The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 28, 1914, Image 4

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The Grand Promoter
A Stranger Play Him a Low
Down Trick
Copyright. 1914, by Associated Lit
erary Press.
Pickle Band Suicide Threat Leaves
Her Husband Unmoved.
Copyright, 1914, by Associated Lit
erary Press.
There wns Borne one outsldo of Ma
tJor Crofoot's olllco door.
A knock, knock, knock.
"Come right In!"
"I'm looking for the Major Crofoot
thnt lins all sorts of sood things to In
vest In," sold the caller.
"Then you linvc come to the right
place. Have a choir."
"Thanks. Now, then, I don't wish
to tako up your valuable time. Ilavo
you got anything good on hand? I
want something perfectly safe that
will return 0 or 10 per cent on the
"My dear sir, I have got half n dozen
of tlio best things going. When you
Bpcak of 0 or 10 per cent dividends it
mnkes mo smile. I don't deal In such
small fish. Anything I tako hold of
must poy 30 per .cent or I drop it"
"Good Lordl" ejaculated tho caller ns
he sat up.
"Thirty per cent at lcHt, sir. What
would you say to stockB paying dollar
for dollar?"
"But I'm willing to take 40 per
cent," replied tho man. "Geo whiz,
but what man can nsk for more than
"Very fair, very fair," loftily replied
tho major, "but nothing to brag of.
Being you havo come direct to the of
flco I wnnt to pick out something ex
tra. Let mo see. The Universal Glass
Byo company paid 00 per cent divi
dends two years ago, but last year
dropped down to 30. ty will bo still
less than that this year on account of
hard times. Lots of ono eyed peoplo
stick a patch over tho eyo and let It
go nt that If you'd como In n month
ngo I could havo let you lu on the
ground floor of tho Magic Rat and
Mouse Destroyer. Tho stock went llko
wlldflrc, and tho last was sold at $200.
Wo figure It will pay 400 per cent div
idends for the next twenty years."
"And 1 can't get In. Thunder, but
why didn't I know nbout It! But you
must havo Bomethlng for me," lnslstctl
the caller In anxious tones.
"Let mo see! Let mo see! IIow ub
Bentmlndcd I nm tilts morning. Just
as you knocked I was making up tho
Incorporation papers for my last and
best scheme. IJ's ono that'll lay over
nil others. I was saving It to begin
the year on."
"Good, good! What Is It? By
George, old fellow, If you put mo on to
something good you shan't lose by It!"
"You know what delicacies turtlo
soup and turtlo Bteuk aro considered?"
"I do."
"And you know tho high price frogs'
legs bring?"
"Well, that's the basis of tho Great
Western company, Just organized. Wo
nro going to rent nine square miles of
Lnko St. Clair flats and ralso our frogs
and turtles and con thorn on tho spot
They will bo ennned In champaguo,
and the labels on Uio cans will bo
handsomo enough to framo and hang
In uny one's parlor. Threo turtlo
steaks and two dozen frogs' legs every
can. Killing and canning tako place
every day. Wo Bhall control tho mar
ket of tho world."
"What dividends do you flguro on?"
"Weill last night I was figuring on a
straight 100 per cent, but this morning
I thought I ought to make a llttlo al
lowance. Many turtles dlo of home
sickness, you know, and a certain per
cent of tho frogs nro bound to Jump
tho wire fences and got away. To bo
very safo and conservative I hovo put
tho dividends nt 05 per cent I think
that Is n rather neat figure, don't you?"
"Great! Great Scott, I've been lond
lng money at 0 per cent!"
"IIow how much were you thinking
of Investing?" nsked tho major In a
voice that trembled In splto of himself.
"Twenty thousand dollars perhaps."
"And you you will pay something
down to secure tho stock?"
"A hundred dollars. Hero's a check
I'll lndorsooverto you, nnd I'll como In
tomorrow nnd pay tho bolanco nnd get
tho stock. By George, but I'm In luck!
Just think of getting hold of somo
Jthlng paying 05 per cent dividends!
Why, my wife will think me crazy
when I tell her about this. You won't
let Morgan buy tho whole thing up and
Jreezo mo out, will you?"
"No. You Bliall havo tho stock."
"And I'll remember you. I'll buy
Vou a pearl pin out of the first divi
dend. If you want, when you get
started, I'll show you how to catch
frogs for canning. There's a peculiar
way of getting hold of them by ono
hind leg. Nlnety-llvo per cent! I can't
help but dwell on It!"
"Yes, It's a good thing," replied tho
major ns ho shoved tho folded check
Into his vest pocket In a careless way.
"You will bo In tomorrow?"
"Sure, Mike! If I was u Frenchman
I'd kiss you for luck, but ns I'm not
we'll shako hanfls ami I'll say to, ta.
Tomorrow! Nlnety-Hvo per cent!
When ho haft gono tho major walked
up nnd down to calm his raging heart.
It didn't seem possible. lie couldn't
credit IiIb good luck. Then at Inst ho
took tho check from his pocket and
looked nt It to bco what bank It was
drawn on. Ills eyes opened wide, and
ho uttered n moan and Htnggercd to a
It was druwn lu favor of "A. Suck
er," Indorsed by "Another, Buckor" and
Blged by "Undo Itube."
Then tho light went out, and tho
grand promoter bowod hla head and
(know tho bitterness of tu green per-elmmon.
After Bupper, when Deacon Dolby
took tho kerosene can and started for
tho store, he left Mrs. Dolby singing
the hymn that sho had n homo over
there. She hadn't been so cheerful In
many weeks.
When tho deacon returned an hour
later there was no singing. The lump
on tho kitchen tablo was turned low
down, and tho house seemed to bo de
'Gono over to Brown's," said the dea
rnn to himself as ho turned up the
Then his eye caught sight of a note,
rind ho half groaned.
Tho note wns brief and concise. It
I have heard all about you and tho bull
calf, and you will find my drowned body In
tho plcklo barrel down cellar.
"Nice plcklo she'll mnke:" grunted
the deacon us ho pi-ceeded to tho sit
ting room and turned up tho lamp
there. Ho had brought with him four
big apples.
It was rather foolish of Mrs. Dolby
to choose tho plcklo route to that bet
ter luud when there wero so many bet
ter ones, ho thought.
Ho had finished his Urst npple nnd
begun peeling the second when Mrs.
Dolby appeared In tho kitchen door
nnd In a hollow vo!c,o exclaimed:
"Samuel Dolby, tho dead Bpeaks to
Samuel didn't Jump out of his chair.
Ho didn't even give n start of surprise.
"Samuel, ono day last fall, when you
wero pulling tho carrots, n man came
ulong tho road with n bull calf. Do
you remember It? '
Funerals In Peru.
According to social usage, women in
rem cannot attend funerals, and they
do not appear at weddings unless they
nro very Intlmato friends. When n
funeral procession passes through tho
street tho coflln 1 carried upon the
shoulders of tho pallbearers, who are
followed by an empty henrso drawn
by two, four or six horses, according
to tho means of tho mourners nnd their
dcslro for display. All tho male mem
bers of tho family nnd friends of tho
decensed follow on foot, with a lino of
empty carriages behind them. As long
ns they nro In tho presence of tho dead
It is considered n proper and necessary
ovldenco of respect to wnlk. After tho
body has been committed to tho grave
those who nttend tho funcrnl are
brought homo In the carriages.
Never Again.
A man, who had been sick, told a
friend that ho was being treated by a
certain physician.
"Don't you know," said tho friend,
"thnt that doctor allows all his patient?
to dlo on his hands?"
."Well, If ho lets mo dlo on his hands.
I'll never patronize him ngainl" replied
tho other Indignantly. Indianapolis
In One Lesson.
Ho Your Bister said sho couldn't
She Well, can sho?
"Yes; I mudo her. Wo hadn't been
on the floor n minute when I stepped
on her foot. You Just ought to havo
seen her." Yonkers Statesman.
Pretty Snappy.
Brown I nm very conservative re
garding my amusements. Green I
haven't much money, either. Worn
nn's nomo Companion.
An Arrtloll'max.
Sir Henry Irving was frequently a
victim to tho interjections of gallery
gods. When playing "Macbeth" ono
night he had reached that dramatic
moment In tho banquet scene when In
dreadful fear he bids tho ghost of
Bauquo to vanish:
Hence, horrlbloshadowl
Unreal mockery, hencot
'he exclaimed and, shuddering convul
sively, dropped to his kneos, covering
his face with his robe. As tho. ghost
vanished a dnrlll voice In tho gallery
broke the momentary silence, "It's all
right now, 'Euery; he's gonel" Lon
don Mnll.
Social Puzzle.
Why Is It that a man will willingly
wait n half hour for a girl to get ready
for a show before they nro married
and then fuss because the breakfast
'Is ten minutes late after they have
been mnrrled n year or so? Macon
Feminine Intuition.
Hattle I'm positive Georgo loves mo
and wants mo to bo his wife. Ella
Has ho told you so? Hottlc No, but
he has taken such a strong dislike io
mamma. Chicago Tribune.
His Weak Point.
The Stage Manager He can play
"drunken parts" better than ariy man
on the stage. Tho Business Manager
Yes, but he's too fond of rehearsing.
Illustrated Bits.
Everybody Does It.
"I understand he's writing a play."
"Oh, yes. Everybody has to go
through that period of life." Detroit
Free Press.
Tho gain which is made at the ex
pense of character should bo set down
bb loss. Publlus Syrus.
Tho deacon romembered, but ho didn'l
ndmit that lie did.
"After n llttlo talk with him you
started off downtown with tho two, I
called nnd called you, but you novcr
even looked back."
It was true, but tho deacon wasn't
going to say so. Ho wnsn't going-to
sny anything at all.
"When you got back homo you had n
skinned jiobo nnd was breathing hnrd.
All you would say about It was that
you fell down. Samuel Dolby, you
lied to your confiding wife!
"Whllo you wore downtown this
evening Mrs. White camo In nnd told
mo nil about It It seems thnt tho man
was taking the bull calf to sell to the
butcher. When ho got Ihcro thero was
a dispute about tho calf's weight That
was where you butted lu. You never
owned n bull calf In your life, but you
had to bntt In and offer to bet $2 to ?1
that you could lift him."
Tho deacon grinned, but tho grin wns
hidden from Mrs. Dolby.
"Tho man bet with you nnd you lost
You could no moro lift that calf than
you could lift a barn. You heaved and
grunted nnd tugged. And when you
claimed you had lifted It when you
hadn't and you refused to hand over
tho bet both men called vyou a liar
and tho owner of tho calf skinned
Misses Dorothy Rosencrans and
Hazel Slocum, of Cozad, arrived in the
city Friday afternoon to visit over Sun
day with the.former's sister, Mrs. I. A.
Better be poisoned in one's blood
than to be poisoned In one's principles.
"Hymen is a great magician!"
"Prove it!"
"See how often ho turns a turtlo
dove into a snapping turtle. Judge.
Nothing is difficult; it is only wo who
are indolent Benjamin R. noydon.
your noso nnd chased you n quarter of
a mile!"
Tho deacon cringed, but chewed vig
orously to hldo It Ho honestly be
lieved thnt he had lifted tho calf, but
tho others wero against him.
"There Is tho case, Samuel, and do
you blatno mo for Jumping head first
Into tho plcklo barrel?"
Tho deacon had finished his third
npplo and he was futl. Ho thorefore
shut and pocketed his Jockkulfo and
gavo n sort of gulp to signify that he
wns full.
"I thought I could dlo and not say
anything about It," continued Mrs.
Dolby, "but I Just had to back out of
that barrel and let you know thnt your
perfidy wns discovered.
"I havo dono my duty, Samuel, and
I go back to my plcklo barrel. I don't
want tho angels to sny I was too hard
on you. mid so I will admit that I havu
heard of coses whero men wero half
crazy about bull calves. That may
hovo been what nlled you that day. If
you think It was, why why"
Tho deacon may havo thought so,
and ho may have repudiated the sug
gestion with Bconi, but ho had a wise
old hend on his shoulders and main
tained silence oxcopt for n yawn or two.
"If you wero bull calf crazy then 1
might forgive you If you got down on
your knees.",
"Humph!" Bald tho deacon to him
self. "Samuel, you needn't mind about a
largo funeral for me. 1 deserve one.
but I don't wnnt to put you to needless
expense. Being ns 1 drowned mysolf lu
tho plcklo lmr'l, why not uso that as
my collln?"
Tho deacon may havo thought It a
good Idea, but ho didn't say bo. There
was a long minute of silence, and then;
"I don't know but what It Is my duty
to stay horo on earth, Samuel. When a
husband gots to running after bull
calves, who should watch ont for him
but his wlfo? If you would only get
down on your knees"
Tho deacon mode no move to rest on
his marrowbones.
"Or if you would promise to let bull
calves alono for tho rest of your life"
Tho deacon yawncd.and stretched.
"Or If you would Just say you was
Tho deacon didn't say It.
"Well," Bald Mrs. Dolby as sho wiped
her tears away, "I know by your looks
that you aro sorry, and so I nm going
to forglvo you. Samuel, would you llko
buckwheat cakes and maple Musses foi
And Mrs. Dolby was saved again!
vffi Q B flH V?HferSPvC'
Don't worry about baby
burning himself when you
have a
Oil Cook-stove
The heat is all at the burn
ers. This means a safe and.
economical stove, and a
cool kitchen
No waste, no soot or ashes.
1, 2, 3, and 4 burner styles,
and new stove with fireless
cooking oven.
All hardware and general
m$, Infield dfield,
Physicians and Surgooas.
JOB D. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Office phono 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, si.
In the County Court.
In'the matterof tho estate of John H.Guther
lcss deceased. ....
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others In
terested in the estate of John II. Gutherless.
Take notice, that Mary Gutherless has filed In
the county court, a report of her doings as ad
ministrator of said estate, and it Is ordered that
the same stand for hearing' the 12th day of May,
A. D. 1914 before tho court at the hour of 9
o'clock, a. m., at which time any person In
terested may appear and accept to and contest
the same. ...
NoUce of this proceeding and tho hearing
thereof is ordered riven to all persons interested
In said matter by publishing a copy of this order
In tho North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in sid county for three consecutive
weeks prior to said date of hearing.
Dated April 17th. 1914.
a22-3 JOHN GTANT. County Judge.
A splendid fertilizer for lawns, rec
ommended by tho Department of Agri
culture is composed of the following:
Sodium Nitrate 4 parts
Powd. Blood Albumen 8 parts
Mix with 40 gallons of water or mix
dry and sprinkle oxer 400 square feet of
While these salts are the principal
ingredients that enrich tho soil that
manure ia composod of, yet the fnct is
the coat is less than one-third. Per
fectly sanitary. Without dandelions
and grub worms, is alono a good reason
why it should bo used in preference to
For sale at
Stone Drug Co.
Telephone Red 4 COSH Dewey St.
North Pla '.to. Nebraska.
Perfection Oil Gives Best Results
Standard Oil Company
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the city clerk of North Platte, Ne
braska, up to 5 o'clock p. rn. May 5th,
1914, for the construction of a lateral
sewer in sewer district "D" in said
city according to the plans and specifi
cations now on file in tho office of tho
city clerk of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1360.00.
Local labor to be employed as far' as
Certified check on local bank of 5 per
cent of amount bid will bo required to
insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bona to De given wnen
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve right to re
ject any or all bids.
By order of the city council.
Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received at the office of tho
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5 o'clock p. m. May 5th, 1914,
for the construction of a lateral sewer
in newer district "C" in said city ac
cording to the plans and specifications
now on file in the office of the city clerk
of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sewer lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $1(355.80.
Local laoor to De empioyeo. as iar u
far as practicable.
Certified check on local bank of 5 per
cent of amount bid will bo required to
insuretentering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed. .
Mavor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of the city council.
Chas. F. Temple,
City Clerk.
Application for Liquor License.
Matter of application of Patrick G.
Haynes for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that ratrick:
G. Haynes did upon the 14th day of
April, 1914 file his application to the
Village Board of Trustees of Brady,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to
sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
on lots 13, 14, and 15, in block 6, in the
village of Brady, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, to begin at tho municipal year
of 1914 and toend with the same in the
spring of 1915.
If there would bo no objection, remon
strance or protest filed within two weeks
from April 17, A. 1). 1914, said license
will be granted
Patrick G. Haynes, Applicant.
Sheriff's Sale.
By vlrtuoof an order of sale issued from tho
districtcourt of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court
wherein Milton White et al is plaintiff nnd G. B.
Jewell ct al are defendants, and to me directed, I
will on the 9th day of May, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m..
at the cast front door of the court house in North
Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy
said docree. Interests and costs, the following de
scribed, property, to-wlt: South half of section
twenty-two 22 TownBhlp twelve 12 Range
thirty 30 west of the 6th P. M, Lincoln county.
Dated North Platte. Ncbr., April Gth,1914.
A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Serial No. 05087
United States Land Office
North Platte, Nebraska, March. 25. 1914.
Notice is hereby given that John D. Brose, of
North Platte. Neb., who on March 22. 1911.
made homestead entry No. 050S7 for
WNK Section 34. Township 15 N. Range SO,
W. of 6th Principal Meridan. has filed notice
of intention to make final three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before the register and receiver at North Platte
Nebraska, on tho 22nd day of May.
Claimant names as wltnossses: Georgo Alex
ander, Orson Coville. Fred Bremer and Dennis
Breen. all of North Platte, Nebr.
m31-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of the
City Clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5:00 o'clock p. m.,' May 5th, 1914,
for the 3rd ward hose house building,
which is now loedted on tho rear of lot
4. block 132 of this city, being just back
of the Mutual Building & Loan Associa
tion building. Snid bid to cover the
building just as it is and where it now
stanas, the Dinner, wnose diu is to
cepted, is to move the building off and
clean up tne lot.
As the city is advertising separately
for bid for the boll now in the tower in
said building, with tho understanding
that the bidder, whoso bid is accepted
on the bell Is to take it down, this bid
will not cover the bell or the taking of
the same down and tho bell is hereby
reserved from said bid.
Certified check on local bank for 10
per cent of amount ot bid will be re
quired to insure entering into contract.
Mayor and Council reserves the right
to reject any or an uius.
By order of City Council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Serial No. 04646
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr.
March. 11, 1914.
Notice Is hereby given that Nellie Weeks, of
Tryon, Nebr., who. on March 4, 1910, made
Homestead Entry No. 04G46, for nil of Section
20. twp. 17, N. rge. SO, west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make
final threo year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the register ' and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr.. on the 15th
day of May. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: David N,
Caliender, Harry E. Callendcr, Henry V. Rlckloy,
Berl Hudson.aJl of Tryon, Ncbr.
mt76 J. E. Evan. Register. ,
By virtue of an, order of sale issued from tbe
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Saline County Bank, a cor
poration, is plaintiff, and Lewis Jergensen,
et al., are defendants, and to mo di
rected, I will on the 30th day of
April 1914, at 2 o'clock, p.m.. at the east front
door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder lor casn to sausiy saia
decree. Interest and costs, the following
described property to-wlt: South half (SH) and
south half(SM)pf tho northeast quarter (neW)
and the northeast quarter (neK) of the northeast
quarter (neW) of section fourteen 14 In
township ten 10 north of range twenty-eight 28
west of the 6th Principal Meridan, Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., March 26th. 1914.
m3l-5 A. J.Salisbury, Sheriff.
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that Bealed
bids will be received at the office of tho
city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5:00 o'clock p. m., May 5th, 1914,
for the bell now located in the tower of
the 3rd ward hose house building, situ
ate on the rear of lot 4, block 132 of
this city. Said bid to cover tne oeii
where it is now located, the fortunate
bidder to take the bell down from the
tower and must be done at once upon
the acceptance of the bid.
Certified check on local band for 10
per cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired to insuro entering into contract.
Mayor and Council reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order ot uny council.
Chas. F. Temple, City Clo
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given-that sealed
bids will bo received at the office of the
city clerk of North Platto, Nebrasha,
up to 5 o'clock, p. m., May 5th, 1914,
for the construct on of a lateral sower
in sower district "J" in said city ac
cording to the plans and specifications
now on file in the office of tho city clerk
nf said citv.
Annroximnte estimate oi cost oi
sewer lateral as per report of city
engineer is $1006.40.
Local labor' to be employed as far as
Uorctneu cnecx on locai uunn oi o
per cent of amount bid will be required
to insure entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to be given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of the city council.
a21-2 Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk.
William E, Funkhauser and Lillian O. Funk
houser, defendants, will take notice that on the
inih lav of Anril. 1911. Loren Sturges. plaintiff
Therein, filed his petition in tho District Court of
Lincoln county, iNeurnsKa, against saiu ueienuams
and other defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by the above named defendants to the
plaintiff upon lots seven (7), eight (8), nine (9),
ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), In block three
3, of Gamble's Addition to tho town of Her
shey, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the
payment of a certain promissory note, dated
March 6th, 1911, for the sum of $1,000.00 due and
payable in ninety days from the dato thereof
That thero is now due upon said note and mort
gage the sum of $1,223.85. For which sum with
interest from Juno 15, 1914, plaintiff pray for a
decree that said defendants bo required to pay
the same, or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount due.
You arc required to answer said petition on or
before the 25th day of May, 1914.
Dated April 10th. 1914.
al4-4 By Wilcox & Halllgan. his Attorneys.
NoUceof hearing of probating of a foreign will.
To all persons interested in tho estate of C. A.
Carpenter, deceased.
Whereas, Ed Hicklln, of Louisa county, Iowa,
has filed In my offieo a petition praying to h Vea
duly authenticated copy of what purports to be
the last will and testament of one C, A, Carpen
ter, who died in Ixiulsn county, Iowa, on or about
the 5th day of October, 1913, admittud to probate
as a forolgn will. Which will purports to have
been admitted to probate by the probate court of
Louisa county, Iowa, on or about the 4th day of
November, 1913. Which will relates to both real
and personal property, and especially to the north
one-half NM and tha southeast quarter SE!4
of section nine 9, township thirteen 13, range
thirty-one 31 and tho east one-half of section 32,
township 13, range 30, in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, and the north one-half and the southeast
quarter of section 25, township nine, range 0,
In Dawson county, Nebraska. I havo therefore
appointed Tuesday, the 5th day of May, 1914, at 9
o'clock in tbe forenoon at the county court room
in said connty as the time and place for tho hear
ing of said petition. At which time and place
you and all concerned may appear and
contest the admitting of sad will to probate as a
foreign will. It Is further ordered thai said peti
tioners will give notice to all persons interested In
said estate of the pendency of this petition, and
the time and place of hearing of the same by
causing a copy pf this order to be published In the
North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper
printed and published In said county for three
weeks successively, prior to the time set for
I In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
I handed official seal tills 13th day of April. 1914.
SEAL County Judge