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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1916)
THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 22, 1916. No. 63 LOCAL AND PEItSONAL Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Edwards spont Sunday In Grand island attending the SaongerfesU Mr. and Mrs. John Voselpka left Sunday for a visit In Denver and other Colorado points. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Hansen returned yesterday aftornoon from a visit with relatives in Grand Island. Percy Thornburg has been off duty at the Reese pantitorium for several days on account of Illness. The ladles aid society of the Chris tian church will meet Thursday after noon in the church basement. Mrs. George Glbbs and daughter, who have . been visiting relatives in York, are expected homo this week. Mrs. A. M. Selbert was called to Watertown, S. D., yesterday afternoon by tho serious illness of her mothor. Mis Ruth Wlngct resumed her du ties at the O'Connor storo yesterday morning after her summor vacation. Mrs. Frank McDonough and son Jo seph will arrive from Omaha this week to visit hot sister Mrs. Mary Dunn for a week or longer. Mrs. R. C. Orr,-of Norwalk, 0., who visited at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Prosser for soveral weeks, loft yesterday afternoon. The Audubon club will camp out near tho Ericsson iranch at Maxwell this -week. Tjhoy will bo chaperoned by Miss Laura Murray. The ladies' -aid society of the Metho dist church meets next Thursday af ternoon at tha home of Mrs. J. D. Cox, 317 west Sixth street. Lost On the streets Friday, gold ntch charm with letters "C. ,B. B. '14" engraved thereon. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker, of Los Angeles, came Saturday evening to visit their son Herbert Baker and fam ily, while enroute home from eastern cities. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stackhouse, of Huntley, who were guests of B., M. Stackhouse at the state farm, returned liome Sunday.,, Miss Mabel Martin-, of Omalia, re turned Friday evening from a visit on the branch road and will visit tho Fltzpatrlck family for a week or, more before returning home. ' Frank Jones was arrested Sunday fvenlng fofjieing.lntoxicatpd arvl: caus ing a disturbance on tho main streets. Jas. O'Ncil was drrestqd and lined tho latter part of last week' on a similar charge. Miss Fosta Grimes', pf Omaha, who visited with her mother. Mm W. B. Salisbury last week, left yesterday afternoon to take up her theatrical work for tho winter months with the McMahon Co. Miss Minerva Harrington, of Den ver, who has been in the training school for nurses at Rochester, Minn., for a year past, visited her aunt, Mrs. John Herrod, last 'week while enrouto home on a vacation. NURSE MEMORIAL IfOWTAI ni iiiu Take Note: Efficient Surgery, Excel lent ciire of Obstetric Patients, Confi dence in Medicine antl choice of Rem edy to cure Quickly, Safely and Permanently, JOHN S. TWINEM No "And a bath would rest me so." And I wanted Be prepared to furnish hot water on short notice, with a gas water heater. North Platte Light & Power Go. C. R. MOREY, Manager. JOE STKCHKU TO COME HERE LAliOlt DAY Harold Kramer, of Columbus, spent yesterday afternoon in town and mado arrangements for tho appearance horo on Labor Day, September 4th, of Joe Steelier, the world's most famous wrestler, Tho man who will wrestle Stechcr will either be HJalmar Lumlin, of Chicago, tho Swedish champion, or Plastinl, who put down Strangler Lewis, at Louisville, Ky two years ago. Both these men are mat men with reputations, and whilo not tho equal of Steelier are strong and fast enough to furnish a gopd exhibition of the wrestling art. Tho contest will bo hold nt tho ball park, which will bo provided with tho necessary ' stage and greater seating capacity. Several towns asked fdr Steelier on ber of contests In eastern antl central Nebraska, Joe concluded to glvo west ern Nebraska people an opportunity to sec him, hence his selection of North Pl&tto. Stcchor comes hero 'without any guarantee, believing there aro o suf ficient number of wrestling fans in this section of tho stao to insure sat isfactory, box office receipts. In this ho is undoubtedly correct, and we an ticipate a. big crowd of out-of-town people horq to see the contest. ::c:: Miss Eva Baker will entertain the Eldeon club tomorrow aftornoon. Mrs. F. J. Wurtole and daughter have returned from a visit at tho Fet ter homo in Brady. Miss Celeste Crawford and fathor have returned from a visit in tho west ern part of the state. , 1 Miss Edrt Wondeborn is expected to ireturn next week from an extended visit in eastern points. Curtis House, of Rawlins, who had been visiting his uncle, Fred Marti for a week, left for homo today. Mit. and Mrs. Edwin Barraclough will leavo shortly for Lincoln to visit friends and attend the statefair. Miss Hazel Donaldson returned Sunday evening from Sutherland, where, she visited friends for a few days. Mr. an'd Mrs. Albert Schllntz left a few days ago for Grand Rapids, Mich., to visit for several weeks with rela tives. ' Miss Lenora Scott, who has been visiting In Denver for ten days, is ex pected to return the latter part of this week. Mrand.Mrs, JV, E. Tlmmerman and 4amllyexpect to leay.o thjs.woek for Denver and Estes Parkpt6-spjSndt' t,wo w,eoks. "Tho Yeoman drill team. will, give tho first dance of the 'fall season on'Friday evening, August 25th, in the Lloyd op era house. Misses Elizabeth and Agnes Hanlon will leave this week for Denver and Ogden arid Salt Lake City, to spend two weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Baskins and sons, of Stapleton, 'who wero called here last week by tho death or Mrs. Sarah Buchanan, went homo a few days ngo. BROWN a quick shave." Water orrr and bounty news. For Rent Newly furnished modern rooms. 320 south Dewey. Tho J. F. F. club will meet today with Mrs. H. P, Hencklc. Mrs. William .McMann returned a fow days ago from a visit in eastern points. Miss Irene O'Donnell spent Satur day and Sunday with friends in Grand Island. Miss Jennie O'Connoll, who had been visiting in Sterling, catne homo SntUr day evening: Howard Purdy loft last ovenlng for Sutherland to visit for a week or mora with friends. Tho top prlco for No. 2 wheat in Omaha yesterday was $1.49, the bulk selling at $1.47. Miss Bess Nickerson, of Grand Is land, camo a fow days ago to visit Miss Focla JesBen, Mrs. Eurl Wilson and children loft last ovenlng for Paxton to spond a week with relatives. Mrs, Ellen Dick and daughter Anna leavo tomorrow for a month's visit with friends in Boulder, Col. Donald Newton and Morlo Mauplh left yesterday on n pleasuro trip t Omaha and points in Missouri. "Undine," from tho famous story, will bo tho spectacular photoplay shown at the Keith Thursday night. (Felix Simon and son James, of Hastings, .formerly of this city, are visiting tho Simon families hero this week. Mrs. Edward Futoft and daughter Janet, of Sidney, came a few days ago to visit hor sister Mrs. Elmor Coate3 for a fow days. Wanted, beginning Soptembor 3d, board and room In a private family by a husband, wife and baby. Address XX, Tribune office. George Stathl. a Grook laborer, was injured tho latter part pf last week in a fall from a car, striking on his face and left side of his body. A letter from one of tho North Platta boys at Llano Grande, Texas, states that It 1b probable that they will be ordered homo some day this week. The dancing parties given by the Yeoman drill team last season, and which proved so very popular, will be resumed at the Lloyd opera house next Friday evening. C. C. Tappan and Robert Tappau, two welt Known, trap shooters". of Lo gin county, left Saturday for St. Louis to attend the Grand American Handi cap shoot which oponed there yes terday. Itov. J. L. Barton and family; former ly of this city, who are riow residing in Strom3burg, arrived here last even ing to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Toole and 'ptck their household goods for shipment. For Sale Bed cedar posts ranging from 8 to 1G feet in length. Also.good kindling at $2,50 per load delivered. Call at 702 west Tenth, or phone Black 822. The posts will make good corner posts. Miss Heleno Shoup, of Sutherland, has accepted the position of teacher at Belmar. Before assuming her du ties she will go to Lincoln to visit tho family of A. L. Bixby of the State Jour nal, and attend tho state fair. All members of tho Ilobekah and Odd Follow lodges and members of tueir ramiues aro invited to attend the celebration of tho. sixty-fifth an niversary of tho Itoboknh Degree, which will be held at tho Odd Follows hall September 20th. Undertaker Malonoy received word yestorday afternoon that R. T. Tarkln, who had been traveling in a covered wagon had died thirty-two miles east of this city. Tho remains wero brought hero last eveninff and funoral arrange ments will be mado today. T P. PnHivfinii rnfnrnfwl llrlriiiv from Estes Park where lie accompan ied Mrs. Patterson and Misses Ruth and Edith. The latter will remain at the Park until Tuesday .of next week, when Mr. Patterson will go to Denver and moot 'thorn and drlvo homo. Max Flgman and Lolu Meredith in "My Bost Girl," a rollicking comedy drama, will bo shown ut .tho Keith to morrow) night. This was taken from tho Theatro success by tho same name and offers very good entertainment. But with it will bo tho Chaplin comedy "Ono A. M." It your idle money Is not eitruluy good rate ot interest. Jti Hate Invent- mollis, better let us place it In some of our fill edgo first mortgage loans, net. ting 7 to N per cent Interest, not tax able. Yfo ntterid to all details without change. See HKATT, (500IWAN & BUCKLEY. In tho county court yesterday George Young, of Welllloct, was given a Judg ment of $199 against tho Burlington ruilroad'company for tho death of bcv en hogs. J. L. Rice, of McCook, at torney for tho railroad, considers tin judgment excosslvo and will probably tatto an appeal to tho district court. Georgo LlvinaB, eighteen years old, of the Greek colony in this city, died Saturday of gangrenous appendicitis and peritonitis. The deceased had resided hero for a number of years and was employed at tho Union Pacific ho tel and Palaco cafo. Tho funoral was hold yesterday afternoon from the , Christian church, in charge of a Greek priost who camo hero from Omaha, and was attended by a .large number of his felldw) countrymen. Interment was made In the North Platte ceme tery. . Hospital Moves Tomorrow . The City Hospital will move tomor- row ovoning irom tne uratt muiuing on Locust street to the former Walk or residonco on west Fourth, recently purchased by Dr. F. J. Wurtclo and Dr. T. J. Kerr. "The houso has beori considerably enlarged and romodclcd, and' has accommodations for nearly tdoifblo tho number of patients the past location nfforded. :o: Boosting the County Fair Tho lirst ot n, series of meetings jo boost tho Lincoln County Fair was held nt tho Blgnoll school houso Fri day evening and was attended y fif ty farmers and tholr wives. Talks wero mado by Messrs McConib, Stackhouael A)jo?ncromlblo and Plol aticker and music was furnished by tuo stato farm quartette Thls meet' lng was most successful and a similar ono was nciu last evening at the Platto Valley school house :;o:: Card of Thanks ,Ye desire to extend our thanks to II. u. Knowles, members of the Chris tlan church choir and friends for tho kindly services rendored us at the funeral, of dur brother, tho late Henry E. Chamberlain. It. O. CHAMBERLAIN, G. D. CHAMBERLAIN. i:o:: Brown Homeopathic Hospital Mrs. H. E. Wilson, of Summitt. Nob.. 'who- was operated on, was nolo to leave for her home yestorday. A daughter 'was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells, of Stapleton, Saturday morning. Mother and daughter aro doing nicely. Fay Knarles, of Paxton, who suffered a sunstroke, was ablo to leave the hos pital yestorday. Miss Mable Wilson. fcC HCrshoy, who was oporated on Saturday Is do-lng-nlccly. ::o:: Unearth Booze and Beer. Believing that Thos. Ragan, more familiarly known as "Flngorlcss Tom," was quietly Indulging in boot-legging, a search warrant was Issued Saturday evening und a barrel of bottled beer und a bottle of whlskoy unearthed In Tom's cache. Tom was sent to a hos pital Sunday morning suffering from his old trouble, and whon ho is releas ed ho will bo given a preliminary hear ing. It is said sufficient evidence to convict can bo secured. In fact Tom admitted to an officer that ho had boon soiling a little beer and whiskey, and that ho did it in ordor to get money to pay bills contracted during lllnoss, . ::o:i Perilous Adventures In Frigid North. JTho Rev. .ll G. Carter,, .the Greenland adventurer and mlsslonury, Was" greet ed bai very satisfactory audience at tho court house on Sunday night. Ho described 'his experiences as a fisher man around tho coast of Labrador und Greenland, holding the attention of hla audience Very closely. Tho vivid Il lustrations thrilled young and old, all being plcasefl and edified. Tho lecturo was announced for tho Kolth theatre but was changed to tho court house owing to the heavy rain storm. Mr. Carter will lecture again at the Christian church tonight (Tuesday) and expects to bo favored with a large gathering. There Is no admission charge. On Wednesday night he Is ox pootcd to speak nt the school house five miles east of town and nt the Nichols schlnol houso on Thursday night. All who attend tonight at tho Christian church will bo welcomed cordially by tho lecturer, who carries with him tho most enthusiastic en dorsements from ministers nil over the country. Foil SALK Some choice residence lots In dif ferent parts of tho city, also some good residences, cheap und part time. Bit ATT, (JOOMIAN & BUCKLEY. Interior o! one of the ten exhibit cars of the which will be in North Platte from one o'clock p. m. Admission Fr. "N0V READY TO.'flKT DOWN TO HHASS TACKS Washington, Aug. 21. Whon tho mllrond executives loft itho White house this aftornoon after their con ference with President Wilson, Mr. Holdcn, their spokesman, said thero was no change In tho situation, but that tho oxecutives would go Into ses sion in an offort to roach a decision. "Wo nro now ready to get, down to brass tacks," said ono of the railroad presidents. "Up to tho present time our discussions have been informal entirely, but from now on, wo will hiako determined efforts to roach a decision. President Wilson in his nddross roltorated his previous argumont by pointing out that tho railroads play an Important part In tho military pro- paredncss of tho country, und that as ; tiioy aro a vital part of tho industrial framowork of tho nation, It was abso lutely necessary to koon them ruiinlnc I at tho present time. Mr. Wilson told tho railroad oxec utives ho did not blame them for fighting for tho principle of arbitra tion, ,but It believed undfrr ,prfc3 ent circumstances they should accept tho eight-hour day and leavo tho Working out of tho prlnclplo of arbi tration until lator. Tho railroad oxecutlvos did not en ter Into nn argument nvlth tho presi dent, but nftomvnrd said thoy woro deeply lmprosscd and would give full weight to his argument at their con ferences. :o::- Tonlght's offering at tho Kolth will bo "Pennington's Cholctf," with Fran cis X. Bushman and Bovorly Bayno. This production may bo placed among tho vory fow photoplays that spring a surprlBo near tho close, and a real surprise it is too, for all along tho spectator has bocn qnltu In the posi tion of Pennington, himself, who has been fooled right and left. Miss Ethel Armstrong will .resign hor position at tho Gem candy-kitchen this week and will attend tho local high school tills winter. MIbs Lena Baskins has been visiting friends In Grand Island tho past few days. Arthur Donegan has gono to Den ver to spond two weoks with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder aro vis iting in cities of Colorado this week. We have a fine new line of Watches, Watch Chains, Cuff Buttons, Stick Pins, Brooches, Rings, and numerous other things in the jewelry line. - Call and take a look and J bring your Watches for repairs. C. M. AUSTIN FRONT STREET, ItAILHOAl) NOTES William NobI6 Is oxpoctcd here noxt week to nccopt a position with tho Amor tan Express Co. Goorgo Weir was transferred last week from tho local machine shops to Foreman Norton's office Thos. Gllnmrtln will leavo this week for Sterling, Col., to accept a position witli tho American Express Co. Ralph Adams, who had been em ployed as U. P. clerk in Formnn Nor ton's office, loft a fow daye ngo for Indiana to make his homo in tho fu ture. ::o:: Gives Hadluin Treatment Mrs. Mary RatcliiT. of Maywood, grandmother of Mrs. Max Von Goetjf, of .this city, submitted to an operation Sunday aftornoon at tho North Platto General Hospital. Tho operation was n vory sorlous ono and Dr. Lucas was assisted by Dr. D. T. Qulgley, of Onift ha, who applied .radium after carcon omn or cancer was removed. Tho radium, "which is oncascd in inch tubes with a covering of glass and an outer layer ot load wero sowed in and let stand for throo hours, after which thoy woro moved ono Inch and stotyd for two hours, removed and remained for eight hours. GG.000 mllograms woro used, amounting in valuo to $10. 000. Each inch tubo Is wortli $4,000 and Is carried In lead packages to pro vont breakage Tho radium glvos a .bright light and will penotrato through alx inches. Tho samo nullum Is ster ilized and ro-Used. Miss Amy Hodges loft Saturday ev ening for Paxton io visit friends. Jamos Flynn loft yesterday morillng for hla homeatead near Koyatono. ' Charlie Chaplin IN One A. M. : KEITH THEATRE WEDNESDAY - NIGHT Diamonds and Federal Safety First Special to 9 o'clock p, m. tomorrow.