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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1917)
Semi-Weekly Tribune UtA L. HAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; One Year by AInll In Adrnnce. . . .fl.2o One Year by Carrier In Advance. .glJiO Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofflce aa Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, FKIIKUAIIY 20, 11)17. MU A'ETKMIANCK AT TUB MAS0.UK11AIM: OAXCIJ The Bocond annual masquerade of tho Yeoman drill team was hoid Fri day evening at the Lloyd opera liouae, tho capacity of which was taxed by the numbor of dancore and spectators. Stamp's orchostra furnished an on Joyablo program and tho masquers mndo merry until eleven o'clock when tho prize wore nwanlod and the sig nal glvon to unmask. Clown, dorklw, llpwer girls and buttorillos wore no tlcod among the costumos. Mrs. W. J. Lnndgraf and Charles Thornburg wore awarded the prlzo, for the comic coun try couple. Mis Huth Decker mis J considered tho prettiest Japanese girl; Roy Lvmm as a farmer took first comic gentlemen' prize and Miss Farn Wllnon us Sis Hopkins took tho Indies' comic prize. Judgos were A. J. Salisbury, Arch Deacon Uowker and E. II. Dickey. About two hun dred dollars were paid nt the door and thin amount will bo added to the thir teen hundred dollars In the troasury to be used In defraying tho expenees of the team to tho national conclave In June and to provide now uniforms. Tho drill team was awarded a prlzo nt tho conclave In Doei.lolne two yonrs ago for their appearance and drill work. itOii (Joveriiincnt Road Policy. I In answer to nn Inquiry from Stato, Knglnoop JohnBon tho secretary of ng- rlculturo ha written Mr. Johnson as follows: "Fodoral aid nlffney may bo usod In tho costructolon of woll-graded and drnlned oarth roads that are substan tial In character, with permanent bridgos and culverts, provided thnt In ench case thoy adequately moot the truffle needs. "This- dopartmont would hnve no objection to tho dlstrbutlon of fodoral funds In your stato among th0 coun ties on tho basis you outline, nnmely, that they will bo applied to tho con struction of ulnotocn projects during the flvo year porlod, those) projocts. Whon completed, to form a continu ous system of roads and each projoct to bo completed In a continuous man ner." Those answers aro said to complete ly satisfy many Nobruskans who wore In doubt, as to tho jo(lcy or tho fodoral government. The prosont legislature lit lo deal with tho qusBtlon or raising stnto funds to moot tho government's conditional appropriation of money for public road building. Scores of Local Marksmen. The Sunday llco published a Hat of tho uvorngoa mado by proml nont marksman durmg tho year 191C. Appearing In tho list aro sovoral North Platto moil, M. F, Hosier nhot at 1870 targots. brok0 1094 and mado an uvorugo of .9058 per cent; Kolth Novlllo shot at 150 targets, broko 1159 and made a porcontago of .7977; Ralph Starkoy busted away at 2145 targots, broko 1959 with a porcontago of .9232; Geo. Wlnkowlteh wont up ngalnst 1330 tar gots, broko 1024 and had a pereontngo .7009. C. C. Tappan, tho sandhill shooter, living In Logan county load all others, his porcontago bolng .9449. 3IHS. CASTLE IN THOU IT EI) TO I SOUTH PLATTE AUDIENCE. Mrs. Vernon Caetle, famed as a so ciety dancor, mndo her Introductory bow to North Platt0 people at the Keith Friday erenlng to a crowded house. Not In person did Mrs. Castle appear, but In tho opening episode of the photo pkiy sorlal of "Patrla," In j which she so successfully appears lnt the stellar and tltle role. This story, ...Ill tttn..n ...nnl.a. rl.lf WUUIIl Will lull IVJI ilinjuu nuuivni tvitii two reels at each showing, opened with thrilling situations thnt woro in tensely Interesting, and promise to both develop and unravel war time socrots and plots not altogether Im probablo In tho Unltod State, As the star of tho production Mrs. Caetle showed up strong In thB open ing episode and her support lg splen did. The 'production of this play will undoubtedly pack the Keith each Fri day evening. ::o:: city and nornvTY news. Card of Thanks. Wo cxprosso our slncoro thanks to neighbors and frlonds and to monibors of tho I. O. O. F M. W. A., A. O U. W W. and Mooso lodges for tholr kind ness following tho donth of tho lato Horman Kosbau and son Harry, and for tho beautiful llpml offerings. .... MRS. 11. KOSBAU and SON... For Sale Sevora: good Poland China Honrs. Inquire of W. W. Ulrge. Mrs. F. J. Wurtlo returned Saturday evonlng from Donvor whore she vUIt ed for a weok. Mm. M. V.vMitchell loft tho latter part of last week for a visit with frlonds In Leington ami Kearney. Miss Uoldle Wolls.of Lexington, Is expertod hero this week to visit hor brother Harry Wells for a abort time. Mrs. John GInappo, of Brady, who visited last weok with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ouhn'otto, roturnod home Satur day evonlng. B. A. Garllchs loft Saturday evening for Willow Springs Mo., to locate on a farm thoro. Mrs. Garllchs will leavo next weok. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin arriv ed hero Saturday ovonlng from South Omaha to visit at tho Baldwin and DIoner homos. Mrs. Georgo Shlndlo, of Cheyenne, who hnd beon visiting Mrs. Millard i Hoslor for soveral woeks, wont to Om jaha tho latter part of last wosk. j Tho Luthoran aid Boclcty .wlll moot I Thursday aftornoon at tho home of Mrs. Frank Brotzor, 707 west Ninth streot. A largo attondanco Is desired. By all moans when In need of any thing in tho silk lino suitable for waists, skirts, drosHes or trimming you will find it and tho noVest at Tho Ltador Morcantlle Co.'s. If tho pnrty wljo mado tho raid on Mrs. Bdwnrd nobhauson'a chlckon coop Sunday ovonlng will return nnd tnko tho remaining bantams It will savo hor buying food for them. "So far as I know," said BUI Rosb Saturday, "ovorybody In the north part of tho county Is happy and con touted. President Wilson has kept us out ol war and Shorlff Salisbury has kept us out of Jail. What moro could wo ask." Tho World Herald of Saturday pub lished a notice stntlng that Tyrone Kcegan hud lllod suit for divorce from Raymond Koognn at Fremont on tho grounds of dosortlon. Both woro for mer rosldents hero and Mrs. Kcogan was Miss Tyrono Wlnkoleman. She asks for alimony and the custody of the; Inrnnt child, ChnB. B. Hoffhlno, a formor clork In tho district foreman's offlco nnd who iw'hh transforrod to Choyonno ton years ago, loft tho latter plnco Sun day to accept aposltion In tho stock moh'a National Bank at Casper, Wyo., For a couplo of ycar paBt Mr. Hoff hlno hns beon chief accouutnnt in tho maator mechanic's office. In Choyonno. ::o:: Card of Tluiuks. To tho frlonds and nqlghborB who gavo us tholr assistance bo gonor ously during tho alcknesa nnd follow ing tho death of our son, wo oxtond our heartfolt thanks. Tho holp of thoso kind frlonds nnd noighbors enmo at a tlmp whon It could not havo boon moro a'pproclnled, Thanks aro also oxtonded for tho llornl trldutos. MR. and MRS. S. WORKMAN. TCHELL 412 E. Third St., North Platte, Neb. Tel. No. R-104 is an authorized subscription representative of The Ladies' Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post and Put the price of a few hours of farm labor into a subscription for the na tional farm weekly, and save yourself many hours of labor and money and worry for a year to come. Every crop, every kind of farm question is cov ered by The Country Gentleman. Practical farmers, stockmen, dairy men, orchardists, write for it. It has correspond ents in every state. How to get back out of your land the money you put in it is the big idea behind The Country Gentleman. It deals with selling farm crops as well as growing them. 300,000farmersbought it when it was $1.50 a year. Now it is $1 a year 52 issuesevery week. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Independence Square, Philadelphia 0ne of Nature's Mysteries.' One of tho most sudden changes ki animal llfo revealed In geologic history took place about tho. close of tho meiwzolc era, or ago of reptiles, as It Is sometimes popularly called. In inosozolc time tho iiion powerful ani mals were huge Innd reptile, kuowt' as dinosaurs, whose bones hare been found in abundance In the Rocky mountain region. At or near the end of mosozolc time these great monsters suddenly disappeared from tho western country as well as from tho remainder of the world. They left no dosccud uits, but lii the following ago of mam. uials. or tenozolc era, their places as uilers of the earth were taken by the mammals. Tho cause of tho disap pearance of tlieso great reptiles has lieeii a matter of rather fruitless spec ulation. Any explanation which will bo acceptable must also account for the disappearance of u great many forms of animal llfo and tho grcnt modification of most of tho others, both on land and In the sen. Some general :'uusc which would bring about changes in cllmnte and other conditions of llfo seems to bo a necessary part of any satisfactory explanation. Friction Skins. Several theories huve been advanced to cxplnin the corrugations of lingers, palms and soles, but the most plausible one Is that expressed by tho term "fric tion skins," given by Mrs. Harris II. Wilder. Not only man, but nil tho mon keys and upes hnve such ridges on tho skin of tlio grasping part of their hands and feet. And, strangely enough, tho American opossums and tree porcu pines, Australian phalangcrs and South American monkeys have just such cor rugations on their tails. The openings of the ducts of the sweat glaudu uro along tho tops of the ridges. They supply the slight moisture thnt Is necessary to proper grasping. The Journal of Heredity, In a long study of band and foot prints, romnrks that a man Instinctively moistens the palms of his hands when he wishes to grasp securely. The pattern of linger prints is gen erally heredltnry, but every individual develops his own details. KAILltOAD NOTES Registered Bulls for Sale We have a few head of these good Hereford and Shorthorn Bulls. The men who know good cattle are buying them. You cannot duplicate them anywhere away from home for the money, saying nothing of your time and extra expense. At the Old Stock Yards. W. H. TURPIE. Engineer Georgo Wlnkowlteh ha.3 gono to Excelsior Springs, Mo., to re main for two weeks. J. Waltor Adams went to Omaha Friday afternoon to visit with his wlf j and sons for sovoral days. Alox Fcnwlck loft Friday morning for Choyonno to visit with hla daugh tor Mrs. Hlllard Rldgoly. Engineer Klrko Sturdovnnt who w3 transferred to Pocatello sovoml months ago, returned hero Friday. Englneor Watklns la expected homo today from Excolsky Springs whore h0 has boon staying for soiuq time. C S. Sawyer, Jr., camo down from Choyonn0 last weok to visit his par ents and tnko an examination for conductor. A. D. Sklmmorhom, of Omaha, sup- orlntondnot of tho Union Pacific B. & B. dopartmont, spent tho lntter part of last .week liero on business. i Harry Lowoll, who has been off duty as passongor brakeinnn for somo tlmo on account of Illness, left Sunday ovonlng for Kansas City to visit for several wooks. ,v., Switch englneor Harry Hart had a log scalded and recolvcd a bad scalp wound oarly Sunday morning whon two switch onglnos side swlppel each othor In tho yards Both engines woro running vory slowly at tho tlmo. Union Pacific surveyors are now at Burns making tho survoy for the doublo track that will be constructed this summer from Archer to a point two miles east of Pino Bluffs. This will complete tho double track from North Platto to Choyonno. i ::o:: Ancient Chinese Ingenuity. Wo aro assured that tho taxlcab is no new thing, being In Its general prin ciples n thing known to the ancient Romnns. But now an orientalist goes oven further and asserts thnt mechan ical carts capablo of registering dis tances traveled by counting nnd re cording tho revolutions of very large cartwheels, connected by cogs with other concentric or eccentric horizontal and perpendicular wheels of propor tionate diameters, .have been well known to tho Chlneso for 1,700 or 1.S00 years. On tho top of tho cart was the llguro of a man holding a drum, which ho beat when one II, n third of a mile, was traveled. Somo carts had In ad dition a flguro holding a cymbal, which was struck when tho drum had been beaten ten times. Painful Accident. r .. . r.i i ,i I.... j working with a tract1 jn engine, Chas. J Stark accldently got his right arm caught in a wheel. The motion of tho mnchlno twisted and pulled tiio arm almost In twain at tho olbow. There was a complete severance of nerves and blood vessels, and separation of tho bonos at tho joint. Dr. Vandlver 1b treating tho tpatlont, who Is resting well under tho circumstances. Ognl alla Tribune, , :::: V. J. IMENEE & CO. Reni Estate nnd Insurance Come and see us for town lota in different parts of the city. .Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sta- upstairs. : :o: : Protty, snappy spring stylos In wom en's tailor mado suits and coats are now toeing shown by tho Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. Drop In tho storo and ask to bo shown. Tracer Shells. It is one thing to stop a hostile bat tery in an artillery duel and nnother problem altogether to hit it Tho lo cality may bo well known, but the range difficult to determine. To sim plify matters in this respect "tracer" shells are used. Into tho base of the shell a metal cuso Is screwed contain ing a material which is self Igniting as tho projectile rushes through space. For night operations tho material used In the "tracer" bursts Into u brilliant Hume, but by day tho "tracer" leaves a trail of dense black smoke. By this meuns the gunners nro able to watch and tlmo the shell right up to tho mo ment tho explosion tnkes place, and by knowing the locality in Vhlch tho shell bursts tho adjustment to tho range of the target Is comparatively a simple matter. London Mail. If -HotSpot"1 Every household needs a HOT SPOT gas room heater. A quick clean hea without dirt, soot or smoke. North Platte Light and Power Co. A2I8 We Are Always Ready to Talk with you about your building plans, furnish estimates on your lumber and material bills, and to impart any information we may be able to give. We don't expect an order every time you -.hove in sight, and will just naturally be glad to see you at any time. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. i North Platto, Nebr. i Just an Accident. Two boys hnd Indulged iu a physical? ! encounter on tho playground. At tho I end of the affray they were summoned ' before the teacher to give an account of their misdeeds. One of them had a bloody nose. Tho teacher looked upon I tuis suiiguinary luuiuru niiu uurror and endeavored to Instill In Its intllctor certnln pacific principles. "Now, Billy," she said, "I think you ought to apologize to Jlmmle." "nuh! I ain't n-goln' to apologize for no accident!" Billy nuswered. "Accident? Why, Billy, how can you call it an accident? Didn't you intend to hit Jlmmle on tho nose?" "No, mom, I didn't. I swung fer his eye an' missed!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Settling a Bill. When Andrew Jackson lived at Salis bury, N. O., ho onco nttended court at Rockford, then tho county seat of Sur ry, and left without paying his bill, which was duly charged up against him on tho hotel register, which seems to havo been tho hotel ledger at that time, and so stood for many years. When tho news of tho victory o? tho 8th of Janunry, 1S15, was received in this then remoto section tho old landlord turned back tho leaves of tho register, took his pen and wroto under tho ac couut ngalnst Andrew Jackson, "Settled In full by tho battlo of New Orleans." Pills to Prevent Earthquakes. "I remember," says Addison hi the two hundred nnd fortieth Tntler, "when our whole islnud was shaken with an earthquako somo years ago tliero was an impudent mountebnnk who sold pills which, ns he told tho country people, were 'very good against nn earthquake.' "London Sat urday Review. Head Work. "Maria, you'll novor bo ablo to drlvo that nail with a llatlrou. For heav en's sake, use your head !" ndmonlshed Mr. Stuhblns. Ami then ho woudered why sho would not speak to him tho rest of tho day. Puck. Johnny's Reasoning. - Snndny School Teacher What is con Bcleuce, Tommy? Tommy An inward monitor. Sunday School Teacher And what is a monitor, Johnny? Johu ny An Ironclad boat Chicago News. Their Charges. Lady I want to suo my husband for divorce. Lawyer What are your charges? Lady-Wbat nro yours first? Boston Transcript Do ns well ns you enn today, and perhaps tomorrow you may bo able to do better. Rev. John Newton.