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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1916)
S1 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBBER 27, 1916. No. 82 4i l'OUNO MAN FOUND LOCAL AND TEKSONAL Harry Kruzo, ngo seventeen, of Ft. Wayne, Intl., who camo here two 'weeks ago to accept a position at the Darka low news stand In the Union Pacific dopot, dropped dead last evening at flvo-thirty. He had been In seemingly perfect health when ho loft his work and wont to his aroctn In tho Block home. At seven o'clock, when the Block family came homo they discov ered his body itm tho floor of tho bath roam, and Immediately sent for a physician who pronounced him dead. It is thought that Whllo taking his bath ho became overheated and died before lie could call for help. Tho body was taken to tho Howo & Maloney under taking rooms and a message sont to tho parents in Ft. Wayne. Mr. Kruzo had mado many friends among tho railroad employes and otiliers with whom he associated during his short Tosidonco here. The young man was the son of a friend of Mrs. Black who formerly resided at Syracuse, N. Y., and 'when ho came hero Mr. Block kindly gave him a rcom at his home. Sutherland Free Lance Hems. John Harshfleld, of ithe Birdwood, is tho first of tho farmers in this sec tion to make uso of a motor truck in transporting his produce to market, to our knowledge. This mornlngv he hauled In a big load of grain from 'his ranch twenty miles nc'ftfvwest of town. The home of Thomas Heskett in tho west part of town has been placed under quarantine restrictions as a re sult of'a case of diphtheria. The pa tlent is Lois, ithe young daughter of Mr. Heskett, "her ailment being pro nounced' as diphtheria in the past day or two. This is tho Arts case of tho dis ease to have developed in the village for some 'time, although thro havo,.been cases In the O'Fallons neighborhood recently. A Mexican resident of tllo colony west of the depot Is laid up' from tho effects pL a gunshot wound bolotw the knee received a few days ago. Prior to calling i a physician an effort had been mado toward unprofessional treatment with tho result that tho wound became infected and the limb oadly swollen. It Is claimed that the bullet T"ountl was caused by "an ac cident." The injured man -was taken to North Platte yesterday for itreat ment, , r::o:: A discount of 20 per cont on all suits B. T. TRAMP & SONS. Have you seen tho Nifty Now Collar It Is announced that tho farmers liv ing In the vicinity of Paxton will build a 15,000-bushel capacity elevator this fall. ' Weather-forecast for North. Platto and vicinity: Fair and warmer to '' night; Saturdaygenorally fair follow ed by colder weather. Highest tem perature yeaterday 69, a year ago 55; lowest last night 31,'a year ago 40. Bronton Moonoy, of St. Louis, ar rived this morning, called hero by the death of his mother, the lato Mrs Mary Moonoy. Ono can waste more energy through dofectlvo oyes than by any other hu man channel. HARRY DIXON, Jow- olor and Optometrist. Protect your homo with H. & M. house paints. Nyal Drug store. 79tf Tho Rowena Circle will meet with Mrs. Durbin next Tuesday afternoon, 321 south Walnut. All Yoeman ladies and their friends are invited. Mrs. T. J. Kerr returned yesterday from a visit in Omaha, and while there attended tho grand opera given under tho auspices of ithe reltail dealer' association; ' A now shipmont of coats Just ar rived at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Ray 0. Langford left today on a trip to twelve "miles west of Tryon, where he will clerk a sale. He officiated as clerk at the Schultz salo north of Paxton Wednesday. Headquarters for Window glass.! STONE DRUG COMPANY. Arthur McNamara, who had boon transacting business in Omaha for a couple of weeks, is visiting relatives and friends in town whllo enrou'to to his homo in Oakland, Cal. The annual Hallowe'en social .given by tho ladles' auxiliary of tho B. of L F. and E. will bo held at K. P. hall Friday evening, October 27. All fire men and their ladles are cordially invited. 81-2 For the boys, who aro rough with their clothes- you should buy a pair of tho Knickerbocker pants that aro being sold at 95c a pair. hTo most wonderful pants for the price ever o fored. See them at The Leader Mer cantile Co. store. Friends in Hershey have-' received word from Mrs. Wm. Eves, formerly of, that villago but now living in Stock ton, Cal., that she has had an operntion on her eyes and it wds very success ful. When Mrs. Eves . left Hersho three month ago she was nearly total ly blind. Service, Quality, and the Nyal Drug storo are. pals. Tnoy go nanu in nana, Tho beautiful new-tot of women's waists, in sizes 34 to 44 have been placed on sale Made by the manu facturors to retail to tho trade at $2 and $2."25, but for reason of lato arrlv al will be sold for $1,23. This Is a chanco at The Leader Mercantilo Co.'s store. The Yeoman children's day exercises held at the Lloyd opera house Tuesday evening were enjoyed by a largo audi onco and' the program under 'the man- aeement of Mrs. Earl Wilson was well rendered. Fifty Children appeared in drills, songs and-recitations and twen- ty-ono young ladies gave a sketch en titled Itlio "Bachelor's Dream.", SIXTY ATTBM) SUNSET I SOCIAL UtiLl) YKSTF.KDAY Tho annual sunset dinner which Is given each year by tho ladies of the different local' churches' for tho local residents who havo reached tho ngo of seventy years, was held in the dining room of tho Presbyterian church at noon yoaterday. Sixty guests respond ed to tho Invitation and many of the oldest were convoyed there In auto mobiles. The rooms wero decorated 'With autumn leaves and Hallowe'en colors and favors wero drawn from a large pumpkin. Tho tables 'wero ar ranged lh tho form of a hollow square i i i . .... i . i i nR mm lasiciuuy uecorateu wun Canutes and yellow and black strcamor3. Addresses were mado by Rev. Robert White and George W. Vromnn. Tho majority of thoso prosont wore bcrn in Germany. Tho oldest guost present was W. It. Blalock, who has reached his eighty seventh year. ' Tho following program was rendor ed: Solo, Miss Ruth Davidson; violin solo, Trovolyn Doucett; address, J. S. Hcagland; piano solo, -Miss Florence McKay; reading, Miss Elsie Wnlto math; reading, W. E. Skinner; vocal solo, Mrs. H: W. Baker; vocal solo, Mrs. Edw. Burko. ' Tho ladi3 of tho Baptist Aid so ciety extended an invitation to the guests to tho Sunset dinner of 1917 and, this Invitation was accepted -with thanks. , Thoso present and tho stato or country In which thoy we're born were as follows: Cyrus StobbhiB, Mass.; Mrs. Cyrus- Stobblns, Ohio.; Emily J. lie c tor, Wis.; Sarah J. Mason, Iowa.'; Arch M. Mason Tonn.; Sarah C. Mooro, Ind.; Mary C Worthley, Iowa; Mrs. II. M. Mills, Mich.; Mrs. Anna Mang, Ind.; T. C, Waltson, Ohio; Mrs. J. B. Elliott, W, Va.; Mr. J B Elliott, Ohio; Mrs. Kath- erlno Guyman, N. Y.; Mrs. W. T. Bla i v v in - t tr.. . Ti. . 1 .. lacK, Allies., w n xsiuiock, ivy.; lua.iiu Yost, Germany; Henry Yost, Germany; Mrs. H. E. Welch, Ohio; Mrs. E. J, Haines, Ohio, J. S. Hoagland, Now Jersey; Mrs. J. S. Hoagland, III Mrs. Mary Show, ; Mrs. H. M; Rltnor, ; Mtfry P. Stearns, New York; Mrs. Marlon Pees, ; Mrs. Elizabeth M. Townsend, Ohio; Geo. W, Vroman, ; Mrs. S. A. Monroe, Mo.; N. R. Green', Mo".; Mrs. N. R. Greon MO.; Mrs. Mary A, Batemnn, Wis.; I. G. Rhino, Ind.; Mrs. x Lena Salisbury, Ohio; D. McNIcbl, Scot land; Mrs. D. McNlcol, Scotland; Anna M. Schwordt, Pa.; Paul Lorton, Ger many, Mrs. DoEllo Baker, Now York; Mrs.' Nnnlno B. Reed, Ky.: W. E, Moore, ; Erlo Johnston, Mil JUST A FEW REASON! WHY tlie citizens of jSorth Pint to, Lincoln County and jN'obrnskn linve bought and are continuing to buy Minnesota Mutual Life Policies. t - Uccauso thoy aro standard forms. Because tills Company has an unasslgncd surplus of over $.1SO,000.00. Because it Is paying and has paid good' dividend returns to its policy holders. THEM. Because it has long passed the experimental period. Because it is sound, positive, permanent, and pays a state tax to operate" in,Nobraska. Bcauso a large number of bankers throughout Nebraska represent it and sells its poli ci6a to their customers. Bccauso its, represntatives are citizens, tax payers and boosters for their respective communities; they have tho welfare of their followmen' at heart and by hear ing so' much SAFETY FIRST noise they sell Minnesota Mutual Life Policies, .Because it has opened its farm loan department to loan money in Nebraska and Lin- coin County will get its share. i . Hecnjiso our policies ar a savings bank and as good as money can buy in Old Lino Life Insurance. PARTIAL LIST OP CLAIMS PAID April 1914, Eva L, L6e, Bridgeport, Nebraska . .' $1,000.00 ' May, 1914, Leona M. Bedford, Gandy. Nebraska, $1,000.00 Jan.,, 1915, George Kjar, Elwood, Nebraska, ' $1,50,0.00 Aug., 1915, Executor of Estate of John P. Wallace, Omaha Neb., $10,000.00 Sept.,- 191G, Estate of Oliver Klofer, of Great Falls, Montana, . . .$30,000.00 ' ALL THAT is born must die. The premiums on tho above policios were sent to St. Paul, Minn., for value received. These communities have Botten it. THIS COMPANY writes railroad men on monthly payment plan, giving them a savings and protecting their homo and flre side against the unexpected." LIST OP POLICIES ISSUED BY TIIJS COMPANY Ordinary Life. , 30-15 and 20 Pay Life. 30-15 and 20 Year Endowment. 5-ip-15 and 20 Year Term. r ( ; " J J r ; , Joint Life for man and wife on the'Ordlnary and .Twenty Pay .Llfe Plan..' , , Montniv income policies on urennary ami xwentv .fay J-iite jfian. k $inglo premium and corporation ppHQies,,Ltc, v , ' 1 vh t ; 1 s All of the above-policies are standard, anntlal dividend "forms," nothing special. Look them over. Some of them will meet your needs. " What this Company has done" for others it will do for you. Write or phone for an appointment. J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agt, THE OLD LINE MAN. Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co. Organized 1880. Office Phone Red 012. . Residence Phone Red 348. Mrs. Applega'to, Intl.; V. Groy, Mrs. May Roggy, Germany; I-Iolon M. White, Pa.; Mrs. C. A. Koontz, Ohio; Valentine Scharmann, Germany, Adal- ph Wondt, Germany; R. U. Hoinzlo. Germany; N. R. Green, Mo.; Mrs. E. Young, England; Mr. Tanger, Ger many; Mrs. Tanger, uormany; Mrs. B. I. Illnman, Ohio; Jonathan Jilg- glns, N. Carolina. Joint Sorvlccs. Tho Methodist and ' Presbyterian congregations worship together at the Presbyterian church next" Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p; m. Sunday schools at 10 a. m. , Epworth Loaguo at G:30, In tho basement. Music by tho Joint choirs and tho or chestra, targe congregatipus attend Worship with us. f -::o:: Flour nt Less Tiinn Wholcsnle. AVo are selling Bluo DJttmorid' Flour tll0SO services, for logs than "ve can buy It at this tlmo. Every, sack la guaranteed abso- Are chickens your ambition? This lutely. quory covors tho foathorod variety, Try us for Brnn, Shorts, Corn, Oats, Jano had an nmbitlon to own a chicken Prairlo or Alfalfa Hay. farm and thproby hangs a talor If you LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON. wish a good grouch chasor soo "Jano" Frorit Stroot and Silbor Avow Phono at tho- Crystal Saturtloy night 99. TiHE mirror can tell you the story of -these beautiful new Stetsons better than we can and what a wealth of style there is to choose from your formal Derby, your dressy Soft Stetson, and the easy sports hats. Come try them on. View them front, side and rear note the becoming blocks, the graceful new swing to the brims and their quality. v . Our store has become 'the rendezvous of many young men. You are welcome. If s a pleasure to show these hats, buy or no buy Harcourt Clothing Company. and-Collar and Cuff Sots? E. T.RAMP & SONS. Tho county commissioners havo or dored a renewal of work on the now Thomas J. Kolly and Miss Mario Wllborgcr wero marriod Wednesday ovonlug at ho bride's homo In Ilorahoy by Rev. Knight. Tho brldo was nt I tended by MIsb Vallorla Brown and tho groom by Ivan Shlnklo. For Quick Salo Ono of tho boe't building ilots on wont Qth St; 00x102, sidewalk in and sowor and ga in al- ' Harry Wells left last evening for Lexington to spond a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lawroncd Powoll loft last evening for Cheyenne and other western points. - ' ' ' , ' Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Miss Margaret Malcolm, QfMontroal, Canada, arrived In town this WQok and will maWhor homo, with Iior brother, Douglas Malcolm.K" ' Mr. and Mrs. William Dorrani re turned last ovonlug from Birmingham, Iowa, whoro tho Jattor had beon tak ing modlcal treatment for sevefal weeks. - , Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, of Qmaha,' was tho guest of honor at a banquet at tho Hotol McCabo this morning given hy tho members of tho Twentloth don tury club. Lincoln Highway botweon this, city and Mawoll.' Tho road already graded will bo thrown up about six inches lilchor and rounded un in bettor slmno. v -I. m i i t i i . . . . . . . i This road has boon traveled consider- . 101 VUBl 00 0,li ;N0V- V1 ablv durlmr tho t,nSt month or so. nn4 oan be secured at a bar8aln. In- I quir 01 W. IV. 11OU1H80H iiAZ NVOHl aoc itoom aim poaru in privuio -noine, i on,j afroot 81-2 close in. phono Red 117. sou Dr. Wilbor Crafts, of tho Interna tional Roform Bureau, lectured fo a big audience . at tho Presbyterian church Wodnosday evening. Ife dis cussed tho liquor question at length and reforrod to a number of othorre- forms for which the association Is making a light. It's somothing wonderful tho beau tiful coats for misses and women that aro now being sold at $4.05. Truly t-n nn I n t 4 nn vfnflt turn niil ennin threo times tho monoy thoy are now Telephone XOUr turcostore0.r TGrocery orders to 32 Potor Peterson, ono of tho Janitors They will given prompt and at tho federal building, fell from a . laddor Wednesday and so sovorely CarclUl attention bruised hlmsolf that ho was taken to I v Z-TL. Q--rtrlo11 ft a hosnltal for temoorarv Urcatment. LlierKDailOlllll Every "Check" Comes Back To You. Every chock which you issue on the McDonald State Bank comes back to you on tho first of the following month at your call. These "cancelled" checks of yours are absolute proof of payment of your bills and this point alone makes a checking account hero of ftreat value. There are other reasons which our officers will gladly explain. Take ad vantage of this service it is rendered with out cost. M? Donald State Bank North Platte. Nkbr,