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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1915)
6 LOCAL ASH PERSONAL. For Sale Green tomatoes cheap. L. I. Tucker, phone Red C!)8. 75-2 Tho Presbyterian aid society will meet In the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Hongland returned Saturday night from a visit with rela tives In St. Louis. Miss Olga Sandall, of the Hollntnn law office, went to Ogalhlla Friday ev ening to visit friends. Mrs. L. L. Green returned Saturday evening from Omaha after visiting roi utives lor several days. Mr. W. T. Quick returned Saturday from Missouri Valley where she spoilt several weeks with relatives. Miss Noll Toole, of Kearney, came Saturday evening to visit her sister Mrs. Harry Hoyle for a few days. For Farm Loans seo or writoGcno Crook, room 3, Wnltomath building, North Platte. 41tf D. S. Thomas left Saturday after noon for Hot Springs to spend several weeks for the benefit of his health. ,J(flss Gertrude Uaker camo up from Gothenburg Friday evening to spend the week end with tlie homo folks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yost and daugh ter Lydia returned Saturday evening from Omaha, where they spent a week. For Rent Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inqulro at 414 west Third street. Mrs. W. J. PJekloy, of Myr'.le, camo a few days ago to visit her moth er, Mrs. D. S. Thomas, for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hansen, of Grand Island, camo Saturday evening to speDd Sunday with their parents. Mrs. Fred Fredcrlckson and chil dren returned Saturday evening from Lincoln, where they visited for ten days. Fred Peterson, of the postofflce force, returned Sunday from a trip to tho Panama exposition and Portland, Oregon. Miss Leola Walters, formerly with tno Sobastlan Insuranco office, is as Histing in tho book-keeping work at tho, Hub. W. II. Munger, Jr., went to Omaha Saturday night whero he will remain for somo time Bcrvlng o;i tho federal grand Jury. Mrs. ThomaB Green and daughter Katherlno returned Sunday evening from Grand Island after a short visit with relatives. Miss Cresslo Bassltt, one of the coun ty teachers, went to Lexington Friday ovening to spend tho week end with tho homo folks. Mrs. Lloyd Stuart, of Grand Island, who visited her daughtor, Mrs. M. L. MeDcrmott for two we'ks, wen, homo Saturday afternoon'. Mrs. Ira LcMastor and children, ot Denver, camo down Sunday ovoning to visit Mr. and Mrs. John LeMastei for a couple of weeks. Harry Scott, Qf Sterling, formerly of this city, who was operated upon re cently at tho City Hospital, lints re covered and returned home. Miss Ailecn Gantt returned Sunday night from Oniahu. Miss Gantt was ono of tho maids of honor at tho Ale-Sar-Ucn ball held Friday night. Ira Simpson, who has been employ ed with nn autotnoblloT Company in Denver, for several, weoks, camo tho latter part of last week to visit his mother. Miss Helen Walteniath , who hud been in tho City Hospital for soveral weeks, fallowing an operation for np pendlcitls, returned homo last Tliurs I'ny evening. E. McLano and family left Sun day for California. Mr. McLano will remain soveral weeks. Mrs. McLano and children may decide to spend tho winter in southern California. INSURANCE If your properiy or life Is not In. sured in Home reliable old lino com. puny ht-o 1IKATT & GOODMAN. Miss Effie Christ left Sunday for Om aha to visit friendB for a week u longer. Mrs. T. C. Patterson returned Sui. day ovening from Omaha whero sho visited her daughter. Mrs. A. L. Solbcrt and daughters returned Sunday evening from a visit with Omaha friends. The Entro Nous club will meet with Mrs. Guy Cover, 608 wost Ninth street, tomorrow afternoon. Mrs Fred Olson, of Portland, who was the guest of tho Souser family for several days, left Sunday evening. Mrs. Fred Dacon, of Ovorton, who visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Souhci last week, went home Sunduy nrter noon. Mr, J. H . Stono and children returned today from Omaha after spending two W0cksthoro with rela tives. Miss Flo Johnston and brother re turned yostorday morning from a short visit In tho o'aBlern part of tho stato. Mrs. V. H. Lonergan and Mrs. V. J. Landgrnf roturned Sunday ev ening from Omaha wlicro they spent ten days. Mrs. John Strahorn returned Sav urday morning from an extended vU It with relatives lin Uattlo Creek, Michigan. Mrs. Sena Kelly returned Saturday morning from Omaha, where she went to attend tho Boston Symphony Or chestra concert. Ernest Savin returned yesterday morning from Omaha where ho vis Ittxl his brother and attended tho Ak Sar-Ben last week. Judge II. M. Grimes, Court Report er Barron and Attorney W. V. lloag land went to, Chappell, yesterday morning where district court Is in session. Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson, who vis ited friends hero last week and trnn;v. acted business connected with her property, left Saturday evenlm; for Los Angeles. Mrs. Leslie Raskins, who spnt the greater part of tho summer in Milton, Pa., with her parents, returned home Sundny evonlng. Mr. Basking met 'her In Omaha and accompanied he. homo. Brick work on tho Hotel McCabc was started yesterday, Ilvo brick layers being employed, and this morn ing two moro wore given employment. With fair weather, it is figured that tho outside walls can bo completed by tho fifteenth of November. Sunday morning Engineer W. L. Richards was knocked from tho cnl of his engine by nn engine coming lr tho opposlto direction, to take out tho train which ho had Just tai;cn In to Sidney. Ills Injuries, while painfm aro not serious and consist of onuses about tho ,hcad and fnco mid a chk near the. right eye. M C Hayes .returned Sunday af ternoon from Excelsior Springs, whero he had bi-cn taking treatment for sev eral weeks. Ho spent somo time in St. Louis, whero ho visited Frank Rcnrdon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fikee and sons Will and Frank, all of whom wero former North Platte residents, llllll lllllllll I'll JJIIVUO C1UI11 lllll! A garHa'tof'Norflt Platte friends. Members of tho Indian1 card club and soveral suests woro delightfully on ttrtained Saturday afternoon at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Allison Wll cox seven miles enst of town. Tho trip was made in cars. Six tables were placed for tho games, and tho first and second prizes woro awarded to Mrs. Field nnd Mtb. Schatz respect ively. After tho games a chicken din ner was served. Tho party returned to town about seven in tho evening highly pleased with tho rido and tho hospitality of tho hostess. Notleu Tor Rids. Sealed bids will bo received until October 21st for tho salo of the two buildings known as tho old church and residence on lots 7 nnd 8, block 135, The committee reserves tho right to reject nny or nil "bids. C. T. WHELAN, Chairman of Building Committee. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. Charles Adams spent yesterday In Maxwell on professional business Fred Spurrier returned Sunday cv cnlng from Omaha where In visited last week. Wo remodel your own material cheapor than elsewhore, at the Par lor Millinery. 7C-3 George Vromnn returned Saturday evening from a short visit in the east ern part of tho stato. Rev. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creek, visited with Rev. McDald the latter past of last week. For Salo A practically now Mon arch nialleablo steel range. IJ. M. Reynolds, 920 west Fifth. Edward Luby has resigned his p. sltlon in tho Union Pacific shops ana will seek other employment. Mrs. R. F. Stuart, of Columbia, formerly of this city, arrived last e ening for a visit with friends. Mrs. A. E. Tlmmerman and chil dren went to Stella yesterday to visit relatives for a week or longer. Mis3 Laura McEvoy, acompanicd by her father, went to Omaha Sunday night to take treatment at a hospital. Mrs. Charles Tomlska resigned hot position in tho alteration department of tho Block store Saturday evening. Miss Ella Mao Lanyon has returnea from Lincoln whero she attended tut Chrlstlnn Sclonce association meet ings for a week. Mrs. A. M. Scharman, of Holse, Idaho, -formerly of this city, who vis ited Mrs. A. E. Carlson nnd other local friends for two weeks past, left yesterday afternoon, TAv. and Mrs. A. E. Tracy, of Scotts Bluff, came last evening to visit their daughter, Mrs. Sebastian Schwalger, for n week or more. J. J. Halllgan went to Omaha Suit day to attend tho memorial servlceb given by the Omaha attorneys to the laic juuge w . n. .-Mungor. For Rent My residence property on' wost First street after October 10th;1 In good repair.. Apply to Geo. E.j French, at county Judges' office. 7Gti 'J. B. Vnnsroy, of Ord, who has' ben ill for somo time, came yestorda I afternoon to tako treatment here and visit his son, E. E. 7in,coy nnd fam ily. F. C. Simons, of Seward, stato den-, uty of the A. 0. U. W., arrived here yesterday afternoon, addroasad tho meeting last evening and will spend a week here on lodge work. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harley Bonhani and Mrs. John Knox left Saturday even ing for Rochester, Minnesota, whero Tiis. Ron.inm vll! ta'.e treating', from tho Mayo brothers. A very beautiful and unique line ot Fisk hats will be on display Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, October 14, 15 and 1G, for three days only, at Howo & Maloney's, at prices that are right. Mrs. Edw. Burke. 70-2 Mrs. C. C. Williams and Mrs. Wal ter Ross were hostesses to tho As sembly club Friday. The afternoon wns spent very pleasantly in social converse nnd games. Tho prizes wero awarded to Mrs. H. O. Williams and Mrs. Booth. Tho guest of honor was Mrs. Windeling of Cozad. Twenty! lndiel answered to roll call with ' some fnvorito quotation. Tho club will meet October 22d with Mrs. M. L. Brown, 1303 east Sixth street. Sho' will bo assisted by Mrs. R. B. Eslien This Is Columbus Day, n legal stato holiday and is being observed by tho county offices, the bank3, the postol. flee and the Union Pacific shop3. M. E. Scott, cashier of tho Platte Valley Bank, left a few days ago for a visit in Chicago nnd oth.T Illinois cities. He will attend the Illinois state bankers' convention which meets in Jollet. Mr. Scott will be absent two or three weeks. The missionary society of the ChrK tian church will meet with Mrs. Chns. Bogue, at 309 east Third street, Wed nesday afternoon at three o'clock-. This Is the beginning of the year and new and Interesting studies of thA history of the C. W. B. M. will ba begun and it Is urged upon every member to bo present nt the first meeting nnd get tho first of these In teresting programs. The ense of Henry Miles vs. Ed ward Botsfield and his bondsmen A. A. Schntz and Van Lawrence came up in the county court vestordny morning and w .1 i.ecided in fa 'r of the ji'aln tiff. Miles and Botsford had oeen liv ing on the Cody ranch with nn agree ment that tho former take care of tho place and tho latter furnish tho hors es, feed and seeds, each receiving half the crop at the end of the season. During July of this year Botsfield sold the horses and Miles claims damages. Tho case was tried In tho civil court and appealed to the county court. Botsford being placed on bond. It was decided that a settlement of one l undred and seventy- throe dollars bo paid to Miles. Hog Sale On Wednesday, November 10th, wo" will Bell 70 head of lmmuued hogs, about half Polands nnd half Duroca. 30 head nro boars at.T weighing from 125 to 300 pounds, 40 head are open gilts of about tho samo wolglit. These pigs nro purely bred with tho best mating possible, a uniform lot of long Btrctchy follows, with well arched backs, good foot, neat hond3 and as much bono as an alfalfa ran go pig enn possibly develop. After tho hog Bale, wo will soil 0 Holsteln and 2 Guernsey heifers, those not fresh, soon will be. Wo will also pell 10 puro bred Red Polled hulls. Thoso wishing cows fresh In tho fall will need them nt this tlmo. Tho salo will bo held on the farm 4 miles west of Lexington. Tako tho local to Markol which is on the farm, and salo will bo out in timo to tako tho local back. If interested send for circular. J. O. ANDERSON, Lexington, Nebraska. Saturday Charles Tomlska sold his interests in tho North Platte Products Co. to his partnor Edward Stfj'isvaad. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlska Intend to leavu shortly for nn extended visit to west, em points and will probably locato on a ranch in Oklahoma. FOR SALE $5.00 llewnrd For return of ono liver and whito Pointer dog. Lost somo eleven miles southeast of North Platto. 76-3 WM. OTTEN. Six room modern house, steam heat; basement divided into two rooms, ono for vegetables. Hot and cold water in kitchen, bath room and basement. New ly painted and papered, good closets, all In first class shape. This house is next to my residenca. Five hundred dollars will handlo it, tho balance in B. & L. Will sell worth tho money. 75-2 R. N. LAMB. GRADUATE NURSES NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES Wo aro in u position to furnish comribtent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phono 82 nnd statu whether you want graduato or domestic nurse and wo will complete nil the arrangements for you without chnrge. rpaLzzz3i lain U OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank Di li ' Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAi'JTAJ. AND SUIilLUSi One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE i HAVE KEEN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OP THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES, ,1 j&m in it Mask m iv I - ...:. AffT "v fifclQgl I The Eyes of Envy 1 i m -v -am Are turned on the woman whose clothes mark her apart from ) , the crowd. They proclaim her one of discriminating taste, for to select such a garment -from the many that are seen on every hand requires a knowledge and appreciation of style, material, fit and wearing qualities that few .possess. But these are characteristics that are found in every Prinlzess coat or suit. They confer on their wearer the compliment of good taste, assure her the approval of those , most critical in mailers of dress and the envy of those who have not found the secret. ' 1. Iramp & ons. , INTEREST PAID ON TINE DEPOSITS. 1CZ3C