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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1917)
Wxt Jtorth THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NER, MAY 15, 1917.. No. 35 VANDALISM IX DESTRUCTION OF FLOWEK BEDS Lovors ami growers of flowors will no doubt bo "lighting mad" when learning that last night miscreants entered the lawn of Ray C. Longford and pulled up by tho roots or other wise destroyed eight dozen tulip plants that 'wtorc In bloom. This Is tho second tlmo Mr. Longford's promises havo been visited, tho other time n dozon or more pansy plants wore pulled out by tho roots and carried off. Early this morning as Tho Trib une man camo down town ho noticed a dozon or moro tulips scattorcd along Fourth streot. Whether theso were I part of tho Langford bed or from oth er beds is not known. Flowors at best aro rather difficult to grow in North Platto, and those of us who delight in growing them for tho pleasure of ourselves and othors, devoting both etfponso and tlmo to their dovolopmont, naturally resent such mean, desplcablo work as has "been practiced on Mr. Langford. You may bo excuisod If you enter tho Bare homo and steal such money nnd prop erty as you may And, but If his llowor beds aro despoiled ho will never lot up on a hunt for tho black-henrtod son-of-a-gun who is so nbsolutoly void of manhood as to do such work. :o: :- Union ItroUierliood Meeting. Tho men's brotherhoods of tho Pres byterian and Methodist churches will hold a union mooting in tho basement of tho Presbyterian church tomorrow ovonlng. During tho remodeling of tho Mothodlst building tho members of that church havo Joined with tho Prosbytorians in union services and the mooting tomorrow night Is in the naturo of a good fellowship gathering and an appreciation by tho Mothodict .brethren of tho courtesies shown them Aimnformal program has been ar ranged and tho crisis into which the it i i at. i it iiiiuon iiu.iiueon ;piungcu win do uis cussed by JTO. Bcolor, W. V. Hoagland and others. Tuoso outsido tho broth erhoods who aroMnterestod arn Invited Refreshments provided by tho mon will do served. llnmpiot to roMmnstcrs Tho postmasters of Westorn Nebras ka woro entortninod nt a banquot at tho Hotol McCabo Saturday evoning by Postmastor P. II. McEvoy nnd Doputy Postmastor Lorcn Sturgos. The guosts woro Postmastors McCarty of Oga lalla, Mcintosh of Sldnoy. O'Knne of Gothenburg, Coonoy of Ovorton, Gra ham of Alliance. MrvSturgos occu pied tho toastmastor's chair and ench guost responded to a toast. :io:; Select Curtis tyr Eiicnnipmcnt. Commandant Uedonbaugh and mom bors of tho high school cadets visited tho town of Curtis Saturday with a view of solocting a camp slto for the cadots In Ju,no. Tlioy selected a slto at Curtis lake, and found that tho citi zens of that taw In would extond a most hearty wolcomo and havo proposed to moot tho cadets at a. point half way botweon North Platto and Curtis and convey thorn to tho enmp slto. Tho battalion will leave Thursday, May 31, and will remain nt least a week. : :o: ; Special Announcement. Tho Loader's Big May Clearing Salo continues right along all this week and noxt Belated shipments of mer chandise are arriving dally and every bit of it has been ordered to tho front nnd mobilized with our othor many bargains. To appreciate this salo you should attond In 'person, as printed pages will not permit tho listing of our many extraordinary low priced bargains. THE LEADER MERC. CO. ORGANIZE THE LINCOLN COUNTY OEM ENSE COUNCIL -: :o::- Methodist Church Dedication Suday, May 20th, tho now Mothodlst church will bo dedicated by tho res idont Bishop Homor C. SJ,untz. Tho services will begin at 10:30 a. m. Thoro will be special music for tho occasion. Followung tho sormon by tho Bishop will bo tho dedicatory ser vices. At 8:00 t. m. tho Bishop will lec turo on "South America," having been resident Bishop in that land for four years, and for many years a mission ary. Dr. Stuntz comes with a real mossaeo. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. . At n mooting hold in tho basomont of tho Episcopal church last ovonlng tho Lincoln County Dofonso Council was organized by tho election of T. C Patterson chairman, V. H. McEvoy vice chairman, J. J. Halllgnn secretary and Butlor Buchnnnn treasurer. Tho organization was preceded by a suppor very nlcoly propnrcd and rap idly served by tho members of Ro vhnn. Circlo. Maynard Crosby presided at tho mooting, stated its objects and cnllod on T. C. Patterson, W. V. Hoagland, E. M. Soarlo of Ogalalla, J. S. Hoagland and Mrs. Geo. B. Dent, president of tho Red Cross Circlo, onch of whom made short addresses along tho linos of work suggested by tho Nntlonnl and State Dofonso Councils. Tho object of tho local council Is to co-opornto with tho Btato council In tho production and consorvntlon of food, to arouso patriot ism, to assist enlistments, to look after families or dependencies of thoso who go to tho front, nnd whorovor possible to assist tho soldlor in tho Hold. II. W. Kondall, of Kearney, was prcsont and explained tho work tho . M. CUA. had 'planned to do for the epinfort and rocreatlon of tho mon In tho training camps. This fcaturo of camp Hfo has boon turned ovor to tho association by President Wilson, and to carry out tho work millions of dollars will bo needed. Nebraska is expected to furnish $GO,000 in cash for this purpose and Lincoln county's shnro will bo $1,000. It was tho sonse of tho meeting that tho officors of tho local Dofonso Council soo that this sum is raised. Capt. P. R. Ilalllgan told of tho good work dono by tho Y. M. C. A. in tho Mexican border camps, and commended vory highly tho propo sition put forward by Mr Kondall, : :o:: Special Sale of Gossard Corsets We will sell you any Gossard Corset we have in stock of the following models at $3.48. Models 317 551 320 751 307. The regular price of these models run from $5. to $7.50. Come and see if we have one that will fit you. Wilcox Department Store. Tho funeral of tho lato Wllrfimi Gates was held from tho Episcopal church Saturday aftornoon and nt tended by n largo number of friends. Archdeacon Bowkor ctmd'ulaMd tho services and tho pall bearors woro Messrs. John Evans, J. S. Hoagland, O. E. Elder, Charles Clinton, F. W. Uincker and v. von Gootz. All of our wool Suits aro now Of fered at Ono-Thlrd Off tho regular price. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Ralph L. North, who was called to Omaha by tho illness off her hus band, returned last ovening. Mr. North is much improved. E. ,T. ' Kollhor, of tho Groat Wost- orn Accldont Insuranco Co., of Om aha, spent Sunday wSth tho home folks in Omaha. Julius Hahlcr Is confined to tho houso with an injured foot, caused by step ping on a largo nail yesterday. Miss Mabol McVIckor returned to Lexington Saturdny ovening after spending a woek horo, Charles Ilupfor returned last ov cnlng from a visit wfith his son Char ley at Atchison, Kan. Ralph Arguo, of Choyonno visited this week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Arguo. Tho Lady Forrostors will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Clyde Cook. -:-:o: INSURANCE Every kind of (ho host insuranco written nt tho lowest rates, by PRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. THE UNIVERSAL CAR fatal Registration March and April, for Lincoln County was 221 Cars, of this number ere Fords More than two-thirds of all cars are FORDS, the Lowest Priced all purpose car on the market. The only car that did not raise in price. We keep a complete line of parts, something not found for another make of car in the city. FORD TOURING - $360.00 FORD RUNABOUT $345.00 F. O. B. DETROIT, MICH. We can fill your order if you will hurry and sign with deposit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE. PHONE 34. NORTH PLATTE. COR. FOURTH & DEWEY. Postmaster's Salary Increased. Based on tho Increased huslnoss of tho past llscal postofflco year, tho salary of Postmastor McKvoy has been raised from $2G00 to ?1!700 'per year, and Doputy Postmastor Sturgos roiolvos an Increase of $60 por yoar. tho deputy's salary being ono-hnlf that of the .postmnstor's. Tho salary of sovoral of tho carrlors and clerks will also bo raised $100 por year. Wo aro glad that tho buslnons of tho North Platto offico Bhowis such a healthy in crease and congratulate tho postmas ter and his forco. Few Votes Last Week. . .Last week only tweny-llvo votes woro cast In tho contest for queon of tin semi-centennial, and thoso woro foi Miss Mabol Burko. It Is known, how ever, that qulto a number of votos woro purchased nnd not cast. : :i: : Ask to soo ouir boautiful lino of now Summer White Wash Skirts. BLOCK'S. A woman and n thlrteon yonr old boy want work. Phono Rev. Itobt. White. l)Iack G03. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Fair and continued warm tonight and Wednesday. Highost tom- poraturo yostorday 71, a yoar ngo 15; lowost last night 50, a year ago 39. Miss Holcno Shoup. of Suthorland, wlho hns boon visiting In Colorado and Wyoming for six wcoks, will rotum homo In a fow days and In company with hor slstor Forno will co to Oma ha to stukly voice. ShorllT Sallshurv will lnnvn tlilu nr- onlng for "Whcntland, Wyo., to tnko In ehargo Andrew Potior who was 1m nllcatoil with John Rlmffur. Jr.. In thn clothos robbory at tho North Platto lvauntiry recently. Biinfior was tnuon to tho ponltontlary last wook. cm and county news. Till UKST HAKCJAIX 7 room nearly new hnuo on west Sixth street. $200.00 cnsli, lmlnnco like rent. A rnro chance to secure n nice homo on easy terms. HKATT. GOOD.MAN' & 1HTKLKY. Mrs. James ltnrt left Friday ovon lng for Omaha to visit rolnttvos. C. K. Sousor loft Sunday ovonlng for Columbus on business for tho Union Pacltlc. Buy your Cont hero nnd savo from $500 to $12.60, during our spring Clonn-up Sale. BLOCK'S. William Mnnnlx, of Ilynnnls, visited last wook with Mr. and Mrs. Charles lllbbort. John Kolth, of Los Angelos, arrived In town yostorday aftornoon and will romaln for some tlmo transacting bus iness and visiting frlonds. Wo oxpross our hoartfolt thanks to frlonds and nolghbors for tho ns slstnnco rendered during tho Illness and nt the funornl of thp lato W. F Gat os and for tho floral offerings. Sovoral dray londs of accoutrements for mombors of Company B woro ro colved yostorday from tho adjutant gonoral's ofTIco In Lincoln. Theso havo boon storod In tho armory ovor tho McDonald clothing store All of 'our now spring Coats nro now on salo at actual cost of production. BLOCK'S. A social meeting of tho Woman's homo missionary socloty of tho Motho dlst church will bo hold Thursday nf tomoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Harry Hemphill, 11C oast Eighth. All mom bors and frlonds nro urged to attond. At a mooting of tho A. 0. U. W. lodge hold last ovonlng It was de cided to dlvldo tho monoy received from tho recent snlo of their lot on west Sixth street hTo tw'o hundred and fifty throo mombors will receive fifteen dollars each and tho remainder of tho $4,300 on hand will bo ko'pt In tho treasury. Slnco tho advanco In rntos mndo in January ono hundred and fifty mombors havo withdrawn from tho local lodgo and fifty moro applications for withdrawal havo boon mndo. Mrs. W. F. Gates and children. Tho Prosbytorlan aid socloty will moot In tho church basomont Thurs dny afternoon, entortninod by Mos damos Butlor Buchanan, Perry Bu chnnnn nnd Alox Fonwlok. "An International Marrlngo" with Rita Jollvot will bo shown nt tho Kolth tonight. It Is the story of n diplomatic tnnglo nnd tho outcomo Is a distinct surprise In tonsltv, plot nnd originality. John W. Nugont, living on tho island south of Mawoll, nnd tho owner of ono of tho best Improved farms in the oast ond, spent yostorday in town, coming horo as n witness In n case In Juatleo Mlltonborgor's court. Hundrods of now Silk nnd Voile Waists aro now on salo nt BLOCK'S. Sheriff Salisbury says ho has re ceived word from n numbor of country rosldonts volunteering tholr sorvicos ns registrars for tho military regis trations. In thoso precincts wJioro par ties havo not volunteered Sheriff Salis bury will mako his selections, nnd thoso Bolected. as well as thoso who havo voluntoorod will bo officially notified within the noxt wook. , W. L, Stevons, of Pottor, who had boon taking trontmont nt n locnl hos pital for six wooks, dlod Saturday ovonlng, nt tho ngo of slxty-throo, of a complication of diseases. For a num bor of yonrs ho had held tho position of principal of tho Pottor schools, but was cotnpollod to glvo up his work on nccount of poor health. Ho loavo two sons, 11, II. Stovons, editor of tho Pot tor ltovlawt, nnd G. H. StovonB, nn edi tor of Pino Bluffs. Tho romalns woro tnkon to Brooks, Iowa, for burial. -::o: FOR salt: 1V never luul better bargains In renl estate than wo offer today. Consist of nice homes, choice building lots, farms and farm lands. Wo are also offering some attractive exchanges, city property for land nnd land for city property.. We can sell jour prop erty If priced right. Hit ATT. (JOOiniAN & 11UCKLKY. Riverdae Additions FRONT ST. til a ix Ul 0 Q Q Q JS 0 K n S) S U) ti n i p r l ft fc fc t 7 a 9 io ii ix UJ 6 532 Si I S 5 ? i m 4 5 ro n o 7 8 9 IO II ti 111 6 TH ST. 6 3 Z I ) CJ O O p if) N k) to K "O r ") ) pj n n p) I I tfJLQ. I I 3: 6 S 4 3 X I o Q 5 Q S It? ") 3 7 6 $ IO II IX a 10 ii iz o 9 IO o a 5 TH ST. Z h HI 9 IO II 12 DC O m 6 S 3 I II .1 - mm mrnrn. 9 IO II IX 6 3 2. I 0 W) O o o o O O O Q C) m ct) P) nj 7 3 9 IO U IX z m 4 TH ST. The above arc the only additions to North Platte, on the market, where residence lots are improved with cement sidewalks, water and gas mains, graded streets, and sewer. The sewer is much deeper in the ground, because the sewer system runs eastward, hence deeper hasemenls may be built in this part of the city. These improvements make these lots the most modem and sanitary of any in the city. Many beautiful homes have already been built, and others will be built, in the near future, in these additions. The location too, is gootl, the lots being in the best additions to the city and being but from 7 to 10 blocks east of Dewey street. To reach the business district it will never be necessary to cross railroad tracks, whether the Burlington builds or not. ' Tho everything else has advanced in price, these lots have not yet done so, but may soon. All the lots shown upon above map, which have prices marked tlicrcon, arc for sale at said prices. All other lots Iruve been sold. A 5$ discount will be given for cash, or lots will be sold on easy terms to suit pur chaser. For Sale Hy WM. E. SHUMAN. 1