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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1915)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IIIA I. HARE, Editor nnd TubUsIior. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mall In Advance. .. .81.25 One Year by Carrier In Advance. .$1J0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofllco as Second Cluss Matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2(1, 191... CONSERVATION OF OUR OWN RESOURCES Few people Hcem to give a second thought to tho importance or patrcn lzlng our homo Industries and cope daily encouraging our homo uianu factures. Wo all believe that It !a a good thing to bring now Industries and new peo ple to tho city, but how few of us seem willing to do what wo can to ac complish this. Is It a fact wo do not rcallzo that each onu of us has our hhnro to do? When you go to a grocery storj to buy buttor why not Insist on North Platto Creamery butter? Thoy are pro duclng as good butter as can bo bought on tho market. When you go to buy a cigar, why not Insist on buy ing ono manufactured In North Platto? Taking the different kinds manufac ture', by North Platto people, your (asto can cortalnly bo satisfied. In any ovent, try fhctn, and If you can find ono that sulfa your taste, smoko It. From an economical stand point ev ery family should do for themsolves what thoy can, as long as It does not Interfere with their earning power. For lnstanco, a man who Is working by tho day or so many hours, can do many tilings that will save him money by utilizing hie tlmo that Is not need ed for rest and recreation: while tho business or professional man who has a business that keeps both his jiody and mind biuy all tho tlmo that ho can spnro from rest nnd recrentlon, It would not bo economical for him to do repair work and other odds and ends around his bouse. For Instance, from a strictly economical standpoint, no man worklrg by tho day should bo without a good garden, while a gnr don to a business man might be an ex pense, unloss ho had time to sparo from his business. The snmo Is true from a town or city stnndpclnt. There nro many man ufacturing enterprise? that wo could not handle They wculd be nn ex pense. Fur lnstanco wo could not handle a cotton mill. lor we would linvo to ship In cotton nnd ship out n largo part of the gcods after manu factured to be on a largo enough scnio to run at a rirofif, anr. for tho same reason that a cotton mill would not bo profltnblc, a canning factory would bo profitable, provided North Plntto and Lincoln county people would patlonlzo It. Whnt would it menu to North Platto If all tin canned corn, beam, tomatoes, peas, pickles and other canned vegetables were gtrwn hcr'i nnd canned here': It would mean that i;e farmers In and ntound North Piatt"! would be dovot inr part or their tlmo to the raising o. these vegetables, and a fanner told me the other day that If he could got one-half ont per pound fo." cabbage, he could inako more money per acre off his land Hum In could riislne com at l.uO pi bushoi. It w mid moan Hint in ploco of us sending out thoun nnds of dollars every year for those goods, we would probably be shipping otil a largo uunntlty of these goods, which would bring In thousand of dollars overv year. It would mean ti saving to North Platto of sovoral thousand dollars a year, besides giving employment to dozons of families. Is thero any good reason why this could, not bo done? Only ono thing Is necessary and that Is that North Platto and Lincoln county pcoplo pntronlzo it. Why should wo ship beef and pork to Omnhn to have it killed and then have tho meat shipped back, paying frolght both ways? What docs It mat ter whether, at present, we pay tho same prlco, either the stock raiser or butcher Is gottlng a largor protlt and thoy uro local nion that we nro moro liable to got It back from than wo are from nn outsldor. Why not InslBt, -when you buy meat to get homo but cm cred meat? If wo had patronized thu homo mill as wo should havo when it operated, It would not bo closed down now, ninklng us pay freight on all of our whont to Blilp It out and then pay freight hack on the Hour. Ho you know wluire wo got started on the Idea thnt wo had to buy forolgn articles all the time? Tho Idea was pro moted and hns boon forcod upon us to a certain extent by tho railroads. Peo pie have asked mo why does the local mill not glvo tho pcoplo the benefit of What thoy would savo In freight by Belling to North Platto and vicinity cheaper? If a mill would undertake to do this, tlie railroad company (1 do not mean only tho Union Paclllc, but any of tho others would do tho snmo) would notify thorn to stop It and If they did not, thoy would not glvo them service on tholr freight, nnd con seiiuontly, with what backing the lo cal peoplo glvo thoso enterprises, they cannot afford to court tho disfavor of tho railroads. Another thing, wo road ovory day about tho sweat shop, in tho enst. Wo road about tho low paid factory hnnda in shirt factories ami other similar factories. Why do wo have to havo our shirts nnd clothes mnda In Oma ha, Chicago or Now York,' Why not have a Blurt and glo factory hero and why could wo not hnvo our clothes made hero? Too expensive. This would bo tho -cry. It is truo a tailor horo would have to chat'go moro for a suit than you would havo to pay for a ready made suit, but bosluos having n hotter fit, you would havo a suit made bolter and that would woar you longor than any BUlt you could iuv roady mado. It half tho men In North Platto would havo their suits and clothes mado horo, wo would havo from twelve to twonty fivo tailors bupy tho year around. In any , ovent, If you do not havo your clothoB mado In North Platto, buy what you do buy In North Platto, and lot tho profit that you .would havo to pay to any mall order bouse or so licitor stay nor in North Platte. , Let us set asldo ono week as Homo Patronage Week. Bay the first week in December, and push and buy home productcs. Let us push tho slogan, "Buy In North Platte and buy North Plntto Products. Lot those who havo been buying outside of North riatle, buy la North Platto for this week. Let ovory houscwlfo buy North Plntto Crenmery butter and let every smoker Insist on buying a North Platto cigar. Lot ovory merchant make window dis play of North Platto mado articles and push theso arUcloi. Let ua show tho country what wo would do for oth er lines if they woro manufactured hcr6. Just to sec how many peoplo agree with mo on this, let those who do, sign tho coupon below oud mall it to me. Rcmcmbor, December 1st to 8th Is Homo Patronngo Wom. Be a thorough Booster, sign the cou pon and then let's practice and proach Homo Patronage. C. F. TEMPLE, Secretary. November .... 1015. I bollevo In Homo Patronage and will help boost the snmo Homo Patronage Week, December 1st to 8th. When Cody Shot (lie Decoys. (.Irand "Buffalo Bill' ..that famous scout, Ono day ho went a Bcqutlng To try his nrt, ho shot a mark, And then wont home n pouting. To Nophcw Hon, and Nephew Fin, He said I'm Just a dlolng To shoot some gamo not over tnme, I swear I nla't a llolng." I in ro i I bo blood on tho moor, to night If some game I'm not a slaying, So hold your wooly scalps on tight And preparo to bo a praying. So Nephew Hen and Nephew Flu They set tholr heads a working, To contrive a plan so that gamy man Could ontortaln his company. Thoy staked some ducks upon tho lake, Then up to Bill wont rinnlig, "Uiik, get your gun and havo some fun," And away oil went a gunning. BUI fired two shots, looked at his gun, Then roared, "Whoro are thoso boys? By gosh! Thcy'ro smart, 1 hit tho mark But find them staked decoys. MRS. D. HUNTER. A' k ws" 0Fa?i7Ewin i: s At tho national chicken show at San Francisco Tuesday a Barred Ply mouth Rock rooster, valued at $1G0. died while tho Judges were affixing a ribbon to its pon. An authority on chickens pronounced death duo to tho exe'tenfent of having won a prize. A dispatch from Bcrno to a London paper says: Thorc Is declared to be undoubted foundation for tho roport thnt Emporor Wllllnm will make an offer of peaco through President Wil son after tho emperor's stato entry Into Constantinople. Earl Kitchener, the British secre tary of war. declared- that Enarlnnd wilriiavo by next March 4,000,000 sol diers under arms and will be a posi tion to arm and provision G.000,000 Russians and thnt consequently it would show great stupidity to think that war would end othorwlso than In complete defent for Gormany. Fire In tho Bon Mnrche, the world famous Paris department store, des troyed good valued nt six million dol lars. Tho tablo kulfo which Mrs. Elizabeth Ilochsborgor, of Chicago, finally per suaded surgeons she had swallowed whllo In u dolorlum duo to Illness eight months ago, was taken from her stom- ach by an operation nt a hospital. Boston peoplo paid higher prices for tholr Thanksgiving turkeys than did tho residents of any other city. Thero tho best birds sold for forty coiUb n pound. Postal savings doposits Increased $2,150,000 .over tho proceeding month. Thoro are now GG2.000 depositors with total deposits of $71,5000,000. Tho Amorlcnn Federation of Labor In session nt San Francisco, after a contest waged on tho floor of tho con- ventlon thoro for four hours rofused by a cjoso voto to endorse state and fcdornl legislation for tho eight hour day. President Samuel Gompors end ed tho debnto In an Impassioned speech in which ho declared that tho social 1st tmrty wns bohlnd tho movement lo force tho federation to endorse I ho proposed olght-hour day legislation. 4 m At Aurora, Neb., tho methods used liv Evangelist Klrkland, who Is con ducting a revival there, woro de nounced by Rev. Bueknor, pastor of tho Mothodlst church. Dr. Bueknor dpclnred tho language of tho ovangol 1st profano, vulgar and coarse. Ami A Chattanooga firm -has been non- vlcted In tho federal .court of shtppln whisky Into ndjolnlng states In coffins A special train carrying a carnival outfit collided -with another train on tho Georgia Contrnl rood, Sovon wore killed nnd forty-two Injured. Tho ovldenco gathered by agonts of the United Stntos In Now York on plots to provont war munitions from reach Inr the entente allies will bo submit ted to tho fedornl grand Jury. Tho will of the Into Potor A. B. W!d- onor. of Philadelphia rocontlv admit tod to prolmto. loaves tho bulk or his estate, estimated between $50,00" noo nnd $70,000.00. to his son, Joseph E. Wldenor, In trust. It Is nnnounced thnt Quoon Lllluk nlanl, tho surviving ruler of Hawn'i's days of royally, had forwarded as br wedding gift to Mrs. Norman Oalt. ho fiancee of President Woodrow Wilson a chiffon scarf or peculiar texturo and doslgn. Secretary of Stnto Pool, of Nebras ka nnnouncos thnt ho will grant the request of nssoclato Justico Hughes of tho supromo court nnd withdraw tho lattor's nnmo from tho Nobrnska pri mary ballot ns a cnndldato for tho republican presidential nomination. Exports of October established a new OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -or- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CATAt AJVtt SUHJ'LUSi One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS RANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVIJN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. , m I 'i ir high record, rising to $324,638,578, be ing $33,9G1,756 more than the former lecord made in September. October Imports were $148,529,620. " Tho npplo crop of tho state is given as 1,207,000 bushels, or 80 per cent of a full crop, while the average for the last ten years was GO per cent of a full crop. Tho pear crop Is recorded as 18,000 bushels, or 70 per cent of a full crop, while tho average for the last ton years has been GO per cent of a full crop. Furs Wanted Bring In your furs to us. Wo will pay you tho highest prlco. Don't ship them until you soo us. NORTH PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. Ho Wouldn't Givo Thanki. An eighteenth century clerical hu morlst, ono Thorn of Govan, the Glas gow Herald states, had no great fowl ness for days of national fasting ot even of thanksgiving. At tho close of j the American war ho commenced a sermon thus: "My friends, we lire com- j mantled by royul authority to meet this day for the purpose of public thanks giving. Now, I should like to know whnt it Is we arc to give thanks for. i Is it for tho loss of thirteen provinces?! Is It for tho slaughter of so many thousands of our countrymen? Is it for so many millions of Incrensed na tional debt? I see, my friends, you are all laughing at me, and 1 am not surprised at It, for were I not stand ing where I am 1 Would be laughing mysaV " Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black G33. W. T. I JUT CHARD Graduate Yeterlnarlau Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court House.. THE LOTUS "ROOMS" Steum Heat, Running Hot and Cold Water in all the rooms. Prices Reasonable Corner 6lh and Locust St. MRS, C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop. I Am Paying More for HIDES than anyone else. Before yon sell come and see me. ' We are paying S10 Per ton for Dry Bones. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. n mm nought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 6315 Office 159 C. H. WALTERS. rrobnto Notlco In tho Matter of tho Estate of James lioiton, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, Novembor 8, 1915. Notlco Is horoby that tho creditors of said doceased will moot tho admin istrator of said ostato boforo tho Coun ty Judgo of Lincoln County, Nobraska, at tho County Court room. In said County, on tho 10th day of Docomber, 1915, and on tho 10th day of Juno, 191G, at 9 o'clock A. M. oacli day, for mo purposo or presenting their claims lor examination, adjustment ana allow nnco. Six months nro allowed for crodltors to present tholr claims, and ono year for tho administrator to set- tlo said cstato, from, tho 10th day of Dccomber, 1915. This notico will bo published In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal nowspaper' printed in said County, for four' wcoks' successively, prior 10 uecouiDer..iu.aaiB;. . , GEO. E, FRENCH, n9-4w County Judge. (lis an it Not a Hospital But a Homo Nurse Brown Momorlal Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platte, Neb. Mrs. Mnrgarct Hull, Superintendent. Miss Vela Plckard, Grnduato Nurse. Dr. J. S. Twlncm, Physician and Surgeon Rest for Ilumanlly's Cure OrjflcJnl Surgery with Homeopathic McdL cine for Acute and Chronic Disease. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I)., Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phono, OIHce, 83; Residence 38. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, OfQco 183, Resldenco 283 J. B. REDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Dra. Redfield & Redfleld Office Phone G42 Res. Phono 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given lo Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building pLnil. Office 130 Phones f Residence 115 ItHSOI.UTION Of tho Council of the CU- of North l'lattv, Creating: I'livlnj? District .No. 1 WHEREAS, tho City of North Platto aid at a special election held on Sep tember Hth, 1915. vote to authorize the issue of bonds In tho sum of $16,000 for tho purpose of paving Btreet Inter sections and spaces opposito alloys within said city and which said bond Issue is now avallablo for such pur pose. therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, by tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, that Pavlntf District No. 1 of tho City of North Platto bo and tho same Is hereby created to bo composed of the following streets and portions of str.eots therein and contained within the limits and boundaries herein set forth and defined, to-wlt: All that portion of Locust Street lylnr between the south side of Ninth Street and tho north sldo of Third Street: all that portion of Dewey Street lylnK botwoon tho north Hldo of Front Street and tho north sldo of Third Street; all that portion of Pino Street lying botweei tho north sldo of Front Street and tho south, side of Sixth Street; all that portion of Front Street lying heUvoon tho east lino of "Vine Street nnd tho west line of Chestnut Street; all that portion of Sixth Street lying botweou tho oast lino of Vine Street and thooast side of Pino Street: all that portion of Fifth Street lyinn between the east Uno of Vino Street and tho west lino of Pino Stroot; all mat portion or Fourth street lyintr be tween the west lino of Locust Stroot and tho wost lino of Pino Street and 1JF IT FURTHER .RESOLVED: That a copy or this resolution bo published for not less than thirty days In tho North Platto Semi-Weekly Tribune and mo :orin I'laiio Toiegraph anil that to non-rosldent property owners shall be mailed a copy of this resolution by registered mall to tho Inst known ml. dross of snld respoctlvo non-rosldents and that unless a majority of tho own- urn ui property anutting on tno with in described district shall lllo written objections to tho creation of said dis trict and to tho navlntt and curbing of same within thirty days from tho date of tho llrst publication of this res olution, then tho limits and boundaries Of this DlBtrict ns rinflnnil xhnll lin ns. tnllliRllpll ntlfl flic, nnvlnv nml rtMcVilna. thereof ordered by ordinance and that I me mayor ana uouncu snail proceed forthwith! to construct such pavement subject to tho rlht of tho property owner theroln to designate tho material to bo used. Passed and approved this 21st day of October, 1915. , E. II. EVANS. (SEAL) Mayor. C. F. TEMPLE. City Clerk. Sheriffs Sale. By vlrtuo of an alias order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, upon a docreo of foreclosure rendered In said court, whoroln C. S. Cadwallador Is plaintiff nml Jnmes F. Uolnsmlth, ot al, are defendants, and to mo directed. I will. on tho 11th day of Decembor, 1916, at two o'clock P. M at tho east front door of tho Court Houso. In North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at publlo auction to tho highest bid dor, forcash, to satisfy said docrco. lntorost and costs, tho following des- criueu property, to-wlt: Ea3t half, (E&), of Northwest quar ter, (NW) of Soctlon thirty (30), Township flfteon, (IB), Range twonty eovon, (27) AVest of-tho Sltti (Gth), i: m., Lincoln uouniy, iNODrasKa. , Oatfii North Platte, Nobraska, No vomber 5th,' 191G. n9-5w A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. F. j, PERN EE & CO. Real Estate and Inflnrnnco Come and sco ub for town lots In different pnrts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for salo and ront. Wo have nlso good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs, BERYL HAHN, TEACHER OF PIANO 412 Enst Third Street, riione Red 101. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement .cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elisc Sietnan, Supt. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DERBYBERIIY & FORBES, Licensed Embnlmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. -4k M Cigars k the Home For the next five months smokers will spend their evenings indoors, and what Js more convenient nnd more pleasurcablc thnn n box of cigars at home, enslly accessible when you hare an inclination to smoke. Try a box of our home-made and hand-ninde ci gars, tho kind that nro a little better than you buy elsewhere for the same price. "IVo also carry n full line of to bncco nnd smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. LEGAL SOTICE To Charles JJrlttlngllam, Joseph H. Schick, Joseph H. Schick, Adminis trator of tho Estate of Gusslo Schick, deceased, Catherlno Lu clle Schick, a minor; Joseph H.' Schick, father and natural guardian of Catherine Luc'lle Schick, a minor, South Bend Chilled Plow Company, a corporation; Racino Sattley Com pany of Nebraska, a corporation; Racino Sattley Company, a corpora tion; Joel Turnoy & Company, a cor poration; Challongo Company, a corporrtlon; McFarlan Carrlago Company, a Corporation, Mrs. Claudo L. Abbott, Mrs. John C. Camp, Georgo F. Sawyer and Mrs. Gcorgo F. Sawyer, non-resident de fendants: You and each of you will take no tice that on November 5, 1915, II. S. Evans, Plaintiff, filed his cortaln pe tition In tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, bjlnglng suit against you nnd eacli of you, Im pleaded with others, the object and prayer of which said petition are to forecloso you and each of you of all equity of redemption, claim, right, In terest and tltlo In and to tho follow ing described lands sltuato In Lin coln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: South west Quarter (SWVi) of Section Four (4), Township Nino (9) and tho East Half (EV) and East Half of tho Northwest Quarter (E & ENW4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Town ship Ton (10), North, all In Range Twenty-seven (27) and west of the Gtli P M., to satisfy a first Hens claim ed by plaintiff upon said premises by vlrtuo of being tho owner of tax sule certificate No. 4765 and No. 4770 be ing certificates of tho purchase of said respectivo tracts of land from tho Treasuror of said County at public salo for tho taxes for tho year 1909 and by vlrtuo ot subsequent taxes paid thereon by plaintiff, and accrued Interest, and upon said tax certificate No. 47G5 thero Is now due tho sum of $93.22 being a lion upon said South west Quartor of Section four, and tho sum of $191.49 being a lien upon the East Half and East Half of the North west Quartor of Section Ten, and if said respective sums bo not paid to gether with accurlng interest thereon at tho rate ot 15 per cent per annum and cost of suit within thirty days from dato of docrco had horeln that sail respectvo tracts bo sold in sat isfaction thereof. You and each of you will make nnswor to said petition, on or boforo Decembor 20th, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in said potl- tlon prayed. H. S. EVANS. Plaintiff. By E. II. EVANS, His Attorney. Notlco of Spcclnl Election Notlco Is horeby given that on tho 7th day of December, 1915, a special election will bo held in tho School Dis trict of tho City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Ne braska; tho polling places to bo as follows: For that portion of Bald Dis trict north of tho tracks of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, at tho Hose Houso In tho Fourth Ward In tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne braska; for that portion of said Dis trict south of tho tracks of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company and west of Dewey street, and public road No. G, which Is a continuation of Dewey Street, at the Hoso House in tho Third Ward of said City of North Platte; and for that portion of said District south of the tracks of tlie Un ion .Pacific Railroad Company and east of said Dewey Stroot and public road No. G, tho same being a contlnu tlon of Dewey street, at Lloyd's Opera Houso In tho First Ward In tho City of North Platto. At which said election the following proposition will bo submitted to the voters of said School District: -."Shall tho School District of tho City of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln, In the State of Nobraska, is sue Its negotiable bonds In the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, (?50,000.00) in denominations of $1,000.00 each dated on tho first day of April, 1916, bearing Interest at tho rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and Interest payable at tho fiscal agency of the State of Ne braska in the City of New York and payable as follows, to-wlt: In twen ty years from tho dato thereof, but may be pjald at any time after ten years from tho dato thereof at tho op tion of tho Board of Education of said School District. Said bonds to bo Issued for tho pur pose of erecting and furnishing ono 14 room school building In tho First Ward of tho City of North Platte, No braska, on Block 144 in said ward. And shnll tho Board of Education of tho School District of tho City of North Platte, in tho County of Lin coln, in tho State of Nobraska, bo atliorlzed to cause to bo levied and collected, a tax annually In amount sufficient to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds, as the same ma ture, in addition to tho taxes now au thorized to be levied by law, on all property within tho said School Dis trict Tho ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: "For Issuing $50,000.00 of the bonds of the School District of the City of North Platte, in tlio County of Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, for the purpose of erecting and fur nishing one 14 room school building on block 144 In the First Ward of tho City of North Platto, Nobraska, In said District. Said bonds to be negotiable In form and to bear Interest at tho rate of five per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually, principal and In terest payable at the fiscal agency ot the State of Nebraska. In tho city of New York and which said bonds shall he duo as follows: In twenty years from the date thereof, but may bo paid at any timo after ten years from the date thereof, at thfr option of the Board of Education of said school district; and for levying and collect ing a tax annually in an amount suf ficient to pay the interest and nrinci- pal of said bonds, as tho same mature, in addition to the taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on all property within the said school district." "Against issuing $50,000.00 of tho bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lincoln, in the Stato of Nebraska, for tho purposo of erecting and furnishing one 14 room school building on block 144 in the First Ward of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, within said district. Said bonds to bo negotiable in form and to bear lnfercst at the rate of five per cent per annum pay able semi-annually, principal and In terest payable at the fiscal agency of the Stato of Nobraska In the Citv of .New York, and which teaid bond's snail bo due as follows: In twenty years from tho dato thereof but may bo paid at any timo after ten years from tho dato thereof, at tho option of the Board of Education of said School District; and against lovylne and collecting a lax annually, in an amount sufficient to pay the inter est and principal of said bonds, as the same mature, In addition to the taxes, now authorized by law, on all property within the said school dis trict." Thoso voting in favor of said nroD- osltlori shall mark their ballots with an "X" after tho paragraph beginning "For issuing $00,000.00 of tho bonds of tho School District of the City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln, in the Stato of Nebraska." Those voting against said proposi tion shall mark their ballots with an "X" aftor tho paragraph boninnlne "Against issuing $50,000.00 of tho bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platte, In the County of Lin coln, In the State of Nebraska." Snld election to bo open at (8) eight o'clock a. m. and contlnuo open until (C) six o'clock p. m. central tlmo on snld date. Dated this 1st day of November, 1915. By order of tho Board of Education. E. T. TRAMP, President. A. F. STREITZ, Secretary. Probalo Notice. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Charles Llork, Sr, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Novembor 12, 1915. Notlco is horby given, That tho cred itors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said Estato, boforo the County Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho County Court Room, In said County, on .the, 17,th day of De cember, 1915, and on yio 17th day of Juno, 1916, at 9 o'colck a. m each day, for tho purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months nro allowed for creditors to presont their claims, and ono year for tho Adminis trator to settle said Estato, from tho 17th day of Decombor, 1915. This notlco will bo published In tho North Platto Trlbuno a nowspapor printed In said County, for four weeks succes sively, preceding Dec. 17 1915. GEORGE E. FRENCH, nlG-4 County Judgo.