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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IIU I. HARE, Editor nnd Publisher. subscription rates: Ono Year by Hall In Advance. .. .$1.2. Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postofllce as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, AIMUST .11, 1015 Mrs. A. C. Hullman left the latter said premises, to bo constructed as to part of last week for California to lino and grade, and of permanent ma spend several weeks. i terlal. as provided In tho general or- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dcrryborry went dlnances of said city, regulating the to Garneld today to attend the funeral construction of sldownlks In said city, of their nelco, tho late Miss Nellie Unless said walk Is constructed by n,u i you along the west side of said Lots Ulll. , r . tii ! -.1 t.. ...... I.. M kiiu ' tn llninrn 1111(1 EVIL 1I-. . ... .. - nn Vm, i,v f'ri.toi. iii liivnnrw. V ' nccoruanco wun saiu ordinances, on Onclcnrbj Carrier In Adronco. . SI on rottirned yesterday morning fromlnp . - t, . of Sont ',., r i ...I. i. tnJ Hm I Itrltirrci-. l OZ.Ul W1UIU UIUJ uma-u n.u 1015 samo ,)0 COI18truct0tl by ton latniiy. sni,i civ nn(i m,0 Co8ia assessed unon A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. tho said lots owned by you adjoining Shohonoy of this city at the homo of which the same shall he constructed. Mrs. Shohonoy's parents m irort roi- l iiiiMi'iibi, Huh. Colo., a few days ago. (SISAL) city Clerk die power, each per annum $21.00; for eighty candle power Incandescent lamps or tholr equivalent In candle power, each per annum $23.76; for one hundred power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In candle power, each per annum $2G.50. for two hundred and fifty candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In candle power, each per annum $58.00; for four hun dred candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In candle power, North Platte Light and Power Com pany. Those voting In favor of granting said permission shall mark their bal lots with an "X" opposlto the para graph beginning, For granting said permission. Those voting against granting of said permission shall mark their bal lots with an "X" opposite the para graph beginning against. This notice shall bo published 30 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION each per annum $82.50; for thirty-two days prior to said election. CUT AM) COUNTY NEWS Messrs. C. Dixon, A. Hullard. G. To M. C. Harrington, owner of Lot 1. Wolr nnd "It. Aldnn nnd tholr Indlos held a picnic nt Gothenburg Sunday, Miss Abble Foster nnd sister visited ,naKng th trip by nuto In isustis lust wook. For Sale Uuggy and single harness, W. Whitlock, G21 west sixth. C. C. McGoo, of Sutherland Is spend ing a few days bore on business. Hlock 75, North Platte, Nebraska. Tho owners of property on tho soutli sido of 9th street, between Augusta Ave and Ouk street, urc notified that tho Mayor and Council of the City of Tho McMlchaol Kros. began work on nmir .rtttafm til Mii atntn fnrm vns- ll.V ill,,. v.w..t,v. T" ,...! r 1.. l ...., ',.t.. in1nv It it'll I twi ncv97 iwn Htnrlna mum I'lunu, uinuuin i;uuuo, iuuius with stucco finish 1n Passed and approved an ordinance on ine .lain uiiy ui junu, mio. uiuurinn Miss Mlnervn Harrington, of Den- lilfwulk luHnlnlnir tholr said nrnni- Mrs Earl Crandnll, of Lodgo Polo, vor' wno vl8,tcl1 nor al,nt' Mrs Jo.nn ses, to bo constructed ns to line and iu x.iuiiinrr imp mint Mrs. A. p. Kollv. norrod ror some umo, leu yosiuru iy Kra,ie. and of permanent material, as .0 , ..,.w..n . , - 1, --,,! f.. u,. ,,. M tin tn tnlfl. I. I.1...1 ... .1." 1 .. .l !.,.. t IHUIIIIlif, nil ivuMUDivii I JJI UVIUUU 111 UlU UllUlill Ul UlIUIIiUUB Ul a. i. ivinan 1011 yosiuiuuy uiiuiiiuuu n course 111 nursing for Lexington to hire carpenters Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durbln and MIbs Kate Clark spent Saturday in Sutherland. F. .1. IHENKr. CO. Itcnl Estate ami Insurance Cotno and see us for town lots In .llfr.ivnnt fmrtu nf Mm nltv Clttu In. Miss Leia.bcott lias roiurneu irom a vcgtinonts on caBy terma. Houses for ro weeks' visit wun menus in v oou 8lle aU(1 rent Wc havo also B0,ul ljar. gains in fnnns and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewo.v Sis. up'.mr tw Hivar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Temple spent Sunduy with the Nugent tamlly nt Mnxwoll. Mrs. Andy McGovorn, of Driidy, Is visiting lior mothor, Mrs. Fred Marti, this week. Mrs. L. L. Cauffmun loft Sunday morning for Hrokon How to visit with friends. Archie Hood has returned from a two wooks' visit In Omaha and other eastern towns. DEItimSJillKY & KOIlllES, Mcenscd Embaliiiers Unilcrliikers and Funeral Oiroclors Day Phono 231. Night Phone Ulack 588. said city, regulating the construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the north side of said Lot 1, lilock 7o, owned 1 you, in accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho lOtli day of September, 1015, tho same will be constructed by the city and the costs ussesscd upon tho said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall lie constructed . C. F. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clerk. For llontl Small apartment furnish ed or unfuriilslicd. Convenient to school. 108 west Second. Gi-2 To O. D. Hunting, owner of Lot S, Hlock 57, North PIntte, Nebraska. The owners of property on the West sido of Walnut street, between 9th and 10th streets, nre hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of the City Of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, passed and approved an ordinance on the lSth day of June, 19111, order ing a sidewalk adjoining their said premises, to be constructed as to line Order of Hearing on Final Settlement Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court. In the Mnttcr of tho Estnte of Luclnda Plnrlr llnrnnnfl rVn tln Prnilltnro Tfolro TiOfntnno ntlil and grade, and of permanent material others Interested In tho Estnte of Lu- n Proviueu in ine general oruinaacus A boy wolKhlng ton and one-half dnila Clark. I said city, regulating ine construc- tinlinrls WHS linril Slllldnv to Mr. llllll Tnlm nnllnn Hint T.notnr l',ilt'nr linulUOll 01 SldOWalKS 111 Said City, Mrs. Flnvd Stoolo. flloil In tlin Hmintv fmirt .1 rnnnrt nf I UlllCSS Sllld Walk IS Constructed 0y I SlllU Ul 1UI o, on. in accordance 011 or before the " -i . a a . 1 rk it... SoptombeS-, A. D. 1915, beforo tho l tlay 01 oepiemoor, iui o, iiiu sumo Pnnrt nt 11m limir nf 0 nVlnnlf A M I Will 1)0 constructed l)y BiUU City UIIU nart of last week for Oiimlm to snond nt u-iiioii tinm nnv nnmnn inti.rnatnii the costs nsscssed upon the said lots . . ... . . . I "w J ' , may appear and except to nnd contest ownuu oy yuu uujuiiiuik which tho same. isame snail du i-oiiairuuifu. Nntlnn nf thin nrncpndlnir nnil tlin ..!. 1 IUMI LiUi, hearing thereof Is ordered given to nil persons interested in said matter Mrs. Floyd Steele. filed in tho County Court, a report of unless saiu wiuk s Airs Oora Cluvo of riinm.nll who llIa doings ns Administrator of said es- vou , a"B tUo1 ,East A i .i , H, 't uiappon, wno ordered thnt the samo block 57, owned by yo v s ted tho Mottln family last week, l"l-,."'m , 18 .or,lLri-" ",ul " , s""1" ... , , nr.iilmnpp, , Ii.-ik r.tnrimi linmn- stand for hearing on tho 3d day of aM 0",nanic, has returned homo; Mr3. Millard Hosier loft tho lattor a few days with friends. Miss Lillian Sturgos return.Ml last evening from Balrd, where she visited the workman family for a week. Miss Amy Jack, win was the of Mariory Cros, left for l.oirn. In Eustls yostorday afternoon Aiistr Anna O'Counoll left last -v- (SEAL) City Clerk. guest Uy S,7, ofB"h.s"der g,ri ?J r her In tho North Platte Tribune, a semi- ZJh'f " 1 weekly ncwiipaper printed In said County, for threo consecutive weeks eninir for ltochostor N Y to snend prior to sald llnto of oarlns mink ior iwjciiosior, r. i., to upuiu nntmi AmntBt mtii mir. a couple of rolativoe. wooks or longer with Miss Ruth Patterson loft Sunday ev- -- Dated August 10th, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH. al73w County Judge. ning for Omaha to take up her school To William H. Simmons, owner of Lot wcr'c nftor onjoylng h ir vacation with tin homo folks Leonard Redmond has resumed work In the Harcourt & Jonson cloth ing store after a short visit In Curtis and Wollfleot. 7, Ulocl: 11. Hellevue Addition, North Platte. Nebraska. Tho owners of proper.Lv on the north side of 9th street, between Jef ferson and Augusta Ave. aro hereby notified that tho Mayor and Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Ncbras- Tho owners of property on the west side of Walnut street, between Front and 5th streets, aro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho City of North PIntte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordi nance on the lSth day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their nad premises, to be constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent ma terial, as provided in tho general or dlnances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tho cast side of said EVb of in connection with the county fair ka. passed and approved an ordlnonco ,nnna": Messrs. Davo Day and Will Friend on the 18th day of June. 1913, ordering will give dances on the fair grounds a sidewalk ndjolnlng their said prem every ovonlng. Ises. to beconstructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In the genoral ordinances of said city, regulating tho construe (lou of Hldewnlks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along tlfo south side of said Lot 7, Block 11, owned by you In accordance with uald ordinances, on or beforo the liUh day of September, 1915, tho samo will bo constructed by said city and tho costs nsscssed upon the snld lot owned by you adjoining which Mrs. J. Tnnnlhlll, of Norfolk, whb the samo shall be constructed Miss Floronce McKay nnd brother Donald returned Saturday ovonlng from Sutherland where thoy visited triend for two weeks. Queon Quality Shoos at Wilcox de partment store. C3-2 Sam Poulos,, of the North Plntto Candy Kitchen, will return toilav from Omaha, wliero he has bon buy- lug goods for a Wook. before tlio ICth day of September. 1915, the same will bo constructed b; said city and the costs assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall bo constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. Probate Notice to Creditors. guest of Prof, und Mrs. E. A. Gar llchs for a wook, and loft yostorday (SEAL) afternoon for hom,e. Will Kooster, of Baltimore, enmo last weok to visit at the Wnltemath rosi dence and will accompany his slstor, Miss Hilda Kooster, home. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In tho matter of the Estate of Wll- t. Ham Highbcrger, Deceased. iuiicu la uureuy kivuii mill ine cieu Itors of the deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate beforo me, County Judge of Lincoln county To Chns. II. Mncombor, owner of Lot Nebraska, nt tho county court room 11. P ovun Ailil t nn. Kntlh Plnlto. im county, on uio -un uiiy oi Nobraska. September, 1915, and on the 24th day Tho owners of properly on tho south "f Marcl. 191. 9 o'clock a. m. each sido of 9th street, betweon Augusta y lor tlio purpose ot presenting tlielr Miss Minnie Lamr wittress nt Mid Ave. nnd Oak street, aro liorony notl- "" lAiuuuiiuiuu. luijusuiium Owl cafe, returned Saturday fron a "cd that the Mayor and Council of the ad allowance Six months are al- wook's visit with relative at Boolus Clty of North Platto. Lincoln County, lowed for creditors to present their uiv vibii v,llll letumu S 111)01113. i , i I Pin li nnil mm vnnr fnr tlm nilmlnlB. Slio was accompanted by Aileoa Priest Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rnsiiiussen ant family, who spent two wooks In oast eru points and returned by tho way or uenvor, camo Home Sunday oven nig. See those spoclnl 79c Drossos Wilcox Department Storo. Fred Majriiuotto, living south Nohrnskn. nassoil nnd nnnrnvcil nn or- f lnlns and one year for the adminls iiinnncn nn tlm istii iinv nf .Tinm i!ii:i trator to settle said estate from tho Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rnsiiiussen and ordorlnir a sidewalk ndiolnlntr their 24th day of September, 1915. This said promises, to bo constructed as to notice win Do pubiislied in tne Nortn line and grade, and ot nermanont ma- I'lniuc i rnmne, a semi-weeKiy news terlal, as provided ift tho general or dinnncos of said city, regulating the t construction of sidewalks in said city unioss saiu wane is constructed ny ni you uioug mo norm siuo oi sum l.oi Ilershev. Is thrBshlnc hist whont ami . owned by you. in uccordunco with finds It running from thlrtv to thlrtv- "ld ordinances, on or boforo the Kith live bushela ner acre. As ho hml "no day of Soptcmber. 1915, tho Bame will acres lie will have qulto a pile of he constructed by snld city nnd tho per, for four weeks successively prior to the 24th day of September, 1915. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 18th day of August, 1915. GEO. E. FHEN'CH, A21-4 County Judge. wheat 6.000 or 7,000 bushels. For Farm Loans seo or wrlto Gono .Crook, room 3, Waltomath bulldlug, North Platto. 41tf The beet dumps at Maxwell nnd Darr will bo removed to Nichols and JJlrdwo'od.i Dins greatly aiding tho growors of tho lattor localities in load ing tholr beets. Not many boots are being grown this year In the vicinity of Maxwell or Darr, hence th" removal ! or the dumps. The 31 ut nl Building A Loan Associa tion Is prepared to Issue a limited amount of Its Full Puid Slock. I'Jisi come first soncd. This ufocli Is Is. sued In any amount from 100.00 to ir'.'i.OIKl.OO and pays senil. annual illvl (lends at rale of six per cent. G. S. Thonipsn, who for Hovornl years has lived south of Ilei'slioy. will movo to Horslty this wco'c and will assoctato hlniHOlf with J. W. Ab bott in tho renl ostnte nnd Insurance business, the firm to bo known as tho Abbott-Thompson Real Estate & In surance Co. Both men nro live wires, and they will no doubt onoigetlcnlly push business. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Whorcas u: a regular meeting of the City Council of North Plnttu, held by you adjoining which the same shall August 2nd. 1915, the following mo be constructed. (SEAL) C F. TEMPLE, tion was adopted. Moved that tho Council approve the following cou nty Clerk, tract with the North Platte Light & -- Pnwnr Cmnnnnv nnil Hint tin. Mnvnr To Chns. H. Macomber. owner of part ana oierk be authorized to execute iM-ir tounty i ierns auo-uivision samo and that the same be submitted NWVi 33-14-30. ror tile approval or disapproval of the The owners of property on the south voters of tho Cltv of North limii nt n side of 9th streot, botween Augusta 80t.iai olection to hn hold nn Spii- Ave. and Onk streot, are irereby notl- tember 14th, 1915 for this purpose nnd lfd that the Mayor and Council of tho iu the manner provided by law. l lty of North PIntte. Lincoln county, street Llglitlmr Contract between For Cuts ami Sores. Fnrrla Healing Remedy comes Iu concentrated form. To It you add a pint of Unseed oil, if you want a heal lng oil, or a pound of lard or vaso line If you want a salve. Wo guaran tee that this inakos you a full pint of bettor healing medicine than any thing you over used no mattor what the prlco. Why should you pay mod tclno prlcos for slmplo oil or lard or vasollno? For sale by A. F. Flnlc. Nebraska, passed and approved on or dlnnnce on the lSth day of Juno, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining tholr snld premises, to bo constructed ns to line and grade, and ot pormnnont nm terlal, as provided in tho general ordl North Plalle Eight and Power Com pany and City m North Pintle. This contract entered Into by and between North Platte Light and Power Conipnny. a corporation, as tho party of the flrHt nnrt. nnd Olfv nf Vnrth nances of said city regulatng tlio ton- pinttc. In the County of Lincoln and structon of sidewalks In said city. state of Nebraska, of tho sec- Unless said walk Is constructed by you along tho north sido of said Lot "E" owned by you, In accordance said ordinances, on or beforo tho Kith day of September, 1915, tho samo w.U bo constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon the snld lot own ed by you, adjoining which tho samo shull bo constructed. 'C. F. TEMPLE. (SEAL) City Clork. ond part. WITNKSSETH: 1. Tho party of tlio ilrst part here by agrees to furnish to tho party of tho second part, and tho party of tho second part hereby agrees to tako and use, for tho purpose of lighting tho streets, alloy's and public plnces of tho party of the 'second part, and during tho porlod ot llvo yenrs herelnbelow doscrlbed, electric light supplied by such number of oyerhend suspended hooded Incnndescont street lamps as may bo required and from timo to tlnio ordered Installed by the party of ino scconu part miring said porlod, at tho following rates and prices, which the party 'of tho second part hereby agrees to pay to tho party ot tho first part, and upon tho followlng-torms and To Tim T. Kellhor, owner ot Lots 5 nnd G, Block 0, Miller's Addition North Plntto, Nebraska. Tho owners of tho proporty on the East sido of Syciunoro street between "C" and 3rd streets, nro horeby noti fied thnt tho Mayor and Council ot tho City of North Platto, Lincoln county. Nebraska, passed and approved an or-, conditions: dlnanco on tho 18th day of Juno, 1913, 2. For sixty candlo power Incandes ordorlng n sidewalk adjoining their cent lamps or tholr equivalent In can- candle power incandescent lamps as specified and provided Tor in Para graph 3, $18.00 per annum. For arc lights or high candle powor Incandescent lamps used In place of arc lights as specified and provided for in Paragraph 3, $85.00 per annum. Payment shall be made i ntwelve equal monthly installments. Lamps shall bo lighted from dusk until dawn each night. All lamps and equipment shall be furnished and maintained by tho party of tho first part. 3. It Is ngreed by tho parties here to that tho party of the lirst part will promptly, after tho confirmation of this contract by the affirmative vote of the electors of North Platto, Nebraska, proceed to Install and equip a new and modern system, Including wires, poles and accessories, for tho service of such sixty, eighty, one hundred, two hundred and fifty and four hun dred candle power incandescent lamps or their equivalent which the second party may order Installed under this contract. Tho work of In stalling such new and modern system for street lights ns provided for above, shall after commencement, be carried on dilllgently to completion. Until the completion of said new and modern system, the street lights now used by the second party and supplied by the first party, shall bo continued In use and paid for at tho schedule named In Paragraph 4. In the event of any of said lamps not burning during tho timo required, the party of the second part shall have the right to deduct the pro rata amount from the bill for each night such lamp fails to supply light for more than two consecutive , nights, after receipt by the party of the first part of written notice from tho proper official of the party of the second part that said lamp Is not burning. 5. All street lamps provided for herein shall be placed at such points within the territorial limits of tho par ty of tho second part as may be deslg nnted by tho mayor and city council or authorized representative of the party of the second part; provided that no lamp shall be ordered installed at a greater distance than seven hundred foot from the location of a then exist lng street series lamp; and should tho party of the second part require the re-location of any lamp after the same has been located, then tho party of the second part shall pay to the par ty of the first part the acutal cost of Inbijr and material necessary in sucli re-location. G. The party of tho second part shall, in conformity with the law, sub mit this contract for approval or dis approval, to Its electors at a special election held September fourteenth, 1915. Should thi3 contract by 3ald electors at such election be disapprov ed, then no obigation hereunder shall be upon either party hereto. But should this contract by said electors at such olection be approved, then this contract shallWii each and all of Its provisions take' effect and be and con tinue in full force for and during a period of live years from and after the first day of November, 1915; It being distinctly understood and agreed that the party of the first part shall have a reasonable time in which to supply the necessnry equipment for tho ful fillng of its obligations hereunder, and that it will make every effort to supply such equipment as speedily and soon as practicable. 7. Each and nil of tho rights, privi leges and advantages lodged In or pass ing to the party of the first part by virtue hereof may by it bo transferred und assigned, but only upon the as sumption by any grantee or assignee of each and ell of tho obligations of the party of the first part thereunder In Testimony Whereof, North Platto Light and Power Company has here unto set Its hand and attached Its cor porato seal by Willis Todd, Its Vice President, thereunto authorized, and City of North Platte has hereunto sot its hand by its mayor, attested by Its city clork, all on this 3rd day of August A. D. ,1915. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POW E COMPANY, (Party of First Part) By WILLIS TODD, Vice-Prosldont Witness to signature of Party of First Part W. LITTLE. CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRAS KA. (Party of Second Part) By E. II. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. C.F. TEMPLE. City Clerk. Therefore notice is horby given that a special election will bo held In tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, on Tuosdny, September 14th, 1915, at tho places hereinafter specified In tho sev eral wards of the city for tho purposo of submitting the following proposi tion to the voters of said city: "Shall the Mayor and Clerk of said city be empowered to enter into n contract with the North Platto Light & Power Company a copy of which is printed above for tho purposo of street lighting." The polls of said election shall bo kept open betweon tlio hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M. on said day and the voting plnces therefor in the several wards shall be as fol lows to-wit: First "Ward at tho entrance at the Lloyd Opera House In said ward. Second Ward at tho Court Room at tho County Court House In said ward. ThlrdWard at tho old Hoso House situated on Vino Street betweon Front and Sixth streets In said ward. Fourth Ward at old Hoso houso on North Lqpust street In snld ward. The ballots for said election shall havo printed thereon: For granting permission to tho Mny or and Clerk ot tho City of North Platto to enter Into a contract with said company for tho purposo of street lighting. And Against granting permission to the Mayor and Clerk of tho said city to onter Into said contract with tho Signed this 9th day of August, A. D. 1915. E. H. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Notice Is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the 14th day of September, 191o, a special election will held In the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at which said election there will be submitted to the people the question: Shall the Mayor and City Council. of the City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln and Stato of Ne braska, pledge the property and credit of tho City upou Us negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding 310.000.00, to be used in paying the cost of paving the Intersections of streets nnd spaces opposite alleys in paving districts in said City, and, shall the Mayor and City Council of said City of North Platto levy a tax annual ly upon the taxable property of said city in addition to all other taxes suf ficient to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund, sufficient to pay said bonds when they become due at their maturity. Said bonds to draw Interest at a rate not to exceed Five (5) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually from their date until paid, and be evi denced by coupons to said bonds at tached. Said bonds shall be drawn payable to bearer, due twenty years after date, but redeemable at the op tion of the City ten years after date. Said bonds to be Issued and bear such date as the Mayor and Council may by resolution direct. Said bonds and coupons to be payable at tho of fice of tho State Treasurer In the City of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds shall be known and described as "Paving Bonds of the City of North Platte, Nebraska." TJhc ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have written or printed thereon the following: YES For authorizing the Mayor and Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge tho property and credit of the city, up on its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding $1G,000.00 to be used in paying the cost of paving the inter sections of streets and spaces oppo slto alleys In paving districts in said city and for authorizing the Mayor nnd City Council to levy a tax an nually upon the taxable property of said City in addition to all other tares, sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds and creating a sinking fund sufficient to pay said bonds when they become due at their maturity. Said bonds to draw interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum, from their date until paid, which inter est shall be payable semi-annually and bo evidenced by coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds to be drawn payable to bearer, duo twenty yeans alter date, but redeemable at the op tion of the City ten years after the date thereof. Said bonds to be issued at such time and bearing such date as the Mayor and City Council by reso lution may direct. Both bounds and coupons to be payable at the office of the State Treasurer iu the City or Lin coin, Nebraska. NO. Against authorizing the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte. Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge the property and the credit of tho City upon Us negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding 51G.000.00 to be used in paying the cost of paving tho intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys In paving districts of said City, and agaimu authorizing the Mayor and City Council to levy a tax annaully upon the taxable proper ty of said city in addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and creating a sinking fund sufficient to pay said bonds when they become due at their maturity Said bonds to draw interest nt a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum from their date until pa.d, which in terest shall bo payable comi-annu- ally and be evidenced by coupons -to said bonds attached. Said bonds to bo drawn nayable to bearer, due twen ty years after date, but redeemable at tho option of the City ten years after tho date thereof. Said bonds to be Issued at such time and bearing such date as the Mayor and City Council by resolution may direct. Both bonds and counons to be payable at the office of the Stato Treasurer hi tho C'ty of Lincoln, Nobraska. Those voting In favor of said prop position will mark their ballots with a cross In the square to the left of the nronositton beginning. "es, for nutli orlzlng the Mnyor and City Council of the City of North Platto. ixcnrasua to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of the City upon its nego tlnbe bonds," etc. Those voting against said proposi tion shall mark their ballot with a cross In tho square to tho left of the proposition beginning, "No. against authorizing tho Mayor ond City Coun cil of the City of North Platte. Nebras ka, to borrow money and pledge tho property nnd credit of the City upon its negotiable bonds to an amount not to exceed $1G.000.00." Tho polls at such special election shal bo kept open during the hours of 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. of snld day and the voting places for said olection shall be as follows: First Ward at the Lloyd Opera Houso. Second Wnrd In the Commissioners' room nt tho Court Houso of Lincoln County. Nebraska, In said Second Ward. Third Ward at the old hose houso situated on Vine Street between Sixth Stroet and Front Street. Fourth Ward at tho old hoso house situated on North Locust Street. By order of Uie Mayor and City Council of said City of North Platte. Dated this 4th day of-Auxust, 1915 C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Notice Is hereby given that on tho 14th day of September, 1915, a special election will be held In tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, at which the following proposition will be submitted to the voters of said Cty: SL All the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte, In the Coun ty of Lincoln, In the state of Nebraa ka, Issue Twelve Thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) dollars 'City of North Platte Park Bonds' In denominations of Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing Interest at tho rato of five per cent per annum, pay able anuually, tho Interest and prln clpal payable nt tho oHlce of tho Stato Treasurer of the Shite of Nebraska? Said bonds to bear date of Octo ber 1, 1915, and the Interest on said bonds, to bo payable on the 1st day of October, 191G, and on tho first day of October of each and every year thereafter, until nil of the Interest on suid bonds shall have been paid. Said bonds to be numbered consecu tively from one to six Inclusive, and the Interest thereon to be evidenced by coupons thereto attached. Bond number one to become due and payable on the 1st day of October, 1920. Bond number two to become due and payable on the 1st day of October, 1921. Bond number threo to become due and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1922. Bond number four to become duo and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1923. Bond number five to become due anil payable on the 1st day of October, 1924. Bond number six to become due nnd payable on the 1st day of October, 1925. Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte, in tho Coun ty of Lincoln, In the State of Nebraska, levy a tax In the year 1915, and in each and every year thereafter sulllclent to pay the Interest on said bonds; and In the year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sulllclent to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until sulllclent tax has been levied to pay all of the principal ou said bonds; and such tax both for princi pal and Interest to be levied upon all of the taxable property in said City of North Platte? Said bonds to be used for tho pur pose of raising money to purchase from William W. Birge, Trustee, and hold in the name of tho City of North Platte, in the County of Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska, tho following land, lot and parcel of ground, lying adja cent to said City of North Platte, to- wlt: All that part of tho southeast quarter (SEVi) of section twenty eight (2S) in township fourteen (14) north, of range thirty (30) west of the Gth P. M. lying south of the North Platte river, and east of the niatn road running north along snld tract, which road is an extension of Locust street in said City, to be used and improved for parks and parkways. The ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: For lusuuig of Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of North Platte Park Bonds," In denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at tho rate of five per cent per an num, payable annually, interest and principal payable at the office of tho State Treasurer of the Stato of Ne braska, said bonds to bear date of October 1st, 1915, and the interest on said bonds shall be payable on the 1st day of October, 1916, and on tho first day of October of each and ev ery year thereafter until all of the In terest on said bonds shall have been paid; to levy a tax in the year 1915, and each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds, and in the year 1919 and Jn each and every year:' thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until ufllclbnt tax has been levied to pay all of tho prin cipal on said bonds; such tax both for Interest and principal to be levied up on all of the taxable property in said City of North Platte. Against issuing of Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of North Platte Park Bonds," in denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at tle rate of flvo per cent per an num, payable annually, interest and principal payable at tho office of tho State Treasurer of tho State of Ne braska, said bond3 to bear date of October 1st, 1915, and the Interest on said bonds shall be payablo on tho 1st day of October, 191G, and on tho 1st day of October of each and ev ery year thereafter until all of the In terest on said bonds shall have been paid; to levy a tax In the yenr 1915, and each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho interest on said bonds, and In the year 1919 and In each nnd every year thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the prin cipal on snld bonds; such tax both for intorest and principal to be levied up on all of tho taxable property In said City of North Platte. Those voting in favor of said proposition shall mark their bal lots with an X after the paragraph beginning with the word "FOR"; nnd those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballot Avlth nn X af ter the paragraph beginning with tho word "AGAINST". Said election will be open at 9 o'clock in the morning and will continue to be open until 7 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day ot election. The polling places of said election will be at the entrance of tho old Lloyd Opera House on the corner of Pino and and Sixth streets, In the first ward of said City; and at the County Commissioners' - room in tho Court Houso in the second ward of said City; and at the eld hose houso, situate on Vino street between Front and Sixth streets In the third wnrd of said City; and at tho hose house In the fourth wnrd of said City; said election will bo conducted In munner and form as provided by the ordinances of said City, and tho Stat utes of tho Stato of Nebraska. By order of the Mayor and City Council of tho City of. North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska. Dated this 4tli day of August, 1915. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk.