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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
mm 'HIKI'V-FIKST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE," NKIJ.. MAY 5, No. 32 J ft ' AGRICULTURAL rN HAVE ISlfSJY DAY Dairy, Silo unit Stock Special Train With Fifty In (he Party, Visits This City Wcilncitny. The dairy, b11o untl live stock train, operated Jointly by the International Harvester Co., the Union Pacific and the - state agricultural collego, with about fifty experts on board visited North Platte Wednesday. The train started 'on Its Journey at Kimball, Mon day morning and stopping at all sta tions enroutc reached this terminal nt 1:40 Wednesday afternoon. The train remained here about two hours and then left over the branch for Gerlng, stepping at all stations en- route. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Don't miss the Glee Clubs tonight. High School auditorium. 8:00 p. m. Mrs. J. J. Hnllgan loft Wednesday night for a visit at points In Minne sota. IJr. Murdoch, of Ogalalla, who visited with Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtelc this week, has gono home. Fred Jacobs, of Moorefield, Is among the out-of town people who are visiting In town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Stevens and Chao. Lclman, of Moorolleld, arc spending a lew days with local friends. Harold Pulllum, of Brady, arrived hore a few days ago to accept a po sition In the Stone drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Layton, ot Omaha, returned home yesterday af- STILL At 'this point the paity was nug. tcr visiting here for several days. mented by a half dozen or more ex norts who arrived on an early morn ing train. Those who arrived In the morning participated In the program which had been arranged for the fore neon pending the arriving of the spe cial train. The stay in North Platte wos a strenuous round for the speakers. At 9:30 Mr. Farr spoke at the high school on poultry raising and Will Maupln described to the students the great ness of Nebraska's productions. At 11 o'clock Asst. State Supt Teed spoke to the pupils of the gramar grades at the Keith theatre, his subject being rural life with special emphasis on the growing of pigs and chickens by boys and girls. At 1:30 Mr. Farr again sp-ke nt the high school auditorium to the students, his remarks being along general agricultural lines, and at three o'clock Mr. Farr spoke to the pupils of the primary grades at the Keith, Illustrating his talk on home gardens and pcultry with lantern slides. At three o'clock a general meeting was held at the court house at which dairy cows and dairying was discussed by Geo. M. McKerrow, of "Wisconsin. At four o'clock a talk was delivered to the city school teach ers by the state superlntednent of Ida ho schools, a lady, who took as her sub ject the linking uo of the schools wjtti the community. Meetings for women were 1ield;nt the library nt 1:40 and at the Episcopal church at two. Meetings were also held at sever al schorl bouses on the south side and nt the Calhoun school on the norMi side, these gatherings being addressed by exports of the party. ::o:: Complete Larlilir Mains. By this evening Commissioner Welch will have completed the Improvements to the water works system In the pav ing district. These improvements con plsted of placing twenty-two man holes at points where there are valves on the mains; taking up 1300 feet of four-Inch pipe on Front street and re placing with sir-inch, and laying 3fi0 feet of four-Inch pipe on Dewey be tween Sixth and Fifth. The total-cost of this work was about twenty-onn Hundred dollars. ::o:: Presbyterian Church. Have, you a boy? Do you live in town? An address, "The Boy In Town," Presbyterian church Sunday n. m. 11 a. m., children's choir. Mrs. Robert White will speak. ::o:: For Sale or Trade. 12 lots, Block 28 in Julcsburg, Colo. Will sell or trade for North PJatte property. Hi Smith. G04 east Sixth St., North Platte, Neb. ' 30-'. : :o: : Dic.k Baker, of Staploton, is spend ing a few days here visiting friends and transacting business. You will enjoy the minstrel play as presented by the girls' Glee Club, to night at the High School auditorium. Mrs. C. M. Reynolds loft Inst night DEPOT PLAN fcr a visit with friends in umaiia. t : C. W. Home spent Tuesday In Kear- ' 1J NEW YORK.1 ney, going down to attend a Christian Sr(niirfc luptllrtv Dr. Brock. Dentist, over Stone Drug So a, (ieuenil Supt. .loffm, Who j Store. .,. Mils in Town tills .Homing Kit. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Meadows have i route lp the Itrnnclt returned from a vlBlt In the eastern part of tho state. . "The plans for the new North Platio ARB AGE CANS Cloan Up Suit Sale, all Wool Suits depot lire still in Now iorK ' said uoul. formorlv priced up to J37.50 now i;ov puW- Jciiora, wno cumu in irom uinu- liif nt $20 00 BLOCK'S. ha last night anu leit tills morning on . . i i' m i iu ... M. a trip ot Inspection over tno .urtn A social dance wll bo old at ttw ,tffer' b , '.. t u , Lloyd opera l ouse this evening b - approved b5- the Now ork oRieluis. the,ecman drill team. vmivo b(Jen 0X,,ecUHl tlt ln0 Omuha Wm. Harcourt, of Harcourt & Jon- -headquarters. However, they aro s?n, transacted business In Omahn sev- mtely to arrive any day. ' eral days this week. , Aimed as to ino exact' locution of tho Clean up Sale of all Wool Suits. All, ,dupult Mr. Juhois said;' "as 1 tindor our Suits formerly sold up to $17.50 btnnd n, the west end oi the depot now $10.00. BLOCK'S. will tie u tow teec west otftho west end Mrs. E. A. Hamilton, who visited ot tho dspatchers' oil eel This will last week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl necessitate mtvlng therrolght dopot Hnmllton, has returned to Omaha. turtner east and reWuUngemenl of Mrs. George Gibbs and daughter re- 11!: . inrtin.l n W ,lnvu .rn frnnl nil nvtmwl. 1UUVCU lu UHU biuu iUlU Roy and John Delate and Miss Clara' vlsIt wm. relative-? In York ' ' occupied temporarily while the now Delate, of Moorefield, are visiting thl8 " V e , . i i. . bullUlng Is In course of construdtlon. week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Soulier. . -f!i i in"ni jo ii t nit n nil left Th0 ,lo,)ot W,U be lwo storles' nioael" th0 Maxwell garage this week and left m Banewh,it niter tho stylo of tho The first cur of advertising for tho for Kansas City yesterday afternoon. Denver depot, but ot courso smaller. Al G. BttmOS ClrCU3 Came here yes- riM,n p ri n will lintil n nln snln nt Tin untlni. ri'm.ii will Imvn n twntiK' torday and placed their bills In the Hacker's (lrug stort, Saturday, May six foot ceiling tho areaway surround business houses W. L. Reynolds, of Chadron, wa called hero the first of the weok to at tend the funoral of the late Claude P. Faulkner, to whom he was related. The Dorcas club of the Presbyter ian church, composed of girls under 14, gave a house party Wednesd ternoon. About sixty girls Hip nreftslnt) nvfir fnnnil n ilnaK vnn Roy Ames oi tins cny, was one oi , through?" Try modern 13th. Whole pies will be sold and also cd by a balcony from which entrances cut pie and coflee will uo served. will Had to tho second lloor offices. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorham. of Onvtho upper lloor will bo located the Grand Island, and Mr. and Mrn. Will terminal offices. Tho dining room and Carey, of Omaha, who camo tho first lunch counter will bo ample to ac- of the week to attend tho May Party comodate tho demands for years to and visit relatives, have gone homo. come; in fact tho entire dopot ia not J, l m ,. ,ou,iv- t,n f ,,,i being built for tho requirements of to. " Y 1 YpvnrMv nlllrp n .ov.-rv t artlci Hr Is da uut fcr t,lc noc at tho expected enjoyed , exnc olll e in , overs particular Is ftn ni of i"',": T ' J """' "" ""A; and western Nebraska." a class of aeventcen who graduated from tho agricultural school at Curtis could see optometry. last weok and has gone to Omaha j lloivoi beds, Harry Dlxcn, Jeweler & Optometrist. ow Is the Mini; to prepare our Ktioelnl miiI( on Ylncas accept a position. ,ui (5,.riHihini itlnnts tomorrow. Watch Eye-strain may manifest ltseir m our window tonight. organs remote from the seat or trouble. Optometry's work is to trace these re- Ilex disturbances to their source. Har ry Dixon, Jeweler and Optometrist. Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m.. subject "Adam and Fallon Man." Wednesday evening. meeting nt Keferrlng to the forced removnl of many of the beatlful trees In the park, Mr. Jelfors said: "I have a tender spot in my heart lor those trees. My first Job1 with the Union Pacific was look .ing; after those trees In tho year 181)0. ,1 helped to nurse them along when they were young and I was young. Perhaps thoy enn be taken up and transplanted, LIKHK-SANHAIiL CO. Mrs. Harry Block who went east several weeks ago to attend her fath- i H0 thlU w,u 00 llone nH. rimnwnl rt i 1 IntAM nnnni turn itfrvnlo In New York City purchasing Bummer . i..'.'" v..,,,,,,,,, stock fcr Hie Block store, will return Jom.s..lucksoii Miptials homo Sunday. Mlss Mnrgarette A. Jones, ot this r,. i ,. tnni f ihi. nlt. ''o iiugaea' jacKsou u ' ..u"ui.. 3i !, .""S ' ... Z.'Z Hastings, were married at tho homo S:00. A cordial invitation Is extended in nil. nnllillnp- .C- T.nnn linildinir. rnnm i i.i,i i- ci,i.i., Tn..,n fr. 25- "I two years past, has accepted a post- ?Ll! e br.,deA "'. Ma,ry In a complaint filed In the county! Hon as traveling salesman for the -"" """ xvuZ.,.; J C rial (inlmn Cn r,T flnlnVlil " ""-"i'"t. mio UIUIU XV ..r. was not unexpected by their many Willi J l.ilUHUill IUIH III 1U111I I IUUI-. !.. I .., Hi. ; ,, ill He wllf move his family here in tho .Heildsyct 1,0 lato of the wedding court Mrs. Olive Pitt charges that her husliand has failed to support her and has abandoned her. The defendant upon being arraigned plead not guilty and the cas will como up for hearing next weok, Xow Is the Mine to prepare your flower beds. Special sain on Vlncni mid Geranium plants tomorrow, Watch our window tonight. LIERK-SAXDAMi CO. Harry Porter, who had bottling wcrks at Sterling and nt Bridgeport has a. Id them and will give his full time to his North Platte works. Mr. Porter is investigating a proposition in the manufacturing lino which may result very beneficially to North Platte. We must make room for our summer stock which is arriving dally. We have therefore placed on sale the en tire stock of spring suits which for merly sold frcm $15.00 to $37.50 at $10,00. $15.00 and $20.00. BLOCK'S. Miss Smith, a specialist in canning, gave an Interesting lecture In canning vegetables Wednesday ovenlng to the domestic science club of the Presby terian church. About forty girls and ladles attended. Miss Smith was one of the lecturers on the special train. : :o:: For Itent Suite of four rooms, over Huffman's Cigar Store. See Huffman. 32-2 early fall. daj: morning and tho -ceremony wris Those- who appreciate the best In performed In the presenco of a very phdto Plays ,wHi bo given a treat May .fow .WoBO frlcmls ot the bri(lei Mr " i. ,r. m. i f ami Mrs. Jackson left on the afternoon train for Omaha and other eastern points, nfter which they will return here for a short visit before taking up be shown nt the Keith. This feature, has been produced in nine parts and hnfi been given one of the most elab orate jsettlngs In thp htatory of mo- tllelr resi(ienco in Lincoln. lion -pictures, owing 10 inn iciigui oi theplcture Manager Garman announ ces'that the first show will start at 7:00, p. m. The bride was born in Dnnsvllle, Va and came hero whence a child with her parents. Sho received her educa tion in the local schools and was tho The regular meeting of the P. E. O. vnledlctorian of the class, of 1912. For sisterhood was Held on Wednesday, several years she was an employe May 3d, at mo nome oi mrs. scou ami of tho Plntto Valley State bank and a the program was uovoted to tlie study stenographer of unusual ability. Sho of domestic science problems. Mrs. i8 very popular in social circles and Wilcox read- an oxcellent paper on lias, a lnrgo number of friends who "Systematic Housekeeping' and Mrs. wish her happiness Evans a very interesting article on Mr. Jackson has been associated "Economy against Waste." At tho with the Heinz Pickle Co. as travel close of the program the ladles served inu salesman for several vears and lr. themselves to a delicious lunch which well known throughout tho state as a had been prepared by tho members progressive, agreeable and capable irom tnoir "iavorue recipes, me ai- young man. Congratulations are ex ternoon proved very profitable to all. o: cnjoyablo and tended. Farm Loans. Wo have plenty of money on hniiil to close loans promptly. Lowest rates of Interest and best terms. 20-tf UUCIIAXAX & VATTEKSOX. -: :o: MEDIUM AND CHEAPER GRADE You will find a display in our south window showing a few styles in medium and cheaper grades of footwear. With prices on all lines of leather advancing these should be of interest to you. These shoes, while lower in price than finer grades, are made of good, dependable stock and the wearing qualities have not been sacrificed for style. Many of these shoes are from lines we have sold f ' ver fifteen years and have always proved satisfactory. Among them you w..'find Children's Slippers from 75c to $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords from $2.00 to $2.50 Ladies' Shoes from $2.00 to $2.50 Boys' Shoes from $1.50 to $2.50 Men's Work Shoes at $2.50 Men's SJioes, Semi Dress Styles, $2.50 We also carry finer Shoes in Men's and Ladies' up to $5 a pair. Wilcox Department Store Knterlnlti P. K. 0. and Husbands Tho ladles of tho P. E. O. sisterhood with their husbands were pleasantly I entertained by Mrs. Scott and Mrs j Hendy at the home of tho former Frl uay evening, April zhui. uninty in vitations In rhyme had been provlous ly Issued to the guests requesting them to bring us many pennies as there wore letters In their names, and these were collected for tho benefit of the P, ! O. convention fund. E Several Sizes. Different Prices. SIMON BROS. AN ELABORATE PHOTO PRODUCION OF HALL CAINE'S IMMORTAL NOVEL AND PLAY 99 The Eternal City WITH PAULINE FREDERICK. Keith Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. MAY 10 and 11. 2 SHOWS 7:00 P. M. AND 9:00 P. M. 10 and 20 Cents. Why Not You? People realize, n.ore nnd more, that a hank account muintainctj systematically is the greatest aid to financial prbgrqss. " ; ' ' ( ' ,- V " ' '.l ' i ou can enjoy -many ' privileges by be coming a depositor. This bank oflers its service to thrifty people who desire to build a surplus, and enjoy the benefits of an association with a strong financial institution. McDonald State Bank. Capital Stock $100,000. Resources $500,000 A generous amount was received. An amusing contest was a feature of the entertain nient and the remainder of the oven Ing was pleasantly spent in listening to sovernl inimical selections on the Victrola nnd becoming hotter acqaulnl ed with the "brothors" of tho chapter. A picnic lunch was served by the hostesses In cafeteria fuahion and thoroughly enjoyed by the guests. : : o : : For Sale. A U room modem house; lot Gt3xl32. Garage lOxlG. Price $2200.00 if taken at once. Enquire at 1)08 East Fifth street. 32f3 ::o:: Lutheran Announcements. Sunday school i):45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock, "lleau tifylng His House." Luther League 7:iC p. m. topic, "Gustavas Vasa." Evening Worship at 8 o'clock. Given courage by the Invlslblo Presence. The choir will glvo the concluding pitrt of tho Easter Cantata at the even ing service. The Brotherhood will moot at tho parish houso ou Monday evening in logulnr monthly session. Thoy will bo i nturlalncd by the bachelor members of the brotherhood. A good turn ou ic expected. ::o:: Carl Abrahaiusou, of Lincoln, for nicrly of this city, spent a few days hern this week visiting friends and transacting business. ;:o:; F. J, WO BR & 00. Ileal fiHtnte and Innnrance Come and boo ub for town lots In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms, Housos (or sale and rent. We have also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Btsu upstairs, 1- R. . curfew fUiATJw. :m BEST 5 V, Vs.- 1 i" ir' r a .am m m ''I RFwn Mil I - wiiu i 1 1 iu- NRTHBEND,NEB FOR SALE BY John Her rod, Grocer