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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1916)
4 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST i, 1916. No. 57 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. F. J. Wurtolo was called to Try on Saturday on "professional business. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tramp and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tramp spent Sun day with friends at May wood. Francis X. Busman and Marguerite Snow will ap'pear at tho Keith tomor row night In "Second In Command. Miss Eltan Sobnstlnn arrived hero Saturday to s'pend thirty days with lier brother J. E. Sebastian and fam ily. Julius Hoga had his right hand bad ly cut by galvanized iron Saturday while at work on the roof of a build ing. Wanted Roomers and boarders at the Woodbine rooming house, 309 east Sixth street. Good meals and modern rooms. 57tf. Miss Margaret Amen, of Hastings, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. J.J. Gettman for several weeks, will return homo Friday. Miss Mayme Plzer entertained at an informal bridge party Saturday af ternoon. Twelve young ladles en joyed her hospitality. Miss Goritude Magner, of Itawlins, .who visited tho Misses Elfrcda and Margaret Meittln for several weeks, ioft Saturday evening. Mrs. Brtea Drown and children, who had been visiting relatives in Hastings for several weeks, returned homo Sunday evening.. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Monroo and sou, who were called to Kansas City by the serious Illness of tho formor'sjnother, will rotnurn' next iweok. Tho Union Pacific Is advertising for men to work at tho Ice houses. The wage offered is $2.25 per day. Two years ago the pay m as $i.G5 per day. Mrs. Fay Dlener came from Hast ings a few days ago to make her homo here. Mr. Dlener has been in the em ploy of the Hansen Plumbing Co. for some itlme. Mrs.- Guy Woods, of Salt Lake City, formerly Miss Anna Router, of this city, came yesterday afternoon to vis it with Mr. and Mrs. Wood White for some time. Dr. James Rae ArnejMl, a specialist of Denver, spent Sunday1 here In con sultation with Dr. F. J. Wurtele over the condition of Bert Barber, who has been ill with heart trouble for several weeks. For Sale. Driving mare 5 year old, weight 1200, standard bred and registered. City broke. R. L. Douglas, 207 East Eleventh street. 54-3 On the We Did Not Expect This, in the Face of Everything Else Increasing in Price. Note These Prices Carefully and Note Reductions! REPAIR PARTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED EVEN MORE THAN THIS if if Touring, Runabout Couplett Sedan Town Car if if if 'it SOUTH PLATTE TAKKS TWO FRO.M SCOTTS BLUFF North Platte again displayed Its strength on the ball diamond by tak ing two games from tho strong Scotts Bluff team, 'tho Sunday game by a scoro of one to nothing, and yester day's five Inning game called on ac count of the rain by a scoro of seven to nothing. The Sunday gamo iwas exceptionally well played, In fatet It Is said to have been one of the best over witnessed on tho local lot. Can nln, tile now pitcher for North Platte, made his Initial appearance, and he had the Uluffltes at his mercy, allow ing but llvo hits, striking out ten and making a hit that resulted In the only run of tho game. Hi3 work satls llod the fans that he Is some pitcher. The visiting twlrler, Stolz, is no slouch, for though ho was touched up for seven hits, they were so scattered as to bring In but one run. Ho fnncd nine of Jake's men. With Jackson and Walworth 'as tho opposing pitchers, yesterday's gamo started well, and promised n repeti tion of Sunday's contest. In itho third Inning, however the locals touched up Jackson for three hits, there were a couple of bonehead plays on the part of the visitors, and tho- Inning closed with five runs by Jake's gladiators. In tho fifth two more were added to the string and then camo tho rain. Only once In the five frames did the Bluffltes get a man on third. Notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. 57-1 FRANK OSTERHOUT. :o: : The city council will meet In regu lar session this evening. Miss Elizabeth Weir, who visited friends in Cheyenne last week, re turned homo yesterday morning. Master Charles Ldnorgan returned the latter part of last week from a visit with friends In Grand Island. The high school base ball team un der tho management of Joe Plzer, 'played at Tryon Sunday afternoon nnd won the game by a scoro of 11 to 6. Tho Loyal Girls of tho Methodist church will hold an exchange of food and fancy articles at Derryberry & Forbes' store, Saturday, August 5th. 'points. Tho Harry E. Brown camp and la dies' auxiliary spent last ev enlnir ntanlcklncr nt tho North side park. The amusements were many ann vaneu anu mncu was served irom well filled baskets. -::o: TO THE CAREFUL INVESTOR V offer sonic rlinlnn first imirf irnirn real estate loans In different sums, net-, ting 7 to S per cent Interest, not tax- aide. Can't beat, these for safety nnd earning capacity. Sco I BHATT. (J00O3IAN & BUCKLEY. ame R. L. Graves arrived in town yester day and will spond n-few days with friends. He hnd been In New York and Indiana for several weeks spend ing his annual vacation. Dr. A. II. Fennor left Sunday for Kansas City, whero ho will attend the national Osteopathic association for a week. While thcro ho will demonstrate an original apparatus for Irrigation. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnston, of Welllleei:, spent several days hero with friends and left yesterday afternoon. Their daughter, Miss Ruth, who has been 111, accompanied them homo and will remain there soveral weeks. A very heavy rain fell south and southwest of town Sunday night. In the Knukle neighborhood tho rain was almost a cloudburst, and was accom panied by hall which damaged crops to some extent. The rain did not ex tend as far south as Wollfleet. A baby boy weighing thirteen and a half pounds was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Beam of Lordburg, N. M., nt the homo of the lntter's parents Mr. nnd Mrs. John Welnbarger Satur day afternoon. Mrs. Beam iwas former ly Miss Kate Welnborger of tuft city. Old timers pronounce last week to have been the most oppressive they over experienced in this section hot, dry and warm wind. Sunday even ing a light rain fell, cooling tho patched ground and lowering the tem tomperature. Another shower jenmo last ovcnlng. Friends In town received word Fri day aftornoon of tho death of Mrs. Har ry Duiilap, of Stapleton, iwho died sud denly of apoplexy at the ago of forty three. The deceased was formerly Miss Daisy Crawford and resided here for a number of yenrs. She was mar ried hero to Jack Marr who was killed in a railroad accident and later mar ried to Harry Dunlup, who with one daughter. Miss Helen Mnrr, twelve years of age, survives hor. Mrs. Dunlap had frequently visited In town with tho Frnzlor and Mllfonbcrger families. The Tribune mnn, son Leslie and Horton Mungor returned Saturday ev ening from a ten day auto trip in Wy oming and Colorado. Going to En campment, vWyoinlng, four and a half days were spent along tho trout streams, but Ashing was poor on ac count of the number of fishermen who are continually whlp'plng tho streams. From Encampment a return was made to Tie Siding, thence south to Ft. Col lins and Estes Park, back to Lovcland! and then homo via Greeley, Fort Mor-1 gan and Sterling. Tho drive from Tie' Siding to Estes Park, Is through about j ninety miles of exceptionally fine seen-' cry, and for tho greater part of tho distance tho roads aro perfect. The trip covered 9G5 miles. Flode! i . Just F. O 66 13 Detroit, 6i ii NORTH PLATTE'S CHAUTAUQUA OPENS THIS AFTERNOON North Platte's Chautauqua will open this afternoon nt the grounds on south Dowey street and for soven days our citizens iwlll havo an opportunity to hear tho most expensive and best tal ent that has ever been presented to them through a Chautauqua. Whlla all tho talent Is good, tho Thavlu's band and tho "Melting Pot" are tho headllncrs, which It presented sep arately would cost tho price of a Chau tauqua season ticket alone. Tho program this afternoon will bo tho Hungnrlan orchestra and cx-Con- gressmnn J. Adam Bedo, and this ev ening. In addition to tho concert by this noted orchestrn, Mr. Bcde will again lecture, his second appearance being an added attraction to tho full week's program. The committee of citizens backing the Chautauqua have disposed of G25 season tickets, which Is practically sufficient to meet tho guarantee, but they nre anxious to sell moro In or der that they may have a surplus to meet any deficit thnt might occur next year. Tho largo sale of season tlckots to gether with the single admissions In sures a crowded tent at each session. ::o:; Horses For Sale. I havo for sale nt 215 west 12th street, North Platte, a few work hors es. 3 two year old mules, 2 Shotland ponies nnd a few western horses. f'7-2 C. A. MOORE. :::: Misses Lydln Gassner, or LaSallo, and Winnie Gassner, of ChappeU, vis ited with Miss Mabel Sawyer this week while enroute to ChappeU from Kcar noy. Mrs. Mary Edwards, midow of tho late Floyd Edwards, was married tho latter part of last week to Alox Cham bers of this city, at Sta'pleton. They will reside here. Mrs. F. W. Rinckcr. who recently submitted to an operation In tho North Platte hospital was able to return homo it ho latter part of last week. R. S. Baker will leave today for Cheyonno to spond some time, nfter which he will visit in Missoula, Mon tana, for sevoral weeks. Raymond Ogior and Henry Ellas, who were In Cheyenno last week vis ing friends, returned homo yester day In the former's cnr. Miss Ethel White, of Boone, Iowa, returned home last evening. Sho had been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Owens for some time. :o: : EXCHANGES Some farm land for city properly. Equity in good oily property lo trade for good automobile. Tell us what you linvo. BHATT. (JOOIWAN & BUCKLEY. . as ii a a LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. George E. Prosser and nlsce Mrs. Orr, of Nor walk, O., who has been hor guest, loft yesterday morn ing for a visit In Denver and other Colorado cities. The Stamp Bakery has Installed a model n dough mixer .with n capacity of 250 pounds. Hy the means of this mixer tho output of tho bakery Is increased at a great saving or labor, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hupfer and llt- ile dni.'Khter Mary ami Mr. and Mrs. I" roil Wnltemath returned Sunday from a ten-day auto trip to Denver, ustes I'nrk and other Colorado points. Mrs. David Crockett, formerly of this city who has roslded In Geand Island for several yenrs iwas here tho latter part of last week to visit her son Arthur Howard while onrouto to Cheyenne. Constant or recusing headaches; inability to study, aversion to bright light, Irritability may mean that your child is wasting energy through de fective eyes. Ilnrry Dixon, Joweler and Optometrist. The dnto of tho meeting and lunch eon to be hold at Hcrshey for tho pur pose of organizing a community club lins been set for Saturday evening August 12th. Ono hundred invita tions were sent out. Mrs. Korwln nnd daughter Mary, of Chicago, who had been visiting her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wollcn haupt for several weeks, left Sunday morning. Enrouto homo they will visit In Davenport, la. Tho volunteer llredopnrtment held an cnjoyablo outing at Scouts' Rest ranch Sundny. Ball gamos, wrestling mntches and other sports twero Indulg ed In and good things to eat woro served In lnrgo quantities. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and children returned' Saturdny evening from Kansns City where thoy visited tho former's parents for threo weeks. They made tho trip In tho!rcnr and did not experience any trouble. - Joseph Fllllon, Jr., who acted as pilot for the Marmon 34 tear last weok to Pino Bluffs, sent word Friday that tho war which Is racing against tlmo from Now York to San Francisco, reached Pino Bluffs forty minutes a head of schedule and ho accompanied them to Cheyenne. Now wheat Flour will soon bo on tho mnrket, and wo urge our trade to pro tect themselves against tho usual trouble experienced In using New Wheat Flour. Wo have secured a llboral supply of old wheat flour, up on which wo will allow a discount of 10 cents per sack for tho. next 30 days In 500 pound lots. 1 tf RUSH MERCANTILE CO. m sss uooa as Jkver OLD PRICE $440, 390, 590, 740, 640, MUb. ARTHUR I'LUJIER HIES AT VICTOR, N. Y SUN HAY Mrs. Arthur W. Plumor, of this city, died at tho homo of her father at Vic tor, N. Y., Suniluy morning. Though Mrs. Plumor was not strong physic ally and had been In tho cast ror two years by ronson of poor health, hor passing away was apparontly sudden. Saiturdny Mr. Plumor received n wlro stating that his wlfo's condition was serious, and ho loft on tho first train Sundny a telegram was received Btat Ing that sho had passed away, death occurring boforo Mr. Plumer hail reached her bedsldu. Though Mrs. Plumer hnd not long resided In North Plai'te having lived In Denver following hor marriage -sho won tho highest regard and esteem from those who formed her acquaint ance Sho was n roflned and nccom Dllshed lndv. wltli of sollcltousnoss for tho welfare of nor relatives and friends. Tho alti tude of Donvon proved too great for hor nhvslcal Condition, nnd ntinr rn- siding thoro n couplu of years alitor uiuir marnago air. and Mrs. Plumor camo 10 iNorin 1'iatto to mako tholr homo. This cllmnt o. linwnvnr 'nrnvrwl no better than Donvor and physicians advised a return to tho enst, whore oh0 had spent; tho past two voars. Im provement in condition seemod to bo gradual, nnd hor letters to hor hus band were cheorrul and hopeful. Tho' tolegrnm summoning Mr. Plumor cast thorofbro enmo as a shock to him. : ;o: : Wanted Two lady solicitors to work four hours each morning to call on prlvnto trade to udvertlso and soli our Glngor Ale through tho dealers. Wo aro positive that ovory housowlfo -will bo pleased to try a few bottlos of our goods and especially our Whlto Horso ' Ginger Ale. Wo know that all mer chants will havo nothing elso but homo made goods on tholr Bholvos as thoy nro all members of tho Chamber of Commorco and bollevo In patroniz ing homo manufacturers. 55tr STAR BOTTLING WORKS. C. E. Tollofsen Informs us thnt ho has secured a charter for tho Stock mnn'd National Hank for Suthorlnnd and thnt the offlcors of the new finan cial Institution will be O. E. Tollcrson, president! C. W. Uurkland, vico-presl-dont; C. M. Knoll, cashier; Mabel E. Tollorsen and Clarenco Bliss, direc tors. Tho capital stock Is to bo $25,000. Upon being turned down In tho matter of aohnrter for a state bank somo wcoks ago Mr. Tollofsen turned his attention to securing a chnrter for a national, with the above, resujt. Keith County' News. AS TO INSURANCE Fire, lightning, hull, tornado, Hfo, accident mid. burglary. ;(!t the best, nlunys llio cheapest, and ivc write It. BHATT. (jQOI).MAN & BUCKLEY. :c :.: tt t.t i.t i.t it t.i if a it i.t if tf 1 :.: tf if tt if if if tt n NEW PRICE if 360 if It tt if 345 505 645 595 if if' tf It tf if :.: j.t t.t i.t n tf if n. if if J J.t it if 3 it si . B it tf Thousands will want Fords now. Let us havo your signed order at once and it will help us get cars to fill the demand. You business man or large car owner can't afford to be without the Ford. It gets business and oaves you expense every way. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. if if a if t.i i.i a i.t a i.t it CORNER 4th AND DEWEY ST. 1 ...v.f...M........M.l..44"M.'tIlM ,