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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1915)
... IVlt. iftfAA. it iiti 1 tv ?tVtlvifttl x - ! THIRTIETH YEAR. DKLAXKY'S EXI'EMKSL'K WITH A "FMKSDIA" BEAU NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 30, 1915. No. 90 i , Wo published an Hem last week telling of tho cxperionua of our form er townsman Claude Dolaney had with a "tamo" bear, further particulars of -which arc Rvcn In the following article from tho Bridgeport Blade: Yesterday morning Chimin Dclaney nnd a friond wont on a visit to liroau HKQUISITIOX MADF. F01I SOUTH l'LATTK DKl'OT Advices from Omaha nro to tho ef font Mint. President Mohlcr. of tho Un ion Paclflc, has asked tho board of drectora of tho company for an ap propriation of eighty thousand dollars for tho purpose of constructing a now iinnnt htilldlnc nt North Platte. Tho appropriation asneu ior is icn uum nnu a irionu went ou. i vwu i - n Brcatcr timn Mr. Mohler ator and In viewing tho s said would bo expended for village wont famous bear IU BOO , , ,. K.,U,1lno- Dela.iey was acquaint-," i.a tn n.l Minr In nntli'lnn d wl h the animal and took h frien , approprlaUon bolng made, to a barn . where- it was conn ncd nd fl 'architects have been opmine th lor. began p ting .no .nRtrUf,to(1 t DroCcod with tho plans animal, without warnm; 1110 Ijruil. , ., i.m,h ,i Hint In ihr nliUic rnlihal IMoneV by :1 lOE. draBscd " " , -"H""". .7, .?i. 85 L,'J''J!."",1, -5, VXnS&BSEh muv uHvu. "","'7"""" reason of North Platto liemg nis aian- drag Debin.w awa, Iron tho tn'mal . ra,lrond carcer, ts but were Powc-iess to uo so s u e -, . thls cltv lmV0 a dt!pot Vcar kept uoiauey usauy ciiuwieu . m fc Hk crctlltahlo lo tho Un- his powerful fore-arms. Tho man fl- ' n.c and to North Platte, .ally had to beat tho insane mat, to?tMotood too bulfdlng wlU be on the hend with a ctju to ore's it to stor,cs. tho unner ii00r to bo used release its hold. ur. P-umar wcni uow.i -"-;-! in trainmaster, the dis to take charge ot tne njursii man aim ' telegraph office, and office found that polaney s rigli leg from tho ZTcnCi with the KTl Pfl in LI1U I11JJ "'-'-J chewed to pieces. Tho injured man was then brought to Bridgeport a3 was also tho carcass of the bear which was promptly shot. The skin will bo tan ned and presented to tho victim a3 a memento of tho few terrible minutes he will not want to experience again. Mr. Delaney is getting along ns well as.uuld be expercd and will in time. THE FINANCIAL CONDITION 01 TllK N ATKK nuuiia Thrrxmh no fault of tho mayor, tho city council or tho water commission er, but rattier tnrougn 1110 uum in u too low meter rate, tho financial con ,nnnn nf tho local water plant Is be coming such that some ronieuini measure must bo taken. Today there are outstanding and unpaid warrantB acnlnst tho water fund aggregating about ?13,000, and tnose warrants aro drawing soven per cent interest. Tho unfortunate feature is mat mis nonou is increasing monthly, nut only are me vii'f.nLs avoraclng less than tho ex penses, but It Is further Increased by tliii interest on tho unpaid warrants which now amounts to seventy-live iinllnrs nor month. Tho council Is loth to Increase tho meter rate because such action will mnvn a most unnomilnr one, but wo arc face to faco with a condition that Vmst Im remedied, and as citizens wo miiat iinroninlainlncly look to tho online;!! to not US OUt of "tllO llO.O' intr. wiiirh 11 ton low rate has place 1 ii'iiv:iiVAt. WAVES PAID IW TDK KAIIjKUAI'B Tim ntronn box of Lincoln county was replenished last week by tho pay ment of tho pesonal tax of tho two rnllrnnita Mint cross IAI1C01U couuiy from east to west. Tho sum paid ny AViniKV II A V VOTI AT KLKCTIOX NEXT TUESDAY. Under the law ot Nebraska every woman who Is of legal ago and Is tho mother of chlldron of schol age, or ono who has property assessed in her own name, is qualified, to cast nor i 118 Luat rummer was, of course, a bad nno fnr rr.vpillios for the nlant: we had oporating department. Tho exact lo- twlce ,;10 usual rain and therefore cation of Uie building has not been de-1 used oniy llBif the usual amount of elded upon, out it is saiu it win ue i", water for our lawns ana garuens, out a point east of Locust street. Mr. nnd Mi even had It been a dry year tho deficit In tho water fund would s.IU Do great er lhan good business principles per mit. If tho present dcllc t is auowccj Acn qn viler enter- M llnl1 oaCK. rur mo dui.u ninn,i tho Elite club and their nus-, "w- Vi. KecognlzfH Norlli Pintle Plajfis n. nnnrl writnr In' thf Lincoln nin'n it will be only a matter JUU11UU 111 limiviiih i - - - school foot ball team for Nobraska.l 0f a year or two until wo must vote tIvp nlacn to Docuo and Cool, the' bon is to piv tho outstanding Indebl- v t.!i. fnnuin niwi tim littor I oiinnas. rr pi:,f. the credit of the water 1U1111U1 III. lib"! ' ' For mo scconu icara mi' (lenarimeiu win uo uu. ght end. The Tribuno is not any mom un.- making these selections tne ;0ua to pay mcreaseu water ruu;s ian tuuiuu mo "". - ,-- m making these selections uio ;ous to pay :ncreusuu wmoi i hands Saturday evening in honor wfUor aiAcd hy the coach i a iyb0lly cEC but lt bolOVoB that such the eighth anniversary of tttoir j j tcnmB c( ,g thc only way t0 pny thc ox. riage. Thoy were presented with a set cb oi uio b dcflclt mA plnco th(j plnnt , of hand-painteu cups ami u i , I self-supporting condition terestmg cam gumua wwu i""-", i pr zes won oy iur. unu mio. m. i .... bpPOnd street. Mr. Everett Bloyd and Mrs. Charles, west Second street. Bicyclo for sale reasonable. 408 The members of thc M. M. M. club . . , nmi .thnir husbands were entertained McMullen. A nice three course lunuu Mr. and Mrs. mggs, wuo mium. ovenlg at the homo of Mr. and Tvas served. Mrs. Harry Bonner, of weck ln Denver, came homo Sunday. c Q wcfC Kansas City was an out-of-town guest. Mntlln hns accented a ninvnil mid roval nrlzes awarded to A Durlnc Uie 1915 foot ball season tho poaition in the Kaufmann-Wernert Co. A. gchatz and Mrs. J. H. Hegarty, " , A,.!.. . ,nn ,,11 nf tim 5v- ; vnrv mitnvablo refreshments were en games played with a total of 195 ' . . vlslUnK with served after the card playing. In nd- mgt ?S0PonDOBlnB teams scoring -ia .Vl JX" th. ditlon to the club members were a rf.e nolnts. The Lincoln high - U"J" " number of Invited guests ....... ------ - m( (i,,l, tim B6tt. enuuiB mia FClTOOl luuui uiau iivuk - - - .on without a defeat, and no Nebraska school team made a score iiipm. The only team scoring Qtniiv nitv. with a field go total points scored by Lincoln 'fin. I 1 ,ln..n Imclnnua - 1 . - -I - In .Trill 1 Ab n rffwaru ior proimieii n uw..M , TT,m,i,oonMinB lifon In I ,oij ,"""h t 4bo" drill team of the local y01!! i jusourl for several days laftorjbokah, lodge nas reci:iu "..:". I his. nronorty Interests. i 'r iwi t nrniin fnr - - i rilllu), w vw n -- For Rent G room House, ngnts ami.ncw work In tlie degree stau. ;umu j ""'".Vf" : ".,,r, , n J bond election to bo held on "i,""UD.," . .iniinr- ,iv oI next week. This special Union Pacific's share of this sum was olectlon Is hold for tho purposo of sevonty-ono thousand and mo uuning- yo ng on . "'P " nlmwn 17M 1 rt linTl T IlIlllHIl 1 1 1 1 . I IIIIIIIIM 111 LUU DUIU J TiM.M.. i. ....,.,i,i r tiioan tnxnn iinilnm for tho construction of n Jun boosts all tho funds of tho county, tho ior high school building on the block i.i- i iim cnimni i st.ricis nr trrniniii on which inu atiiuui through which the roads run, and par- building stands. This proposed Junior tlcularly those traversed by tho Union high school building Is to bo con Paclfic In some of theso districts structtxl to rollovo tho congested con nractic'ally two-thirds of all tho money ditlon m practically all tho rooms ln Li.i invniinn fnr tim Hiiiiiinrt of tho four school buildings, to provide a the schools comes from the Union Pa- gymnasium whldi can bo used as a cllli- and were It not for tho taxes social contor for all tho pupils of all nald' bv this road school conditions ln the schools, and quarters for classes thvto districts would ue in nwnui) in uumosnu stmuw mm umuuui People along the lino of tho Union Tho need of tho building is so ap Pnelllc complain bf high freight ratoa parent, and practically all aro so woll on local shipments, but hero In Lincoln satisfied that tho additional build ng county whoro wo rccelvo such a vast is needed, that no campaign for the sum for taxes, It looks as thougn wo bonds hns been rnauo. nowuvur, inuu got back quite a pcrccntngo of tho mod women as woll as mon should money wo pay out for freight. mako it a point to go to tho polls nnd - - cast tnoir voiu. ny uuuib min jun High School EnlfrliuniiH'iil direct ovldonco that you aro Interested Tho students of tho high school will ,n cduCatlonal mattor3, ln tho upbulld- glve an entertainmcn,t at mo "'gn ng 0f tho city schools and In tho wol school auditorium next Frldny oyn-faro of tll0 children of N6rth Platto. lug. Thc program win consist oi u- lcctlons by tlio noys gieo ciuu, mo iinn olub. readings by Miss Dor- nthv Tilnman. a comedy on foot ball ' . . by tho boys, and wireless tuiugriiiiuj ati'miB tho whole forming nn evening of cnjoyajblo entertainment. Tho price of admission will be iwcniy-nvu ucma. n,M VflllowH Elect Officers At a recent meeting of Walla Walla Lodgo No. 5G, thc following officers v&ro elected: A. S. Allen, N. G.; E. V". Wrlcht. V. G.: J. Guy Swopc, R. s. Davis, treasurer. fnifnv Encammnent No. 23 elected the following officers: C. E. McLano, r p.; n. j. Dicner. S. W.; E. W. Wrlcht. II. P.: Guy Swope, scribo; 17! s. Davis, trensurer: F. C. Petorson, J. N. PUEMIWI LISTS FOR COMBINED SHOWS KEAwx To tho Pcoplo ot Lincoln County. Tho Lincoln County fair Associ ation expects to hold a corn, torago and seed bIiow m Norm i'iauo, .i mi liary 5th to 9th. Tho management o thO Inllr Association huh iumm thoy wcro short on a few varieties of. old corn, forngo seeds and threshed grains, nnd thoy havo mado arrange ments lo put on this show for tho por poso of getting a moro comploto col lection of these products so ns to meet tho needs of good cxiilblts at tho 1910 Btnto fair. . Tho Lincoln County Poultry and Pot Stock Association will also hold ft show tho samo dntos, to bo held in. conjunction with tho com bIiow. Theso nr6 two enterprises which aro to tho interest of ovcry person ln Lincoln county and should bo patronized by all. . , Tho premium list is now out ui m corn show nnd John MncDonald sec rotary of tho poultry association nlso has tho premium lists of that show ready for distribution. Anyono wlsli lng to mako exhibits nt the corn Bhow or any inquiries pertaining to this corn show should address J. E. fao bastlnn, secretary, North Platto, Nob. Two comfortablo furnished roouiB for rent, 520 eastf. l'litn Btruou aciies' Coats van TllK CAltEFFIi INVESTDH Some choice Hrsl mortgage . .- . . mr .....I O01 Iiili.r.vcl 'l'llfisn ;uuibl ju oventn sireui. imiuiiu m o. D,, :i:,in nftornnnn Mri leclcd nnd good piirtlCS IIClllllll liiciii. was 317 west Sixth street. 00-1- Payno Wed ne sdaj afternoon Mrs loc c n i AJJ ( Jiftve al. The, . - A- mn;n ,inwn from VlmBKUV. u was.PnttAr vnsterdav morning to-spendsev- 1 ,vno 0PVw1 I. See 11HATT & (OOD.uAN. IUUl'11 1 1 1 kl ' k. . ' . jp- . l 'v. ,.r.i..i.r Inilv mnmllW of the Ho-! bath, ln good condition. Phone Bkl40. Thomas Burney returned Sunday evening from Wood Itivcr after visit ing relatves tor a weeic. mi Nina Hasmussen was the guest Hon at a seven o'clock dinner In the . . it.- nlmMnll MrtVfr NTIIinV of friends in Sterling last weoK ami returned homo Sunday ovening. Policy lo limn on real estate. UKATT & GOODMAN. from the head office at Des Moine. Tho North Platte drill team Is one of the best in tho Yeoman organization, Miss Alice Plumcr, of Maxwell, came up today to spend the week with Mrs. W. H. McDonald. nnr iniUns' tailored skirts are the hest made, good fitting garments, best workmanship, best styles and onlj the best materials used. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. hAtncr mado for the organization of a ladles auxiliary to Mrs. Zagler, of Lodgepolc, who was the local camp of United Spanish War tho guest of her daughter Mrs. Edward Veterans. We are requested to state pctcrs, returneu nomo mat uvunnie. that any lady who' had relatives in im-i . . whister. of Broadwater, army between April 23, 189b, ami j u y u j Uftr part o last 1, 1902, are eligible to mombershi p came aown iQp a ""Mi K' rZ Mnod tho' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sebastian and J1IB , . ,i fnmiiv returned Sunday ovening from Travel and Study club last ovening family rcfirne yChanpoll rola. Roll call was answered by current l u events. Miss Arvilla Whitakcr read "ves. 1 naner on Carlisle Indians and Mrs. Freeman Hansen returned to Coun G T Field read one on Indian cus- CU Bluffs Sunday evening after spend- K' ... . i ,lminnla i .u,ifi. lila frnndmother Mrs. loms cicely prupuruu iuiicDnm..vw. ,K tl nun. ....... o Ginn, Captain. Tho wives of tho vestrymen of tho Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Weeks win move tlhs week Into their new home on South Walnut. Tho Hnlnnonnl ladles will hold a i Thimsdnv afternoon In the church basement. Mr nnil Mrs. U lariCS lOUO lllivu We have Just purchased 100 Ladies' Coats, no two alike, right up to the minute in style, ana beginning Thursday, December 2d. Wo will place our entire stock of Indies' Misses and Children's Coats on sale at a Discount of 20 Per Cent or Cash. E LEADER, JULIUS P1ZER. 11 Ol tllO V a ,,lr, ,i,r ilio fnrninr will Church of Our Savior will entertain "' tho adult members or mo congrega- n tt TT. UttorbacK. pastor oi uio b I The W. R. C. will meet Saturday af- Mrs. llarrv Gutherless, assisted l)ylln.,, nu members aro requested Mesdames Willerton and Speck, on-1 10 1)0 proscnt as an election of officers tortninnil the Ladies Auxiliary of thei.m were served At a meeting of tho football squad yesterday afternoon Willis Bake" was ebic'ed captain of tho 1910 team. Dur ing ti-o past season Baker placd lelt tackle, and in every gumu yiuvTv... fenslve work that avoii admiration. He is tho son of Chief of Police Bakor. Mayor Evans hns named Julius Plzer as one of tho delegates from this city to the state irrigation convention to . i.-l.l 4 TJnl.1rrr.nnrt nfVt WCOlC. A iifiiecates from wor.n Platte. Hershey and Sutherland vflll attend this convention. vKn itKNT Third StUoailil Miss Francos Arrowsmlt. iost sSml s reel . Other nice hous-! lalla, who was tho guest of 1,est..h,LC. VL,;iciri rn,,.. stnriure naronts Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Emma Pulver. Attoo AUnnln Rosencuttor enjoyed a visit tho past week from her sisters the Misses Anna and Mario Rosen cutter, of Grand Island. hm.Iu lu Mm host lime to buy houses, lols, fiirins or farm land. Sec our list for bargains. 11HATT & GOODMAN. Tvir nnil Mrs. William Callahan, of Grand Island, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noblo for somo time, left Saturday ovening. Mesdames Joseph McCarthy and. G. n TMniinrrifl. nf Stromsburg. who vls- u'0,1 Mr nnil Mrs. Pennington last ll.U ------ week, havo returned nome, Miss Frances Arrowsmlth, of Oga- ner gruuu B. of R. T. Friday afternoon at n ken-1 sington. Lunch was served in two courses. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy with cold er, modornto to fresli winus. iiignusi temperature yestoruay 11, a yuui uHu 52; lowest last night 23, a year ago 24. . Wox hnnoRtlv believe we have the most perfect sound-producing instru ment mado Tho Grafanola. Wo are anxious to demonstrate. DIXON, Thc Jeweler. In tho window of tho Roxall drug store aro displayed' a number of tlu prlies that will be awarded to the winners at tho Lincoln county poul try show to bo held next month. Prnnk Lowell and son Hairy were called to Mason City, Iowa, yesterday by tho death of a relative. Tho Catholic Girls' club has de cided to discontinue meetings until af ter Christmas. Amna Ttnss and mother loft this morning for a visit ln tho western part of tho state. returned s. 1. rM 1 . rvi 11' 1 '.iiiiii'ii 11,1 .. utnriii'K nnrnnLH lvir. mm mm. i. . '"o es unu uniuriiiwieu ." " - Wn,,t i.nmo Saturday morn .mil iinfn iiiMinmr, noxus. lH lilt A El & 000imAN.ilng Mrs. Helen Wlngot has from Omaha whero ho visited last week All Suits and Conts going nt abso luto cost, alterations free. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho Christian ladies will hold their Ilrst day sale of dressed dolls in the window of tho Rexall Drug Store, Saturday. December 4th. Edward Clutter, of Lincoln, visited sovoral of tho local clergymen today while enrouto to tlio western port m the state to hold evangelistic moor ings. ' Atr nnil Mrs. .1. R. O'Ncll and naoy and Miss Mary O'Ncll of Lincoln, who had been visiting nt tho Stack and Tighe residences for ten days, .oft yestordny. Tho Epworth Lcaguo will meet nt tho W. C. McDormott home, 015 west Third streot Frldny evening. All mem- bors aro requested to Do present as uu olectlon of, officers will Do neui. What might havo been a sorlous ilro occurred at tlio llaspol home west of .iviiinv afternoon when an oil stovo oxploded and burned part of tho woodwork and furnishings of tho . i ..... I .... I cli nr iirfiu room, a i'ryeno iuu uauusuiduu. UBod nnd checked tho llames boforo any great amount of damngo was done. BUY A Dodge Brothers 5-Passenger Touring or 2-Passenger Roadster for AT NORTH PLATTE. This Is Hie car you henr nlmut so much us regards Its never giving ',,ii l.llls or In the mud. A icry simply designed motor, but very quiet running and a quiet Hinder. dy lines neat In appearance. T....n.. rt....o,i and molialr oiicmiin ton. Come In and see these ,ii .,,,,1 lot , demonstrule Ihem lo you, then you'll know Uieso jlivrtiv-m " slatemenls are Irue. Hcndy-Ogier Auto Co, DODGIi HHOTIIKHS AOKXTS. (10KNKR F0U11T1I & DEWBY vnit nvillIANOK A section of land for good homo In Tho Indian Card Club will moot with! North l'lntte, .Omaha or JoiiTr. Mra Tnm Tiaalnv Thursday aftcrnoo'i.' huai i v "w...,VVi, Your choice of any Ladies' Suit in our stock ior Your choice of a lot of Ladies' Suits lor $s.oo fhe.0 extraordinary price, are made to close out every fall I suUin our .tock Oi V will be '" : Thosp mit are all our regular kiuciv, umuc uj - the" greaLt hSSSw otfaed in this line in North Platte. Come early while we have your ,ze WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE Com Joy of Motoring ) ri Have a convenient place for housing your car and making the email repairs. . fTi. r.4. .:.rnpnts of a commote garage is r?ar accorSfne to choice. Of course, you'll arrange for the Sows Good lighting is first-aid to handy repair work, syinuows. uo b . -dra naec and you can Build a garage now. It's S year 'round necessity. W. W. BIRGE CO.