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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1916)
i) (Tribune. THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH' PLATTE, NEB. OCTOBBER 24, 1916. No. 81 emt WANTS T)00 DAMAGES FOR DEATH OP BABBITS Jttmcs A. Ward has filed suit In the county court against Walter V. Hoag land and Moso McFarland for $503.00 damago caused by dogs, which it is charged belonged to the defendants and were allowod to run at largo. These dogs, it is alleged, broko Into the yard of tho plaintiff at 502 west Front street September 21st, and killed sev-ority-olght Belgian hares which wore enclosed in a section of the grounds surrounded with wlro netting. Tho plaintiff says tho damago to the fence, cages and other property was $15 and tho hares killed were worth $253. Mr. Ward claims that ho had been In tho pet stock business for some time and had collected stock of tho first class and established a roputatton for such, and that tho business is now ruined and destroyed and tho stock cannot bo Teplnced for several years. In ad dition to tho claim for damages to the cages and tho death of of tho animals Mr. Ward asks for $235 damage for the ruination of the reputation ho .had mado in this work. to: :- Now Rooming IIouso I havo Just 6ponea up tho rooming houso at 309 east 6tli street. Tho house is all. modern and nowly furnished. I have had oxporlenco in the rooming house business and nm prepared to sivo my patrons good service. I will rent rooms with kitchen privileges. 81-3 MISS DORA GLENN. A Keystono Lovo Riot at the Keith Thursday night by Charles Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crook have re turned from Omaha where they spent a week. Mrs. Leslie Basklns attended the foot ball gamo in Cozad yesterday af ternoon. Miss Elaine Bundy spent Saturday and Sunday visiting nor slstor Mrs Dee Raney in Wallace. J. W. Plolstlcker, of Dickens, was Tiero Saturday enroute to Fonda, la., to attend the Farrell-Plelstlcker wed ding. Mrs. .James Brady and daughter roturned the latter part of last week from Omaha, where they visited for several days. For Rent House in good condition, modern except heat, with gas range In ."kitchen. Walker Kocken, 118 east Third street. Mary C. "Robinson . and Cecil R. Buckallen, of Wellfleet, were married in this city yesterday morning by Jounty Judge French. SOFT water shampoo, electric scalp treatments, massage and latest hair xlres3. Coatos' Beauty Parlors, 505 Dewey. Phone Bed 655. 81-4 Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUG COMPANY. Mrs. William Towers, of Maxwell, was brought to this city for a surgical operation, but her condition was such that an operation was not warranted and sho passed aaway Saturday night. The annual Hallowe'en social gtven by the ladles' auxiliary of tho B. of L. F. and E. 'will bo held at K. P. hall Friday evening, October 27. A1 fire men and their ladles are cordially Invited. 81-2 LOCAL AND PERSONAL TWO 31 EN KILLED IN WRECK I AT 11USHNELL LAST NIGHT -:so:: WANTED A good girl for general housoworlc, nnnly 421 west Fourth street. Mrs. B. It. Gooilnmi). Louis Potorson -v,ent to Sidney yes terday to visit his son for a fow days. Mrs. John H. Day has returned from a visit with relatives at Arapa hoe. Rev. C. B. Harman roturned Monday ovenlng from Omaha where ho spent a week. Miss Abblo Foster has accepted a position as saleslady in tho O'Connor store. Paul Nolan spent tho past three days visiting In Sidney and other towns In western Nebraska. Dr. J. 1$ Elms, of Lincoln, former ly of this city, Is spending a fow days in town "with menus. Mrs. J. H. Stono and children re turned last evening from Omaha whero they visited rolatives. Mrs. Stottard, of Philadelphia, ar rlvd last ovenlng to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGrow. J. E. Koons returned a fow days ago from a three weoks' visit In Casper, wyo and othr westorn points. Miss Hildegardo Clinton camo homo last evonlng from an extended visit with friends in Lincoln and Omaha. Ell Hansen returned to Sidney Sun day evening after visiting his mother and other relatives for several days. Tho Altruist blblo class will meet Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Caldwell, 714 west Fifth street. Tho Lutheran aid society will hold Its annual chicken and waffle supper nt tho Masonic hall on Wednesday ev ening, November 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, who spent tho past month with rolatives in cities of Iowa and Illinois, returned homo last evening. Tho music and art department of the Twentieth Century club will meet this evening with Mrs. J. H. Hegarty, 321 west Third street. Tho Tlllikum Girjs aro making elab orate arrangements f6r a Hallowe'en party to bo given in tho church base ment next Monday evening. Don't take a chance of losing money by shipping Furs and. Hides; wo buy for highest cash price. 81tf ECHELBERY, GOO Locust. Mrs. Horace Barraclough and two children - returned to their home In Los .Angeles this morning after visit ing hero for a couple of months. Frank C. Plelstlcker loft Saturday ovenlng for Fonda, Iowa, where he will be married this morning to Miss Anna Farrell, who taught In the local schools last year. Tho Swedish Lutheran Svoa society will meet Friday afternoon, October 27, at 3 o'clock at tho farm homo of C. J. Landholm, 3 miles west of town. Never before has there been such an interesting variety of modes from which to chooso becoming hats and no whero can this variety bo seen to hotter advantago than In tho millnery department at Block's. A'wsplondld as- sortment may be found at very rea sonable prices. 80-2 ::o:: Money to loan on real estate cither straight loan or out of our Building & Loan Association, pay buck same ns rent. Plenty or money on nnnu. no delay If title is clear see BRATT. GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Two men woro klllod, sovcral In jured, fourteon cars of company cdal wrecked, and four cars on passongor train No. 7 derailed at Bushnell last night shortly after nlno o'clock. Par ticulars aro Inciting, but It Is under stood that a west-bound freight had pulled Into tho passing trnck, tho on glno detached and run out on tho cast bound track to tho crano to tako wa ter. Whllo standing there an eastbound double-header freight crashed Into tho standing onglno, wrecking fourteen cars of coal, and derailing the en gines, Just at that tlmo train No. 7 camo up at ft. fifty milo gait, and with no time to ling and loss tlmo for the engineer to stop, crashed into the freight -wreckage. Fireman Crawford on train No. 7 was killed, ns was also Brakeman Mooro of tho cast bound freight. An other employe was sorlously Injured and ono or two others moro or less bruised. North Tlntto Defeat's Cozad 13 to 0. Intho game of foot ball at Cozad which had been postponed from Fri day until ystordny on account of wot grounds, North Platte won by a scorq of thirteen to nothing. Tho local team showed up stronger than In tho gamo with tho Curtis Aggies and tholr general playing was superior to that of tho Cozad boys. Tho latter, however, put up a gamo that forced tho North Platto team to do Its best at nil times. Associated Charities. Mrs. M cKay will bo nt tho basement of tho library from 2 to C Saturday af ternoon, October 28th, and each Tues day and Saturday afternoon thercrf tor to receive and distribute clothing for the Associated Charities. Owing to a lack of funds It will not bo pos sible to maintain this work but a few weoks and those having clothing which they wish to glvo aro requested to send It to the library basement as soon as possible. Another Snow Storm. Snow began falling about twolvo o'clock last night and continues at the hour of going to press. The snow is very wet and with a rather high tem perature much of it molted as it fell, Whllo that on tho ground, over two Inches, Is slushy. Tho snow Is not tho boot for pav ing operations and political meetings, but great for fall wheat, which badly needed molsturo. - ' Ford Sedan and Couplet. Glvo us your order at once for oithor of these carB that make wlntor driv ing a pleasure, and in tho spring and summer Just as pleasant Ford Sedan $645, Couplet $505, Touring $3G0, Run about $345, f. o. b. Dotroit HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO., Corner Fourth and Dowey. ::o:: Mis Alma Waltemath, who has been visiting In Baltimore and other east ern cities for seven months past, is epected to return this week. Sorvlco,' Quality, and tho Nyal Drug store aro pals. They go hand In hand Mrs. Ray Snyder and Mrs. Georgo LoDloyt will entortln tho Entro Nous club and their husbands at a Hal lowo'en party Saturday evening, Oc tober 28 th, at tho homo of tho former. Q J I FOR SALE Good Jersey Mich Cow or will ex change for a good young mare. DHATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Mockahout Overcoat 'See the latest models of the coat that created the biggest sensation in the annals of overcoat history. The Nockabout Coat is a big, easy, roomy and comfortable gar ment in which, by, the elimination of the lining, the cost has been .re duced,, but none of its warmth or ' comfort, style or service. It has the cut and expression of the prevailing overcoat models. It is a handy overcoat garment for the street, theatre, the dance, automo bile or formal occasions. It is a durable overcoat for any kind of weather, service or occasion. We are showing the Nockabout in differ ent models in a variety of weaves and colors, -and fabrics that are the newest and the best. Harcourt Clothing Co. H HH IHIINI SHI MH HI WE to$25M I JUST A FEW REASONS AVJIY the citizens of North Pintle, Lincoln County and Nebraska havo bought nnd nre continuing: to hwy Minnesota Mutual Life Policies.' Because they are standard forms. Because this Company hns an nnassigncd surplus of over $880,001)100. i . i . i, ,' llecnuse it is paying and has paid good dividend returns to its policy holders. ,,, ASIC THEM. . T Upcause if has long passed the experimental period. 1 ,. Because it is sound, positive, permanent, and pays a state tax to operate in Nebraska. Bcauso a large number of bankers throughout Nebraska represent it and sells its poli cies to their customers. Because ltd jjopresntatives aro citizens, tax payers and boosters for their respective communities; they have tho welfaro of their followmen at heart and by Item ing so much SAFJBTY FIRST noise they sell Minnesota Mutual Life Policies. Becnuse it has opened its farm loan department to loan money in Nebraska and Lin coln County will get its share. " ' ,J- , Because our policies are a savings bank and as good as money can buy in Old Lino Life Insurance. PARTIAL LIST OF CLAIMS PAID April 1914, Eva L. Leo, Bridgeport, Nebraska t $1,000.00 ,,,.. . May, 1914, Leona M. Bedford, Gantly. Nebraska, $1,000.00 - Jan., 1915, George Kjar, Ehvood, Nebraska $1,500.00 Aug., 1915, Executor of Estate of John P. Wallace, Omaha Neb., $10,000.00 -Sept., 1916, Estate of Oliver Kiefer, of Great Falls, Montana, . . .$30,000.00 ALL THAT is born must die. The premiums on tho above policies woro sent to St. Paul, Minn., for value received. These communities have gotten it. THIS COMPANY writes railroad men on monthly payment plan, giving them a savings and protecting their homo and fire side against the unexpected. LIST OF POLICIES ISSUED BY THIS COMPANY Ordinary Life. 1 0-15 and 20 Pay Life. . , .7 . ; !.... .'. '. , 10-15 and 20 Year Endowment. 5-10-15 and 20 Year Term. ' Joint Life for man and wife on the Ordinary and Twenty Pay Life Plan... Monthly Income Policies on Ordinary and Twenty Pay Life Plan. . :''' v, SInglo premium aridrcorporation policies, Etc. '. k( "lSfet. All of the above policies are standard, annual dividend forms, '"nothing special. Look them over. Some of them will meet your needs. What this, Company-has done for others it will do for you. k. Write or phone for an appointment. J, E. SEBASTIAN, State Agt, THE OLD LINE MAN. RcLncrphone Red 348. Minnesota Mutual Life Ins, Co. Organized 1880. SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Mra. Arthur Fink will ontortaln tho Et-A-Vlrp club tomorrow after noon. Tho 'a ;: 'ta club which WfcB to glvo a balli-woen ftMty Wednesday ovenlng havo postponed It Indefinitely. Tho ladles auxiliary of tho D. of L. F. will hold a Hallowo'cn party at the K. P. hall, Monday evening, Oct. 30th. f Tho M. M. M. club will hold tholr next mooting at tho homo of Mrs. 0. B. Meadows. Wednesday afternoon November 1st. Thd members of tho M. M. M. club hold a business mooting at tho homo of Mrs. J. H. Hegarty Saturday attor- noon and Mrs. Hegarty -was re-elected president. Membors of tho Lutheran girls' club spent a delightful evening Friday at the Kolth Novillo home, whero they woro ontortalned by Misses Emma Burklund, Mildred Wright and Iva Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Harry MItcholl and Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Quick entertained tho members of tho M, M. M. club and tholr husbands Friday evonlng at tho homo of tho formor. In tho prpgros slvo card games prizes woro won by Mrs. Oeorgo Vosoipka and Frank Buchanan. Mosdamcs Edward Galvln and Harry Williams ontortalned twenty friends Friday evening at tho Willlamo homo In honor of Mrs. G. O. Smith of Carson City. Tho rooms' woro prottlly decor atcd appropriate to Halluwo'ou and a numbor of interesting games and contests wore held. PrlzjJ woro won by Mr. and Mrs. W, A7Buchflnck and Mrs. C. Pt Earhart, Emmet Corrlyan in tho Metro foat uro "Greater Lovo Hath No man" at tho Keith Wednesday. Georgo Brady, of this city, has ac cepted a position in tho Omaha Smol tor. To tlio Voters of Lincoln County I havo been Informed by frlonds that tho 'report-la being Industriously cir culated by tho opposition that I will bo detalnod on the border until spring, and that I will not bo homo to nssumo tho duties of Couuty Attornoy should I bo olected to that oltlco. I dostro to state that his roport is ontlroly without foundation and that if elected I will bo on hand to assume the duties of . tho offlco January 1st, 1017.. Respectfully, P. II. HALLIGAN. Shnw Tonight lit tho Kolth. Hon. Losllo M. Shaw, formerly sea rotary of tho United States treasury and ox-governor of Iowa, will speak at tho Kolth theatre at olght o'clock this evening. Mr. Shaw is a recognized authority on public Issues, and those will dis cuss fr6m a republican viewpoint Evorybody Invited, J)r. Crnfts IVfll lecture. Dr. Wilbur Crafts,. of Washington, D. G., ono of tho best known lecturers in this country, will dollvor a lecturo at tho Presbyterian church Wednesday evening of this woek at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Crafts subject will bo "Somo Moral Victories won and On." Tho public gonorally is invited to hear this brilliant orator. Admission freo. P. A. Whito yestorday sold "is one third Intorost in tho Lloyd opera houso building to Julius Plzer. Tho latter tells us that a numbor of improve monts will bo mado to tho building in tho near future. For Rent Ono or two largo rooms. Call at G20 East Flth strcot or phono Black 140. Earl Hamlton has shippod in about two hundred head of cows and young stuff which ho will wlntor on tho Ham ilton farm west of town. Ho concludes ho can mako moro money out of his alfalfa by feeding it than ho can by Thursday's program at tho Crystal will present Blanche Sweet In "Tho Captive." Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Goodnow, of Garr flold, woro horo liist weok und return ed home in a now Studebakor car. Perry Carson vlsitpd relatives in Gothonburg yostorday and attended tho foot ball gamo at Cozad. Hugh Brogan, of Keystono, "vlsltod horo yestorday whllo onrouto homo from a visit In castorn cities, Miss Irma Johnston returned Sun day from a four weeks' visit in Chica go with her brother Dr. Johnston. Tonight at tho Crystal will bo shown tho Paramount foaturo "Tho Boform Candidato" with Maclyn Arbucklo and Myrtlo Stodman. This foaturo is par ticularly tlmoly Just now when wo aro hearing so much politics. FOB EXCHANGE 010 ncrcs grazing and farm land. Want city property or small fqrm. .. 7ltf 0. II. THOELEOKE. S. M. SO ODER Bopsblican Candidate for COUNTY TJtEASUREB, If you fool that my character and ray oxporlenco tia assistant County Treasurer puts mo in a position to admlnlstor the off Ico of County Treas urer in a manner that will meet with, your apxoval, your support will be greatly appreciated on November 7Ui. baling and shipping it.