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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1916)
'Ufa Mom fflfotte TIIIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST '1, 1916. No. 58 LOCAL AJfD 1'ERSOXAL LOCK WILL KKKCT NMV HUILMNG OX LOCUST Mrs. James McEvoy and son have returned from a visit with friends In Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Coates at Maxwell Wednesday. ' Miss Nina Van Doran will return to day from an extended vhlt with friends In Maywood. Fatty and Mabel at the Keith Mon day night in the Keystone "Ho Did and He Didn't." Mhls Emma ltudat, of Omaha, ar rived Wednccdny to spend two weeks iwlth the homo folks. John Ross, of LeMoyne, who has been visiting friends In town for a week, will leave tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Deo Ranoy and chil dren, of Wallace, have been guests at the Greeley Dundy home. Mrs. Alex Fcnwlck is expected to I'eturn in a few days from a visit with her daughter in Cheyenne. Mrs. C. iM. Nowton and son Donald, will lcavo in a few days for cities o Colorado to spend several weeks. Mrs. Verne Mann and baby will leave Sunday afternoon for Denver to spend a fortnight with her paronts. Miss -Minnie Rudat, vho had been visiting in Hastings for three weeks, returned the early part of this week. Miss Elslo Johnson, who had been at tending the Kearney normal for sever al weeks, returned home a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore will leave shortly for Estes Park and Colorado cities to spend several weeks with Iriends. Miss Mildred McKeown, bookkeep er at the O'Connor store, left yester day morning for Colorado to spend her vacation. Thomas Green, Ross Hosford, Clyde Giddeon and Guy Swope formed a fishing party which left yesterday, for western points. Senator Cordell and wife, of Mo Cook, visited Attorney and Mrs. Walter V.i Hoagland this week while enroute to iEstes Park by aiuto. Mrs. M. C. Harrington, of Denvor, who had beon visiting in Central City, is the guest of her sister Mrs. John Hcrrod, while enroute homo. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of Par eons, Kansas, who were visiting their daughter Mrs. J. E. Inman for ten days, loft Monday morning. William Mullen, of the Stone drug store, will leave shortly for Omaha, Wood River and other parts of east ern Nebraska, to visit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lcwson enter tained a few friends informally Wed' nesday evening. A number of enjoy able musical selections were render ed. Mrs. K. C. Raker, of Altoona. came a few days ago to visit her sons Messrs. I.iieiusf and Donald CTBrien. Mlrs. Baker was formerly a resident of this city. Friends in town have received word that Mrs. Guy Robinson, of Portland, fnrmriv nf this citv. who iwas oper ated upon recently, is getting alon nicely. Miss Lillian Beechon, of the Gem Candy Co., cut a deep gash in her hand while at work a few days ago and will bo olf duty for somo time. She has gone, to Horshey to spend a week with homo louts. Dan Atchison spent yesterday in town visltinc frlonds. For several years past he had resided in California, but returned to Nebraska six weeks ago and has again taken up' his resi deuce in Kearney. Attorney and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland, who visited last weoK in umana, Lin coln and other easter points In their par. returned tho first Of the meek. Miss Tholma Frater visited friends in Maxwell this week. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Banks, of Chad ron, came several days ago to visit Dean and Mrs. J. J. Bowker for a week nnd in company with the latter will leave today for Denver and other west ern points of interest. Tho local civil war veterans have been Invited to tho Chautauqua pro gram tomorrow afternoon as tho guests of the committed, Jin orderto give them an opportunity of hearing the lecture of Governor Glenn. Keith Neville left Wednesday even ing frr the central part of tho state, where ho will address several demo cratic meetings. Mr. Neville expects to be absent from homo practically all the time from now until tho November election. Clifford Matthowson. formerly of Brady, but now a wealthy auto deal er in Now York City, passed through Wednesday enroute to Oakland, Cal., where he was called by tho Illness of his brother Linn, who Is suffering from appendicitis in a bad form. Tho program at tho Keith tonight Is worthy of especial noto In that It nresents the well known comedians- Weber and Fields In "The Worst of Friends" and tho 5 part play "Botween Men" with House Potcrs, Wm. Hart and Enid Markov. Tim local base ball team will leave August 12th for a ten day trip during which they will play at uneyonne, Kimball. Potter. Petz, and throo days at Scotts Bluff. Thoy will also play at Eustis during tho tournament August 22nd to 24th. Tho team has played twenty-three games, and lost, five, per cent lge 822 One tto game was played. A. M. Locko Is now having plans prepared for a building which he will erect on Locust street on the site oc cuied by the buildings recently burn ed. Tho new building twill be 06x126 one ctory, pressed brick front and brick and hollow tllo on north and east end. Tho plans have been promised by Saturday evening and bids for Its construction will at once bo asked. The walls will be of sufficient strength to sustain two additional floors should such beon deemed advisable In tho fu ture. Two local business llrms have prac tically agreed to lease the building for a period of live years, one of the firms to occupy forty-four feet, tho other twonv-two feet. Until tlio leases arc sign?d, the names are withheld. This decision on the part of Mr. Lock to build, means a big improve ment on Locust street and also means that two other buildings, and possibly three twill bo erected on that street next year, as tho erection of tho Lock building is a strong incentive to the others to build. CUT A3fJ COUNT!' JfEWS. Robert Dickey and son Robert spout .Wednesday ovenlug in Hershey. Mrs. Omar Huff loft last evening for Paxton to remain for a week or more with friends. W. E. Wessburg, of Omaha, came yesterday to visit the Wessburg fami ly for a couple of weeks. Wanted Accommodations for teach ers during Institute week, August 14 to IS. Phono County Superintendent. Christian Scjeneo service Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Room 25, Building and Loan building. Mrs CHAUTAUQUA PIUKJKAM l'LKASKS PUOl'Li: BY ITS HXCKLLKXUi; Tho Redpath-Hwner company Js making good Its promise fchnt tho 191G Chautautiua talent would bo tho best It had over presented to North Platte p'eople, and that tho programs are appreciated Is attested by the at tendance at both tho afternoon and oveulng BCssionH. The program has been so arranged that no session Is tlrecome, musical features breaking the edges of any weariness that might como to somo sitting through a lecturo on such hot days and evenings -as wo have had since tho oponlng any, -: :o: : Fred Lathrop. of Chicago, will ar rive Thursday of next week for a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Tlloy and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickey nnd children re turned yesterday from a two weeks' auto trip to Denver, Colorado Springs and Estes Park. Miss May Dolan, of Chicago, for merly of Maxwell, is visiting in town this week with Mrs. Max Wcstfall. Miss Dolan is a successful teacher In the Chicago schodls. E. A. Crosby, of Sutherland, was In Building Acarlny Completion. Tho Llpshitz building on the corner of Front and Locust is nearlng com pletion, and within the next few days tho Front street room will be occu-ltown Wednesday enroute homo from pled by the American Express Co., who i a trip to Chicago. He said the corn have taken it on a five year lease. Mr. I conditions in Nebraska and Iowa are Lipshltz will occupy tho rear room! not very encouraging. r"8 1AL?c,,?lltrt' ""A?!11 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Van Dyke, ac- pxuuuuiy put. in u siuuiv ui mm uuuu-: . . , M11IW, Mr w n.i i. . ...I.,... i... .... 'comnanled by Mr. UlSU, UlU lUlLUIU Ul WHICH U IIUS HUU,. - . ,. -.,, .., fnr rPn ii y dec ded. The second f oor of the '""""' , oV.Vin 1 m,; nrlint imlifiimr win i, nnnnnioA l.v thi Mnnso vor, Colorado Springe and other points I to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Well, who spent building will bo occupied by the Moose lodge as a hall ::o:: . ,....! ii several weeks lu eastern points vis C. 0 SJS he , ttai,,s! , ? . ' that double that number are enter- j hom " California, tained at tho rooming houses, or am The North Platte laundry has re average of 120 each night. At a lowjceived a new auto delivery truck to estimate these tourists leave ?J0U replace the wagon formerly used, 'l no each day In North Platte. truck Is of a late model, attractive in ::o:: J appearance and conveniently ar- Miss Ida Ottenstcin. who visited m' ranged to carry all sizes of parcels. Omaha with friends for a week, has' James H. Winterstceu, for many returned. I vears a traveling man making North Charles Strauss 'returned Wedues-I Patto. died at his home in Fremont day from Cheyenne where toWt.- 2? S Journal, and prior to that Omaha printing houses. "Jim" was oneof the Jolllest men on the road. Dry weather Is having consider able effect on the corn crop In differ ent sections of the county, especially In fields that have not boon well worked. During the past week there havo been local rains In certain sec tions, and these have kept the corn In good growing condition, but tak ing tho county as a whole tho crop needs rain badly. last weeK. - Mrs. Will Friend will entertain tho Catholic girls' club on Thursday ev ening, August 10th. Miss Silleson, of Keystone, came a few days ago to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fredw Frederickson. Mrs. Matt Offil loft for Kearney last evening, after visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hastings. A regular meeting of tho W. R. C. will be held tomorrow afternoon. All members are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Wolland, of Britt, la., arrived last evening too .visit their daughter. Mrs. Edward Robinson, for two weeks. Onenlni: Tuesday afternoon with a E. B. Gibbs and daughter Mrs. ' n)roiuti0 i,v ho Hungarian orchestra and a 'by JSx-uongrossman Bode, of Minnesota, and followed by a concert by the orchestra In tho ev ening, tho first day gave thoso in attendance somo Idea as to 1ho real goodness or the seven-day pro gram. Mr. Bedo again lectured Wed nesday afternoon with music by tho Schubert artists, and in tho ovonlng Dr. Hardin dolivored a locturo on t'Ch'Jllzntlon aU tho dross 'Roads " with n proludo by tho Schuborts. Yos uerday afternoon Julius Nayphe, a Oreok, gave a dramatic locturo, using a half dozen young girls In Grecian costumes and displaying on tho plat form Grecian rugs and hangings. In tho evening Noah Bellhorz, an Im personator, held tho stago. Bolllno, an accordeon playor furnished the music both attornoon and evening. What the munagmnent calls tho "big four" aro yet to come. Ono of theso will bo the Thaviu band which occupies all of this afternoon with a concert; tho second Is Governor Glenn, Avho lectures tomorrow nftor noon; the third "The Molting Pot" to morrow evening, and tho fourth the Hadyn chorus Monday ovonlng. While theso aro hoadllners, thoro mill bo the opera singers this ovonlng, mus ical rtecitnls by Alfred Borgon to morrow' "afternoon and ovonlng, and impersonations by Ethel Hlnton In the afternoon; Sunday afternoon se lections by Estclle Gray pianist nnd Mischa Lhovlnno Russian pianist and sermon-locturo by Dr. Haywood; Sunday evening tho Gray company again and an address by Dr. Hay wood. Monday nfternoon the Haydn chorus will give a proludo followed by an address by W. I. Nolan, and In the evening the concert by tho Haydn chorus. ::o:: Grading has been campletcd on six blocks, the curb and gutter finished and theso are now ready for tho con crete base, the laying of which will probably begin the early part or next Atr Annn Ttofimnnil. who has been' week. Handicapped by inability to ill for some time, was taken to the get laborers the work has not moved North Platte General hospital yester- ' along as rapidly as was expected or dnv afternoon ' is desired by Contractor Stack, but ,,.,, ,. , ho hopes to secure additional work Tho Palace Ca o dining room lias weok- honn Imnrnvpil with a number of now leather-covered chairs and other at-! C. A. Sibley, of the south part of tractive furnishings. the caunty, is transacting business T , , , , . i . and visiting friends in town today. The Loyal girls and the ladles biblo, t C!oon.r ni i.n wiuit nmn in hia class of the Methodist church will hold section Mr slbley says lt la tho best i coin rtf fniile nrwl fnnpl' rnrwlllfr . . , . ..... diuu w ....... o , im una ovon anon in m m rnirrv vi'iirH Saturday at Derryberry & Forbes Tho Misses O'Haro entertained a few friends Wednesday evening at tho O'Keefe homo in favor of Mrs. Anna Woods, of Salt Lake, formerly of this .city. resiidonco. the ylold running from twenty-five to forty bushels and weighing from sixty to sixty-four pounds. Corn is in pretty fair condi tion, though the dry weather has had Its effect on some fields. Koonlz us u Water User. John E. Koontz reports that the numbor of gallons of water used each day on tho streot sprinkler since tho dry spell Is from 25,000 to 30,000 gal lons and during tho hot dry winds of last week ho took out over thirty-two loads, each load containing soven hun dred and fifty gallons, and only using ono team. Even this amount did not keep the main streets and intersections moist, but only ono complaint was heard from the morchants. Tho sprinkler Is in uso from soven o'clock a. m. until six thirty p. in. Mr. Koontz has his own pump operated by oloc tilclty and last month ho used eleven dollars worth of tho camo, moro than any oilier month In live years. ::o;: City Sells Puvliitc Bonds. Tho city council met In regular ses sion Tuosdny evening. Tho Intersec tion paving bonds wero Bold to the state treasurer for $10,000 or par. Cur ront bills iworo allowed as was tho first estlinato of tho paving for $3200. W. R. Mnlonoy, representing tho Chamber of Comniorco, mado a request for tho hitching posts which wero takon from Fifth street bo placed on a convenient slto for tho farmers and this request Was granted. This mat ter will bo given prompt attention. ::o:: Tho drought was broken Sunday attornoon by a good rain, followed Monday by showers and Tuosday ov onlng by a downpour. Tho weathor had been very hot and dry for sovoral weeks, and theso nuns will probably bo tho making of corn In this vicinity. Brady Vindicator. Charles Roach left last evening for Omaha to spend a few days. STATU KMTOKS WILL VISIT )KTII PLATTi: MIDAS Two hundred Nebraska editors and their ladles will bo entertained by tho Chamber of Commerce Friday fore noon or next week. These nowspaper men will atop enroute homo from the editorial association meeting at Al liance. Tho full program for their entertainment has not been complet ed, but thoy will bo met nt tho depot at eight o'clock by autos and con veyed to tho Btato farm where break fast will bo served by a committee of Indies. An hour or two will bo spont nt tho farm, and then return ing to town tho visitors will be driv en around the city. The party which travels on a spe clnl train, will leave for the east at olovon o'clock, stopping nt Kearney for dlunor. ::o:: Urlvo Slow lu li ratty. Marshal Elliott arrested two auto spoelorR on Main sreet (Saturday nlglir; Mayor Dart lined one of the oft'eodera $10.00 nnd costs and Judgo Rltonour assessed the same amount ngnlust tho other ono. Each paid into tho vlllago treasury $13.05. The mar shal says ho Is determined to stop fust driving In tho village. Brady Vindi cator. ::o:: Tho Royal Neighbors will hold their regular meeting at tho If.,. P. hall Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Initiation will bo held after which a lunch will bo served by Mesdamci Moore, Dnvls and Johnson. Wanted Girl for general houso- work. Experimental station, phono. 499. The Entro Nous wore tho guests of Mrs. Harry S. Johnosn Wednesday aftornoon. Prizes wero won by Mrs. E. M. Johnston and Mrs. Asa Snyder, and guest prizes g"lven to Mrs. Will Wolsgerber nnd Miss McMurray. Other, guests of tho club woro Mrs. Chas. Lierk. Jr., and Mrs. McMullen. The club wll be entertained next Wednesday ovening by Mrs. E. M. Johnston at 8 Vclock sharp. A11 members aro urged to bo present. The Gunderson Brothers, living southwest of Hershey, threshed the Wheat on 200 acres last week and found the avorago to bo a Uttlo over seventeen bushels to the acre. On summer tilled land the average was twenty bushels. Vho Rowena Circle will hold a reg ular meeting at tho home of Mrs. Ot to Weber,, 314 west Front street Tues day afternoon, August 8. All aro urged to be present. Mrs. Bruco Dye, of California, for merly Miss Pearl Gilbert, of this city, iwlio hud been visiting in eastorn point' for) several weeks, returned hero last evening to visit Mrs. Sarah Duggan. Miss Cathorlne McCuskor, of Oga lalla, is boing entertained this week by Miss Margaret McGlnley. FARMERS' ASSISTANT .Many fanner keep a check account nlfh us been use It is a ureal help and oonTculoiicu when the rushing work of harvest Is on. When you sell your rraiu this fall, deposit (he money In (his Bank sub Joct to cheek. Settle all purchases, wiipcs, and loans by check and (Jie cancelled vouchers wll supply you with lepal receipts. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. j- QUALITY in construction, design, finish, appearance a really high class motor car that is your first and last impression of the Maxwell. In first cost it is several hundred dollars less than any other car offering the same quality and advantages. operation the cost of gasoline :nd tires is so low it means the utmost economy. This combination should make you consider the Maxwell should mean that you will buy it if you really want value. Let us prove these statements. Touring Car 3595; Roadster $580; Cabriolet $865; Town Car $915; Sedan $985. Fully equipped, including electric starter and tights. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. THE TROTTER AGENCY. NORTH PLATTE and BRADY.