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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
The Greatest Mnisig Offer Ever Made in Colorado. Colorado's most famous gold mine that has produced and paid in dividends to its former owners one million dollars. Shares at 10e a Share.! This is probably the last proposition this cor-1 pomtion will make to the inveoting public This j is the Company's cleon up yeor end this issue of stock will probably furnish all the money needed, i 1 E Because of life recent rise of Silver to 73 cents per ounce, the Holy Cross Gold. 'Mining and Milling Company,' in order to get ready to meet the urgent demand for Sll-1 ver and also to remodel its mill, has concluded in order to raise the necessary money immediately so as to get to work, to sell (200,000) two hundred thousand shares at, (10) ten cents per share, which is an opportunity never be- fore offered to our investing public, to buy stock at a low j price on a rising market value of the same. But the own ers of the Holy Cross Gold Mining nnd Milling Co. so as to expedite matters must get right to work (o'takq out the ore and milling the same ready for sale as a bullion. With the now Cynide and Flotation of ore the mill, when re modeled and equipped up-to-date, can and will save and produce moro money now for the Company and its stock holders out of its ores, Gold and Silver, with Silver at 73 V cents per ounce, as it is today, than it ever did before the; dcmonitlzntion of Silver In 1893. The cost of treatments and the Improvements in machinery and devices and elee-. tricnl inventions are the sole cause of tins, together with Silver's raise in price.. The mine has produced over ($1,000,000) one million dollars to its' former owners and operators at the (500) live hundred foot level. There is a shaft sunk on the prop erty, which consists of the Pelican Group of five patented mining claims, tb a depth of (400) four hundred foot, and a 3800 foot tunnel which cuts the shaft at a depth of (100) one hundred feet lower, and there is a mill now on the property, as the accompanying picture in this announce ment shows, that cost about ($200,000) two hundred thous and dollars. Wo extend to you an invllaiton to join us in our un dertakings, and by so doing you got in on the ground Jioor. We feel that in asking you to invest with us in this en terprise that we arc not only giving you a chance to male1 a large amount of money quickly, but that you and your heirs will be permanently benefitted by an investment that will pay you a continuous dividend in the years to come. Our holding are located in the rich gold-bearing dis trict is known as the Mt. of the Holy Cross, in close proriin ity to Leadvlllc, Red Cliff and Breckenridge three of the best known producing mining camps in the Btate of Colo rado, and said to bo the greatest gold fields in the country. This mine is not a prospect, but it is patented proper ty, and has actually produced rich mineral-bearing ores, and paid in profits to the stockholders and investors of the former company before this, our present company. They paid out in dividends to former owners over one .million dollars ($1,000,000.00). The ore that was mined and milled rau in value from one ounce to eight ounces per ton, or from twenty ($20.00) to one hundred and sixty dol lars $160.00 per ton. This is shown not only by the assays made but by the retorts 'f the gold bullion taken from tho plates when the mine and mill were in operation. This ore was all taken out below the four hundred-foot (400) level, both by shaft and tunnel, thus leaving open a vast amount of stopiug ground above on tho fourteen foot (H) vein of mill ore for our mill for years to com6. The shaft being something over four hudred (400) feet deep tho thirty-three hundred (3,300) foot tunnel, which is run direct into the mountain to cut tho fourteen (14) foot vein of mill ore on a level with, me mui, uy which means tno ore is in easy access through the tunnel to tho mill. This property only awaits operation and not develop ment to become a big producer and a big dividend payer. As stated above, It has paid over one million dollars ($1,000,000,00) to former owners and stockholders, and it will still produce. and pay large dividends If the right amount of work is done on It under competent management. Picture of Our Mill now on the Property. ia m mnirnmi r i V I Ml MMB J I i murium if '.! at-1 1 Vlow Showing Open Vein ASSAY Recently talien by a. E. Stearns from fourtoon (14) toot vein of mill oro. No, 1 1.78-100 No. 2 l,7a-100 No. 3 1.(50-100 Tills Oro liody Still dues Down and Still Holds Its 11 Foot Width. Gold lias made more wealth for the country than any other single product, and if it were not a profitable business it would be discontinued. Because of our new and late electrical devices and late modern ma chinery and now processes, and with the cyanide and flotation methods now at hand it is a well known fact that mining in all clascs is much cheaper done today, with more accrued profits, than the same class qf ores yielded fifteen or twenty yenrs ago. Five hundred dollars ($'500.00) invested today in gold mining stock will make more money for the investor in a short time than tho average man or woman would be able to get investing in ether lines of business in a whole lifetime. Stop and figure what this means to you, regardless of the value of the original purchase of the stock or the amount of your investment. It is the intention of of the mnngemonl to dispose of only enough treasury stock at this time to remodel the mill with late, up-to-date, modern machinery, for the treat ment of its ores, and when this is done tho company should easily pay a 25 per cent DIVIDEND THE FIRST 'YEAR. ' Tho quicker the stock is disposed of and money raised so as to place the mines and mill in operation, the sooner the com pany can pay dividends. This property is located on the head waters of Cross Creek, and on the north east slopo of Mt. of tho Holy Cross, and about sixteen miles from Red Cliff and eighteen miles from Loadville, with several tributary streams which affords plenty of water for power, mine, mill and also do mestic uses. There is plenty of timber right at hand for mine timbering, building pur poses and luel. The preaeht company has the utmost confidence in the valuc-qf the property and feels that in offering two hundred thousand (200,000) shares of its treasury stock at 10 cents per share, that it is offering more than it is asking, in other words, if the promot ers were themseleves financially able to ex pend the necessary money to again put the mine in the producing class, they would not now be offering any of the stock to the pub lie. 'So in order to be able to put the mine and mill in working order, t.o again pay div idends, we have decided to sell two hundred thousand (200,000) shares of its treasury stock at ten cents (10c) per share, which is far below its real value. We want to raise the money quick and we believe this low price will accomplish the result. There has been about five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) spent in de velopment work on this property. The mill on this property cost about two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00). The great Homestead Mine, which has produced millions of dollars, is. within a short distance of this property. The Hunk-a-Doory Mine, which pro ducedHhe largest free-gold nugget Colarado ever produced and which took the premium at the Omaha Exposition, is within a half mile of this property. There is only a four thousand dollar indebtedness against this property. This company's property, Tho Holy Cross Gold Mining and Milling Company, consists of the Pelican Group of five patent ed mining claims, of 24 49-100 acres, situat ed on the northeast sido of the Mt. of tho Holy Cross mountain, Holy Cross Mountain Mining District, Eagle County, Colorado. Below is an exact copy of a letter from the Treasurer of Eagle. County, Colorado. The district in which this company's property is located is a gold; silver, lead, copper and zinc mining district, and within close proximity of this company's property are such rare metal as carnotite, molybe nite, pitch blende, uranium, vanadium, tungsten and radium, and it is the inten tion of our company to take over and .oper ate such properties as the company would deem profitable to them. The Eagle County Treasurer's letter follows: "Red Cliff, Colo., March 25, 191G. Mr. S. Goodwin, 1G41 California Street, ' ' Denver, Colorado. Dear Sir: In response to telephone call from Leadville, I would say that the Pelican Group of mining claims consists of five claims, viz.: Pelican, Pelican Extension, Calumet, Little Mattier and Dclphine. Num ber of acres, 24 49-100, and are located, on the norteasterly side of the mountain. Yours very truly, A. F. CARLSON. There is" not a line or quotation in this announcement but what is an undisputed fact, and will stand the most rigid and care ful scrutiny and investigation, and the men of the company are men of sterling integ rity and wortlfTand their character is above reproach, and they are known in their com munity where they maintain residence and home for their honesty and uprightness. The company and its managers solicit and invite you to call at Room 1, The La mar, North Platte, to see samples of ore and obtain literature. . - Holy Cross Gold Mining and M (LIMITED) HOME OFFICE: LEADVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, JOE M. BOTT, Secretary and Treasurer. Local Office: Room 1, Lamar Rooming House. iiling Lo.j Phone Red 437 4 i , -"V T