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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1916)
Senri-Weckiv 1 rionm A LITTLE "JOKER" DEFEATS iiEJOLUTION RAILROAD NOTES lit A L. lUJtE, Kiillor ami I'uhlMier. SUHSCIUI'THj.s UATICH: One Year li) .Vtuil In Aiivuiioe. . . . l&t One Year t Carrier In Ailumco. , EtlttTOll rtl NorUi I'ultl";. .HirihK J'oaf oHH: kh m-i:oni) lua.- Aluil.Ht FIHDAY. .MAY 3, ItfUJ. imiiivii wiiri nil in fill ii OjllNISPll 10 AI)Ollt.l(ll (if ilH' iy,nt Slorc VumvA An LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Uutlt the people oi North Plate pro vide a better clans at amusunfent, io ... i.j.u.c.1, iy a oto oi nvft to 1'iVo. : went on reccwil Tutsuay Vnlti( an ,po.ut to tfitt RtnlitltMi ot ttie uaru Ikuiiisc as ttbyoJ In tnt savbral cigar jtottfs o; the city, Councilman Stono, Bell, Simon, vouGou. and uwagen Tralnrna: tcr J. V. Adams returned Wednosday from western towns where . j ..pent ion days on U. V. bii'$lnoB8. Trod Kufito, of Oninhu, ruylv'od hero . tHiicsoti to iiiKf a p:itlon na-fora-.tei, li tMM I'acillc f might .10IMC. ; Fir.-itnnit Maotin lolt leut night for .-ni. ay. t.ol., to vialt relrttlvo. Mrs. .. t.n hfij been thore for numeral weeks, i IJurnm iionliatii lias realgnc0hl3 po rtion at tlu Tramp grocery ilntUac- i on a- paiO'iR'r 'hrulreimni Keith N'evllle accompanied the ilo tint uxnrcnsed themutflvea when they on the Union Pacific aepca. on . ir. u,0 . ........ , lol. ;Z ' ' - At tho 1I10ct,B 0f the Union Pacific Cnla Minn r. inniii liniiMii nnnv "" '""""' "J ........ . H. A Byhoe, care Wofltem ..;,Y,', terms Union. :2- Clcan Up Suit Sale, all Wool Sulta fonnorly priced up to $2U.G0 now o 1ns at $15.00. ULOCK'S. Let Landgraf & Hoga do your paint ing, paper .hanging and decorating.) Phono Black C92 or Black 570. )3tf Mrs. Ella Lanyon, who has been visiting frlonds In Winner, S. 1)., for two weeks, Is expected home tomor row. Clean Up Suit Sale, all Wool Suits formerly priced up to $23.50 now go ing at ?15.00. ULOCK'S. Roy Modcer and Prof. Melncckc, of tho Midland College Concert Co., wore the guests of Arthur Tramp whllo In this city. Henry PoterHon, formerly of this city, now nianagor of the U. P. hotel at Sldnoy, spent yesterday In town visit ing ills father. Den F. Heffner filed his petition In the district court yesterday asking for a divorce from his wife on the grounds ot cruolty, Mrs. Sum Davis, of Wallace, who had been n patient at tho North Platto General hospital for several weeks, re turned to her homo yesterday. W, J. Doll, of Hcrshoy, is ill at the Illtner hotel. Owing to the crowded condition of tho City Hospital It was necessary that he take his treatments there. Palm Leo Cigar 10c. 14-tf Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Boguo returned the early part of this wcok from Platlsmouth, whore thoy had gone to attend tho funoral or tho late Mrs. Saml. Smith. Now is the time to prepare your Hotter beds. Special sale on VIiiciih and Omnium plants tomorrow. Watch our window tonight. LIKHK.SANDALI CO. Misses Alma and Helen Waltetnath loft Tuesday for tho cast, the former going to Baltimore to Bpond part of tho summer, tho latter to visit frlonds In Omaha und at points In Ipwa. Tho B. P. O. Elks will give a ban quet and danco for their ladles at the homo Thursday evening, May 11th. The banquet will bo lield at sovon o'clock and dancing will begin at nino, For Farm Loans see or wrlto Geue Crook, room 3, Waltomath building, North Platte. 41t Judge Grimes gobs to Tryon Monday to hold a term of district court. Ho will bo accompanied by Reporter Bar ron and probably several local attor neys. Tho term promises to bo rather brief, Tho normal training class'of tho high Bcltoal with Miss RlchardB as chunnr- cno, visited the Baker, the Platto Val ley and tho Nichols schools yostor day afternoon. Thore woro olevon In flio party and tho trip wa made In cars furnished by tho students. Gettmau'slIand-MadO Cigar. Cc. 14-tf All boosters timoko Town Boost, tf P. K. Flynn, u Hcnlor englnoorlng major of tho Stanford University, will arrlvo homo In n couple of weeks, visit tho homo folks for a month and then go to Selienoctody, N. Y to tako a posit..!) in the testing department of nho General Electric Company of that city. Real estate taxes for 1015 became de linquent May 1st and from that date draw tqn per cent Interest. At the treasurers office It was said yostor day that tho payment of those taxes this week In Vorylioavy, tho force be ing kept busy overy minute tf tho day writing receipts. Tho Grafunola factory at Bridge port, Connecticut, 13 being increased four tlmofl ltd formor size. This on nc cotint of tho phenomenal Increase In their buBjnoss. Dealer Dixon Is finding difficulty In obtaining a mifflclent number of olectvlc grafanoliiB 'to imp- ply tho lecal demand. Tho Loyal Mystic. Legion meat nt Hie K. P. hall Wednesday evening. Of- llcors woro elected aa follows: Worthy councilor, A. B. DryoM worthy vlco councilor, V, L. Zimmerman; worthy past councilor, Grace McMlchaoI; see rotary. F. J, Dlener; escort. Nelllo Woods; protector, Howard Dllson. Mcmbors of the M. M M. club were entertained at tho homo of Mrs. J. II Hegarty Wednesday afternoon at cards. The prizes for tho highest Bcorcs woro awarded to Mrs. Will Hawloy and Mrs. Harry Mitchell GuoBts of the day woro Mesdames H A. Garllchs, Harry FlolBhman, Thomas Henley, P, J. Barron and D. C. Cong' don. Tho Editor ot Tho Tribune offers to gamble bovoii tons of coal that work on tho Burlington will commence dur ing tho prosont yoar and that "Uur Uugtou engines will bo running Into North Platte beforo tho end ot 1010.' This event will cap tho climax In making the residence district of the cast part of tho city, the most desir able of any In tho city, as the right of way purchased by the Burlington and tho Union Pacific Railroad aro farther apart hero than clsowhoro in the city. This will niako tho lots In tho Trus tco'H and Rlvordnlo Additions all tho more valuable. HAVE YOU BOUGHT. YOURS YET? Prices and easy tonus' are tho samo as usual, but tho com-' inn of tho Burlington will cortalnly advance valuos. Sco Win. E. SHUMAN. ;-o:; For .Sale Cheap. Two houses, lot and barn at 1005 north Locust street, also 101 ncrcs of hay land to leaso. "Wrlto T. B. Mc Govern, 2716 Franklin street, Omnha Neb., 20 4 . i ... i... .I... t.i jicnuiunorD 111 W1I1UUU 111 l.i YYUUn. v. V, ... .. n. ,.1 ... Int. .,,.l, ,.. .., ....'v li iu.s any, u.i uiui-icii unn.oi,- ty for tho sale of Intoxicating l!quon al "-rotary o. the association, within tlie city ol Nortn Platte, No-, "londuclor John Clark, o. Denver, btaska, anil whereas complaint ban .pfil WcdncBday here while onroute been made of violations of the law homo Horn tho Union Pacific .pen sioned employes' uauquct in umann. Frank Tracy, Sanfcrd Hartman and Fred Fredrlckson have returned from the pensioned engineer's banquet In Omaha which was held this weok. within with reference to prostitutes wild city, Tlioroiore be it resolved, that tin .ollco of the said city, bo and thoy teroby are. particularly directed and instructed to aoe that he law In re gard to sales of Intoxicating liquors, gambling and prontltution, as well an In all .ther regards, Is Htrictly enforced." On the face of it, the resolution ap peared perfectly "good"; none of the cxuncllmen were or aro opposed to a alrlct enforcomcnt of the law as rc gardn Illegal Balo of liquor, houses of prostitution nnd gambling, but hoiuo tit thenr balked on the words "as well as In all othed regards" which they Bconted as a little "Jckcr" which Coun cilman VanCleave had Inserted to "slip one over on tho the others," na ho boys would Bay, And that "Joker" encompassed tho defeat of the reso lution. Mr. Van Cleavo has attempt ed on several cccaslons to have tho council direct the police to suppress card playing In tho cigar stores, but has so far failed. Upon being queried by mcmbors of tho council, Mr. Van leave had no hesitancy In stating that he was strong nfter tho cigar Btorc t ames. The defeat 'or the resolution (.llo wed his declaration. The- defeat of tho resolution doec not necessarily deter any one who had moral courago and a stiff back bone from Investigating tho games, and If thoy como under tho head of gambling, to file an Information against the offenders. Good citizens havo this privilege without waiting for any action by tho mayor, council T tho police. ;:o:: For Sale. (140 acres at $12.00 por acre, 10 mllea south of Hcrshoy, Neb. All sood farming or hay land. Twcnty llx hundred cash, balance at 0 por cent. Address D 48, Tribune office, North Platte, Nob. 31-2 .lames Adams, of Sidney; canio down last 'everting to visit his diluglitor, Mrs1: Dorr Tarklngton nnd tako medi cal trchtmont. fho ' Sutherland people will so-n, vote on a proposition to Issue $9,000 in b nd for the construction of nn olectrlo light plant. Bob Sanderson, a colored barber nliop portpr, was arrested Wednosdny evening for drunkenness nnd bcatliig his -wife Ho was picked up at his homo While engaged in mixing a quart of wine with a gallon of booze. He received the custonmary flpb In Judge" MIltqnbergcr'H court yesterday morning. CItv Property to Trado for Farm Land. Address postoitlco box G17. tf Tho report comes from Brady that, after all, that village will not have a boozo emporium. Tho village board rained tho license from $1,250 to $3,000, and that after considering tho matter 'or several weeks tho nnnllcant. A. T. Yartor, concluded that ho could not art'ord to pay that sum. With the Brady Bnloon out of businossi Lincoln county becomes as dry as a bone.. ::o:: Bids Wanted. Bids aro aBked on tho Moycrs prop erty at east sixth street, consist Ing of lot and 5 room licuso. the houses and lots at 415 nnd 423 east Eighth Btreet, each of tho latter two houses having three rooms. Address T. Q. Rawloy, North Platte, Neeb, uouto .:. Beginning May 1st, tho Union Pa cific trelght depot will be closed for outbound business at 3:30 p. in. Instead of four o'clock, as has been tho custom. It will continue to remain open for de livery until six'l'clock p. in. Cows .Must hvi Good Care. "Not only Is It nocessury to have a cow tor ovory home but I: is equally necessary to have a iiome for every cow," said Ueorge -McKorrow, an ex perienced dairyman of Pawaukeo, Wis., In his address at "tho. court house Wednesday. "By a good homo for ov ery cow I mean a homo with plenty of sunshine in it, a home with good fresh air furnished by a good venti lator, comfortably warm nnu a pantry tilled with sllago and alfalfa und a variety of concentrated foods that will furnished a balanced ration. "Cwva that produce from four to seven tons of milk a year must liave the material to produce It or tho dairy men cannot get It. The man who wishes to begin tho dairy business hero nnd make it profitable from the start will have to uso his best Judg ment In selecting and buying the beat class of common cows that he can se cure. Then ho must decide what par ticular breed lino 'ho Is going to fol low, buy a pure bred sire of this grade whose ancestors havo been producers and when tho daughters of theso sires aro old enough to breed secure anoth er slro of tho samo breed and keep right on grading up along the sa'ni't line. 1 "The milk scale and the Babocck te&t aro absolutely necessary to toll him "what tbesc cows are doing. He should set a standard of butter fat and milk production and everything that JnllH below It should be taken from the herd, Ab ho goes on breeding and feeding better his stnndard should gradually Mad until J. roaches at least fi.000 pound of milk and 300 pounds of butter fat, Wisconsin's beat dairymen are setting their stand ards at 7,000 and 8,000 pounds ot milk and 350 to 400 poundB of better fat, and maiy of them oven higher." It ::o:: ' For Kent Suite of four rooms, over Huffman's Clkiir Store.; Sec Huffman. 32-2 . ., ' ::o:; , Mrs. John Weinberger, who hns been dslting relatives in Omaha, Is ex pected to return homo today. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Weeks, of Grnnd Island, came up last evening to visit their sons nnd other relatives. W. Holllday, formerly catcher on the local base ball team, came over from Staploton yesterday to spend a Wty days. Mrs. Guy Robinson, of Portland, is expoctcd .Jtpre in tho near future to vl8lt"hor parents Mr. and Mrs. John Day. The marnlago of Miss Jessamine Flynn, of this city, and Harold Bur well, will tako placo at the homo of tho bride Wednesday evening, May 10. : :o: : Help Wanted, Male. Wunted Traveling salesmen to car ry as a side lino In your immediate vicinity an article used In 90 of tho business places. Address E. Z.. Trlh- .11-3 uuo Office. 29-4 Fine Entertainment. Saturday evening tho glee clubs of the North Platto high school gave a concert to a well-filled house In tne m. W. A. hall at Brady. The entertain ment wits opened by tho double octet 6: boys, under tlio leadership of Prof. E. H. Floworcs. The boys Bhowcd their ability to sing from the very start. Their voices .woro woll balanced. Their team work was exceptional as was their ability to harmonize. They wore quite at case on tho Btngo, althougn the quarters were rather crowded. Tho girls' club Work was also en thusiastically encored. They showed that thoy could handle the heavy as Well as the lighter selections without fault. They scored tho biggest hit with a Japanese love song. Tho colored comedy, Mrs. Black's Pink Tea," was enjoyed by all. Tho reader proved herself to be more than a beginner In her line. Taking the program as a whole It was appreciated from beginning to end. Messrs. Redenbaugh and Flowers deserve much credit for tho Way the club'j have been trained and for tho way the members of both clubs con ducted themselves while In our city. (Jrndy Vindicator. W. W. Scott. Bend. Word has been received of the death of W. W. Scott at the homo of his sis ter at Tamora, Neb.,. on Mondny. Never very strong, his health broke early last fall, and the end had been expected for some time. Perhaps no person In west ern Nebraska is better known thnn was Missionary Scott. For nearly twenty years ho had been In this sec tion of tho state, organizing Sunduy schools nnd distributing bibles. HIb ninny friends will regret the passing on of tlio kindly old gentleman. Suth erland Free Lance. Her Cooking A Pleasure. The gas range truly takes all tho trouble out of meal preparation. It's the up to date, safe- and sane way of cooking. We want you to eeb our assort ment of gna ranges. We'll explain how economical they are, how easy to coolc'with, how quickly they per form their duty without smoko or dust or ashes. When you once uso one you'll wonder how you ever did without it. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. "You Can Bank ailllllllliillllllill JUST FOR FARMERS The fanner Is the foundation of prosperity and It is had for the w holt world ulien It goes ill with the far mer. The Platte Valley State Bunk is u bank for FAK.MF.ltS. Its business comes mainly from the men who are following agriculture ns a business and profession. We Inn dn doped a bunking ser vice to meet cfory requirement of the farmer and Ills business will receive our personal nnd considerate ntteu. tlon at nil times. The Platte Valley State Bank North Platto, Nebraska. HI Positively Only Big CIRCUS Coming This Season Only Wild Animal Show On Earth AL. G. BARNES BIG 4 RING WILD ANIMAL RCUS THE SHOW THAT'S DIFFERENT 1000 PERFORMING ANIMALS . 1000 65 BIG SENSATIONAL ANIMAL ACTS 65 Performing Jungle-Bred Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Jaguars, Grizzly, Cinnamon, . Siberian and Polar Bears, Seals, Sea Lions, Elephants, Camels, Zebras, Zubas, Hyenas, Sacred Cattle, Kangaroos, .Ourang-OutangApfs, ChimpanzeswlVlonkeys,. Mountain Goats, Dogs, Ponies, Pigs, Etc. A J K j ' S E E 30 I THE WORLD'S ONLY PERFORMING LLAMAS. , TOM, DICK AND HARRY HORSE-RIDING SEALS. BIG BILL WRESTLING GRIZZLY. TOT AND TINY SMALLEST EDUCATED HORSES. PERFORMING PERSIAN LEOPARDS AND JAGUARS. TOM, JERRY AND LOUIE HORSE-RIDING LIONS. THE WORLD'S ONLY EDUCATED ZEBRAS.' THE HIGH DIVING DOGS AKD MONKEYS. DANGER, DYNAMITE, CACTUS AND GUN POWDER JUST MULES. THE pNLY PERFORMING CAMELS IN THE WORLD Including Holy Moses, Sacred Arabian Black Camel THE HIGH SCHOOL AND TANGO DANCING HORSES. ; THE GROUP OF PERFORMING SOUTH AMERICAN PUMAS. A SEXTETTE OF TRAINED LAUGHING HYENAS. THE RIDING, DRIVING, RACING OSTRICHES. THE MUSICAL CARRIER PIGEONS. THE WORLD'S ONLY GROUP OF PERFORMING BENGAL TIGERS. THE FUNNY CLOWN PIGS. FULL GROWN AFRICAN LIONS WORLD'S CHALLENGE GROUP. VALUE $50,000. IN ONE ACT. 30 SAMPSON, AERIAL LION rides in balloon, surrounded by shooting skyrockets. The most amazing wild animal aqt extant. 550 HIGH SCHOOL, RIDING, DANCING AND MILITARY HORSES AND PONIES World s Premium Stock. Every one mi actor. 550 40 ANIMAL CLOWNS 506 PEOPLE6 CONCERT BANCS 150 Animal Trainers-Two Big Special Trains Three Calliopes Glittering Mile-Long Street Parade At 10:30 A. M. Performances Rain or Shine, 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open at 1 and 7. SEE THE BIG FREE-TO-EVERYBODY ACTS on the show ground at 1 o'clock. You'll have time after the parade to getj dinncrmlien to the show gronnds in ample time for the big free features. WILL EXHIBIT AT NORTH PLATTE THURSDAY, MAY 18. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE .MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDAR, i