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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1916)
lo rth caw THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 6, 1916. No, 41 ftfce jietm- SPANISH WAlt VETERANS AltE GUESTS OP CITY Fully ono hundred Spanish War Vet erans, about twenty-live of whom aro accompanied by Uiolr ladios, aro In attendance at 'tho ninth annual con vention of that organization now In session in tills city. A few of tho delegates arrived Sun day, but tho major part arrived on tho early morning trains yesterday or reached here during tho forenoon by atitos, some of those coming by car driving nearly two hundred miles. Tho forenoon robs devoted to getting acquainted or renewing acquaintances, in registering and a number were, driv en to tho national cemetery. In tho afternoon a camp-firo was held at the Lloyd, tho delegates aa well as members of tho G. A. It. and citi zens generally attending. Tho ad dress of welcome was made by Mayor Evans, and tho response by John G. Maher, of Lincoln. Judge Grimes ad dressed the convention on behalf of the Chamber of Comerco, and Judge Hoag land on behalf of tho G. A. R. Tho addresses were cxceptonally good and were highly complimented by the del egates. In tho way of Amusement Christie Adams, tho female imprsonator, gave several dances, thero was a threo nound boxing contest between young Elliott and young Grady, In which hon ors were pronounced oven, and a fencing contest between Shilling and Hoga. Following this rcrresnnients were served on tho stage. Last night a dance was held at tho Lloyd, in which delegates and rest dents alike participated. The buslnes .meeting, at which an election of officers will bo held, the place of next year's convention named and reports read, Is in session as we go to press. This afternoon tho delegates will bo taken in cars to tho rifle range south of tho rlvor and given an opportunity to try ther marksmanship at long range. The conventon will close this oven ng with a banquet at tho Lloyd. This function is announced for , 7:30 promntl Both ladios and. men will at tend, and both delegates and residents are expected. ::n:: Luncheon Largely Attended. Tho noon luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday in the Episco pal church basement was the most largely attended of any yet held, sixty-eight attending. A .nice dinner had been prepared by the ladies, and while . it was being served M. J. ''Forbes, hav ing in charge arrangements for the t (ff .the Oealalla Coni- munty Club which will visit tho city next Tuesday, told or tno program lor the day,, and J. Q- Wilcox, chairman of tho get acquainted and silo trip spoke on tho purpose of tho two day trip. Ira L. Bare, ohairnian of the 're ception committee, told of the coming of the St. Joe Boosters at noon to day. Congratulatory resolutions pertain ing to tho appointment of Mr. Jetted as general manager wore introduced, by J. J. Halligan, seconded by remarks by T. C; Patterson and unanimbusly passed. These resolutions aro pub lished elsewhere. The speaker at the luncheon was Prank I. Rincer. secretary of tho Ne braska Manufacturers' Association, who spoke along ttie line of "getttlng COXGHATULATOKY HESOLUTIONS TENDERED Mil. JEtTKHS Whereas tho Chamber of Commerce of the city of North Platto learns with tho greatest satisfaction of tho de served promotion or William M. Jof fors to tho position of general manag er of tho Union Pacific Railroad Com pany, one of tho greatest railroad sys tems in tho world; And, whereas itho Chamber of Com merce takes great pleasure In tho fact that ono of tho citizens of tho city of North Platto has by his individual exertion and by reason only of his energy, and great merit achieved such distinguished success in tho railroad world; therefore bo It Resolved that tho Chamber of Com merce of tho city of North Platte on be half of Itself and said city tendors to Mr. Joffors heartiest congratulations upon his distinguished and deserved promotion; and bo It further Resolved that wo tender to Mr. Jcf fers a banquet under tho auspices of tho Chambr of Commerce at such early dato as Mr. JofCers may indicate agree able ito him; and be it further Resolved that these resolutions bo telegraphed to Mr. Jeffors. Passed unanimously at tho noonday luncheon Juno C, 1916, oixty-eight members being present. 0. H. THOELECKE, President. W. D. FISHER, Secretary. Those resolutions wore wired Genl. Manager Jeffors early yesterduy after noon, ami in thp ovening President Thoelecko of tho Chamber of Com morco received tho following reply: "Acknowledging receipt of your tel- LOCAL AND PERSONAL. For Sale Cabbngo and tomato plants 214 west Ninth. 41-1 1 Mrs, Guy Coatos has returned from a visit with relatives In Sutherland. j After upondlng n week in Omaha. ! Mrs. Guy Cover returned homo yester day. Mrs. W. V. Hongmnd returned Sat urday from a visit of several days in Grant. Mrs. Omar Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink spont Sunday In Dandy with friends. For Rent Small apartmont close in. Batli, gas and light. Call at 10S west Second street. Largest assortment of Hot Weather Appearel in tho city now on display nt BLOCK'S. Roy Ames, who graduated from tho Curtis agricultural school, returned' home yesterday. Tho Eustis ball team will play hero Sunday and Monday afternoons, June Utli and 12th. Loyd Power, who had been ill with typhoid fever for some time, was able to bo out yesterday. Miss Eva Williams, of Kearnoy, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jamos porrani, has returned homo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boeder and ,ons left Saturday morning for Den ver to visit for two weeks. Cool P.alm Beach Suits and Coats at lowest piicos at BLOCK'S ' Homer Musselman attonded tho ball game at Eustis Sunday between, itho Eustis and Booster teams. egram, tor which I thank you, andf Ernest Rinckor, of tho state univor ilhrough you Incmbors of the North slty, returned homo Saturday ovening Platte Chamber of Commerce. Will atlviso in the next low days when it will bo convenient for nio to be there, W M. JEFFERS." ::o:: Lightning Strikes Sorenson Home. Durng the storm yesterday afternoon lightning struck the P. M. Sorenson house ion cast Third street. Tho bolt touiok tho south side along a second story window knocking a hole about a foot square in the siding. Enter ing a sowing room in which Mi's. Sor enson was seated, it ran across the window on aturtaln red and jumping to tho electric light meter burned the wires and went out apparently along tho light wire. Mrs. Sorenson was seated almost directly tinder the me ter, and though somewhat stunned and greatly frightened, was In no. ways In jured'. It was, however, a close call and ono she hopes she will not again experience. VT Iluglfej Gaining Strength Tho republican national convention opens in Chicago tomorrow, Tho strong candidates are Hughes, Weeks and Roosevelt In the order named. Frank H. Hitchcock, who has been leading the unorganized Hughes move rilent, issued his ilrst formal claim "yes terday contending that the favorite sons combined would have a strength of only 315 votes not enough for a majority and predicted that Justico Hughes wil get more votes on the first ballot than all 'tho other favorite sons combined, and that his nomination on an early ballot Is inovitable. MsTenX : KELLY Teacher of Piano Playing. Certificate and recommendations THE GREATEST WORD IN THE WHOLE LEXICON OF COMMERCE IS NOT "Service!" it is . "INTEGRITY" Because that term embodies Good Faith, Dependability, the INTENTION to play fair, at any cost, as WELL as good Service. Its essence, so far as business is concerned consists in living up to the last letter of that American ism, "The Square Deal." Ask your neighbor about us. E. T. TRAMP & SONS, PHONE 147. acquainted."' the value of better know-1 Condervatorv of ing the farmer customer as .well as rrom tne umnllB conservatory ot tho town patron; learning the needs I of both tho town and country ami uo ing things that wll help both. Tren ton, Ma, was cited aa a town where the hammer was completely buried and everybody had a good word to say of both town and oountry. Ho re ferred at some length to the good work being done by an organization of school children in Lincoln in the way of keeping tho city clean and in" help ing the Indigent and sick. ::o:: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Banks and chil dren will leave tomorrow night for southern California where they ex pect to make their future homo. The change is made for tho benefit of Mrs. Banks' health. Mr. Banks will re tain his Interests In. and near tho city, and will occasionally oorno to North Platte to ldok after them and visit relatives and friends. Tho removal of tho family is regretted by many friends. Take your choice of any wool and ellk Suit in tho store worth up to ?40 at $10.00 and $15.00 at BLOCK'S. B. A. Ellas left lasct evening for Chi cago whore ho iWill visit relatives. Mrs Ellas, who has been thero for several weeks, will return witn mm. Tho Tlllikura club met last evening iln the basement of the Episcopal church. Thoy wero tho guests of tho Misses Lena Raskins and Helen Tatum Music. 40-2 : :o: Mrs. Henrietta Matthews has gone to Missouri to visit friends. Mrs. E. M. Johnston will entertain tho Tloyal Neighbors this afternoon. Mrs. Frank La'ughlin left last even ing for Suthorland to remain for sev eral day3. John Halilcr left last evening for Sidney to visit his brother Frank for several days. A. L. Banks and S. W. Ford of Lex ington, aro visiting at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Ford. Mrs. Carl Bonner will entojrtain tho Entro Nous ciuu at tno nome or Airs Harry Cramer tomorrow. Miss Marjory Campbell will leave for Goring this week to visit her fath er iwno is empioycu mere. Tho club Nevita wll meet .with Mrs W. A. Kockem tomorow afternoon In stead of Mrs. Stackhouse. Mrs. Leonard Dick will entertain tho Lutheran girls Thursday ovening. All members are urged to bo-present Mr and Mrs. John Kelllher, of Max well, who wero guosts of Mr. and Mrs Julius Hahler, left Monday. for tho summer months. Jack Stack was slightly Injured while at work in tho Howo & Malonoy storo the latter part of last week. The konsington which was to bo hold in Sutherland for tho Lady Maccabees lias been postponed until Wednesday, Juno 11th Pcailey Brown and J. Soward, of Grand Island, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs James Snyder and attending the Spanish War Veterans encampment. Mrs. Edmund Dickey pleasantly en ter'ainod a number of friends lust ovening In honor of her brother, Dr. Horficrt Ccvllle, who Is visiting here. John Connors, who lives a few, miles I'noni -this city crushed his thumb In a windmill Friday and is taking treat ment from a local physician. Geo. W. Eves, a former North Platto resident, but of lato years living In Sacramento, is visiting friends in town wJiilo 'errroate -to Pennsylvania. He will r6maln in town this week. Dr, Frank Baldwin who recently graduated from tho Kansas City Veter inary College, has located in Callaway where ho Is rapidly building up a lu crative practice. Dr. T. J. Kerr has returned from Montana, whero In company with his brother, ho aiad gono on a bear hunt. They succeeded in killing four, two of winch wore grizzlies, one black and ono cinnamon. Thero will be a W. R. C. social at tho Commercial hotel Friday after noon, June 9. A large attendance Is desired. A special Invitation is ex tended to all old soldiers, Spanish war veterans and their ladles. 200 Tub Dresses! 200! Beautiful collection of light, cool, dainty sum mer Dresses for hot weather wear in plain white and In all the leading shades, lnauo up to the minute In style. Prices range $1.98 to $15.00. BLOCK'S W. E. Starr has organized a Junior orchestra of eight or ten members which will later furnish muBlo for tho Methodist Sunday school and church services. Tho first rehearsal will bo hold at tho church at eight o'clock this evening Tho A. O. U. W. and D. of H. will hold their Memorial Day services at the K. P hall Sunday, Juno 11th. Tho graves of deceased members In both cemeteries wll bo decorated with flow ers and several speakers from differ ent cities will tako part in the ser vices Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity furnished by tho local of- fico of tho U. S. weather bureau: Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly cool or tonight, warmor Wednesday; high est tenipernturo yesterday 7G, a year ago 71; lowest last night 43, a year ago 42. In honor of tho Spanish War Vet erans the city Is in holiday attire so for as a display of flags and rod, white and bluo colors go. On Dowoy between Front and Fifth flags aro stretched across tho street; practically all win nrAitGE against wallack DRUGGIST IS MtOlTKI) Last week C. L. Countryman, a Wal lace1 hanker, ijlcd a complaint against Dr. Honry Farrcll, the Wallaco drug gist, charging tho lattor with having liquor In his possession for sale. A soatch warrant was issued by County Attorney Gibbs and placed in tho hands cf Sheriff Salisbury, who went to Wal laco and searched tho Furroll drug storo. Ho found no liquor in tho storo, but in tho rear of tho storo whoro tho Doctor resides tho shorllT unoarthad 61evon quart bottles of whiokoy which, ho brought buck with him. At tho Unto of tho search Dr. Farrcll was not in .Wallace, but word was loft for him to come tn North Platto and face Uio .charge Tho Doctor came ovor last ovonlng and presented to tho sheriff a -letter from Banker Countryman in which he gavo notico of tho withdrawal of tho chargo ho had Hied, and tho mat tor was then dropped. Evidontly the Doctor possessed tho cloven quarts of boazo for his own individual use. to: Rev. Burton Resigns Rev. J. L. Barton hao Bent in his res ignation ns pastor of the local Bap tist church and will leave this city in tho npar futuro. His resignation is caused by Uio condition of his oyos, for which ho intends to tako treatment and give up active work for a few months. city and County news. For Salo New house at 1212 west Third street. Prico $1C75. Phone, Itfack 8537 - . 41r2, Mrs. Joseph McNeill left yesterday for Scotts Bluff to spend a week or longer. , Miss Edith Patterson returned homo Sunday evening from Benson whero sho taught in tho schools Uio past year. Mrs. P. M. Sorcnsen and daughter Clara will loavo shortly for Vermil lion, S. D to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ira WhitlUvker. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd DIckerson came up from Brady yesterday morning to attend the Spanish War Veterans' en- campmont. Thos. Gass, of Elm Creek is horo this wee,k on business pertaining to tho finishing of tho approach to tho now1 Lincoln Highway bridge Miss Amy and Fayo Elder will leave shortly for Salt Lake City to visit for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, ficrmorly of this city. Jess Vernon, who had been attend ing tho state university, camo homo Saturday ovening and will accopt a position with City Engineer McNa- mara. As a good photograph depends upon tho lense, SiO good, easy vision depends i upon proper glasses. C. S. CLIN TON, Rogstered Optometrist, tho sign with the Big Ring. Tho interior of Uic Palace Cafo Is being decorated In a very tasty man ner and when tho work Is completed it will very much enhance tho at tractiveness of this popular eating houso. Thomas Heal.oy returned Saturday ovening from Lincoln where he was appointed state dairy inspector and loft yesterday morning for tho westorn part of tho stato to begin his new work, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L. Pattorson, of Omaha, formerly of this city, an nounco tho engagement of their youngest daughter, Miss Abagail, to John G. Shlroman, son of Mrs. Charles Shlreman, of Omaha. Tho wedding will tako placo In tho near futuro. Tho llvo year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Petor Malick of Ringgold, died tho latter part of last week, Rem Uvea from this city attonded tho fu noral yesterday. A sister of tho child Is vory 111 with pneumonia at a local hospital. Based on receipts of tho North Platto postofflco for tho year ending March 1st, tho salary of Postmaster McEvoy was Increased $100, making I'i-.o snlary $2,000 por year. An addition ; 1 $100 per year Was added to tho sal- iii V of Deputy Sturgcs and ho now ro c ivos $1,300. Tho rulo for tho railroad man Is: "When in doubt tako tho safo side." ri'i!i3 rulo should apply to ovory per son whon In doubt about his oyos. Bo on tho safo sido by consulting an op ton'otrist when In need of oyo aid. C, S, CLINTON, Registered Optometrist, tho sign with tho Big Ring. Miss Stasia Orace, formerly of North Platto, but latoly of Chicago, was mar ried In that city May 31st to II. C. Stacy. Mr. Stacy is employed as an onglreer on tho Northwestern at Ironwood, Wis,, and Mr. and Mrs. Stacy will mako their future home at that point. Miss Stella Huntor and brother '(lows of business houses aro decorated. I Bert left last evening for a threo wcoks and from a number of. flag staffs Old I visit with relatives in Seattle Wash. Glory waves. HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! HAIL! The hail season has opened with a 20 mile strip hailed in Adams county and hail strip 15 miles north of North Platte. Your farm may be next to suffer. Why take the risk, when, for a reasonable premium we can insure your crop against loss by hail in the Home Insurance Company of New York with Assets of $37,000,000.00. The strongest Insurance Company in the world doing a hail insurance business. Losses settled promptly and paid one hundred cents on the dollar. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON Buy paint by the label not fey the color It' is important that your house be beautiful to the' c'yej but "it '-is more important that it be impervious to the weather. It will be both.if SWP is used. S W P is made of weather-resisting materials. When properly applied it docs not crack, blister or peel. It endures, and because it docs it givespermanencyto the colors youselect. WccarryacompletelineofShevin-William3, products, including Flat-Tone for your walls, Mar-not for your floors and Brighten-Up Fin ishes for refinishing all surfaces in and around your home. REXALL DRUG STORE The Building o the Panama Canal Was A Great Achievement It requires determination, energy, push and lumber to build anything even a House, Barn, Shed or Fence Whatever you determine to, build SEE US FOR THE MATERIAL Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. THE NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1008 Wit reurth Htr.t. Phont 110 Ethical, Moral, Efficient. An Institution for tho treatment ot Medical, Surgical and Conflnomont Casoa. MItS. MAHGAItET MALL, 8upt. DIt, J. 8. TwrtfBM, rhyslclnn and Surgeon.