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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1914)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. Mi Feed Them PrattS. ,4 Here hens. feed Get a t he - Rtlf iin 1 &.LLZ LET . 1 - (BMTI ZTVEf 2&i 40 to big, generous 25-lb. pails at $2.50. Pratts docs all we nay and more must do it or we give you your money back and no questions asked. That has been our guaranty for 42 years. A Regulator with such a record is worth asking for and insisting that you get it and none other. PRATT FOOD COMPANY PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO TORONTO Training a Cook. An Irish servant Is, of all peoplo In the world, tho most anxious to please, nnd she even desires to do exactly ns she Is told, even when tho commands laid on her are unreasonable. In "The Lighter SIdo of IrUh Life," Mr. G. A. Birmingham gives an amusing Instance of this trait. A young housekeeper onco under took to train a cook. One day, It happened that there were whiting for dinner. She explained carefully the proper way of cooking whiting, nnd, with, a view to achieving elegance in the serving of the dish, added that these particular fish are usually Bent up to table with their tails In their mouths. The fish appeared on tho dinner table, not seductively curled after tho pleasant habit of whiting, but lying rigidly straight on tho dish. Each of them, however, had its tall cut off and neatly inserted into Its mouth. Tho Inexperienced cook had most conscientiously 'obeyed what must have struck her as a merely vexatious order. Youth's Companion. Supreme Test of Friendship. An Invitation to breakfast was, In Macaulay'p opinion, one of tho su premo tests of friendship. "You Invito a man to dinner," he wrote to Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, "because you must invite him, because you are ac quainted with his grandfather, or be cause you wish to see him. You may be sure if you are Invited to breakfast that there Is something agrdeable about you." The man who marries a pretty girl Is apt to get the short end of it If he takes her at her face value. More women might be able to save money If the drygoods stores would cease having bargain sales. , i ' Madam, if you want your clothes snow white and sweet use RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA S0AP-"Carbo" kills germs -"Naptha" cleans instantly. No rubbing no wash day grief no ruined clothes.- RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP la just as effective for wood, metal, glass, etc. Cleans and disin fects your wash It docs nor need hot water. Carbo Disinfects Naptha Cleans RUB-NO-MORE RUB-NO-MORE Carbo Naptha Soap Washing Pcwder Five Cents All Grocers The Rub-No-More Co., Ft.Wayne, Ind. PATENTS Wnteon E. Oolemnn.Wajib. Ingum.D.U. Hooka tree. High cm references, Ueat result. Nebraska Directory HLISS & WKLLMAS Live Stock Commission Merchants vrj.mii Kirlinneu Ilullillnp. South Omulia All stock consigned to ns Is sold by members ot tbs Mrm nnd nil rTinl(lMS h&Tfl OfiCD SelOCted Und trained for the work which iner do. writo-sameiM u. Lr'nnAV unci supplies. Largest BVwU'MEV bouse In the west. All riUICUIUP Eastman Roods. We pny re rlnldnlnU turn postage on finishing. IHE B08ERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Firn.m Street Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 38-1914. 12. 16 AND 20 GAUGE Hammcrless The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest onri hnnrisomest rcoeatintr AHhnnoh lifrht in weinht, its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or Stnd to Wlncheittr Rtptatlnz Ami Co., Utw Havin, Cona., for circular. THE LIGHT WEIGHT, NICKEL STEEL REPEATER. Is real eee-makintr joy for laying Makes them relish their morning's and sends them harm v to their nests No sick, dopey birds standing around, but the entire flock full of life, laying regularlv, and showing money-making form. Feed them Pratts, Poultry Regulator lav! n tr hcnsi nto the cec-a-da v class. and starts up the lazy ones. Makes no dif ference about breeds the better the birds the more Pratts will do for thcm. Develops pullctsintocarlylaycrs. Brings birds quickly and safely through the moult and puts them uucit ugain on inu tgg-iayuig juu. Gotovour dealer and tell him vou want Pratts Poultrv Regulator. Comc9 !n 23c nackaces up HAS NO INJURIOUS EFFECT Strong Denial That Presence of Tuber- culosls Sanatorlums Is Detriment to Adjoining Property. Convincing proof that tuberculosis sanatorlums or hospitals are not a men ace to the health nor a detriment to tho property of thoso living near such Institutions Is given In a pamphlet Is sued recently by the National Associa tion for tho Study ajid Prevention of Tuberculosis. In an extended study of the subject tho association has not been able to find a slnglo Instance where a tuberculosis sanatorium has had an Injurious effect on tho health of anyone living near It, nor where It has had any lasting effect upon prop erty values. The pamphlet, entitled, "The Effect of Tuberculosis Institutions on tho Value and Desirability of Surrounding Property," reviews all tho studies made on tho subject, takes up court decisions bearing on tho question and contributes besides some original In vestigations of typical hospitals and tho opinions of prominent mon, life Insur ance companies nnd others. Nearly one hundred and fifty different instltu tlons are studied. In all these Instltu. tlons not one case could be found where the assertions of opponents to their location, that a tuberculosis san atorium would spread disease and In jure property, could be substantiated. In fact, a number of instances were found where tho presence of the san atorium or hospital promoted outdoor living, tending to lower the death rate, and Increased the market for produce and labor, thereby benefiting the community. Two Classes Barred. A Buccessful agricultural show Is carried on each year In a certain vil lage In the south of Ireland. Among the many competitions for tho encour agement of thrift and cleanliness la one for the best turned out donkey cart. The prize for this was usually won by either the local doctor or the local solicitor. After one year's show tho farmers and working classes pro tested that It was not quite fair to ex pect their hardly used animals to com pete successfully with the well-cared-for and well-groomed animals of thoBe who generally won the prize. In consequence of this protest the following proviso In connection with this competition appeared In the show placard the following year: "All legal and medical donkeys ex eluded." Titles and Taxes In Spain. In Spain titles of nobility are taxed in tho same way as houses or land. Moreover, each separate title Is taxod, and for this reason certain members of ancient families in which a number ot titles have accumulated drop some In order to save money. Owing to the system long prevalent in Spain by which women of noblo birth transmit their title not only to their children but to their huBbands so that a plebeian marrying a duchess becomes a duke, Spanish titles rarely become extinct unless tho holders deliberately discard them. That Dark Brown Taste. Yeast Thoy say that dark brown Is to bo ono of tho fashlonablo shades next fall. Crlmsonbeak Well, I can't say I like that taste. What married man isn't fond of his wife's husband? Even when marriage 1b a lottery it may develop Into a habit. . 11 11J Hi Ikj&AVdSdi Repeating Shotguns shotgun on the market. it ha3 great strength, because ?a 325g3SgSE mvm m mm m& SHKSi y.w.-?w-iiiin t n vtMMgM( iTT STvx II!" tttBl a- 83 Do You Know Lemonade Is Made of Lemons Often? WASHINGTON. -The somber-souled realist who composes press bulletins for tho department of health earns his salary If painstaking effort counts for anything at all. Nothing daunts him; he even tackles circus lemonndo. of lemons diluted with water and sweetened with enno sugar. A similar drink, prepared from oranges, Is usually called orangeade. Usually slices of the rind are added to give an additional flavor." Having propounded these comparatively simple lessons, tho author cun ningly lures tho reader on to carbonated water, ginger nle, birch beer, root beer nnd sweet elder. Tho last, "one of the mot ngroeablo of tho non alcoholic (mark thnt nice distinction) bevorageB, Is tho Altered Juice of Bound, ripe apples. If sterilized in bottleB and kept tightly closed it may be kept for n long tlmo." With sweet elder ho stops. Klght on the threshold of a masterpiece, he hears tho call of duty. The natural deBlre to expound and elucidate the mys teries of Dock, PllBener, Muenchner, May wlno, applejack, forty-rod and squirrel Is throttled at birth. Sternly keeping to words of one syllable, ho points out that there Is no coal tar In lemonado; nor is there coal tar In birch beer; nor In root beer; nor, In fact, In any of these favorite household beverages In their puro state. And this methodically bibulous pessimist has done more. Ho has tested 94 samplos of lemon Bodn, 31 of ginger nle, 40 of sarsaparllla, and bo on down tho lino, and now passes on In simple language tho knowledge thus Imbibed. Out of tho 94 lemon sodas 58 contained saccharine nnd somo applo elder contained benzoate of soda. In nearly everything ho found an Ingredient that does .not belong In "favorite household beverages." Not ono dealer ad mitted tho presence of saccharine; not ono acknowledged benzoate of soda. So, therefore, being soundly grounded in fact, ho hastened to tho type writer nnd wrote his adventures that all might halt In tlmo and bowaro of misrepresented drink. Dramatic Exceptions to a Most Excellent Rule A PREOCCUPIED woman strolled across the asphalt as If for the sole pur pose of being run down. An nutomoblle thnt looked capablo of performing tho Job a tremendously Imposing machine, with a thrown back top of tan leather and body of anarchist red gave a warning toot. Tho woman ignored It. Camo an other toot. Tho woman kept up her slow strolling, as If tho avenue were one of thoso things you call a flowery mead. After ho had sounded n third warning, tho chauffeur, who had al ready slackened speed, curved around the woman and whizzed on. And for thnt one tlmo, anyhow, tho situation was saved. Two men on a curb tool: In tho Incident, nnd when It wns over tho ono who wns smoking n cigar said to tho ono with a cigarette: "Tho majority of automobilists are as careful as that man, but It Is tho occasional reckless Idiot who races down everything In his way, who gets into tho pnpers and ruins tho reputation of tho others. You never bco a care ful chauffeur In print." "Idiots have their uses" tho xlgarotto man said it with tho cheerful philosophy of one who takes llfo easy. "They figure up as tho dramatic ex ceptions to the monotonously excellent rule. Good peoplo seldom make in teresting copy. It Is the exception you must look to for headlines." And ns they talked, tho preoccupied woman touched the bricks just as a bluo-bluck machine had glowed up to save tho general dlsagreoabloness of mowing her down. Most Effective Shot in Her Ammunition Chest REPRESENTATIVE W. C. HOUSTON of Tennesseo 1b a typlcnl southerner In appearance, and by birth a genuine eon of tho American revolution. His great-grandfather was an Irish lad, who lnnded on tho shores of North rmTvmr rOTEUYOU, -fWKirR .lHt. YOU VE TH WORST SHATE ANY MAN EVE?, HAD M VX. KA TSvTMsJ SyB first saw tho light of day. Mr. Houston tells a story on his predecessor, the Hn. George P. Jones, who wns known in his day as "the watchdog" of tho 'r'easury. Jones was a merchant, and one day an lrato old lady dismounted In front of his store, gathered up her voluminous black calico riding skirt, took her eggs under her arm and sailed Into tho store and Into Jonos, too. Tho names sho called him would have mado a Missouri mule blush. Hacking out flushed with victory, she was about to mount when sho remembered that sho had not tired tho most effective shot In her ammunition chest, so, opening tho door, she shouted: "And I want to tell you, Gcorgo P. Jones, that you have got tho worst shnpo any man over had." Got Tired of Having Old Bluff Worked on Him REPRESENTATIVE HEN JOHNSON of Kentucky 1b a man of philanthropic Impulses and when ho used to practice law he wns constantly being Im posed upon by peoplo who took up -his tlmo without giving him much roward. Tho old chap usedto come lu about twlco a week to have legr chores performed nnd Johnson never charged him anything. Hut the old man never failed to make a bluff of putting his hand In his pocket nnd Inquiring: "Well, how much do I owo you, Hen?" knowing well enough that Johnson would say: "Oh, thnt's all right." Now Johnson didn't mlpd doing all this work for nothing, but ho got tired of having the old chap work that bluff on him. Ono morning the old fellow reached Into his pocket and naked how much he owed for legal services Just as a charity worker entered tho ofllco. ' "Oh, I guess $25 will be nbout right," was the startling reply. Tho client was game and paid It, whereupon Hen tossed It over to tho charity worker, saying to his client: "If you over pull that bluff ou mo ugain I'll clmrgo you more'n that." bi witn TmwKimi Hiw.iUVihiBflMa Tv Ki- . r mi-. uA k'tllXLi" urn -ULMA ?5i ., .&S mum MysnW Nor does ho take a chance- on ma Intelligence of tho rending public. In his latest, known ns "Special Pure Food Hullotln. No. 22." or. for short, "Puro Hull No. 22" ("nn article put out by tho department of hoaltti ), ho dooH not call lemonndo "lemonndo" nnd let It go at that. Ho Is not that careleBs. Far from It. "Lemonade," ho explains, "Is ono of tho most familiar household drlnkB wo have. It Is made from the Juice Carolina a few years before tho rovo' lutlon with littlo except n stout heart nnd his rich brogue. A great hand at jumping, n flno runner and a good fighter, ho soon found a place in the ranks of tho American nrmy nnd fought with dlH Unction. In a skirmish a bullet from a redcoat's rlflo pierced his kjino, and for this wound he received as n bounty from congress a large tract of land. On this land his descendants are still living, and on it the member life ra DEVOTION OF A HIGH ORDER Surely Canine Sagacity Could Hardly Qo Further Than the Inotance That Is Hero Recorded. They wore gathered round tho etovo In tho country grocery storo swnpplng dog stories. Abner Morgan had "nil tho best of It" with his yarnB of tho extraordinary intelligence exhibited by a colllo belonging to his uncle. Tho others grow restive. Finally Job Per kins doomed tho momont npproprlnto wherein to spring u tnlo that would cap nil tho others. "That wns n purty clover dawg, Ab," drawled he, "an" 1 make no doubt ho was Jest as knowln' ns you lot on. Hut say I Ho wasn't a marker to n dawg my old man owned! Uoys, tho devo tion of thnt dnwg to tho old man was shoro nmnzln'. Onct ho heard tho old man Bay ho was pressed for money, so ho went nn' died tho dny beforo tho dog-tax was duo!" The "Bauer" Is Austria's Backbone. Tho most Interesting of Austrian types nnd tho bnckbono of tho dual monarchy Is tho "bauor." In social rank ho occupies somowhnt the same position ns tho old English yeoman, farming his own land, nnd In many cases enjoying n far moro substantial fortuno than tho nobility. Tho -'bauer" linn n strict social code ot his own, ing neither with the laborers on ono hand nor tho aristocracy on tho other, is apparently qulto content with his lot, nnd takes pride In his ability to provide almost nil tho necessaries of llfo from tho productions of his own land, oven, in many cases, growing thu flax from which Is womenfolk weavo nil tho household clothing. London Chronicle. Important to mothers, Examlno carefully every bottlo ot CASTORIA, n safo and suro romedy for infanta nnd children, and soo that It Signature of UcL&frffl&jfiM Ti Artitn A In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Flctcher'a Caatoria A Grateful Parent. "How do you llko your now son-in-law?" ' "I'm reconciled to hljn," replied Mr. Cumrox, "even If ho Is n duke. I'm thankful Gladys Ann didn't marry somebody that 'ud compel mo to mnko n bow to my own daughter an' call her 'your mnjesty.'" Unkind Suggestion. "My youngest boy Is nlwnys think ing of bright nnd clover things," said Mr. Ullgglns. "I've often heard you say so," re plied Mlsa Cayenne as sho moved wearily on. "You ought to got him to tell you a few of them Bomo tlmo." If you wish, beautiful, clear, white clothes, use Red Cross Roll Rlue. At all good Krocers. Adv. It takes n strong-minded woman to hold her tongue. Ammonia bombs are being used suc cessfully as lira extinguishers. 5 QuoidL OpauriUm& For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking Lydia "E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? IIIoijaDON, Me. "I had, pains in both Bides and Buch a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at timea. My back ached and I was go nervous I could nob sleep, and I thought I novor "would bo any better until I submitted to an operation, bub I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and toon felt like a now woman." Mrs. Haywakd Sowehs, Ilodgdon, Me. 2Ciiaklotte, N. C. "I was hi bad health for two years, with pains in both sides and was very nervous. I had a growth which tho doctor said was a tumor, and I never would got well unless I had an operation. A friond advised mo to take Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetablo Compound, and I gladly say that I am now enjoying too health." Mrs. Rosa Sims, 10 "Winona St., Charlotte, N. C. SIIanovek, Pa. "Tho doctor advised a sevoro operation, but my husband got mo Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetablo Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now I feel liko a now person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. Ada Wilt, 100 Stock St., Hanover, Pa. 4Deoatuk. III. "I was sick in bed and thrco of tho best physi- cians said I would havo to bo taken to tho hospital for an oper ation as I had something growing in my loft hide. I refused to sub mit to tho operation and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com poundand it wrtrked a miracle in my case, and I toll other women what it has dono for me." Mrs. Lauha A. Griswold. 2300 Bile. East William Street, Decatur, 111. 5 Cleveland, Ohio. "I was very irregular and for soveral years my side pained mo so that I expected to havo to undergo an op eration, ijoctors saut tney Know oi noining tnac would help me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege tablo Compound and I becamo regular and freo from pain. I am thankful for such a good medi cine and will always give it tho highest praise." Mrs. C. II.G)ukfith,7305 Madison Av., Cleveland, O. raaEWrlto to LYJUA E.PIMCH AM MEDICINE CO. WW (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for atlvico. Your letter will bo opened, read nnd answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Doesn't Miss It. "Does your furnnco smoko to a dla agreeable extent, Mrs. Jags?" "No; but rqy husband does." Tho nudo truth sometimes needs an Immunity bnth.- Work Weakens the Kidneys Mnny ocenpMlonn wiUin the lildnojB, cnimliifr nelilnir tiavkn. nrlnnry illHonlorti nml iv tnll, ilroWBy, illncoiiniKctl Oelltitf. Work exposing ono to clilllx, ilntntuienn or mulileu clmncol work In crnrapeil iwnltloim work timid Hie fiimrn of turpentine; eonnlnnt rlillng on jolting velilclcB, la especially lmrl ou the liUlnejt. Tnlcen In tlmo Vlilnny trouble Un't hard to nlopl ncKtcctril It la dnn;eroii. An aklilney tonle, there In no other medicine no well recommended, no widely lined nnd no unlTcmally Hiioceasful rb Boon's Kid ney ruu. A Nebraska Case. "Kwry Pleltin R, French. Aurora, Neb., safs: "My kid ney trouble was brought on by lmrd work nml over-lift Init, At times my bnck wna terribly lamo and I felt like Klvinir up I wns restless at night nnd felt nil run down Donn's Kidney rills went to the. root of tho trouble nnd quickly relieved tho pnln, My kidneys wcro strengthened and I felt better In every wny Tho benefit has lasted." juuuoiorv ' Cat Doaa'a at Any Store. 80c a Box DOAN'SW&V FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relict they pcrma- ncntlycurc Con stipation. MiK lions uso. them for Billonincn. IndigeilioD, Sick Hcadsche, Sallow Skin. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Freckles and Tan Removed FI1F.E Hnrnood's Trecltln Crestn, (luarnnteed Muney hack If notsatlnd. It you litre nerer incu iniH ereain wlllsendfrenafnll surniu jArnnauur Krecklo book Mend Ho to pay wrap ping uiul iKistnuo Only ono Jar to a pcrton. HARWOODLAOOR AT0I1IES. Aurora, Illinois, Dept. U. TYPHOID I irt mArn nAsTilftfir thanSmallpox. Army experience bu demon itr ted Va ilmnii mlrafMllrHI affl caey, and barmlessneis, of Antityphoid VscclnsUon. Be Tscelnsted NOW by your phyt Ulan, you m your family. It Is mora vltsl thin bouie Insurtsce. Aik your physician, druegUt, or send for Uar you had Typhoid?" telllnc of Typhoid Vaccina, results from use, and dinger from Typhoid Carriers. Tn Cutter Laboratory, Derkilty, Ctl.. Chleiss, III. Producing Vaccines and Strumi under U. 8. Llccnia QUICK REUS1 ETE TROUBLES trv J. H A -N. BaMI :adtrds JKKM ssaM-ri-i r jpayisi is arikiiS, tfr JaffVfc , aaKiwiaflliaH HJaKv',St4jiTtHI VjfKafaVMsflMi WTftaat