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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1916)
M r Wxt J! o rth 3 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBBER 27, 1916. No. 82 .t i a . XOUiN'G MAIM'OUND DEAD LAST EVENING LOCAL AND PEKSONAL Harry Kruzo, ago seventeen, of Ft. Wayne, Intl., who came here two 'weeks ago to accept a position at the Barka low news stand In the Union Pacific depot, dropped dead last evening at five-thirty. He had been in seemingly perfect health when he left hla work and went to his room in tho Block home. At seven o'clock, when the Block family camo home they discov ered his body in tho floor of tho bath room, and immediately sent ior a physician who pronounced him dead. It is thought that- while taking his bath ho became overheated and died before he could call for help. Tho body was taken to tho Howe & Mnloney under taking rooms and a message sont ta the parents in Ft. Wayne. Mr. Kruzo had made many friends among tho railroad employes and others with whom ho associated during his short rosldonco here. Tho young man was the son of a friend of Mrs. Black who formerly resided at Syracuse, N. Y., and 'when ho came hero Mr. Block kindly gave him a rcom at his homo. Sutherland Tree Lance Items. John Harshfield, of ithe Blrdwood, Is the first of the farmers In this sec tion to make use of a motor truck in transporting his produce to market, to our knowledge. This mornlngl he hauled in a big load ofgrain frora'hls ranch twenty miles ne'rthwest of town. The home of Thomas Heskett Jn tho west part of town has been placed under quarantine restrictions as a re sult ofa case of diphtheria. The pa tient Is Lois, itho young daughter of Mr. Heskett, hor ailment being pro nounced' as diphtheria in the past day or two. This is tho firts case of the dls ease to have developed in tho village for some .time, although ttore havobeen cases in the O'Fallons neighborhood recently. A Mexican resident of tho colony west of the depot Is laid up' from tho effects pf, a gunshot. wound beldw the kneo received a few days ago, Prior to calling a physician an effort had been made toward unprofessional itreatment with the result that the wound became Infected and tho limb badly swollen. It Is claimed that the bullet wound was caused by "an ac cident." The injured man -was taken to North Platte yesterday for 'treat ment. , r"::o:: A discount of 20 per cent on all suits B. T. TRAMP & SONS. Have you seen the Nifty 'New' Collar It Is announced that the farmers liv ing In the vicinity of Paxton will build a 15,000-bushel capacity elevator this fall. ' Weather-forecast for North. Platte t and vicinity: Fair and warmer to night; Saturday genorally fair follow ed by colder weather. Highest tem perature yesterday 69, a year ago 55; lowest last night 31,'a year ago 40. ar- Bronton Mooney, of St. Louis, ar rived this morning, called hero by the death of his mother, tho late Mrs Mary Moonoy. Ono can waste more energy through defoctlvo eyes than by any other hu man channel. HARRY DIXON, Jow oler and Optometrist. Protect your home with H. & M. house Dalnts. Nyal Drug store. 79tf Tho Rowcna Circle will meet with Mrs. Durbln next Tuosday afternoon, 321 south Walnut. All Yooman ladles and their friends are invited. Mrs. T. J. Kerr returned yesterday from a visit In Omaha, and while thore attended tho grand opera given under tho auspices of itho eltall dealer associations A now shipmont of coats Just rived at E. T. TRAMP & SONS Ray C. Lnngford loft today on a trip to twelve "miles west of Tryon, where ho will clerk a sale. He officiated as clerk at tho Schultz salo north of Paxton Wednesday. Headquarters for Window glass.' STONE DRUG COMPANY. Arthur McNamara, who had been transacting business in Omaha for couple of weeks, Is visiting relatives and friends In town while enrou'te to his homo in Oakland, Cal. Tho annual Hallowe'en social .given by tho ladles' auxiliary of tho B. of I. F. find E. will be Jiold at K. P. halj Friday evening, October 27. AH fire men and their ladies are cordially Invited. 81-2 For tho boys, who. aro rough with their clothes, you should buy a pair of tho Knickerbocker pants that aro being riold at 95c a pair. hTo most wonderful pants for the price over of fered. See tliem nt Tho Leader Mer cantile Co." store. Friends in Horshey have-' received word from Mrs. Wm. Eves, formerly of, that village but flow living in Stock ton, Cal., that she has had an operation on her eyes and It was very success ful. When Mrs. Eves . left Hersho three month ago she was nearly total ly blind. Service, Quality, and the Nyal Drug store are. pals. Thoy'go hand in hand. The beautiful new-lot of women's waists. In sizes 34 to 44 have been placed on sale. Made by the manu facturors to retail to tho trade at $2 and$2.'25, but for reason of late arriv al will be sold for $1,23. This is a chance at The Leader Morcantllo Co.'s store. The Yeoman children's day exercises held at tho Lloyd opera house Tuesday evening were onjoyed by a largo audi enco and' the program under 'tho man agement of Mrs. Earl Wilson was well rendered. Fifty Children appeared in drills, songs and recitations and twen- ty-ono young ladles gavo a sketch en titled itho "Bachelor's Dream." SIXTY- ATTEND SUNSET I SOCIAL HELD YESTERDAY The annual sunset dinner which is given each year by tho ladles of the different local churches for tho local residents who havo reached tho age of seventy years, was held in the dining room of the Presbytorlan church at noon yesterday. Sixty guests respond ed to tho Invitation and many of tho oldest were convoyed thore In uuto inobiles. Tho rooms were decorated with autumn leaves and Hallowe'en colors and favors wero drawn from a large pumpkin. Tho tables 'were ar ranged in tho form of a hollow squaijp and tastefully decorated with candles and yellow and blaok streamers. Addresses were made by Rev. Robert White and Georgo W. Vroman. The majority of those prosont Avoro bcrn In Germany. The oldest guost present wbb W. It Blalock, who has reached his eighty seventh year. -r Tho following program was render ed: Solo, Miss Ruth Davidson; violin solo, Trovolyn Douceft; address, J. S. Hcagland; piano solo, Miss Florence McKay; reading, Miss Elslo Walto math; reading, W. E. Skinner; vocal solo, Mrs. H: W. Baker; vocal solo, Mrs. Edw. Burke. ' Tho ladlos of the Baptist Aid so ciety extended an invitation to the guests to tho Sunset dinner of 1917 and, this Invitation wa3 accepted with thaiiks. , Thoso present and tho state or country In which thoy we're born wero as follows: Cyrus Stebbins, Mass.: Mrs. Cyrus- Stobbtns, Ohio.; Emily J. Rector, Wis.; Sarah J. Mnson, Iowa.'; Arch M. Mason Tonn.; Sarah C. Mooro, Ind.; Mary C. Worthley, Iowa; Mrs. II. M. Mills, Mich.; Mrs. Anna Mang, Ind.; T. C. Watson, Ohio; Mrs. J. B. Elliott, W. Vn.; Mr. J B Elliott, Ohio; Mrs. Kath- erlno Guyman, N. Y.; MrB. W. T. Bin- lack, Maes., W H Blalock, Ky.; Maxio Yost, Germany; Henry Yost, Germany; Mrs. H. E. Welch, Ohio; Mra. E. J. Haines, Ohio, J. S. Iloagland, Now Jersey; Mrs. J. Hoagland, 111.; Mrs. Mary Show, ; Mrs. H. M. Rltner, ; Mtfry P. Stearns, New York; Mrs. Marlon Pees, ; Mrs. Elizabeth M. Townsend, Ohio; Geo. W. ; Mrs. S. A. Monroe, Green", Mo;; Mrs. N. R Mrs. Mary A. Bateman, Rhino, Ind.; Mrs. Lena Ohio; D. McNlcl, Scot Vroman, Mo.; N. R. Green MO.; Wis.; I. G, Salisbury, land; Mrs. D. McNicol, Scotland;' Anna M. Schwordt, Pa.; Paul Lorton, Ger many, Mrs. DoEllo Baker, New York; Mrs. Nanlne B. Reed, Cy.; W. E, Moore, ; Erio Johnston, . III.; Mrs. Applegato, Ind.; V. Groy, : Mrs. aiay Roggy, Germany; Hclon M, White, Pa.; Mrs. C. A Koontz, Ohio; Valentino Scharrcann, Germany, Adal- ph Wcndt, Germany; R. H. Hoinzle, Germany; N. R. Green, Mo.; Mrs. E, Young, England; Mr. Tanger, Ger many; Mrs. Tanger, Qormnny; Mrs. B. I. Hinman, Ohio; Jonathan Wig gins, N. Carolina. -::o::- Flour at Losh Than Wholesale. Wo aro soiling Blue DjiTmond Flour for loos, than Ave buy It at this time. Every sack is guaranteed, abso lutely. Try us for Bran, Shorts, Corn, Oats, Prairio or Alfalfa Hay. LEYPOLDT & PENNINGTON, Frortt Streot and Sllbor Avo;, Phone 99. and Collar and E. TiHE mirror can tell you the story of -these beautiful new Stetsons better than we can and what a wealth of style there is to choose from your formal Derby, your dressy Soft Stetson, and the easy sports hats. Come try them on. View them front side and rear note the becoming blocks, the graceful new swing to the brims and their quality. v v Our store has become "the rendezvous of many young men. You are welcome. It's a pleasure to show these hats, buy or no' buy, - Harcourt Clothing Company. 4- JUST A FEW REASONS AV1IY the citizens of Jforth Plntto, Lincoln County and Jfobraska Intro bought and are continuing to buy Minnesota Mutual Life Policies. Hecauso thoy nrd standard forms. Because this Company has an unnssigncd surplus of over $8S0,000.00. ' Because it is paying and has paid good dividend returns to its policy holders. ASIv THEM. Because it lias long passed tho experimental period. , 4 Became it is sound, positive, permanent, and pays a state tax to operate huNebraska. Bcause a large number of bankers throughout Nebraska represent it and sells its poli cies to their customers. Because its represntatives are citizens, tax payers and boosters for their , respective communities; thoy have tho welfare of their f ollowinon at heart and bv hear ing so' much SAFETY FIRST noise thoy sell Minnesota Mutual Life Policies. ' . Because it has opened its farm loan department to loan money in Nebraska and Lin coln Comity will get its share. ,.,.. Became our policies ar a savings bank and as good as money can buy in Old Line Life Insurance. , ' PARTIAL LIST OF CLAIMS TAID April 1914, Eva L. Lee, Bridgeport, Nebraska. $1,000.00 - May, 1914, Leona M. Bedford, Gaudy. Nebraska $1,000.00 Jan.,, 1915, George Kjar, Ehvood, Nebraska, ' $1,50,0.00 Aug., 1915, Executor of Estate of John P. Wallace, Omaha Neb., $10,000.00 Sept.j 1910, Estate of Oliver Klofer, of Great Falls, Montana, . . . $30,000.00 ' ALL THAT is born must die. The premiums on tho above policios wore sent to St. Paul, Minn., for value received. These communities havo gotten it. THIS COMPANY writes railroad men on monthly payment plan, giving them a sayings and protecting their homo and fire side against tho unexpected LIST OF POLICIES ISSUED, BY TIIJS COMPANY 1 Ordinary Life. , . 10-15 and 20 Pay Life. , " , " 10-15 and 20 Year Endowment." ,, ' ' 5-lp-15 and 20 Year Term. . t ' ' .; . ' , - , Joint Life for man and wife on theOrdlnaryaiid TwQnty Pay, Life Plan. , v ,r '' . Monthly Income Policies on Ordinary amVTwehty Pay. Life" Plaiu .. .,;; ; ""SingIo premium and corporation. ppHciesEte, y ..'r r 1 All of the above-policies are standard,. ahiSio!lr dividend" YorinsV rio'tliiri'g''1 special. Look them over. Some of them will meet your needs. ' What this Company has done for others It will do for you. ' Write or phone for an appointment. J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agt, THE OLD LUTE MAN. gSS' 5S 348. Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co. Organized 1880. Cuff Sets? T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho county commissioners havo or dered a ronowal of work on the now Lincoln Highway hotwoon this, city and Mawoll.' Tho road already graded will bo thrown up nbout six Inches hlghor nnd rounded up In hotter shapo, This road has heon travolod consider ably during tho 'past month or so. Room nnd board In private -home, closo in, phono Red 117. SOIf Dr. Wllbor Crafts, of tho Intornn tional Rororm Bureau, lectured t a big audlonco . at tho Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. Ho dis cussed tho liquor question at length and referred to a number of othor 're forms for which tho association 13 making a fight. It's something wonderful tho boau tlful coats for misses and women that aro now being sold at $4.05. Truly most of thorn are worth two and somo threo times tho money they are now being sold for nt Tho Leader Mercan tile Co store. Peter Peterson, ono of tho Janitors at tho federal building, fell from ladder Wednesday and so severely bruised himself that ho was taken to a hospital for temporary treatment Joint Services, Tho Methodist and ' Presbytorlan congregations worship togother at tho Presbytorlan church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday schools nt 10 a. m. ' Epworth League at G:.10, in tho basement. Music by tho Joint choirs and tho or chestra. L"argo congregations attend thoso services. Worship with us. ::o:: Ato chickens your ambition? This query covers tho leathered variety, Jano had an ambition to own a chicken farm and thpraby hangs a tale. If you wish a good grouch chaser soo "Jane" at tho Crystal Saturday nlglit. Thomas J, Kolly and Miss Mario Wllborgor wero married Wednesday ovening at ho brido's homo in Horshey by Rev. Knight. Tho brldo was at tended by Mltis Valioria Brown and tho groom by Ivnn Sliinklo. For Quick Salo Ono of tho bur. building jiots on wost 0th St; 0(5x182. sidewalk in and sowor and ga In al loy. This lot must bo sold by Nov, 1st and can be secured at a bargain, In quire of O. R. Robinson 322 West Soc- ond streof. 81-2 ' Harry Wells left last ovening for Lexington to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence, Powell loft last evening for Cheyonno and other wostorn points. , , ' Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Miss Margaret Malcolm, c-,Montronl, Canada, arrived in town this week and will mako'horhonio.wlth hor brother, Douglas Malcolm.)1 Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dor'rnm re turned laBt ovening from Birmingham, lown, where tho Jattor had boon tak ing modlcnl troatment lor several weoks. . , . Mrs. K. R. J. Kdholm, of Omaim, was tho guest of honor nt a banquet at the Hotel McCabo this morning givon by tho mombcrs of tho Twentieth Cen tury club. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 Thoy will given prompt and careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. "Check" Comes Back To You. A, Every chock which you issue on the McDonald State Bank comes back to you on the first of the following month at your call. These "cancelled" checks of yours are absolute proof of payment of your bills and this point alone makes a checking account here of ftreat value. There are other reasons which our officers will fcladjy explain. Take ad vantage of this service it is rendered with out cost. McDonald State Bank North Platte, Neir,