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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1915)
Semi-Weekly Tribune MA L. BARE, Editor nnd l'nbllshcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Year by Mail in Adrnnco, . . .$1.2" One Ycnr by Cnrricr hi Advance .$1.50 Entered at North Platte, Nobraska, Postolllca as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, AUtiUST IS, 1915. LOCAL AND FEHSOXAL Mrs. Ill Smith left Wednesday for LoMoyno to spend a week wltli trlonds. C. S. Clark has sold his Interest In the Stobblns & Clark meat market to his partner, I. L. Stobblns, who will conduct tho business in the future. Mr. Clark has not decided what busi ness ho will tako up. Tho Ilaydon Choral Society, of Chi cago, who had been giving concerts at the Panama exposition, where thoy were a awarded a prize, wont through I on their special train of six cars tho first of tho week. While hero they rendoTed a number of songs which wore greatly appreciated by those fortunato enough to hear them. Thoy tako their own special piano on their trips. Charles (trr Tonm-a and Mrs. Rosa Koltnor surprised their friends Wednesday which took place tho pre vious evening. Rev. Knowles being tho officiating clergyman. The groom Is a partner in tho North Platte Produce company and has- buconio well known nnd prosperous local business man within tho past four years. Mrs. Touilska Is a slstor of Mrs. J. 13. Jeffries. She was formerly employed in tho alteration dopartment of tho Wilcox dopartment store nnd took a position in tho lllock Ladies' Outfitting storo last fall Tho Roosters easily Won tho second game wlilch they played at Central City tills wcok on Wednesday afternoon by a score of 9 to 4. Central City had ton hits, four runs and two errors, and tho Boosters had twelve hits, nine runs and ono error. Holliduy mado a homo run, Qotttnan and Bright tiirce huso hits nnd Ainen a two bagger. Battorles wore for Contral City, Davis, Wright and Grant; for tho Boostors Artlcy and Holliday. Tho Boosters now hold tho championship of both western ad contral Nebras ka. Hmq -Money Now Tako advantage of the big cut in prices at Block's Clearance Salo; Suits worth up to $30 to go at $5; Skirts worth from $7.50 to $15 to go at $3.98 to $7.48; wash dresses, wash skirts, children's dresses, silk and wash waists, house drosses, etc.. cut to prices that will make, them move. Como and seo tho now styles In Fall suits, uoats, waists and Skirts ar riving on ovcry oxprosB from Now York. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Wliorcas at a regular meeting of tho City Council of North Platte, hold August 2nd, 1015, tho following mo tion was adopted, Moved that thp council npprovo the following con tract with tho North Plutto Light' & Power Company and that the Mayor and Clerk bo authorized to execute samo and that tho same be submitted for tho approval or disapproval of the votors or tlio City of North Platto at a special election to be hold on Sop- tenibor 14th, 1915 for this purpose nnd In tho mannor provided by law. Street Lighting Contract between North 1'ltiKe Light and Power Com puny mid City of North Pintle. This contrnct entered Into by and botwoen North Platto Light and Powor Company, a corporation, as tho party of tho first part, and City of North Plntto, In tho County of Lincoln and Stuto of Nobraska, as party of tho sec ond part. WITNESSETH: 1. The party of the first part here by agrees to furnish to tho party of tho second part, and tho party of tho second part horoby agrees to tako and ubo,' for tho purpose of lighting tho streets, ulleys and public places of tho party of tho second pnrt, and during tho porlod of five years herolnbolow described, electric light supplied by such number of overhead suspended hooded incandescont street lamps as may bo rcauired and from time to time ordorcd Installed by tho party of tho second part during suld period, at tho following rates and prlcos, which tho party of tho second part hereby agroos to pay to tho party of tho first part, and upon tho following terms and conditions: 2. For sixty candle power Incnndos- cont lamps or tholr equivalent In can dlo powor, each per annum $21.00; for eighty cundlo powor Incandescent lamps or their equivalent In cnndlo powor, each por annum $23,75; for one hundrod powor lncandoHcont lamps or tholr equivalent In candle powor, each por annum $20,50. for two hundred and llfty cnndlo powor Incandescont lamps or tholr equivalent In cundlo power, oach por annum $58.00; for four hun dred cnndlo powor Incandescent lamps or their oqulvnlont In cundlo powor, each per annum $82.50; for thirty-two cnndlo powor Incandescent lnmps as Bpoeillod and provided for In Para graph 3, $18.00 por annum, For arc lights or high candle powor incandescent lamps used In plnce of arc lights as specified und provided for In Paragraph 3, $85.00 por annum. Pnymont shall bo made I ntwelvo equal monthly Installments. Lnmps shall bo lighted from dusk until dawn each night. All lumps and equlpmout shall bo furnished and ninintniued by tho party of.the first part. 3. It Is agreed by tho partlos here to that tho party of the llrst part will promptly, after tho confirmation of this contract by the afflrmutlvo voto of tho electors of North Platto, Nebraska, proceed to Install and equip a now and modern sygtem, Including wires, DEllltYBEItllY & FOHHES, Licensed Kinbalnicrs Undertakers nud Funeral Director Day Phono 234. Night Phono Black 588. poles and accessories, for tho service of such sixty, eighty, ono hundred, two hundred nnd fifty and four hun dred candle power Incandescent lamps or their equivalent which the second party may ordor Installed under this contrnct. Tho work of In stalling such new and modern system for street lights as provided for above, shall after commencement, bo carried on dllllgently to completion. Until tho completion of said now and modern system, the street lights now used by tho second party and supplied by tho first party, shall bo continued in uso nnd pnld for at the schedule named in I'arngraph 2, 4. In tho event of anv of said lnmns not burning during tho tlmo required, the party of tho second nart Ahull imw the right to deduct tho pro rata amount rrom tlio bill ror each night such lamp falls to supply light for more than two consecutive nights, after rece'int bv tho party of tho first nart of wrlMnii notice from tho proper official of the party of the second part that saliLlamp ia inn miming. t. All street lnmns nrnvldnil fnr horoln shnll bo placed at such points within tho territorial limits of the par ty oi uio second part as may bo desig nated by the mayor and city council or autnorizod representative of the party of tho Bccond part; provided that no lamp snail Do ordered nstnllnd nt a greater distance than seven hundred icei rrom tlio location of a then exist ing street scries lamp; and should tho party of the second part require tho re-location of any In mn aftor Hir samo has been located, then the partv of the second part shall nav to thn nnr ty of the first part the acutal cost of innor aim material necessary in such ru-iocniion. 0. The party of thn snrnnil nnrt shall, In conformity with tho law, sub mit this contract for approval or dis approval, to Its electors at a sneclnl ?ietlon "old Septomber fourteenth, 1915. Should this contract, liv sni.i electors nt such election be disapprov al, uiun no omgation Hereunder shall uo upon eitnor party horeto. But Bhould this contract by said electors at such election be approved, then this contract shall In each and all of its provisions lano enect nnd be and con Unite In full foreo for nnd during a period of five years from ami nttnr Mm first day q Novcmbor, 1915; it being distinctly understood and agreed that tho party of tho first part shall have a reasonable time In which to supply "LLi-Muury equipment ror tho ful flllng of Its obligations horcundor, nnd that It will make cvorv effort to Rimniv such equipment as speedily nnd soon us jiraciicaoie. 7. Each and all of the rights, privi leges and ndvantages lodged In or pass ing to tlio party of tho first nnrt t.v virtue horeof may by it bo transferred and usslgned, but only upon tho as sumption by any cranteo or nsai of each and nil of tho obligations of tho party of tho first part thoroundcr. In Testimony Whereof, North Platto Light and Power Company has hore- utuo set its nntid and attached its cor porato seal by Willis Todd, Its Vice President, thereunto authorized, and City of North Platte has hereunto set Its hand by Its mayor, attested by its cuy cieric, all oil this 3rd day of August A. D. ,1915. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POW- , J'J COMPANY, ,, , (Pary of First Par) , , ByWILLIS TODD, Vlnh.Prnalilntif Witness to 'signaturo of Party of First Part W. LITTLE. CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRAS KA. (Party of Second Part) By E. II. EVANS, Attest: Mayor. c.i-. TisaiPLiK, City Clerk. Thorefore notice is horby clven thnt a special election will bo hold in the City of North Platto, Nebraska, on Tuesday, Soptembor 14th, 1915, nt the places hereinafter specified In tho sev oral wards of tho city for tho purposo or sutmiuting tlio following proposl tion to tho voters of said city: "Shall tho Mayor and Clerk of said city be empowered to enter Into a contrnct with tho North Platto Light & Power Company a ,copy of which Is printed nnove ror tlio purposo of street light Ing." Tho polls of snid election shnll bo Icept open between tho hours of o clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M. on snid day nnd tho voting places therofor in tlio several wards shall bo as fol lows to-wltt t First Wnrd at tho entrance nt tho Lloyd Opera Houso In said ward, Second Ward nt tho Court Room nt tno county Court Houso In said ward Third Ward at tho old Hoso Houso situated on Vino Street betweon Front and Sixth streets in said wnrd. Fourth Ward at old IIoso houso on ?sorth Locust street in said ward. Tlio ballots for said election shall hnvo printed thereon: For granting permission to tho Mny or and Clerk of tho City of North Platto to ontor Into a contract with said company ror tlio purposo of street lighting. And AgnlttBt granting permission to the Mayor and Clork of tho said city to entor Into snid contract with tho North Platto Light and Powor Com pany. Thoso voting in fnvor of granting sain permission snail mnrk tholr bal lots with an "X" opposlto tho para grnpn beginning, For granting said permission moso voting ngnlnst granting of snid pormlsslon shall mnrk tholr bal lots with an "X" opposlto tho para- grupu ueginning ngnniBt. nils notico shall bo published 30 nays prior to Bald o octlon. Signed tilts 9th day of August, A. D ... E. II. EVANS. auosi: Mayor City Clerk. NOTICE OF SPECIAL, F.LF.CTION M..l. "l. . iNouuu is noreuy given, that on Tuesday, tho 14th day of Sontombor. 1915, a special election will bold in tho city or North Platte, Lincoln Countv. Nebraska, at which said election there will bo submitted to tho peoplo tho question: Shall Uio Mayor and City Council or tho City of North Platto, In the County of Lincoln and State of Ne braska, pledge tho proporty and credit of tho City upon Ita negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding 316,000.00, to be used In paying tho cost of paving tho Intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys In paving districts in said City, and, shall the Mayor und City Council of said City of North Platto levy a tax annual ly upon the taxable property of said city In addition to all other taxes suf ficient to pay tho interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund, sufficient to pay said bonds when they become due nt their maturity. Said bonds to draw interoat at a rate not to exceed Five (5) por cent per annum, payable semi-annually from their date until paid, and be evi denced by coupons to said bonds at tached. Said bonds shall be drawn payable to bearer, due twenty years after date, but redeemable nt the op tion of the City ten years after date. Said bonds tobe issued and bear such dnto as the Mayor and Council may bj resolution direct. Said bonds and coupons to be payable at the of fice of the State Treasurer in tho City of Lincoln, Nebraska, and said bonds shall be known and describod as "Paving Bonds of the City of North Platte, Nebraska." The ballots to be used at said elnc- tlon shall have written or printed thereon the following: YES For authorizing tho Mayor and Council or the City or North Platte, Nobraska, to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of the city, up on Its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding $16,000.00 to bo used in paying the cost of paving the Inter sections of streets and spaces oppo slto alleys In paving districts in said city and for authorizing the Mayor and City Council to levy a tax an nually upon the taxable property of said City In addition to all other tares, sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds and creating a sinking fund sufficient to pay said bonds When they become due at their maturity, haul bonds to draw interest at a rate not to exceed live per cent per annum, from their date until paid, which inter est shall be payable semi-annually and be evidenced by coupons to said bonus attached. Said bonds to bo drawn payable to bearer, due twenty years after date, but redeemable at the op tion of the City ten years ntter the date thercor. Said bonds to be issued at such time and bearing such date as the -Mayor and City Council by reso lution may direct. Both bounds and coupons to be payablo at tho office of the State Treasurer In tho City of Lin coln, Nebraska. t NO. Against authorizing the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, to borrow money and pledge the property nnd the credit of tho City upon Its negotiable bonds to an amount not exceeding $16,000.00 to be used In paying the cost or paving tho Intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys In paving districts of said City, nnd agalimt authorizing tho Mayor nnd City Council to levy n tax annaully upon the taxable proper ty of said city In addition to all other taxes, sufficient to pay tlie interest on said bonds and creating a sinking fund sufficient to pay said bonds when thoy become due at their, maturity. Said bonds to draw Interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum, from their date until paid, which In terost shall bo payable ccml-annii' ally and bo evidenced by coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds to be drawn payablo to bearer, due twen ty years after date, but redeemable at tho option of the City ten years after the date thereof. Said bonds to be issued at such tlmo and bearing such date as the Mayor and City Council by resolution may direct. Both bonds and coupons to be payable at the office of the State Treasurer In tho C'ty of Liincoin, iNonrasKa. Those voting in favor of said prop position will mnrk their ballots with a cross In tho squnre to the left of the proposition beginning, "Yes, for auth orizing the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska to borrow money and pledge the property nnd credit of the City upon its nego tlabo bonds," etc. Thoso voting against said proposi tion snail niaric tnelr tiallot with a cross in the square to tho left of the propcultlon beginning, "No, against authorizing tho Mnyor and City Coun cil of tho City of North Platte, Nebras ka, to borrow money and pledge tho property and credit of the City upon Its ncgotlablo bonds to an amount not to exceed $16,000.00." Tho polls at such special election shut bo kept open during the hours of 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. or said day and the voting placos for said oloction shall bo as follows: ' First Ward at the Lloyd Opora House. Second Ward in the Commlssloiters' room nt tho Court Houso or Lincoln County, Nebraska, In said Second Wnrd. Third Ward at tho old hose house situated on Vine Street between Sixth Street and Front Stroot. Fourth Ward at tlio old hose house situated on North Locust Street. By order or tho Mnyor and Cltv Council or said City ot North Platte. Dated this 4th day or August, 1915. C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. NOTICE. OF SPECIAL F.LKCTION Notico Is hereby given that on tho 14th day of Soptembor, 1915, a special olectlon will be hold in tho ntv nf North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, at which tho following proposition will bo submitted to tho vours or said Cty: Shall tho Mayor and City Counptl of tho City of North Platte, in tho Coun ty of Lincoln, In tho Btnto or Nebras kn. lsuo Twelve Thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) dollars 'City ot North Platto Park Bonds' In denominations or Two Thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars ench, bearing interest at tho rato ot five por cont per annum, pay ablo annually, tho Interest nnd prln clpnl payable nt tho office ot tho Stato Treasurer ot tho Stato of NobraBka? Said bonds to bear dato ot Octo ber 1, 1915, and the Intorest on said bonds, to bo payablo on tho 1st day of Octobor, 1916, and on tho first day or October or each and ovory year thereafter, until all or tho Intorest on Bald bonds shall havo been paid. Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively from one to six lucluslvo, and tho Intorost thoreon to bo. evidence by coupons thereto attached. ' Bond number one to become duo and payable on the 1st day of October, 1920. i Bond number two to become duo and payable on the 1st day ot Octobor, 1921. Bond number throe to become duo, and payable' on the 1st day ot Octo-1 her, 1922. Bond number four to become duo! and payable on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1923. Bond number five to become duo nnd payable on the 1st day of October, 1924. Bond number six to become due and payable on the 1st day of October, 1925. Shall the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Platte, In tho Coun ty ot Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, levy a tax in tho year 1915, and In each and every year thereafter sulllclent to pay the lutoresl on said bonds; and in the year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sulllclent to pay the principal of said bonds ns they become due, until sufficient tax has been levied to pay all of the principal on said bonds; and such tax both for princi pal and interest to be levied upon all of the taxable property In said City of North Platte? Said bonds to be used for the pur pose of raising money to purchase from William W. Birge, Trustee, and hold in tho name of tho City of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln, In the State of Nebraska, the following land) lot and parcel of ground, lying adja cent to said City of North Platte, to wlt: All that part of the southeast quarter (SEVi) -of section twenty eight (2S) In township fourteen (14) north, ot range thirty (30) west of the 6th P. M. lying south of the North Platto river, and east of the main road running north along said tract, which road is an extension ot Locust street in said City, to bo used and improved Tor parks and parkways. The ballots to be used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: For truing of Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City of North Platto Park Bonds," In denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at the rate of five por cent per an num, payable annually, interest and principal payablo at the office of the State Treasurer of the State of Ne braska, said bonds to bear date of October 1st, 1915, and the Interest on said bonds shall bo payable on the 1st day of October, 1916, and on tho first day of October of each and ev ery year thereafter until all of the In terest on said bonds shall have been paid; to levy a tax in the year 1915, and each and every year thcrfaftor sulllclent to pay the Interest on said bonds, and in tho year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until sulllclent tax has been levied to pay all of the prin cipal on said bonds; such tax both for interest and principal to be levied up on all of tho taxable property In said City or North Platte. Against issuing of Twelve thousand 00.100 ($12,000.00) Dollars "City or North Platte Park Bonds," in denom inations of Two thousand 00.100 ($2,000.00) Dollars each, bearing inter est at the rate of five per cent per an num, pnyable annually, Interest nnd principal payablo at tho office of the State Treasurer of tho State of Ne broska, said bonds to bear dato of October 1st, 1915, ami the Interest on said bonds shall bo payable on the 1st day of October, 191C, and on the 1st day of October of each and ev ery year thereafter until all of the In terest on said bonds shall havo been paid; to levy a tax In the year 1915, and ench and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonds, nnd in the-year 1919 and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds as they become due, until sufficient tnx has been levied to pay all of the prin cipal on said bonds; such tax both for Interest and principal to be levied up on all of the taxable property In said city or North Platte. Those voting in favor of said proposition shall mark their bat lots with an X nfter the narncranh beginning with the word "FOR"; and thoso voting ngalnst said proposition shall mark their ballot with an X af ter tho paragraph beginning with tho woni AUAINST . &niu , election will no open at 9 o'clock In tho morning nnd will continuo to bo open until 7 o'clock in tho afternoon or said day or election. Tlie polling places or said election will b nt tho entrnnce of tho old Lloyd Opera Houso on tho corner of Pino and and Sixth streets, in tho first ward of said City; and at the County Commissioners' room In tho Court Hsr in tho second ward of said City; and at the old hoso house, situate on Vino street between Front and Sixth streets In the third ward of said City; and at tho hoso nouso in the fourth ward of said City; said election will bo conducted in manner and form ns provided by tho ordinances of said City, and the Stat utes of tho State of Nebraska. . By order of tho Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County. Nebraska. Dated this 4th day of August, 1915. C. F. TEMPLE, (SEAL) City Clerk. Order of Rearing on Final Settlement The Stato ot Nebraska. Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter ot tho Estate ot Charles T. Roblson, Deceased. To the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees and Others Interested in tho Estato or Charles T. Roblson. Tako Notice, That F. J. Dentler has filed In tlio County Court, a report ot his doings us Executor ot said estate, and It Is ordered that the samo stand tor hearing the 27th day ot August, A. D. 1915, betore tho Court nt tho hour ot 9 Q'clock a. in., at which tlmo any person interested may appear and ex cept to and contost tho same. Notico of this proceeding nnd tho hearing thoreot is ordered given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this ordor in the North Platto Trlbuno, a semi weekly newspaper printed In said County, tor three consecutlvo weeks prior to said date or hearing. Dated August 2. 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH. u2-3w County Judge. Notice to Contractors You aro hcrby notfiied that sealed bids will bo received by tho Director, Leonard Laubner, ot School District No. 33 in Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho office of Beeler & Crosby, in North Platto, Nebraska, up until 1 o'clock p. m. of tho 11th day or September, 1915, ror the erection and completion ot a rour room brick nnd re-enforced concrete school house at O'Fallon, Lincoln county, Nobraska. Such bids must bo accompanied by certified check In the sum ot One Hun dred lirty 00.100 ($150.00) Dollnrs, payablo to Henry Fulk, Treasurer ot School District No. 33 In Lincoln County, Nebraska, which avIU bo for feited it tho person to whom the con trnct Is awarded, tails to enter into the Contract. Tho School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications may bo ex amined at the office of Bert M. Rey nolds, Architect, North Platte, Ne braska. Bids will bo opened at the office of Bcoler &. Crosby, North Platto, Ne braska, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. LEONARD LAUBNEH, al3-4w Director. Not a Hospital Hut a Homo Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital 1008 West 4th St., North Platto, Neb. Mrs. Jlnrgnret Hall, Superintendent. JIIss Vctn Pickurd, Graduate Nurse. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Physician nnd Surireon Rest for Jluniniiilj's Cure Orltlcinl "Surgery with Jlomcopntnic jicui cine for Acute and Chronic Discnsc. Office phono 241. Res. phone 217 L. C.-DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office McDonald Stato Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dewey Streets. Phones, Office 183, Residence 283 Hospital Phono Black 633. Houso Phone Black 633. IV. T. rillTCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housfc. ,7. B. J1EBFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUJiGEOi - -, Successor to t IIYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfield . Office Phone 642 Res. Phono 676 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building I Office 130 Phones ) Residence 115 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D Physician nnd Surgeon Office B. & L. Building, Second Floor. Phone, Office, 83; Residence 38. H. H. LAND GRAF Fainter, Fapcrhanger nnd Decorator Phono Black 570. Welcome a Good Cigar And a good cigar mcaus ono made at tho Schmalzrled factory. Our rep utation as a maker o fgood cigars in North Platto extends back thirty years. If wo did not mako good cigars we would havo been forced to close tho factory years ago. If you havo not been smoking Schmalzrlcd's Cigars It Is not too late to begin. J. F. Schmalzried. e Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Reiidanoe Red G36 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. IT I F. j. DTENBr. & CO. Ileal Estato und Insurance Como and seo us for town lots In difforont parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for salo nnd rent. "Wo havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs. Notice to Non-Resideiit Defendants. Edward E. Jeter and William A. Mc Cutchen. defendants will that on the 6th day of August, 1915, uiarn a. paugeti, planum herein, filed a petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said detendnnts et al, tho object and prayer ot which are to quiet plain tiff's title to the Northenst Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Ten (10) N. of Range Thlr-ty-threo (33) West of the 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska, and es pecially for a decreo adjudging fraud ulent nnd void a certain deed from one S. R. Razee to S. H. Stahr, and a cer tain deed from S. II. Stahr to AV. M. Jones, and a certain deed trom W. M. Jonos to Edwurd E. Jetor, nnd a cer tain deed rrom Clara S. Padgett, sin gle, to S. R. Razee, all of which deeds pretended to convey the nbovo des cribed real estate, nnd aUo decree ing fraudulent mul vnlil mortgago rrom W. M. Jones ror $1000.00 to S. H. Stahr, and a pretend ed assignment ot said mortgage from S. H. Stahr to William A. McCutchen, which mortgage pretended to convey a lien on the nbove described real es tate, and also to declaro fraudulent and void a certain decree rendered in tho case of William A. McCutchen vs. Edward E. Jeter, rendered in tho Dis trict Court or Lincoln County, Nebras ka, which decreo pretended to tore- closo tho allOVft ilnsnrlhnil ? and also damages In tho sum of $100.00 ior general equitanie roller. You are required to answer this said petition on or beforo tho 20th day of September, 1915. CLARA S. PADGETT, al0-4w , . Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Iiepurtnient of the Interior Serinl No. 0.V118 U. S. Land Offce at North Platte, Neb., August 5, 1915. Notco is hereby given that Sy'rll H. Edis, of North Platto, Nebraska, who, on November 21, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 05318, for EV& and E of W Sections, Township 11 N., Range 29 W., 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register aifd Receiver at Nroth Platte, Nebraska, on tho 5th day of October, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: F. C. Wheeler, ot Bignell, Nebr., William Holderness, of North Platte, Nebr., Jesso Highberger, of North Platte, Nebr., Harry Stevens, of Bignell, Nebr. al0-6w J. E. EVANS, Register. PROBATE NOTICE. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska In tho Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Siebold, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thaft the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate before me, county Judge, of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room in said county on the 27th day of August, 1915. and on the 27th day ot February, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for the purpose of present ing their claims tor examination, ad justment and allowance, and on tho samo dato the petition of Julia M. Siebold praying an allowance be made for support of the family, and that specific property be asigned to her her as widow will be heard. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for the administratrix to settle said es tate from the 27th day of August, 1915... This notice will be published in the North Platte Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper for four weeks successively prior to the 27th day of August, 1915. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 22d day ot July, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, County Judge. Petition for Appointment of Adminis trator Tlio State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, S.S In tho County Court In the Matter of the Estate of Cora H. Osgood, Deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Charles R. Osgood praying that administration of said estate may be granted to him as administrator. Ordered, That August 19th, 1915, at 9 a. m, Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court tq be held In and for said county and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notico of the pen dency of said petition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons Inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Dated July 22, 1915. GEO. E. FRENCH, 127-3 County Judga. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Administratrix. Tho Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln Coun ty, ss. In tho County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of Abble L. Roblson, Deceased. On rending and filing, tho petition ot Lilllo M, Dentler praying that Admin istration or said Estato may bo grant ed to F. J. Dentler, as Administrator. Ordered, That August 27, A. D. 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m is assigned for hear ing said petition, when all persons In terested in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County, and show cause why tho prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of tho pend ency of snid petition and tho hearing thereof beglven to all porsons inter ested In said mattor by publishing a copy ot this order In tno North Platto Trlbuno, a soral-weekly newspaper printed in said county, tor three suc cessive weeks, prior to said day ot ilearlng. Dated August 2, 1915. GEO. 13. FRENCH, n2-3w County Judge.