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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
I THE SEMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. SE FILES CHARGES AGAINST FOR EiGN BONDING COMPANY. FORTY YEAR OLD STATE CLAIM Items of General Interest Gathered from Rellablo Sources Around the State House. Western Newspaper Union News Service, A protest agaliiBt licensing tlio United States Fidollty and Guaranty Bonding company has been filed by D L. Manning of Lincoln with tho Btato liiBurunco bonrd. Mr. Maiming Is the Bon of Chaplin S. Manning, an cm ployo of a Lincoln firm. Tho older Manning was employed on plumbing work on tho Lincoln high bcIiooI building. It was alleged ho wub hit by a beam and Buffered hemorrhage of the stomach und that his injuries will prevent him from performing nny labor tho remainder of his life. Tho bonding company had Insured tho Lincoln firm's employes. The company paid Mr. Munnlng weekly payments under tho workmen's com pensation law from February to Au gust of last year, when ho moved lo Elmlrn, N. Y his old homo, whoro ho has a brother. Tho bonding com pany alleges his present condition is duo not to injuries, but to his removal to New York and refusos to continuo paying bcnoflts. Labor Commissioner F. M, Coffey advises tho filing of a protest against licensing tho company for tho year beginning May 1. Action Was Sustained. Attornoy General Rood has given an opinion sustaining Secretary of Stato Pool in his action In notifying tho county clerks of Dodgo and Washing ton counties that a democratic cundi dato for stato Benator was illegally on tho ballot in tho Fifth senatorial dis trict. Tho county clorka allowed tho namo to remain on tho primary ballot but tho candldato in question received few voteB. Sonator Wilson of Fremont was nominated as tho democratic nominee Secretary of Stato Pool's ruling was questioned by County Clerk John O'Connor of Dodgo county, who Is a candldato for county assessor. Mr. Pool has forwarded a copy of the attornoy general's opinion to Mr. O'Connor. It was, evident from tho start of tho controversy that tho filing In disputo was accepted by county clerks of tho two counties on tho theory that a section of tho la.v which requires certain nominating potltlons to bo filed in each county of a dis trict applied to tho primary law. Tho nttornoy general is of tho opinion that tho section rolled upon by tho county clerks appllcB to gonoral elec tions or when a now party Id organ ized, as It requires a potltion of 1,000 namns. Tho prdlnary nominating pe tition requires only twcnty-flvo names and tho law is plain that such peti tions must bo fllod only with tho sec retary of state. A Forty Year Old Claim. DlvlBlon of tho fund gathered in by tho stato in tho salo of Pawnoo In dian lands by tho government upward of- forty years ago camo to tho rout again when T. P. Kcnnard, Bocrotary of Btato in 18G7, asked that tho ac counts bo run over again to bo cer tain that tho amount of hla claim is ns high as ho fixed it. ' When tho lands wore sold In tho lato 'GOa and "early '70s, tho stato In sisted upon having a share. Tho fed eral government finally yielded to tho request and Mr. Kcmiard mado a trip to Washington to provall upon con gre8B to sharo Homo of tho Indian land salo receipts with tho stato. Ho finally got $32,000 for tho Btato. It took him a yoar'B ttmo and cost him about $4,000 in expenses. When ho applied for a commission, tho stato rofusert. Later on, howoviir, tho leglslaturq passed a bill granting him $10,000 for his work. A somite secretary pigeon-holed it in tho Bhufflo at tho closing of tho bobsIoii and It novor got to tho govornor to Blgn. Sovoral times dinco Mr. Konnard has tried without 8UCC088 to get a similar bill through tho law making mill, but without success. Boono county has paid Stato Audi tor W. II. Smith $2,G72, being tho bal ance duo on $5,000 owing to tho Btato for tho caro of insano patients. Groeloy county has paid $4G2. County Clerk Earl of Dundy waa tho first to send In tho official pri mary returns to Secretary of Stato Pool. To vote of Dundy county is not largo and it was speedily can vassed and Torwarded to tho stato houBO. Somo clerks really canvass tho rounty voto as soon as It comes in and then wait for tho Friday fol lowing election to make It official. Other county clerks who aro sticklers contend that thoy havo no right to open tho returns and commence the work of convnsfllng until Friday fol lowing election day. Foreign Trees for Stato Farm. Tho dopartmont of horticulture of tho stato farm 1ibb just received sov-cnty-flvo ornamental "shrubs and fruit trees from tho ollko of tho forolgn fiocd plant Introduction of AVashlng ton, D, C. These plants will bo erven a trial In the arboretum of the experi ment station orchard. The govern ment has sent abroad to collect plants that appear to havo bodio eco nomic vuluo. TO PROTEST LICEN CAMP8 FOR NATIONAL GUARD. Medical Corps and Field Hospital to Go to Fort Riley. Adjutant Gcnoral P. L. Hall of tho Nebraska national guard has an nounced dates for two encampments of olllcors of tho Nebraska national guard. Tho big summer camp for the infantry Is not, settled, but It will probably bo hold at Fort Koblnson about tho middlo of August. The offlcors of tho Nebraska na Uonal guard medical corps will attend a Hchool of Instruction nt Fort Itlley from Juno C to June lfi, Inclusive. Thlrteon offlcors from Nebraska will attond this school. Officers from tho medical corps of tho national guard of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colo rado, Wyoming, ArkniiBas, Arizona. Now Mexico, Texas, Oklnhoma and Louisiana will attend. Tho Nebraska national guard field hospital of Lincoln will attend n joint encampment at Fort Hlley from Juno 2G to July C. Olllcors of tho Colorado field hospital will also attend at tha sumo time. Fivo olllcors and thirty- three men from Nebraska will attend. Summary of Expenditures Tho stato auditor's report for tho threo months ending April 1 Hhows a total of $1,421,840.85 expended for tho maintenance of tho Btnto govern ment. Of that amount, $417,258 was expended for salaries and wages. For tho support of fifteen stato institu tions under the board of control, $350,- 481 was spent. Tho stato has a lot of wards, on which it spent $70,024 for articles of food, $G,0G5 for clothing, and its bill for light, fuel and power was $51,- 8G8. For permanent Improvements, now buildings and land tho state ex pended $148,931 in threo months. Tho Btato wrato lotters and mailed print- od matter In sufficient number to amount to $7,244 in postage Its of flcors and cmployos Bpcnt $9,877 In traveling or about $1,000 less than in tho provlous throe months. For tho support of tho Nobraska national guard, armories and rifle ranges, .$10, 1G0 of tho stato's msney was spent. Noarly $315,000 was spent for printing, and $G,518 for telegraph and tele phones, Following 1b a Bummary of tho ex penditures of tho dlffcront institu tions: SnlrirlcH and wagen $ 90.647.14 Trntmportatlon, telegraph and telephone 3.7S9.C0 Artleleti of food 70.024.r,9 Clothing 0,005.39 Htntioncry, iiooKs nnrt paper.... 3,337.27 iuei. iiKiii (urn power ii, Machinery. tools and renal.... 10.932.45 Ooncrnl repairs 11,808.28 .Minceimncotis Z7,r,:u.i3 i-urmturo and equipment 7,780,8, Permanent Improvement! 33,122.07 New buildings and land 27,574.07 Total $350,481.32 Many Schools Make Entry. vvitii tno Nebraska high school in- tcrscholastlc track and flold meet again under tho direction of tho Uni versity of Nobraska authorities, tho first entries reaching Athletic Man ager Guy B. Iteod indicate that double tho number of Nobraska high schools will take part than for tho last two years. Although Mr. Reed Bent out entry blanks for tho moot only a week ago, ho has received entries from twenty-seven schools. Entries will not closo until May 5, and Mr. Itced haB still to hoar from a humbor of tho larger schools In tho state, Includ ing Omaha, which are sure to bo rep resented. New Use for Automobile. Secretary W. It. Mollor. of tho Btato board of agriculture, advocates tho uso of automobiles to kill gophors Ho does not mean to run tho gophers down with an automobile, but to run tho oxhaust from an automobllo Into tho runway used by gophers. Two or threo minutes Is time enough for tho oxhaust. Then cover tho runway. This method is said to bo sura (loath to pralrlo dogs also. Another method of killing gophers Is rocommonded. With an end gate wagon rod or Borne other sharp pointed Instrument find tho run way noar a fresh mound and open up, put In a pleco of cotton, a corn cob or something which will easily nbsorb, pour on a couplo of tablespoonfuls of carbon blsulphldo and cover. Tho car bon ovaporatcn quickly und seeks tho lowor levels of tho runway, which effectually putB tho gopher out of tho running. A hearing beforo tho Btato rnllway commission will take placo on May 2, on tho application of tho Trans-Mis-sourl frolght bureau for approval of a now regulation providing that- $2 nhall bo charged for switching a car of grain back to an olovator, aftor It has once boon loaded, In order to correct an orror mado by the shipper. State Will File Briefs. Tho supreme court has glvon tho counties of Gage and Stanton until July 1 to servo briefs on exceptions lo a roport of Iteforoe J. H. Rroady. Tho state In to fllo briefs by Soptom bor 1, Tho referee, recommended that Judgment ho glvon In favor of the stato for money duo from tho coun ttos for the cure of insane patients In stato hospitals. On application of the state thirty dnys additional time was given in which to takn testimony In nn Injunction suit against tho Standard Oil company. Uphold Fort Crook Low. Tho supreme court has sustained the luw of 1907, prohibiting tho licensing of a Huloon within two and ouu-hnlf miles of a military post. Tho opinion of tho court was written by Judgo Hoso and concurred in by tho entire court. A test cusu was instituted, entitled Gear Hushhart vs. Homor Crlppen ot nl. Tho caao waa tried In Sarpy county whoro Fort Crook lu stluatod. Tho dls- trlct court sustained the provisions ot J tho law and tho supreme court bus s,f 1 firmed thut Judgment, IS SCOTT AND FUNSTON MEET MEX ICAN WAR MINISTER OBRE GON AT JUAREZ. MEET IN THE CUSTOMS HOUSE Major General to Present U 8. De mands at Once Troops Guard Street as American Commanders Cross International Bridge, El Paso, Tox May 1. MaJ. acus, Hugh F. Scott ml I Frederick Funstou met Mexlcun Milliliter of War Alvaro Obrcgon in the customs house In Juureu on Friday Light. Tho meeting wes the formal pre liminary to the opening of the inter national conference by which tho right of tho United States troops to continuo tho pursuit of Villa and his bandits In Mexico is' to be settled. General Obrcgon. standing In a Boml elrclo formed by members of his utaff. all of whom were dressed In service uniforms, received tho American offi cers at the entrance to the rccontlon room whoro the tonforonco Is to bo held. General Scott, in civilian dress, ad vanced first and shook hands with Obrcgon In vigorous American fash ion, then proceeded to greet othor Mexican ofll cora iiroHf-nf. f!fnirnl Funston followed and went through tho snmo formalities. Several other m eminent Mexicans. who had boon Invited to attend the first ceremonies, Including Mayor I'risto of Juaroz. woro introduced. Immediately after this, Generals Scott and Funston went into an executive conference with General Obrcgon. This lasted an hour and General Scott thon camo out and announced that tho meeting bad been purely so cial. From tho bridge to tho customa .houso it is about fivo blocka.- Sta tioned at ten paces alone tho routo on both Bides of tho street were Mex ican soldiers holding their rifles nt present arms. There was no demon stration except a mild cheer at . tho conclusion of a saluto sounded by a buglo corps ns tho procession reached tho placo of tho conference. GERMAN AIRCRAFT WRECKED Fokker Among Planes Brought Down In Day's Campaign on the Western Front. Paris, April 29. Numerous air raids along tho western front In which Ger man planeB, Including a Fokker, wero brought down, were roportod by the war office. A French squadron dropped 18 bombs on La Marcho station In tho Woovro. One German piano attacked by the French dropped noar Douau mont badly damaged, and another fell near Montfaucon. A French aviator, piloting a Nlou port monoplane, defeated a Fokker. which fell bphlnd tho Gorman lines, Tho Germans dropped shells at in frequent intervals during tho night In tho region of Avocourt, Esnes and Fromezy. AIR RAIDS ROUSE THE SWISS Action Demanded Because of German Flights Over Neutral Soil Prom ises Not Kept. ' Dorno. April 29. Tho flight of a Ger man aoroplano ovor Swiss territory in tho region of Porrontruy, occurring so soon after a provlous similar flight ovor tho Bamo torrltory, has provoked tho strongest Indignation in Switzer land. This Is roflected In nil sections of tho press. Tho semiofficial Bund says tho tlmo haB como to demand from Germany something moro than expres sions of regret or oxcuses. GERMAN WARSHIPS IN RAID Teutons Flee When Pursuedl by Brit ish After Making Attack on East Coast of England. London, April 27. Two British light cruisers and a dostroyor woro hit In a 20-mlnuto ongagomont with a Gorman cruiser squadron at daybreak Tuesday, following a raid by tho Gor man on Lowestoft. Tho German ves boIb oscapod. Four persons woro killed. 106 BRITISH KILLED BY BLAST Sixty-Six Others Injured In Explosion of Kent County Munitions Factory. London, April 28. Official announce ment was mado hero on Wednesday that 10G persona woro killed and 6G injured in tho recent oxloslon in a Kent county munltlona factory. No women woro among tho victims. Mrs. McLean Near Death. Raltlmoro, Md Slay 1. Mrs. Don ald McLean. paBt-presldent of tho Daughters of tho American Rovolu. tlon, Is said to bo pinking rapidly at a hospital horo. Mrs. McLean has boon HI for Bovoral weoks. Turks KIM 800 British. Berlin, May 1. Turkish troops an nihilated four British cavalry squad ronn, nbout S00 men, In a battle April 23 near Quntla, about twonty-llve miles east or tho Suoz canal. This Informa tlon waB contained In an official roport. G SEA AND AIR ATTACK ON ENGLAND f, Is believed tho Zeppelins and tho German cruiser squadron co-operated 'n tho raid on tho east coast of England, tho airships acting as scouts for tho warships. 1 Shows tho probablo courso taken by tho Zeppollns from VVIlhelmBhaven. 2 Shows tho probable route of tho German squadron. 3 German battlo Bquadron raids English coast at Lowestoft. 4ZoppoHns raid eastern counties of England and drop 70 bombs over Norfolk and Suf folk coasts. 5 Germans mado air raid on Dunkirk, Franco. G British war ships bombard Zeebruggo and Gorman batteries off Hoyst, Blankenborgho and Knocke. IRSSH REVOLT QUELLED TWELVE PERSONS ARE KILLED IN DUBLIN FIGHTING. German Sea Raid Connected With Outbreak Several Leaders Ar rested, But Names Withheld. London, April 27. Tho official com munication issued hero on Tuesday concerning tho situation in Dublin says: "At noon yesterday serious disturb ances broko out In Dublin. A largo party of men Identified with the Sinn Fein party, mostly armed, occupied Stephen's Green and took possession forcibly of tho post office where thoy cut tho tolegraph r.nd telephone wires. Houses also wore occupied In Ste phen's Green, Sackville street, Abbey streot and along the quays. "In tho courso of tho day soldiers arrived from the Curragh and the situ ation is now woll In hand. So far as Is known hero threo military officers, four or five soldiers, two loyal volun teers and two policemen havo been killed and four or five military officers and six, volunteers wounded. No ox act Information has been received of tho casualties on the sldo of the Sinn Felners. "Reports received from Cork, LIm orlck, Ennis, Traleo and TIpperary Bhow that no disturbances of any kind havo occurred In theso localities." Augustine BIrroll, chief secretary for Ireland, announced In tho houso of commons tho disturbances in Dublin. Ho added that troops had been sent to tho Irish capital and that tho situa tion was now well In handj RUSS CONTINUE TO PROGRESS Drive Turks From Strongly Fortified Positions In Mountains South of Bltlls. Petrograd, April 29. Overcoming enormous natural difficulties, tho left wing of Grand Duko Nicholas' army in tho Caucasus has driven tho Turks from their strongly fortified positions in tho mountains south of Bltlls and is now advancing toward DIarbekr, on tho Tigris river, according to official advices received from Tlflls. Besun, a small but strong fort built at a holght of moro than 3.600 feet almost duo west of Bltlls. has fallen into Russian hands, tho garrison flee ing after defending tho post for only a day. FLASHES OFF THE WIRE Now York, April 27. Mrs. Ida Snlf fon Rogers Is free. The iurv rnfitnnri to bellovo that she. a notoriously lov ing mother, could have been In her right mind whon sht poisoned her two children. "Not guilty on tho grounds of insanity," waB tho verdict an nounced In tho Bronx supremo court. Washington. April 27. Tho British ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rico, re ceived and referred to tiio state de partment an anonymous threatening communication declaring that any treatment or sir Roger Casement othor than that duo a nrlsonor of war of tho highest rank would bo a sen tence or death against "him and other English sorvantB In this country." Opens Milk Rate- Inquiry. Chicago, May V George M. Brown, examinor for tho Interstate commerce commission, will begin an lnvestlt. tlon of tho rates charged for tho ship ment or milk ip tho hopo of establish ing uniform rates. Rejects U. S. Board's Wage Scale. Soward. Alaska. Mnv 1 Tim An. chorago Labor union rejected tho wage Bcalo offered by tho federal arbitration linnnl. nndnnvnrlnir in Rottlo ttm mribn among workmen on tho government's rauroau m Ajaana U. S. MEN WIN BATTLE SIX VILLISTAS KILLED AND MANY WOUNDED IN CLASH. Two Americans Lose Lives In Engage ment With Colonel Dodd'o Column Noar Tomachlo. Flold Headquarters, April 28. via wireless to Columbus, N. M. Two Americans wero killed and three wounded In an engagement bstweon cavalrymen under Col. George A. Dodd and 2G0 Villa bandits at Tomachlo, in tho center of tho Sierra Madres. Tho Villa command under four chiefs, Baca, Cercantes, Dominguez and Ross, was surprised In tho lato afternoon and routed. Aftor tho bat tlo tho Americans found six dead Mexicans and nineteen wounded, while a quantity of horses, arms and equipment waa captured. Reports received here mado no men tion of Villa himself being with tho band, although it had boon reported previously that ho waB In hiding In tho mountains In that vtclnlty. Tho Villa bandits wero encamped in a Jagged, rocky defile when thoy caught sight of tho American column riding toward them, about 4:30 o'clock In tho aftornoon. Immediately tho Mexican bugles eoundod tho call to arms. Through tho mountain pass tho two commands struggled, the Villa bandits dropping all cumbor8orao equipment in a pre cipitate fight beforo Colonel Dodd'a cavalrymon. Onco during tho flight tho Villa forces received re-enforccmonts nnd attempted vainly to mako a stand against tho Americans. Whon night camo tho pursuit became increasingly difficult becauso of tho naturo of the terrain, honeycombed as It is with mountain caves, gorges and trails, In which there aro many Jagged rocks. Colonel Dodd pursued tho Villa ban dits toward Mlnaca, his base, where ho la now roportod to bo awaiting sup plies. Tho 19 Villa wounded taken In tho engagement and tho 25 horses and armB cantured wero taken to Mlnnon to await General Porshing's ordors as to their disposition. NEW BRITISH CABINET CRISIS Secret Sessions of Parliament De nounced by Press Universal Con scription Demanded. London, April 20. A brand, now cab inet crisis has been precipitated by tho withdrawal of tho military serv ice bill. Tho bill, which was intro duced Thursday, was immediately af terwards recalled becauso of tho un rest in Ireland. That tho secret session of parlia ment proved an utter falluro and showed weakness on tho part of tho government was tho vlow vigorously expressed by tho pross. Many papers aro demanding universal conscription without further delay. NAME TAGGART FOR SENATOR Nominated for the Short Term by the Democratic State Convention at Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind April 28. United States Sonator Thomas Taggart was nominated on Wednesday for United States senator for tho short term by tho Democratic Btato, convention. No Troops for Anchorage. Washington, April 29. Secretary of tho Interior Lano announced that he haB requested that no troops bo sent to Anchorage, Alaska, whoro laborers omployed on tho government railroad aro on Btrlko. Shoot Four Villa Men. Columbus, N. M April 29. Four Mexican prisoners at Casas Grand cs nro roporieu to nave been killed American sentries on attimnMnr by to CBCapo. Sqores of bandits captured are said to bo U.'d at various points NEW NOTE TO 1 U. S. AGAIN ASKS RELEASE OF TEUTONS TAKEN FROM AMERICAN SOIL. 38 SEIZED BY WARSHIP British Assert Prisoners Engaged Inr Intrigues and Plots Against England Planned to Continue Efforts and Violate U. S. Neutrality. Washington, 29. Sccrotary Lansing announced on Thursday that tho United States had sent unothcr noto to Great Britain domandlng tho releaso of tho .'18 Austrlans, GermanB and Turks taken from tho American steamship China by a British cruiser off Shanghai. Thoncto wub dispatched and will bo given out for publication Inter. Great Britain contends tho men wero engaged In Intrigues nnd plots against tho British government and. having boon discovered, wero fleeing to Ma nila, whero thoy intended to continuo. their efforts which would havo embar rassed the neutrality of tho United Mates. Loildon, April 29. Tho British noto replying to tho protest of tho Ameri can government against interferences with tho noutral fade, which asserts tho right of Great Britain to regulate tho admission to a noutral country ot goods evidently destined for tho on emy, caused llttlo surpriso in diplo matic and legal circles horo, as its conclusions had been discounted by re cent decisions of tho prize tribunals. A summary of tho views of tho mem bers of theso circles rny bo expressed as follows: Thoy do not bellovo tho controversy will bo carried much farther during tho progress of the- war as no vital concessions havo l-cen made by olthei sldo slnco tho first noto was written. Theroforo, the shippers of detained cargoes who can afford tho delay will await conclusion of tho war to havo their cases settled by an Inter national tribunal in tho belief that such a court will grant them full dam ages. BRITISH DIVER SUNK IN FJGHT Two Members of Crew of E-22 Rescued by Teutons, Says Statement Issued at Berlin. Berlin, April 29. Tho admiralty an nounced on Thursaay that in a naval engagement between German and Brit ish forces on Tuesday a British sub marine, tho E-22, was sunk and a Brit ish cruiser was hit by a torpedo. The admiralty's statement follows: "Gorman naval forces on April 2E sank tho British Bubmarlno E-22. Tho Germans rescued and made prisoner? two men. "A Gorman submarine on tho same day hit with a torpedo a British cruis er of tho Arethusa class." Cruisers of the Arethusa class dis place 3.G00 tons. There aro eight ves sels of that class, tho Arethusa, Au Tora, Galatea, Inconstant, Royalist, Penelope, Phaeton, and tho Un daunted. DRAFT BILL IS REJECTED Measure Providing Conscription for All Single Men Withdrawn In House of Commons. London, April 29. A bill providing conscription for all unmarried men botween the ages oi eighteen and for ty-flo without any exemptions, was withdrawn in tho house of commons on Thursday after tho unlvorsal serv ice advocates had opened a vicorous attack against it. Aftor a debate Pre mier Asqulth announced that tho gov ornment would not press tho bill, which had been introduced hv Vtiitn Humo Long, president of the local gov ornment board. Tho discussion that followed tho introduction of tho bill showed that tho moasuro was opposed by all parties aa unfair, soveral mem bers urclntr that nuthlntr but all-round compulsion would prove satisfactory. DEMANDS AN, INVESTIGATION Senator Hustlng or Wisconsin Asks Congressional Inquiry Into Flood of Telegrams. Washington, April 29. In a stirrinn spooch on tho floor of the senate on. Thursday, Sonator Hustlng of Wiscon sin demanded a congressional invest! gatlon into tho flood of telegrams pour ing Into congress on tho German American situation. Ho charged thai the telegrams wore all Inspired by a central sourco. Senator llustlnc characterized tii Bonding of tho telegrams as a "door laid plot to poison tho minds of the people with tho belief that the presi dent wants war." More Russ Reach France. London, May 1. A Havas dls patch from Marseilles reports tho ar rival thero of a further contingent of Russian troops, the number of which is not given. Tho Russians reachod Marseilles and diembarked. Four Children Burn to Death. Marlon. Ark,. Mnv 1. Tho fnm small chlldron of Mrs. Orphella Young wore burned to death In an open grate fire on Friday. The mothor had gone to a neighbor's and loft tho children, alono.