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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1913)
,! i hi ? m ur,f Local and Personal. T. W. Peck left yesterday morning for Salt Lake to spend a week. Miss Stella Keishhas accepted a posi tion in the local telephono office. Leslie Dick went to Omaha Friday to' spend a few days with friends. Miss Vnunlta Reed, of Shelton. has been elected to teach in district 38. S. S. Jacobs went to Omaha the lat ter part of last week to visit friends. Fied Loudon went to Grand Island Friday to visit friends and relatives. Percy Uchott has severed his connec tions with the North Platte Laundry. Charles F. Temple returned Saturday morning from a business visit in Omaha. Miss Faye Carpenter has been selected to teach the O'Fallons school next term. Mrs. John Cornett went to Horahey Friday to transact business for a couple of Hays. Misa Edna Elliott went'.tp Omaha last week to visit friends for a couple of weeks. Jess Smith is assisting in the North Platte Laundry during the absence of Wm. Adair. Mrs. McGill, of Ellis, Kan., came Friday evening to visit her father, E. D. Erhart. Cyril Donegan left Sunday evening for Donver and Choycnno to spend a1 few dayf. Mrs. W. P. Snyder expects to go to Denver the latter part of the month to visit friends. Mrs. Mike Hayes a'nd son returned the laBt of last wqek from a short visit in Grand Island. ' ' Mrs. Harry Kelly returned Saturday from Sterling, whero she spent last weok with relatives.- ittl it Charles Martini, or Umaha, came Saturday morning to visit his fnmily for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Feiat, of La Shora, came Friday to visit their 'daughter Mrs. Giddeon Winkleman. Will Allen arrived from, Omaha Fri day and to6k up his work in tho Carson & Landgraf barber shop. Mrs. G. W. Stearns returned the lat ter part of last week from a two months' visit in,Erie, Pa. Miss Minnie Seaman was called' to Omaha on professioual work tho latter part of last week. ' - MIsh Lcla Dewey, of Fairmont, who visited at the John Cornett home last week, left for home yesterday. J. M. AVhlted, of Omaha, arrived Friday Evening to visit Mr, and Mrs. Cy Russell for a week or more. J, H. Posey left Friday evening for Ellis, Kan., to look over a hotel prop osition with a view of locating. Dr, W. J. Rodflcld transacted pro fessional business in Wallace Friday and was called to Cozad Saturday. Mrs, James A. Jones and daughtor Margaret who spent tho last weok in Donver, roturned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herrod left Sunday evening for Lead, S. Dak., whero they will make their home. Mrs. Dyke, of Gates, Ore., who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, James Dor ram last week, left Friday morning. Miss Veronica Wetzoli, of Sutherland, who visited Mrs, P, II, Lonorgan last woekv returned homo Saturday morning. Clay and Frank Obernor formerly of this city, came from Laramie the latter part of lust week to visit local friends. Misa Mary Tlgho and brothor Leo, went to Denver yesterday morning to to spend several weeks visiting friends. William Hubbard and daughters who spent the past month in Portland and other points wost, roturned last even ing. Mrs. Charles Weir and daughter, and and M8B Esther Kelly returnod Satur day evening from a short iaiyn Choy enne. , Mr. and Mrs. Will HnnBon, of Strat ton, spent the latter port 6t last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lee Simon. ,, Earl Drake resigned his position as passenger brakeman last week and went to Cheyenne to accept one au time keeper. Mrs. George Frleburg, of Denver, formerly of this city, is visiting at the homo of her sister MIib Margaret Frazler. Mrs. Cemar, 6t Los Vegas, Now Mexico, camo Friday, afternoon to visit for several weeks with' Mr. and Mrs. Xovi Duke. Mrs. Milton Doollttjo and baby re turned tho latter partof last weok from a visit with relatives nt Gnndy and 8tapleton4 EVERY WOMAN PRAYS thntsomo time she will own a complete outfit of table silver. We suggest that now is a good time to commence or add to the collection. Our exhibit of table silver is replete with fine examples of the silversmith's art, many of vhich are priced vory attractively. CLINTON Jowolcr and Optician We want your repair work. C. J. McNamara went up the branch road Saturday on business. Harry Block is expected home the latter part of this week from Chicago, where ho went to purchase fall and winter stock. Mrs, Kidwell, of Wallace, who spent two weeks with her daughter, who is ill at tho P. & S. hospital, roturned homo Friday nfternoon. Mrs. Isaac Dllllon and daughter Mrs. L. W. Walker returned Friday after noon from a visit at the Hunter ranch near Sutherland. Miss Ethel Worlemount, of Chey enne, who had been visiting her cousin Miss Dorothy Hubbard for a week, left Sunday evening. Gorden S. Durand, of Lewellen, and Fannie M. Shryer, of Lisco, were granted permission to wed by County Judge Grant Friday. Mrs. Kenon, of Sterling, who spent last week here with her sister, Miss Dolly Kidwell, at the P. & S. hospital, left for home Friday. Miss Nora Bills, of Shelton, who visited Miss Gertrude Rebhauson last week while enroute home from Portland, left Saturday afternoon. Piatt White and Joseph Fillion left by auto, Saturday morning for Denver, Colorado Springs and other points west to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Cummings, wife of manager Cummings of tho local ball team, went to Kansas City Friday nfternoon to spend twd weeks 'with relatives. The Lady Macnbees entorlnined their mother at tho home of Mrsf. J. L. Mur phy Wednesday afternoon of last week. A pleasant afternoon was Bpentby ail. Misses Lucile and Viola Scofiold, of Barnston, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Snyder nt the Experimental station, left Saturday morning for Pax- ton, Misa Anna Fleishman and Mra. B. Predmesky, of Omaha, who had been visiting Mr.'and Mrs. Harry Fleishman for ten days returned home last even Ing. . . ' Mr. Loonhardt, plono tuner, nnd noun'ces ho will be in North Platte about Aug. 10th. Ho hnB no successor. Leave ordor with Mr. Clinton, Jeweler. 5G-3 Miss BesBie Snyder, of Omaha, nnd Miss Zinn Snyder,-of, Minneapolis, are expected here this week to visit their brother, W. P. Snyder, for a couple of weekB. Miss Blancho Miller, of Ch.nppell, who had been ylsjting her sister Miss Maude Miller for n week, left Sunday night. She will return In threo weeks to teach in district -14. Mi'sB Alfa McKinley, of York, who had been tho guest of Miss Lillian Hondy for several weekB, left Sunday night for Lead, S. D., to visit her uncle Mac WestfalK Mrs. E. D. Erhart nnd children, of Ellis, KnnB., camo Friday evening to visit Mr, Erhart who has been employed as baker at the Doolittlo Bakery for eight months. F. J. Dienor & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale, f Miss Mabel Carroll returned tho lat ter part of last week from Omaha, where she spent two weeks with friends. She began work at the Dickey ice cream parlors Saturday. Mrs. Charles McNamara was hostess to tho Pan Hellenic club Friday nfter noon. A nicely nrenared lunch wna servod after a couplo of hours spent in kenBingtonwork. Friends in town received word Satur day pf tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ross, of Everett, Wash. The latter was formerly Miss Sterling, a teacher in tho local schools. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Donohower, of Peorin. III., former! v of this pit v. will attend the Knights Templar convention in Denver this week nnd later Visit the lattcr's brothor, Charles McNamnru. Mrs. John Ruick and daughter, form erly of this city, who nre now rosidents of Columbus, Ohio, left Friday after noon after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Louis Roggo and sister MrB. A. L. Pushman. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column tf Froemnn G. Milieu and Altha Sibyl Tatum were quietly morriod at the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tatum Friday evening at nine o'clock, The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. F. Chapman in tho presenco of only relatives. A woddlng supperjjjwas served. The bride nnd groom left Saturday morning for Scotts Bluffs, whore they intend to make their home. Local and Personal. " Harry Smith, of Lexington, spent Sunday in town visiting friends. Charles Bogue left Saturday for Den ver to spend several days on business. Miss Florence Iddings went to Grand Island yesterday morning to visit friends for a few days. Ferdinand Streitz has nccepted a position as driver for the Lierk-Sandall grocery company. , Miss Noll Hanifin, who had been taking a two weeks' vacation, resumed work yesterday. I. Chcrnis, of Omaha, came Friday evening to be a guest at the Fleishman homo for several days, There will bo a special business meet ing of tho guild in the parish houso Thursday nfternoon nt3 o'clock. Harry Scoonover who has been in Chicago for ten days purchasing stock, will return tomorrow evening. Thomns Horan, of Omaha, who came here last week, has accepted a position at the new round house terminal. Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt and Charlos Hendy, Sr., went to Denver Sunday to attend the Knight's Templar Conclave. Charles LIston and son Clarence, of Wallace, who visited the Vanderhoof family last week, returned home Satur day. Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. Cressler 16ft yes terday afternoon for Denver where they will attend the Knights Templar con clave. James Guffy, of Thermopolis, is ex pected here this week to visit local friends, he was formerly a resident of this city. Mrs. L. C. Hansen nnd children, of Grand Island, enme Saturday afternoon to visit her mother, Mrs. EmmaPulver, for a week. Missionary Morgan formerly, of this city, came down from Sidney the latter part of last week to visit Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Chapman Miss Alice Langford, who wn3 off duty at the Dixon jewelry store last week on account of illness, resumed work yesterday. The Dolan Fruit Co. shipped in a car of Colorado peaches Saturday which are being Bold through the local grocers at ninety cents permease. Mrs. Elizabeth Cramer left Saturdny evenlngfor Bushnell, Neb., where she will remain for a month while her hus band erects a grain elevntor. MrB. W. S. Dolson returned Friday evening from Broadwater, whero she attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Cecilia Monnhftn, last week. In Nebraska there are 14,304 persons receiving government pensions and the amount paid them during the year end ing July 1, 1913, was S3, 044,408.12. An Ordinance No. 37. Being the general Jevy of taxes on tho property of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, for revenue purpjseB during the fisoal year commencing the second Monday in August, 1913. , Bo it ordained, by the mayor nnd council of said city of North Platte, Ne braska. Section 1. TaxeB are hereby levied on all of the property within tho limits of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nobruska, at the rate of 5 mills on the dollnr.of tho assessed valuation thereof for genornl revenue purposes of said city for the fiscal year beginning the second Monday in 'August, 1913. Section 2. Taxes are hereby levied on all of the property within the limits of said city at the rate of 3 mills on the dollar of the asaessed valuation for to pay for the lighting of the streets of snid city for said fiscal year. Section 3. Taxos are hereby levied on all tho property within tho limits of iaid city at the rate of 2 mills on the dollar of tho assessed valuation for the purposo of paying tho interest and principal of the $30,000.00 sewer bonds heretofore issued by said city. Section 4. Taxes are hereby levied on all the property wjthin tho limits of said city at the rate of 5 mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation for to pay the expenso of maintaining the firo department and paying for fire protec tion for Bald fiscal year. Section 5. Taxes are hereby levied on all the proporty within the limits of said city at tho rate of 11 mills on the dol lar of the assessed valuation for the public library fund to be expended in the maintenance of the free public library in snid city for suld fiscul year. Section G. Taxes are hereby levitd on all tho property within the limits of said city at tho rate of 1 J mill on the dollar of tho assessed valuation to be expended for the maintenance of public parks in said city for the said fiscal year. Section 7. Taxes nro hereby levied on all tho roal proporty within tho limits of said city at the rats of J milla on the dollar of the assessed valuation to be expended In the maintenance and flushing of said sewers. Section 8. Taxes nro hereby levied on all the property within the limits of said city at tho rato of 3 milla on the dollar of tho assessed valuation for the purposo of paying interest nnd principal on the S100.000.00 water bonds hereto foro issued Ly said city. Section 9. This ordinance simll take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and ..publication ac-1 cording to law, Passed and approved this 7th day of August, 1913. E. H. Evans, Mayor. Attest: C. F. Temple, City Clerk; A Ordinance No. 38. Being tho annual appropriation bill of expenses of the city of North Platte, Nebraska, for the fiscal year beginning the second Monday in August, 1913. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 1. There is hereby appropria ted the entire proceeds of occupation taxes collected during the' fiscal year beginning tho second Monday in Aug ust, 1913, for the purpose of paying the salaries of the police and city officials except the fire department and the water department, to be known' ns tho official salary fund of 1913. Section 2. There is hereby npp'opria ted the whole proceeds qf tho city's occupation tax on firo insurance com panies for the use of the North Platte Firo Department. Section 3. There'is hereby appropria ted the whole of the proceeds of said city 3 mills levy to provide and pay for the lighting of the streets for said fiscal year, to be known as the street light ing fund of 1913. Section 4. Thee is hereby appropria ted the whole proceeds of said city levy of 5 mills for the maintenance of the fire department including salaries and fire protection, for said fiscal year to be known as tho Fire Fund of 1913. Section 5. There is hereby appropria ted the' whole proceeds of-the city's ley of 1J mills, to be expended in the maintenance of the public library in said city to be known as tho public Library Fund of 1913. Section G. There is hereby appropria ted the whole proceeds of the city levy of li mills, for to be expended in the maintenance of the Public Parks in said city an 1 to be known as the Park Fund of 1913. Section 7. There is hereby appropria ted the whole proceeds of the city's levy of 1J mills, for to pay the expenses of maintenance of the City Sewers in cluding the exnense of fiUBhincr the same, to be known as the Sewer Main tenance Fund of 1913. Section 8. There is hereby appropria ted the whole proceeds of the city's levy of 3 mills for water bond interest to pay interest and principal of the S100.- 000.00 Water Bonds heretofore issued. by said city, to be known as the Water Bond Interest Fund of 1913. Section 9. There is hereby appropria ted the whole proceeds of the income of the Water Department of said citv for said fiscal year for to be expended in tho payment of salaries, expense of maintenance, renewals and extensions of the City Water Works for said fiscal year and to be known as the Water Fund of 1913. Section 10. There is hereby appropria ted out of proceeds of the city's levy of 5 mills for general fund the sum of $1600 for bridges, culverts, streets, grades, drains, sidewalks and crossings. Section 11. There is hereby appro priated all the rest and residue of the money derived from the said 6 mill gen eral fund levy, and money derived from pelice court fines and cosfs nnd interest on city doposits to be used for lawful expenses, City Engineer. Elections, publishing, stationery, accidents, cas ualties, judgements and' special engin eering and nil of the items herein appro priated under sections 10 and II shnll be known as tho General Fund of 1913. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pnssage, approval and publication ac cording to law. Passed and approved this 7th day of August. 1913. E. H. Evans, Attest:- C. F. Temple. Mayor. City Clerk. (Seal) Notice of Election. To the electors of the city of North Platte: Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of August, 1913, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska an election will be heldatwhich the) following prop osition shall be submittedjto the voterB of said city. "Shall the city of North Platte fissue its bonds in the sum of $20,000.00 in denominations of $1,000.00 each dated October 1st 1913, duo in twenty years from date but payable at any time after ten years nt the option of said city, to draw interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually, principle nnd interest payable at the Fiscal Agoncy of the State of Nebraska, said bonds Xo be issued for tho purpose of obtaining money with which to purchase site and erect a city hall to accommodate the city officers and records, fire department, fire ap paratuses nnd police department. And shall the proper officers of said city be authorized to levy and collect a tA annually in tho same manner as other municipal taxes may be levied nnd collected in an amount sufficient to pay tho interest and principle of .snid bonds as they mature, as provided for by law, until said bonds and interest nro pnid. on all the proporty within said city, as shown and valued on the assessment rolls of the assessors of said city, said bonds to bo ncgotinb in form." Tho polling places for said election Buchanan & -Bargain List of Dwellings., BIG SNAP Nice six room cottage, shade trees and blue grass only one block from the Court House. Price $2200. The lot is worth what we are asking- 'for the property. Easy terms. ACRE PROPERTY 2. 14 Acres, good six room dwelling, barn," chicken house, windmill located only S blocks from the High School. This will be equal to full city block and we make the low price of $2500. Easy terms. Five room house and barn, South Dewey street. $1,250. , , Nice six room cottage 72.1 'West Seventh street, handy to new' round house. Modern except heat. Price 2, 200. Extra rjice 4 room cottage on West Tenth street, in the 600 block. Price $1,750. Good eight room dwelling on East Tenth street, in the goo block. Price $1,700. Nice Seven Room Cottage and two Lots, out buildings, shade trees and nice lawn. A bargain at $2750.00. All of these properties are choice bargains, and can be bought on easy terms. Be sure and see these before you buy. Buchanan & Patterson, bole I F ". '- M The Emergency Value of Big Organization When a real catastrophe happens to a telephone system, such as the recent tornadoes, fires and floods, the value of a big and centralized organiza tion'is quickly shown. To meet great, emergencies and, to give efficient and dependable service at all timps, ,the Associated -Bell Companies operate under one policy and as one system for universal service. Long Distance Bell Telephone Lines Rcae-h Nearly Everywhere. I $ NEBRASKA shall be in the First ward at the hose house in suid ward, in the Second ward in the commissioner's room on the second floor of the court house in said ward; in the Third ward at the hose house in said ward and in the Fourth ward at the hose house in said ward. The Ballots to be issued at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: ' "For issuing $20,000.00 of the bonds of tho city of North Platte, for the purpose of purchasing a site and erect ing a city hall to accommodate the city officer andrecords.the fire department, fire apparatuses and the police depart ment, and for levying and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as they mature. Against issuing 820,000.00 of the bonds of the city of North Platte, for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting a city hall, to accomodate the city officers and records, the firo depart ment, fire appratuses, and the police de partment, and for leyying and collect ing a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as they mature. Those voting in favor of said proposi tion shall mark their ballot with across, opposite the paragraph beginning "For issuing $20,000.00 of the bonds of the city of North Platte and those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballot with a cross, opposite the paragraph beginning with "Against is suing $20,000.00 bonds of the city of North Platte." The polls at said election shall be kept open between the hours of nine o'clock a, m. and seven o'clock p. m. on said date. In witness whereof I have horeunto subscribed my name this 2Gth day of July, 1913. Attest: E. H. Evans, Mayor. C. F. Temh.e, City Clerk. (Seal) Notice of Election. To tho electors of tho city of North Platte: Notice is hereby given that on' the I ; 215-KT- Patterson's v Agents. TELEPHONE COMPANY 10th day of August, 1913, in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, an election will be held .at which the following proposition shall be submitted to the voters of said city; "Shall the mayor and council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska; have power and be authorized to borrow money and pledge the property and credit of said city upon its negiotable bonds to an amount not exceeding 810,000.00 to be used in paying the costs of paving the intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys in paving districts in said city and levy a tax annually upon the taxable property of said city in addition to all other taxes sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to create a sinking fund sufficient to pay the interest and bonds, all as tho same become due and payable at their maturity. Said bonds to draw interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of their delivery, payable semi-annually and be evidenced by coupons to said bonds attached. Said bonds shnll be drawn payable to tho bearer twenty years after date but redeemable at the option of tne city ten years from the date, thereof. Said bonds and the in terest coupons shall be payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska. The polls at such special election shall be kept open between the hours of nine o'clock n. m. and seven o'clock p. m. and the voting places for said elections shall be as follows, to-wit: First ward at the First ward firo house. Second ward at the commissioners' rooms county courthouse. Third ward at the Third ward fire house. Fourth ward at the Fourth ward fire house. The ballots voted at said election shall be in accordance with the form prescribed by the Australian ballot law and shall have printed thereon the pro positions embodied in sections one and two of this ordinance, followed by the words "Yes" and "No." In witness whereof I haye- hereunto subscribed my name this 2Gth day of July, 1913. ' Attest: E. H. Evans, Mayor. C. F. Temple, City Clerk. (Seal) 1 Lijlwt'''WM''" - ftj maimm!a!&!emi& VmiKOietmt lirmn umwi-www.