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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1916)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Jnmes Bakor hns accepted a position with the Marti meat market. Attorney James Kecfo transacted business In Paxton yosterday. Dean Bowker spont the first of the week In Denver and Choycnno. Attorney Byron Obcrst transacted EVANS MAKES HE I'M TO SENATOR HITCHCOCK J, E. Evans, of this city,4 along with raay 'othor repuibllcans In this city and county, received a circular let ter from Senator Hitchcock, demo cratic 'candiddLc tfor United States senator, asking for Mr. Evans sup pert. In reply, Mr. Evans sent the legal business In Chappcll Wednesday. I Sector the following: Dear Sir: ltlng this week with Mrs. Fred Hnr-nlsh. I am In receipt of your circular let ter of 17th Inst, asking for support for Tlio Phllalthea clasn was entertained returning to the United States senate, Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Robert and inviting a perusal icf a laudatory Arnol,f folder sent out with tno letter. i i . t. i . I I havo boon for the past few years uamca oiuuoru, 01 -uion, yhu ,,,. Mn(,- nf ,,, nnni,PpBBln,,nl his sister Miss Isabello Stafford here W(j g(jt thjj factg A miS WCeK. . . . f rf)n,l an1f.1nili!nnr mm. ..vs.- - Tho ladles auxiliary of tho B. of L. palgn circulars to know how you stood F. and E. held a luncheon at tho Gem and what you helped to do as senator. Tuesday afternoon. In your lettor yousay you think Henry Clark, who was operated upon yur rccord 8hou,d J" 11,0 BPPrt nt a Inrnl fimmltm rncontlv. will re- 01 w" wuiueo uiwr Biiui.ur tu " ' I . m 11... I 1 ... . ... I sinnu ior mio interests 01 1110 people and to represent the west. Mrs, John TucKer, wno nas necn Wero you Benat0r. standing un for visiting rolatlves In Beatrice for two tll0 interest of tho people when you weeks, win return xuesuay. vote,i minions to pump water into dry Let Landeraf & Hoca do your paint- rivers like the Trinity and the Brazos Ing. paper hanging and decorating. maKo ury creeic neus navigamcf Phono Black 092 or Black C70. 23tf Were you, senator, representing the . . west when you voted to donate nine A marriago license was granlcdl .... .,, (lfmlm, ,, ,n Bll(1 Wednesday to Miss Mario Willbcrger B0Utu whlle you compcl our own pooplo and Thomas J. Kelly, of Horshoy. ,.,, snMa .,. . ,,,. , I Mrs. M- R. Hcldonbrad and Mss. I. pay $55 an aero to got water on their C. Holdenbrand, of Tryon, are visit- land? ing this week with local friends. Tor Rent After tho 20th A oozy homo consisting of 7 rooms. Modern excont heat. Phono Red 151. 80tf Rev. Ives of Ogalalla, conducted services at tho Episcopal church this when you ,troUucod tho ammunition weeK uuring u)0 ausentu ui uvun ouw ker. Wero you, senator, standing up for tho west when you voted to place a prctectlvo tariff on everything grown in tho, south and to 'place everything grown in tho west on tho free list? Wero you, senator, playing politics others. embargo, but which tho president sat down on, or did you Introduce the Angus Mac Lean, of Lexington, bill to "tickle the Gormarts?" For camo a few days ago ta accopt a po- now you are asking support because sltion In tho Rlncker Book and Drug you have supported tho administration Store. I No doubt, senator, you thought Intro rHnnnl Uhflrtv is our rlftht to do as duc,nS that bill a Bmart political move, " I -r L - 4. . 1 A wo please Just so long as wo don't in- " " houou torfero with tho liberty and rights of " " "8 inougn you uiu not mean ro, No. Mr. Senator. I do not Intend to BIsho'p Georgo A. Bcechor, of Hast- ivo you my sUDDort after rCadlne ings will conduct tho services nt tho ym)c rccorii 0f caucus. rulo oxtrava Church of Our Saviour on Sunday, No- ganC0) your nogiect of tho interests of Vembor Bth. tho country an n. whnln nnil ORnnH.illv For Ron' -VIms room ho't nt !iC3 of tho west, your buncomb embargo West Seventh St Modorn except heal, hill to "tlcklo the Germans" and tho Inquire of Thos. Siraants, 303 South ninny hundred roll calls you failed to Cheilnut. . 8 1 Cr vote. All ci which loads mo to believe r w.i... wo would bo much hotter represented Davenport, Iown, to visit relatives for i ... i- w n w it j 4IVIU1IIH iuuivii Miss Fauuno iiotn, ot umnnn, wno The coroner's lurv. called to lnvos has boon visiting Mr., and Mrs. Carl Mwifo tho recent wreck on tho Burllnc Rrodbock for two weeks, win leave ton nuar smlthflold, returned tho fcl- tomorow morning. lowlnir vordlct Tuesday: . .. w . Carl A, Larson, of Gothenburg, and "Wo find that tho parties killed camo ... . . L . . ... Miss Mary Elliot):, of Brady, wero to tnoir death in the night of tho flf granted a marriago llconso by County toonth of Octobor, 101G, through fall Judgo Fronch Tuesday afternoon. lur of tho conductor and flagman of I tlln aftrnnrl aonH.nn nf l.fin train XTn , , ... I v 'tllU hllllll IW. Make your wans cozy ana nomoiiKo 1M tQ fl th h section: also that now, you win enjoy tno stormy uays Hl n n n . Ki4nM nan XT P, TVT flnt wfill fin fa lit r M uwvv4 sponsible In that It did not furnish to got dobi resmis. ,u. uB tho propor accommodations for the VAV..UOITU bvin "" nr nrnnn n...ln.n..f I Mrs. C. A. Buthohard, of Gothenburg, runnln(r ,., ,t B,.mv ,,J who submitted a an oporatlon at the tll0 tostimony that the two engines in North Platto General hospital rocont- U80 on tho trans nbovo mnnUnnn,! worn . a k d I I ly, loit ror nor nomo vveunosuay ai- runnnff without head llchts. And tho ternoon. Mr. Butchard arrived horo 0i B & Qi rnUrod company Is furthor that morning to accompany nor homo. r0BnOnslblo In that it does noL nrovldo IIOIX ' I n rrpnt n (Inrlnir Min nltrhf n mnn Mm I (Signed) J. E. EVANS." ii ft - To tho Volern of Lincoln County Uralnmon inDarmed as to their rolatlvo . I have been informed by friends that! ne report is uuuig Hiuiiauiuoi ui , . tim HI .11 I ? !fl iltatneil on tho border until snrlnK. Wnntou-Uoom in private family by i .t i hrontloman. Innulro ut this nffin. 1 nil i iur i win urn un 11111111 iti iikhiiiiil' i ho duties of County Attorney should I Miss EIbIo Soamnn, who spont tho io elected to Uint office. summer with relatives In eastern I deslro to stato that this report Is points, returned horo last evening. nttrely without foundation and thnlt If W. J. Hondy loft yosterday Cor Mul-J 1fn Alrrhtv.tlv vnllf.a twit!!. jlrttltlrrl he dutioa or tho offlco January 1st, , ... .... ..... .. v, .. ., omuuuanwr bis which no nnu aoiu 101 lectcd I will bo on bund to assume 917. Respectfully, P. R. HALLIGAN. :;os:- JACOII FAWCETT Cuiulldato for Judgo I'vwcott was born In Wlscon n. Ho studied law and wns admit to tho bar In Galena. 111. In 1889 . camo to NobraBkn, locating nt Ora u rcsldont of that placo. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Om aha, who wero visiting their daughter Mrs. Charles McNnmara, roturncd to their homo Wodnosday ovenlng. REST TEST THE PROHIBITION Does Increase the Tax Burden Absolute proof is at hand that prohibition has enormously increased the tax burden for the Kansas farmer and property owner. So great is the burden of taxation in prohibition Kansas that half the counties in that state find themselves in serious financial difficulties. HERE IS THE PROOF: (From the Topeka "State Journal" of Dec. 7, 1915) "MUST RAISE LIMIT" 'One-Half of Kansas Counties in Financial Mire" Bond Issues, Economy or Legislative Relief Only Hope" "Fifty per cent of the counties of Kansas will be forced to adopt sweeping economy measures or. issue bonds to cover deficits in their general revenue funds, unless the next legislature raises the limit of the general revenue tax levy, according to men in touch with the financial condition of counties over, the state," The reason for the heavy tax burden under prohibition is not far to seek. Under prohibition, it becomes necessary to prosecute in court every year thousands of persons having alcoholic beverages in their possession. Each such case costs the county about $50, according to the Topeka, Kan. "State Journal" of August 29, 1916. This paper also states in the same issue that in Topeka alone, there are 106 such cases docketed for the September term of court. This is the con dition in one Kansas county, at one term of court alone. Kansas spent $701,944.40 in the last two years to maintain the inmates of her state prisons, while Nebraska spent less than half that sum. WHO CARRIES THE TAX BURDEN? It is interesting to observe how the prohibition politician always mam ages to unload the increased burden of taxation on the farmer and on the. property owner. In Kansas the state tax levy for 1916 is equal to 6.5 mills on a one-fifth valuation, and in Nebraska it is only 6.1 mills on a one-fifth yam ation. In order to deceive the people and keep the state tax levy from mounting sky-high, the prohibition politicians in Kansas simply raised the assessed valuation of farm lands many millions of dollars this year. HERE IS THE PROOF : (From the Topeka "State Journal" of Oct. 5, 1916) "Twice has he ( Governor Capper, the prohibv tionist) handed the ' FARMERS a package, by raising the valuations of their farm land, in order to raise more taxes, yet he permitted the railroads and corporations to go at the same old rate" GOVERNOR CAPPER OF KANSAS HAS PUBLICLY ADMITTED THAT THE VALUATION OF KANSAS PROPERTY WAS BOOSTED $79,000,000 IN 1915 FOR PURPOSES OF TAXATION. THIS IS TYPICAL OF THE PROHIBITION POLITICIAN EVERY WHERE. HE RIDES INTO OFFICE ON THAT ISSUE, AND THEN PROMPTLY PUTS THE BURDEN OF INCREASED TAXATION BROUGHT ABOUT BY PROHIBITION, ON THE . FARMER AND ON THE PROPERTY OWNER. The squares shown below will appear at the TOP of the ballot. An X marked in square 301 is a vote AGAINST PROHIBITION. Yes 300 I I Shall the above and foregoing amend -No ment to the Constitution be adopted? 301 Xp The Nebraska Prosperity League M Is the Test of Time. Years ago this North Platto resldout ia, whoro ho successfully practiced told of good rosults from using Doan's w until hn urna nlnntwl .Ti.ileft of fhn IVlunoy i'lUS, 1NOW AUgUSl ACKOmUUW .. ....... .. ...... " rnlonil fnfmnn OA strict Court In 1605, Ho was ro- 8tr0ot. confirms tho former statement ootofl four years later. In 1908 ho says thoro has boon no return of a anointed Judgo of tho Sunromo tho trouble Can North Platto peonlo .lift v flnvnriint Rlinlrimi ist unrvn ask for inoro convincing testimony? til tho general election In 1009., nt ro:r k'm.10V Pma fflP MUTUAL JiIE ucn umo no was oieciou lor a uiu imckacho and kidney troublo and they III I UlW.ll UU ia MUn LUIUl'lUtltiK I "WWII a J u. imiuo lH MbttVO. ur years atro ho was oloctod by hla bouovo tnoy are tno host Kidney meu J.. .. t..j ucino to bo had. It has boon over u WuK umui thr0Q yoarfl now 8,nco X U80 rjoun's OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION President, L. F. CROFOOT Treasurer, W. J, COAD Send tor our literature. IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE Secretary, J. B. HAYNES OMAHA, NEBRASKA INSURANCE CO. Founded 1SS0. In that capacity has at all tlmoa Kjdnoy Pills and my health has own It's tho household word In Western jslded In tho absouco of tho Chief Bplondld, not a symptom ot kldnoy NnhrnMtn. n'n nii T.lnn. Mm host renn, ... .. . IiiI.1a .tnH ICtntnmnnl linn 1 1 inn (iianiii (11 . 1 1 1 1. iiiii.i . w . w u.t.u. u.w v v ... v . i ... tii . i. l . . .1 bock, In 1015, hl8 associates Joined B'n juoic, Mr. Ackorman said: Uavlnga bank and Insnranco that In- n wrmon requital, io uio Kovornoni.Kldnoy troublo of which Doan's aures. Thoy all buy It. his appointment au Chief Justice. U now a camlldato for olcctlon to t office on tho non-partisan ballot. (e Fawcctt la a man or vigorous lth, ot wldo oxporlonco and fear- . , . .. tt ml.. in mo uisciinrgu 01 iiih uuui'u, iim Interests ot Nebraska will bo -Adv. Kidney Pills cured mo has shown no qlgno o roturnlng. I certainly rocom- menu worn, nigiuy ror naving porma" nently rid mo of tho sufforlng I en dured sovoral years ago. Prlco DOo, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy go: Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho same that Mr. Ackorman has twlco publicly roc- ommonded. Fostor-MUbum Company, Props., Buffalo, N, Y. "Thoro Is n Itonson" For furthor Information Phono, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Hna NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA, IV. J. HOLDERNESS Eectrlcnl Supplies Wiring Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phono 175. Makes a Spoclalty of Farm Solos, Puro Bred Llvo btocK ana ileal ttsiato, Tortus Reasonable. E. L. JONES, Up-to-Dnto Auctioneer. Phono Maxwell Stato Bank at My Exponso for Dates. MAXWELL, NEB. DEIIHYBEIIHY & FOBBES, Licensed Embalmcra ' Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. ,Nlght Phono Black 583. Rags, for a short time $1.00 per 100. Must be sacked. Paying a good prlco for all kinds ot motals and rubbor. Bones $10 per ton, but must bo dry. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. Phones Offlco 333 Res. Black 513 I)B. HAROLD A. FENNER Osteopath. 6 Reynold Building Offlco hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Notice, Tho defendants, Robert S. Hoppor and Mrs. Robert S. Hoppor, his wife, first namo unknown, will tako notice that on the 2nd day of October, 191C, tne piainun ncrein, trances A. iion nott, filed her petition in tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against saiu uercnuaniB, tno object and prayer of which Is to forecloso a certain mortgago executed by tho de fendant, Robert S. Hopper, as a slnglo man, to the plaintiff herein upon tho following dscribdd real estate, to-wlt: The Southeast quarter of Section G, Township 15 North, Rango 30 "West, In Lincoln County, Nobraska, to secure the payment of ono certain promissory noto dated at Freeport, Illinois, on Uio 9th day or Sptembor, 1914, duo two years after date, for tho sum of Threo Hundred and no ono hundredths ($300.00) Dollars, drawing interest at tho rate of Boven per cent per annum payable semi-annually, until due, and ten per cent per annum after due. That thoro was duo upon said noto at tho dato of tho filing of tho petition herein tho sum of Threo Hundred and Forty- eoven and 97-100 ($347.97) Dollars with interest thereon at tho rate ot 10 per cent per annum from said dato. Plaintiff prays for a decree that tho defendants bo required to pay tho same or that tho premises above des cribed may bo sold to Batlafy tho amount found duo and for such othor rellof as is Just and oqultablo. You and each o you aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho 11th day of December, 191G. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1910. FRANCES A. BENNETT, By MULDOON & OBERST. o24nl7 Her Attorneys. Notice of Guardian's Snlo of Land Notice is hereby given that by vir- tuo of a llcenso Issued to mo, tho un dersigned Guatdlan of Amalia R. FrenzeJ, Incompetent, by the District Court of Otoe County. Nebraska, up on October 16, 1916, authorizing mo to sell tho interest and estate of said Amalia R. Frenzel in tho lands here inafter described for tho purpose of re-Investment of tho proceeds of said sale, I, the said Guardian, will, upon tho 11th day of November, 1916, alt ten o'clock a. m., at tho front door of tho Court Houso In North Platto, In Lincoln County. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to tho highest bidder for cash, ithe undivided one- ninth interest and estate in feo sim ple of said Amalia ,R. Frenzel in tho following described real estate situ ated In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho Northwest Quarter of Section 35; tho Northeast Quarter of Section 35; the West Half of tho East Half and the East Half of the West Half of Section 18; the Northeast Quarter of Section 13; the South Half of tho - Southeast Quarter of Section 12, all In Township 16, range 28. Said salo will be mado subject to tho approval of tho District Court of Otoo County, Nebraska, and will bo subject to tho rights or tho present tenants upon said sovoral tracts of land reserving all rents and right of possession thereof until March lsit, 1917. Said salo will be hold open for ono hour. Sale will be mado for cash payable upon approval of salo and dellvery.ot deed of myself as Guardian, Joined In by myself individually as husband or tho said Amalia K. Frenzel. Nebraska City, Nobraska, Octobor 16th, 1916. O. HERMAN FKENZISJj, Guardian of Amalia R. Frenzel, Incom petent, Nebraska City, Nebraska. WM. H. PITZER and EDWIN ZIMMERER, Attorneys, ol7n 3 Nebraska City, Nebraska. Notice of Petition. .Estate No. 1441 of Elizabeth Whiting deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons lnterestea in uam estate iaito notice that a petition has been filed for the Probate of tho Foreign Will of Eliz abeth Whiting, deceased and tho ap pointment of Edward S. Whiting ns Administrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on November 17, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated October 18, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, o24nl4 County Judge. Notice to Creditors Estate No. 1437 of Herman A. Erb, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: creditors of said estate will tako notlco that tho time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato Is May 24, 1917, and for settlement of said estato Is October 20, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on November 24, 1916. at 9 o'clock a. m., and on May 24, lvu, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, exam ine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. JU. FHUNUH, o24n21 County Judge. Notlco of Petition. Estato No. 1438 of Bortha Hocquel, deceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all per sons Interested In said Estate taito notlco that a potition has boon filed f6r tho appointment of Frank Ebolo which has been set for hearing here in on November 3, 1916, at 8 o'clock n. m. Dated Oct. 7, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, olQ-31 County Judgo. Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phone Black C33. TV. T. PBITC1IIARD, Graduato Veterinarian Notlco to Creditors. Estato of Renatto Folchert, de ceased in itho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Btato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako notlco that the tlmo limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said Estate is May 17, 1917, and for settlement of said estato is Oct. 11, 1917; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Nov. 17, 1916, at 9 o'clock a, m., and on May 17, 1917, at 9 o'clock Eight years a Government Vetorlnar- a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, lan. Hospital 218. south Locust St, r Uust all claims and objections ono-half block southwest ot the e QEO. E. FRENCH, Court Housft. Couuty Judge.