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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1915)
ktra-lfeMji tribune THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATO, NED., NOVEMBER 9, 1915. No. 84 CITY AM) COUNTY NEWS. Miss Cora Sousor will entertain the Eldeen club on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 17th. "Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W. H. McDon ald, 407 west Fifth." John Tlghe, who has been visiting relatives In Lincoln for a week Is expected to return tomorrow. Mrs. C. J. Perkins and Mrs. Geo. Langlols went to Grand Island Sat urday' morning to spend a few days. The foot ball team of the "Wyoming university will play tho team of the state normal at Kearney next Satur day. The Presbyterian aid society will have a gross of "Spot Remover" on salo at their exchange next Thursday afternoon. A party of local young folks spent Sunday with Mrs. Laura Shaffer at her homestead near Dickens. They report a pleasant day. Mrs. J. H. Van Cleave returned Sat urday evening frCm Lincoln where she attended a convention of Chris tian churches last week. Mrs. Chas. Bailey, a sister of Slgol and Abo Milton, of "Willow precinct, died recently at Alberta, Utah. The de ceased resided in Lincoln county for a number of years prior to 1910. There will bo a Teachers' examina tion given November 19 and 20 at North Platte, Sutherland, "Wallace, "Welllleet, Maxwell and Brady. County and Life subjects wil be given. 84-2 Hupfer & Landgraf arc erecting a new electric bill board between tho Stamp bakery and tho Elk home. It will be used by a number of the local business men. It measures 11 by 42 feet. If you have not bought your Fall Suit as yet, now is the tuio to uuy it when you can save from $5.00 to ?10 while we are closing out our suits at at actual cost. BLOCK'S. Last evening Dr. and Mrs. "Wurtele entertained the cast of characters who furnished the cntertalnement at the Elk Hallowe'en party. Tho guests, numbering fifteen, spent a very enjoy able evening and were served with a nice lunch. j Miss Massey, of Chambers' dancing academy, Omaha, announces that she will reopen the children's dancing class at the Masonic hall for. a six weeks course beginning Saturday November 13th, from 3 to 5. $3 thc course. Private lessons for adults ?1. Call Red 521. Mrs, James Beckman and Mrs. Booth very pleasantly entertained the As sembly club Friday afternoon. There was. a good attendance to answer the roll call by favorite quotations. Mrs. Carroll was tho guest of honor. MnJ. E. M. Smith and Mrs. Greno were prize winners. The ladies entertaining were presented with a hand painted plate by the club. The club will meet in two weeks at tho home at Mrs. Norris, at which meeting the ladies will entertain their husbands at a six o'clock turkey dinner. Friends in this city have received cards announcing the wedding of Miss Nettie Juster and Adolph Hanson which will take place at the home of the brde in Minneapolis on Tuns day, November 23d. After a honey moon trip in the eastern cities they will be at homo at "Thc.Crest Hotel" in Denver. Mr. HansonjJ well known here, having been employed for a num ber of years by the Egyptian Lumber Co. of Minneapolis and frequently vls ted. here for several days at a time, combining busines and pleasure. Boauchamp tomorrow night at the Presbyterian church. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Lutheran llrotherhooil Banquet. Nearly one hundred 1 men two- T,.I1I Cnh.lnn I. no Mt,,ml,l' "'"Un Ul ntu lUUlllUUlB Ul WIU il-llj V I OU1I IB KU III 1 II VU lO I 111! "U U O .00 uv.m wui ...w .Lutucran brotherhood and tho re- by Illness. i from an extended visit in Callaway. nmlndor guests-wore present at tho ' - . wn , . ' Lost-A green auto veil. Return to1 annual banquet of that brotherhood J't&lhXJlVim. this office. held at the Masonic hall last evening. v b i In all respects it was a most success- Attorney J. G. Bcclor left this ful gathering of men representing morning for Grant on legal business. nearly all tne vocations of lire tho supper -served by tho Lutheran ladles was a splendid one, and the addross by the honor guest of tho evening in tensely Interesting and well deliver ed. Judgo Grimes went to Arthur coun ty yesterday to hold a term of district court. Russell Bedell has accepted a po sition as driver for tho Horrod gro cery. Reed Bush left tho first of tho week for Grand Island to spend a week with relatives. For Rent 10th street. E. Shuman. -5 room cotagc, 30G cast ?1G.00 per month. Win. Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton went to Omaha tho latter part of last, week to visit for several days. j Mas Hazel Smpson returned yesfer- Special Dinners -AT- day morning from a week's visit with It was shortly after seven o clock, the Halst family In Horshoy. i when tho president of tho brotherhood, Casper Rnugh and son Allison left Sunday for Kansas City to visit with relatives for a week or more. i Frank uretzer, issued tho order to "fall in," and after an Invocation by Dr. Dyslnger, the men seated them selves at tho nicely decorated tables 1 rillCipai UOOUlSOn ailll SIX OI lilt. , .,v..11,.,.Ut.,l nnnn,ol nml an I.,.,,, fV.1 .Info Iu.r,. nn l.uatllnaci nnlollo nnm,t voilnnnV """"."'"J' 1..v.l..1.v u..u oyi '"' '"to " " " " " i.o.i.voo The Vienna Cafe Claudo Delancy returned to North here visiting the schools. Mrs. C. M. Gilbert, of Callaway, came tho latter part of last week to visit her son I. A. Gilbert and family for a couple of weeks. Ladles', Misses and Children's bath robes from 98c up at BLOCK'S. ,,,, ' tT., i.,t-.i.,n.i ' V&u Overman who Is taking trcat- or in nZ i ut ment nb the North Platto General' or of the ovonlng, Dr. Dyslnger, pro- ijognItul t ccttinir nlonir nlcelv i fossor of theology In tho Atcliison, P""1 19 sctunj, nlon nicti. j Kansas, Lutheran college, who spoke Miss Anna Scholr, who was a guest for about an hour on "The Forces of at the Schram homo for a couple of , weeks left yesterday for Columbus. iir3. aenry snnon was cniicu 10 ror Cents. 0K2S the Reformation Still Active." Re viewing torsoly and interestingly tho work of Martin Luther, tho spoakor Mrs. George LeDIoyt and Edward 1 cited as pno of the effects of tho groat Scharman left Saturday morning fori reformer's efforts that today nearly Kearney to vslt Andy Scharmann one-half of the Protestant churc'i i Ilnslings last evening by the critical I condition of her mother, Mrs. Carson.) who was injured recently. P. F. Droyer was arrested Saturday morning for causing a disturbance while Intoxicated. Ho was ordered to leave town, which ho did. Mr. and Mrs. Austin, of Sabetha, Kansas, who were visiting their son, Thos. Austin and family for several Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yonker, of Grand members aro Lutherans, and that the Island, who were guests of Mr. and sun never sets on the spires of tho Mrs. Fred Tobls, havo returned home. Lutheran churches which arc to bo ; Mon(!V lo lom. (m rci.i ,,s(,,,.. found in America, In Europe, in Asia,' -M0"tJ 10 VifiTT c- romnrvv in Africa and in tho Islands of tho JIHA1I .V hUUlMLM. seas. Historically the address yns ' llrnlt is Gootlnmn havo closed Hie Intensely Interesting; many points sale of the Morirnn properties and can were made that appealed to tho mem- sell jours If priced right. hers and Strengthened them in their Miss Tronn O'Dnnnnll Is nnlnvlnir :i weeks, returned home the latter part of faith, and to those without the pale of visit from her sister, Mrs. Fred At last week. I tho church the words of Dr. Dyslngor kins, of Rawlins, who came a few days 1 All Fall Suits now selling at cost a IavonU10 ""Passion, tiio ago. at BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Folchort and children, of Welllleet, wore In town tho latter part of last week visiting friends, and while here ronowed their subscription to The Trlbuno Mr. and Mrs. George Yeoman and baby, formerly of Omaha, arrived here last evening to make their home. The twirii oi uiu grem ruiormur is buii ( John A K0st0r, of the Fourth Ward,' .li-ii.c ... iiiu.i uo wnuinvi, lg critically ill, having contracted and his messago to the Lutheran men pntiumonla the lntlcr part of last of North Platte could only serve to qj i Inspire greater efforts in behalf of . I the church founded by Martin Luther. ' The Rebekah lodge will hold a ken- I suigton at tne i. u. u. i nan iTiaay, lflornnnn A ti nlnptnn nf rfflnnra will' I Ho:ie lo Organize Y. 31. C. A. afternoon. C. A. Mussellman, state secretary of be held. me l. i. u. a., spent yesteruay in. former Is local representative of the town- 11,8 mission hero being to as- Mrs. John Weinberger was called in Hmnlin tlir. Ilrat rt Mln tvnnlr iw Mm Kennedy-Spencer Hardware Co. cunaui puonc sumimuiu reiuuvu io inneSH of her daughter, Mrs. Will organizing a Young Men s Christan AiPn i Weather forecast for North. Platte Association. He also destrdd to make . ... t , I and vicinity: Showers tonight and! arrangements for a meeting to be held ' Attorney Win, E. Shuman went to, Wednesday; warmer tonight, coolor, the early part of next month at which Rranhtot a?' to lok after 1 tigation in , Wednesday. Highest temperature several men prominent In Y. M. C. A. l,,c district court of Perkins county, yesterday 55, a year ago 01; , lowest' work will be present and make ad- which convenes there today. j dresses. 1 1 Miss Florence McKay gave a mus- For many years North Platte sup- fca recital at the Langlols music ported a well-conducted and well ot-' store last evening in which eleven of tended association, but through lack her pupils took part. Tho entertain-' I of Interest on the part of flnanciar..fuent was onjoyed by a large num-, 1 tnniVlnInitAt P Innnl T (1 1 .irlin ! M H 1 If! (111(1 t ) I (k U ( 1 1 (1 d M (1 11 C I secretaries tne association uieu a iin- wore won runuureu. cvurou iunuuu, goring death. nssisted on tho progralm in several of the vocal numbers. Kggerl 1)1(1 Aot Die laBt night 33, a year ago 28. Friends in town received word last evening-that Mr., and Mrs. W. J. Tlley, who are touring through tho state by ;huto were injured yesterday in an accident near Omaha. They thrown from the car and severely bruised. f" P. B. Bloom, of Peckham precinct, was visitor in town yesterday, Wheat in his precinct is running from fif teen to thirty bushels to the acre. Corn is a good yield, but much of it is soft. Hog cholera has made Its ap pearance In that section. Louis Carl son losing 102 head by tho disease. Tho rule for tho railroad man is "When in doubt take tho safe side." This rule sliould apply to every per son when in doubt about his eyes. Be on tho safe side by consulting an op tometrist when In need of eye aid. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist, look for the sign with the big ring. All the -muscles of the body are 'made for use. Hence, muscles of tho I eyes, within or without, however deli cate, have a normal purpose and a i normal use. Such uso Is not eyo ' strain nor tho cause of the eyestrain I Get that clear. Eyestrain results i from abnormal uso of tho eyo muscles. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optomet rist, look for tho sign with the big ring. .T H llnvla lirriflinr nf Mrs M 11 1 statement Spurier died last evening after an ill-' 11 Oilier pa- nfoS nf nnvnrnl mnntlin ilnrlnc whlrli In contradiction of tho made in The Trlbuno and i pore to the effect that Jesse Eggert. t, , ,m(, tnk treatment at tho who was burned in tho Arthur conn- Mnyo Hrog hogpltnl ln Rochester, V, i 1 A tt , 7 .7 K A ; Min. Mr. Davis was formerly a res-i died, T. C Hecht writes us that d t of s t, DllUotUi uml Camo hero hough badly burned Eggert is get- t tl a ho , to b bono., ting along nIcolyanu will recover. flUed ,)y Ul0 ehnng0. IIo ,B survived FOR RFNT ')y n's we an'l daughter who wore The nice 7 room cottngo at No. 820 wlh him when tho end camo. Fiiner-j West Third Street. Oilier houses ami WJ services will bo held at tho Spur-i nice unfurnished rooms. r?r residence at 1:30 p. in. tomorrow; BKATT Jt G00IOIAX. w,tu Interment in tne ot O Fallon. Thirty young ladles wero tho guests of Miss Vaunita Hayes last evening when she entdrtalned at a pre-nuptlul mystery shower for Miss Lucy Dunn. a nmirin n nwnnt. iiirnmrii n nor. A ulilrf wnlct nnntnat wns liplfl Id n p n .. . .. I .. . o.. n .1 ' All nebular Meals at the Owl Cnfo !."c. .Meal lickels $1.:0. 1- Prairie l'ho IturiiK Hay. was troylng much hay and burning off tho range THE mm RESTAURANT Until further notice will charge for meals as follows: Breakfast, Dinner or Supper 25c Sunday dinner, in cluding chicken and other delicacies 30c. Breakfast or supper short or ders at popular prices. LEO PON Proprietor. Rev. and Mrs. Adam Stump, of York, Pa., who have been visiting rela- one. Misses Ethel Fryo tives ln Milwaukee for a couple of Hayes assisted In serving. weeks, will arrive in town this even ing for a short visit with friends. Rev. Stump was pastor of the Lutheran . ionr i innn i it.! " cnurcn irom itou iu i.uu, and Mrs. Charles Reynolds. (JlCHUJll i;iiuiuil. UUIIUIIJ nuo uiti(H;u during his pastorate. Ho went from which Mrs. Frank McGovern awarded the prize and in tllO llVO rnni In n tnrrlfnrv rnnnrtod to he hundred games Miss Minerva McWil- four miiC3 wide and fifteen miles' lams had highest scores. Aftor tin iong The flro Is supposed to havo! games, each guest was requested to started from llglitnng striking tho' write a letter to the guest of honor eround and setting ilro to the grass. I to be opened at a future date. A nice- Sovoral farm buildings aro said to 1 ly prepared two course lunch wa3 i,avo i,eon burned, but this report at' served. Tho shower was a copious this time has not been confirmed. I and Anna . Donald B. Neville, of St. Louis, ar rived a few days ago for an indefinite visit with his cousins Keith Neville Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Cresslor and hero to York and recently celebrated , daughter returned this morning from i the twenty-fifth anniversary of his work as pastor of the Qulckel charge in that city. FOR JtKXT The Front Street Brick Burn, money maker for Hie right parly. KKATT A: OOOM1AX. A Floiir .eduction in Kindly note the following reductions in prices on .flour: . Puritan Flour per sack $ 1 60 Oriole Flour per sack ' $ 1 SO This reduction in price does not mean a corres ponding reduction in quality, because we will continue to keep the quality up as always. It is our ambition to be first in quality, first in value and first in service. Rush Mercantile Co. state dental meeting last week. Dr. McKlnloy, of York, who was tho guest of liis daughter, Mrs. George Glbbs, has gqnojioiuo. INSUHANCi: LOSSES We have paid out the past year oier $20,000.01) u hall, lightning and lire losses .in .Lincoln County, l'ity the Insurance companies. Our patrons are all satlstied mJIIi adjustments. Suppose those unfortunate ones had had no Insurance I Are you Insured I in one oi me itrau x uoouiiiau con1- imnicsj u noi, lei inciii insure you todiiy. liet your motto lio "Safely First." I'rohafo Notice In tho Matter of the Estate of James Belton, Deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, November 8, 1910. Notice is hereby that the creditors of said deceased will meet tho admin istrator of said estnto before the Coun ty Judgd of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court room, ln Bald County, on the 10th day of December, 1915, and on tho 10th day of June, 191G, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and ono year for tho administrator to set tlo said estate, from tho 10th day nf December, 1915. This notice will bn published in tho North Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper printed In said County, for four weeks successively, prior to Decdmbor 10, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, n9-4w County Judge. Early Pigs Pay better than late ones. They have a longer pas ture season and make more pork from grass. They can be kept on grass until almost . ready for market. They make not only more use of pasture, but also more ECONOMICAL use of all feed, because they can be fin ished for market before cold weather sets in. Gains in weight cost more in feed after winter weather begins. The one thing necessary In raising early pigs is a good hog house. There are a great many kinds of hog houses. Come in and discuss your plans with us. Together we can select the type best suited to your requirements. Re member, it costs you nothing for the help we give. We have all necessary materials. W. BIRGE CO. Something New and Sensible in Overcoats A, Step into our store and make the ac quaintance of the newSaxon Nock about Overcoat. 0 It's aa unlincd over coat, but is warmer than a lined one be cause the woolen -fabric from which it is riiade comes next your body instead of a cold cotton lining. And it costs less than a lined overcoat. Adlers Collegian Clothes Remarkable wearing quality unites with top-notch style toS make these clothes extraordinary value's. .Suits and Overcoats $15 and up i v j ,n i RT k JENSEN The Store where you feel at home. We arc now Ready for Thanksgiving Poultry. We offer the following prices delivered to our House at North Platte, Nebraska. Fat young Tom Turkeys, 10 lbs. each and over, 14 cents per pound. Fat young Hen Turkeys, 8 lbs each and over, 14 cents per pound. Fat Turkeys under above weight, 12 cents Poor turkeys not wanted; hold them, they will be fat later. Fat Ducks 9c Fat Geese 9c This price is about as high as Omaha cash offers de livered in Omaha. Bring them in NOW. Let us know how many you have to sell. We want all our Turkeys in by November 16th. North Platte Produce Co.