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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1916)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IRA I. BARE, Editor nnd Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mull In AdYnnco....$L26 Otic Year by Carrier In AdTanca..$lJ)0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Pustofflce as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 11)10. RESULT IN THE COCXTV. Tho returns from Lincoln county were very Inconipleto up to last even ing, and on sonic of the candidates the result will not be known until the can vas of tho votes Is mude. Returns from practically all tho precincts aro In, but In u number of cases those who brought In tho returns did not keep a copy of the vote. In thirty-four precincts out of tho forty-six a reasonably accurate count was taken on tho republican candi dates but not much attention paid to the vote on the democratic candldatos. Thcso thirty-flour precincts gave tho following republican vote: County clerk Allen 752, Walter 403, Hoagland 263. County treasurer Boudcr 939, Davis 459. Sheriff Salisbury 98S, Coker 252, Stcgmann 102, Layton 88, McConnell 3d. The voto on tho republican candi dates Cor commissioner In the Third district la close botwocn Fowlor nhd Koch. On tho democratic aide of the house there Is a pretty race between Grant and Glbbs, with the latter u little ahead. For clerk of tho district court Wnro leads Dolan by a small margin, and for Sheriff Russell leads Waldo and Oulmctte. For governor McKolvIo on tho re publican side leads Sutton and Neville has a nlco majority over Bryan. Tho official count will only tend to Increase tho majority or plurality of Allen, Soulier and Salisbury. Hermingliauscn received a plurality of about 100 for democratic candidate for commissioner in the North Platte district. Miss Qautt had no opposition for county superintendent, neither had Judge French. P. R. Halllgan secured tlio republican nomination Cor county attornoy, Geo. E. Proasor Is tho nom ineo of tho samo party for clork of the district court and I. L. Miltonborgcr the nomlneo for commissioner from the First district. ::o:: ' Elevator Conductor Examination. Tho Civil Service Commission will hold an examination on May 0, 1910, for olovator conductor at tho Federal building nt Nortlt Plutte, Neb. Appli cant's must have had six .months ex perience as elevator conductor, electric motorman or electric crnneman, Ago 20 to 50 years on date of examination) -::os:- -::o::- Eptacopnl Church Supper. Following is the menu which will bo served In tho Episcopal church basement Tuesday evening April 25: Roast pork, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, cabbage- salad, appjo. Bnuca, brown bread, whito bread, coffee, Washington pled , i , . , . , ::o:j Presbyterian Church. 11 a, m, Morning worship. Pastor's ticple; "What is tho Resurrection." 8 p .,m, Easter Musical program by the choir. Children may be, presented for bap tism at clthor aorvice. -::o:i Rov. Harton left yesterday afternoon for Wqjlfloct to attend tho funeral jHtsvlcoa vr the into isuwuni AicMlchapi. Our ." '4 to ' "WVbeliove DIRECTORS OUTLINE RUSY YEAR I'OR THE C. OF C. At tho initial meeting of tho now board of directors of tho Chamber of Ocnimerco held this week, a fore cast of work for tho coming year was made. Among the phases of the work considered was the employment of. an exporlenc d secretary who will de voto all his time to tho work. Will make an effort to secure at least three state conventions for 1917. Marl: at loast two hundred and fifty miles of road and place fifty signs showing distances to Korth.. Platte. Will assist the band financially. Help financially with the county fair nnd nppcint a special committee to help in every way possible. Have moro booster trips. Will observe good roads day and will ask to business men to close for half a day and go out and assist tho farm ers. Ilavo a community picnic. Give a banquet to tho farniors or arrange for a picnic nt tho experiment al farm, Inviting tho farmers and their wives to bo present. Arrange for a "market wook" or some kind of a celebration for the merchants. Issue some booklets telling of North Platte and Lincoln county. Boost for tho cluster lights. Assist tho park board and city coun cil In every 'way In order that we,mny have a better, bigger and moro pros perous North Platte. A freo employment bureau will be opened as soon as they employ a sec retary. Hero farmers, ranchmen and business men can secure help freo and men wanting employment will be reg istered freo of charge. -::o::- Preparing for Encampment. Tho entertainment comtnittco of the Harry E Brown camp havo issued in vitatlons to tho ninth annual encamp ment and re-union of Spanish War Veterans which will bo held In this city at the Hoto) McCabe June Cth and Gth. Among tho features of entertainment 'which will bo provided for tho several hundred vllsltcts .aro a camp fire, dance, rifle shoot, automobile rides and banquet. jtfho Indies auxiliary of the Harry ET Brown camp arc arranging a ro coption and entertainment for tho ladles of tho delegates who will accompany them horo. A. W. Shilling Is acting as chairman of tho arrangement com mittee and is leaving nothing undone which will add to tho pleasure of tho membera of tho visiting camps. -::o::- Georgo Langlois left las.t , evening for Omaha to spend a week or longer on business. Ernest Dower, of Omaha, who visited! tho Eartiart family this week, left Tuesday evening. Hen A. Johnson and Miss Mnbol BlqrUt of Brady wpro married by County Judge French,; Tuesday. Miss Laura Erb' has -returned to Gothenburg, after spending several days here with friends. . Charles Dairns, of Melroso, who visited his fathcr-ln-law Con Walker last week, lias returned home. . . The Yeomen lodgo will hold a meeting , Tuesday , evening at which thlrty-Ilvo, new members will bo ln- nitlntcd. . Mr, nnd Mrs. Thomas Austin liave moved Into tho west half of the new Andrew Yost bungalow on west Fourth ntreot whore thoy will reside until their new house Is completed. Miss Motto Thomburg. of Grand IbIuihI, who visited relatives this 'week loft Wednesday afternoon. She was ac companled by hor mother Mrs. Mary Thornburg who will make her homo In Grand Island. "Open Book" Policy that "he profits most who serves best." . Following our best judgment, supplemented by the best' - obtainable advice from public administrative and judioial bod- ;fi!sV f ies, we constantly endeavor to conduct our business so our serv-' ice will bo of the greatest good to the largest number of people. Our business methods and policies, the amount of our in vestment, even the dividends we pay, as well as the details of the transaction of our business are matter of common knowl edge. Analyzed and sworn to in the annual reports to our stockr holders and to the public, the minutest details of our business, aro taken up and explained. We aim to givo the best and broadest service to the great-jf, est possible number at the lowest rate at which it can be pro- Jr" duced and still pay a fair wage to the employee and a reason able return to the investor. Wo believe that such success as wo havo had has been because our business has been conducted on tlieso lines. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY -(d)) J. E. NELSON IN BUSINESS AT NORTH PLATTE JIAY loth. (Holdrcdgo Progress.) I J. E. Nelson, for mnny years a mer chant of this city and one of tho host known business men In western Nebras ka, will engage In the mercantile busi ness In Njrth Platte May 1C. Mr. Nol flon has purchased the business of "The Leader," the leading department storo of North Platte, of Julius Pizcr, and will tako charge of tho store May 15. The business will bo conduct ed under the firm name of Tho Loader Morcantilo Co. Until May 15th Mr. Neln son oxpectes to stny in Holdrege nnd' will devote his attention to collections nnd other business. Closing his business career in Hol drege about a year ago Mr. Nelson had spent twenty-nine years of continuous merchandising in tho city, and had mado for himself a reputation over western Nebraska as one of tho most progressive merchants In tilts section. Mr. Nelson began Ills business life In Holdrogo In a modest way and with a limited capital and by his close ap plication and untiring energy devel oped one of the lai'gest establish ments of its kind in the state. Tho city of North Platte is fortunate in securing n citizen such as Mr. Nelson. Ho Is a strong factor in the commercial growth of Holdrego and as a ' booster his name led that of all others. He always gave liberally of his tlmo toward tho development of any mnterlal good for tho city. He is sure to carry the same spirit of en thusiasm into his now location nnd the community of North Platte will soon realize that It has a live citizen in John Nelson, nnd a morchnnt who deserves tho very best Buport of tho city and neighborhood. Wo predict for him a big success in his new field. : :o: : Easier at the Lutheran X'hurcli. 10 a. m. Morning worship. The Hqly Communion. Reception of Members. The "Joholda Chest" offering. Spocjal Eastor music. 12 m. Sunday school. Offering for Church Extension. 7 p. 'in. Luther league, "Now is Christ Arisen." 8 p. m. Cantata by the Choir, "The L,oru or tne uasteruue by tno L,orcnz Co. Tho numbers follow: ? f Vn 1 Orrrfin 'Prnliiiln No. 2. DarknoBS Falls. No. 3. Light .at Eventide. No. 4.. On Cavalry. ,j No. G. Keep Watch at the Door. No. C. Tho Song in tho Night. No. 7. Who Shall Roll tho Stono A'way? No. 8. Behold a Great Earthquake. No. 9. Fling-Wide the Gates of DUy. No. 10. Now Is Christ Risen. No. 11. Victorious Day. No. 12. Lo, I am with You Always. No. 13. Go Yo into All tho World. No. 14. Tho Lord of the Eastertide. Trombone Solo by Arthur Tramp. The "Joholda Chest" will be set out at this service also to receive money for the now chUrcli building. -::o: J. II. Hegarty transacted business in Sutherland this weok. ': Mrs. John Koliher, of Maxwell, Is visiting this wook with Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Hahlcr. Mrs. Wood White returned Tuesday evening from Grand Island where she vlstlcd her parents. Mrs. C. P. Carson, of Gothenburg, wno visiteu ner son Perry Carson and family for a week left Tuesday nfter noon. Me8dames Stove Colo and Jack Whlto who spent last weok in Hershey with their uncle Rev. Johnson, havo returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosenbaumf of Omaha, returned homo Tuesday even ing after visiting their uncle Wm. Mn lomy, Sr., and family while enrouto home from a visit In Cololndo. ' ti- V . Ki! ' '-y.T . ' I Li t m J. 13. ItEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Rcdfield & Redflold Ofllce Phone G42 Res. Phone G76 Geo. B. Dent, Phyaician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Pi,noii I Ofllce 130 Phone9 Ues.dence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D Physician and Surgeon Ofllce D. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Office, S3; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEN, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones. OlDce 183, Residence 283 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. rounded 18S0. It's tho household word in Western Nebraska. It's Old Line, the best mon ey can buy. It's what you need, for a Bavlngs bank and Insurance that in sures. Thoy all buy It "Tliero Is a Reason" For further Information Phone, call or-address J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Agent, Tho Old Line Ulan NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA. Hospital Phono Black 633. -Houbo Phono Black 633. W. T. PItlTCHAItl), Graduate Veterinarian Eight yeara a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, one-half block southwest of the Court Housh. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern Institution fur the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rny and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Rcdfield, M. D. J.S.Sirams, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. Quality Not Quantity Wo mako cigars In tho small nnd in tho regular Bizes preferring to use quality tobacco In preference to quan tity. W use only tho best tobacco for filler and wrapper and our cua tomers aro always satisfied. Wo han die a largo line of smokers' artlcloti, our display of pipes being especially large. J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. n Bought and highBt murkat prices paid PHONES Residence Red G36 Ofllse 459 C. H. WALTERS. For Sole Five choice lota in Grace land Addition to North Platte. Lots 16, 17, 18, 1Q and 20. Will receive offers up to May 6th, 1916, separately or all together. These lots sold under the bamiuor for $200 each. Bolng a non rosldent I want to sell. Mnko your best offer first. Wrlto W, F. Farmer, Owner, Clovordale, Ind. ' 27-4 -::o::- Ask Harry for a "Nyal Spoclal" at our soda department. Somo delicious dish. NYAL DRUG STORK The Her Cooking A Burden You hear some women say, "I like a coal stove best for cooking because it gives moro heat." ' How true, especially in summer 1 This picture shows tho back dato way of cooking. It tells its own story the woman hot and tired and worried over the time sho is wasting waiting for a hot oven. If you are one of this class get out of it. Buy a gaa range and lighten your burdens. North Platte Light & Power Co. C. R. MOREY, Manager. DOCTOR I). T. QUIULEY. . . . Practice Limited to Surgery and liudium Therapy 728 City National Rank Ruildlng. Omaha, Xcbrashu. Ofllce phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROSt, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. 6 Reynolds Bldg. 'North Platte. Neb. Ofllce Phono 333. Res. lilnck 513. DRS. SHAFFER & FENNER OSTEOPATHIC Physicians & Surg.ons. Genlto-Urlnary Diseases Obstetrics Gynecology Have Your Piano Tuned WYLIE WALKER 914 West 4th St. North Platte, Nob Write or Call Phone Red'344 Pianos Tuned and Repaired Anywhoro. DEItRYBERRY & FORBES Licensed Embnbnors A Undertakers and Enueral Directors Day Phone 234. " " Night Phono Black 588 IS'otlcc to Creditors. Estate No. 1412 of Leicester Walker. deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate is November 19, 1916, and for settle ment f said estate is April 14. 1917: that I will sit at the county court room n said county, on May 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on November 19, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEORGE E. FRENCH, al7-ml6 County Judge. Application for Liquor License. Matter of Application of A. T. Yar ter, for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that A. T.Yar ter, did upon the 11th day of April, 1916, fllo his application to tho Village Board or Trustees of Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous, vinclus mixed and fermented Intoxicating liquors, at re tall, during the municipal year, com mencing to-wit: May 1st 1916, and ending April 30th, 1917, on lots 13, 14. and 15, In block 6 In tho Village of Brady, Lincoln county, Nebraska. If there can be no Objection, remon strance or protest filed within two weeks from April 18th, A. D. 1916, said license will bo granted. A. T. YARTER, Applicant. a'otich roii l'um.iCATio.v. Horlal No. 04954. Dciinrliiirnt of the Interior, U. B. Land Ofttco at North Platio, Not). , Mar. 14, l'Ufl, Notice 1h hereby Riven that Churlen IJartmnn of North I'latto Neb., who on Nov. 7, 1910, tnado liomestond entry, fo. 04954, for Lotij 3-4-5-6, HE VI NWU nnd NEU 8Vtt Section C, Township 1C, N. Hange 38, W. 0th Principal aferldlnn, haH hied notice of Intention to make llnnl Ave year proof to establish claim to tho land above described before the Hegluter nnd Receiver, nr North Platte. Nob., on tho 5th day of May, ifllfi. Clalmnnt names ax wltucKhcs Davia N. CnlleiHler, Ottoo Mesner, Win. flaunt, Hoy Gaunt, all of North Platte, rten. J. E. EVANS, . , , Register, Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, a corporation, Is plaintiff and Charles R. Osgood ot al are defendants, and to me directed, I will on tho ICth dny of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., nt tho east front door of tho Court llouso in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for ensh, to satisfy said decress, intorest and costs, tho fol lowing doscribed property, to-wit: Lot four (4). Block ono hundred and forty-olght (148), original town of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Dated North Platto, Neb., April 10th, 1916. A. J. SALISBURY, 25-5W Sheriff. JTotlce of Petition. Estate No. 1409 of Nancy B. Donald son deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estato take no tice that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Rush M. Dean a,3 Administrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing on May 5, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 5, 1916. 25-3w GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. In the District Court of Lincoln Comity, Nebraska. Fred Sawyer, Plaintiff, vs. , . Edward Martin, Mrs. Edward Martiu et al, Defendants. NOTICE The defendants, Edward Martin, Mrs. Edward , .Martin, his wife; Wilson Mar tin, Mi's.., Wilson Martin, his wife; Frank Martin, Mrs. Frank Martin, his wife; Margaret Crano, Mr. Crane, her husband; Blanche Owens; Elslo Mar tin. John Doe, her husband; Florence Martin, .Thomas Doe, her husband; Maude L. Martin, Richard Doe, her husband; Alice C. Haley, Mr. Haley, her husband; Minnie J. Dlllman, Mr. Dlllman, her husband; Charles Palmer, Mrs. Charles Palmer, his wife,; will take notice that upon tho 11th day of Mqrch, A. D. 1916, pJaJntlft herein fil ed bis petition in tho district court of Lincoln, .county, Nebraska, against said defendants and each of them, the object and prayer of said petition be ing to have the title to Lots 2 and 3 in Block 63 of the Original Town of Nojth Platte, Nebraska, quieted In said plaintiff: That plaintiff prays to have the title therein quieted In him and for such other and further relief In the premises as may be deemed proper by the Court. You and each of you are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday the flrfct day of May, 1916. FRED SAWYER, Plalntilf, By A. MULDOON, His Attorney. Notice of Petition. Estate No. 1404 of Walter Stewart, deceased, In tho county court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested in said Estate take notice that a. petition has been filed for tho probate of the last will and testament of Walter Stewart, de ceased, and for tho appointment of Mlnta B. Stewart as Executor of said will, (which has been set for hearing herein on April 28, 1916, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 3, 1916. GEO. E. FRENCH, 23-3w County Judge. Sheriffs Sale By virtue of an order of sale is sued from tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein O. A. Tarranco Is plaintiff, and Thomas Belcher et al aro defend ants, and to me directed, I will on the 13th day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., nt the east front door of tho Court House in North PIntte, Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest biddor for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho fol lowing described property, to-wit: Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Sec tion eight (8), Township sixteen (16). Range twenty-nine (29), west of the 6th P. M., in Lincoln County, Nobras- KSU Dated North piatte, Nob.. April 10th, 19". A. J. SALISBURY, 25-5w Sheriff. Xotlco to Creditors. Estuto of Lois Hlghbergor deceased, In the county court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ini of claims against said estato is October 27, 1916, and for settlement of said estate is March 23, 1917, and that ' will sit at tho county court room in aid county, on April 27, 19 16 at 9 o clock a. m and on October 27, 1916 at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adJusfCU claims and objections duly filed. GEO. B. FRENCH, County Judge.