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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1916)
. if" ' On Your Vacation. Justin!. 1 7 J? DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. Miss Nora Anderson loft Sunday morning -far a short) visit In Gothen burg. A. sr Coates returned to Sutherland Saturday after visiting here for sever al days. Mrs. J. D. Cox left Sunday mWrning for Denver to romain for a week or longer. Andy McGovern, of Brady, canio up Sunday evening to spend a week or longer. Wanted Girl for general house work. Mrs. 0. T. Whelan, C03 west Fourth street. Miss Catherine Herrod returned Sun day from a two weeks' visit in Paxton with her sister. Silk Middies! In plain and striped materials some class to them, now on sale at BLOCK'S. Rev. C. B. Harman left yesterday morning for Lincoln to spend a few days after which he will 50 to Atchi son, Kans,. Mrs. W. L. Hemphill and daughter, (of Cheyenne, who wefro guests of tho Hemphill family for a week left yes terday morning. For Rent Eight room house, mod ern except heat. Inquire of Geo. A. Austin, 417 east Fifth street. 40-2 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Btckley, of Cedar Bluffs, Kons, came by auto Saturday Ho visit Mr. and Mrs1. Elmen Coates for a few days. ' W. W. Burr, formerly of Ifcho local experimental station arrived yester day morning from Washington, D. C, to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder. All members of Order of Eastern Star are requested to merit at tho Ma sonic ball this afternoon at 1:30 to attend the funeral of Brother Trexlor. - 11 I 1 MMWMiniUlVim'. nr rr . vt iv 1 r.7 jfjj Let Us Help Yoa New U &h S "The Permanent Furniture for Your Homo" We have three "Home-Books" containing pictures of ideal homes and illustrations of Curtis Woodwork. You can have any one of these free (or the asking. "Better Built Homes" for houses (rom $800 to $3,000; "Homelike Homes," $3,C0O up, end "Attractive Bungalows." We can show you Bpecimena of Curtis Woodwork, estimate all costs and assure you delivery on the day you want it. W. W. BIRGE Correct time is worth money to you. Numerous disapointmcnls are frequently c&used by an inaccurate time peice. Bring your watch to us and we shall put it in first class order so that you will suffer no inconvenience on your trip. Let us look at it anyway. If it is in perfect order, we shall honestly tell you so and there will be no charge for the inspection CLINTON Jeweler 8c Optician, The Sign with the Big Ring. Miss Hazel Smith visited friends in Gothenburg lasftf week. Darrell Healey began work in tho Gettman cigar factory last week. Eyes .right; good sight Wise or otherwise about your eyes? Opto metry! HARRY DIXON, Joweler and Optometrist. Mrs, Eugene Plcard entertained a coterie of ladles Saturday evening at a pre-nuptial shower for Miss Hattle Haltffleld. The evening was spent in playing unique- games. A class of thirty-five composed of fifteen boys and twenty girls received their first communion at St. Patrick's church Sunday morning. Tho girls wore will to Urocks, long tulle veils and wreaths of ilowers. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Monks and daughter Mrs. B. B. Boatman and Mr, and Mrs. McDcrmott of Grand Island, left yesterday mlorning for Laramie to spend a week or longer on a Ashing trip. Mrs. John Wolback and Mrs. Ed ward Galvln entertained a score of friends Friday evening at a picnic at at the homo of tho former Outdoor amusements were indulged in, among them a base ball game. Mrs. L. J. Brlnkorhoff, of Mancos, Colo., came last week to visit rela tives and friends. Mrs. Brinkefhoff was formerly Miss Hulda Wolborn of this city. Mrs. Jack Dillion, of Los Angeles, wife of Jack Dillion director of the Mutual Movie Films camo Sunday af ternoon to visit with Mr. and Mrs Frank Buchanan whlo enroute to Chicago. Fred Elliott wenifc to Lincoln yestor day to visit his son Ben. It is probable that the latter will return with him and spend part of U10 summer In this city while his wifo visits relatives at OshkOBh, Wis. Tho Sunday school children of St. Patrick's church will hold a picnic at tlio city park north or (town tomorrow They will bo chaperoned by their teachers Misses Hazel and, Besslo Smith, Reglna Nolan and Loretta Mur phy. Automobiles will bo at tho church art! ten otlock tomorrow morning to convey tlio children to tho grounds. .,. -r.-.. TTfcS foil i !l! 3 1 Plan TV? IN working out the details of your better bu4:t home you should take advantage of the fifty years' experience that rests in Curtis Woodwork. You can plan for comfort economically with 18 6 6 COMPANY. Law -cj.u ENGINEER TREXLER KILLED WHEN CAll OVHUTUHNS Gejrgo O. Trexlor, a well known engineer of this city, was killed Sat urday aftonioon about 2:45 when tlio enr ho was driving overturned on an ombankmont two and 0110-lialf mllos enat of Ogalalln. Mrs. Troxler and the throe children wcro also In tho car, but they escaped serous lnury. Mrs. Trexlor sustaining a sprained nnklo. Mr. and Mrs. Trexlor and children left tills city Saturday forenoon on a, trip to Greoloy, Col., where tlioy ex pected tc visit Mrs. Troxlor's pnr onts for a few days. They were mak ing the run at a comfortablo speed, oxpecUng to reach Stirling on tho first day's run. Whon within less than three miles of Ogalalla, they came to a brldiro on a six or eicht foot cM- bnnkment that was some four feet wid er than tho roadway on the wost side. Riub hod been cut in the road, and to avoid the Jump of tho wheels from the rut to the bridge Mr. Trexlor swung his car to the right of tho road and ct-osed tho bridge near tho north end. Tho bridge being wider than tho road way, tho car landed on the side of tho embankment, plowed through tho looeo soil for forty feet and thon top Sled over. When Mr. Troxler dlsccY orcd tho condition ho called to his wifo and two children to jump, and at tho samo time throw out tho child Unit was riding In front with him. Tho wire and children either Jumped or wcro thrown clear of the car, but Mr. Troxler was pinned underneath. Death was not In stantaneous, and he struggled Ho frco hlnisolf and Mrs. Trexlor attempted to help him, but his struggles wore of short duration and death soon ensued. The chlldron ware dispatched to nn auto party camped a short dlntanco away to tell of tho accident, holp was secured from Ogalalla, and the body taken to 'that town and brought homo tho samo night. George O. Troxler wn3 born in In dana in 1S76 and moved to Barnes City, Iowa, when a small child. In 1S98 ho located In Omaha and served four years In tho Are department. Ho was married while In that city In 1900 to Miss Florence Bons, who survives him, and Uiey camo hero to reside in August, 1902. Since that tlmo llo had been employed as fireman and engineor on tlio Union Pacific. He was a member of !tho B of L. E., Masonic and A. O. U. w. lodges. His wife, three children, Nova, Louis O. and GecTge Bons and a number of relatives in Iowa are left to mourn him. Tho funeral services will bo hold at tho Episcopal' church at 2:30 this afternoon. Honorary pall bearers arc W. H. Stcgall, Geo.'LeDloyt, Alex, Fenwlck, James Guyman, H. Johnson, Thomas Orton and tho active pall bearers are H. II. Murrln, W. L. Rich ards, Chris Paulson, W. B. Brown, Joseph Schwalger and J. V. Fltzpa'U rck. Interment will be made in the North riatte cemetery. : :o; : Austin Buys Out Powell C. M. Austin, for sixteen years em ployed as watch repairer at tho Dixon store, resigned Saturday and yester day assumed proprietorship of the "V, R. Powell wa'tch and Jewelry repair shop on Front street Just west of tho Vienna Cafe, which ho purchased the latter part of last week. Tho room will be enlarged as soon ns possible ,and Mr. Austin will put in a general lino of watches and Jewelry. Mr. Austin Is irecognlzcd as an ex port watch and jewelry repairer, and during hs sixteen years' experience has gained about all tho information that can bo learned of the most doll cately (constructed watch or piece of jewelry, and Is therefore competent Ho handle everything In that lino. Ho la well known, well liked, and will no doubt bo given a generous patronage. Prizes for Floats. The commlttco offers tlio following prizes for dcteorated floats and au'to- mobllcs In tho parade on July 4 th: Lodge Floats First ?25, second $15, third $10. Busnoss floats First $25, eecond $15, third $10. Automobiles First $25, second $15, third $10 Best exhibition ief lodge team drill Firs $10. second $5. Let everyone got busy and ninko this parade tho biggest and. best in tho his tdry of North Platte. Hero Is chance for every one to mako a good show ing. ::o:: Piano Instruction. During the summer months Ida Ot tonstein will havo a special class tor beginners, also a class in muBlcal his tory for moro advanced pupils. 3 There's bound to be fun with a Brownie This sturdy llttlo camera pro vides a nover-ondlng source of pleasuro for tho chlldron for with a Brownlo even tho llttlo tots ran tako good pictures. You don't havo to toll them how to amuse themsolves, Just leave It to tho Brownlo. Wo Juno the Rrownlcli ranging In price from $1.00 to $12.00. Rexall Drug Store HENY.()(UER CO. DISTKIUUTOHS IVOR TUB CHALMERS CARS. Tho llondy-Ogler Auto Co. was yes terday designated ns tho ngoncy for the Chnlmors enrs and will bo dis tributors for n territory covering olevon western Nebraska countlos. Tho Ilendy-Ogler Co. now hnndlo a rango of cars which should meet tho requirements of all buyors-lho Ford as tlio low prleo car, tho Dodge at a medium price, and the Chnlmors six for tho limn who wants a heavier car. Tho sales of tho Chalmors will he pushed with tho energy this firm has displayed in handling the Ford and tho Dodge. Tho firm now hns undor considera tion the purchase of a lot and U10 erection of a building to bo used In conjunction with tho proseut gnrngo, the business having grown to such nn extent that tho proaont qunrtora nro Inadequate. ::o:: Committees Named. President Thoelecko, of tho Cham ber of Commerce has named tho fol lowing committees: To arriuigo for hltlchlng posts' for farmers J. H. VnnCloavo, L. F. Simon, D. J. Antonldes, W. II. McDonald. For cluster lights J. B. McDonald, Dr. McCabe, C. O. Wengund. To seouro nddtlonal road lovy A. N. Durbln, W. V. HoaglnmU Laulo Mncoy. Ogalalla boostors, Juno 13th M. J. Forbes, chairman. Get acquainted with your neighbor and silo trip, two days, Juno 27th and 28th J. Q. Wilcox, chairman. To try and land druggist' conven tion for North Platto next year W. D. Flshor, J. II. Stone, Chas. Tlghe, F. w. lunckor, F. J. Dunn, J. O. Patter son. '. n: : Car For Sale. Second hand. Reo for $225.00. Good tires and all other equipment in good condition. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. ::o:: Round Houso Team "Wins Ten Straight Tho round houso team continued Uiolr winning streak Saturday evening defeating tho locomotlvo firemen by the scoro of G to 2. Tho gamo was featured by tho pitching of Murphy who struck out twelve of tho fire-boys and sovcral brilliant plays woro pull ed off during tho gamo. Tlioy acted as umplro. Tho round house and high school teams play Wednesday night at G:15. ::o:: Platto Valley lodgo NO. 32 Blue Ma sons will meet at tho Masonic hall at 1:30 p m. sharp this afternoon to at tend tho funeral of tho Into Goorgo Troxler. JOHN McGRAW Master. A Sure Sign A constantly increasing hank balance is a sure sign on the road to success. Your friends and neighbors have growing accounts with this bank and appreciate the value of our service to them. . .'-. Make this bank your bauk. v McDonald State Bank. The Bank Behind The Thrift Movement. IjlS tsgsmmmmmsasa 1 j j( 1 ! '"'tires j If II . Red Inner Tubesi j III - I ne Quality nly I W The Best! 1 1 jj 1 You Want tho Best Tires Jl I And You Want: Service! 11 yM J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. III! jifi m ,1 .,..r., , , ii. m. , , I ' .I'll! ".t?jtMB QUA! JTV .V REALISTIC WAR PLAY "The Lamb, New Trliwgln Offering, 11ns lieai noiuiers ami ueai 'Minus. "Tho Lamb," which will bo scon nt tho Keith on Friday, was suporlvlscd by D. W. Griffiths and mado at Los Angolos undor conditions approximat ing thoso In tho Ynqul Indian ccuntry, which Hos a few score miles south. It Is a story of how a young Now Yorker finds himself In Mexico through a mis adventure and saves himself and his sweetheart by fighting a battle slnglo handed ngnlust tho snvngo redskins. Largo bodies of Mexican fcdoral sol diers, United Statos cavalry and Yaqul flghtors aro shown. Unllko tho nvorngo plcturo supors, those are not mado up actorrs but real Mexican mllltta, gov ernment cavalry and southwestern In dians, nil of them under 1). W. Grif fiths' employ. It required considerable diplomacy to hnndlo tho Mexicans, who woro re hearsed In U10 Spanish quarter of Los Angclo, At ono tlmo they read a bill board announcing that war had brok en out betweon tho United Statos and Mexico, and they actually loaded tholr guns and itumcd them upon Mr. Grif fiths' gringos. Tho Iridlans woro ob tained from tho tribes in Northwestern Airlzona. They woro of lower typo than tho half breed Moxicuna and ro qulrod caroful handling. Ono of them named Eaglo Eyo performed tho most astonishing feats of horsqpanshlp, such ns falling when apparen'tfly wounded from a horso while In full gallop, and this particular scene Is re produced In tho play. So popular wis the presentation af "Tho Lamb" In Now York city that many declared It tho finest film eoni ely thoy had over scon. Others called it a nilninturo "Birth of a Nation." It will prosont tho celebrated legitimate star, Douglas Fairbanks, In tho tfltlo rolo, togothor wtli Soona Owon. Al fred Paget, Monroo Salisbury, Kato Toncri?, Lillian Lnngdon and Hovoral thousand others. With this will bo shown tho thrco part KoystBiio "My Valet" with Ray mond .Hitchcock and Mabel Normand. First show 7:30, second 9:15. Main floor 10 and 15 cents. Balcony 10 conts. Tho city council will meet In regular sossifcn this ovcnlng. George Zcnlmoyor, who wub recent ly transferred to Grand Bland, spent Sunday hero with his family. Secretary and Mrs. W. D. Flshor havo rontetl tho LIddoll homo on west Third street for tho Buninior months. NoUco to tho Public No trespnsslng allowed on aoctlon 30-11-32. JAKE WAGNER, and alBO on section 31-11-32. 3G-G E. J. DOMOODE. ONLY-THe'sBSfk ."-"5?: Ollko Phona 833. ltc. DUck Gil DR. HAROLD A. FENNER OSTEOPATHIC PhyilcUn fe 8urgtn. Gcnlto-Urlnary DUcntcs Obstetric Gynwoloiry JOIUf S. SDOIS, M. 1) Physician and Surgeon OUlco 11. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Oluco, 83; Residence "38. DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEY. . Prnctlco Limited to Surprory and Itndlum Tliorai)v TOO,...l H..M1! lilj illllliMUU I Mill H IHUIMIilg. Omaha, Nebraska. Hospital Phono Dlnck G33. Houso Phono Black G33. IV. T. PMTCIlAltD, Graduate Votorinitrlnn Eight years a Government Vdterlnnr lan. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of tho Court House. DEKItYHEMlY & FORBES, LIcciiHed Emlmlmcrs Undertakers anil Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. loffsandCai i Bought and highst mnrkat pricea paid PHONES Rciidonce Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. IV. .T. HOLDERNESS Ecctrlcnl Supplies lVlring Storngo Rnttcrlos Morsch Dlds Phono 17B. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Oflkc: Building nnd Loan Building Phones lOfllcelSO i nones RoBldence 115 T. Jt. ItEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUltGEON Succoaijor to . . ' . HYSICIAN & SURQEONS HOSPITAL Dra. RcdQeld & Redflold Office Phone C42 Rcb. Phone 076 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special, Attention Given to Qynocologj Obstetrics and Chlldcon's Diseases. Ofllco McDonald State Bank Building. uornor aixtn ana Dewey Stroots. PhoncB, Office 183, Rcsldonco 283 NORTH PLATTE .General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 ' 723 Locust Street A modsrn institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement c&sci. Completely equipped X-ltny and diagnostic laboratories, Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Sirams, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, SupL 3riNNESOTA MUTUAL JIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 1680. It's tho household word in Wostern Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon ey can buy. It's what you aqed, for a savings bank and Insurance that In sures. Thoy nil buy It. "Tlicro is a Itonson" For furthor information Phono, call or address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Man NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. 6 KeynoMa BUI. North I'lattc, Nob,