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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1916)
:y,. utrtett THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 9, L916. No. 33 CITY AND CdPKTY NEWS. Harry Lawson left Sunday evening for Omaha to remain a week. Charles Hlrsch accepted a position with the Tramp grocery yestorday. Pred Myers, ol Sutherland, Is here this week to take medical treatment. The high school cadets will hold an exchange at the Dorryborry & Forbes store noxt Saturday. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sawyer, whoins been critically 111, Is greatly Improved. Tho high school cadets will leave about May 26th for Gothenburg to go Into camp for a week or longer. Conductor Dentler, of tho Denver branch, has been oft duty for some tlmo, being ill with carbuncles. A fire at the Jesse Hlghbcrger ranch on the Jack Morrow flats Sunday des troyed some of his sheds and fences. A baby boy was born Saturday af ternoon to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frlsbeo. Mrs. Frlsbeo was formerly Miss Mac Lyons. Mrs. I. Wilson, of Montpellcr, Idaho, came Saturday evening to vl3lt with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "Wilson for some time. Mrs. C. S. Sawyer, Jr., and baby, of Cheyenne, came down last week to visit at the Sawyer homo for a couple of weeks., Mrs. C. R. Relff and daughter of Omaha, came Saturday morning to vis it Mr. Relff, who has his headquarters In this city. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Store. Orvlllo Brenneman, who has been attending Bchool here, left the latter part of last week for Lewelleen to spend tho summer on a homestead. The banquet which 'was to have been held at the Vienna cafo tills evening by the Volunteer lire department has been postponed until Monday evening, May 15th. Clean Up Suit Salo, all Wool Suits formerly priced, upto $37.50 now go ing at $20.00. BLOCK'S. Mrs. Gene Taylor, of Wgllfleet,.. and, ulster Mrs, F. Miller, of Maywodd, who visited friends here last week, left Saturday evening for Omaha and other eastern points. Money to Loan on Real Estate, BKATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. Mrs. J. Adkins and baby, of San Bernardino, Cal., are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. Mrs. Adkins was formerly Miss Emma Johnson, of this city. Clean Up Salo of All Wool Suite. All our suits formerly sold up to $17.50 now $10.00. BLOCK'S. Mrs. L. C. Hastings nnd .family ex pect to leave shortly for California to spend the summer, Clyde McGee, who had been taking medical treatment in town, returned to his home in 'Stapleton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frlsbeo are tho proud parentB of a son who arrived at their home, 402 oast Second street Saturday. Frank Albro age 27, of this city, and Miss Iva Staples ago 21, of Hershoy, were marrled Saturday afternoon by County Judge French. Stephen Albro and Mrs. Christina Staples were wit nesses. Walter Sheporson returned Saturday evening from Rochester, Minn., where he accompanied his wife several weeks ago to take medical treatment. Mrs. Shoperson will remain there for a month longer. A. V. Wortman, formerly of this city, nnnr nnliHslinr nf thn Hebron Cham pion, arrived yesterday and will remain a few days visiting friends, witn hib associate, Everett Kendall, ho Is mak ing the Champion a very live paper and a money-making proposition. For Sale Nico 5 room house, easy terms. ' H. A Bybee, caro Western Union. 32-2 Ross Howard was tried In tho coun ty court Saturday on tho charge of taking money from Gaorgc McKane, of Hershey. He wa3 bound over to the district court in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and furnish ed bond. There's a new hotel down at North Platte which is 'mighty clasBy, and I advlso you to stop over thore somo night and visit the McCabe. You may think I'm writing this for an adver tisement, and maybe if I'd send a nnnv tn thn manairer he woud take the Mint and send one to tho Courier. But I am not. It Is simply .because it wmiifl Iia n first, class model for the new hotel Goring is soon to have, yet it In not sn lame built on a lot not over fifty feet wide, in.sldc at that, and I never saw a oener arrangeu, neater, cleaner place. ' Nor do I think it cost more man iwemy-uvu uiuuouuu dollare. Gerlng Courier. -::o: Farm Loans. iVn Imve itli-ntv of money, on luuid to rfoso lonns promptly. Lowest rales of Interest and best terms. 29-tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. AN ELABORATE PHOTO PRODUCTION OF HALL CAINE'S IMMORTAL NOVEL AND PLAY v 66 The Eternal City WITH PAULINE FREDERICK. Keith Theatre Wednesday andflThursday. MAY 10 and 11. 2 SHOWS 7:00 P. M. AND 9:00 P. M. 10 and 20 Cents. Way! (Me iiraaiiiiH m Her Cooking A Pleasure. Tho gas range truly takes all tho trouble out of meal preparation. If a the up to date, safe and sane way of cooking. Wo want you to see our assort ment of gaa ranges. We'll explain how economical they are, how easy to cook with, how quickly they por form their duty without smoko or dust or ashes. When you once use one you'll wonder how you ever did without it. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. For Rent 5 room modem house closo in. Inquire of E. N. Ogicr. Dr. Marie Ames was called to ML Carroll, Illuols, last night by tho death of her slater. Coates' Beauty Parlors, latest Hair Dressing. SOFT WATER Shampoo. 502 D,owey street. 33-3 Mrs. Ella Mae Lanyon loft last night on a busines trip to Steamboat Springs Colorado. She will return Saturday. Tho P. E. O. will hold a plo Bale at Rlnckcr's drug store Saturday, May 13th. Wholo pies wll bo sold and also cut plo and coffeo will bo served. 33-2 Our $2.75 and $3.00 prices Include tho largo transparent hat In all colors. McVIcker Millinery, Tho Lcador. Mr. and Mrs. Will McGlnloy, of Boulder, came today to attend tho wedding of Miss Jcsamino Flynn, a niece of tho former. Mrs. J. E. Nlslcy, 'who had beon sick for a month with complicated stomach trouble, was taken to tho North Platto General hospital for treatment yes terday. Dr. Morrill, Dentist, McDonald Bank Building. The official canvass of the vote of tho state at tho primary election gives Keith Neville n majority of 13,640 over C. W. Bryan. Sutton's majority over McKclvIe was less than 900. James Eddy, formerly of this city, who has been residing in Ogalalla for several months, visited hero this woek while enroute to Chicago to accept a position. A nuinlior of nrfi-nuntlnl showers are being hold in Ogalalla for Miss Grace Shelton, formerly of this city, who will bo married to Lawrence J. Carpenter early In June. The dance and banquet which was to bo held at tho Elk homo Thursday evening has been postponed for one week at which time the banquet will be held at the McCabe hotel at 8:30, The ladies of tho Episcopal Guild will hold a busincs meeting in tho hasement of the church Thursday af ternoon nt 2:30. Immediately after the business session a social will bo held. Mrs. Morev. of Hastincs. snont Sun day at the nomc cr nor son v. u, Morey. Mrs. Morey leaves shortly for New York City, where sho. will read a paper before the annual conventtlon ot,thc American Society of Arts, whloh meets at uictioiei isior. Bryan Owens was operated upon for a very bad case of appendicitis at tile City hospital Sunday morning, and tills morning his condition is pro nounced very critical. The appen dix was found to be in a decomposed condition and the system had ab sorbed the poison. Tho crying need of this section of Nebraska Is rain. With considerably loss than the normal precipitation in April, and none so far in May, and with high winds and a. hot sun for several days past, the ground is. reaching that condition which threatens tho fall Wheat and unlrrlgated alfalfa. Wanted Girl for general house work. .Mrs. Clarence Tollefsen, Suth erland, Nob. On day last week a man represent ing the engineering department of tho Union Pacific visited North Platto and looked up the title on ail property on east Front street. This has given rise to a report that the company desires to purchase land in that part of town but for what purpose we can't Imagine, We are showing n line of misses' hats. These are all tho now sum mer ideas and this showing is cs peclally for tho Girl Graduate Mc VIcker Millinery, The Leader, Noxt Saturday a half hundred pupil of the city schools in charge of Miss Murray and other teachers win make an excursion into tho country to study birds and the habits of the feathered tribe. For several years past th schools have been awakening in the pu plls an Interest In birds with the 'result that last year the boyB constructed and placed about two hundred bird boxes at the different homes. We have always it few choice Flrnt .Mortgage Loans to oner our patrons netting 7 to byb Interest, not taxable a look after all detail, even to col Icctlng Interest and principal. Nothing safer or better for your Idle money. JlltATT, (JO OILMAN & ItUCKLKY. The papers lately have been filled with the mooted question in medical ethics whether a doctor should light for a life when death Is imminent or when a clouded mind is a certainty in case of recovery. The five part feat ure, "Dr. Neighbor," shown at tho Cystal Thursday night deals with this subject and will doubtless Interest many on account of tho timely topic. With one comedy reel, making a six reel program; the price will be 10c. Frank Redmond has gone to Kan sas City to accept a position .with tho Union Pacific. Physicians recom mended that Mr. Redmond for at least six months work not to exceed live hours a day. Under this recommend ation he could not resume his position of cashier at tho freight -house as that position is a strenuous one. Applying to tho Union Pacific for a temporary position where tho work would bo light and the hours short, ho was glv- en tho berth nt Kansas City. " "'" rJ'.o:: F1KK. LHJHTNINU AND HAIL INSURANCE We represent ten of the strongest old Hue companies and have never failed (o pay a loss. Let us write your Insurance. .Hit ATT, GOODMAN & HUCKLliY, (iarluige Service Begins Today. Tho garbage collector starts out on his Initial round today and will mnko tho trip onco n week. Only a small proportion of householders havo so far provided themsolvcs with cans, but the number Is increasing daily. Street Commissioner Salisbury said this morning that as ho understood It, tho deposits In tho gnrbago receptacles must not lncludo ashes, tin enns or liko rubbish, but must bo only tho garbage that comes, from tho kitchen. If this is true, tho collection will bo very light, nnd In tho caso of small families the servlco will bo nil, for tho offal from tho kitchen practically amounts to nothing nnd this Is par ticularly true if chickens aro kept. Tno Tribune s idea of this gnrbago question Is that cvorpthltig that comes from- a houso during the summor Bhould bo deposited In tho receptacles, whother It bo ashes, tin cans, or old papors. Tako for lnstnnco a can of corn; what would uttract moro files than that empty can if thrown In a box or barrel or In a corner of tho back lot? Wo believe that as tho people aro paying for this servlco they have a right to demand that nil garbago that oomcs from a houso -but not from a stable during tho summor months bo collected. -::o::- All Players Report The out-of-town players on tho North Platto team havo arrived In town and reported for duty. Catcher Ram sey arrived tho early part of last week, Pltchor Tottonhoff and Shortstop Llndstrom arrived from Columbus Sat urday; and tho snmo day Second Base man Simons camo in from Stockvillo nnd Pltchor Andrews nnd Third Base man Roso arrived from Omaha. Ac tive dally practlco begins this week. :o: ; Woninn'S' Qltib Tonight. Secretary Fisher, of the Chamber of Commerce, will meet this evening with tho Woman's Club for tho discussion of civic mattors. Tho meeting will bo hold In tho basement of tho B. & L. building and all club members arc urged to attend. ; q " ; Will Trade for City Property. G40 acres farm and grazing land of good qunlity. O. H. TIIOELECKE. . .v. Mrs. Asa Snyder will entertain the Entre Nous club Wednesday nftornoon Premus Forstedt submitted to an operntlon at tho City Hospital this wok and is getting along nicely. Mrs. John W. Baggott and son Del- bcrt left the first of the week for Scat tie, Wash., to spend several months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Green nnd Miss Nettle Green, of Burwoll, camo this morning to attend tho Dornn-Flynn wedding. ThC unmarried members of tho Lutheran Brotherhood entertained the mnrrled men nt tho parish house, last evening. Mrs. Emily Coates has moved her beauty parlors temporarily froh the First National Bank building to 505 Dewey. IMartin Haun, who had been cm- ployed at tho Howe & Malonoy furni ture store, left recently for Detroit, Michigan, to locate. II. E. Hartley, who spent several months In Billings, Mont., returned here a few days ago and resumed work with the P. F. E. Co. Frank Doran, Charley Pass, Will Landgraf and Will Maloney left last night for ColumbuB to attend tho nn nual tato convention of tho Knights of Columbus. Weather forecast for North Platto and vlolnlty furnished by tho loca. of- tlco of the: U. S. weather bureau Showero'J.onlght or Wednesday, cooler Wednesday. Highest tcmporaturo yes terday 81, a year ago G9 lowest last night 50, a year ago 40. For Sale or Trade. 12 lots, Block 28 in Julcsburg, Colo. Will sell or trade for North Platto proporty. HI Smith, G04 east Sixth St., North Platte, Neb. 30-4 ::o:: F. J. niENEK & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Come and see us for town lota lh different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowey Stu.. upstairs. LOXH DISTANCE TOURING WILL SET NEW RECORD New York, N. Y. Tho health-giving delights of long dlstnnco motoring and its educational advantages in teaching a knowledge of tho country nro going to bo moro appreciated than ever be fore during 1016, according to reports leading from oil tollable sources. Au tomobllo salesmen in particular aro In a position to know tho wants of tho public In this regard and they say that they hnvc been especially Impressed by tho demand for touring cars. The thousands of tourist of 1915 who mndo-tho transcontinental trip over the Lincoln Highway havo spread tho word that roads nro much Improved nnd that It Is now entirely posslblo to drive long distances without tho dis comforts of other days. Many who niado tho cross country drlvo Inst year mean to repeat It during the coming summer. An aroused Americanism Is also having its effect. Tho sontlmont for propnrodnoss has stirred a new patri otism throughout tho country nnd many thinking men want to see, and want their families to seo moro of the country. ::o:: J. B. McDonald will return today from a short visit in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod nro spend ing this week In Pnxton. Mrs. A. W. Shilling will entertain tho Ellto club tomorrow nftornoon. Mrs. Nollle Grimes loft a few dayB ago for Omaha to visit rolatlvcs and friends. The Royal Neighbors will hold their regulnr meeting nt tho K. P. hall to morrow afternoon. Mrs. Mary GuthorlaBS will leave tho latter part of this week for Omaha to epond a week or longer. Miss Florolco Stoftriggon, of Goth enburg, spent the week end visiting her brother EdwWd Stoffrlggon. ::o:: FOR RENT The town herd pusturo; rent can ho paid out of herd receipts: Some good pieces, of hay land close In; Some good nouses, and one store building. See, AllRATT; GOODMAN & IIUCKLEY. 7KL TORNADO FIRE, HAIL INSURANCE 0. E Thoelecke, Twcnty-Four Lions In Ono Act. Twonty-four, full grown, Jungle bred African Hons ovory ono a born mnn-cnter, is ono of tho many thrill ing spdtnclcs presented by tho Al. G. Barnes Big Four Ring Wild Anlmnl Circus. Thcso animals aro shown at one tlmo in a steel-barred arena in tho center ot tho show's mammoth tent, by Hcrr Loulo Roth. Tills Is tho InrgeBt group of trninod lions ovor successfully shown nnd tho daring of tho trainer making ono fairly shiver. Many other dangerous nnd highly sensational wild animal nets aro pre sented by this show. MnJ. Throniton works with a herd of grizzly clnnn mon, Siberian, Qloth, Mack and polar boars, Big Bill, a giant wrestling grizzly being among tho lot, Mile, Florlnc, a petite little woman, min gles with a largo numbor of Persian leopards, Jaguars and pumas and her ability to control tho snarling beasts Is very amazing. MIsb Mable Stark prosonta nn act with Royal Bengal and Siberian tlgors, tho most treach erous animals known, tho trainer's llfo bolng In porll ovcry momont. Other fenturos of a sonsntlonnl charactor aro thoso In which Tom, Jerry Brutus, horse-riding African lions appear; Sampson, another lion, rides to the top of tho tent surrounded by shooting sky rockets. A leopard, grizzly bear, goat and monkoy rldo galloping ponies nround tho arena In tho same group. A largo herd of olc phnnts do somo wondrous things in acrobatics and posing. A clovor farce comedy Is n part of their act. High school riding and dancing horses havo n prominent part op the program. Bob Chocolaito, directed by Miss Mamo Saunders, docs tho tango In nproved fashion. No- other collec tion of horses in tho cntlro world ranks with thoso flvo hundred and ovory ono has beon trninod to per form. A company of ono hundred Arabian and Shetland ponies gallop through an Intricate mnzo of drills nnd marches, Hugh Mitchell sustained n broken wrist Sundny while roller skating on tho walks.. Mr, ami Mrs. Hoffenberg, of Omaha, aro visiting their daughter, Mrs. Brooks Meadows. A Mon was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Mlko McFnddon nt Paxton. Mrs. McFaddon was formerly Miss Ancolino Itorrod, of this city. Charles Mann, iof Sidney, spent tho week end hero and loft Sunday accom panied by Mrs, Mann who hail been vis iting her parents. Mr, and Mrs. James McMichael, for somo time. ::o:: For Rent , Suite of four rooms, ovor Huffman's Cigar Store. Sec Huffman. 32-2 No. .1400 mU'OUT OV TIIH CONDITION 'OP $503,400.14 C04.SU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At North Platto, In tho State of Nebraska at tho cIobc at business May 1st. 1810. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (except thoso shown on b) $003,400.14 Total loans , Overdrafts, unsecured U. H. bonds doposlted to securo circulation (par valuo) $100,000.00 U. 8. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par valuo) 1,000.00 Total U. S. bonds - Bonds other than U. S, bonds pledged to secure postal savings dopoalts 20,000.00 Securities other than V. H. bonds (not ncludlng stocks) owned unpledged 30,340,78 Total bonds, securities, etc Subscription to stock of Federal Resenra bank 9,000.00 Less amount unpaid 4, COO 4,600.00 Valuo of banking house (if unencumbered) IN, 900. 00 Equity In banking houBO i urimuro ana nxiures ,. ,. Real estate owned other than banking Iiouhu . . .' Net amount duo rrom Foaorai ucservo isnnic Net amount duo from approved reserve agents In Now York, Chicago ana au louis Not amount duo from approved reserve ugentB in other resorvo cities Not amount due from banks and bankers (other than Innluilnil In 10 or 111 Othor chocks on banks In tho same city or town as re porting' bank Fractional currency, nlcklos and cents Notes of other national banks ' Federal Reserve notes , Coin and certincates i Lecrnl-tondar notos -. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and duo from Ur o. Treasurer MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Founded 188(1. It's tho household word In Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, tho best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a savings bank nnd Insurance that In sures. They all buy it. "There is a ttenson" For further Information - Phone, call or address ' J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Lino Man north Platte Nebraska Notfco to Creditors Estate No. 1409, of Nancy E. Donald Hen, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notlco that tho tim limited for presentation and fil ing of clnims against said Estato Is December 9, 1910, and for settlement of said Estato is May D, 1917; that I will sit at tho county coqr,t room In satu county, on Juno v, iviu, at o'clock a. m., and on December 9, 1910 nt 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, pxaralno hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. E. FRENCH, 33-4 w County Judgo 7,931.0!) J 53,307.41 101,000.00 r.B,340.7S 4,500.00 . 18,900.00 .3.000.00 11,500.00 10,321.27 101, 'J41.C0 , 1.G7C.CG 2,442.97 2r.2.95 1,370.00 .15.00 23,468.35 7,895.00 5,000.00 Total . . T 917,955.33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In HurnluH fund Undivided profits i.chs current expenses miercsi and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Not amount uue to iuiiikh ana iiuukoi-h (other than tit--eluded 111 28 or 29 ' Demand deposits: 10,892.77 3,332.70 Individual dopoalts subject to check Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days Certified checks Cashier's chocks outstanding. United Statos deposits Postal savings deposits Total demand deposits. Items 32, 33, 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, 39 and 40 400.90 1.75 Time dopoBltu (payablo after 30 days, or subject to 30 ciays or moro noiicei: Certificates of deposit Total of time dopoalts, Items 40, 41, 42 and 43 J40.091.01 $100,000.00 50,000.00 13,500.07 100,000.00 47,399.60 438,481.09 12,225.05 274.75 3,127.95 1,000.00 11,790.31 110,091.01 Total . 917.U55.33 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, as: i, i-. Li. Aioonoy, casnior oi me noovo namou oann, ao soiemniy swear mat tho above statement Is true to tho boat of my knowledge and belief. i; Li. Ajuunux, lasmor. Correct Attest: E. F. SEEUEROER RAY C. LANQFORD M. KEITH NEVILLE Directors. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 8th day of May, 1910. T. C PATTERSON, Notary Public. GARBAGE CANS Several Sizes. Different Prices. SIMON BROS.