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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1917)
PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Apnll 10, 1917. Board of. county comUsioners mot pursuant to adjournment present Springer, Hormlnghauson, Koch and county clork. Bond of Joflso Long, road ovorseor DIst .11 approved. Tho county clork In hereby Instruct ed) to correct tax list for 1910 as to NEV4 of Section 12-11-27 to tho samo prlco per aero as to NE'i Soc. 2-11-27 and other lands In samo flec tion, on account of orror In as sessing. E. Holmos for road work DIst. No. 2, $24.00. John Gaedko, caro of Eggort Martin up to Mar. 21, 1917, $94.82.- C. A. HohliiBon, road work DIst. No. 11, $70.00. O. A Hoblnson, road work DIst 30, $05.40. C. H. Bostwick, road work Dist. 49, $12.10. Kay Huntor, Itoad work DIst. C5, $2.00. E. II. Huntor, road work DIst. CG, $2.00. O. It. Osgood, road work DIst. 55, $10.50. P. D, Wostonfold. mdso county poor $90.85. Harry Carothors. refund of taxes, $10.04. , Hondy-Oglor Auto Co., ront county surveyor's office, 3 months, $39.00. A. J. Salisbury, office exponses 1st Quarter. $42.10. A. J. Salisbury, boardi of prisoners, 1st, quartor, $137.00. A. J. Salisbury, mlloago and ex penses 1st quarter, $349.31. A. J. Salisbury. Jailor's fees, 1st quartor, $135.00. Adjourned until tomorrow. April 17, 1917. Board spont day flowing roads on tho Lincoln and Logan county lino. Adjourned until April 23, 1917. April 23, 1917. UoaiU met pursuant tk ndjourn) mont, proBont Springer. Hormlng hauson, Koch and county cleric Claims micro allowod as follows: K. A. Oborg, roaD work DIst. 1, $20. Ernost Drlngman, damagos by lo cution of road No. 390 and cxtonslon $72.50. J. E. Joffikoiii, repair work DIst. 30, $9.25. Tho board and State Englnoor John boh procodod to South I'latto bridge at .Su'Uiorlantl and Inspected samo audi occoptod tho brldgo from itho contractors and tho bond of tho com pany Is lioroby roloascd. Adjourned until tomorrow. A'prll 24, 1917. Board mot samo as yostorday, full board prosont. Claims wore allowed as followm E. C. Iloatottor, bridge work, $33.25. V. McCormlck, road work, DIst. 11, $10.00. Jos. Splos, labor and material, $20.45. County Clork its' horoby Instructed Ap cancol asusmont of 18 cattlo of a. T. Halloway, Lemon precinct, aa samo woro a8U880I In Myrtlo precinct. Bond of Goorgo Brilsbln. road ovorseor DIst. 24, approved. Bond of B. M. Stackhouso, assessor Osgood precinct, upproved. Bond of W. 11. Brostol, road ovor seor DIst. 50, approved. Bond of It. J. Hartman, road ovor aoor DIst. 7, approved. Claims allowed: Sundiry persona surveying. $40.p0. Prod Tobas, frolght and drayago, $0.07. Tho county cleric Is horoby Instruct ed to udvortlso tho old loodon brldgo north ot Sutherland across tho North I'latto rlvoti for salo by tho span as It Btands, for caoh on tho 2Gth day of .may. Adjourned to A'prll 30, 1917. ::o:: MotliorH Day Proirnim Tho Womon'a Chrlstlun Tonrpor anco Union will glvo a mother's day program on TuomHiy nftornoon, May iai, ai 1110 uomo ot mrs. w. H Lo Dloytl 403 Wwti 0th. street, uiulnr tho alUBplcoH of tho mothor's mooting unit wnuo riuuon rocrulta dupart mont of which Mrs. Ella Smith is Huporlntondontl A corlal Invltnt'lmi la oxtoudod to all, A 10 cont lunch ittttll bo sorvod. Talcing part will bo Mrs. C. II. Lolnlngor vocal soloctlous, Mrs. Buchunan, Mr's. VunCloave, and othors, readlnga. Providing comfor t kits for sol dlorw Is tho war work tho womon't. Christian Tomporanco union will do. Tho bngB aro compact affairs con tlnlng noodlos, thread, tplns, buttons aiul other useful articles, a rramo for mother's pintado and a tostamant. Work on tho comfort klta will bogln as Boon as Instructions aro rocelvod irom mo national chairman. MHS MINNIE PERKINS, i'ross. supt A GOOD FJtlKND. A good friend atnnilH liv vnu wh nn In nood. North Platto people toll how wounB luunoy mis aavo stood tho iobu air. womuorgor ondorBOU Doan'i OVOr flVO voara UlTO and nirnln enn llnus tho Btory. Could you ask for moro convincing toatlmony? GOO. "W. Wolnhorinr. 721 W VlnMi St., North Platte, aayu: "Two yeara ago x uocamo anuctou with kidnoy trou ble. I had agonizing nnlnu In my back mm jiiy Kinuoya rerusou 10 act propor ly. I was gradually bocmnl got Btlff and lumo, lost my rest at iiiKHi unu uecamo uu run down, Doun KldllOy PIUS, tirocurnd frmn Hnvnll Drug Btoro, gave rollof from tho first unu nuout six uoxoa in nil cured mo. . nood not sav how irniUfvlntr thin ir porlonco waa to mo, aa I had to lay oft off for Bovoral months from work. I fool that Doan's Kidnoy Pills havo savon mo irom many montiis illness (Statement glvon August 1 1910.) On Juno 2, 1910, Mr. Woluborgor uuuuu; "uccaBionnuy 1 uocu to uso a fow of Doan's Klduoy Pills and thoy always do good work. I Btlll rocom- nicuu mom an a una meuicmo." Pxlco CO cents nt all ilaalnrn. TVtn Blmply auk for a kidnoy romody got Doan'o Kidnoy Pills tho oamo that Mr. Woinborgor haa twlco publicly rocommonuoa. ioaiorw.lliuurn Co Props., Buffalo, N. Y. WOULD TO PACK FA MINK IK FOOD Tho bunion of saving tho morld from starvation rests on tho should ers of Amorlca. Present indications aro that by nxot winter thoro will not bo enough food in tho United States to feed tho nation's own people, let alone sondi supplies to the Buffering multltudos of Europe. Tho only salva tion lies In planting of millions of ad. dltional acres of foodstuff and tho cutting off of all waste. This is the message by Goorgo E, Porrill of tho United States dopartmont of agrlcultuo who Is making a tour of tho country, making a detailed study of crop and food conditions for tho government 1 "Conditions aro simply appalling when ono thinks of what next winter seems .certain to bring forth," said Mr. Pcrroll. "Prom all tho statistics wo can gather America hns food onough to last till next fall. Thoro is not onough to last after that. Our fute then rosts on what! wo can harvest What rofo harvest depends on what wo plaift now. Tho wost will havo to help support tho east. Massachusetts imports $300,-1 000,000 worth of foodstuffs ovcry year. If ovory foot of land of that stato was cultivated still tho stato would fall short 0 por cent in tho production of its own food supplies. Tho country must awakon to agriculture All tho experienced farm labor avallablo must bo turned to tho soil. "Pannorb aro not fooling tho pinch, and' many of them nro not awako to tho situation. Thoy of courao mill bo the last to suffer in tho caso of food scarcity. I know a farm whoro pota toes aro scarco and nono 'aro being planted becauso tho supply Is not big onough for both sood and homo con sumption. 'It docs not matter what It costs to produce Monoy Is only exchange, and If It should cost $2 to produco $1 worth of foodstuff it must bo dono. , Peoplo eat food but not monoy. Cost BhouldJ not bo counted now. Tho world must bo kept from starving. ; "To housowivos I would Bay: Cut out all waBto and cut down on tho uso of food. Can all tho porishablo food-l stuffs you can got. Don't wait for too cheap a prlco." ::o:: Littlo Things Count. Tho moro complex llfo grows tho moro tlieso little things count Ono or two men at tho pumping station could 1 produco a water famlno for 2,000,000 ! people Cut n very thin wire, nnd n city is In total darkness. Plvo cents' worth of calico Is enough to ccllpso Raphael's (lucst Mudonnu. When everybody wulked to his ap pointed placo of work nothing short of 1 a unlvorsal calamity would keep ov-' orybody away from work. Now a do-' fcctlvo fee wire will halt a hundred thousand in trolley curs. And because these littlo things do foot up to such big totals tho human ' element rcmnlus Important despite all our inventions. . Most failures aro men nnd women failures, not mnchlno failures. Phila delphia Ledger. j Lettros do Cachet. I Lcttrcs do cachet was tho nanio given ' In Prnnco to warrants sealed with tho klug's seal ordering persons to bo thrown Into prison or exiled. Tho first came into uso about 1070 and shortly becaino ono of tho popular terrors of Prance. It is said that no less than 0,000 lottrcs do cachet wcro Issued during tho reign of Louis XIV. and 80.000 tlur. lng tho rolgn of Louis XV. In many cases theso tcrrlblo documents wore secretly Bold and used ns a sourco of Illicit revenue. Thoy wcro frequently signed In blnnk, und tho holder of ono of theso royal terrors could wrlto in tho namo of nny person agulnst whom ho hnpponcd to havo n grudge. Tho na tional assembly abolished this lnlqul-' tous prlvllego of Issuing lottrcs do cachet on Nov. 1, 1780. Rattling Windows. In souio houses tho wludows havo an uuplensuut habit of rnttllng at all times of tho day and night when there Is tho least wind. In such n caso an ordinary clothespin la moat effective. It must bo .split in hulf nnd ono half inserted on each sldo between tho framowork nnd tho window or between tho sashes. A good plan Is to paint tho clothespeg tho samo color as tho window frnmo and sccuro tho pieces by a cord and scrow to tho frame so that thoy will bo In rendlnoss when needed. A Problom. "Thnt is my hired man asleep up thoro In tho crotch of that onk treo," said honest Pnrmcr Hornbcnlc. "You nro entitled to ono guess ns to whether ho dumb up thoro to slumber or went to sleep on the ground on top of an acorn which grew up with him." Kansas City Star. A Cont. Tho habit of calling tho cont pleco of our American coluugo a "icnny" Is utterly without foundation or oxcuso. Wo hnvo no penuy In our colnngo. At ono thno half cent pieces wero coined, but now tho unit is a cent, thu hun dredth part of a dollar. Wonderful, In tho nrt department a few days ago ouo ot tho students drew tho picture of a hen so lifelike that when alio threw It Into tho wasto basket It laid there. Liverpool Post Qlvo Hor Tims. Mother I hopo you do not allow him to kiss you us yet. Daughter I cannot break him of all his roollsh habits la a mouth, can I? Llfo. Drain Trouble. "Cholly bus brain troublo." "In that so? What klndV" "It troubles him to thlnk'-Boston Transcript Wo havo no right to say that any good work Is too hnnl for us to do. A Steeplejack and An Aeronautess By WILLIAM CHANDLER Wo aro likely to adopt for an occu pation what wo havo a passion for. Tom Gurlcy as soon as ho could walk began to climb over tho furniture, and his mother was in dread lest he get up on to n window sill nnd tumble out A fow years later his placo of blissful rest was a trectop. Then he got to climbing water spouts and trellises on to roofs, nnd by this time, being old enough to go to work, ho became a steeplejack. Emily Radcilffo was built upon simi lar lines to Tom Gurley. Whllo Ebon Radcilffo did not try to prevent his dnughter from risking her neck in an aeroplane, ho wns very much avcrso to her marrying Tom Gur ley, to whom sho had becomo attached. "What do you want to marry a stee plejack for?" ho asked. "He'll break his neck nnd lenvo you a widow." "No moro tlinn I'll como down with a thump in an ncroplnno and leave him n widower," was tho reply. Tom had ono unfortunate trait Ho was 11 spendthrift. Mr. Radcilffo In order to get tho whip hand of him em ployed nn ngent to lend the young man all tho money ho wnnted and draw tho papers In such a way that if tho funds wero not paid at maturity ho could ar rest Tom and Jail him. Of courso tho funds wero not pnld, und a constnblo was sent for Tom. Emily got wind of the move nnd warned her lover. Tom kept nn eye out for suspicious looking persons, nnd when ho saw a man making n beo lino for him ho ran for his natural defense, a church spire. A tall elm stood be sldo tho building, and Tom, catching n lower limb, pulled himself up nnd wns soon In tho topmost branches. Tho constnblo followed him, and Tom. climbing out on n brauch overhauglng tho church, dropped to the roof. The constnblo followed, and Tom, who had climbed tho steeplo beforo and know every projection, climbed up to whoro tho cono uegnn. There was a lightning rod running to a point nbovo tho npox, and Tom w-nt up by it and sat on the ball, holding to tho weather vane. This was moro than tho constable dnred do. Ho descended by tho wny ho had como and, once on tho ground, settled himself to starvo out tho cul prit Ho had a good view of Tom, who must como down sooner or later and glvo himself up. Now it happened thnt Emily needed to do somo shopping that morning and passing tho church saw hor lover cor raled on tho apex of tho church splro nnd tho constnblo below watching him like u dog eying n coon. Sho took In the situation at once. Sho must help her lover out of his embarrassment, but how? Various plans suggested themselves. Thero seemed no wny to help him unless sho could feed him, nnd to convey food to tho top of n steeplo was not au easy thing to do.' "I hnvo It!" sho said presently, and away sho went to put In practice a plau sho had thought of. Going home, sho mndo up a luncheon nnd put it in a pasteboard box, to which sho attached a ball of twine. Then sho got out her aeroplane and, rising In tho air, mado for n point nbovo tho steeplo whero Tom was a prisoner. Tom snw her nnd took henrt Circling nbovo tho spire, sho gradually drow nearer to n point whero sho could lower tho box to Tom. Ho mndo several attempts to catch it and nt last succeeded. Then ho broko tho twine, opened tho box nnd proceed ed to refresh himself. Tho constnblo eyed tho proceeding with chagrin. Ho reported it to his principal, who sent word to him that tho prisoner could not stay whero ho was forovcr, oven with food, nnd to keep 011 tho Job. So tho constnblo had his food supplied from a restaurant. Tom looked down on his enemy entlng comfortably from a tablo brought him for tho purposo nnd wondered which of tho two could hold out tho longer.- When night enmo sovcral assistants wcro thrown around tho church to prevent tho prisoner escaping under cover of tho darkness. Tom winced. Tho weather was chilly nnd lowering, and ho did uot relish tho kind of n bed ho was subjected to for even n slnglo night Emily lay awako that night thinking of her lover on his perch and worried lest ho fall asleep, tumblo off and be dashed to death. If sho could lower a box to Tom why could sho not lower a ropo to which ho might cling nnd thus bo carried away to safety? As soon ns day camo sho arose, got out; hor aeroplano nnd, Insh lug a stout ropo to it, knotted nt inter vals and a nooso nt tho end, sailed for tho jsteeplo. When Tom snw her com lng ho supposed she was bringing him ltls breakfast; but seeing tho dangling ropo, ho snw nt-onro what it meant und felt ovcry confldenco provided Emily could placo It within his reach. As good luck would havo it, sho suc ceeded tho first tlmo sho tried in sail, lng right over him, and tho ropo grazed his shoulder. Tho dangerous part of tho maneuver was leaving his seat without tho ropo bolng wrenched from his hold. Ho mnnnged this doxtrously and ns soon as free from the splro low ered himself to the nooso nnd, getting his legs into it eat on it Tho gunrd below, seeing their prls oner sail away suspended from nu iero. plane, gnvo up tho watch and departed. Tom nlid Emily descended nt a vll logo miles distant from their homo and decided to bo married. After being united by a country pnrson thoy went back to tho brldo's father and wero forgiven. But Tom loft tho profession of steeplo climbing and wont Into busl uess with his fnther-iu-lnw. Remember the Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When requiring hospital care Medically, Surgically, or Obstctrlcally. Horo your Interests and comfort will bo served. It Is not th0 biggest, but ono of tho best places wherein to get well. 1003 West Fourth Street. Dr. J. S. Twinem. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phono Black 633. W. T. rillTCHAltl), Grndnatu Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housfc. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU Quality In Cigars has has been our aim stneo wo began making clgarB in North Platte over thirty years ago. We put quality In tho first cigars we mado, and that samo quality is in tho cigars we make today. Schmalzrled's Cigars havo stood tho test of those moro than thirty years. What creator evidence of quality could you desire? If you have not been smoking Sshmalz dled's cigars, try them thoy aro cer tain to pleaso. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION 66 NABOB" No. 97352 Will make the season ns follows: Tuesdays nnd Fridays at the Hog onsen Feed nnd Snlo Hum, North Platte, beginning April 10th. liulauco of tho week (except Sun day) ut my farm six miles west of North Platte und three fourths of n mllo southeast of Wrdwood switch. Nabob was foaled May 24, 1913, and Imported with his mothor by North & Robinson, of Grnnd Island, in July, l'JiJ. was brcu uy M. Desproz, Depart ment of Omc, in Franco. This horse weighs 1780, is clean and sound in ovory particular, and is as good as you win unu anywhoro. Wo Invito you to come and seo this horsj. Terms $15.00 to lnsuro colt to stand nnd suck. If mares aro disposed of or leave country sorvlco feo bo- comes duo and payable at onco. Cnro will bo taken to prevent ac cidents, but should any occur stallion owner will not b0 responsible. FRANK STROLLBERG, Owner. Itoml No. -lO.",. To all whom It may concern: Tho spoclnl commissioners appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho half section corner between Sections 26 and 35, township 14, range 26, thonco west ono nnd one-half miles on tho section lino botwoon Soctlons 20, 3C, and 27, 34 to the section corner between Sections 27, 34 nnd 28 and 33, township 14, rango 26, hns reported In favor of the same, and all objections thereto or claims for dnmaircR mtiHt tin ll.i in tho offlco of tho county clork on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 25th day ui June, i-jit, or sucn roaa will Do allowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platto this 17th day A. S. ALLEN, County Clork Clin nice of Itoml So. .'tllHV Tho consent petition of H. M. Cllnlte ot nl., asking for a chango of Road No. 310 Vj has been fllcd nnd rends as iouowh: Commencing nt a nolnt or Station No. 29 on Roud No. 319 in tho south east qunrtor of Section 35, town 10, rango 27, running thenco southeasterly on east sldo of canyon and remaining on oast sldo of ennyon through North east quarter of Southeast qunrtor of Section 35, town 10, range 27. and through tho "V. of w v 01 neciton au, town iu, range 27, terminating nt Station No. 37 on Rond No. 319 on Section line between Sec tion 36, town 10, run go 27 and Section 1, town 9, range 27, road to bo 1 rod In ennyon una 3 rous on uanK. All Hurtles objecting thereto or hav ing claims for damages by renson of said change must uio tno same in me office of tho county clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon on tho 25tu day of Juno, 1917, or tho samo will bo granted without referenoo thereto, Dated at North Platte, Nobr., this nth day ot April, ivii. A. 8. ALLEN, County Clerk, Itond Nu. -IOI. Tr nil to whom It mnv concern! Tho special commissioner appointed to locate n nubile road ns follows: Commencing nt the southwest corner ot tho SEU of Section 35, town 9, range zs, running to a point, ono nun ilrml eleven (111) rods north from the northwost corner of said quarter, thenco runnnlng In a northwesterly direction to a point ono hundred six (106) rods enst of the northwest corner of Section 35. town 9, rango 29, thenco wost and terminating at tho Northwest corner of Section 35, town 9, rango 29, linn rnnnrtnd in favor of the same, ex cept that the road Is to go to tho south and west of treo claim nnd to pass nrotind the head of canyon In tho north woBt quarter of Section 35, town 9, range 29, said road to be 40 feet In W Allh'obJectlons thereto, or claims for damagos must bo tllod in the pfflcp of the county clerk on or beforo 12 o clock noon of the 26th day of June, 1917, or such road will be allowed with out ref erence thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 17th day of April, 1917, , ' A. 8. ALEN, County Clerk. OLD LINE LIFEPolicies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. Stnto Mirr. Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. JVotlct" lo Creditors Estate No. 1470 of George Schick, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said cstato will tako notice that tho time limited for presentation and f 11 Intf of claims against said Estate 1b November 18, 1917, and for settlement of said Estate Is April 13, 1918; that I will sit at tho county court In said county, on May 18, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 18, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, ali-mlC County Judge. Sll WHIT'S SAMS By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Joseph R Nothols Is plaintiff, and Henjamln W. Pinch ot al aro do fondants, and to mo dlrocted, I will on tho 12th day of May, 1917, at 2 o'clock 1'. M., at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, soil at Public Auc tion to the highest blddor for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following doscrlbcd property to wit: All of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11), North of Range Thlrty-ono (31), West of tho Cth P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Nob., April 9th, 1917. A. J. SALISBURY, alQmll Sheriff. NOTIOI3 OF l.'lXAlTTtRPOUT Estate No. 1426 of Carrie E. Marti, deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State or Nebraska, to all per sons interested In said Estate tako no tice that tho Executor has nied a final account and report of his administra tion and a potitlon for nnal settle ment and discharge as such, which have boon set for hearing beforo said Court on May 4, 1917, at 2 o'clock p m., whon you may appear and contest the same. Dated April 9, 1917. . GEO. E. FRENCH, alOml County Judge. Notice to Creditor Estate No. 1467 of Lorenzo S. Macom ber, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate Is Novombor 11, 1917, nnd for settlement of said Estate is April 6, 1918: that I will sit at tho county court room In snld county, on Mnv 11. 1917. nt fl o'clock a. m. and on November 11, ui v u uuck a. m. 10 receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims nnd objections duly nied. GEO. E. FRENCH, al0-m8 County Judge. Notice to Creditor Estate No. 14C5 of Caroline Schick, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estato Is November 11, 1917, and for settlement of said Estato Is April 6, 1918; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. nnd on November 11, 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly nied. , GEO. E. FRENCH, al0-m8 County Judge. Nutlet to Creditor Estate No. 1466 of Frank Schick, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors 01 sam cstato win tako notice that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims niralnst salil nntntn In Novombor 11, 1917, and for settlement of snld Estato Is April 6, 1918 r that I win mi ui mo county court room in said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 11, 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and objections duly nied. , UEO. E. FRENCH, a!0-m8 County Judge. Notice to Noii-Ilexldcnt Defendant To Harris, nrst and real name unknown, the son of Svlvin Harris, iin. ceased; and Harris, Hrst and real namo unanown, tno wire or Har ris, the son of Sylvia Harris, deceased, non-resident dofenrlnntR. You and each of you will tako notlco wiii on ino ib tn any 01 March, 1917, Llllle1 M. Dean. Rosa Eshom and Blue ford Anway llled their petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne brasku against vou nml each nt vnn (Impleaded with others), the object and iJiuyor 01 wnicn saiu petition is tor tho partition of the following described lands, to-wlt: All of Soetlnti TiMvn i& In Township Twelve (12), North of Rango Thlrty-ono (31), West of the 6th P. M.; tho South half of the Northeast Quarter (SNEU) and Lots Ono and j. wo iifl2i in section mix (6) in Town ship Twelve (12) North of liimirn Thlrty-ono (31), West of tho 6th P. M.; unu wie oouin nan tsva) or section Thlrty-throo (33) In Township Thirteen (13) North of Range Thlrly.ono (31) West of tho 6th P. M all of said lands bolng located in Lincoln Countv. Ne braska: ond that said Court partition the said lands among the parties en- uuou morcio or it me samo cannot be equitably dono that said lands be sold In the manner provided by law and the proceeds thereof bo divided betwoen tho parties according to their respec tive shares and rights and for such other relief ns may be Just and equit able. You nro renulred to answer nnM nn. tltlon on or beforo tho 28th day of Dated tills 12th day of April, 1917. LILLIE M. DEAN, ROSA ESHO. HLUEFORD ANWAY . Uy C. U RASKINS, al7mll Their Attorney m:ri:iti:i:'s sai.,k. I, O. E. Elder, tho undersigned ref eree. In partition proceedings pending In the district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, in which William A. Wil son Is plaintiff nnd Mrs. Mablo Wilson, William S. McCord and James R. White, guardian of William S. Mc Cord, are defendants, will. In pursu ance of an order therein, soli at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash nt tho east front door of the court house In North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the hour of three o'clock P. M. on April 28, 1917, the following doscrlbed real estate sit uate In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to wlt: All that part of tho Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter (NWV1 of SEU) of Section Thirty (30), Town ship Fourteen (14), Range Thirty throe (33), west of the 6th P. M. ly ing north of the right of way of the Union Pacinc Railroad track through said section; nlso nil of Lots Thirteen (13) Fourten (14), Fifteen (15), Six teen (16) nnd Seventeen (17), Block Two (2), of tho Water Company's Ad dition to tho town Of Ilershev. Lincoln county, Nebraska; and also a parcel of land In Section Thirty-threo (3J), Township Fourteen (14), north of Range Thirty (30), west of the 6th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, known and described ns Lot "G" In the Coun ty Clerk's nlat of .the subdivision nf . Lot Two (2), of the Northeast quarter 1 (NEH) of Section Thirty- threo (SS), I Township Fourteen (14), north of I Range Thirty (SO), west of the 6th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. m!7 O. E. ELDER, Referee. The H. & S. Agency SELLS CITY PROPERTY Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto mobile and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY. We respectfully solict your patronage. LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Oiflco Phones Black or Red 012. DOOLITTLE BUILDING. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notice is hereby given that a special election will bo hold in the city of North Plnttc, Lincoln County, Nebrns- n.i, 111 iituj 10111, jjt 1311, ui ilia 1 places hereinafter specified In the sev- 1 uPnl lirfifdu nt ttm nl.i. frt . Ii n .ill -trcw " ... ul iiiu 1.1 LJ 1 i w . 1110 (fuiyuag of enabling the voters of tho city hav ing tho legal right so to do to voto on tho following proposition, to-wlt: "Shnll tho mayor and council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, have ' tho power nnd bo authorized to Issue ' ten thousand dollars (110,000.00) City of . North Platto Bridge Bonds in denoml- I nations of one thousand dollars 1 (JI.000.00) each dated July 1st, A. D. 1917, due In twenty years from date, but payable at any time after ten years at tho option ot said city, to ' draw Interest nt tho rato of llvo per cent per annum payablo semi-annually, 1 principal nnd Interest payable at the olllco of tho state treasurer of the ' State of Nebraska; said bonds to be , Issued for tho purposo of obtaining money with which to aid In tho con struction of a wagon brldgo across the bouth Platto river, commencing at a I'o'nt on the north bank of the South., I latto river whoro a continuation of the center lino of Locust street In tho ' city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, intersects said north bank m tho southeast quarter (S. E. U) of the southwest quarter (S. W. ) of ??S,on r.c?ur ,n township thirteen (i3?. nohof range thirty (30), west of tho 6th P. M. In Lincoln county, Ne braska, running thenco In a southerly direction across the South Platto river about llfteen hundred (1500) foet to a point on tho south bank of said river l. x" , , 1 ".iu ino. o, uncoin coun cbras'a, at the cast edge of th south end nf tli.s .......? n &L1 ; to. approxi length nnd of sufllclent width for tw ..o iu ,uhb eacn otlior nt anv noli on said bridge and to bo construcleiir wm, i. aml ,Btee1' nnu to compl With tho Plans nml snitnnti.. prepared and furnished by thd state 3 ?i V,f,L.? , tlle sttUo of Nebraska. 3 1 '"' ,". esoniing approximate ono-fourth of tho entlro cost of tWi construction of said bridge as herelrf- lVl?iJ? ,to be approximately forV nf ,nni,niiM1Inrs ($40,000.00) ono-hS f f Nebraska Aid as provided t r inni e ?' cliaptor 28, Sections 123 o 133 Inclusive, of tho Revised Statut s of Nebraska, for the year 1913 n d hnr;fnOU.r,t.h,-0f tn? entlr cSst Is to .0 ,,,L.)!B0;1vIi,;f.c!!!?. ' Line, n .,""', .V. I'cuiiionu, in purftJ' Alffni ?f , thS. Jrisi?' f . Chap'terl 8. of the Revised Statutes of the State ot Nebraska for the year 1913 And shall tho proper olllcers of s: id city bo authorized to levy and coll ct a tax annually In tho samo manner as other municipal taxes may be lev ed and collected In ,an nmount sudlcl .nt to pay the Interest nnd principal fof said bonds as they mature, as prbv (ed by law. until said bonds and InteiUt ?i p!Vd ,a tho proporty within snld city as shown and valued unon i he 2aid8cmvnt V8. ot, 11,0 aMeMwJor JvH 1 y Sald bnd8 are to be njo ovibiLl,3.n iform nn(l th0 interest ehalfbo taciied ' cou"ons to sa'l bondtf tt Shou'ld the State of Jfebraska I all Prr."' ,Sil1'1, al afculil OsJod Precinct In Lincoln CounVy, Nobr.I ka, fall to Issue bonds In the sum ofKen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) inf'atd of the construction of said bridge.! ten tho bonds of tho city of North l'-tto horeln submitted shall not bo ifi'ed. Oi,7.i,ballot8 .to bo used-in said elJ:lon shall havo printed thereon: B- ftin'?(.Ln?ul?ll,Tl!n. Thousand Djllars (S10.000.00) of the city of North matte bridge bonds In denominations offOne Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each far ing Interest nt tho rnte of 5 pe&cnt nor annum payablo semi.nnnunllF ln-imnV- nndu Pr,nc'Pal payable J; the olllco of tho Stato Treasurer of, tho .state of Nebraska, said bonds tflbear date of July 1st. A. D. 1917, il bo duo In twenty years from da but Payable at any tlmo nfter ten yojs at to option of said city, nnd for llbylng and collecting a tax annually If pay the interest and prlncipnl of saldffonds as they mature.." H I'An ATWDm I 1 n. Hi . Dollars ($10,000.00) of City of Jllorth Platto brldgo bonds in denomlStlons nf linn TM.mcin..1 ti-.ii . . . iM n nm I t 1 ..v.uomin loiliirs ! U.UUJ iiiu naming interest at tho ra of 5 im uiMii per annum payablo annually. Interest and prlncipr Sil'l nt, i0 "fl100 of th0 State urer of the Stato of Nebrask Heml- ' pay- Preas- snld in,-; B lKi J,enr. uate or July 1st 1917, and be due in twenty yeaj ilnrn Tint 1 A. D. 1 from ...... UUi f.ijiiuit m nny iiin'iiur ton years nt tho option of said ci', and for levying and collecting a nn- Rafter iiuiuiy to pay the Interest and Pal Of Rfllft hnnHn no . 1. , a Those, voting In favor of sa!iropo- muon snail mark their ballotnjlth a nint. l,oa,no tho parngraphSoeK'n- . ,nRr:,rflor Issuing Ton rrhousfSIl Dol- lars ($10,000.00) of the nty rlNorth A Platto Bridge Bonds," nnd thoslfvotlng against said proposition shnfl mark their ballots with a cross oppdito tho paragraph beginning: "AGAINjf- Issu- imi inousanci Dollnrs ($liuo.oo) ! Brldgo t shall Bonds." "L orul lmuo Pnlllnir nlD r i., .,...1 1,.. -V Y . x ' mini uiuuil w t- i iV lo'owing pinces to-w Jlrst Wnrd nt No. 505 Dewe Illnmnn Building; in tho Secoi 1 .1 court room on the Bee in the Street, WnTfl Id floor i nu. uuiiniy court house lr rnVn,tV.rNo!,rnska' ln said wat Lincoln tn thu ....... ,,, iuu nulIO nousrri ii'iiiieu on Vino street between Sixth rtil Front Itiinted r... i-cm in tiiiiu wnrn nnu in titfr orin S aril, In tho IIoso House sltflited on North Locust street In said wxtd. The polls nt said olectlon shall 'f e kept open between tho hours of 9 .Hock a. m. and 7 n'olnnlr r m nf ont.i ta . ------ J ' .... a... i. i W - - .... E. II. jpANS, Attest: I Mayor. i ' -e'l I ill 4 A NOTICE OK FINAL nRI, IIT. Bonner, of Lln- personrf" i notlcn isiato o. 1433 of John N ucuenseii, in tne Counja. COUl coin County, NobrnslxjL Interested In. Bald Estato tn mni me Aiimmistrntrix has ft a nnal ncouni ana report of her n tlon nnd n petition for llnnl and discharge ns such, which mistrn tlement ivo been m'i xor Hearing nororo said co 18, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. t on May nen you me. mnv iiiiuuiir nnu coniesi mo Dated Anril 20. 1917. . QEO. VS. I, ENCII, y Judge. a2t-3w Cou Estate No. 1469 of Ilenr; J. Co Lincoln nagon, deceased, In tho County Court County, Nobrnska. Tho State of Nebraska, of said estate will take the time limited for pres Creditor tlce that itlon and Estntn tn November 11. 1917, and foifiettlement of said Estato Is April 6, Ml 8; that I will sit at the county c. room In said county, on May llfc)17, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on IjM:mber li, 1917, , at 9 o'clock a, mff recelv, examine, hear, allow, orfdlust all claims and objections djMnied. OEO. WJRENCn. ruing or claims against s alO-mS Mity Judge.