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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
mi eeh to (Tribune. ' THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB,, jyNE 9, 1916. No. sfcmt- OFFICER WAYMAN NARROWLY ESCAPES JUS DEATH Joo Wayninn, Union Pacific yard noliccman. had a narrow escaoo from death, Ihst evening when h was struck "by Incoming train No. 5, and though his loft arm was brokon, ho Is no doubt thankful that ho did not faro worse As is his custom, Wayman boarded an . east-bound freight to clear It of any ' hoboes that might bo stealing a ride. 1 Reaching tho cast end of tho yard, ho Jumped off on tho north Bldo of tho train, and failed to notice No. 5 np proachtng. Ho was struck on the shoulder by the buffer of tho cnglno and thrown itfvor against tho moving freight train, and as ho struck it ho was bounced out toward No. 5 train, but fortunately foil between tho two moving trains and clear of tho wheels. That ho was not thrown under tho wheels bordered on a miracle. Train No. 5 was stopped, "Wayman taken into tho baggago car and when reaching tho depot was conveyed to a hospital for treatment. County News Notes. Dwight Pulliam and Rex Gllbdrt came near beslng electrocuted Monday afternoon during tho thunder Btorm. Tho boya wore shoveling ryo back in a box car, when lightning struck the Omaha elevator and followed tho grain epout Into tho car. Both tho young men wore knocked down but soon re covered from the shock and mado a hurried exit frohi tho car. Brady Vin dicator. James Bcvcrldge who lives nine miles south of town mot with a pain i ful accident the last of tho -week. Ho was kicked by a mule, and ono ear nearly torn off. "When Imedical atten tion was obtained it was found that only the upper porton of tho mem ber could bo saved. Sutherland Free Lance. Tho statement of tho Maxwtoll State Bank of May 29, 191G, shows a deposit of $88,860, a gain of $27,850 In twenty one days under the new management. At tho specal election called at Sutherland Tuesday to vote on bond ing the town for $9,000 Car a municipal electric lighting system, tho vote stood 85 to 19 in favor of tho propro sltion. : :n:: ; Mrs. Swan Swanson and children left this morning, for Central City to visit relatives. Mrs. J. L. Brown, of Grand Island, came last evening to visit her son Bruce Brown. Miss Elaine Bundy left this morn ing for Wallace to visit her sister Mrs. Doe Ranoy for a fortnight If you want your money's worth, look over tho remaining stock of mil linery both trimmed and untrimmcd at Sailor's Millinery Store. For Rent Two housekeeping rooms $10.00. 320. east Fifth. 42-3 Davo Day has started the erection of a five iroom modern bungalow on th,e rear of his father's lot on cast Fifth street. It Is no longer a secret that Dave will need a homo some time be tween August 1st and Septemeber 1st, following the most Important step he has cVer taken. Tho Lutheran Brotherhood will be entertained Tuesday evening cf next week by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Welnbarg at their farm eight miles southwest of town. Those going will please meet at the Llork-Sandall store at 0:30, whare conveyances' will bo in readi ness. Leroy G. Hall, of Marshfleld, Oregon, is visiting his oc'uBln, J. N. Bonner, for a few days. Mr. Hall has charge of a gospel mission boat on the Paci fic coast under tho auspices of tho Baptist Publication Society. On Sat urday night at tho Baptist church he has boen-requosted to give a series of Riley readings. SLIGHT- CHANCES FOR AGREEMENT ON CANDIDATE "While conference committees from the Republican and Bull Mooso con ventions aro nttdmptlng to get to gether on a candidate, the last word from Chicago indicated that tho pros pects for an agreement aro slight, and that It is probable that each conven tion will place a candidate in tho field. Tho Bull Moose delegates are. almost unanimously In favor of Roosevelt's nomination, and it i generally con ceded that the conference committee of that party will hold tenaciously for for tho Colonel. Tho Republican con vention is not llkoly to consider Roosevolt as Its nominee, and Hughes Is certain to bo nominated on the sec ond or third ballot. Howovor, an attempt is being mado to havo both convention agree upon Root, but such a result is considered vory doubtful. In tho Bull Mooso convention yes terday afternoon there was a three hour strugglo to prevent the radical delegates from rushing headlong into the nomination of Roosovelt as their standard bearer. Tho radicals wore flnnlly induced to agree to tho ap pointment of a committee to confer with a like committee from the Re publican convention in tho hope of uniting on a candidate agreeable to both conventions. The platforms submitted by tho two conventions aro practcally tho same, other than that the Bull Mooso has a woman's suffrage plank while the Re publican does not. Should this conference oohimitttoo fail Ho agree and each convention places a candidate in tho field tho re election of President Wilson Is assured. : :n: : Fred Warren Dies n Dciner Guy Swopc received a message this morning for tho Walla Walla lodgo stating that ono ot tholr members, Fred J. Warren, formerly of this city, died last evening In Denver of tuber culosis, with which ho had been ill for some time. While here Mr. War ren was prominent n socialist party work and held the office of polce judge for some time. Later ho re sided In Omaha whore ho was employ ed as claim agent ior tho Burlington railroad. On account of his, physical condition his removal to Denver was advised. He leaves a wife and sov eral children. : :o:: Dr. Prltchard Is transacting busi ness In tho western part of the state today,, Mss Mabel McFarland loft this morn ing1 for Gerlng to spend a few days with friends. Everything in tho millinery lino on sale now nt half price. Sailor Milli nery Store. Mrs. Goeltsche and daughter, of Sid ney, came a few days ago to visit the Sousor family. Mrs. William Scanlon, of Cheyenne, Is the guest of tho' Hubbartt family while enroute to Sioux City. Some good values in trimmed hats now on sale, for half price at tho Sailor Millinery Storo at Block's. A daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Woodgate, re siding on south Cottonwood -street. Mrs. Anna Seyforth returned. last evening from an extended visit with her daughter Mrs. D. T. Quigtey in Omaha. - Mrs. William Hoover, formerly of this city, submitted to a serloute op eration at Pamona, Cal., recently from which sho is recovering slowly, Miss Esther Hummell has resigned her position in Dr. Redfleld'B office and will lcavo next week for Omaha to enter Boylos' Business College. Mabel Normnnd, In "My Valet," WiOt, Raymond Hitchcock, Triangle-Key-1 stone Feature. Mabel Normand has 11,000,000 friends, for thero airo 11,000,000. peoplo attending tho motion pictures in this country dally. All of them will bo de lighted to learn that tho piquant llttlo comedienne has recovered her health after tho recent accident to her In tho Los Angeles studio, and that sho mill soon bo maklntr nlcturcs airain for Mr. Scnnott's Trlangle-Koystono combina tion. Meantimo there Is tho most lively Interest In Miss Norland's first ap pearance In tho Triangle plays, which for this city will take place at tho Koltli on Friday, Juno 9. Tho namo of tho vehicle is "My vaiot," ana it was a hugo success n New Yolrk when played at two dollar prices with tho other Trlnaglo offorlngs at tho Knckorbock or Theatre. Miss Normand's rolo in it Is that of a girl who has boen affianced to a boy since their infancy, although tho glirl and boy havo never mot. Some Ida of the humor of tho situa- tlon can be imagined when It is stated that Raymond Hitchcock plays tho af fianced bachelor apposite Miss Nor mand's affianced girl. Of courBo thoy meet in tho most romantic manner, Hitchcock saving Mabol's life during a runaway accident In tho park, but nolthcr knows who the. other Is. Later that evening thoy learn tho truth at tho homo cf tho girl's parents. But in tho meantimo Hitchcock has changed clothes with his valet, played by Mack Sennott, and there aire a wholo lot of embarrassing complica tions. Toward thec lose Miss Nor mand, persecuted by a Frenh admirer, Is washed Into tho Pacific ocean and half drowned. Again tho noblo Hitch cock effects a thrilling rescue. Millions of film fans speaking my" rlad languages know Mabol Normand simply as Mabel. Hor appearanco on tho Keystone screen Is always hailed with shouts of Joy. Sho is potltc. graceful, an export athlete and gifted with a rare sonse of hutaor. It Is Bald Bhe has never neon soen to hotter ad vantnge than In this present offorelng. First show 7! 30 second. show 9:15. Main floor 10 and 15 cents, balcony 10 cents. :ro:.: E. N. Ogler returned yesterday from a trip to dlffcrenti points 'whore ho es tablished agencies for tho Chalmers six car. On the trip he .disposed of flvo. Mbs Heln Shoup, who was operated on a fow weeks ago In an Omaha hos pital for appendicitis, will return to her. home In Sutherland Saturday ev ening. . Mr. and Mrs". It. M. Decker and daughter, of Ogden, who had been vis iting In Omaha, camo last evening-to spend a few days with Miss Jennie Carlson while onrouto home. Dr. Fetter, of Maxwell, entertained a party of eight at'dinner at tho Hotel MoCabe last evenhg. His ,guests wore his mother, brothers and sisters, who had been holding- a family reunion at tho Dr. Fetter home. For Sale Rabbits and canary, 320 eost Fifth. 42-2 The Catholic Girls' club met last ov onlng at the homp of Miss Vaunita Hayos. Mrs. John Hlllebrondt won first prize and Mrs. Omar Huff seoond. Assisting tho hostess" wore MIbs Blanche Fonda and. Mesdames F. J. McGovernf Perry Carson and George Voselpka. Mrs. Arthur Storz and sister Mrs. W. J. Bartlett, both of Omaha, were killed and thr,eo others Injured lost evening when the auto In which they woro- riding . was struck by a Rock Island train at ,a Council Bluffs cross ing. Tho party was returning from Macedonia, Iowa, where Mrs. Storz's husband had been badly injured In an auto accident earlier In tho day. White em-Skin Boots This material is guaranteed to clean' perfectly and never turn dingy. New Effects in White and Black and White. All Sizes and Widths. A Pair for Every Foot. s These boots are distinctly high grade. Values up to . ,$5.00, especially priced at v " 3.4 5 HARRY'S SHOE SHOP. Embroidery Special for , Saturday and Monday For these three days we will offer quite a large lot of Embroideries at Special prices. This is the season that everyone uses some Em broideries, so this offering should interest you. Friday f , 'Lot 1 Lot 5 Lot 9 Harrow mid wider -widths of Km. Wide Swiss Rands in flno patterns, Embroidery riounclngs, 27 Inches broideries mid Insertions, per yard n special ynluc, per yard mwt smdo on sorcrnl different 7l 1n kinds of clolli, choice per yard.... , ZZ 19c 39c '" "T"' IIIIM.II I IIH.m-.-l I II ' ' u Lot 2 Lot 6 Lot 10 kls lot Is a line Organdie, 11 Inches Pno brgtfidlo Flouncing, 20 Inch. Sr?0, lttCM 1,1 "" qnal,tjr por In width; ono of tho Tory nowest cs wide, beautiful designs, per yard things per yard ' 39c 23c LotTI " . . Embroidery Flounclngs, 15 Indies koj. JL,ot ' w,,lc I,cr ynrd , Camisole Luces, Just tho thing 7QC Corset Cover Embroideries In nice (0 mnko up to wear under tho new Z -S- patterns and tjood cloth, per yard., thin waists, per ynrd.. Lot 12 19c lQr Sw,ss Itands, good width, lino work, Ai7U per ynrd ,. Lot 4 " 17c Allovcr Embroideries sullablo for ... ,..,.. i....,...,t i Lot 13 Waists and many other uses, per ! SrhCt (!0,er hmhrolderlos, 7 ftml .J5 nd Houne c yard , itr jaru and Swiss Cloths, per yard........ 39c 39c : 59c THESE GOODS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN OUR NORTH WINDOW, Wilcox Department Store CITJf AND COUNTY NEWS. First Door South of Keith Theatre. WE DO REPAIRING. Charles Walters shipped flvo cars of hogs to South Omaha this wcok. Mrs. Mary Guthorleas loft last oV $&lng for Omaha to spend a fortnght longer. . , Harry Callendor, of Tryon, formerly of this city, was hero a ifow days ago and purchased a now Bulck car. Mrs. Oakloy Swarthout irottirnod to Paxton today, having come down to uttond the wedding ot or sister. - Bishop James Duffy, of, Kearney, returned homo yesterday aftornoon after visiting with Rov. Patrick Mc Dald. Mr, and Mrs. Wylfo Walkor, who had heen In Scotts Bluff for six weoks, returned home Wednesday af ternoon. Robert Parmaloo was taken to tho state penitentiary Wednesday evening by Deputy Sheriff Wilson to begin his sentence. A pleasant meeting of tho Entro Nous club was held at tho holme of Mrs. Har ry Cramer Wednesday with Mrs. Carl Bonner as luratoss. Miss Dondthy Coates and Mrs. Frank Coates. of Sutherland, who vslted Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coates this week, loft yesterday afternoon. For Sale Tho Pealo dwelling, cor ner Second and Pino. Sts., being lot 5, block 1G4. For particulars Inquire of John Prazlor. Christian Sclcnco service Sunday 11 A, m. Sunday school 12 m. Wednes day ovening meetings 8:00, Building & Loan building, room 25. Mrs. James Golden and Mrs. Loren Purely will leave this week for Port land, Oregon, to visit their sister, Mrs. Charles-Davis, formerly of this city. Union Pacific Conductor Edward Putmnn of tho First .district, resigned his position last week and accoptod ono as steward 'n tho Her Grand -hotel in Ouiaha. , lL. E. Shepard, living south of Max well, transacted husiness in Wwli yes terday and mado this office a call. Corn in his section Is vory slow in Btartlng, tho ground being too cold. Whatever Wool and Silk Suits wo havo left, values up to $40.00 aro now going at $10.00 and $15.00. BLOCK'S. AK Chapter P. E. O. will bo tho guests of tho Gothenburg chapter at luncheon this aftornoon in Gothen burg. Fifteen of tho local members went down this morning. Rov. Herbert Covell. M. A., rector oi tho Church of Epiphany, Ozono Park, Nt-,vi York, who had been visiting his si-tor, Mrs. Edtacmd Dickey and moth er Mrs. Covell for some time, left at neon jrcsterday. Tho formor Hinman brick house on the corner of Willow and Fourth la bei.ig torn down by J. E. PIlo prepar atory to tho oroctlon of a modern homo by Harry I. Block, who recently pur chased thb property. Tho work of tearing down tho First National bank building was started tho early part of tho week, and tho In terior has been pretty well romoved. An electric hoist is being Installed on tho south side ot tho building to expe dite tho removal of tho walls. Nurso Brown Memorial Hospital Notes Miss M"abol Kelso, of Dickens, w'as oporatod upon yostorday and la doing wtell. Chan'. Clarke left the hosuitnl Mon day after taking medical treatment there for a fow days. Miss Ruth McConnell, of Sarbcn, who was oporatod upon two weeks ago, wont homo yesterday, having mado a good recovery. ::o:: l'roshylcrlnn Church Children's Day services at the morn ing hour. Yodng people's meeting at iT:15. ' At 8 o'clock ktho last of the Horla of talks on tho Girl Problem, sUbJoct "Tho Girl's Dress." Cards of.TImnks. Wo wish to oxprisa bur thanks and most Blncero appreciation to tho Ma sonic brothorhood, tho B. of L. E., tho Order of Eastom Star, A. O.- U. W. lodgo, G. I. A. ladles, M, M. M. club, Zota Zcta club, neighbors and frlondB, for their loyal support, aid and sym pathy atotl beautiful floral Itrlbuted. Signed, Mra. Geo. 0. Trexlor and chil dren, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. M. Bons and rohvtives, Wo wish to express our Blncero thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness during "tho illnesB and at tho of our beloved boy, also for tho beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norton. Mr: nhd Mrs. P. A. Ndrton. Buy paint by the label not by the color It is important that your house be beautiful to the eye, but it i9 more important that it be impervious to the weather. It will be both if SWP ia used. S W P is made of weather-resisting materials. When properly applied it does not crack, blister or peel. It endures, and because it docs it givespermanency to the oo'tors youselect. Wecarryacompletelineof Sherwin-Williams products, including Flat-Tone for your walls, Mar-not for your floors and Brighten-Up Fin ishes for refinishing 'all surfaces in and around your home. REXALL DRUG STORE I