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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1916)
(3 THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 25, L916. No. 29 PROGRAM FOR SILO, DAIRY AM) LIVfi STOCK Sl'KClAL Tho silo, dairy and live dock spe cial will arrlvo in this city May 3d at 1:10 and leave nt 3:40. W. P. Snyder has been appointed manager for the local meetings, and committees on reception and conveyances have been appointed. Arrangements have boon mado for meetings at tho following points: Blgnell school house, children 10:00 to 10:45, farmers 11:00 to 12:00. Mylunder school house, farmers 10 to 11:00. Montague school house, children 11 to 12:00,-farmers 1:30 to 2:30. Osgood school house, children 2.00 to 3:00. Facka school house, farmers 2:00 to 3:00. Calhoun school house, children and farmers 2:00 to 3:00. Episcopal church, womans' meeting 2:00 to 3:00. High school 9:30 to 10:30. Keith theatre, upper grades 11:00 to 12:00. High school students, 1:30. Keith theatre, lower grades, 2:30 to 3:00. Court house in evening. Two speakers will arrive in tho morning for the forenoon meetings. A. M. Farr will speak at all North Platte meetings. Those who can furnish cars for tho trips to tho country school homes will please communicate with F. C. Pielsticker. ,. The lectures will Cover such sub jects us the following: Pork Produc tion. The Silo, The Feeding of Ensi lage, Dairying, Live Stock, Sugar Ileot Raising, Alfalfa, Corn, Sheep Feeding, Ccws on Every Farm, etc. At the Womn's meetings, speakers will discuss problems that confront overy housewife. At the Children's meetings, the lec tures will cover subjects of Interest to school children one of them, "The Garden," will be of especial interest. This movement is endorsed by Mr. O. A. Thomas, state superintendent of public instruction, and he and his staff will co-operate with a view of making these meetings of tho greatest possible interest and profit to the school children. Free Employment Hurcmi to be Opined Secretary Fisher, before leaving for Alliance, made final arrangements to open up n free employment bureau at the Chnmber of Commerce headquar ters in tho Building & Loan building. Mr. Fanner, If you want help phone the office and make your want knewn. Thoso who want work can leave their names with the secretary and no fee will bo charged. It was abo decided to havo a classi fied list of all business and profes sional men placed In the ladles' rest room and also the farmers' exchange showing firms that nre supporting the' Chamber of Commerce. In this way visitors and farmers and their wives will know the public spirited men who are donating townrds the expenso of theso rooms. ::o:: The mop complete stock of records for talking machines In the city. ; DIXON, the Jeweler. The Altruist bible class of the Mcth- odlst church will hold Its monthly social at the homo of Mrs. Wlllertou,' 909 west Third, Thursday afternoon. The, county commissioners conven-: ed In aesslon yesterday and are trans acting routine business today. All threec members of the board aro pres ent " . A dozen workmen in charge of C, A. Walker, are engaged in taking up tho four Inch water main for four! blocks" on Front street and replacing It with a six Inch main. The articles donated for the base' ball fair were placed on display In the De'rrybcrry & Forbes show window yesterday afternoon. The display equals that" of a department store. Easter Bervlces at the churches at tracted large attendances at onth the morning and evening services. Flowers and potted plants were lav ishly used for decorative purposes and special musical programs wore ren dered by the choirs. Pulpit themes were in touch with the gladsome Easter day. Tho weather was fine during the day. STATE COiNVKNTION P. O. CLERKS MEETS HERE ft EXT YEAR. On Arbor Day, 1017, North Platte will entertain tho stato convention of postofflco employes. This Is an annual meeting that Is attended by a hundred or mere delegates who como from nil parts of the state. Tiio convention was held nt Hastings last Saturday, and O. R. Robinson, J. W. Tucker nnd Fred Peterson, of tho local postofflco, woro sent down by tho Chamber of Com merce with Instructions to secure tho convention for North Platte next year. Through the efforts of those delegates, backed by a number of telegrams sent by local business men, tho convention voted to hold Its 1917 meeting in North Platte. This Is ovidence that the Chamber of Commerco Is starting out Itfi new year with a display or energy that presages a year full of good things for North Platte. Every male iresldent of North Platee shoud back up tho Chamber of Commerce by taking out n membership ticket. :o::- : :o: : GARRAGE CANS All sizes, from $1.25 to $4.50. Or der now and have them delivered be fore May 1. SIMON I3ROS., 29-2 The Tinners. Elect Fisher Secretary. At tho noon luncheon held by tho directors of the Chamber of Commerco and tho soliciting committee ut which each fellow paid for his meal W. D, Fisher was elected secretary for a period of three months. This Bhort period of employment was at Mr. Fl3her s suggestion), u at ithe cud of that time he cannot mako good, rfnd show the people that ho Is worth tho salary he draw's, he will give up .4 position willingly. Mr. Fisher left for Allianco last night and will re turn May 5th to take up his duties as secretary. For two years ho has been secretary or the Alliance commer cial club but resigned in order to take up the work In some larger town. Mr. Fisher has been in town for ten days and during thut .lime he has proven, a S,vonderful hustler and a level-headed man. Jfr ::o:: Silverware for Rent We can supply Knives, Forks and Spoons for Banquets, Suppers, etc., from 100 to 200 places. CLINTON, the Jeweler. :o:: Charles Strauss spent Sunday in Sutherland with friends. Pfk 'W W$ 17 M jW JBi 'A YA iD Xi&J Mtf fMW MMW' )&, '' ('I'-. y t V TWO RANGES IN ONE Mcxrt Popular IM 7 w if v XK" W i '''1 ' A Vff '''Si ' ?v'3i W mm k DEMOMSTRfflriOM THIS. WEEK By'ALCAZAIt Woman Demonstrator COME IN and let her show you the most simple and perfect Coal and Oil Range made. Two Complete Ranges in One. Can be used with either fuel separately or both can be usedat the same time, without removing or replacing a single part. There is no other Range like the Duplex Alcazar. Can't be beat for Comfort, Con venience and Economy, All the year ' Round. Made with or without reservoir. Brines City Convenience to the Rural Home! ill J:& I I iiihimii lAYUsefulfSouvenir FREE for the Ladies attending.' Howp 8l Malonev EOCAL AND 1'EKSOXAL. Miss Margaret Hobnn, of Hartwell, Is expected lioro today to visit with Miss Sadio Shcedy. Miss Graco Hanson, of Hastings, wan a visitor at tho Uullard homo this wook and left yesterday morning. Mrs. W'llnnn. nf Rtilliorlnml rvniin down vnstnrlnv ,lo vlnU hnr nnn flnv Wilson and wlfo for a few days. Tho Eldeon club will bo entertained Wednesday attcrnooh by Miss Agnes Hanlon, GOO eust Fourth street. Mrs. Charles Damler, of Sutherland, Who visited with Mrs. E. S. Davis this week, left last evening for homo. Mr. and Mrs. E .A. Roscncrana, of lown, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott this week, left last evening. F. E. Scott, of Omaha, who spent Inst week hero on business at tho Electric Light office, left Saturday. Weather forecast: Partly cloudy to night and Wednesday; probably unset tled; not much change in temperature. Word comes from Omaha that Fred Wclngand, who was Injured in tho U. P. shops thero lost week, is much Improved. Miss Ermn McMlchacl roturncd Sun day evening from Wolllleet where she was callod last wcok by the death of her brother The Crossler car and tho Splcor do livery collided on the- corner of Sixth and Dewey last evening nnd both cars were slightly damaged. Mrs. J. J. HiClligan camo home Satt urday evening from Omaha whero she visited friends for a wtook whllo en route homo Crom Washington, D. C. Mrs. Jack White, of Broken Row, who has been tho guest of hor moth er, Mrs. J. E. Carroll, for sovernl weeks, will leave tho latter part of thlsj week. Enrl Pyzer haB begun tho erection of a now residence on east Sixth street in the Trustee's addition. Several houses are in course of construction in .that addition. Mrs. E. A. Surbor entertained n number of friends at an Easter din ner Sunday in honor of her son, Al bert Surber and wife, of Missouri, who aro Visiting here. Tho Reboknh lodge wll hold a so cial and musical program at tho I. O. O. F. hall Friday nfternoon. An ad mission of fifteen cents will be charg ed and tho public Is invited. Tho two year ld daughter of Mr. an'tr Mrs, Dave O'Connell of O'Fallons died yo3tordny morning. Tho child had be on ill with measles which devoloped into pneumonia and proved fatal. Regular meeting of .the Signet Chap ter No. 55 O. E. S. will bo held Thurs day evening April 27th nt 7:30. An election of officers wil be held and all members are requested to bo present. -The Maccaboe ladles will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Hugh Bird tomorrow afternoon to raise funds for tho room which they have furnished at tho North Platte General hospital. Mrs. Mary Hawkins, who had re sided cast of this city, died tho lattor part of last week after a lingering Ill ness. Tho deceased was seventy years of ago nnd was the wife of E. A. Haw kins. She hnd been a resident of tho county for mnny years. Mru. Arthur McMullen entertained tho Elite club Wednesday afternoon at cards. First prize was won by Mrs. Asa Snyder and tho consolation em blem by Mrs. James Bookman. Guest Ipdzo was awarded to Mrs. James Dorram. Friends In town have recoived cards from Hastings announcing a musical recital at tho Imnculato Conception aendemy In which Miss Gertrude Reb- hauson, of this city is to render a number of piano selections. The re cital will bo held Friday evening, 28th. If It were not for artificial eye aid tho oyeglasses, .the spectacle, and tho combinations of different lenses, sci entists and tho world, wculd today bo laboring In darkness HARRY DIX ON, Joweler and Optometrist. For Rent 7 room house with bath and sewer connection on west Front street. Inquire- of W. V. Hoagland. 29-2 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott enter tained a number of friends and rela tives at a reunion dinner Easter Sun day. Out of town guestB woro Mrs. Mary Ditto and son Clarenco, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kempor, Charles Gum- mere and B. S. Gummore or Suther land. Tho North Platte council of the Loy al Mystic Legion will entertain tho Horshey council nt tho K. P. lml L this evening. -Mcsdameo Fr.'uzior, Wood, Gulliaumo, Dick und McMIchaol aro on tho cntertnlnniont committee and have arranged an elaborate program and bnnquet. The M. M. M. club and their hU3 bands wore entertained last evening at tho Voseika homo by Mosdames (Jecrgo Voselpka and Will Frisnd, Card games wero played and prl-ics won by Mrs. J. II. Hegarty and Perry ( arson. Guests of tho club wore Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roberta.: The annual meeting of tho Eplnco pai pnrlsh was hold at tho church last e enlng and tho reports suwniueu wero very gratifying For tho ilrut time in tho history oi ano cnurcn more aro no outstanding bills and a nil nncp In each fund. T. C. Patterson wn elected senior warden Guy Swnuo Junior warden nnd O. S. Clinton, Dr Wurtolo, F. W. Rlncker, E. W. Mann Harry Dixon, Edmund Dickey nnd C W. Edwards vestrymen. PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN I'UXR PASSES THE $1,000 MARK Up to last evening tho campaign for members and funds for .tho Chnmber of Commorco totaled$4,101.00, with 203 members signed up. At this rnto th6ro Is no reason why tho funds should not reach tho $7,000. Twenty-two business men have paid .their whole year's dues In advance which shows thoy beliovo i nthe now policy of tho present of llccrs and tho work they Intend to do. Tho totnl cash collected Is $10G7.7G and several of tho committees have not reported up to dnte. Friday was tho only day real work was done, for Thursday was n bad day nnd Saturday ovcryono was busy with their own business so tho directors havo decided to continue tho cam paign until overy member has been solicited. Several of tho business and professional men havo called nt tho offl'co and signed up without being so licited, nnd ir you havo not signed up now is tho timo to show your faith In North Platte. Tho Chamber of Commerco has land ed ono state convention on tho start. Next month tho State Historical So ciety will visit North Plntto, and in Juno wo will entertain tho Stato Span ish War Veterans, so overy ono should got behind this proposition nnd boost. At tho noonday luncheon at tho Owl Cnfo whoro tho membership teams took dinner yestordny it was mado known by Union Pacific officials that if North Platto would get busy and show tho proper co-operation sho could havo an Industry that would bo ono of tho biggest things for North Platte In hor history, and there Is noced for n strong Chnmbor of Commerce in this city. ::o:: FOR RKNT Tno (rncls of rood liny land close in. Rent can be paid out of the liny The town herd pasture, easy terms sec BRATT & GOODMAN. Mrs. Deo Ranoy, of Wallace, who visited hor mothor, Mro. Grecly Uun day last Week, loft Saturday morning. Boring for Oil In Frontier Down Jin Frontier county whero thoy nro boring for oil, tho Fabor says Wllllnm Soctt, n brother of tho Mr. Scott who was there recently fc curlng oil lenses, arrived tho llrst or tho wcok. Ho brought word from tho promoters that tho drilling ma chinery, etc., hnd been shipped nnd that "work woud begin sootfer thnn you think for." Mr. Scott Is to re main on tho Job until drilling has com menced. Tho Fabor Is not Informed as to whero work will begin. The Zimmormnn company In Garfield pre cinct Is still drilling, being down over 800 feot. It Is reported that nil In dications nro favorabln for strlklne U , j FOltBALE Ono good soven room modern frnmo Iiouho on south Locust street; $2,'0.0f) cash buys this bargain, balanco lontr time. If looking for n homo litis Is n bargain. Also one eight room frame house ut 821 west Tenth, $700.00 cash buys this, bulnnco long time; see this and you will want it. BRATT & GOODMAN. ::o:: Tho domestic scionco department of tho Twentieth Century club was the guest of Mrs. G. B. Dent yestorday af ternoon. Mosdnmos I. E. Stebbina nnd E. S. Davis woro tho lcadors. Mra. J. L. Roddy rend a paper on "Slmplo nnd 'homo mado Furnlturcf' Mra. Frank Buchnnnn npoko on "Art In tho Home." Mrs. Stobblns rend n pa per on tho "Homo Laundry" and Mrs. Blnlock on "Curtains and Other Be longings." Roll call was answered by naming tholr favorlto picture. Mrs. Dent gavo a demonstration of strnw borry shortcake. Tho Presbytorlan aid society will meet Thursday afternoon in tho church parlors, entertained by Mos dames Coates, Spurrier and Rcden baugh. Tho Lutheran aid society will bo en tertained iby Mrs. C. O. Wlcjlngand Thursday afternoon, assisted by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Snmuolson. :o: :- FOR RENT IloiisoK, nice large rooms safe dr posit boxes and Ktoruge room. BRATT & GOODMAN. KEITH THEATRE Friday and Saturday, April 28, 29th. Here soon on a wave of Laughter Hippodrome Vaudeville Direct from Sullivan and Considine Circuit. 4 Great Acts 4 RAY BRANDON, JEANNE RUSSEL AND CO. IN The Merry Novelty, Comedy, Singing and Dramatic Skit. "A STAR BY MISTAKE" The Greatest sure Fire Hit of the Year. . 3 OTHER HEAD LINE ACTS 3 All in Conjunction with Two Reels of Pictures At Temptation Bargain Prices TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 7:30, 9:00. CHILDREN 15c. ADULTS 35c. Why Not You? People realize, n. ore and more, that a bank account maintained systematically is the greatest aid to financial progress. You can enjoy, many privileges - by be coming a depositor. - I This bank offers its service to thrifty people who desire to build a surplus, and enjoy the benefits of an association with, a strong financial institution. McDonald State Bank. Capital Stock $100,00. Resources$500.000.