The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 07, 1915, Image 8

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i - dr W(TD1M JID - IS ;S w 1 1 wEW head F rothschilds I
' 'fesSf.' " ; ,l
ru j
STAMHOUL." "tho nlace over there,
as tills modern perversion of tho Grcok
nhraso "In tho city" Is often translated,
has been sung by poets and painted by
artists and been tho themo of almost
Intemperate eulogy since Us early days
when, as tho plctureaquo llttlo Greek
city of Byzantium, It stood for tho east
ernmost settlement of Greek culturo In
Europe, a tower of light shining over
tho barbaric Orient that lay within Its
sight across tho way. From those early
days of Alexander tho Groat, of Xerxes, of DarluB,
tho Jump of conturles to that most celobrated of all
mllootonos, tho Inauguration of tho city as tho capi
tal of tho eastorn emplro by Constantino on tho
eloventh of May, 330, was not uneventful, though
nothing Hko tho story told by tho eleven hundred
and twonty-threo years of Imperial splondor beforo
it fell Into tho hands of Mohammed II, on May 20,
1453, on that most fateful of all days when tho cross,
ondor Constantino XI, went down boforo tho crcs-
cont and tho groen flag of
Islam desecrated the holy
places as tho conqueror
rodo Into tho city through
tho gate of St. Romanus.
And, as ho ontcrod tho
palaco tho now rulor was
heard to reclto, so tradl.
lion has It, boiiio lines of
Persian poetry running as
"Tho spider has spun her
wob In tho palaco
of tho Caesars,
"Tho owl has sung her
watch song on tho
towers of Afraslab."
Supersaturate with his
tory as Is tho city, Its
present-day aspect, as tho
long revenge of time
hastens to Its final satis
faction, and tho crosses
that will roplaco tho cres
cent aro already In the
making, Is one that Is
more redolent and reflec
tive of tho Immediate
down-at-tho-hools Orient
than of tho earlier cen
turies. It Is a medley of
mosques and minarets, of
magnificence and squalor,
of kiosks and cafos, Pal
aces Jostlo mlsorablohuts,
and enchanting kiosks, In
Saracenic stylo, gay In
color of stono. stucco or
tllo, and with i superb
metal work, are soon sldo
by sldo with tho cheapest
of frame houses and moan
cafos. I3road open squares,
like unkompt back lots
whoro tin cans nnd goats
most do congrogato, how
over, aro contrasted 'also
wltli tho narrowest of 111
imolllng alloys doing duty
as streets, and yot nbovo
all this meanness, all this
liuddlemont of cheap and
unprotontlous buildings.
tho uso made by tho Moslom conquerors of tho
Bevon hills, moro or less dominated by splondld
seraglios and mosques, Including tho metamor
iphosed Santa' Sophia itself, gives Constantinople
today its peculiar character abovo all other cities,
and makos tho near or distant view under vary
ing aspects of sun- and season ono of unrivaled
magnificence, so that it is today tho chief plcturo
city of tho world. ,
i Tho mosquoB Boom to bo part of as well as ris
ing out of a sort of curious mushroom growth
developing out of roofed rofuso of stono nnd stuc
co that spreads all over tho two sides of tho
Goldon Horn, that famous arm of tho bay on
which tho city Ib situated with Stamboul, the old
city on the west, and Galata and Pora, whoro
Iho foreigners live, on tho east, strotchlng along
tho shores of tho Bosporus toward tin lllack
lea. And tho mosquos aro wonderful. Iloro
thoy rUe, hugo masses of clustered rectangular
itructuros with all sorts or subsidiary buildings,
as it wero, tied up to and plastorod against them.
And then out of this Bquat mass appear tho
aoarlng, slender minarets, cutting tho bluo sky
In lovoly tapering outline, broken only by tho
balconies, from four to bIx in number, tho latter
grouping only allowed in ono caao. however,
whllo nbovo tho central section, fortllko In char
ictor, tho domes nnd semldomos aro uplifted, all
lo bo crowned by tho groat dome which balances
tho entire masB In a manner that seems pure
chance, but makes an lndoscrlble otfoct of beauty
nd proportion, as Is In evidence In tho groat
mosquo Jonl-Janl near tho Galata brldgo.
Dolce far nlonto days will soon bo over If It
again ylolds to tho now Invaders, and a now era
of enlightenment sots In. Then tho Btreot and
publlo llfo will tako on a now aspect and tho
city will bo once moro n placo of pilgrimage.
Moreovor, when tho capital Is onco moro In
Christian hands, what a chanco for tho antiquar
ians and archoologlats and classical scholars and
ipeclallstsl Every ruin should yield treasures,
and of all tho promising placos tho most prom
ising aro tho mystorloUB vaults under tho groat
Agla Sophia mosquo, rormony mo unurcn m oi.
Bophla. originally built by Constantino In 320 op
poslto his palaco and dedicated to tho Dlvlno
Wisdom (Sophia). Tho church ns It exists to
lay, ono of tho greatest buildings In tho world,
was erected In 532-B37 by tho Emporor JUBtlnlan.
anthomloB of Trnllola and Isidores of Mllotos
wero tho architects. FosBatl, an Italian archi
tect, undertook a thorough restoration of tho
extorlor of the building In 1847, when it was
palntod yellow with rod strlpos,
It Is In what may llo under St. Sophia that
tho interest of nrcheologlBts will center. These
vaults have always beon jealously guarded by
tho Turks, and few Indeed havo boon tho out
r 'pt allowed a peep at thorn. Ono of those who
gnw the most was tho lato Moborly Boll, manager
of the London limes, why for u period was em
ployed by tho Turkish Tobacco Reglo. Mr. Bell
some years ago described tho great piles of ma
torlal, covered with tho accumulated dust of four
and a half centuries, which tantalized him with
their possibilities. Ho could not get at what thoy
roally wero sinco tho gloom made It Impossible
to distinguish any of tho objects, nnd tho Turks
would not permit a closo examination.
Fascinating possibilities exist In tho thought
of what the dust that has beon accumulating
slnco tho year of tho conquest by Mohammed II
may conceal. It Is doubtful If many treasures
In gold and silver and gemB will be found, though
even this Is possible. But tho chances that pre
cious manuscripts of tho classics may bo dis
covered aro greater. Splendid libraries, contain
ing, probably, practically all tho lost classics,
aro undoubtedly hidden in rutna.
Thoro aro known to bo 3,000 manuscripts in
tho sultan's library, which havo boon soon, nnd
that only hastily, by fow forolgnors. But tho
chief hope of scholars lies In tholr trust in ono
of tho least objectlonablo traits of tho Moslem,
his dislike of destroying anything with writing
.on it. Evon If ho does sacrifice pictures and
"sculpturo, ho' usually leaves books alono, in case
tho name of God Bhould be written on them.
Had it not been for this superstition the world
would bo very niuult poorer In tho old learning
than It la today.
As for fts strategic and political valuo it must
bo remembered that Constantinople Is to tho
itusslan church nnd to Its adhorents what Rome
Is to tho Roman Catholics, and for tho Inst 200
years In particular It has constituted tho prin
cipal objoct of nil Muscovlto religious and po
litical aspirations. Without attaching any
credence whntBoovor to tho purely mythical tea
tnmont of Peter tho Greaf about Constantinople,
a document which was novor henrd of until tho
beginning of tho nineteenth century, nearly a
hundred years after his death, and which Is a
forgery concocted by tho Polo Sokolnlkl and tho
Kronchman Losuour, at tho Instance of tho first
Emporor Napoleon, thoro la no doubt that Czar
Poter had set his heart upon tho acquisition of
Constantinople and had lmproaaed this Idea upon
his peoplo as a national Ideal.
However, whether tho will bo .authentic or
genulno or not tho fact is It docs ombody na
tional aspirations, and has had a groat effect on
Russian Imagination.
Catherine tho Gront was oqually bent upon
transferring tho capital of her oniplra from
Potrograd, and from Moscow, to Stamboul, and
whon Nnpoloon I and Aloxandor 1 planned to
gether tholr Bhorlng tho dominion of tho world,
tho Muscovito rulor insisted upon tho possession
of Constantinople on political aud rollglous
grounds, declaring It to bo "tho koy to tho door
of Russia." Napoloon would not and could not
consent to this, giving utterance to his celebrated
and historic phrase, "No, the possession of Con
stantinople by Russia would mean the mastery
of the world."
It was this question about Constantinople that
caused tho break of the friendship of the emper
ors and an enmity which resulted In Napoleon's
disastrous Invasion of Russia, with his grando
armee, In the destruction of Moscow by fire, in
the conlitlon of Russia with Groat Britain, Prus
sia, Sweden and Austria against France, In the
invasion of tho latter country by the allies, In
tho disastrous defeat of Napoleon at Lelpsic
and at Waterloo, in the loss of his throne and In
his exile, first to Elba, and then to St. Helena.
The "will" is probably leas authentic than that
famous mot of the Czar Nicholas, who Just bo
fore tho Crimean war In 1853 said to the British
ambassador, apropos of Turkey, that "we have
on our hands a sick man a very sick man. It
will be. I tell you frankly, a great misfortune If
ono of these days
ho should Blip away
from us; especially
beforo all the neces
sary arrangements
have been mado."
The English ambas
sador was strictly
noncommittal oven
after the czar had
pointed out the hor
rors of a general
European war
which might ensue
If the great powers
wero not careful, so
tho Russian auto
crat repeated his re
mark about tho
"sick man" to Princo
Mettornlch, tho cel
ebrated wit, who
was tho Austrian
ambassador, and it
was Metternich who
cynically turned the
tide against any Eu
ropean co-operation
with Russia in han
dling tho Turkish
situation, by re
marking curtly,
'Ahem, tho sick man, tho Bick man; IsyourmaJeB-
tv nnnnklni? nt tho doctor in tuo case or as me
heir." With that the other powers turned against
Russian pretensions, and on all subsequent oc-1
caslons In various combinations, both in laos anu
in 1877, backed tho "sick man" against any doc
torlnc by which Russia would be the residuary
legatee. And so events moved on for GO years,
till tho day of reckoning came, and Austria nreo
tho Serbian powder barrel and Armageddon
was on!
While It Is an exaggeration, at any rate in
these modern times, to ascribe tho mastery of
world to tho possession of Constantinople, it can
not bef denied that tho city occupies from a po
litical, from a strategic and fron an economic
point of view, one of tho most valuable and im
portant sites In tho world. It Is a natural fortress
of great strength, protected as It Is In the rear
by mountain and swamp, which make It difficult
to attack by land, by those wonderful straits,
tfio Dardanelles and the Bosporus, which furnish
matchless a defense against any onslaught
from the sea.
It llos at tho very point where Europe and
With tho death ot Lord Rothschild
In England, tho leadership ot tho' fa
mous family olflnanclers has shifted
from London to Paris, for tho new
head of tho clan Is Baron Edouard do
Rothschild of tho latter city.
Baron Edouard, whoso tltlo it
Austrian, as aro those ot all th
French Rothschilds, Is a man ot forty
seven. Ho was admitted to tho Ann
in 190& when his father, Baron Al
phouse, then head of tho house, died
being an only son. Tho same yeai
ho married Germalno Halpen, the
daughter of Emll Halpen, a million
aire sugar merchant, and tho grand
daughter of the financier Fould, th
Rothschilds' great rival, who man
aged tho affairs of Napoleon III. The
marriage, In uniting tho two banking
families of Franco, was acceptable tc
the bridegroom's family, although
their policy had been to Intermarry
among themselves. Baron Edouard
was a nephew as well as a cousin ot
Lord Rothschild, Just dead in London, Baron Edouard'B mother being Lord
Rothschild's sister, and his father a cousin.
Ho was largely responsible for tho hugo loans mado to Russia after the
Japanese war, which he arranged with Count Wltte, who consulted with hin?
in Paris beforo sailing for tho Portsmouth peace conference.
When Count Berchtold resigned
as minister of foreign affairs for Austria-Hungary
and it was announced
that Baron Stephen Burlan de Rajecz
had been appointed to the position,
there was a hurried search through
books ot reference for facts concern
ing this man who was to guldo the
destinies of a great emplro at a most
critical time. Tho search was almost
in vain, for he had been practically
unknown to tho world at large. Ho
Is an example of the possibility of
rising from the ranks to the highest
position in the state merely by doing
bis full duty wherever he was placed.
Baron Burlan was born in Stomfa,
Ponsony county, Hungary, In 1851. Ho
did not inherit tho title of a baron at
his birth. His father was a member of
the nobility, but did not belong to the
Stephen Burlan selected a career
in the consular service and received
his education in the Oriental academy
of Vienna, the training school for that service. He held his first official
positions in Alexandria, Egypt, and served then as vice-consul In Bucharest,
Roumanla and Belgrade, Serbia. His next post was in Sofia, Bulgaria, and by
this time no was promoted consul general. It was then that he was trans
ferred from tho consular to the diplomatic service and appointed minister
to Athens, Greece.
Burlan's diplomatic career ended when ho was appointed minister of
flnanco for the joint affairs of Austria and Hungary, which department had
supreme control of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the two Turkish provinces which
had been Intrusted by tho congress of Berlin ot 1878 to AuBtro-Hungarlan
administration. Burlan played a ery Important rolo in tho marvelous in
dustrial and commercial development the two provinces.
Miss Annie S. Peck gathers
strength to climb some of tho highest
mountains in the world on a menu
costing 25 cents a day. While resting
In Now York preparatory to going to
South America to ascend Mount Sora
ta, Huascaran and other peaks for tho
second time, she told how she did it
'I cook my own meals over an
electric stove in my room, and do my
marketing," she said. "For breakfast
I havo coffee, using a heaping tea
spoonful of pulverized South Ameri
can coffee at 18 cents a pound, nnd
putting evaporated milk in it. With
this I havo rye bread and peanut but
ter. For lunch I eat a cako of milk
chocolate, and for dinner an omelet
made with two eggs, which cost flvo
cents. I have also spinach, of which
for ten cents I buy enough to last for
three meals."
Miss Peck said she thought tho
j extravaganco of tho Americans in food
was slmDlv awful. "New Yorkers
Asia meet and which connects the Black sea ..,,, n. , t,.ni nnvini? nnvrral dollars for a meal
I'"1 " l ,Meditorf nea"- nnd oven w th Indlnn women order their groceries and meats by telephone, instead of going, as
iwhr Z " "Tr r Tr.,r I do, to the open markets. And' then wo complain of the cost or
ti twi UIV ItlUIUUU iiun 111 IjlTUlOU Ul LUIIOU UVi'
tlon from Ismld to the head of tho Porslan gulf,
via Konla and Bagdad, Is completed, which will
constitute far and away the shortest and quick
est route from Europe to Indln, Constantinople
will bocomo perhaps the most Important station
along tho lino both as regards freight and pas
senger traffic
Even the existing trade route to India via the
Suez canal would be endangered by Russia's pos
session of Constantinople, and It Is for this rea
son that Earl Grey, In admitting In parliament
Houston B. Teoheo, who has suc
ceeded Gabo Parker as register of tho
treasury. Is, Hko his predecessor, nn
Indian, being flvo-olghths Cherokee.
Ho was born In 1874 in what is now
v Olclnhoma. was
that England had abandoned Its traditional policy reared on a farm and educated in tho
of centuries and would not oppose Its froo access tribal schools and at Forth Worth
to tho Mediterranean from tho Black aea through university. He served as an aldrr-
tho Bosporus and Dardanelles, was very careful man jn Tahlequah and was mayor of
not to say Russia should bo civnn Cniistnntlnonln .t..i ,
n . U1UI Cllf 1UI -"
nt once! , ,,, u, , nn children.
tO ilJUil wm '"" -
Mr. Tnoheo's father waB assistant
HARD TIMES. I ,i f iin nhornkoos. Ho served a3
blllUl V. . v..w w-
1 .. iir,(rv trx Wnnlilnirtnn durinc the
"What's become of tho old-fashioned Joker por,0(1 of negotiations leading up .o
who used to answer, when asked if ho was mar
ried: 'No, I'm in business for myself!' "
"Tho laat time l heard of him ho was still at
It, but his salary had been reduced.'
"Yea, for tho InBt two months I've been poal
tivoly living within my Income."
"Don't you fool rather cramped?"
"Cramped? Say, lond me $10, will yout
want to stretch myself."
tribal dissolution. Ho had been con
nected with tribal politics during Pla
entire llfo until tho tribal entity was
abolished in 1898.
, How tho name of "Teehoo" bo
camo attached as tho surnamo or hlB
family 1b a story repeated at the treas
ury department A grandfather of the
present register, as tho taia goes, ap
plied to enlist as a soldier during tho Civil war. His Indian name was
Dohlnlneo, translated from tho Cherokee into tho English as moaning "a
killer." Tho nearest the recruiting sergeant could come to it was "Teehee,"
and so it went Into the record and became affixed as a family name.