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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1914)
Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publithcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Ono Your by Mnll In Advance.... $1." Ono Ycnr by Cnrrlcr In Advance. .$U0 Entered nt North Platte, Nebraska, PostoIIlco as Second ClaBS Matter. TUESDAY SEPT. 22, 1914. LOCAL ANJ) l'EKSOXAL GIlIDIltOX AHTISTS ARK GETTING IN FINE TRIM Ilnck Field Is Light Hut Fust mid Lino Is Heavy ns titer Schedule of Haines fur Season. Dr. Brock, Dentist, will be out of his oHloo until October Cth. 70-4 B. W. Wilson, residing on south Mnplo street, Is reported quite sick. Miss Grace Andersen, of Sutherland, visited friends In the city Saturday. Mrs. James Kennedy left last week for "Willow Island to spend a few days visiting relatives. Fayo Coatcs, of Sutherland, arrived in tho city Friday to visit friends and transact business. Educator Shoes for your boy or girl at WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Miss Annlo Haasc of Sumner, Is vis iting in tho city for a few days with Mrs. J. B. Hemphill. E. T. Kollhor, who now has his head quarters at Omaha, spont Sunday vis iting relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Skinner and Mrs. V. Schell atended tho funeral of tho late Guy Stcbblns, held at Gothenburg Thursday. Harry Kelso, Bert Meadows and Ray Johnson, all of this city, loft Friday for Arthur, Neb., whore thoy went on a hunting trip. Thoro aro no advances asked on kid gloves nt WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Mrs. Geo. W. Finn returned Sunday from a ten-day visit with relatives In Indianapolis. Enrouto homo she spont a day In Chicago. Dr. 0. II. Crcsslcr Is spending a great deal of his spnro time driving around in a now Bulck which he pur chased last week. Rov. and Mrs. J. F. Cresslcr are ex pected to return this Wiook from tho cast where thoy have been sojourning for sovoral months. Mrs. John Kclthcr and children, of St. Louis, who havo been visiting rela tives in tly) city for several weeks, ox pect to leavo UiIb week for their homo. For Sale Fox Torrlor Pups; thoy aro dandleB. Phono Black C05, or call at 1204 E. Fourth. JOS. GLASER. 09-3 Warren Doollttlo loft Saturday for Lincoln, whero ho will resume his s'tudles In tho stat university. Mr. Doollttlo Is taking tho agricultural course. Miss Bornlco Nolson, of Ogalalla, Bpent tho week end in this city aB tho guc3t of MIbb Georgia Hoxle. Sho came down for tho dancing party Fri day evening. Bradly Sweaters for Men, Women and' Children at WILCOX DEPART MENT STORE. Miss Georgia Hoxlo ontortalned a number of high school BtudentB Fri day evening at a dancing party at her homo. Quito a number woro present and a pleasant ovenlng waB reported. Dick Shlnklo, who has boon running about 700 head of cattlo on his ranch north of Ilorshoy, transacted business In town Saturday. Ho has about 400 head of stoors that ho will "ship to market In tho nmr future F. L. Moonoy, cnshlor of tho First National Bank, and W. H..McDonald of tho McDonald Statu ISnnlc, returned Friday evening from Omaha where thoy spont Bovoral days at tho bankers' convention and attending to other mat ters. L. Llpshltz left Sunday tor Fremont to ullond ceremonies attendant upon tho colcbratlon of tho Jewish Now Year. From Fremont ho gooa to Omn hu to spend a few days. His, shop Is closed during his absence. Charley Hupfor is exhibiting somo vory Ina corn that was raised without Irrigation on tho Hupfor ranch north west of town. Thoro aro over 700 ncres in tho ranch and ttio Intention is to lucrenso tho acreage of alfalfa each year until about GOO acres aro In that crop. James W. Elliott, who Is recovering from a ntrlous selgc of typhoid fover, was able to bo on tho streets for tho first tlmo Friday afternoon. Ho ex pects to bo nblo to roturu to hla work at tho Roxall drug Btoro In tho courno of a short time. Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dolph, rosldlng on wo&t Fifth street, foil down stairs Saturday morn ing and cut her head qulto badly. Med ical aid was summoned and It was found that lior injuries were not of n serious nature. Wanted to rent by October 1, 3 or 1 furnished housekeeping rooms by pri vate family. Apply this olllco. GS-3 Mrs. i. B. Jelor who had boom spending soveral wcoks in California visiting hur daughter and looking nf tor tho harvest of fruit on tho Jeter farm, returned Friday nftornoon. MIbb Holon Jetor lu attending school at Berkeley, Cal. Tho building formerly occupied by tho Geo. G. McKay dry goods storo Is undergoing thorough repairs ami on account of this MrH. Llnz will bo unablo to run her mllllnory store thoro this fall. However, slw will probably open up there for tho spring season. After tho repairs aro completed the building will bo, occupied by tho Block ladles' outfitting storo. y For Rent. 4 rpom houso, B Btreot, between Dowoy and Locust Btroets. C room bungalow, Gracoland Addi tion. G room uoubq 202 S. Dowoy, modern except hcut. Trices ltlglit. G7-Q ' J. C. IIOLLJIAN, Ageit. , Tho 1914 high Bchool football team Is fast rounding Into form and the prospects for n winning team this Benson nro tho best they havo ever been. Conches Novlllo and Koofe an nounce Hint they havo tho best bunch of material to work with this year they have over had and that it Is show ing up In excellent shape. Practice has boon steadily going since tho first week of school and tho boys nro now beginning to get tho old mnchlno work which characterizes a real football team. A few minor Injuries hnvo bern reported, but noth ing of a serious nnture at nil. A num ber of the veterans of last year are back In tho game, but Baker and Whlto aro both barred this year on nccount of health. Bator Is Just re covering from nn attack of typhoid and Whit", the fast sub quarter back of last year, is not strong and is keeping out on tho doctor's advice. The lino this year 1b exceptionally good and haB on It a number of the old guard. Kelly and Vernon are both back and playing strong. The back field Is a little light, but what it lacks In thnt respect Is more than counter balanced In speed and nerve. Cool, who played quarter back last season, Is a star and Howe Is also playing a fast game at half back. Boal and Stuart arc trying for the position of full and both men arc fast players. Louden Is holding down the position at quarter and with him In the back field they havo a fast bunch. A tiractlco gamo will bo played by tho high school bunch Friday, Septem ber 25 ngalnBt a number of the high school alumni. This will give the boys good experience and training In a real gamo before tho opening of the season which will lyi October 2 when thoy will play Curtis on tho local grounds. Tho schedulo of games this year shows some good ones and the boys will have a chance of putting North Plntto on tho map when they play Omaha. In this gnmo thoy will hav.o a chance of comparison with somo real teams in this state as well as with Chicago by the comparative score made. Tho schedule of games for 'the sea son 1b as follows: October 2, Curtlo here. Octobor 0, Cozad at Cozad. October 16, Gothenburg at Gothen burg. October 23, K. M. A. at Kearney. Octobor 30, Sterling hero. November G, Kj-jurnoy II. S. at Kear ney. Novembor 13, Omaha here. November 20, open dato. November 20, (Thanksgiving), Y6rk hero. Tho dato November 20 will bo loft open on account of its being so close p Thanksgiving, but It will probably bo filled up later. PAROLED CONVICT ENJOYED TIIHKK DAYS OF FREEDOM A caso was filed yesterday In tho county court upon complaint of Dep uty Shprlff Woods entitled tho state of Nebraska vb. George Bishop. Bish op la charged with the theft of a suit of clothes valued at $25, an automatic revolver valued at $18 and $15 In mon ey, tho property of Don Milton, Bishop was released on parole only Inst cpk and was paroled to Mr. Mil ton. He had lived In his new homo only two days. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Milton left the house for a visit with neighbors and during their absenco Bishop stole the goods and went to Wallace whero ho was apprphonded by tho deputy. Tho Episcopal Guild will meet Thurs day afteroon with Mrs. C. S. Clinton. Thoro Is much business to bo transac ted and all members are urged to be present nnd aro asked to come prepar ed to work, Every day for the past six weeks Mrs. Drayton, who lives threo miles southwest of town, has marketed a load of melons. She had out five acres which wero grown by pump Irrigation. The melon crop hns proved a paying one. Another coast to coast pedestrian, tho 'Btocnth to pass through this sea son, arrived Sunday night and will remain for a fpw days. His name Is Ralph Vcgnr, who started from New York City nearly four years ago and claims to havo covered 50,000 miles. If he has covered this distance on foot It would mean un average of forty miles every day in the year for four years. Tho painters and decorators in charge of the work on the federal building have announced to Postmaster Davis that thoy expect to finish their work on the Inside decorating by September 30th. Before they aro per mitted to leave the Job nn Inspector must bo called and look over the work and pass Judgment on It. They ask that Mr. Davis havo w Inspector here by that dato so that they can leave as ooon as the work Is completed. FOR SALK 100(1 pounds S. II. Barb Wire, only ic ANSWER THE CALL North Pintle People Have Found Thnt This Is Neccssnry. A cold, a strain, a sudden wrench, A little cause may hurt the kidneys, Spells of backache may follow, Or somo Irregulnrlty of tho urine. A splendid remedy for such nttacks, A medicine thnt has satisfied thoua-' ands 'la Doan's Kidney Pills, a special kidney remedy. Many North Platte people rely on It. Here is North Platte proof. August Ackorman, 221 S. Walnut St., North Platte, Neb., says:"I still hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I used them for backache, caused by disordered kidneys and had the best of results. It Is over threo years since I had occasion to use Doan's Kidney Pills, but my health has been flno since, not a symptom of kidney trouble having bothered." For Bale by all dealers. Prlco 50c. Fostor-MUburn Co., Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Remember tho nameDoau's and take no other. per pound. HHATT & GOODMAN'. Ofy. edfield 2j redfield. Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, Surgeon. JOB II. KEDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 612. NURSE BROWN MEMORIAL HOSPJTAL. 1008 West Fourth St. MRS. M. HALL, Superintendent. MISS LULU MAXWELL, Jlcntl Xursc. JOH3T S. TWIXEM, Physician and Surgeon DR. J. S. TWINEM, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Gynecology Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Ofllce McDonald State Bank Building. Corner Sixth and Dowoy Streets. Phones, Olllco 183, Residence 283 F. J. RIENER & CO. Ileal tislnte and Insurance Como and see ub for town lots in different parts of the city. Good in vestments on easy torniB. Houses for salo and rent. Wo havo also good, bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewoy Sts upstairs. Looks Favorable for Station. Postmastor Davis has received a lotter from tho postolllco department In reply to tho petition for tho estab lishment of a postolllco sub-Btatlon tit tho Bowcn drug store In tho Fourth vnrd. This letter asks for additional data concerning tho proposed station, and this is taken as an idlcntlon that tho department looks with favor upon tho proposition PostmnBtor Davis Bmt In tho neces sary data Saturday and also Mr. Bow- qiya, agreement to act, and It will probably bo only a short tlmo until tho olllco Is established, The station will bo located In tho Northsldo drug Btoro und will hqndlo all business of tho post olllco dopnrtment with the exception of distributing mall. Tho need of tho station has long been evident and tho eatabllsmont of tho samo will bo a big boneflt to tho residents of tho Northsldo. Tho resi dents of that part of tho city will bo ablo to procure stamps, money or ders, etc., without having to cross tho tracks and como all the way over to town. Tho postton ns postmaster In tho station carries only a nominal sal ary, tho advantage Iwlng In bringing custom to the1 Btoro whero It Is located. Tho government generally locates these stations In drug stores whoro posslblo for tho reason that thoy aro kopt opon moro thnn other stores. Postal Sin lugs Puss $10,000 JIark Thursday of last weok tho postal savluga deposits lu tho local postolllce passed tho $10,000 mark. Tho total of tho amounts deposited tore aggre gated $10,445 Saturday morning. Thla la a big Increase over a few months ago vhen tho deposits wero less than $5,000. From all appcarancoa tho war In Europe hns had considerable to do with tho big Increase as tho numerous depositors tho past few woka when tho big Jump has been mndo aro mostly foreigners, a largo numhor bo lng Greoks and Italians. Tho reason la that thoy havo been warned that tho government was tho only snfo plneo for tholr money and they aro depositing the limit in the postal savings. Thol halted amount thnt la permitted to bo deposited by each person haB curtailed tho doposlts to a largo ex tent as thoro aro a number who have asked to dopqslt far ovor tho amount nllowod. Tho limit of deposits Is oiv hundred dollars In one month and no doposltor can hnvj moro than five hundred dollars on deposit nt one time, A largo number of depositors have asked to deposit hundreds of dollars at a tlmo and ono man came to tho of flco with ono thousand sovpn hundred flollnro which ho wished to deposit. This money It deposited la put into tho banks again nnd allowed to bo lu circulation, while if tho mon nro not allowed to doposlt It thoy bury It and thus take It out of circulation. FARM LOANS Plenty of Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona ble. Buchanan & Patterson. 111 -I $K N Jj I Ofllce phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DRlOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Ofllce: Building and Loan Building. Phono, t Office 130 Phonei Regldenca 115 Drs. Quigley & Simms Physicians and Surgeons. Building and Loan Building. DR. ELMS, Physician and Surgeon Specialty Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Glasses Fitted. New Ofllce in McCabe Building, PHONE 36. Nyal Druj; Stroo Phono S Look at This! ft Anyone In need of Pianos, Organs', Bicycles, Clocks, Wutchcs, Sowing fn chines, Gnus, llevolvcrs, Shells of-nll kinds, Gas Stoves, Oil Stoves, linages, Everything In Furniture, Come to Echellb ery,60 0 Locust THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN ,j Wo want Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Pota toes, Etc., lu exchange for furniture-, COME IN AND SEE OUIt STOCK There is a big difference in fried Cakes. Try ours they have quality. D00L1TTLE BAKERY. HIDES. EUItS AND JUNK raying Top Price for Hides HONES $7.00 to $S.OO PEK TON of nil kinds ISO. PLATTE JUNK HOUSE. Hi n saiiM o Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Two largo loads of Soars, Roobuck & Co. catalogues wero received Satur day morning at tho local postolllco. Threo hundred and forty of tho cata logues wero for distribution in thla city by tho city cnrrlors. In all thoro woro oy?r flvo hundred lu tho shipment nnd It waa tho largest load of mall re ceived at this olllco for somo tlmo, each catalogue wolghlng flvo pounds. A numbor of tho catalogues wero for distribution through tliJ general do livery, and n largo number wont out on tho rural routes and flvo bags of thorn wero addressed to Tryon. SPICES THAT ARE QUITE SPICY Givo tho cook good spices and you'll notice the difference in the eating. Our spicoa aro full strength and havo tho proper amount of "spiciness"' to give your cooking zest and piquancy. Allspice Cinnamon Dlack Popper Ginger Cloves Nutmeg Cayenne Pepper Maco Everyone clean, perfect nnd pure. In pound, half pound and quarter pound packages. Why pny more for "near apices" when you can get spices that are quite spicy at prices that are right. Jk. M SBms ,&a W , -r-ft W w y jm jgirnT yfjj "sof f-i 4fe The Enjoyment of Home Js not complete to tho one who 'smokes unless he la a usor of ourcigars Our hand made cigars aro mado of the best tobacco, under sanitary conditions, nnd are a local product that warrant! their use. If you are not smoking our cigars, try them. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. 20 YEAR AK-SAR-BEN FALL FESTIVAL Omaha SEPT. 30 TO OCT. 10 1914 WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Every afternoon and evening Electrical Parade Fraternal Parade Evening Oct. 7. Afternoon Oct. 8. HOME COMING WEEK OCT. 5 TO 10 PIONEERS JijTt? aftooSt!1' p,oneer8 R8-Un,on Bowens Barn Phonq 101 C W- CRONEN GRADUATE VETERINARIAN North Platte Nebraska. Res. Phone Red 43o. COL. DAVE LOVE SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA, , ." AUCTIONEER. Experience with sales ot all kinds. Dates made with any bank in Lincoln County. Cattle, and Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hogs to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North Sir Barn. First class horse and a"ot livery in connection. Phone No. 29. The North Side Elmer E. Ilnmford nnd Susie R. IJnin ford AVHl Take Notice: That on tho 19th day of August, 1914 Louie E. Sherwood, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defendants, Elmer E. Bnmford and Susie B. Bamford, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage executed by S. E. Bam ford and Anna Bamford his wlfo, and Elmer E. Bamford and Susie B. Bam ford, his wife, to tho plaintiff herein, upon (tho following described prem ises: All of Section eleven (11) In township twelve (12) north of rango thirty-four (34) west of tho sixth (Cth) P. M. alsb the south one-half oft lie norteast quarter (S of the N. E. Vi) and lots numbered ono (1) and two (2) and the southeast quarter (S. E. Vi) of section two, (2) same township and rango also, the south half of tho southwest quarter (S of the S. "W. M) and all of tho southeast quarter (S. E. 4) and the south half of the northeast quarter (SV6 of the N. E. Yi) of section fourteen (14) township twelve (12) North of Rango thirty-four (34 west of tho sixth P. M.; to secure tho payment of a cer tain promissory note dated June 24, 1907 due and payable in ten years af ter date. That by the terms of said mortgage If the makers thereof, or anyone for them failed to pay tho interest when the same became due, the plaintiff herein could elect and declare tho whole sum due and payable and that there is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of $7,000.00, togeth er with interest at the rate of six per cent from June 24, 1913, for which sum with intereat from said date, plaintiff prays for a decree that de fendants be required to pay tho samo and in default thereof that said prem ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 26th day of October, 1914. Dated this 12th day of September, 1914. LOUIE E. SHERWOOD, By MULDOON & GIBBS, al5-4w His Attorneys. Feed Barn HAS FOR SALK GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered, Our terms are cash. TELEPHONE No. 29 Legal Notice. To Sarah Calhoun, Harrison Gay lord, Julia Gaylord and George Gay lordjjtier husband; Carrie Dristol and G,eorgb Drlatol, her husband; Jennie Lewis and Elmer Lowla, her husband; Kate Clinker and Luo Clinker, her hus band; Gertrude Clinker and John Qllnker, her husband; Charles Gaylord and Jennie Gaylord, his wife; Augus tus Gaylord and Myrtle Gaylord, his wife; Edward Gaylord and Mary Gay lord, his wire, non-resident defend ants:: You are hereby notified that James A. Shaw as plaintiff has filed his cer tain petition in th,3 District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you, impleaded with Anna Shaw and Thom as B. Shaw, an Incompetent, McDon ald State Bank, of North Platte, Ne braska, a corporation, and School Dis trict No. 5 of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, a corporation, the object and pray er of which said petition aro to con firm ths shares and Interests of tho plaintiff and defendants in the follow ing described land situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest Quarter of Section Eight (8). Town ship Fourteen (14), North of Range Thirty (30), West of tho G th P. M. as set forth lu said petition and for u partition of said described premises or for tho salo thereof If said partition connot be Justly and equitably made among tho different owners thereof. You and each of you will makj ana wer to said petition on or before the 21at day of November, 1914, or default will bo taken nnd "Judgment entered aa in aaid petition prayed. JAMES A SHAW, Plaintiff. By E. II. EVANS, Ills Attorney. Dated at North Platte, Sept. 21, 1914. Notice of Sale. In the matter of tho estate of John Burch, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that In pur suance of an order of L. M. Pemberton, Judgo of the District Court of Gago County, Nebraska, mad on the 27th day of July, 1014, for the salo of real oatato, hereinafter described, thoro will bo sold at tho front door of tho court houso, in North Platte, Nebraska, on ths 10th dny of October, 1914, at nlno o'clock In the forenoon, at public venduo, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wlt: Tho undivided two twenty-firsts of the north lralf of tho northeast quarter and tho east half of the northwest quartor of section thirty (30) In town ship nine (9) rango twenty-seven (27) in Lincoln County, Nebraska Saldalo will rorualn open ono hour. Dated this 19th day of September, 1914. .. HARRY B. ANDREWS, Guardian of Kenneth Burch and Rnmo- na Burch, Minors. E. N. KAUFMAN and MULDOON & GIBBS, Attorneys. s21-3w Sheriffs Salo By virtue of an order of salo Issued from the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In, said Court wherein Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, a Corporation is plaintiff, and Corda V. O'Brien, et al are defend ants, and to me directed, I will on the 3rd day of October, 1914, at 2 ; 00 o'clock P. M., at the eaBt front door of tho Court House in North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraaka, sell at Public Auc tion to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, the following described property, to wit Lot Six (6), Block One hundred flf-ty-ono (151), Orginal Town of North Platte, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Aug ust 31st, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, sl-5 Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Ni"holas McCabo is plaintiff and Frank P. Peterson et al are de fendants, and to me directed, I will on tho 2Gth day of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the east front door of the Court Houso In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraakaj sell at Pub lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy satid decree, Interest and costs, the following described property to-wlt: All of Section Thirty-five (35) Town ship Sixteen (1G) North of Range thirty-three (33) lying east of the rualn channel of Bird wood creek; and Northeast Quarter (NEl4) section two (2) and all of section ono (1) Township fifteen (15) North of Rango Thirty-three (33) West Gth P. M. Lin coln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Aug. 24th, 1914. A. J". SALISBURY, Sheriff. Notice of Sale of Land Upon Execution Notico Is herby given that-by vir tue of an execution Issued by Geo. E. Prosser, Cler of the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a judgment rendered In the District Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska, which had been filed In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. In favor of John W. Smith against M. J. Graham, full namo Marlon J. Graham, I havo levied upon the fol lowing described real estate as the property of said Marlon J. Graham, to-wit: All of Section Five (5), in Township Sixteen (1G) North of Rango Twenty nine (29) west of tho Gth P. M. Lincoln County, Nobraska, and I will on tho 2Sth day of September, 1914. at 2 o'clock p. m. central tlmo of said day at tho cast front door of tho court housfc In tho city of North Platto, In said Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell said real estate subject to a mortgage of $2,000 and accrued interest thereon, at pub lic auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution upon which thoro is due tho sum of JG35 with 7 por cent interest from Novem ber Gth, 1913, nnd $28.75 cost together with accrued cost. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Aug ust 20,4814. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.