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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
THE SEMI.WFEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTF. NFBRARKA Knitted Silk Bonnet for Small Girl Battle of I Armageddon 1 Dr REV. JAMES M. CRAY. D. D., DtD oi Moodr Dill Initjiuta tt Chiciso P; ' Now that Industry has become fash ionable and everyono Is knitting or crocheting or doing some sort ot needlework, the evidences of tho "keop-biiBy" fad blossom out in all di rections. The family, from baby to grandma, revels In pretty things in the way of dress accessories, and the houso is decked out with fine spe cimens of needlecraft. Among tho most successful of all the articles knitted or crocheted, baby bonnets, hats for little girls, and bou doir caps and hats for grown-ups tes tify to tho adaptability o'f this kind of work to headwear. Haby bonnets, either knitted or crocheted of silk, liavo long been among the coveted luxuries that each mother manages somehow to Becure. They are very durable and very beautiful. Crocheted headwear is somewhat expensive, and one must either have the time and knowledge- of the work required, to make it, or be prepared to pay the price which elegant, handmade things will bring. Tho small knitted hat of silk shown In the picture Is moderatel" priced at four or five dollars. It is knitted of heavy silk thread In cream color, and consists of a cap which covers the crown of tho head, and a frill of lace, knitted of tho same silk as tho cap. It is finished with a tassel made of tho Bilk. Between-Seasons Hats Created for those whose needs de mand hats for tho period between two seasons ate hats made for the warm, bright days of early autumn, with an eyo to tho frost that may overtake them in tho midst of their usefulness. Hero aro three of them, in fashionable black and white. They will fcolvo the problem of the woman who feels that It is too late for tho purchase of a sum mer hat und altogether too early to wear one belonging to wintertime. She will llnd these JutU suited to bridging over the Interval between two seasons. Very popular with the younger peo ple, small turbans aro mado In combi nations of black velvet with white silk or satin and trimmed with fancy feathers or wings. The pretty exam ple shown in the picture has a coronot of velvet and a crown of satin. White wings, in the smart pose, on the crown, aro the only trimming used and nil that Is needed. Ono of tho new wide and drooping brimmed shapes may bo made of silk or velvet or of tho two combined. It rellects the fad for needlework In its decoration, Parallel rows of long Fascinating boudoir caps are inado by crocheting heavy silk thread In an open design. They arc shaped liko the caps mado for Infants, and 11 n ished with crocheted shell or seal tops about the edge, itibbon Is run in them about the face and across the back. It fits the cap to the head and decorates it at the saints time. Crocheted hats are made of silk liber, chenille, or wool, and are very smart for motor wear, for traveling, and for the street. Kino wire is used in shaping them, and they are mado by professional workwomen who un dcrstaud how to conceal tho wire In the crocheted stitches. About Girdles. Girdles which used to encircle mi lady's dainty waist aro not to be found In that region this season. They have moved upward, most of them, to give tho now high-walsted effect. From this high position they are apt to wan der in and out ot draperies, often creoplng under tho full skirt to tie in a part at tho front or buck of tho hem. One pretty girdle had three long loops falling directly under each other, and in tho end of each loop was caught a full-blown pink rose. An other girdle of .sulphur yellow was so completely hidden by tho chiffon over waist that you could only guess at its presence on the dress. stitches made of heavy white silk adorn the crown, and a singlo row fin ishes the brlin-edge. A band of velvet ribbon confines the crown, and a but terfly of whlto crystal beads suggests a bit of frost painting. This Is a beau tiful and unusual duvelopment of the picture hat. Suited to tho matron as well as to tho younger woman, tho sailor hat ol whlto corduroy and satin, faced with black velvet, Is of the sort that may bo worn anywhere. The upper brim and top crown ure of corduroy, and tho side crown Is covered with satin laid In folds. Odd, new ornaments ol beads and curving ribs of feathers, or "feelers," as they are called, are ap plied to the crown. JULIA DOTTOMLEY. Baby's Everyday Dresses. To make everyday dresses for baby, purchuso whlto washablo crepe. Make tho little garments plain, with a sleovo that goes to tho ticck. Few seams aro required and but ono but tonhole. Tlinn and labor aro snvrxl in laundering, too, as no Ironing Is needed, TKXT And tlicy Katliorod tlwm togeth er In the pluco which Is called In Hebrew, Uar-MUKeUon. Rovt-latton 10:16. Many peoplo nro asking whether tho present European war Is tho battlo of Armageddon, and whether it means that wo aro nenrlug tho end of tho world, and what relation it bears to the second coming of Christ. In answer to tho ilrst part of tho question it may be said that it is not tho bat tlo of Armageddon for threo reasons. First, it is not in tho right location, second, it has not tlio right objective, and third, it docs not rcprosent tho right alignment of tho nations. Tho battlo o Armageddon will not bo fought in Europe, but in Asia. "Har-Magcdon," as tho revised vor Bion translates it, is a mountain ris ing up out of tho plain of Esdraolon In northern Palestine Great and do clsivo battles have been fought thoro by tho Hobrows, tho Egyptians, tho Saracens, and the crusaders, and hero tho kings of tho prophetic earth aro to be gathered, under the Inllu enco of demons working miracles, for that battlo of tho great day of the Lord God Almighty. Tho object of this battlo will bo the capturo of Jerusalem, when it shall again bo rcstorcdto tho Jews prior to tho second advent of tho Messiah on their behalf; and tho nations of tho prophetic earth engaged in it will bo thoso of tho Roman empire fed erated again under a secular despot whom many assoclato with tho anti christ. Thoso nations do not includo Russia, nor do they Includo Germany or Austria-Hungary, except in pnrt, so that a now nlignment of tho nations Beems necessary before that battlo. How fan tho present European war may contribute to that now align ment ono cannot say, but so far as It does so, It may be called a prepara tion for the battlo of Armageddon. The End cf the World. 2. That this war cannot mean that wo are near the end of tho world is indicated in another way. For ex ample, all Bible scholars aro agreed that a long period of peace and right eousness is to prevail over tho earth before tho end comes. From a pass ago in Revelation L'O, it is gathered that it will last a thousand years. from which it takes tho name mil lennium. This period not having be gun aB yet, it is clear tho end of tho world is at least 1,000 years away. Hut we may bo near tho end of tho ago, which is a different matter. Thoro havo been several ages In tho history of tho raco In which God haB dealt with his peoplo in different ways; each of these ages ended In a catastrophe. That of Eden ended In tho expulsion from tho garden. That following it ended in tho Hood. Tho Mosaic ago ended in tho crucifix ion of our Lord and tho dispersion of tbo Jowb among tho Gontilo nations, where they aro toduy; and it seems to bo tho teaching of the Scriptures that tho same will be true of tho ugo in which wo live. Tho catastropho impending is not ono which affects tho true church which is tho body of Christ, but the professing church, and tho nations which, having a form of godliness are denying tho power there of. Tho church will escape tho ca tastropho by being caught, up to meet tho Lord in the nlr, ns It is written In I ThesBalonians 1, but that which be falls tho falso church and the nations is tho battlo of Armageddon and what is connected witli it, of which this Eu ropean war is so frightful a fore runner. Second Coming of Christ. 3. Tho second coming of Christ mcanB, of course, his personal In tho censo of visible reappearing, and as stated beforo, so far aB tho church is concerned tho event may bo very far. It 1b after tho church b caught up to meet him In tho air that tho events transpire on earth which focus In the battle of Armageddon. His coming to tho earth means tho destruction of tho nations thus headed up In tho anti christ, not in tho sense that all their inhabitants tiro slain, but (hat, as na tions they cease to exist. Tho certainty and tho imminence- of our Lord's return is v. mighty motive for repentance and faith in his namo, and In the case of thoso of us who aro saved through faith it speakB with equal potency of the necessity for a holy life. ' To quote the language of another. Bupposo this titanic conflict among tho nations were tho very last event to occur prior to the Ivird's coming for his peoplo to tako them out cf Buch a sceno, does it not give Intense significance to tho words of Paul In tho thirteenth chapter of bin oplstlo to tho Romans whore ho Bays' "And that, knowing the time, that now It Is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our ealvation nc; ror than when wo believed ' The Goody That's Good The best way in this world to for refreshment is to get wholesome, impurity-proof chewing gum. It's made clean and kept clean. It's wrapped in waxed paper and sealed. Its two delicious flavors are always fresh and full strength. It is the longest-lasting, most beneficial and pleasant goody possible to buy. It aids appetite and digestion, quenches thirst, sweetens mouth and breath. Write for free copy of "WRIGLEVS MOTHER GOOSE," a handsomely illustrated booklet in colors that will amuse young and old and remind you of this Perfect Gum. In it the WRIGLEY SPEARMEN have acted all the old familiar Mother Goose scenes to the "tune" of new jingles. Address Wm, Wrigley Jr. Co., 1312 Kesner Building, Chicago. p 6 'Chew it after every meal" Orchids. The exportation of orchids from tho Philippine Islands is increasing. In March, 191-1, 10,000 plants wore con signed to a San Francisco firm and arrived in excellent condition. Dur ing May 5,000 plants were shipped to tho snmo firm. Tho consignments Included four varieties Sollorlans, Amablles, Studlanas and Sauderlans. SELF SHAMPOOING With Cutlcura Soap Is Most Comfort Ing and Beneficial. Trial Free. Especially If prcccdod by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dan druff and Itching on tho scalp skin. Thoso supercreamy emollients moot every skin want as well u3 ovcry toilet and nursery want In caring for tho akin, scalp, hair and hands. Sample each free by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY, lloston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Baby's Eyes. Do sound a warning to mothers about lotting tiny babies lie Hat, gaz ing straight at tho sky. Unless a baby is sitting up In us carriage, tho top should always be over Its face. University of Notre Dame NOTRE DIME, INDIANA Thorough Kdiu'tltlori Moral Training. Twenty ono courufH Irudlngr to ilrjjreeH in I'lattHlCH, Modern OtterH,JounialiNni.l'olnu-,il Kcirioruy, omincrrc Chemistry. Uloloijy. l'hartnucy, KiiglnreruiK, Architecture Law. Preparatory School, variauH coarse., For Catalogues addrrm OOX II, NOTflC DAME, INDIANA BUY direct from mill YOUR OWN TERMS IIIouscn-$200 nil. Kmtlm Lumbrt Gnnt material, belt woikinaouhlp. Guaranteed. !DariiN-S100 up. Beit lumber, rltktly pot totether. Up-to-Jiie Iruido trriosemeot. SIIos-$80 up. Satltfactloi nmoued. torn in woikojjutalp arid material. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS ASTOKIA LUMBER ASSN. Aalorio. Oreoou WRIGLEY5 Nothing to Be Said. Judge You admit, then, that you stole the loaf of bread? Woman Prisoner Yes, your honor. Judgo What havo you to say for yourself? Woman Nothing, your hoonr. It it was lace or Jewelry, I might plead kleptomania, but wo can't try that when It's bread. HIDDEN IMPURITY c "If American womon knew how much of our Coffoo lies on tho ground for days, beforo tho berrlcB aro llnally swopt up and harvested, greater caro would bo exorcised in purchasing this food. For this Coffco is impure Hut its moldy color is lost in tho roast luff, and tho partial decay is coucouled until it comes up harsh and bitter In tho cup. This fact is not gonerally known to importers, for few of them havo studied conditions existing prior to tho arrival of their ships in port." So writos F. C. Ilarwood. And Mr. Harwood knows. Ills long experience in the tropical coffeo growing coun tries, his doep intimacy with planta tion owners, his closo study of their customs, their methods and tho "Tricks of thoir Trado" has acquired for him a fund of knowledge which places him far in tho loadorshlp ot coffee connoisseurs, both ncro and abroad. Denlson's Coffees aro selected by F. C. Ilarwood, personally, and it is here that his power in tho Coffeo Industry manifests Itself to tho qualification of Denlson's Brnnds. Hla wisdom and critical discrimination is appreciated by Coffeo Growers tho world over, and their respect gives him first cholco ol tho world's llnest crops. Thus, only pure, hand-picked berries llnd their way into Denlson Coffees. His caro is your safeguard against impurity. Try Denlson's and realize your Ideal Coffco put up in Cans, Cartons or Bags. Ask your grocer or wrlto Den lson Coffoo Co., Chicago, for tho namo of the nearest dealer. Adv. Dangerous Situation. "Awful situation at tho Jail." "Dear mo! What is it?" 'They havo tho measles thore, and all tho prisoners havo broken out." For Them spend a nickel One Led to Another. "I tried to got you over tho tolo phono half n dozen times yesterday morning, but tho lino was busy overy timo." "Yos. My wlfo called up a neighs bor to aBk her a question, nnd beforo they got through ench had asked tho other not less than ono hundred questions." Stationary Post. Vlctlma fof cabinet changes In En' ropo are coming to favor tho Now York Idea of a "stationary post." Bos ton Advurtlsor. Red Crom Hall Blue, maris In Amerlco, therefore the bent, delight the hougewiffi. All good grocers. Adv. Tho early ohortcako is recognized by its "strawberry birthmark. Nebraska Directory Klflynecond jear. Colleen preparatory. UerUflcat right tu Hrnltli, Vanriar arid Wellealey. Adrancwd for High School (radnaten. llntHrholdart. Mutlc. mihi it ruiBU joiumua, rrUctt!, oiiu i, aaa, THEPAXTOfiiS Rootna from 11.00 up alnif le, 76 ceata up doubla. CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE Good Serum Will Save Your Hogs :From Ul D, R. GOT. IJcenied Rerum. Phnnn. wlra. aril, or call on OMAHA HKKtJM COM PA NY, It OU O Ht., 8. Oniuba, Nub., Vliouo Hoath 808 The University School of Music Begins its 22nd year Sept. Gifc All Branches of Music Dramatic Art Write now for new catalog to Willord Kimball, Pres. lllli ft R Sis.. Lincoln. Neb. W. N. U., OMAHA, MO. 35-1915." .1 Cholera