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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1915)
Semi-Weeklv Tribune HIA L. HAKE, Editor mid Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One y!ir by Mull In Advance. .. ,$1" One Vtair by Currier In Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North I'latte, Nebraska, Postohlco as Second Class Mutter. l'HIDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1015. A Duty Wc One the Community. "I am opposed to Issuing more bonds for school houses; I urn pay ing about $20 per year now for the support of the schools, and have no children In school more bonds and more taxes mean a burden to mo." Thus remarked a man to Tho Tribune editor. This man, we learned, nftcr we had conversed with him, hnd at ono tlmo llvo chldren In our ,schopls. Two graduated, two quit school at the close of tho lnlth grade, the other at tho closo of tho tenth. These llvo children attended school a total of llfty-two years two attonded twelve years each, two nine years each and ono ten years. The cost per pupil of opcrntlng tho North Platte schools has never been below $20 per year, hence the schooling of this mun's chil dren cost tho district not less than $1.010 this figure. In fact. Is about $100 below the actual cost. Tho porlad covered by theso chldren In school was nearly twenty years. If this man paid n school tax of $20 per year, during that porlod ho did not, how ever, average $20 per year ho paid ns his share of his children's educa tion $100. This left a balance of $010 that other people paid to educate his children. To make up this $040 this man must continue to pay $20 por year for thirty-two years which Is longer than ho will live. Certainly this man should be one of tho biggest boosters for a new school building, Instead of being oposed. Other peoplo having helped educate his children, Is It not only fair that ho should help to educato the children of others? Contrast this man's selfishness with those tax-payers who havo not had children In school for a dozen years yet are contnunlly boosting for butter schools paying taxes cheerfully that tho children of the community may rccolvo a liberal education and thus bo better fitted for life's work. Thoy consider that this course Is a duty they owe tho community; that to do otborwisc would' bo against good citizenship. Wo havo over 1400 school children In tho district, wo want every child to receive tho best education it is possible to givo at our hands and ns good citizens wo will contribute tho necessary funds without com plaint. In tho election on December 7th to voto $50,000 for a Junior high school building thorc should not bo nn opposing vote cast. Defeat Woman's Suffrage. Overwhelming defeat of woman sulTrago In New York, Mnssusotts and Pennsylvania; election of a democra tic govornor In Maryland to succeed n republican, and a republican gover nor in Massachusetts to succeed a democrat; a gain of ono republican representative (from New York) In congress In tho filling of four .va cancies; a closo contest for tho gov ernorship In Kentucky, with tho dem ocratic candidate leading on Incom plete returns, and tho defeat of pro hibition in Ohio, arc features of tho elections in ten states Tuesday. In Now York the proposed new state constitution was rejected bv a major ity of approximately 400,000. New York denied woman's plea for tho ballot bv a majority of approxi mately 200.000. Massachusetts? voto aTal-1 sul'fracc showed a majority of 132082. Pennsylvania's returns wcr plow In comtng In. but Indicated that t,ho majority ngalns sufflrago would bo loss than first llgures In dicated. Estlmatos based on Incom plete returns forecast defeat of tho nmendent by from 50,000 to 00,000. Tnmmv Hall triumphed In Now York City by tho election or a dis trict nttornoy for tho first tlmo In fifteen years, jhe sheriff of Now York countv nnd n majority of tho board of aldornmn. Stearns-Johnson Wedding. A pretty homo wedding took plnco Wednesday evening at tho home of Mr. nnd Mrn, Amos Johnson In tho Fourth ward wlion tholr daughtor Margaret was unltod In mnrriago to Albert Stearns of Stnploton. Itov. Crnm performed tho ceremony lu tho profoncn or one hundrod guests. Miss Edith Peters plnved tho wed dlng march and Miss Violet Steolo was mnld of honor. The brldo nnd her attendant both wore gowns of palo blue mossnllno with Ined ovordrapo nnd trimmings of chiffon. Tho bridal bomiuot was of llltos and tho nmd enrred whlto roses. Itox Stcnrns. a brother of tho groom nctod as host man. A sumptuous woddlng suppe? was Borved nnd the numerous gifts dis played In one of tho smallor rooms. Mr. nnd Mrs. Steams loft yester day afternoon for tholr now homo In SJtnploton and whom a dance and supper will bo given by the groom's parenta tomorrow evening. Tho groom Is n prosperous young farmer and tho brldo a very nmlnblo young lady whoso mnny0frlonds ex tend congratulations. ' National Secretary (Jives iJUxtuio. Secretary aibson, of the National Amen?nn Pen Stock AssoclHlou. gnvo a" lecturo Tuesdny ovonlng to mom bors of tho Lincoln County Poultry and Pot Stock Assn. at tho M. O, Rodger's store. In his talk, Mr. Gib son advocated tho brooding of puro bred stock. Ho vns well pleased with tho stock ho saw In North Platto. IIo was enrouto to tho pot stock show nt tlio Panama exposition whoro ho will officiate as Judge Omaha and North Platto wore tho only stops ho mado enrouto to the coast, showing that tho Lincoln county association though, only, in Its second year is ;hown as far i.aet as Petrlot, Mich., tho homo of Mr. Gibson. M. Sundholmer transacted business Jn Ogalalla Wednesday. F. j. rjfENEr. & CO. Ileal Estate and Insurnnco Come and sco us for town lots In dlfforent parts of tho city. Oood In vestments on easy terms. Houses for aalc and rent. We havo also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts., upstairs. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho Conty Couurt, Nov. 1, 1915. In the Matter of tho Estate of Mar gratha Uurkc, Deceased. On rondlng and filing tho petition of John Uurkc, praying that tho Instru ment, filed on tho 1st day of Novom bor, 1015, and purporting to bo tho last Will and Testament of tho said deceased, may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Tcstnmcnt of tho said Margratha Durke, deceased, and that tho crecutlon of said Instrument mny bo committed nnd tho administration of said Estato may be granted to Jolin Uurkc, Peter Burko and Eliza beth Uratt as Executors. Ordered that November 20, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. in., Is assigned for hear ing said petition, when nil persons Interested In snld mntter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cnuso why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. Notice of this hearing will bo published in tho North Platto Tribune, for threo successive weeks prior to said hearing. GEO. E. FRENCH, i nl-Sw County Judge. No! loo of .Special Election Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 7th day of December, 1915, a special election will bo held In tho School Dis trict of tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lincoln, In tho State of Ne braska; the polling places to bo as follows: For that portion of said Dis trict north of the tracks of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, at tho Hoso House in tho Fourth Ward In tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln County, Ne braska; for that portion of snld Dis trict south of tho tracks of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company and west of Dewey street, and public road No. (5, which s a continuation of Dewey Street, n't the Hoso Houso In tho Third Ward of said City of North Platto; and for that portion of said District south of tho tracks of tho Un ion Pulclllt Railroad Company and enst of said Dowey Street and public road No. G, the same being a contlnu tlon of Dowey street, at Lloyd's Opera Houso In tho First Ward In tho City of North Platto. At which said election tho following proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of said School District: "Shnll tho School District of tho City of North Platto, In tho County of Lincoln, In tho Stnto of Nebraska, Is sue Its negotiable bonds In the sum of Fifty Thousnnd Dollars, ($50,000.00) In denominations of Sl.ono.nn nnnii dated on tho first day of April, 191G, uearing interest at tho rate of 5 por cent por annum, payable semi-annually. orlnclDal nnd . Intnrpnt nnvnhln at tho fiscal agency of the State of Ne- urasim in mo city of Now York and payable as follows, to-wlt: In twen ty yenrs from tho dntn thprnnf hut may bo pjaid at any tlmo after ton years irom tno, ante thoreor at tho op tion of the Board of Education of said School District. Said bonds to be issued for tho pur pose of erecting and furnishing ono 14 room school building in tho First Ward of tho City of North Plntto, Ne braska, on Dlock 144 In said ward. And shnll tho Board of Educntion of tho School District nf Mm r.Uv nf North Platto, In the County of Lin coln. Ill tho Stato of Nohrnskn hr athorlzed to cause to bo levied and collected, a tax annually. In amount sufficient to pay the lijtorqst nnd prin cipal of said bondB. nn the sanm nur ture, In addition to tho taxes now au thorized to Do lovlcd by law, on nil property withn tho snld School Dis trict. Tho ballots to be used ut said olcc tlon shnll havo printed thereon: "For Issuing $50,000.00 nf Mm bonds of tho School District of tho CItV Of North Plntto. In Mm Pnnntir of Lincoln, in tho Stnto of Nebraska, ror. tno purpose or erecting nnd fur nishing ono 14 room school building 011 block 144 In tlin First Wnnl nf Mm City of North Platto, Nebraska, In said nisirici. aniu nonus to bo ncgotlnblo In form nnd to bear Interest nt the fate of flvo nor cent nnr nnninn. nnvJ nolo semi-annually, principal and lu- uirosi. pnynmo at tlio llscal ngoncy or tho State or Nebraska, In tho city or Now York and which said bonds shnll bo duo as follows: In twenty years rrom tho date thoreor, but mny bo paid nt any time nftor ton yonrB from tho ditto thereof, nt tho option of tho Donrd of Educntion of snld school district; and for levying and collect ing a tnx annually In an amount suf ficient to pay tho intorest nnd princi pal of said bonds, as tlio same mature in addition to tho taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on all property within the said school district." "Against Issuing $50,000.00 of tho bonds or tho School District of tho City ot North Platte, tn the County ot Lincoln, in tho State of NobraBka, for the purnoso of orectlni? nnd furnishing ! one 14 room school building on block 144 In the First Ward ot the City or North Plntto. Nebraska, within Bald lutunci. sniu bonds to bo negotiable In form and to hour Interest at tho nito or llvo por cont por annum pny ublo Homl-iuinually, prlnclpnl and In terest payable at tho llscal agoncy of tho State or Nebraska In tho City or York' nmT wllch bald bonds shnll bo due ns rollows: In twonty years rrom tho date thoreor but may bo paid at any tlmo nrtor ten yoars trom the date thoreor, nt tho option or tho Hoard or Education or said hchool District; and against lovying nnd collecting a tnx annually, In an amount sufficient to pay tho Intor est nnd principal of said bonds, ns tho same mature, In nddltlon to tho taxes, now nuthorlzed by law, on all proporty within tho snld school dis trict." Thoso voting In favor of said prop- nnltlnil nlinll mnrli- Minln 1...11t.. ...nt. . ....... w.,,.,. t..u.a ijuiii;.g Willi Inn "X" after tho paragraph beginning ror issuing ou.uuu.uu or tlio bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platto, In tho County of Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska." Those Vnllnir np-nlnnt on 1,1 nmnna'l- I tiou shall mark their ballot3 with nn "X" after tho paragraph beginning "Against Issuing $50,000.00 of the bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, In tho Stnto of Nebraska." Said election to be open at (8) olgl)t o'clock a. in. nnd contlnuo open until (6) six o'clock p. m. central time on said date Dated this 1st day of November, 1915. Uy order of the Hoard of Education. E. T. TRAMP, President. A. F. STREITZ, Secretary. BERYL HAHN, TEACHER OF PIANO 112 Ennt Third SI rod. Phone Red 101. Office phone 241. Res. phone 21' L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraokn, McDonald Bnnk Building. THE LOTUS 5? Steam Heal, Running Hot and Cold Water in all the rooms. Prices Reasonable. Comer 6tli and Locust St. MRS. C. F. JOHNSTON, Prop. RESOLUTION UK IT UNSOLVED, Uy the Mayor nnd City Council of the City of North Pluttc, Lincoln County. Nebraska, sit ting nt u regular meeting of the Coun cil on October 5th, 1915. for tho pur poses of assessing damages In tho mat ter of appropriating prlvato property for street purposes and for the opening of a portion of Willow nnd "A" and "U" streets within the City ot North Platte. Nebraska. Whereas, tho .Mayor and Council of tho City of North I'latte, Nebraska, did on tho 29th day of June, 191fi, pur chase from prlvato owners tho fol lowing described property to-wlt: Ho lnniug at tho Northeast corner of the Northwest ciunrter (NW&) of North west quarter NW). Section four (4), Township thirteen (13) North. Range thirty (30) west of the 6th 1. M., thence south along the enst lino of said North west quarter (NWU) of Northwest, quarter (NW) Section four (4) a distance of G25.02 foot, thence west parallel with the north line of Section four (4) a dis tanco of 348.5 feot, thenco north paral lel with the east line of tho Northwest quarter (NWH) of Northwest quar ter (NWH) Section four (4) a distance of 8.02 feet thence east parallel to tho north line of said Section four (4) to tho southwest corner of lot four (4) Hlock two (2) to Solby's Subdivision of Hay's IMat of a part of Lot Four, (4). Section four (4). Township thir teen (13) north. Range thirty (30) west, thenco south parallel to tho east line of tho Northwest quarter (NWH) of the Northwest qunrter (NWH) Of section four (4) n dlstnnco of 4 fd6t, thence east parallel to tho north Ilh'e of snld Section four (4) n dlstanco of 130.21 feet thence north parallel to tho east line of Northwest quarter (NWH) of tho Nortwest quarter (NWH) Section four (I) n dlstanco of four feet thenco east parallel to north line of Section four (4) a dlstanco of 1C feet thenco south parallel to tlio east lino of tho Northwest quarter (NWH) of the Northwest quartor (NWH) Sec tion four (1) a distance of 4 feot, thenco east parallel to tho north line of said Section four (4) a distance of 115.90 feet, thence north parallel to tho east lino of said Suction four (4) a dlstanco of 250 feot. thenco west parallel to the north line of Section four (4) n distance of 115.90 feot, thehcta north parnllel to tho enst lino of North west quarter (NWH ) of the Northwest quarter (NWH) Section four (I) n distance of 80 feet, thenco east paral lel to tho north lino of Section four (4) a dlstanco of 115.90 feot thenco north parallel to the cast lino of North west quarter (NWH) of the Northwest quartor (NWH) Section four (4) n dis tance of 101.0 feet, thence west paral lel to the north lino of Section four (4) a distance of 115.90 foet. thenco north parallel to tho east lino of North west quartor of tho Northwest quartor (NWH) Section four (4) a distance of lfi.O feet, thoneo east parallol to the north line of section four (4) a dls tanco of 115.90 feot thence north nnr. nllel to tho east lino of tho Northwost quarter (NWH) of the Nortwest quar ter (NWH) Section four (4) a distance ui i u .u ion, inonco west piu ullcl to the north lino of Section 4 n dlstnnco of 115.90 feet, thence north parallel to tho east line of. the Northwest quarter (NWH) of tho Northwost quartor fNWV'. ) to tho north lino of said sec tion four (4) thenco mint nlnnc ttm north lino of Section four (4) to place ui uukiiiiiiiik, ior inn purpose or open ing streets and for stroot Imprpvo n'eiits, and whornB said tract was pur chased for tho sum of $300.00 exclus ive of any assessment togothor with costs of purohnso amounting to tho B'ini of $1)0.00, same bolng a reason able and Just sum nnd In tho opinion of tho council the lowest amount for whleh said premises cbuld bo obtained. WHEREAS, said Council of said City deem It expedient and best that the d'wnnKoH and costs for said appropria tion ho assessed nxalnflt tho real prop erty nearby that may bo especially ben clltted. THEREFORE. 11H IT RESOLVED, HY Til 13 MAYOR nnd COUNCIL OF 'riii: CITV OF NORTH PLATTE. NE HRASKA : That the property purchased hy sntrt City to be pnld for by damages nnd levied nnd assessed upon tho roal property thereby especially benefitted by such appropriation nnd that said Council sit ns a Hoard of Equalization for the purpose equalizing said damngos ami costs of purchnso and levying Hald tax iiKaliiHt such properties at the ronr nlar meeting of the Council to be hold November lfith. 1915. Snld damiiKes nnd costs to bo nssessed nwaiiiHt tho rollowlnsr described lands, tho same belli tho roal proportv es pecially benollttod, to-wlt: HJocks 1 and 2 of Solby's Addition. We.Ht, ,IT,r of "locks 4 and 5, Min or's Addition. Lots 1 nnd S In Hlock 18S of tho Orlwlnnl Town of North I'latte, ! Hlocks 6 and 12 ot South l'ank Ad dition. Lots 4 nnd 5. Hlock 189 of tho Oiifr Innl Town of North Plntto. South half of Hlook 187, ordinal town of North Vlatto. That part of Lot 3 In Section 33, Two. 11 N., Rnimo 30 W.. lylnjr south of Lots 5. 6, and 7. Hlock 1S7 ot tho orliflnnl town of North Platte. Hlocks 1 nnd 2. Hank's Addition. Hlocks C nnd 11 of South Tnrk Ad dition. I'.?ts. 7nml s' "lock 189. Hlocks 12 and 13. and east half of Hlpcks 4 nnd 5, MIllor'H Addition Lots 9 and 10, Wilson's Hub-dlvlslon of Lots 5, 6. 7 nnd S, Hlock 185 of the orlulnnl town. v That part of Lot 3 In Sec. 33, Twp, 14 N.. "nnKo 30 1 south of Lots B. 6. 7 and 8 in Hlock 1SB of the ordinal town. P?kCAd,itfon3 7' 8' 9 iml 10' 8oUt" Octobo?,ai9l5. ft,),rovml thl" ct" hay .Qf , ,..' E. II. EVANsJ. AUe'st-L rr. C F. TEMPLE, City Clerk Elizabeth Kaar-Langston T eacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front St. JOHN S. SDIMS, M. P., 1'hyslclt.n nnd Surgeon Omce B. & L. Building, Second Floor Phone, Omce, 83; Residence 38. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 53 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the ncientific treatment of medical, surgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Roy and diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Reifie!d,M.D. J. S. Simms, H.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Olllce McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowey Streets. Phones, Olllce 183, Residence 283 We are Paying a Big Price for H'des. Don't ship, for we will pay you for every pound and save you shrinkage. We are paying $10 Per ton for Dry Bones. North Platte Junk House Lock's Old Barn. DEKRYBEItRY & FORBES, Licensed Eiubalmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 234. Night Phone Black 688. Hospital Phono Black G33. Houso Phono Black 633. IV. T. PRITCHAIil), Graduate Yettirinurian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. If (Mrs and Cattle Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red C3G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. For the next five months smokers will spend their evenings Indoors, nnd wlmt Is more convenient nnd more plensiirenblo than n box of cigars nt home, easily accessible when you have an Inclination to smoke. Try a box of our home-Hindu nnd hnnd-mudo ci gars, the kind iliut arc a little better than you buy elsewhere for the same price. We also carry a full line of to bucco and smokers' articles. J. F. Schmalzried. Order of Hearing on Final Settlement. Tho Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County. In tho County County Court: In tho Matter of tJio Estato of Dennis J. O'Urlon, Deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in tho estato of Den nis J. O'Urien: Take notice, that Corda V. O'Brlon has filed In tho County Court, n roport of her doings ns Ad ministratrix of said estato, and it Is ordored that the samo stand for hear ing tho 12th day of November A. D. 1915, beforo tho Court ut tho hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at which time any per son lntorested may appear nnd except to nn d coptest the samo. Notice dfthls proceeding and tho hearing Uioreof Is ordered given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Trlbuno, a semi-weekly nowopnper printed In said C6unty, for throe, consecutive week's prior to said dato of hearing. Dated October 16, 1915. . . GEO. E. FRENCH; -ol9-3w County Judge. Cigars k the Home Not Hospital Bat a Home Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platto, Neb. Sirs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent. Miss Ycta Flcknrd, Gruduntc Nurse. Dr. J. S. Tninem, Physician and Surgeon Best for Humanity's Cure Orlficlal Surgery with Homeopathic Jlcdl cine for Acute and Chronic Disease. J. B. BEBFIELl). PJIYSICLVN & SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfield & Redflold Ofllce Phone G42 Res. Phono 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building nnd Loan Building Phone, t Office 130 rnone Regldence 115 LEGAL NOTICE To I. Benton Taylor and Mrs. I. Ben ton Taylor, his wife, non-resident defendants: You nnd eah of you will take no tice that H. S. Evans. Plaintiff, filed his certain petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on iov. 4, 1U15, against you and each of you Impleaded, the object and pray er of which are to I'ornnms.? mm nf nil eaultv of redemnrlnn. nlsilin. riirht title and liiterc'3 In tho following dc d- cnoeu innus ultuato lu Lincoln Coun- ty, Nebraska, to -wit: All oC Sec tion Nineteen flln Townshln iriftopn (15), Nprth, of Range Twenty-eight .as) ami west imir ot the Northeast quarter (WNU'. and East Half of the Northwest Ouitrtor ri3.NWWi of Section Twenty-four (24)," Town- snip iuiocn North, of Range i wcnty-nme isaj west of the Gth P. M.. to satisfy first Hens nl.ihn liv nisi in. tiff upon said respective tracts'of land nau uy virtue ot oeing me owner of Tax aaie certltlcato No. 4790 and No. 4803. belnc certificates of thn of said respective tracts of land from tne Treasurer or said county at pub lic sale for the taxes for tho vonr lnno. and by virtue of subsequent taxes paid tliercon OV nlalntiff Jinrl nrr-niPi! In. terest, and upon said certificate No. uvu tnere is now due tho sum of $161. ft? lioincr sv Hon nnnn snlil nrHnn Nineteen andi upon said certificate No. 4803 the sum of ?47.30 being a nen upon said west half of the North east 'Quarter and East Half of tho Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty four, and if sad respective kha to gether with accrulsg Interest thereon at tne rate ot 15 per cent per annum and costs of suit lif not nnlil wlfliln 3Q days from the date of decree had herein, the said respective tracts be sold In. satisfaction theredf. You and each of you will make answer heroin on or before December 20, 1915, or decree will be taken against you as In said petition prayed. H. H. KVANS, Plaintiff, By E. H. EVANS, His Attorney. Probate Notice. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss, In the County Court. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Eliza beth Whiting, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Edward S. Whiting, praying thut tne instrument, filed on the 13th day of October, 1915, and purporting to be tne Transcript ot the Probate Pro ceedings in Henry Co., Stato of 111., of tho last Will and Testament of the said deceased, may bo proved, ap- proved.probated.allowed and recorded as tho last Will and Testament of tho said Elizabeth Whiting, deceased, and that tho execution of said Instrument may be committed and tho administra tion of said Estato may be granted to Edward S. Whiting as Executor. Ordered, That Nov. 12, 1915. at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hear ing said petition, when all persons In terested In said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held in and for said County, and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted. GEO. E. FRENCH, ol9-3 County Judge. Notlco of Suit In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. , Frank F. Davis, Plaintiff vs. Georgo B. Melvln, Ida May Melvln, Ills wife, and Mrs. R. F. Owens, Defendants. Georgo 13. Melvln and Ida May Mel vln, defendants, will tako notlco that tho plaintiff, Frank F. Davis, filed his petition in tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska, on October 18, 1915, ngniust said defendants nbovo named, tho object and prayer of said petition being to forecloso a cortaln mortgage made, executd nnd delivered by said defendants on April 7, 1911 to tho plaintiff, which said mortgogo sold and convoyed to tho said plalntil nil of Section Thirty-Two (32) Township Slxtoon (16) North. Range Thirty Threo (33) West 6th P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, as security for tho payment of a cortaln note made, exe cuted and delivered by tho said de fendants on April 7, 1911 to tho plaln tlc herein, said note being In the sum ot $2,000.00 with interest at 10 por cont from April 7, 1911 and said mortgage being recorded on April 17, 1911 In book 42 ot mortgages at pago 44 of tho records of Lincoln County, Nebraska. That thoro is now duo up on said note and mortgage, the sum of $2000.00 with Interest nt 10 per cent from April 7, 1914, and nlso tho sum of $22.85 with intorest thereon at 10 por cont por annum from October 18, 1915, on account of taxes paid by plaintiff upon said land. Said defendants aro required to ans wer Bald petition on or before the 29th day ot Novomber, 1915. FRANK F. DAVIS. Palntlff. By WM. E; SHUMAN, ' ol9-4w Ills Attorney. Order or Hrurlnic nn 1'rtltlon for S?t- tlrmrnt of Account. State of NolirnHkn, Lincoln County, as In tho County Court. In tho Mnttcor of the Estate of John It. McWIUInniH, .Deceased. On rending and Ming tho petition of Kllzabeth McWIllliuns praying a final settlement and nllownnco of her final account, filed ontho 21st day of October. 1916, and for a decree of descent and distribution. ordered, That Nov. 19 A. D. 1915, at 9 o clock A. M., Is aslRiicd for hearing said petition, when all persona inter ested In said matter mny appear at a County Court to ho hold In and for said County, and show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted: and that notlco of tho pon dency of said petition, and tho hearing thereof, bo Klven to all persons inter ested In said matter by publishing a copy' of this order In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal seml-wcokly news paper printed in said County, for threo successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated October 21, 191G. GEO. E. FRENCH, Q.26-3W. County Judge. HHSOI.UTION or the Council or (lie ( II) of North l'lutte, Creating l'avlng District No. 1 , WHKKHAS, tho City of North Platto did at a special election bold on Sep tember 14th, 1915. vote to authorize tho Issue ot bonds in the sum of $10,000 for the purpose of paving street Inter sections and spaces opposite alleys within said city and which said bond lsHim is now available for such pur pose. THEniCFOXtE, HE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of tho City of North I'latte. that Paving District No. 1 of the City of North Platto be and tlio same Is hereby created to be composed of tho following streots and portions of streets therein and contained within the limits and boundaries herein set forth and defined, to-wlt: All that portion of Locust Street lying between the south side of Ninth Street and the north side of Third Street; all that portion of Dewey Street lying between the north side of Front Street and the north side of Third Street: all that portion of Pine Street lying between the north side of Front Street and the south sido of Sixth Street; nil that portion of Front Street lying between tho east line of Vino street and the west lino of Chestnut Street; nil that portion of Sixth Street lying between the east line of Vine Street and the east side of Pino Street; all that portion of Fifth Street lying between the east line of Vino Street and the west lino of Pine Street; all that portion of Fourth Street lying be tween the west line of Locust Street and the west lino of Pine Street and HE IT Fl'UTIIER RESOLVED; That a copy of this resolution be published for not less than thirty days In tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune and the North Platte Telegraph and that to non-resident property owners shall be mailed a copy of this resolution by registered mall to the last known ad dress of said respective non-residents and that unless a majority of the own ers of property abutting on the with in described district shall file written objections to the creation of said dis trict and to tho paving and curbing of same within thirty days from tho date of the first publication of this res olution, then tlie limits and boundaries of this District as defined shall be es tablished and the paving and curbing thereof ordered by ordinance and that the Mayor and Council shall proceed forthwith to construct such pavement subject to the right of the property owner therein to designate the material to bo used. Passed and approved this 21st day of October, 1915. E- H- EVANS. (SEAL) Mayor. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Notice for Publication Serial No. 05301 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr., October 2, 191&. Notice Is hereby given that Louis E. Macey, of North Platte. Nebr , who, on Oct. 30, 1911, made Homestead En. try No. 05301, for NE& Section 32, Township 14 N., Range 29 W , Gth Principal Meridian has filed notice of Intention to maka fnal three yeat Proof, to establish claim fo the land aoove described, before the Registei and Receiver at North Platte Nebr., on tho 24th day of November! 1915. Claimant namesi as witnesses. Purdy, Jess Long, all of North Platte, George Kopf, Laben Hollar, Frank Nebr. 012-6 w J. E. EVANS, Registei. Notice of Salu Under Lien for Re pairs on Automobile. Notlco is hereby given that the un dersigned will sell at public auction at tho garage of Hendy & Ogler In tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the 13th day of Novem ber, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., one Flanders 20 automobile, car rying license No. 4923 of Arizona, to satisfy the sum of $62.95 with ac cruing expenses and Interest upon the same, to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a lien upon said automobile for repairs, material and labor fur nished by said Hendy & Ogler in and upon said car, under a contract there for by ono John Doe, whose real name is J. Pensal, and who has failed to pay the samo after repeated demands therefor. That a verified itemized statement for said repairs, material and labor furnished In nnd nnnn anfl car was duly filed In tho office of the uounty uiork or Lincoln Countv, Ne braska, upon the 22nd day of Septem ber. 1915. That no nronopdlnirn it lnw have been had or instituted to recover tne amount of tho said Hon or any part thereof. Dated this 18th day of October. 1915. 019-4 HENDY & OGIER, By A. MumoonJJTjlerAttorney . Order of Heaiinir to Determine Heir sh!. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho Matter of the Estato of John B. Fisher, Deceased. To the Creditors, Heirs and all per sons Interested in said estato: Notice ia hereby given, that John E. Fisher, claiming an undivided 4 in terest in and to tho EV6 SE4 Sec. 27, Eij NE'i Sec. 28. T. 9 N. R. 34 West 6th P. M filed his petition In tho County Court of Lincoln County Ne braska praying for a determination of the time of death of John B. Fisher and of the heirs of snld daccaed, and their degreo of kinship and tho Inter est In said roal estato of the petitioner nnd other heirs, and that all claims against said estato bo barred. Said petition alleges that John B. Fisher died on or about September 4, 1913, and that at tho date of his death ho was a resident of Jasper, Florida, and was tho owner of an Interest In tho nbovo described premises by vlrtuo of a mortgage upon said land, nnd thnt thoro survived him Margaret Fisher, his widow, and that ho died Intestate, leaving ns next of kin: Ralph T. Fisher, Mrs. Dora S. Rachel, Mrs. Mar garet C. Hadsock and John E. Fisher, only children of deceased. It is horoby ordered that said peti tion bo heard at tho office of the. County Judge of Lincoln County, Ne braska, on tho J?CiU day ot -Noyembar, 1915, at 9 A. 3L 'GEO. E.'FRUM'H, n2-3w County Judge.