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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1916)
1 j) yiAXX LA1U11S 3IAKE USK OF ItEST 110031 i I rt ( . Optical Supremacy True worth always wins. That is why North Platters have elected U3 to optical supremacy given us the largest retail optical business in North Platte and constantly recommend that "their friends consult us. Knowledge, equipment and interested optical service is the sort you'll find here. Let -us '"7 . examine your eyes. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist, , The Sign with the Big Ring. Shortly nftor taking chnrgo, Sec retary FIshor placed a register book In tho ladles' rost room to And out Just how many ladlos wore taking advantage of it, and fro'm May 10th to 25th it was found that 350. used those rooms. This department is costing tho members of tho Chamber of Cotn morco $500 per year, but tho nbovo flguros show thn it Is n valuable thing for North Platte and believe our citizens and farmer wlvos appreftlato tho work tho Chamber of Commorce Is doing. It was found that ladlos from tho following towns and cities made use of these rooms: Cedar Rapids, lawn, Brady, Hershoy, Omalja, Kansas City, Lansing, Mich., Chnuslorville, Miss. WellHeet, Los Angeles, Cal., Maxwell, Bigncll, Grand Island, Lovoland, Col., Sutherland, Tiryon, Maywood, Gothen burg, Willnrd, Lincoln, Florence, Col. The free employment bureau Is al so mooting with hearty favor and al ready twelvo farmers have boon serv ed by this bureau and sovornl business men and cltizons. Remember this do- partment Is free to all. Uso It. UCHANAN & PATTERSON Loans, Real Estate and Insurance We have plenty of money on hand to loan on farms and ranches. Wc guar antee the lowest rates and beat terms. No delay in closing loans. NSURANCE CALVIN WILL SUCCEED JIOHLEIt AS PRESIDENT DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Ofiico over the McDonald Stato Bunk. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. F. J. Wurtelo and daughter ro turned yesterday from a visit with rel atives in Laramie. Mrs. Fred Marti who has been ser iously ill for several weeks is reported td bo much improved. Miss Grace Banks returned Wednes day morning from Lexington whero she vlsl'ed the homo folks. Palm Leo Cigar 10c 14-tf Mrs. George Zentmeyer has returned from a short visit in Grand Island. Mrs. Lem Bailey has returned from a short visit in Cozad .-with relatives, Miss Mary Winn, of Kearney, is visiting ,her grandmother Mrs. Manlon Mrs. Julia Todd left Tuesday even- ng for Hershey to spend a week with friends. ' Wm. Daniels and family left this week for their homestead in Arthur county. Mrs. Guy Coates went to Sutherland Wedensday morning to visit relatives for a week. Mrs. Guy Cover and daughter left Wednesday, morning for Omaha to spend a week. $4,000 trust funds to loan on real estate; 8 per cent, no commissions. J. E. EVANS. Burma Bonham returned Wednesday morning from Sutherland whero ho visited relatives. Miss Gertrude Hcrrod, of Columbus, is visiting her aunt Mrs. John Herrod and local friends. You can still buy a stylish spring suit from $4.98 to $10.98 at Wilcox Department Store. Miss Ellen McCarthy who has beou visiting relatives in Spaulding will return tomorrow. Marks Itond to Arnold. Secretary Fisher, of tho Chamber of Commerce, drovo to Arnold Tuosdny and marked tho road from this city to that plaqo. This Is known as the Columbus. .Broken BownndNorth,llat,to route, and Is seventy miles shorter thnn the Lincoln Highway between Columbus and North Platte. In wot weather it will bo a good routo. Tho colors aro black, white and black, and all poles between North Platto and Arnold are so marked, and tho colors shown at all turns. North Platto signs, Tno board of directors of tho Union telling tho distance to North Platto paciflc met In New York Wednesday woro placed at intervals of ten miles nnu- elected E. C. Calvin vlco-prosl- and points where roads cross. font of tho Oregon Short Lino, pros! ::o:: dent of tho Union Pacific to succeed Acw jinrkot opens A. L .Mohler. urouuecK- k son openeu meir mar- Tn onnnXt,nr, nf , nnnnlnfmnnt tho itei in ineir new uuuuing wcunesuny 0mann Beo saj: morning nnu many aro mo compn- CnWin wln H,ICC00,i Mr. Moh- ments pam mo proprietors upon mo lor tak,ng oft,co on July lf Ho wlU( uuracuveness oi uio mantei. M Mohler has had. have full For Rent Eight room house, mod- nlshed with a flvo ton dark oak "d authority of president, and will not em except hcat Inquire of Geo. A. enamei ice. uox, new rcirigeraung b(J moroly vico-presldont nnd general Austin, 417 east Fifth street. 40-2 counters, new uiocks, nnu mspiny nmnaccr na hna bcen 8UgKCstcd. Ho IX i.i x it t . . . i uiuies, lerrazu uoor, nnu Harmonizing ,g t ,mvQ ft fre() lmna Jn tho mat. were visiting their children here, left ter f ftlUnE VnCandC3 n of Wednesday morning for Fremont. "Stf0 IT bo the appointment of a general e manager to succeed Mr. ware, wnoso uoou seconu nanu xiuicit cur 10 ing. iaru irenuoring nnu oilier wit ..,,.....,. , to tako cfc(,t nt tho uuuu lor cuiui,-. uiquiru ui nuiu umi imgui vruuiu iiu uuur win uc uou? Woodgate, North Platto. 37-5 at the slaughter house The club Nevlta will bo entertained Wednesday afternoon at tho expert- Budget Fund Increased mental station by Mrs. John Stack- The budget fund of tho Chamber of cmuiges m the official personnel at house. Commerce was incrcaseu uy ?oju.uu hinn.lnimrtors are contemplated for tho Mrs. John Cornett and daughter Monday, .when oignt men ners s aneu nt I ... nl lr.(t C.nrla Allf In 11 VO II H11 I . . . r, . . . i i i1. will lnnvn n tho nonr fntnvn fnr uut lu uwl TllO elCCUOll 01 Air. jniVUl lO UlU vnntc tn onnn,i i secured tho above amount. This swells ff, f nrcal(lent of tho road will weeks. 1 imu1""" u" uring nim dock 10 mo uiurimt; iiujut over ?l,ouu less man mo uireciora m hls raIiroad career, ho having boon Miss Gertrude Rebhausen, who had te0l they, need to accomplish the work frilIn ,,rnlt(nmn Iinii conductor run- been teaching in tho Immaculate Con- 0utliiied for tho current year. There! n,M out of 0malm not so many years cuiniua ucuuuiuy in, iiuBwiBo, nuo it- aro men In Norm 1'iatto wuo ns turned home. . Vet have eiven nothing to tho fund who can well afford to give two dol lars each toward boosting North Platte. Will they do it? Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Hail Insurance written in the best Insurance Companies at lowest possible rates. All losses promptly and equitably settled. Our insurance department has bcen doing business for 45 years with never a dissatisfied customer. REAL ESTATE Investors and homeseekcrs can always find choice bargains in City Property and Farm Lands at our office. At this time we have a number of special bargains in dwellings, the property of non-residents, that must be sold. Small payment down and the balance in monthly installments. We are offering these properties at a fraction of their real value. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, B. & L. BUILDING. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. pleasure of tho president. This tmovo will perhaps bo delayed for some tlmo, until Mr. Calvin gets settled in office. it is also stated that no further ago. -::o: Mrs. Charles Winegar and children of Lebanon, Kan., are expected short ly to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs Victor VonGoetz Early Morning Wedding. At St Patrick's church early Wed nosday morning tho marriage of Miss Pinrnnoo Donoitan and John E Schram was solemnzed by tho Rov Patrick McDald, who also read the nuptial mass.Tho brido woro n stylish and becoming suit of midnight blue with white trimmings and largo black Concerts llcirln Next Week. picture uai. iter iiuuu ul uu..ui a Tl,n nnnn rilr rwnnnrta l,v fl.n North her COUSill MlSS Marguerite Rcudy 1 I . l.llln. null- nlin- Platte Municipal Band will start Frl- wno aiso woro u uu.v ...uo -day evening of next week. This ini- entci in white and a wh to hat. The Tf vnn wnnt a nlno Invnl onnt front . .ii . m i. t crOOIll WttB nttentUDU OP U1S Uroinur lot for vour future homo seo tho lots i,r..n nrir in Block 187. between 1st and A L 'rntA n't Htv n.ark. nnrt of tho Tho honeymoon will bo spent with Miss Alice Otten wll leave in tho near future for Nampa, Ida., to make a visit of several weeks Inother and sister. with her. from tho Music. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hart and daugh ter, of Paxton, who were guests of Mrs. Hart's mother, Mrs, Lena Sails bury havo returned home. miS SENA KELLY Teacher of Plnno Playing. Certificate and recommendations Omaha Conservatory of 40-2 ::o:: ' lf The Permanent Hog 7 tr 2r I- No Otlier Buildincf on the Farm, lOliSC Pays For Itself So Quickly A Government expert snys that "Good hog men average about seven pigs raised to the litter. Many do better. But the general average raised on the farm docs not exceed four pigs to the litter." This big difference is largely in the housing. The auestion is not so much a matter of cost as the proper design of a hog house. Many hog houses cost enough to be good, but are entirely unfit because the sun cannot shine into the pens. Sunshine and ventila- On the other hand, inexpensive houses often :Ak gh-c better results than more costly ones ;' lipentiqp nf the better desifrn. 'm. The desirn is what counts. Here's Where we can help you. attended As soon as a band stand Edward Schram streets and Ash and Maple. All sold COncorts will bo hold thero, and it Is rolntlvos in the eastern part of tho but four lots. BUTLER BUCHANAN, ti.nt ,lrtn.r ti,n nnnon tho state and cities of South Dakota and nnat mi.l f tlm nllv WH1 ho flvnn n after JUly ISC UlOy Will OU ui. numo concert or two. 10lr rrlonuB nl lU0,r rancn HOUUl u . . town whoro the groom nns preparcu Tho weather Tuesday afternoon was a cozy and comfortable home, tho most -disagreeable wo havo had The brldo is tho uaugiier oi mt. uhu this spring,, tho wind blowing an un- Mrs. Joseph II. Donegan, a talented ceasing gale from noon until late in musician and efficient stenographer, tho ovenlng. Autolsts who spent tho Sho recently resigned from tho Glbbs day at tho national comctory ar- law office whoro sho had been em- rlved homo dust-covored, " hogrimmed ployed for sovoral months. Sho has faces and eves filled with sand. The many frlonds In social and business clouds of dust at times obscured the circles, road. Tho groom camo horo several yenrs ;.,o:: ago with his parents from Columbus and has becomo one of tho best known nnd well liked young farmers, a clean cut, industriou young man who easily makes and holds frlonds. Bost wlshos aro oxtendod those worthy young people, In F. .1. DIEXEU & CO. Itcnl Estate nnd Insurance Come and see us for town lota dlfforcnt parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy torms. Houses for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. , Cor. Front and Dawey Sta.. upstairs. If W. W. BIRGE CO. Telephone Your Grocery orders to 32 They will given prompt ond careful attention. Lierk-Sandall Co. : :o: ; Plants for Sale. Flno cabbago and Tomato plantR at 40 "conta por hundred, Sweot' Potato plants 25 conts per hundred, Post paid. PLANT STORE, Kearney, Neb Miss Maud Warrington has returned from n visit with frlonds in Loxlng ton. If vour foot hurt try a pair of Onnnn Oimlitv Shoes or Oxfords at Wilcox Dopartment Store. Robert Gantt, of tho stato unlvor slty, roturncd homo Wednesday evon ing to spend his vacation. ::o:: For Your Next Order of Feed, tlour, cabbage, potatoos, np pies, sand hill seed potatoes of all kinds seo J. Mogonson at tho North The Building of tho Panama Canal Was A Great Achievement It requires determinntion, energy, push and lumber to build anything even a House, Barn, Shed or Fence Whatever you determine to build SEE US FOR THE MATERIAL Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 West Fourth Street. " Plione 110 Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An institution for tho trontmont of Medical, Surgical nnd Contlnoraont Cases. NHS. MAJtUAltET HALL, SupU I)R. J. S. TWLVfJT, rhyslclnii nnd Surgeon. Its Own Price ogul 8-1 6 Selves In Fuel Bill Redaction THAT'S true. A Mogul 8-16 kerosene tractor saves its own price in fuel bill saving, as com pared with a gasoline tractor. Until April 1st the price remains at $675 caah f. o. b. Chicago. Fortunate early purchases of ma terial still allow you this low figure. After April 1st the price will be $725, same terms. At cither price the Mogul 8-16 is by far the most eco nomical tractor because it operates on cheap, common kero sene or coal oil. Gasoline to run the gasoline tractor costs over 100 per cent more than the kerosene a Mogul 8-16 will use. Which is best for you? You know what gasoline costs you, and you know what you pay for kerosene. Figure it out yourself, or see yolir dealer. This is a saving you can't afford to miss. International Harvester Company of America (IscerporUd) Mogul keroieno tractor or old by DERRYBERRY & FORBES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Sldo barn or phono 20.