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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1914)
V -"- -" -3 rr EJ The Gjreat Boston Salvage Co. -h-""' yr,fc ,ir" i As c Of Entire Stock of The Leader Department Store ll MHHMIMHnNHMMHaHMmaHMHNHMMMMMHMtMHMM if 3 ' n I 1 U 4 A Sale that means a Saving of 25 to 33 per cent to every family in North Platte and vacinity. A sale conducted for the purpose of Stimulating Business by relinquishing all profits, not a sale of old stock, but merchandise bought this spring for this season's trade; new, clean, fresh, crisp merchandise that is desirable in every way and now offered you at price reductions of one-fifth to one-half! The Boston Salvage Co. are in charge, they guarantee every word in this advertisement. No misstatements, no misrepresentations the bargains will be found here and on sale, so don't miss it, bu) be here with the opening of the doors on SATURDAY MORNING Tremendous Price Reductions on all of our Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc, The Suits All Alternations FREE! The Leader's magnificent Suit Stock consisting of every new model shown this season the Short Jackets,the Kimona slecves,the Tier Skirt,all the new styles suite of Gaberdines Serges, Ratines, Poplins, Crepe Cloths, and Moire Silks, in every new color, including Mahogony, Tango, Now Blue, Taupe, etct Suits' that were formerly priced at $15 to $27 -and cheap at that now $Q Q 010 QK ipuiUu and up to OiuiUU selling at. The Coats The Smartest, Newest, Best Spring Coals shown in Nebraska ; the Now Short Models ; the Balmacaan and the Conservative Longer Coats in Gaberdines, Screes, Poplin, Taffetas, Faille and Moire Silks, just as smartly tailored as can be. New colors,, Tango, Mahogany, Copenhagen and all other good shades, formerly priced at 'GJE nn $8,50 to $25 now on sale at iP"""' to . f M NMMHMMHMiaaMMMMNIMMMIHWWMMnMMBHHIM $13.85; M -- f The Dresses All Alternations FREE I Beautiful dresses for street, afternoon or even ing wear.. Dresses with the quaint old fashioned touch so popular this season. New collars and frills and skirts with tier and tunic effect. Silk Poplins, Crepe Metor and Crepe Poulards, Taffetas and Soft Wool Materials in'all colors. These were formerly E..'- $19.85 Smart Wash Dresses for Smiim , street and afternoon wear, pretty Lingerie Dresses with lace and embroidery collars; new sleeves, and high and iow uecics. I'ormoriv nriced cprs nn nn nr - i ux "v 3C un iJU to ipU.UiJ at $4.50 to $12.50, on sale at Neat House Dresses for morning wear, fine Per cales in good fast colors, nicely trimmed,. .QQn $1.25 values at...- UJb MEN'S HATS AfW) CAPS MEN'S $5 STETSON HATS NOW $3.69 MEN'S $1 AND $2 SOFT HATS NOW. .49 and 98c 50 and 75c CAPS, NEW SHAPES 25 and 39o 35, 50 and 75c STRAW HATS NOW 19o -MEN'S PANTS MEN'S $2 KHAKI PANTS NOW. .,., $1.19 MEN'S $2 WORK PANTS NOW. .' . . . .$1.19 MEN'S $3 DRESS PANTS NOW: $1.69 MEVS SHIFTS . MEN'S 50o WORK SHIRTS NOW 39c MEN'S 75c DRESS SHIRTS NOW 49o MEN'S $1 DRESS SHIRTS NOW 79c MEN'S UNDERWEAR WILSON BROS' UNION SUITS 89c POROSKNIT UNION SUITS 48c ATHLETIC UNION SUITS 69o BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS.' 23c .FRENCH BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 39o MEN'S HOSIERY ROOKFORD SOX, PAIR 5o 15o BLACK AND TAN HOSE 9c 35o SILK HOSE NOW 25c 25c LISLE SILK HOSE 19c 50c PURE SILK HOSE 39c NECKWEAR AND SUSPENDERS 25o AND 35o SILK NECKWEAR AT 19o 25o SUSPENDERS; SPECIAL 15o BOY'S SUITS '. BOYS' 75c WASH SUITS NOW 43o BOYS' $3.50 KIOKERBROOKER SUITS. .. .$2.19 BOYS' $6 BLUE SERGE SUITS $3.98 BOYS' $7.50 KNICKERBOCKER SUITS. .. ,$4.48 Union Made Overalls SOc Finks Included DRY GOODS ALL STANDARD PRINTS A YARD 5c HOPE MUSLIN, 12 YARDS $1.00 lOo BLEACHED MUSLIN A YARD 7c 15o RED SEAL GINGHAMS, A YARD 9o 12 l-2o DOUBLE FOLD PERCALES, A YD, . . .8c 16o FINEST PERCALES, A YARD lie 15o CURTAIN SCRIMS, A YARD lie 35c ETAMINE DRAPERY, A YARD 25c 10c TURKISH TOWELS 5c 20o TURKISH TOWELS 14c 35o TURKISH TOWELS 19o 20c COTTON CREPES, A YARD llo 50c LAWNS ANR ORGANDD3S, A YARD 14c AMOSKEAG APRONS, GINGHAM, A YARD. . . .0o ALL TABLE LINEN . , 20 per ceni OFF ALL BED SPREADS 20 per cent OFF BARGAINS IN GIHLDRENS SHOES Lines to numerous to mention. Every pair reducod in price. SPECIAL tr Child's White Oxfords Cxllt All Men $IO and $13 Spring Suits at S.48 mf.. 1! mte t - u. jliib enure men's uiotmng stocK, cutAm price. flstyles's- ao 01a guns dui an tms season's snappiesi ana savveyou at least u& per cdnt. T : , Nov .styles in fancy and plain Oassimere. vldl tailored, porfect fitting and a good rai ge of colors .and patterns. Suits that have been on sale Q7 ft Q 'this season at from $10 to $12.50 now ; $1 iHU ' $13 Spring Suits at $9.98 All "Wool Suits in latest models, BlaeKs, Blues, Browns, dreys and Fancyir. Suits with good tail oring and excellent linings, formerly pric-JiCjfg QO. ed as high as $15 now 'J?ipilji3u $20 Spring Suits at $12.48 NeW- Worsted, Wool Cassimcros, Serges and Tweed, plain colors and fancy patterns, high class tailoring and selected lining, .formerly Q10 IQ priced up to $20 now on sale at $ I rflifu $25 Spring Suits at $14.85 Including the famous "Sophomore" clothing. Nothing better made, hand tailored, New English outfioft .roll collars, patched pockets, fl1j QC regular $25 suits now on sale tat $ lriUU The entire Shoe stock now cut and slashed. You get a bargain on every Shoe. You know the quality ol the "Leader" Shoes, so you know that when prices are cut you save money. Be sure to conic early "before the size3 aro broken so that we can bo sure to fit you. 1 : ' ' r , $ i y Mm J Q ' i wit i ti W 1 nW: fh "f: New BungalowAyand All-Over Aprons in smart new colors 75c values at 43c DESIGNED BY MAYER BROS. CHICAGO Every Shoe Wommen's $4.50 Dress Shoes $2.19 One lot including "Queon Quality" Lace, But ton and Oxfords, Gun Metal, Patent Leather, Vicj Kic, all good Styles, while they last OQ 1Q only , tP&i 1 J Men's $3.50 and $4 Dress Shoes at $2.69 Gun Metal and Velour Calf, Vici Kid and Pat ent, Leather, laced, button and low cut, re- QH RQ gulnr $!1.50 and $1 values on sale at $&.iUt3 Men's $3 Dress Shoes at $1.98 Que assorted lot of Men's Shoes, work or dress stylo, good quality and reliable, formerly (M QO pricod-up to $3 now on sale at P I lUU THE LEADER DEPARTMENT STORE NORTH PLATTE, :: w NEBRASKA WOMEN'S WAISTS Lingerie White Waists of Sheer Voile and Bastiste, new collarsmnd sleeves, lace and embroidery QO trimmed, $1.50 Waists. . , tJOb CREPE AND SILK WAISTS Beautiful Nqw Waists of Crepe do China Crepe Me teor, New 'Gladstone and Bontel Collars two lots, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 M QQ OO QQ "Waists at...,, ip f lUU.and.iOU PETTICOATS 75c WASH PETTICOATS AT 49c $2.50 SILK PETTICOATS AT $1.59 ALL OTHER PETTICOATS 20 PER CENT OFF. CHILDREN'S COATS A wonderful line to select from- All New Spring Models Choice 20 per cent off. CHILDRENS DRESSES AH kinds of- Wash Dresses School and Sun day Dresses Ginghams, Percales and White Lin gerie Dresses 20 per cent off. . ROMPERS 50c ROMPERS REDUCED TO 39c EXTRA SPECIAL $2.50 Lace Curtains A specia lot of elegant Lace Curtains, beautiful patterns, $z.ou values, only lour pair in the lot special SEPARATE SHIRTS $7.50 to $10 Skirts, Black, Navy and colors everyone a desirable Skirt, special SKIRTS NEW MODELS All the new Tier, Tunic, Pouch and Overskirt effects best materials and all colors reduced 20 per cent. SILK AND DRESS GOODS $1.00 NEW SUMMER SILKS, yd 59c 75c CHINA SILKS, yd '"'39c 35o TUB SILKS, yd 23c $1.00 MESSALINE SDLKS, yd 69c $1.25 TAFFETA SILKS, yd g8c $2.25 OHARMEUSE SILKS, yd ". $169 $1.50 SILK POPLINS, yd " " $1 19 75o WOOL OHALLLES, yd 43c 75c WOOL SERGES, yd 40. $1.00 CRAVENETTE, yd , . ? $1-25 GABARDINES, yd !!!!'..'!" !78c WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS 10c SUIW.3R VESTS 5c 15o WOMAN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSE 9c 25c WOMAN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSE ' ' 'ill CORSETS REDUCED 20 PER CENT S1.25 LONG, 16 button, SILK GLOVES. . . 98c 75o SHORT SILK GLOVES 48c $1.25 KID GLOVES 93 SS5?-ND EMBROIDERIES 20 PER CENT OFF TRIMMINGS AND RIBBONS 20 PER CENT OFF CHILDREN'S PARASOLS, SPECIAL. . . .? NO CHANGES DURING THIS SALE. VM $2.19 Sale Starts Promptly Saturday Morning, May 9th ' V t - : . . . - . :. . " ' fitgiiMMlMBMBBMiMWMMBJMWjMBjMBBBWBMBHBMBMMBBBBWB ., 'V n.