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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1917)
The Man Who Was "Fixed" By ALAN HINSDALE at Wlicn I wns n young man soon nftor tlio war between tlio states I went to Kentucky. Kentucky had been n slavo Htnte, mid tlioro were n number of negroes who hnd been freed. These were thrown on their own resources, and many of them had a hard tluio to make a living. One day I missed some clothing from my room, and the Janitor of tho build Ing In which I lodged disappeared at tho same time. Tho pollco wcro set In motion to find thp Janitor Pcto Mar tin. Tiioy succeeded, and ho was brought to trial, I being his accuser. Ho was convicted and sent to stato prison for two years. Boon after his conviction I received a call from his former master, who said that It had been reported to him by Pcto's associates that as soon as ho got out of prison he would "fix" mo for having sent him up. The gentleman also told mo that tho convict was tho only slavo ho had ever owned of whom ho was afraid. Misery loves company, and my misery was lightened by being told that Tote had threatened to "llx" tho Judgo who sentenced him as well ns his accuser. I thanked the gentle man for his warning and told him that I would bo on my guard. Nevertheless when tho ttmo of dan ger camo I forgot nil about tho matter. I had made a memorandum of tho dato of expiration of tho convict's term; but, learning that they nil get time- off for good behavior, I had considered tho memorandum worthless and put It nwny, forgetting It. It happened that In looking over Homo old memoranda I kept In n pigeonhole of my desk I hit upon tho date of Polo's release on tho very day hla full time expired. Throwing It into n wastebaskct, I put tho matter out of my mind. But It camo back again that night when 1 was In bed nbout to go to sleep. Sup poso I should awaken In tho middle of tho night and seo the powerful figure of tho negro standing over mo. I could not get rid of this dread and tho next du.- purchased u revolver, louded It nnd placed It under my pillow. Ono morning on taking up my paper I saw that Judgo Montague, who hnd sentenced Pcto, had been called to his door nt 10. o'clock nt night and shot through the heart by n man who had disappeared without having been seen by nny ono except his victim. Tho no-, count given Indicated that not tho slightest clow to tho murderer was In tho hands of tho police. I went to tho stnto's attorney and told him my story. Ho at onco liii quired of tho warden of tho prison in which reto had been confined and learned that tho coitvlct had gained no time for good behavior, but had been released on tho expiration of tho term for which ho had been sentenced. It was considered prolmblo by tho attor ney nnd by mo that Pcto was tho Judgo'u murderer and equally probablo thnt ho would carry out his threat to "fix" mo as well. Tho police wero Instructed to look for Pcto, but not to glvo publicity to tho fact that ho was wanted or that thero was any clow to Judgo Montu guo's murderer. As for mo, I was to tako ovcry possible means to bo ready for Pcto should ho carry out hid threat concerning mo. Tho chief of police wished to send a man to sleep In my houso, but I concluded that this would bo moro trouble than It Was worth. I got out my revolver, which I had dis carded, saw that It wns In order and loaded and had a telophono apparatus placed on n table besldo my bed. Ono night after alt In tho houso wcro asleep thero enmo n ring nt my door boll. I telephoned tho pollco by pre vious arrangement that I was being called up lato at night, then went to n window nnd called out that I would conio down as soon ns I could get on somo clothes, A fow minutes nftor my telcphono mcssago tho policeman near my houso was nt my door. Hut whoever had rung had disappeared. If my visitor was Peto ho did not como ngaln. Several months passed without my being molested, and I was beginning to think that Pcto had con cluded Unit It would bo wiser for him to forego his roVcngo upon mo when ono night I was awakened by tho flash of u dark lantern In my eyes. I bo lleved thero wore burglars In tho house. Taking tho telcphono Instru ment undor tho cover to deaden tho sound, I called "Pollco!" giving my street and number. I knuw that thero would bo no waste of tlmo by (ho police, and I hoped by rennilnlng quiet tho burglars would go on doing their work. At tho eamo time, seizing my revolver, 1 slid noise lessly out of bed and, feeling my way to u closot, loft tho door njnr so that 1 could see out. I had not been thero long before I heard u tread In tho hull, thou footsteps approaching my bed. I saw n figure pass n window. Whoever wns In tho room must, have gone to tho bed, folt for tho occupant and, (hiding no ono there, retraced his steps, for 1 heard nothing oxcept footsteps In re treat. . IJiutonlng to tho door, I shut nnd looked It, then raised tho window Bash ns softly as possible. Seeing figures below, who I surmis ed wero tho pollco, I called to them to enter. They hnd surrounded tho house and broke In nt onco. They hunted every nook nnd cranny and at Inst found n negro In tho garret, whom I ldcntillcd nt onco no Peto Martin. Pete wns convicted of killing Judgo Montm ue and expiated his crlmo on tho ga' ' vs. An analysis of the contents of n vacuum cleaner mado recently showed that the dust which hud collected on tho bookshelves In a library constated of "hair, green wool, white wool, cot ton fibers, celluloid, pieces of linger nails, fly wings, sand grains, wiod, pa per, string, metallic iron and leather. Tho hair was probably derived from soft hats, the wool and cottoti II born from clothing, sand from the mud tracked In on shoes and llie gradual pulverizing of tho floor, fly wings from dead flics nnd paper from book leaves." Curiously enough, very few germs wcro found In tliU dust Vet thero Is no question that Inhaling It might lend to various diseased conditions. This would not bo tho result of any disease germs contained In tho dust Itself, but to tho Irritating effects produced by tho dust particles .when brought into contact with the bronchial membranes. Thus It Is ovldent that oven germ free dust may bo harmful when Inhaled. Los Angeles Times. Clover Advertising. An Ingenious advertisement recently mado ltd nppcaranco on tho walls and boardings of n French town. It said: "A wallet containing the sum of .'iOO francs nnd n largo number of orders has been lost by a traveling salesman of tho firm of X. & Co. Tho finder is requested to return tho orders to X. & Co. nnd to keep tho COO francs ns n ro wnrd for his trouble In so doing." Of courso everybody rend tho adver tisement Of courso everybody said to himself that tho b'ntcli of orders on X. & Co. must bo a nice, fnt ono. Thus by a clover stratagem X. & Co. man aged to dlffUBo among tho public tho Impression that theirs was n largo business, with an lmmenso number of customers. "Not oven tlio Amcrlcnns," snys tho proud Frenchman who reports this oxamplo of Gnlllc enterprise, "not oven tho Amcrlcnns could hnvo worked tho trick better." Now York Post. Fraorant Forn. Somo say It has tho fragroncy of now mown hay. It reminds others of fresh strawberries. Thero are also thoso who detect It In tho perfume of tho wild rose. Opinions dlffor ns to what tho fragrance resembles, but all opin ions nro unanimous In praising It So tliej call It tho fragrant fern. It grow? In small, round clumps In clefts on tLo faco of a precipice, out of rench of collectors, who haven't the patlcnco to hunt for It. For this rea son It Is not well known. Its out of tho wny haunts provldo an effectual hiding-plnco. Tho hardiness of tho fragrant fern surprises tho nmntcur collector. It grows In full glare of tho sun, In places where moro common ferns would bo scorched nnd withered. Yet tho fronds remain green throughout tho year, and oven tho year-old fronds, which turn brown nt tho end of tho season, curl up around tho roots of tho plant and cling to tho rocks. Phil ndelphla North American. Uso of Maps? A board Inspector, hnvlnir n fow tnln. utes to spare nfter examining tho school, put a few questions to tho low er form boys 'on tho common objects In tho schoolroom. ' "Whut Is tho uso of tho mini?" lm asked, pointing to ono stretched across tno corner of tho room, and linlf n dozen, shrill voices answered In meas ured articulations: "Please, sir. it's to hide mastor'n hi. cycle. "-London Tlt-nits. Tho moro Information nny ono bus on n topic, thp moro correct hla opinion Is likely to be. Wo bellevo that tho mora our patrons know nbout our business tho greater will bo their confidence In us. Wo ndvcrtlso to tell tho people tho facts about our business. Wq think tho people hnvo n right to know what wo nro doing nnd why wo nro doing It to know how much monoy wo rccelvo from tho snlo of service nnd how It Is used. Our accounts and rocords nro kept according to meth ods approved by tho United Stntos government, nnd tho public may learn nt nny time tho dutalls of how wo tire conducting our business. We want tho peoplo to know tho facts about our business, that they may Judgo Impartially as to tho propriety of what wo are doing. LI jEftk ) I A Woman Detective's Story By SADIE OLCOTT :: fl am n woman detective. I wns once sent to decoy n de.inerndo who was making Elections ostensibly for the church. He was Aaron Burt ho pass cd under other names and nt the lime wns working In the town of Edgcrton. I went there, learned that ho was nt n certain hotel, and ho was pointed out to mo In tho reading room. I entered tho room nnd, going up to him, saldi "Tho Ilcv. Mr. Hurt. I bellevo." "I am," he said, rising nnd looking nt mo suspiciously. "I have understood that von hnvo great success In raising money for chun hes, and I would like to know If you Mould bo willing to help mo pay oir a mortgage on our cuurcii nt Avon dale." v Avmirlnln nno n nu'n twit- frtt wiiuiiim i IW1III IIUU LIU 11UIII Kdccrton.nnd I had heard tfint nun nf Its churches was under mortgnge, which the congregation desired to pay off. Hut I intended this only ns n menus of making Mr. Hurt's ucnualntnncc. I described to him tho sltuntlon nt Avondalc, stating that tho peoplo there wcro woll to do, but needed somo per suasive sneaker to wako them un 1 added that he would bo paid for his labor, proposing that ho receive tho communion iiimseir nnu ueuuet one third of it for himself. This I lennw would please him, for thero would be no dllllculty In his deducting his third or, rather, of ntmronrlntlnir the whole contribution. Ho manifested a wil lingness to undertake the work, but protested against receiving so much compensation as u third of tho amount collected. On no nccount would ho consent to deduct moro than 10 per cent Ho wns ready to go to Avon dale ns soon ns I snld tho word. I told him that I would see tho tmstor nnd tho dencon nnd ns soon ns I could get their consent would let him know. I pretended to go to Avondnle, but really returned to the sheriff, who hnd employed me, to urrnngo with him as to when nnd where ho should send the force Intonded to mnko the arrest. It wns ngreed between us that ho was to send ono picked man to Edgcrton, who wns to pass himself ns n commerclnl trnveler. This man's namo was Lam ed, and I was mado acoualntcd with him, nnd wo conferred together. I told hint to bring tho lurgest snmplo trunk ho could find. Heturnlng to Edgcrton, I told Mr. Burt that everything hnd been nrrang ed nt Avondnle, but tho evening select ed for his nnnenl for funds had boon fixed for tlio following Sunday, four days hence. Ho was not plcnsed at tins, preferring that the work should bo done at onco. Tho truth is ho did not enro to remain In tho snmo locali ty for so long n period. I determined, however, to hold him if possible till I could spring my trap. I laid myself out to please him, spending a good deal of tlmo with hlin. I know that ho wns not inter ested In matters of religion nnd did not talk on religious subjects. I pre ferred to choose other topics, In which ho would bo more nt home, my inten tion being when I had gained his con lldenco to glvo him to understiind thnt I know his trtio ehiiracter, that I was one of tho same kind us himself nnd desired to ussist him in plundering thnt I might sharo tho plunder. When I thought tho tlmo rlpo I re vealed tho character I wished him to tako mo for by confessing that I ex pected n sharo in tho collection I wns to bring nbout. I suw him start, but he did not tnko tho hint openly, nnd it wns somo tlmo boforo ho consented to drop the parson and talk Uko tho vil lain ho was. Then I told him that to gether wo might reap u rich hurvest Ho caught ut tho idea und grew enthu siastic over it. Having wou his confidence, I kept holding up tho rich hauls wo would mnke, I Joining congregations and ar ranging for addresses, to bo followed by collections. Ho would disappear, leaving mo to repent having put con lldcnco in a rascal. When all wns rendy for my schomo Lnrned appeared at tho hotel, and a sample trunk of enormous size was carried to his room. It was empty, but only Lnrned nnd I know thrtf . I told Mr. Burt that I was bent on tak ing monoy from tho commercial trav eler uhd that I was already engaged in learning whoro ho kept It. Tho next duy I informed my pal that Lnrned hnd gono out nnd left $300 be tween tho mattresses of his bed, sug gesting thnt Burt go into his room nnd get it while I wiitchcd. Tho door wns supposed to be locked, nnd I borrowed a skeleton key from Burt with which to unlock It, though Lnrned hnd pur posely left It unlocked. I took a position In tho mill tiud nftor pretending to hnvo wntched for Bomo tlmo culled Burt nnd told hlin tho const was clear, and ho went into tho room for tho money. Ho had scarcely dono so when I ran in and told him that tho drummer wns coming up to his room, "Oct in tho trunk," I snld. "It is your only chiinco." I raised tho lid, and' ho got insido. I clapped tho Hd dowu on him nnd locked hlin In. Lnrned was waiting In another room, nnd ns soon ns I had secured tho prize I culled him. Before Burt wns let out ho was told thnt ho ivhb covered nnd if ho resisted ho would bo shot. Ho whb mined, but tho odds woro so greatly against him that ho surrendered. I received $200 for my share In tho arrest. ',, I act aria oucceis. Tact la n combination of good tcm per,, rendy wit, quickness oC percep tion and ability to tako In tho exigency of tho occasion Instantly. It Is never offensive, but is a balm allaying bus plclon and soothing. It is appreciated. It is plauslblo without being dish on est, apparently consults tho wclfaro of tho second party nnd docs not man! fest any selfishness. It Is never nntng onlstlc, never opposes, never strokes tho hair tho wrong wny and never irrl tatcs. Tact, llko a flno manner, cases tho way, takes the Jar out of tho Jolts, oils tho bearings, .opens doors barred to others, sits In tho drawing room when others must wait in tho rcccp tlon hall, gets into private ofllces when others nro turned down. It ndmlts you Into cxcluslvo circles, whero wealth abounds, even though poor. It secures tho position when merit Is turned away. Tact is a great mnnagcr. It enslly controls people, oven when com blued with small ability,, when genius cannot get ulong. NORTH PLATJTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Posloflice. Phone 53 A modorn institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Slaff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. J.B. Redfieldjl. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D Hit. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. NOETn PLATTE, NEB. Nurso Bnawn Memorial Hospital. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic- Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonnid Bank Building. Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Booms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platto, Nebraska, J. 11. BEDFIEL1). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to PHYSICIANS SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redneld & Redfielri Offlce Phone 642 Res. Phone 878 Offico Phono 70 Res. Red 087 DR. LATIIAN Sulpho Vapor Baths WITH REGULAR TREATMENTS Bolton Building DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI. . . Practice Limited to Surirory and Radium Therntw 728 City National Bank Building. urnaiiu, .Nebraska. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 588. .ollee to Non.ltcNldritt Dcfrndnnt. I lint nil Ml QMi nn n r w M ltonborger, iv Justice of tho peaco, In ami for Lincoln County, Nebraska, ls ? t?rn nn,(ir r attachment for tho sum hLwi,00, 'in "ncyon ponding beforo nivV ti lor'" Jhn Jones, gunrdlnn nnd ne3v ifi.8111' .of Olnronco JonoH, minor, is Plaintiff and Clifford A. Thomas, Is de fondant: that property of the defen dant consisting, of ono Promler Jlvo "r Villi 4U, (UOU lias een attaolied undor this order. This ...,.u ,, uuiiiuiutMi io mo .Dtlt day f June, 1917. at 9 oclock a. m Y TfJnftti 111...... X ' . 1 . . . . . - . iour.,. Aiay liln, 117 nii . . JOltN JONKS, Guardian and next friond of Claronco Jones. Order of Heariue. in mo county Court of County. Nebraska, In l'robato. In tho Mntt..r nt Mm i.'uJ Lincoln ilHnm L. Antrim, docensod. Tho Stato of Isebraska, Lincoln County, SS. ,0l,w"? "f nnd mine tho potltlon ?L..?,moU,,y-. Rufferty. Praying thnt rogulnr ndmlnUtratton of Bald ostnto VVVS V,eV.,llv,H,. fts Provided by Sections 135C-7-S-9 and latin nf t),., i!..iu.,.i ntnto of Statutes of Nebraska for tho yoar 1913. .v 'v u'rou iiint juno m, ii7, at p clock In tho forenoon Is unsigned for hearing Bald petition, whon all persons Interested in said estate mav nnnnnr In tho County Court in probate, to bo hoard In and for said County, and show cause why tho prayer of said petition should not be granted. This order to be prlntod and publish ed for three-conBocutlvo woeks In tho North Platte Tribune a local semi. weekly newspapor of said county, prior iu itiiiii uaio ui Hearing. QUO. E. KrtENCir. County Judge. D115-J5 ( Nurso Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When requiring hospital care SlcdJcnlly, Surgically, or Obstetrically. Horo your Interests and comfort will bo served. It is not th0 biggest, but ono of tho best places wherein to got woll. 1008 West Fourth Street. Dk, J. S. Twinem. OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Kerr. Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co. Phone Oflice Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. f Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Oflloe 459 C. H. WALTERS. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633. TV. T. PRITCKARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterlnar lan. Hospital 218' south Locust St one-half block southwest of the Court House. Scrap Iron $6 per Ton. Dry Bones $12 per Ton. We buy all kinds of Junk and T T 1 nicies. L. LIPSHITZ. CORNER LOCUST AND FRONT. Mathewson & Shank FOR PLASTERING AND STUCCO Phone Red 317 or Blk 907. R. I. SHAPPELL. ' Auctioneer SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA. Will sell anything that enn bo nuc tloncd off. Mnko dates at Farm. Ors' Sfntft TtflllV. nr ivlrn nf pono. Reference, Farmers' Stato jmuiik, auuicrinnu, roo. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU Quality in Cigars has has been mir aim since iwo began making cigars in worm piatte over thirtv vnnrn n Wo put quality in tho first clears wo mado, and that same quality is in the cigars we make today. Schmalzriod's Cigars have stood tho test of thosn more than thirty years. What greater ovidonco of quality could you desire? If you havo not boon smokine Sshmalz- aiou s cigars, try them they aro cer tain to pleaso. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" No. 07352 Will mnko tlio season ns follows: TllPSilllVH nml Vrlilnva enscn I-ccd and Sale Unru, North riattc, beginning- April 10th. Unlanco of tlio week (except Sun. (IllVI nt. tnv fnrai uIt- North l'latto and thrco fourths of n . 1 1 n k. a 11 f . a. mi io buuuu-1181 oi liiruwoou 8wiicn. Nabob wan frvnlrvil Mnv 9.A nml Importod with his mother by North & Robinson, of Grand Island, In July, 1013. Was hlYll liv M rinonrnT nnot mont of Orno, in Franco. This horse wolghs 1780, Is clean and sound In ovory particular, ana 13 ns good as you will find nnywhoro. Wo invito you to corao and see this horsx Torms $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. If mares aro disposed of or loavo country servico fee be comes duo and payablo at onco. uaro mil uo tanon to provont ac cidents, but Hlionlrl AY1V OPMII n4ft11tvt , - DVMIMVU ownor will not bft responsible. FRANK STROLLBERG, Owner. u it. iiAJtOLU A. FENNER Osteopath. G Reynold Building Offico hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. , 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Phones Offico 333 Res Black 513 ltond Xo. -lOS. To nil whom it may concern: Tlio special commissioners appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho half section corner between Sections 2C nnd 35, township 14. range 2G, thenco west ono and one-half miles on the section lino between Sections iC, 35, and 27, 31 to tho section cornor between Sections 27, 34 and 28 and 33, townBhip 14, range 26, hns roported in favor of tho same, and nil objections thereto or claims i for damages must bo filed in the office of tho county clerk on or beforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 25th day of, June, 1917, or such road will be allowed without roforenco thoroto. Dated at North Platte this 17th day . of April, 1917. - A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. ltond No. 401. To all to whom it may concern: The special commissioner appolntod to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho southwest corner f tho SKU of Section 35, town 9, range 29. running to a point, ono hun dred eleven (ill) rods north from the northwest cornor of said quarter, Vi : "..a """ n a nortnwosterly J to a point one hundred six (100) rods east of tho northwest corner of Section 36, town 9, rango 29, thence west and terminating at tho Northwest corner of Section 3G, town 9, range 29. haB reported In favor of tho same, ex cept that tho road is to go to tho south and west of tree claim and to pass around the head of canyon in the north west quarter of Section 3B, town 9. range 29, said road to bo 40 feet In width. All objections thereto, or claims for damages must be nied in the office of the county clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 2Dth day of Juno, 1917, or such road will be allowed with out ref erence thereto. Rate.d at. North Platto, Nebr., this 17th day of April, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. Cliniige of ltond So. The consent petition of H. M. Clinite aV,,o?8k,lnB ,for a change of Road J.O. 319 has been nied and reads aa follows: Commencing nt a point or Stntlon No. 29 on Road No. 31U In tho south east quarter of Section 35, town 10, range 27, running thence southeasterly on east side of canyon and remaining on oast side of canyon through North east quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 35, town 10, range 27. and through tho W. of SWYt, of Section 30, town 10, range 27, terminating at Station No. 37 on Road No. 319 on Section line between Sec tion 36. town 10, range 27 and Section 1, town 9, range 27, road to bo 1 rod in canyon and 3 rods on bank. All parties objecting thoroto or hav ing claims for damages by reason of -office of the county cafk on or before utiu iiuuu un mo join uay ori June, 1917, or the same will be granted without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 17th day of April, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. Notice C. W. Jones, nrst and real name un known, will take notice that on the 25th day of April, 1917, P H. Sullivan, n Justice of the Peaco of North Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County, Nebras. ka, issued an order of attachment for tho sum of $12.35, in an action pending before him, wherein Harcourt Clothing Company, a firm Is plaintiff, and C. W. Jones, llrst and real name unknown, defendant; that property consisting of money, as wages duo, in tho hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Co., a cor poration, has ben attached under said, order. Said cause to be contlned until the 15th day of June, 1917, at ten o'clock a. -m. North Platte, Nebraska. a HARCOURT CLOTHING CO, 'nS-25 Plaintiff. Slicrlll'M Snle By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, - !- . . i l iuivuva' ure rendered in said Court wherein. rnuices a. jjcnnott is plaintiff, and Robert S. Hopper is defendant, and to IT1A flfrfrtfw1 T rn ni. .1 -- ---- . . "... v., uiu Jiu uay Of Jlinf. .1917 nt Or. rttrtrtl the cast front door of tho Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said degree. Interest and costs, the following described property, to-wlt: ouuiiiKHBi viuuner toniy4; oi section of Range Thirty (30) West of the Cth I ' A T In T l. nnl 1 . . A. - - -V 7th, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY, n8-J8 Sheriff. - NOTICE OP PINAL IlEPOUT. v ' . . J""" uonner, deceased, in the' County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all porsons that thq. Administratrix has nied a final n pnnnt nnrl AMm . t 1 1 nn nnrl n riAtlflnn nnni n. i ii x. n n n rl gnnninA no mtnl. u t ... i x . " ouwii, wiuuii jiuva uoen hearing before said court on May i iii ui j uoiock a. m. wnen you may nppear and contest tho same. . GEO. E. FRENCH, n24'3w County Judge. . . Notice of Petition. . deceaSed. RUI " Yuaon- Tn Hin Pnntitv n t I i r-i ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said Estate take, notice that a petition has boon filed- v for the probate of an instrument pur-f m porting to bo the last will and testa- mn ff Tnontil. HI T x r 1 1 . i . . - . uuai'1 noun, ueueiiHcu and for the appointment of Hattio Wil son, as executrix of ald will, which BPt. f?r hearing on June 1, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. u;ueu aiay a, i'Ji7. V.. . 1 . . 1. ..IJ.IVjIl, Notice lo Non-Ileslilcnt Defeiulnnt. Clifford A. ThnninR will tnltA nntlnn that on thn 18M ilhv nf Anrll. 1017 I George E. Froncb, County Judgo in mm tor j-iuiuuiu couniy, iNeorasita, is sued an order of attachment for tho sum Of J81.GG in nn nnMnn nnmllni. boforo him, wherein Cash M. Austin is plaintiff nnd Clifford A, Thomas, de fendant. That nronortv nt ih n rlnfnn.1. ant consisting of ono Premier flvo pas- Boub-ur touring car jno. 75ua lias beon attached under this order. This causo was continued to tho iRt dn 1917, at 9 o'clock A. M. ' North Platto, Nob., April 21st, 1917. CASH M. AUSTIN, Plaintiff. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 14R0 UCCeaSOd. In tho Conntv f!nnr nf T in. coin County, Nobraska. ino tstato of Nebraska, to all por sons Interested In snld estate tako no tice that a potitlon hns boon illod for tho appointment of Mary Hood as ad ministratrix of said estate, which has beS5.Sot for "earing horoln on Juno 1, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. uatea May 7, 1917. flPl vn Tnnr'vT-iTT mS-3w Hnnnftr T,i w x.. VUUgt,