starr and daugh ter Thelma will leavo tomorrow for a two weoks visit In Choyenno, Denver and Colorado Springs. At a mooting Inst ovoning of tho com mittee nppolnted to arrange for a pic nic for tho mombors of Company E to bo hold tho dny boforo leaving for Ft, Crook, it was decided to hold tho affair nt tho city park and to Invito all rela tive! and friends of tho mombors to bo proaqnt and assist in giving tho boys an enthusiastic good bye. Tho lunch will ho furnished by thoso at tending, that Is each man and woman will bring sufficient to supply them selves and in addition 100 .moii containing sufficlont lunch for twoi ...Ml Iwv t A ...i. l ovtuivin mil uu IIVUIIUU, illlJUUO WHO will furnish ono or moro of thoso! baskets are requested to notify sonio moinbor of tho committee which Is composed of Mr. M. E. Scott, Mrs. Chns. Boguo, Mrs. F. N. Buehnnnn, Mr. Will Eshloman, Mrs. Edmund Dickey, Mrs, L. W. Walker, Mrs. Ella Jenkins. The dato will bo announcod as soon as loarned. Arrangomosts will bo mndo for a program of all kinds of sports, which will follow tho basket dinner. Tho band will furnish music. : :o: : LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Rev. Malonoy of Lexington, visited In this city yostordny. Mr3. Fred Thompson loft this morn ing for Lincoln to spend a week. Experienced man and wifo wanted on ranch. Pormnnent position. Ad dress Box 74, LoMoyno, Neb. 53-3 Tho Christian ladles' aid will meet In tho church basoinent Thursday af ternoon. For Sale Practically now piano, oost $300, will bo sold for $175. Call at S09 N. Walnut St., North Platto. 53-1 Mrs. David Minshnll, who spent sov oral weoks In cities of Wisconsin with relatives, returned homo this morning. Second trick wire chiof Stewart has purchased ton acres on tho wost coast 6f Florida whoro ho will mnko his home. Rov. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Crook, camo yosterdny and loft tills morning for Scotts Bluff to spend a couple of days. Misses Erma Scherbacho and Adah Hatfiold, of Hastings, who camo to at tend tho funeral of tho lato Miss Grace Ogier, loft last ovonlsg. Rov. McDaid loft this morning for Scotts Bluff to attond thn Hfirvlrnn nt. tondnut upon laying of tho cornor' sione oi uio now icnurcli. j A lawn social will bo hold at the homo of Dr. D. E. Morrill Thursday ev ening. Ico cream and cako will be Jerved. Tho proceeds will bo donated' to Co. E mess fund. I Hoytj Smltheild, oC Poru, arrlod ! yesterday and has accepted a posl-i Hon in tho Roxall drug storo. Mr. Smithers is a brother of Mrs. Moso Harrison of this city. I Weather forecast for North Platte; anil vicinity: Fair and warmer; Wed-i nesday fair. Highest temperature I yestorday 81, a year ago 98; lowest I last night 54, a year ago 07. Tho Elks' building has been thrown ! open to tho mombors of Co. E whllo in town and thoy aro invited to mako uso of tho rooms and all tho" privileges, A number of tho boys availed themselves of this opportunity last ovoning. Tho final contingent of Co. E arrived . on tho branch train last night and wero met by tho commlttoo and mombors ofi Co. E and L. A number of tho boys aro quartorod at prlvato homes' which' woro thrown opon to thorn. Good parly to cut, slack, bale and I haul liny on part section six, twp. 11, ran go ,T2, south I. H. McNccl ranch, rare chance for (lie right party.. Ad- . dress 1 HH ATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Episcopal Church. Wook of Pllgrimago of Prayer. Be ginning yostordny, Monday, July lGtli, tho mombors of tho Church of Our Sa viour commonccd a wook of Interces sion for God's blessing upon us In our Borlous probloms brought about by tho war: for aspcody victory that will bring about a righteous and perma nent ponco; and for Christian work nt homo and abroad. Tho wook Is bolng observed In all Episcopal parishes and missions throughout Nobraslyi, and Is ipart of a national mpvomont. Prayers aro usod by a vory largo nunibor nt noon and at 3. p. m. each day. On Friday a msfbor of Indies will orrango for nn all dny opon church. All mombors and frionds aro Invit ed to bo in tho-church at 9 a. m. on Friday for a Corporato Communion Sorvlco. All Como. FOR RENT Three modern furnished rooms, six beds, three dnublo and three single. Hnth, electric lights, gas, etc., closo In. Will rent on u per cent basis to right party. HH ATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: Tho Club Novita will moot tomorrow aftornoon with Mrs. Fred Loudon. Mrs. James Hart and son Lawronco loft Inst ovoning for Chicago whoro thoy will visit rolatlves. SOLDIER HOYS TAKE UP REGULAR DRILL TODAY Manager Austin, of tho Wostorn Un ion has requested an additional tolog- raphor from Omaha to holp movo ilia Increased business. ' Boglnnlng today mombors of Co. E will got down to real work, and from 5:30 in. tho morning until taps at 11:00 at night Micro will bo something do ing noarly all tho tlino. Horo is tho sorvlco to which tho boys respond: 5:30 First call. 5:40 Rovlllo. 5:50 AsBombly. Ton minutos sot ting up ofcorclsos. G:00 Moss. 7:00 First call for drill. 7:10 Assembly. 10:00 Recall. 11:00 Moss. 1:30 Prlvato school. 2:30 Rocall. 3:30 First call for drill. 3:40 Assembly. s 4:40 Rocall. ' . 5:00 Muss. i ' G: 20 First call. 6:30 Assombly. ' G: 40 Retreat. 9:00 Tntoo. 4, 10:00 Call to quartors. 11:00 Taps. . Tho Rowona Circlo will moot' with Mrs. C. W. Groves, wost Ninth street, tomorrow aftornoon. All members at tond nnd take a frlond. ::o:: FOR SALE 2 mowers, 1 nikc, 1 sweep, 1 slack er, all nenrly now nnd In llrst class condition. 52-3 IiEYl'OLDT & PENNINGTON. Stop at Our Store Replenish Your Tackle Box and you won't be telling your friends about "that big one that got away." wram mmsm Lti M - m itt hi mm i T ir ill ii nihil I With 50-Cent Purchase Solonir ns thev lust wo will nresent ono of these boxes to every customer buying one 50-cent package of I'almollvo Shampoo, Cold Cream or Vanishing Cream, Powder or Rouge.or two 25-centpackagesof Pnlmolivo Talcum, Shnvlng Stick or Lip-Rouge. Call early or you may be disappointed tbo number of cases is limited. You want a full line of the best toilet articles made, packe' in this convenient case, REXALL DRUG STORE. Plenty of Music, Entertainment and Happiness at Chautanqua North Platte, July 299 309 3 SEVEN BIG' DAYS FOR 1, August 1, 2 3 1 IHM PAULINE FREDERICK IN "Ashes of Ambers." CRYSTAL TONIGHT. ADA ROACH ADA ROACH is the "Sun shine" Girl. She brings a pro gram of gladness, happiness and merriment. THE HAWAIIANS W. S, Ellis and his famous HAWAIIANS come with their program of unique, charming music. The little talks by Mr. Ellis between selections make the nroeram educational as well as entertaining. DUCROT DUCROT'S program will be different from any other on the Ghautauaua. Ho will amuse, astound and astonish you with his wonderful feats of magic. JANE DILLON JANE DILLON is an inter preter of tho world's master nieces of literature. She has a personality and a versatility that will make you admire her and appreciate her program. THE MLTHEA PL A VERS, " ot tho B,iSX'ufompa"los at SIX CHARMING GIRLS WHO PLAY jVSJI) SIX3 COMPRISE THIS ALTHEA PLAYERS. ONE OF THE NOVEL FEATURES OF THEIR PROGRAM IS "A VIOLIN SEXTETTE. THERE IS VARIETY AND VIVACITY IN THEIR PROGRAM. ARTISTS EVERY ONE. KELLER-WILLE COMPANY HARRISON KELLER'S work is vital, sensitive and expressive of the best in music. STEWART WILLE, as a pianist, ranks among tho highest. These art ists have spent several years to gether in preparatory and con cert work and their sympathy and understandintr of musical art havo dono wonders in mak ing ono of tho big programs of the musical world. Metropolitan Men Singers Weighing approximately 900 pounds is not tho only claim to distinction held by the METRO POLITAN MEN SINGERS, four talented men with great voices. Thoro is lots of humor in the program as well as plenty of the classical and the "old home songs" and patriotic melodies. NORMAN-HILL COMPANY RUBY NORMAN and "PEG GY" HILL aro two versatile ar tists who give a delightful, merry, musical program. Q "