The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 23, 1915, Image 3

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Millie1 LOOK AT
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxatho today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take tho tlmo from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Look at tho tongue, mother! If coat
ed, or your child Is HstlcsB, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or any other children's, ailment, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Pigs," then don't worry, because It Is
perfectly harmless, and In a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bllo
and fermenting wnsto wilt gently
move out of tho bowels, and you havo
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "Insido cleansing" Is ofttlmes all
that is necessary. It should be the
flrst treatment given In nny sickness.
Bowaro of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask at tho store for a GO-cent bottle of
'California Syrup of Figs," which has
full directions for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-upB plainly
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
The Place.
"Whoro can you find rod3 In
"iMostly in family jars."
Very Much So.
"Didn't you think the operatic prima
donna had an unusually high voico?"
H should suy she had I My sunt
cost ine live dollars."
Advantage of Silencer.
This crash of the bullet mukes the
valuo of the Maxim silencer very little,
so far as military efficiency is con
cerned, in tho way that the ilctlon
writer imagines tho sllencor to be use
ful, but not to prevent tho enemy from
discovering the position of the men
tiring as many fancy.
Its valuo lies in the fact that it
eliminates fully half of tho recoil of
tho rillo from tho action of tho gases
in its chambers, and it gives the ofll
cers much better control over the lire,
because of tho lessened noise of tho
rifles. It cuts down tho roar of tho
Springfield to abou tho noise of tho
.25-20 and thus the roar of the rifles
at tho firing lino is much reduced, and
tho commands of tho officers can be
heard. Outing.
Notice tor Yourself.
"Old Mr. Grabbles says there is
nothing too good for his daughter."
"He has a hard jolt coming to him
some day."
"What makes you think so?"
"A girl who is brought up that way
almost invariably picks out a man to
marry who isn't worth killing."
No Doubt About It.
"Does, Wombat own or rent his
"Rents it."
"How do you know?"
"I know all right. He scratches
the matches on tho paint."
Doesn't Go Very Far.
Redd What do you think of his
oew car?
Greene Oh, it's all right as far as
it goes.
Mr. P. C. CaBo of Welcome Lake.
Pa., writes: "I surterod with Hack
ache and Kidney Trouble. My head
ached, my sleep was biokon und un-
refreshing. 1 felt
heavy and sleepy
after meals, was
always nervous
and tired, had a
bitter taste In my
mouth, wu3 dizzy,
had floating
specks before my
Mr. P. C. Case.
eyes, was alwajs
thirsty, had a
dragging sensation across my loins,
difllculty in collecting my thoughts
and was troubled with short
ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pills
have cured mo of these complaints.
Dodds Kidney Pills have dono their
work and dono it well. You aro at
liberty to publish this letter for tho
benefit of any BUffercr v ho doubts tho
merit of Dodds Kidney Pills."
Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or DoLds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, Dainty Recipes; also nuisic of
National anthem. All 3 sent free.
Find Live Duck in Fish.
A strange specimen of the angel
fish was caught by Captain Palmer at
Sound Beach, who removed from it
two ducks. The wicked lish had
stolen tho ducks from J. Kennedy
Tod's Innls Arden estate. Ono A'aa
alive, ,
Tho fish wero struggling in tho wa
ter when seen by Captain Palmer,
and was landed "with a pair of Jco
Tho fish is a yard long, and its
mouth is G by 8 inches. It was frozen
in a cako of ico at the Maher Ice
plant and is exhibited in the window
of a market here. Greenwich
(Conn.) Dispatch to Now York AVorid.
Hello, Frisco.
"Just to think of being able to sit In
a telephone booth in New York and
talk to your best girl iu San Francis
co!" "I've thought of that, and I've been
wondering hew long it will bo before
somebody writes a popular song
about it."
An Eccentric Dancer.
"You say lie is an eccentric danc
er?" "Extremely so. He persists in danc
ing waltzes and twosteps."
Last year in tho United States 133
men lost their lives in tho manufac
ture of explosives.
However; thero aro many fair sing
ers who aro not blondes.
Look Years Younger! Try Grandma's
Recipe of Page and Sulphur and
Nobody Will Know.
Almost everyone knows that Sago
Tea and Sulphur properly compound
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair whou fndod, streaked
or gray; also ends dnndturf, itching
scalp nml stops railing hnlr. Years
ago tho only way to got this mixture
was to m n It o it at Home, which 1b
mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays wo r.tmply ask at nny
drug store for "Wycth's Sago and Sul
phur Hair Remedy." You will get a
large bottle for about iiO cents. Every
body uses this old, famous "recipe, be
cause no ono can posHlbly tell that
you darkenod your hair, as It docs it
so naturally and ovonly. You dampen
a sponge or soft brush with It and
draw this through your hair, Inking
one small Btrand at a time; by morn
ing tho gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick
and glossy and you look years younger,
Head of the Navy Evidently Not 'an
Expert as to the Odor of
Alcoholic Liquors.
A story is going the rounds in
Washington about Secretary or the
Navy Daniels which may or may not
reflect credit on that olllclal, accord
ing to tho point of view. According
to tills story tho secrotnry was one
morning conferring with nn officer
and in tho middle of his conference
Interrupted tho proceedings to say:
"This Is tho second morning that 1
havo smellcd whisky on your breath,
To which tho ofllcor is said to have
replied: "I beg your pardon, Mr. Sec
retary, it wnB whisky yesterday, but
It is gin this morning."
No namo has been allowed to leak
out In connection with this Btory, anil
it may ho that thero is moro Action
than fact iu It. Boston Transcript.
A New Anecdote.
Queer requests aro often received
for prescriptions, which might puzzle
cither doctor or chemist, far moro
skilled than the proprietor of tho or
dinary drug store. Hero Is one recent
ly reported by Morris Wade: It Is a
note from an c-citable mother, whoso
nerves wero apparently as much iu
need of treatment as tho digestion of
her infant:
"My little baby has el up Its father's
paris plaster. Please to sond an anec
dote by niio Inclosed littlo girl."
Youth's Companion.
"Pa. what is a skillful strategist?"
"A skillful strategist, my son, is a
man who knows when to quit."
Old Style.
"Did she marry well?"
"No; it was a caso of true love."
Harvard Lampoon.
... Vili ii I 'II I II I I ill 11 m I
: 1.11 ii ii i imi KsWirr w mlhv mu mm i i i sissmi tm mmt
1 I I.. I II, l Hi, HI Ml '.' V - A'f'.s-'&Z2ttliJlKWEKt2-J "
What Becomes of the Wheat?
The wheat yield of the United Slates for 1914 reached the enormous figure of
nearly 900,000,000 busihels.
Yet in spite of the wonderful nutritive value of this grain, much of its value will
be lost as human food. Why?
Because many wheat products (white bread and many so called breakfast foods)
lack the nourishing mineral qualities of the grain found directly under the bran-coat.
These vital elements are thrown out with the bran-coat to make the flour white.
More and more, thinking people are waking up to this fact, and are now
obtaining all the grain nourishment by eating
This famous wheat and malted barley food, retains all the nutriment of I he grain,
including the rich mineral values so necessary in building brain, nerve and muscle.
Grape-Nuts is all food no waste! It is easily
digested, and with cream or milk affords complete
nourishment, at less cost than any other food.
This, together with its delicious flavour fresh-sealed, has made Grape-Nuts
a household 'word the world over.
"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts
No rise in price sold by Grocers everywhere.
In These Days of Timber Scarcity It Is Important to Havo Plenty of Post
(By (' R, Mil. Milt )
Why not Bet out lotus and catalpn
trees In wasto pi- uch as small
comers of Holds, small fields that aro
cut off by crooks or ravines, rough
lands, brier and brush lots, and other
pluces that cannot bo worked to ad
vantage, and grow post timber?
Tho trees can bo sot out when other
farm work Is' not pressing, and In a
few years will furnish all of tho post
timber needed on tho farm.
Tho work of getting tho trees start
ed costs no moro than keeping down
weeds. If sot In rows eight or ten
t'ect apart, and cultivated for about
Much Patience and Steady Work
Required- Takes Years to
Learn the Business.
What Is the sense of a woman go
ing into poultry unless sho has a lik
ing for that sort of thing. Chicken-
raising as a fad is the most ridiculous
business I over saw, and 1 have seen
soiuo queer things down on a farm.
In tho llrst place, It takes a person
a couple of seasons to learn the chick
en gamo and there is so much patlcnco'
and steady work required that peoplo
will not stick to it unless they havo
a real passion for the business.
It's a queer fact that tho majority
of peoplo, even fanners, loso money
on poultry, or at least fujl to make
nnythlng substantial, whereas a man
or woman who llkea to handle chick
ens and sticks to it in a scnslblo way
can clean up a lot of money. Thore
Is a very great deal in doctoring poul
try, keeping it. froo from vermin and
feeding it wisely. Tho faddist can't
do those things nud so quits in dis
gust after a year or two of failure or
poor auccoss. An Old Farmer.
Good Combination.
For a few acres, fruit and poultry
innko a prolltablo combination.
three years, the trees require no fur
ther attention.
Many out-of-the-way places that aro
producing scarcely anything of valuo,
besides being an eyesore to tho farm,
can bo set to valuablo trees at very
little expense.
In this way ragged corners and ra
vines can bo transformed Into lino
groves that will pay larger profits
than some of tho other portions of tho
Then tho matter of having plenty
or post timber right at hand 1h one of
Importance In IIiobu days of timber
Consumption Will Vary From Day
to Day and With Seasons
Approximate Figures.
Tho following gives approximate
quantities of water required per day
on the farm:
Each member of tho family for all
purposes will rcqulro 25 to -10 gals.;
each cow will require 12 gals.; each
horse will roquiro 10 gals.; each hog
will rcqulro 2A gala.: each Bhcop will
require 2 gals. Tho water consumption
will vary from day to day and with
tho seasons. For a family or hIx persons-
a 200-gallon supply should bo huD
ilcient lr tho water Is used la the
houso only. On a farm whoro watoi
Is supplied to a ramlly of bIx persons,
ten horsos, 12 cowb, 25 hogs, and 15
sheop, tho dnlly storage supply ohould
ho at least 500 gallons, with whatovoi
additional amount, if any, tho Tanner
deems necessary for flro protection.
Prevent Ducks Crowding.
Unless a lantern or somo other
light Is kept burning at night In sheds
where largo numbers of ducks nre
confined they aro apt to become
frightened and pllo up on each othet
In such numbers ns to smother tho
ones on the under side.
The Result of Thinning PeachesAt the Left, 140 to 180 Peaches Per Oush
el of Thinned Fruit At Right, 260 to 272 Peaches of Unthlnned Fruit
rtly U. WAl.KHrt.)
While the advantages of thinning
fruit aro recognized by all, neglect of
thinning fruit Is more usual than tho
opposite. Somo effective thinning Is
done at the time of pruning tho troo
each spring, but this is not sufficient.
Tlie best practice requires that tlm
peaches on a limb shall not bo closer
than four to six inches. This will
mean knocking off from half to three
fourths of the peaches. Some who
practico thinning peaches reduce the
numbui of peaches still moro.
Tho best time for thinning Is when
tho peaches are about the Hizo of a
small prune, und after whut Is known
as the "June drop."
The hlreo man, working on a stop
ladder, makes tho cost of tho thinning
of a medium treo about live cents.
Tho effect on tho size or tho remaining
fruit Is astonishing. Increasing die
salable value of tho remaining fruit
sufficient to pay 1,000 per ceut on tho
cost of tho work of thinning, and add
ing to tho strength of tho treo In ro
duclng tho number of jilts borne.
Tho flesh of tho peach Is largely wa
ter. The greater draft on tho
utrength of tho troo Is tho production
of tho pits. In thinning peaches wo
reduce tho number of pits 75 to 80
per bent and almost or fully doublo
tho size of the peaches. It Is hottor
to knock off somo of tho peaches of
a loaded treo rather than allow tho
tree to overbear, oven If tho thinning
must be dono In a somowhnt rough
On every Bldn wo soo evidences of
tho great advantages to bo derived
from thinning fruit. In ono case, the
rosultH of moderato thinning resulted
as follows: I'ouclios from thinned El
herta trees ran MO to 180 poaches to
tho bushel, whllo In tho samo orchard,
fruit from unthlnned trees numbered
from 200 to 272 peaches to tho bushol.
Ponchos aro gathered as soon as
ripening begins und boforo thoy havo
become soft. An experienced picker
knows at a glanco when tho fruit la
In proper condition. Tho fruit should
never bo pressed with tho thumb to
determine Its ripeness. When gath
ered tho fruit Is takon at onco to tho
packing Bhed, where it is graded and
packed. Tho most rigid standards
should characterize tho assorting and
packing of grades. Ono mtsshappen,
soft or undersized Bpeclmen may spoil
tho whoio package. Any deception,
cithor intentional or otherwise, In tho
soiling of the crop iu sure at last to
bring loss.
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Got n 10-ccnt box now.
No odda how bad your liver, stomach,
or bowels; how much your hoad
aches, how miserable and uncomfort
able you aro from constipation, indiges
tion, blllousno83 and sluggish bowcla
you always get tho desired rosults
with Cascarcts.
Don't let your stomach, liver und
bowels mako you miserable Tako
Cascarots tonight; put an end to tho
headache, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backncho and all other distress;
clcanso your Inaldo organs of nil tho
bllo, gnsca nnd constipntcd matter
which is producing tho misery.
A 10-cont box monns health, happi
ness and a clenr head for months.
No moro days of gloom and distress
If you will tako a Cascarot now and
then. All stores sell Cascarcts. Don't
forgot tho chlldron tholr littlo inj
Bldca need a cleansing, too.ji,AdT?C
Consternation at the Front.
Tho archbishop of York, In his early
daya, did a great doal of work among
tho uneducated classos, and on ono
occasion a very Illiterate woman
was godmother to a child at n chris
tening. In tho cour- of tho ceremony
oho was asked In tho usual way if sho
renounced tho devil and all his works,
"Oh, yes, sir," sho replied briskly,
"I recommend them all."
Harmless to Flush Kidneys and Neu
tralize Irritating Acids Splendid
for the System.
Kidney and Bladder weakness rosulfc
from urlo acid, says a noted authority,
Tho kidneys flltor this acid from tho
blood and pass it on to tho bladder,
whoro It often remains to irritate and
lnflnmo, causing a burning, scalding
sensation, or setting up au irritation
at tho neck of tho bladder, obliging
you to seek rellof two or threo timos
during tho night. Tho sufferer in in
constant dread, tho water passes
Bomotlmes with a scalding sensation
and Is very profuso; again, thero la
difllculty in nvoldlng it.
Bladder weakness, most folkti call
it, bocauso they can't control urina
tion. Whllo it la oxtromoly annoying
and Bomotlmes very painful, this is
really ono of tho most simple allmonts
to ovorcomo. Got about four ounces
of Jnd Salts from your pharmacist nnd
tako a tnblespoonful in a glass oC
water boforo breakfast, continue thla
for two or threo days. Thla will noti
tralizo tho acids in tho urlno eo it no
longor is a sourco of irritation to tho
bladder and urinary organs which thon
act normally again.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless,
nnd 1b mndo from tho acid of grapes
and lemon Julco, combined with llthia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
aro subject to urinary' disorders caused
by urlo acid irritation. Jad Salts is
splondid for kidneys and causes no
bad effects whatever.
Iloro you havo a pleasant, efferves
cent llthla-wator drink, which quickly,
relieves bladdor trouble. Adv.
Not Much Acquainted With Him.
"Your husbaud," said tho callor, Bym
pathlzlngly, "waa r. man of cxcollent
"Yes," sighed tho widow, "ho was
i good man. Everybody Baya so. I
wasn't much acquainted with him ray
self. Ilo bolonged to sir lodges."
Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It
Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try
the Moist Cloth.
Try as you will, after an application
of Danderlno, you cannot find a single
traco of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, but what will
plcaso you mo3t, will bo aftor a few
weoks' ubo, when you boo now hair,
flno and dowuy at flrst yes but real
ly now hair growing all over the
A littlo Dandorlno Immediately dou
bles tho beauty of your hair. No differ
onco how dull, faded, brlttlo and
scraggy, Just moisten n cloth with
Dandorlno nnd carefully draw it
through your hair, taking ouo small
Btrand at a tlmo. Tho effect is im
mediate and amazing your hair will
bo light, fluffy and wavy, nud havo an
appearance of abundance; au lncom
parablo luster, softness and luxuri
ance, tho beauty and shlmmor of true
hair health.
Got ii 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton'a
Dandorlno from any otoro and provo
that your hair is as pretty and soft
oa any that it has boon neglected or
injured by careless treatment that's
all. Adv.
Tho man who knows himself knows
bow selfish other people aro.
Nothing is gained by abusing those
whoso opinions differ from your owu.