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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1916)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. G. "Wessburg are home from a month's visit in Califor nla. f Mrs. E. N. McNamar, or Paxton, was the guest of friends In town Tuos day. Mrs. Mary Elder left a few days ago for Melrose to visit relatives for ten days. Miss Ethol Sousor began work a few days ago as office girl for Dr. T. J. Kerr. John C. pen came down from Sid ney this week to visit his family for a few days. Minor Illnman went to Omaha Tues day ovenlng to transact business for several days. Mrs. John Baker returned to Mol roso Wednesday aftor spending two weeks in town. A now band is being organized at Maxwell with Earl Stain of this city as instructor. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Austin will move this weok Into their now homo on west Fourth street Mrs. Robert Weeks left Tuesday ev ening for Uushncll to visit relatives for some time. Mrs. Ella Mae Lanyon'left Wednes day afternoon for the east part of the state to visit friends. Miss Vera Gough will leave In a few days for an extended visit with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans will leaVo this week for Loveland, Col., to spend ft couple of weeks. Marjory Marti, who visited her sis ter in Brady for some time, camo home Wednesday morning. Mrs. John. States left yesterday ' morning for Denver to spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Will Brodbeck, John Anderson and Ernest Casey left Tuesday evening for Omaha to spend several days. Mrs. Hunt, of Gothenburg, who had been visiting the Crawford family, left for the west Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bessie Kirkpatrick, of Omaha, formerly of this city, camo Wednesday morning to visit the Finney family. JMrs. Elmer Hclgeson, who spent several weeks In Portland, Oregon, with relatives, has returned home. Hardld Fleming, of Sutherland, for merly oL this city, Is attending the teachers' Institute and visiting friends Miss Mollie Peniston, who was called to Rock Springs, Wyo., by the illness of her niece, returned Wednes day. , . A marriage 'license was granted Tuesday afternoon to Miss Edna Bor land and Riley B. Pinkerton, both of Lena. Austin Bedell Is expected homo in , a day or two from California where he ' has been spending several weeks with friends. Henry Kahler returned tho first of this' week from a two weeks' visit In Milford and other towns In the east part of the state. After visiting her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kelljr Ifor sevrajl days, Mrs. Earl Orandall returned to Kearney Tues day morning. . ' . Mrs. Roserjhurg1; of Lexington, ar rived Wednesday to visit with Miss Grace Mooney and Mrs. E. 'J. Van Derhoof. John and Cecelia Horrod who spent tho past month in Paxton with their sister Mrs. Mike McFadden, returned home Tuesday evening. W.E. Monroe, who was called to Kansas City several' weeks ago by the Illness of his mother, will return the first of next weeto Mrs. Mabel McCoy, of Omaha, who spent tho past month, with her sister, Miss Essie Westburg, left for Port land Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Roddy, son Harold and daughter Angela left last evening for Sibley, la., and .points in Minnesota to remain a month. Augustus McDonald, McNeel, of Sutherland, and Avis Louise Cary, of Hershoy, were granted permission to we Tuesday morning' by Judge French. EVENTS IN SOCIETY Mrs. H. P.- Hcncklo will ontortain tho J. F. F. Club next Tuosday af ternoon . Tho Ellto club has discontinued mooting until tho latter part of Sep tember. V Tim Pn.n Vnna ...111 mna( tIHi UIIUU .lUUO trilttV Will Ulblib IV... Mrs. A. W. Shilling on Wednesday nf-i ternoon, August 30th. The TlLUkum Girls club held a pleasant meeting in the basement of the Episcopal church the first of this week when they wero the gudats of i Misses Nina Eldor and Esther Hog sett. Mrs. E. W. Cross entertained a number of ladles Tuesday ovenlng at a miscellaneous shower complimen tary to Mrs. Frank Wlnslow, a Tecftnt bride. Tho guest of honor received a number of pretty and useful house hold articles. Mrs. Edwin Barraciough entertain ed tcn.yoting ladies at a linen showor Tuesday- evonlng complimentary to Miss Nora Jeffonl. Tho ovenlng was spont In kenslngton and social conversation. The guealt of honor was handsomely remembered. Mlsa Harriqt Dixon entertained sixteen Jadfos Tuesday evening at brldgo complimentary to Misses Hol ene Reynolds, of Denver, Mae Relm ekc, of Davenport, and Ella Gorken-ba-ugh, of Muscatine, la. Tho even ing was nlso enlivened with music. Mrs. A. P. Kelly entertained a num ber of young ladles at a prenuptlal silver shower for Miss Nora Jeffers Wednesday evening. Tho guests spent the evening in sowing tea towels for the bride to be. Among tho many pretty pieces of silver was a set of engraved knives and forks. Lunch was served on a long table which was dec orated with yellow and white flowers and appropriate place cards. Mrs. James W. Payne and Mrs. Al lison Wilcox h.eld tho first of a series of three morning parties Tuesday when they entertained thirty-fivo ladies at bridge. The games were followed by a luncheon at one o'clock. Wednesday morning forty ladles wero entertained at a kenslngton and dinner and Thurs day morning a number of friends were entertained with popular card games. Several out of town guests wero pres ent at each function. The guests of honor were Misses Mae Reinecke of Davenport and Ella Gerkenbaugh of Muscatine. JQ. " FOR SALE. Convenient, comfortablo home, ce ment walks and auto drive, modern except heat, full basement cemented. Almost new. Will sell cheaper than you can build. Inquire at 1015 east 4th. :o:: GOVERNMENT SAFETY FIRST SPECIAL NEXT WEDNESDAY The government safety first special, composed of ton exhibit cars and four cars for the accommodation of tho men connected with tho exhibits will reach hero next Wednesday and remain from noon to nino o'clock In the evon lng. This is a wonderfully interesting fedoral exhibit, and not an advertising scheme on tho part of tho Union Pa cific. Each of tho ten cars is given over to the exhibit of Bomo particular line. Ono car. for instance, shows tho appliances used at life saving sta tions, another gives in detail the safe ty first methods used by railroads, another shows methods of sanitation both for rural nnd town surroundings. A medical corp3 shows how tho in jured or wounded aro treated, tho construction of sub-marine vessels is shown, and thoro are exhibits of for estry, minerals and agriculture. Tho housefly Is magnified many times in size nnd how it carries dlseaso germs is demonstrated. Methods of reclaim ing tho arid west are shown, and what Undo Sam is doing to protect forosts is illustrated. Those exhibits aro open to both mon and womon, nnd aro of such nature as to Interest every attondant. 1 :o::- WM Talk County Fnlr. Secretary Fisher and tho arrange ment committee of tho Lincoln Coun ty Fair have decided to hold a series of meetings, to which all fanners, their families and business men are Invited, to discuss tho program and exhibits. Tho first meeting will take place at tho Blgnell sdhool houso Friday evening, August 18th at 8 o'clock. Tho second will be at Platto Valley school house on Monday even ing, August 21st. On August 23rd tho meeting will be at Hershey on August 28th at Maxwell, and at Sutherland on Aug. 29th. A large attendance at these meetings is desired. Pavement Dances Dow;i at Kearney the street pave ment serves the purposes of a danc ing floor, ,at least a pavement dance will be held there this evening, tho pro ceeds of which will bo donated to tho fund for the Kearney militia com pany now on tho Texas border. When our, paving Is completed we, too, can hold pavement dances. : ;o: ; CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Delia Rhoadcs, who had been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Law head for some time, returned to Kear ney Wednesday evening. Clark Paulson, of the Tramp gro cery, returned the first of tho week from a two weeks' visit in Salt Lake City and Bingham, Utah. Mrs. J. W. McGraw and Mrs. J. L. Dick, who went to Omaha to attend the funeral of the late Nels. Hammer, returned yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Basklns and sons, of Stupleton, were called here this week to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah A. Buchanan. The city council meeting which was to have been held Tuesday evening was postponed on account of the ab scbco of several of flip members. General Roadmaster Scott, Store keeper Wilmot, and Grant of the sig nal service department, spent yester day here on Union Pacific business. Mrs. Philip Fent and four children, of Council Bluffs, who. visited her sis ter Mrs. Norman Loudon and other relatives, returned homo yesterday morning. A monkey-faced owl is attracting attention in the Huffman cigar store window. It was captured with six others a few miles north of town by Clarence Spjcer. , ::o'S. FOR SALE. 3G0 acres pasture land, twelve miles southwest of North Platto to exchange for city lots. Address O. L. WAT KINS, North Platte. FC2-3 1 foL, A.L, 1 1 Show Her You Mean Business Take it from us, young man, few girls of the right sort have the heart to turn down a man who is thoughtful enough to give her in the beginning her heart's desire a home of her own. It's the one thing that every woman wants for there her dreams of past years become realities. Build a Home Now and start life in the righ. way full of happiness and con tentment. We have several books of the latest designed houses and bungalows. Come in and select the one you like best and let us figure the cost for you complete, foun dation and all. Wo have everything in building material you'll need. Come in any day and we'll show you a plan she'll like. W. W. BIRGE CO. PHONE 9. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank Building. Rev. C. B. Harman went to Oshkosh yesterday moraine to spend the day. Frank Whyte returned Wednesday evening from a, short visit in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Derryherry have been In Garfield this week visiting rel atives. Fresh butttermilk dally from ex perimental' station at tho Stone Drug store. 52-tf Mrs. George Trexler has gone to GreeUjy, Colo., to visit relatives for a week or longer. Mrs. F. J. Wurtcle and daughter Beverly visited at the Dr. Fetter homo in Brady this week. For Rent Clean furnished rooms, $1.50 up. 723 Locust St. 57-9 Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt Walsh left yes terday morning for a three weeks' vis it in the- mountains. Tho Audubon society held a sue cessful ice cream benefit at tho Nyal drug store y.estorday. Mrs. Jane Applegate left recently for cjties of Indiana to spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Edward Wills and children left yesterday for Detroit to spend a month with relatives. Weaver Holliday, of Stapleton, for morly of this city, is spending a few days with local friends. Mrs. M. C. Hayes left yesterday morning for Colorado cities to visit relatives for several days: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sandall will leave soon for Donvor where they in tend to reside in the future. Mrs. Chris Paulson left a fow days ago for Crawfordsvllle, Indiana, to visit relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Joseph Ottman, of Cheyenne, a former resident here, is tho guest this week of Ma. and Mrs. A. A. Scnatz. Miss Nell Hanlfin and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutherless spent Wednesday visiting in Sutherland and Hershoy. Mrs. Robert Fromhold, of Nlles Cen ter, Iowa, arrived here Wednesday af ternoon to visit Mrs. William Slmonds. Miss Ada Boutwell returned Wed nesday evening from a two weeks' vis it in Topoka, KnnsaB, and other towns. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton aro on- Joying a visit from the lattcr's mother, who arrived from tho east a fow days ago. Mrs. Thomas Axtol, of Halg, camo Wednesday evening to visit local friends while enroute homo from Lin coln. For Sale Comploto Bet of household furnlturo including piano. Will sell cheap for cash. O. J. Kocloy."711 So. Chestnut street. G9-4 Mrs. L. E. Hastings and children loft yesterday morning for Denover and othor Colorado cltios to spend a fort night. Davo Day resumed his duties at the Carson & Landgraf barber Bhon Wed nosday after an absence of several weeks. Wanted Roomers and boarders at uio woouDlno rooming house, 309 east Hixtu ctreet. Good meals and modor rooms. G7tf, Elmer Mills, of No Wood. Wvo.. is expected hero tomorrow and will be mnrrled next Tuesday to Miss Nora Jeners. Mrs. Edwlna Schatz, of Omaha, camo wounesuay evening to visit her son A. A. Schatz while enrouto'home from unoyonno. Tho. constant frlrnnrrfntr nf wnfnr wears awny tho Btone. A slight eyo mruui impairs neaun nccauBO It is Ulr See the Government's Safety First Special The greatest traveling exhibit ever made of the safety work of our national government is contained it) ten all-steel cars of the special train which will be open and free for inspection to citizens of this city and surrounding territory. Wednesday, August 23 i Hundreds of exhibits of absorbing interest are contained in the cars of this train. Only the government could pre pare such a splendid exhibition. Everyone who can should see it. Everything is free. THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM which is operating with the government in this important work, has led among western roads in the adoption of prac tically every device and method which rriakes for safety to passengers and railroad employes. It has been the first to double track, first to install automatic electric block signals and interlocking plants. N All Union Pacific employes are banded together in an extensive and enthusiastic Safety First organization which has worked out thousands of new meth ods for saving life and limb. Remember the Date and Place See the Safety First Special Highest market price paid Cor hides. Wo buy dry bones, iron and othor Junk. North Platto Junk House. 27tf ' Joseph and Francis Norris, of Oma hji'j who Bpent two -woeks with tho Nor rls family hore, left for homo yester day morning. Mrs. Edwin Barraciough will leavo Tuesday morning for Oshkosh to visit her parents who reside on a homestead In that vicinity. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. Mrs. Earl Davis and children, of Portland, camo a fow days ago to vis it hor mother Mrs. Mury Gutherless for several weeks. Misses Maud Owens. Helen Minshall and Elaluo Bundy will leavo today for Elsiu to attend a house party given by Miss Maudo RIes. -::o::- 1IELP THE KIDNEYS. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Deats will leavo shortly for Laramlo from whoro they will go up on tho Hnhn's Penk road to spend sovoral weeks. For Rent After January 1st, tho double store room of Ottonstcln's. Misses Fay nnd Amy Elder returned homo Wednesday from Salt Lake City and other western points whoro they spont several weeks. Dr. Henry Farroll, of Wallace, spont a day or two In town this woolc and drovo homo In a now auto which ho purchased while lioro. H. F, Careop, ot Lincoln, eocrotary of tho Nebraska Dry Federation, ar rived Wednesday night to moot "Bil ly" Sunday and accompany him on his tour of Nebraska. Mr, Carson was a formor auporlntondont of tho North Platto schools. North I'lulto Headers tiro' .Learning Tim Way. It's tho little kidney ills ' Thotlame, weak or aching back Tho unnoticed urinary disorders That muy lead to dropsy and Brlght'B disease. When tho kldnoys nro weak. Help them with Doan's Kidney Pills. A remedy especially for weak kid neys. Doan's hnvo been used .in kidney troubles for CO years. Endorsed by 40,000 people en dorsed at home. Proof in a North Platto citizen's statement. Mrs. I. E. Jenkins, 821 N. Dowcy St., North Platto, says: "I havo had no occasion to uso Djoan's Kidney Pills for years, aa I havo enjoyed ex cellent health. Ilbwovar, I haven't forgotten tho experlonco I onco had with thorn and I am ready to glvo thorn credit for nutting my kldnoys In good condition and romovlng back ache and disorders I had at that time" Prico GOc at . all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kldnoy remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho sumo that Mrs. Jenkins had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific -treatment of inedlcnl, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories, Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. ReJGeM,M.D. J. S. Shams, M.D Miss M. Sienwn, Supt. Buy Flour R. N. LAMB L PHONE 67 R Q R ft p oj) p p "Any amount, Any time, for any purpose" You can save and you will save, if only you get started the Thrift Way. The simplest and best way to save for Vacation Fund Insurance Premium Christmas Fund or any other purpose. Let us explain. "Thrift Savings Clubs" are organized here, only at McDonald State Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. THE BANK BEHIND THE THRIFT MOVEMENT. constant HAKKY DIXON, Jowelar and Optometrist