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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
THF RPMI WFFKl Y TRIBl'NF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. READY TO ADVANCE AT FALL 0.- NIGHT Tlio chap who suspects M3 nolgh- I NOyjffTSF ggjgj What kind of roofing shall I buy? W'uMi dnv n umlV day II you ur Ked . f liall.Hliie, American made, therefore the bent made. Adv. gJSSH Tha General iay$t You can buy a cheap unguaranteed r. l- r iXjSo rooting nnu save a icw uoiiarsin mi- SUtdS ttal coat or you can pay this (light difference and get a Speech and Silence. Speak fitly, or bo silent wisely (! orgo Herbert. Ifrjal roolinir guaranteed by the world' largest manufacturer of roofing nnd building paper. Tho final cott it what count And you'll find it cheaper In tho long run to buy a m 0 M&i Mourn teed Safcat Marriages. Tho safest marriages aro declared by a statistician to ho those contract ed wllh men undor twenty-four or more than thirty-four years of ago. Circumstantial Evidence. How did ;-ou know that mun was a sporting follow?" lUcnuso when I trod on his corns ho let out ti regular football yoll." y.M.-w.... i. . man ft m III i II II II ill ! i I II Ml I I M Mil Ml JWr-JlHt y tf nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd nnnnnoonn Italian troops m a thickly wooded district awaiting tho coming ot night to uiauo aa advuuco on tho Austrian position. SEVENTEEN MILLIONS OF MEN 10 001 FROM FOR UNGLE SI'S Mi War Department Figures Sho.w That Only 61 in Each 10,000 Civil ians of Military Age Have Had Military Training More Than a Score of States Are Without Field Artillery Half the National Guard Cavalry h Confined to Two States. Washington. Much has been wild and written since tho European began as to military prcparcdr-oss of the United States. Organizations whoso purposo Is to encourage prepar edness and to urgo more liberal appro priations for tho army and navy have been organized In all parts of the country. Tho army and the navy have been thoroughly studied in recent months, and tho president is now busy with their problems; but what of tho groat civilian army, then, of military age between eighteen and forty-four years, of whom according to the re ports of state adjutant generals on file In Washington, thoro are nearly 17, 000.000. Of this total, as great almost as tho total of all the armies now lighting In Europo, only sixty-one hun dredths of one per cent aro in tho militia of the various states, which means 'that more than 1G,800,000 aro men practically without military train ing. To got an Idea ot the situation, a New York Times representative was permitted a few days ago to read some of the government reports on tho condition of tho militia. Tho re sult was startling. Ir more than a score of states thero is no field ar tlllory of any sort, and In the whole country thoro aro fewer than 40 ofTl cers of ordnance. In 35 states thero aro no organizations trained for coast artillery, 24 havo no cavalry, a largo majority aro without signal troops, while tho total force of organized en gineers, officers and men, totals less than 1,500 for tho entiro country. Ono state, Nevada, Is without militia organ ization of nny kind. In tho table that follows, which gives tho number of officers and en listed men of all arms in tho National Guard, tho figures aro from regu lar army inspectors, and appear In tho most recent report of tho divi sion of militia affairs. 45 .109 41 .124 . 73 .2'J5 56 State. Officers. Alatmrnn ..1G3 Arizona Arkansas California .252 Colorado ..122 Co'nectc't .177 Delaworo D. of C Florida ., noorsla .. Hawaii .. Idaho 5$ Illinois EOS Indiana ....1G9 Iowa 217 Kansas 132 Kentucky ,1G4 Louisiana . R Maine 108 Maryland ..157 Mass 424 Michigan ..189 Minnesota .220 Mississippi. 91 Missouri ...244 Montana .. 10 Men 2.C0" C45 1,402 3.KM, 1.933 2.51 Ij 465 1,721 1,075! 2.4' State. Officers. Nebraska ..132 Novnda N'ew Ham.. 90 N'ew Jers'y 304 New Max... 57 New York.. 974 N. Cnrol'a..209 N. Dakota.. 00 Ohio 490 Oklahoma . 77 RoSOrtKon 100 SID Penn 745 5,447 Ithodft Isl... 96 2.10'j'S. Carol'a..l56 3.014 S. Dakota.. OS l,720Tennesseo .117 2,2in,Texas 192 1,000 Utah 29 l,40l,Vermont ... 73 1.9S.l,Virnlnla ...206 5.3Ga,Vash"Kton .88 2.47S!West Va...104 3,24t,V1sconsln .193 BM.Wyomlni; .. 51 3.R40 C3GI Totals ..8.792 119.251 Men. 1.3SI l',!80 4.014 910 15.591 2.3G7 G79 5.C37 1.310 1.401 10,190 1.301 1.791 873 1.79S 2,731 419 817 2.G06 1.312 1.517 2.931 7M In tho abovo total is included 31 generals, 08 ofllcors assigned to duty as adjutant generals of brigades and divisions, 47 Inspector generals and 48 Judgo advocates. Tho appointment among tho various arms of tho servlco Is as follows: Arm. Officers. Men. Infantry C,32S 95.109 Cavalry 203 4.GI2 Field artillery 314 5,914 Coast artillery 450 7,150 Modleal corps 7S3 3,550 Engineers 78 1,246 Quartermaster 157 10 f Subsistence 19 17 Pay 10 Ordnance 59 39 Blcnal 72 1,470 Totals 8.792 119,251 Many States Without Cavalry. All tho states, savo Novada, havo In fantry troops, as a mattor of courso. In field artillery thero aro 23 that havo nono. Theso states are Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Malno, Maryland, Missis sippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Norti Carolina, North Dakota, Okla homa, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Only 13 statos maintain coast artil lery organizations, and of tho total of coast artillerymen moro than half Is. In Now York. In Malno tho total of coast artillerymen Is 30. Tho coast states of Now Jersey, Pennsylvania! Delaware. Maryland, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi nnd Texas aro without coast artillery organizations. Nearly half of all tho National Guard cavalry in tho country is in Now York and Pennsylvania. The states with out cavalry aro Alabama, Arizona. Ar kansas, Dolaware, Florida, Idaho, In diana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Malno, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Ne braska, Novada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wy oming. It will be noted that among the state's without cavalry aro a ma jority of those in which horseman ship is supposed to bo most common such as Vyoming, Kentucky, Montana, Kansas and New Moxico. Engineering and Ordnance. Of engineering troops more than 1,100 of the 1,324 aro In four states; Now York, with 754. Ohio with 190, Pennsylvania with 123, and Michigan with 100. Of tho romajnlng 225 (31 cers and men Illinois claims four of tho olllcers and GO men, and Oklahoma throe officers md CI enlisted men. Vir ginia has an engineering strength of three officers, Massachusetts and Cali fornia two officers each, Ithodo Island, South Dakota, Mississippi, Maryland, Iowa and tho District of Columbia ono officer each. Thero aro fewer than 100 officers and enlisted men In tho National Guard ordnnnce service. Tho number of men between eight een and forty-four fit for military Bcrv ioo Is approximately 16,500,000, divid ed among tho states as follows: State. Alabama Arizona Arkansas .... California ... Colorado Connecticut ., Delaware I), of Columbl Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois 1 Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky .... Louisiana .... Maine Maryland .... Massachusetts Michigan .... Minnesota ... Mississippi ... Missouri Men. State. Men. .S03.144 Montnna 48.076 . 40,776 Nebraska 132,380 . 327, 3S7 Nevada 20.C00 .393,784 N. Hampshire. 41.23) .134,225 Now Jersey. . .G76.S0G ,.156,497 Now Mexico .. C0.G73 . 32,4S2New York ..1,616.411 ii 80,278 N. Carolina ....302,743 .197,183 N. Dakota .... 70,771 .577.G7S Ohio 9I6.S56 . 14,SG30klahoina 321,271 . 33.82tjOrCK011 136.521 OoO.OO" Pennsylv'n ..1,139.526 C52.351 Rhodo Island. .138.402 .2SS.E3S. Carolina ....217.375 .386,570 3. Dakota .... 70.S62 .312,32(1 Tennesseo 376.7G3 .339,413 Texas 602.870 .104.819 tTtah 40.453 .126.975 Vermont 50,878 377.01S Virginia 327,817 .521.792 Washington ...286,189 .237,923 V. Virginia ..201.331 .401 220 Wisconsin ....441.396 .601.031 Wyoming 41,730 Total 1C.C47.347 Show Strange Situations. Tho nbovo figures reveal many strango situations. For Instanco, Ala bama Is surpassed by only four states In tho number of males between eight een and forty-four fit for military serv ice, theso states bolng Now York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. Tho 1010 census gavo California 200,000 moro population than Alabama, yet Alabama roports that sho can furnish 400,000 moro men than can California. Toxas, with 1,700,000 moro population than Alabama, reports only 500,000 men fit for servlco, whllo Massachu setts, with 500,000 less population than T-3xas, offers 75,000 moro. Minnesota, with 2,100.000 population roports only 237,923 possible soldiers, whllo South Carolina, with only 1,500, 000, comes within 10,000 of that num ber. Ohio, whosn population Is a round million groator than that of Texas, Is credited with 450,000 moro ablo men than Toxas, but only 150,000 moro than Alabama, which has 2,500,000 fowor people Mississippi, 1,800,000 population, of fers moro than 400,000 men, whereas Tennesseo, with 2,200,000 population, returns only 37C.000. Indiana, with 1,000,000 loss population than Toxbb, reports 1C0.000 moro fit men and 75, 000 moro than Massachusetts, which has G50.000 more citizens than has In diana. Keep in Touch With Militia. Much criticism has been lovoled at tho war department becauso of appar ent lack of Interest In the militia. It Is a fact, howovor, that never, excopt when tho country was nt war, has tho government dono more for tho Na tional Guard than i:ow. At tho head of tho Now York state detail is Lieut. Col. A. P. nulling ton, who has given years to tho study of tho militia problem, nnd ho works hand In hand with Major General O'Kyan.vnnd tho other higher officers of tho Now York guard. Under Colonel Uuffington as inspector-instructors aro Maj. William Welgel, Capts. Joseph I Gilbrcth and George H. White, and First Lleuts. Hussell Jnmcs, Carroll H. Hodges and Albert T. Rich, Infantry; Capt. David II. Biddlo and First Llout. William II. Bell, cavalry; Capt. Dan iel W. Hand and First Lleuts. Dawson Olmsted and Harry Pfcll, Hold artillery; Capt. Henry 13. Clark; First Llout. John A. Hrockman, slgnnl corps, and Maj. Sanford II. Wadhams, medical corps. General Hills at the Head. Eight officers aro detailed to tho Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania, six to Ohio, seven to Illinois, nino to Massa chusetts, and from ono to four each to every othor state except Novada. Among theso 133 officers aro about 20 retired officers who had to leavo tho active servlco because of disabilities that made campaigning in tho Philip pines, or sorviep In Panama, Porto Hlco and border ports In this country out of tho question, but which did not affect their usefulness as Instructors. Over all theso officers Is Drlg. Gen, Albert L. Mills, U. S. A., chief of tho division of militia affairs, with head quarters In tho war department. Gori oral Mills Is ono of tho fow New York city gcnoral officers in tho regular service, and was formerly superintend ent of tho Military Academy ot West Point. Attached to tho staff of each of tho four department commnndors Is also an officer whoso duties ha.o ontlroly to do with militia affairs. Col. Charlos It. Noyos holds this position on tho staff of Maj.. Gen. Leonard Wood, who commands at Gov ernor's island; Col. D. A. Frederick Is tho militia officer of the central de partment; Llout. Col. William S. Scott holds tho position on tho staff of tho commanding general of tho southern department, and Col. John C. Gresham on that of tho commanding officer of tho western department at San Frani clsco. POPULAR SEASIDE FAD 'tmmm Nobody knows who started tho mosl popular Innovation Introduced al Erlghton Ueach in many seasons. The big tennis courts nt tho Brighton baths aro so popular that they are bo lng used day and night by tennis play ers. A fow days ago, during tho ex tremely hot spell, a number of play ors appeared on tho courts, not In their usual tennis toggory, but garbed in bathing costume. It Is almost un bollovablo how tho Innovation spread. Now only tho uninitiated think of ap pearing on tho tennis courts In any thing but tholr bathing costumes. Im mediately aftor a lively sot, the playors can toko tho ndvantago o! stopping Into a pool or into tho sea, but a fow pacos from tho courts, to enjoy a cooling dip or swim. Some Jealous, r'atienco Is sho Jealous of hor hus band? Patrice Is she? Say, sho's Jealous If ho llnds a hair In thu butter that Isn t hers! NO DOUBT THAT RESIN0L DOES STOP ITCHING It 13 a fact that the moment reslnol ointment touches Itching skins, tho Itching stops nnd healing begins. With tho aid of reslnol soap, it almost al ways clears away all traco ot cczoma, Bummer rashos, pimples, or similar tor menting, unsightly eruption quickly, leaving tho skin clear and healthy. And the best of It Is you need never hesltato to uso reslnol soap and resl nol ointment, rtcslnol is a doctor's prescription which for twenty years has been used by careful physicians for many kinds of skin affections. They know that its soothing, healing action is brought about by medication bo bland and gentle as to bo suited to tho mosl dellcato or irritated skin. Reslnol ointment nnd reslnol soap aro sold by all druggists. Adv. Family Days. Family occasions ought to bo cele brated frequently, oven If tho celebra tion Is tho simplost form of littlo fes tival. Bringing tho family together helps to promolo affection. Whatever the event, birthday or wedding anni versary or a welcomo homo from n Journey, it ought to moan something to every member of tho family, nnd cnu bo mado an occasion Hint will remain bright In momory when tho family clrclo Is broken. These United States. Tho United States has 3,000,000 square miles of torritory, 1,903,000.000 acros of land. Thoro aro 878,000,000 acres ot land In tho farms of tho coun try, but 478,000,000 acres ot this area are unimproved nnd unproductive. Its Kind. "I seo whoro thoy havo a littlo Thlm bio theater in Now York. What kind of plays havo thoy?" "Ob, 1 daro say, thoy aro sow, sow." Something Just as Good. "Lot's get up a piscatorial excur sion." "Why not havo Just a good old fish ing party?" Some lrorses aro bettor mud runners than others. It Is so with human bo-Ings. Tho best throw ono can make with dlco Is to throw them away. Roofing Shingles (Star Surfaced) These shingles aro surfaced with genuine red or green crushed slate. making a most Artistic and durable roof covering. Guaranteed 1 0 years. This roofing is the highest quality possibla to make and it is guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 yeiti, (of 1, 2 ot 3 ply respectively. When once laid Certairt'tccd must remain intact t least (or the penod ot the guar antee and the guaranteo it a definite in turance against all roofing troubles. For $at by JtaUri rnvrywhtr at Ttatonabtt prift General Roofing Manufacturing Company H'orM' larval nmnuiif turtr of Hoofing and Building JMpfrt Ni York City Chlcaeo Philadelphia Sl.LouU Botton Cleyeland Putttruicls Detroit Stn Francisco Clndnnait Minneapolis KantaaCltr . SeaUlo Atlanta Houston London Hamburg Srtuity GOLD'S SIREN LURE FOR MEN Hardship and Death Oared by Thou sands That They May Gain Riches Quickly. It was In 180S that tho rush of gold seekers to tho Klondlko reached Its Hood. Tho nlnety-elghtors probably never will know tho famo of thu forty niners, but they havo u nlaco in tho long history of tho gold hunters, tho men of all nntlons, ancient, mcdloval and modern. Tho book hns a hundred chapters tolling of failure nnd of denth to every ono lightened with the story ot success. II. M. Cndell recently visited tho Klondlko and thero mndo a study of present conditions. Ho describes them and adds an Interesting account of the early dny rush to tho Northwest terri tory. Tho Smithsonian institution hns put Mr. Cadell's report Into print. It Is an Interesting documont. Soino of tho happenings In tho Klondlko wero duplicates of like happcnlngB In Cali fornia and Australia during tho first years of tho surfaco washing In those fields. These duplications show that human unturo Is unchanging. Men went to tho Klondlko daring hardship and death that they might get rich quick. Soino of tho gold seokors wero quickly successful. A largo percentage of tho successful ones almost literally thrpw tholr mon oy away. Easy come, easy go. This sort of thing hns marked golt min ing In all ages. Tho Klondike bs not what It was, but human nntur stays tho same. Tho discovery of gold at tho North polo would Btart a north orn migration that would tako no ac count of tho lnsuporablo obstacles of dlstnnco and cold. Tho luro Is Irre sistible Chicago Post. Transportation In Calcutta. To competo with Calcutta's present stroot rallwny syBtoiu a company has been formed which will placo 100 mo tor buses and 400 cars for freight In sorvlco within a yonr. It doesn't look as If tho fool killer will over bo ablo to tako a vacation. Kind acts aro novor stopping atones to misfortune The Bonnie Conductor Lassie. Edinburgh, Scotland, has two dozen women street enr conductors who aro a thorough success In tho now lino ot work. Othor tramways aro already recruiting girls nnd training them to bo conductors. It is said that girls working In tho English cartrldgo fac tories nro so fired with patriotism that Dome of thorn work thirty hours In a strotch without any rest. Miss Elizabeth Lister has boon appolntod a Btntloumnstcr in South Wales, tho first woman to act In that capacity. In tho north of England and In Scotland and Wales tho mon workors aro bolng supplanted In tho Holds by women, who can bo Boon following tho bar row or digging and hoolng. Saves Steps. When tho boat and hnpplost houso kcopor known to tho wrltor was askod to tell tho sccrot of hor spocd In housowork sho ropllod: "I novor iron with a cold iron, cut with a dull knlfo or go to my kltchon to proparo a moal without a clean small hand towel plnnod to my apron belt on onoialdo and a similar dish towol pinned on tho othor. Try It, and you will bo sur prised to boo how much tlmo and how many extra stops you will savo." Another Little Bedtime Story. "Good gracious!" crlod Potor Rab bit, "what la tho cauBO of that uproar going on up In tho air? Thorol That was tho S. O. S. call 1 Somebody must bo In troublo, nnd " "Oh, thnt Is old Doc Stork," ropllod Sammy Jay. "Ho 1 carrying twins to tho wildcat's houso, and tho dear llt tlo BtrnngorB do not wish to go." Kansas City Star. It was a Kansas woman, of course, who fVndod tho family rofrlgorator fol a pair of rollor skates. A Kansns man would havo dickered for a different kind of skato. Every married man Is judgod and Juried by his wlfo. e A woman 1- apt to onvy a parrot If It can talk faster than sho can. A deaf-muto Is always ready to'ake a hand in an argumont. IS Post Toasties Bully Good Breakfast, Lunch or Supper Ready to eat direct from package with cream and sugar sometimes add fruit. A genuine treat that meets favor with guests and home folks. Sold by Grocers Everywhere f sBKiiJ!Ii1