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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Wm, Hondy left Friday evening for Omaha to spend o voral days on busi ness, Vic Halllgan will leave this week for Lincoln to tako up his law course In the state university. "Win. Huddart loft yestorday morn ing for Broken How to spend scvoral days with relatives. Thos. Scott, gonoral roadniastcr, of Omaha, spent the latter part of last week here on business. llonry Peterson, of Denver, spent the latter part of last week with his fathor, Louis Peterson. Fall Suits and Coats, completo stocks. Come in and look at tlioin. Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. John Guyman nnd daughters are expected homo today from a visit with Sutherland rolatlves. Miss Mario Doran loft Saturday morning for Overton whore sho will visit frlonds for sovoral days. Havo you seon our Peacock Jewelry In our window; very pretty and new, the latost out. CLINTON, tho Jeweler. James Norton left Saturday for Davenport, Iowa, to vslt his family, j who aro spending a month there. j Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mlsehkc, who, have been visiting In Denver for a week will return home Thursday. I Louis Kelly and Cecil Cool returned Saturday evening from Denvor where they spent a week visiting friends. Union Pacific local Inspector John son, of Grand Island, spent tho latter part of last week hero on business. Mrs. 0. W. Slzomoro and daughter, who visited relatives In Sutherland last wcok will return homo today. Master Molvln Yates returned to Sterling a few days ago after visiting his father, Edward Yatos, for a wcok. Guy Kcesc, of Plattsmouth, formerly of this city, Is expected In a fow days to vslt tho -Stamp and Bonner families. Mason Jars 15c per dozen for pints and 25c por dozen for quarts. These aro No. 1 Jars. LIERK-SANDALL CO,.. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ilahlcr returned Friday from California wliero thoy visited Miss Alblna Hahlor for several weeks. MIbs Carrlo PIzor arrived Friday evening from California to visit tho Julius Plzer family for a week or longer. Miss Freda Hammer and mother, who havo been visiting relatives In Sidney and Danvor returned homo Sunduy. Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, of Cedar Rapids, who visited frlondB( herd for several weeks returned hdme Friday aftomoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott returned to Storllng, Friday afternoon after vis iting with Mr. nnd Mrs. Cy Hussell for a week. II. I). Snydor, of Palisade, returned homo yestorday morning after visiting with his brother W. P. Snyder at the stato farm. J. M. Schaagaard, an Instructor In tho schools nt Sadora, 111., and his sis ter, Miss May Schaagaard, of Ross ylllo, who wero guests of Mr, and Mrs. Chnrles Stamp, left yesterday morning. Miss Lllllo O'Leary, of Syrncuse, N. Y who was tho guest of her sister, Mrs. II. I. Block, left for home Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everett York and chil dren returned Saturday evening from a pleasant visit with relatives In Sil ver City, Iowa. MIhr Charlotte Rliutnn. of Omaha. who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.! Brooks Meadows for a week, returned homo this morning. Miss Cella Gortiam, of Grand Island, arrived hero Saturday evening to vis it hor sister, Mrs. W. A. Buchflnch, for a week or longer. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Leth, of Raw lins, nrrlved hero Frlduy afternoon to visit their nephew, A. M. Leth and family, for a fortnight. Rev. McDougnll, of Bridgeport, re turned homo yesterday morning, nfter conducting tho servlcos at tho Pros byterlan church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Galney, of Chicago, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy for ton days, returned homo Saturday morning. Miss Sara Reynolds left Friday af ternoon for Shelton to spend a few days with relatives before going to Lincoln to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Clnude Stryson of Sownrd, aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Stryson while onroute homo from a honeymoon trip to Denver. Tho caso of Wltto ct al vs. Charles Hupfer, for wages, came up In the county court last week and was con tinued until Septembor 4th. Mrs. II. II. Stryson nnd daughter, Hazol, who spent several weeks vis iting relatives In MInden, returned homo tho latter part of last week. Miss Kato Dcerlng and Miss Ger trude Mankln, of Grand Island, who wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green last week, have returned home. Mrs. Wood White left Saturday for Grand Island whoro sho will visit her mother for a short time and later go to California to visit her son Major White. Miss Arvllla Whltaker returned yes terday morning from eastern cities whoro sho spent scvoral weeks visit ing relatives and buying fall milli nery. Mrs. Robert Mason nnd daughter, DIxlo, of Aurora, 111., who havo been vlsiitlug Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason for a couple of weeks, loft Friday for home. Rohort A. Slsty, of North Yakima, Wnsh., camo last week to visit his frlond, Charles Hupfer, Jr., whllo en route to Midland college at Atchison, Kansas. r Edward T. Kollher, who has been associated with tho Great Western Accident Insurance Co. of Omaha, was promoted last week to assistant state manager. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Green, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who havo boon attend ing tho Panamn exposition, will visit Mrs. Rlcheson this week while en- roiito home. Word was received in this city Sat urday of tho death of Mrs. Amanda Hill, of Horshcy, mother of tho late Mrs. Al co McCord who was recently killed by train No. It) at Sutherland. Airs. Hill was over eighty years of ago, had been in poor hOalth for sev- ral years and the shack of her daugh ters' accident hastened her death. Sho leaves an aged husband. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ed Johnson, of Omaha, spent Sun day In town as tho guest of F. L. Moonoy. Mrs. Joseph Murphy left yesterday morning for Roscoe to visit relatives for a few days. Miss Mary Sllloson left yesterday morning for Ncvlns to visit rolatlves for a week or longer. Peter Peterson, ono of the Janitor's In til federal building, leaves this week on a pleasure trip to Denver. Miss Mabel McVlcker, of Lexington, is expected here this week to open her millinery parlors In The Lender. Miss Carrlo Fryo has resumed her dulle at tho Kauffmann (z Wornert storo after a fortnight's vacation. C. W. Raskins, of the Fourth ward, will remodel his residence, nddlng a number of modern conveniences. Mrs. B. F. Sailor returned Saturday evening from a business trip to Kan sas City and other eastern points. Mrs. Geo. T. Field will return this week from California, where she has been visiting for several months. Miss Dorothy Bartholemew, of Goth enburg, came yesterday morning to visit her friend Miss Ruth Loan for a week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Prosho, of La Salle, 111., who had been visiting Mrs. Otto Pr'osho, left yesterday morning for Goring. Mrs. Roso Garrison and children, who have boon visiting Paxton rela tives for several weeks, will return Thursday. Mrs. Howard Dolaon left yesterday morning for Cheyonne after being a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dolson for a week. John Ilildebrand returned Sunday afternoon from Kansas City, Excel sior Springs and Omaha where he spent two weeks. Rov. Aifred Gllfan and daughter Louise returned Saturday from the east, and will remain for some' time with Mr. Oilman's parents. Miss Gertrude McKow, or Bertram!, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle this week while onroute to Alliance to tako up her duties as teacher. Mrs. J. Ft Schmalzried returned Sunday from an eight weeks' visit at points in California. She reports a very pleasant and interesting trip. Suprlntendent Jeffers spent Sundav here. while enroute to Omaha from a business trip to Cheyenne. He was th guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schatz. Wo havo a full showing of Dress Skirts. They are the best tailored skirts wo have over had the pleasure of showing, and the prices aro ex tremely low. E. T. TRAMP & SON'S. Ton young ladies walked to the hills south of town Sunday morning and en- Joyed a five o'clock breakfast of roast ed weinles, buttered rolls and hot cof- icc. Our Eye Tests Produce no discom fort to the patient, our facilities make it almost a pleasure to have your eyes tested, tho time requird is but a few moments and tho time couldn't possi bly ue put to better use, for there Is nothing in the world more important tnan to have any errors of vision cor rected. C. S. CLINTON, Registered uptometrlst. GRADUATE NURSES NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES Wo aro in a position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nurse and w will complete all the arrangements for you without charge. Mrs. F. J. Ccltrell and daughter Bes sie, of Lead, S. D., arrived n few day ag to visit the formor'B son, Roy Cot troll and brothor, J. Q. Wilcox for two weeks. Misses Blanche Fonda, Grace and Mabel Burke and Miss Sutton attend ed a barn dance held at the Ericsson farm in Cottonwood precinct Satur day evening. Misses Llllle and Elale Rodlne, cr Stafford, Iowa, who were guests ot Mrs. M. V. Mitchell for several das whll enroute home from Callfor'a left last evening. Miss Jennie Lincoln, of this city and Chris Schick, of Curtis, will be mar ried this evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mn. John Lincoln, weet Twolfth street. For Sale West half of Section 7, Town 1G, Range 30, Lincoln county, Neb. Possession at once. Price SIX Dollars per acre. Fred E. Bodlo, Tecumseh, Neb. 64-4 The Boosters won from the Staple ton team Sunday by a score of ten to nothing. The visitors were out classed at all points, and the game was rather listless for the specta tors. E. T. Casey hag purchased the Ham mer residence property on west Sixth street for a consldration of thirty three hundred dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Hammer expect to remove from North Platte. Ilarley Tlley, who has besn making his homo with his father W. J. Tlley for a year past, will leavo tomorrow for Des Moines to enter Drake col lege. Relatives were In this city yester day making arrangements for the fu neral of Laura May Schrecongost, the , Infant daughter .of Mr. and iMra. Noll ' Schrecongost, of Wellfleet, who died 1 Sunday. Word was received from Mr. and' Mrs. Charlos Stevlo, now of Sheridan, that a nine pound girl was born there i Inst week to their daughter, Mrs. Mary Herron. The little lady will be called Marjorie Elizabeth. 1 August Ackermnn hap begun tho con struction of a cottage on a lot that , formerly was included in tho First ward srhool site. Mr. Ackormnn has 1 leased his farm north of the rlvor and will move to town. Attorney J. S. Hoagland went to Paxton yesterday to look after legal matters. Poultry Parasites You keep tho poultry house clean to keep the parasites off 'tho chickens. You spray to kill germs but what do you do to get the germs and para sites inside the chickens? Hons es pecially show It at moulting time and during the winter. How can you expect them to lay? Free them of all Internal parasites by feeding B. A. Thomas Poultry Powder occasionally. i If It doesn't make your hens happy, ' we will return your money. Sold by i A. F. Fink. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Oince McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewoy Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 Hospital Phono Black C33. House Phono Black C33. TV. T. PMTC1IAU1), Grndunio Velerinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housb. It is false economy to buy any but high-grade, anti-skid tires. You can know true tire-saving only by using G & J Chain 1 re ad 9f HP lires Come in, telephone, or write us for the price on this famous, long mileage, real anti-skid tire. You will be surprised to find how little you will have to pay for G & J "Chain Tread" Tires of the size you use. " J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. North PJatto, Neb v. To Tobias Komla, owner of lot S, Block 11, Bollevuo Addition, North Platto, Nebraska. Tho owners of propority on tho north side of 9th street, between Jef ferson and Augusta Ave. aro hereby notified that the Mayor nnd Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, passed and approved an ordlnnnce on the 18th day of June. 1913, ordering a smewnlk adjoining their said prem ises, to beconstructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, as provided In the genernl ordinances of snid city, regulating tho construc tion of sidewalks in said city. Unless snid walk is constructed by you along tho south side of said Lot Si Block 11, owned by you in accordance with snid ordinances, on or before tho 10th day of September, 1915, the same will bo constructed by said city and the costs nssossed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which tho same shall be constructed. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. To Lucius Smith, owner of Lot 9, Block 11. Bollovue Addition, North Platto, Nobroska. Tho iownors of properly on the north sido of 9th stroet, between Jef ferson and Augusta Avo. aro li reby notlflpd thnt the Mayor and Counull of tho olty of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho ISth lUy of Juno. 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining tholr snid prem lsoa, to beconstructed ns to line and grade, and of pormanont material, as provided In tho gonoral ordinances of said city, regulating the construc tion of sldowalks In said city. Unless said walk is constructed by you along the south Btdo of said Lot 9, Block 11. owned by you In accordance with said ordinances, on or before tho 10th day of.Soptomhor, 1915, tin- samo will be constructed by said city and the cost assessed upon the said lot owned by you adjoining which the sumo shall bo uonatructed. 0, F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) city CI rk. Mrs. Newton's Beauty Parlor 8Q4 DEWEY STREET. Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment for Dandruff and Fall ing Hair, Shampoo and Hair Dress, Manicuring, Children's Hair Bohhed, Clipping and .Singeing Hair. All work guar anteed to he satisfactory and of the highest class. Parlor Phone 281. ' Residence Phone Red 664. MRS. C. M. NEWTON 604 DEWEY STREET. II " ''' J-r-.-Ji Jl "mn r iinnr linn tiiit nun nn i nnrnu ii o h wide ntHU mm duilud h dhcu Some one, also wise, has said, "To protect your tools from dew and dust, And the ravages of Rain and Rust" Plenty of Shed Room On A Farm Is pretty good evidence of economical and successful management. Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good Coal. Phone 7. HEZZiC 3C 3 CHEZ OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank D -ol- Member Federal Reserve Bank System. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. H STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE H HAVE BEEN THE FACTORS IX THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AM) THE SAME CAHEFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Z3CZ3I 11 H IE NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) Phone 58 723 Locust Street A modern institution for the jcientific treatment of medical, surgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rtty nnd diagnostic laboratories. Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J; B. RedficIJ, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D. Miss Elise Sieman, Supt. Office phoi-M oj , R.H pi,one 217 I. . C . DhOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. J. B. ItEDFIELl). PHYSICIAN Ss SURGEON Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. RedHeld & Redfleld Office Phono 642 Res. Phone G76 LEGAL NOTICE. Walton II. Rlggs. tho heirs.' devisees. legatees and personal representatives of said Walton H. Rlggs and all per sons interested in tho estate of said Walton H. Riggs; R. D. Matlack, tho heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of said R. B. Matlack and all persons interested in the es tate of said R. B. Matlack: Charles McArthur and Emma McArthur his wife, defendants: You and each of you will take notice that on August 2lst, 1915, Al Zollars plaintiff filed his cer tain petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho object and prayer or which aro to quiet and confirm against you titlo to tho following des cribed lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, .to-wlt: East Half of South west Quarter and West Half of South east Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nine (9), North of Range Twenty-nino (29), West of tho Cth P. M..antl to establish new and in dependent titlo in the plaintiff and his grantee in said described lands by reason of the adverse possession thereof as against said named defen dants as In said petition pleaded and to cancel and annul a mortgage mado on February 7, 1S90 to one Marshall S. Way and assigned to defendant R. B. Matlack as being barred by the statute of limitations. You and each of you will make an swer to said petition on or before tho 4th day of October, 1915, or decree will bo taken against you as in said peti tion prayed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Catherine V. Beers, the heirs, de visees, legatees and personal repres entatives of said Catherine V. Beers and all persons interested In the es tato of said Catherine V. Beers; tho Nebraska and Kansas Farm Loan Company, a corporation, and unknown', claimants of tho West Half of North east Quarter and East Half of North west Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Nino (9), North of Range Twenty-nine (29), West of tho Cth P. M :You and each of you will take notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, as plaintiff, filed his cer tain petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which are to quiet and confirm against you and each of you, title to tho following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: West half of Northeast puar ter and East half of Northwest puar ter of Section twenty-three ((23), Township Nino (9), North of Range twenty-nine (29), west of the Gth P. M. and to establish by said action new and independent titlo In plaintiff and his grantee by reason of tho adverse possesion of said described premises as in said petition pleaded and to can cel that certain mortgage mado and executed to tho defendant, Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company, n corporation, on June 17, 18S9, and re corded in Book 9, at pago 280, of tho county clerk's records of Lincoln county, as being barred by the statute of limitations. You and each of you" will make ans wer to said petition on or before the 1th day of October, 1915, or decree will be taljon against you as in said petition prnyed. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E. If. Evans, His Attorney. a24-4 LEGAL NOTICE. William Wells and wife Serena Wells, tho heirs-, devisees, legateos and personal representatives of said William Wells and all persons inter ested in tho estnto of said William Wells, defendants, will take notice that on August 21st, 1915, Al Zollars, plain tiff, filed his certain petition in the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against said named defen dants, implended, tho object and prayer of which said action nre to quiet and confirm titlo In plaintiff and against said defendants in tho West Half of Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-threo (23), Township Nine (9), North of Rango Twenty-nlno (29), West of the Gth P. M. Lincoln County, Nebraska and to establish by said action now nnd indopondont title in tho plaintiff against said defendants by reason of tho adverso possession of said lands by plaintiff for more than ten years past. You and each of you will answer said petition on or boforo the 4th day of October. 1915, or docroo will be taken ogalnt you as prayed for in plaintiff's petition. AL ZOLLARS, Plaintiff. By E II Evans, His Attorney. a24-4