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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1913)
' . K I. Ifr P t t! 1 Mi I" RK l it Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Biiter and Pabluker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail in advaaco .$1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.50 Entorcd ot North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, AUG 1. 1913. Local and Personal Miss V. Knox Is visiting in Stnpleton this week with ft lends. Norton Dye has ncccpted a position nt tho Dickey ice cream parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kauffman left Wednesday morning for Omaha. Miss Nellie Hanifin of tho Leader is taking her two weeks summer vacation. W". D. Buch'tel, of Paxton, spent tho early part of this week In town on busi ness. Miss Elandsr, of Maxwell, came up Tuesday morning to visit friends In town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loudon left Tues day for Omaha to visit for a week or longer. Horman Korr, of Maxwell, trans acted business In town for a few days this wcok. Mrs. C. A. Harrop, of Eustis, was among the out of town visitors hore this wook. J. A. Moonoy, of Mayflower, Is spondlng u few days in town this week on business. Mrs. Alton Tift and mother Mrs. Chamberlain left Wednesday morning for Browns, In. Ray Murray, of Lincoln, who spent tho first of this week In town, went to Grant Wednesday. Mrs. L. E. Campbell, of Lowollfn, rotumed hotno Tuesday after spending several days in towri. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins have moved Into tha former Alexander house on east Fourth street. Misses Lillian Glnapp and Lucllo, Brcstel, of Brady,1 are visiting in town with friends this week. P. F. Paulson, Union , Pacific hotel nnd dining car irispector, spent tho first of this wcok in town. Miss Marjory Den left Wednesday for Omaha and Brownvlllo to visit rela tives for u couple of weeks. Mrs. Sam Dcrryborry and children, wont to Koarnoy Wcdnsday morning to visit friends and relatives. Miss Florenco Stack will rosurrio work at the Clinton jowolry storo Monday aftor a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Alex Fonwlck loft Wednesday morning .for. Chltyonno to visit her daughter Mrs. Hillard Ridgely. Misses Faye Stovons and Grace Coker, of Sutherland, visited Miss Irono vonTrot tho fore part of this wcok. Mrs. J. W. Donaldson and baby loft Tuesday for St. Louis to spond a week after which thoy will visit relates in Tennessee. Mr, and Mra. Nels Rassmusson, who were calloil to Chnppoll last wcok by tho death of the latter's fnlher, ro tumed Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Berkloy, of Ogab alia, who spent u week with the former's sister Mrs. M. E, Crosby, re turned homo Wednesday. V Mr. nnfl Mrs. Richmond aro enjoying a visit from tho latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cornford of Litchfield, who camo n few days ago. Mrs. James Flynn and daughtor Madge loft Wednesday morning for Qulncy, III., to spend several weoks with relatives and (Hands. At a meeting of tho Board of Educa tion lost week it waa agrueded to allow the city to put nn electrolier on the west side 'of tho high school grounds. Mss Graco Dean, of Sandusky, 0., who had spent several months in Cali fornia camo a few days ago to visit her brothers, Messrs, Lew nnd Rush Doan, Mr. and Mrs. M, L. McCullough and daughter Gertrude, formerly of this city, camo from Elsie tho first of wook and visited local friends. Mra. Mc Cullough loft Tuesday for Indiana to visit rolatives. Englnoor E. E. Moody was ovorcomo by tho hent in Ogalalla the first of this Week and for a day or so was In a criti cal condition. He was working under his cngino In the Ogalalla yards when taken III and for sovoralliours was uh- conscious. The faithful work of tho at tending physician rovived him and ho was brought homo on the night train, "Walla Walla lodge CO, I. 0. 0. F. held their semi-annual installation of ofllcers. Tho D, E. G. M., J. M. Alex ander, of Gothenburg, being presont ho installed tho following officers in their respective chairs for the ensuing term: Geo. W. Anderson, P. G , Fred E. Harnlsh, N.' G S. M. Souder, V, G., Geo B. Garrard, warden, R. S. V. G., S. W. VanDoran, L. S, V. G JrjL. Harden. After tho .buslnoss session a moker was held and a nico lunch served. Fishing Party Returns from Encampment , --- - E. F. Seeberger, R. L. Graves, San ford Hnrtman, C. T. Whelan and son Konnoth and Ira L. Bate and son Leslie returned Tuesday night from a week's trout fishing at the W. E. Tllton ranch twelve miles oast of Encamp ment, Wyo. Tho party unfortunately struck a rainy season and tholl North Platte river for five days was high and muddy, making fishing Impossible and tha only fishing done in that stream was Monday of this week, whon about 1?0 trout were caught. The fish were rather small, tho largest weighing about a pound when dressed. The party, however, had tho opportunity while the river was muddy of fishing in Brush creek, nnd while the cntch was not large it was sufficient to more than supply the household, which in cluded tho fishermen, seven hired men, nnd the family, with fish three times a day. The Tilton ranch is located in n snucor shnped valley surrounded by mountains tho highest peaks of which are snow capped. Mr. Tilton runs 900 head of cattle In tho foot hills and has several hundred acros of hay meadows nnd al falfa fields. Tho meadows as well as the alfalfn fiolds are irrigated, and the greater part of tho low lands is in clover and timothy which produces three tons to'tho acre. This land was originally sage brush. Tho ranch buildings are fine and com rrfodioun, steam-heated and baths. In addition to tho Id-room house there is a log rooming house of six or eight apart ments. About sixty 'fishermen have so far stopped at the ranch this season, each staying about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Tilton, son and daugh ter uro well educated and refined people. A pinno, organ, guitar and other musiclal instruments are in use during the ovcnlng, there Is a largo library of books and all the loading magazines as woll as dully papers are on hand. Mr. Tilton has been a member of tho Wyo ming legislature for two terms and is a level bonded, well informed man. Bofore her marriage to Mr. Tilton oighteon years ago, Mrs. Tilton was principal of a city school in Massachu setts, is woll educated in all linos, nn excellent vocalist and is or has been tho grand worthy matron of tho Order of Eastern Star of Wyoming. At present she is ono of the reviowing board of the national chapter. While at the ranch tho temperature lid not oxeced eighty, and during the nights dropped down, to forty or below. Tho Tilton ranch is an ideal place to stop, and under ordinary conditions no stream In the west affords finor fishing than the .North Platte river at that point. Our only regret was that we could net remain n month instead of a week. Local and Personal. Miss Ruth Wilcox is reported to be quite ill this week. Miss Alma Morrill entertained a dozen friends at a barn dance Monday evening. Floyd Passmore hasjjreturned from Omaha whore ho took treatment in tho hospital, Harold Lnngford expects to loavo in tho noar future for Denver to spend his vacation. C. S. Clinton will loave in 'a short tlmo for Chicago to attend tho jewelers convention. Miss Mice Fitzpatriok left tho (lattor part of last wook for Kearnoy to spend' couple of wqeks. E. T. Tramp, who had been transac ting business in Bridgeport, returned home Tuosdny evening. Wilson Tout loft Tuesday ovcnlng for Colorado Springs to join his family who havo boon visiting relatives there for two months. Master Fenwick Ridgely, who spent a month with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fenwick, returned to Chey- onnq Wednesday, Jossu Williams, of Lincoln,' camo a fow days ago to visit his undo E. W. Crano and accepted a position as pianist nt the Pat theatre. Mrs. Edward Grleser entertained a dozen friends at a six o'clock supper Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs. Dean and daughter Grace of Sandusky, 0. All mombors of tho Robokah lodgo aro requested to bo prestnb at tho Initiation services to bo held Friday evening. Refreshments will bo served. Warren Irish, an old soldier of Bolso, Idaho, spent Wednesday in town while onroute homo from tho re union at Gettysburg and a visit in other eastern points. Misses Agnos Bartlett and Kntherine Doylo, of Lincoln, who visited the former's grandmother Mrs. John Mur ray for sovoral weeks, loft for home Wednosday morning. N Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henderson, Mr, nnd Mrs. John Hondorson, of CozVid, Mrs. Chorry, of Peoria, and Mrs. Smith, of Cedar Rapids, visited William Adair this wook, Messrs. Horton Mungor, Richmond Blrge, Arthur Bullard, Millogo Bullard, Robert Armstrong, Francis Flynn, Ruth Fitzgerald and Virginia Bullard went to Lexington Wednesday to at tend tho tonnis tournament Baptist Church Notes. Sunday morning the Lord's Supper will bo celebrated and the pastor will deliver a meditation on tho Communion Service. Sunday evening the subject will be "Tho Fountain of Youth" Baptism will be administered at the evening service. B. Y. P. U.,ntsoven o'clock, subject, "The Ideal Christian," leader, Mra. Leon. The young people have organized a tennis association and a court will be prepared on tho B & M right of way. It is hoped that all of the young people will become interested in lawn tennis. A young women's missionary society has been organized with about twenty charter members. Meetings will be held each Thursday evening. England and the Maximum Wage. England know the mnxhnuui wage Jong before the minimum was thought of. It en mo nbout nftcr the plague of 1348 had swept nwny half tho popula tion. Work was nt n standstill for want of workers nnd wngoa went up so enormously that the stato thought it necessary to fix a limit. Tho stnto or dered that tho laborer should not mere ly ncccpt gratefully what was offered him, but that ho must not leave his parish In search of another master on pain of having tho letter "IT' (for fugi tive) branded upon his forehead. Stat utes of this kind wero popular up to Queen Elizabeth's time, when- tho Inst of tho scries was passed "In tho hopo that it should banish Idleness, ndvnnco husbandry and yield unto tho hired person, both In tho tlmo of scarcity and in tho tlmo of plenty, a convenient proportion of wages." Red Light and Photographs. Why have wo to develop photographs in n red light? Wo know that while light Is really n mixture of light of all sortH of colors red, yellow, green, bluo and 80 on. Some of these lights of va rious colors havo ono kind of power nnd some another. Now, tho kind of light that Iiiih tho power of causing chemical changes, which Is the light wo photograph by. Is mainly violet light. Wo can seo In a way by red light, but red light has practically no influcnco on photographic plates. We may say that photographic plates can not seo red light, and ho wo can uso red light to develop them by without fearing that 4TIo photogrnph of, our faces or tho walls of the room will, bo printed on tho plates. The Epitaph of Mary Lyon. In the grounds of Mount Ilolyoke seminary, overlooking tho beautiful valley through which tho Connecticut flows seaward, Is n monument to Mnry Lyon, tho Massachusetts toucher who founded the college. On It Is Inscribed n sentence of her own. "Thero is noth ing in the universe that I am afraid of but that 1 shall not know and do all my duty." Wonders of Henry VIII. "Ilcnry VIII. wes Icing of England and the greatest widower that over was," states n boy's essay quoted In tho London Lancet. "IIo was born at a place called Annlo Domino, nnd ho had 350 'wives. Tho first was behead ed nnd then executed, tho second was revoked, and the third died, nnd then ho married Ann Bulletin." Two More to Feed. "You nre a fraud! You said yester day that you had seven starving pull dron, and today you say you havo nlno." "Both stories aro true, sir." "How do you mako that out?" "Twins horn Inst night." Exchange. Ho who blnckens others does not whiten himself. Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. "I wnsattacked with dvsontory about July 15th, and used tho doctor's modi cine and other romedles with no relief, only getting worse all tho timo. I was unablo to do anything and my weight droppod from 146 to 125 pounds. I suf fered for about two months when I was advised to uso Chamberlain's Colic. Cholora and Diarrhoen Romedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave mo perma nent relief," writes B. W. Hill ot Snow Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers. Notice. Notice is is horeby given that on the 5th day of July, 1913, a corporation .vas formed in Lincoln county, Ne braska, the name of said corporation being Liork-Sandnll Company. The principal placo of transacting tho bus iness of said company shall bo in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraa a. Tho tienornl nature of the business to be transacted shall bo the buying and selling of groceries, queensware. hardwnre. and other articles of merchandise at wholesale and retail. Tho amount, of tho capital stock authorized is $10,OQO.OO divided into ono hundred shares of $100.00 each, eighty-five shnres of which shall be subscribed and fully paid up at tho timo of tho organization of tho com pany. Tho date of tho commencement of said corporation shall bo on tho 7th day of July, 1913,andtts termination on tho 7th day of July, 1923. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the cornoration shall at rinv time Riihit itself shall not exceed two-thirds of iia paid up capital 'stock. The affairs of tho cornoration aro to be managed by n boaru of three directors together with tho president nnd secretary and treasurer, together with such other clerks and servants as said officers may appoint and hire. , Signed this 5th day of Julv, 1913. Lierk-Sandall Company. V PiFfl. R flFNT t Physician and Surneon, Office over McDonald Bank. 3 Phone I Office 130 1 hones Residence 115 t Notice of Special Election. To the Electors of the City of North Platte: Notice is hereby given that on tho 19th day of August, 1913, in the city of North Platte, an election will be held at which the following proposition shall be submitted to the voters of said city: "Shall the playing of base bail be per mitted within the city limits of North Platte on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, as provided for in Chapter 10 of the Session Laws of 1913? The polling places for said election shall be: In the First ward, at the sbose house in said ward; in the Second ward in the Commissioners' room on tho second floor of the court houso in said ward; in tho Third ward, at the hose house in said ward, and in the Fourth ward, at the hose houso in said ward. The ballots to be used in said election shall hayo printed thereon: "For permitting tho playing of base ball within tho city of Nprth Platte on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday." "Against premitting (he playing of base ball within the city of North Platte on tho first day of the week, commonly called Sunday." Those voting in favor of said proposi tion shall mark their ballots with an X opposite the paragraph beginning with "tor permitting the playing of base ball in the City of North Piatto. Those voting against said proposition shall mark their ballots with an X op posite tho paragraph beginning7 with "Against premitting the plnying of hncrn hall 1m thn nitu .if "Vnrfh IMtifrto Said election shall be opennt9 o'clock ii. m. and remain open until 7 o'clock p. m. ot said clato. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 19th day of Julyi 1913. E. H. Evans, Attest: C. F. Temple, Mayor. j22 4 City Clerk. (Seal.) Notice For Bids. Notice is hereby iven that sealed bids will be received at the office of the city clerk of North Platte, Ne braska, up to 5 o'clock p. m., August 7th, 1913, for the construction of nn extension to Sewer Lateral "M" in said city according to plans and speci fications now on file in the office of the City Clork of said city. Approximate estimate of cost of ex tension to sewer lateral as per report of city engineer is $1031.00. Local labor to be employed as far as practicable. Certified check on local bank of 2 per cont of amount of bid will be required to insure entering contract. Satisfactory bond to bo given them when contract is signed. Mayor and city council reserve the right to roject any or all bids. By order of tne city council. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. eaeoeveaneaeaeascsegeetcaa) DR. J. S. TWINEM, 2 HomeopathlcPhyslclan andSurgeon 0 Hospital accommodations for Medical and a surgical attention given obstetrical cases. Oillco riiono 183 Res. Phono 283 Ofllco McDonald State Rank Illd'c 2 0 a Office phone 241. Res. phone V17 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. vu a" r rm w w p wm w m-M If fKuMMijrrrB A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. - ii Dociors Ames & Ames, $? Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. Offlnn nvftr Kfnnn Timer Pn C: V l rn- o-rti " O Phones Residence 273 g SI&S75.1 W.'J.'M'! a-w.r WrV1niZ tMMmiMmm mAfrM Dr. J. K. Elms, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses fitted Also Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office over McDonald State Bank. North Piatto. Phono 36. PJTRQNIZE THE pflT lH House of Good Show! H I When in North Plalle. Motion Pictures. Runs Every iMgiu. muunee saturuay After noon ncz:3u u clone. IP CENTS. Di Ittffield dfield. Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE 11. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 612. Oldest Dank In Lincoln County McDonald Sate Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 W Solicit Your Butlnaii. mm'kumu&mmmimmBmmmwmmmwmmwmmam Jpl'XM&l w njf Business Man, Mechanic and Laborer Will find the cignts we make will suit them. They are the best mado for the money, whether you pay a nickle or a dime. Then they ore made in North Platte, which should cut some figure to those who believe ift patron izing home industry. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. Statement of the Condition or THK MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North I'lattc. Nebraska,; on the SOth day of June, 1013. Certificate No.S'J. ASSETS. First mortgage loans .W7 WW 00 Stock loans 3 600 oo OaMi 12 4S7 01 Delinquent Interest, premiums and linen 780 70 Expenses ami taxes paid 1 111 M Other assiots 88 16 Total. ,.., 1525 097 77 LIAMI.ITIES. Capital stock pakl up $133 22U & Iteservc fund 10 100 Oo Undivided prollts 26 142 81 Duo Shareholders on lncompluto loans 0 &S 10 Total $325 037 77 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1013. UECKlPTS. Ilalance on hand July 1,1013 $ 7 410 ro Dues 139 813 00 Interest, premiums and tines E fees 39 160 00 Loans repaid 03 00.1 nil Taxes and Insurance. ,.. 355 94 Total $219 779 03 EXPENDtTUKKS. Loans : JM5 700 00 Expenses 1-874 ' Stock redeemed s 269 M Cash on hand , 12 487 01 Taxes and Insurance 4(3 Yt Total S2I9 770 66 Statu of Nebraska, Lincoln county, (s. I, Samuel Goozco, secretary of tho abovo named Association, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of tho condition of said Association Is truo and correct to tho best ot my knowlcdso and belief. Samuel Goozee, Secretary. Subscrllxjd and sworn to before mo this 11 th day of July. 1013. Frank Buchanan. Notary Public. My commission expires Juno 9th, 1919. T.C. Patteuson. I CO Weinoand, -Directors. W. E. Stab n. I p 0tKwAmifUHlmmurl n- Signet Chapter O. E. S., NO. 53- Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of everv B month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telophono Red 456 605K Dewey St. North Platte, Nebraska. e Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. The Old Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right We havo been doing this work in North Piatto for thirty years, know how to do it and do it the way it should bo done. - That means satisfaction to you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of the Nyal drug store. Established In 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner 6th and Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Soriul No. 01809 DEPAHTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United States Land Office At North Platte, Nebraika. July 25.1913. Notice Is hereby eiven that Bernard A. Voss, of North Platte, Neb., who on Juno 28. 1910, made homestead entry. No. 048C . 'or EH NE). EH, BWX, and SEU btc on SO, Town jhln 11, N. Itanne SO. 6th Principal Merfdan, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, Iwfore the register and receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 19th day of September, 1913. Claimant names as wltncssscs: George Miller of Somerset. Neb.. William Hunter, Amandus Kunkle, both of North Platte, Neb.. Howard Slmms, of Wcllfleet, Nebr. iZ-G J. E. Evans, neglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01031. .. - Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at North Platte. Nob. .,,. , . June 19. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that James Bechan, Jr., of North Platte. Neb., who, on May 1, 1907. made II. E. No. 2295S, SerlalNo. 01051. for VM. and WW of EM. Section 20. Township IB. North. Ranire 31, West of the Cth Principal Mcrldan. has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver, at North Platte. Neb., on the 20th day of August. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: D. B. McN'ecl. '!yaTj3,1f,boId' Sw' Grove8- Arthur Toops. ali of North Platte, Neb. i21-6 J. E EVANS. Kesiiter. Hoffsanduatt SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an execution on transcript Issued from theDlttrict Court ol Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Knox and Walters a corporation partnership 1 plaintiff, and E. Itlma, Is de fendant, and to me directed, I will on the 23rd day of August, 1913, at two o'clock, p. m., at the cast front door of the court house of said county. In the city of North Platte, Nebraska, tell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest nnd costs, the following described property, to-wlt: ... Northeast quarter (ncM) section two (2) In township fifteen (15), range thirty (30), west of the Cth P. M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated at North Platte. Neb., Jul y 14, 1913. J1&-5 A. J. Salisbury-, Sheriff ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR WAIVER OF REGULAR ADMINISTRATION. In the matter of the citato of Albert W. Mc Keown, deceased. In the county court. On reading and filing- tho petition of Frances E. McKcown praying that regular administration of said estate may be waived as provided by Sections 5202, 3, 4, 6 and G of Cobbcy'a Statutes for 1911. Ordered, that July 20th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.. In the forenoon Is aslgncd for hearing said peti tion when all persons interested In said matter may appear in the county court to beheld in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not bo granted. This order to bo printed for four (4) successive weeks In the North Plattc.Tribunc, a legal semi- '' weekly nowspaper published 'In Lincoln county, Nebraska prior to July 26th, J913. j2-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, JunelOth, 1913. In the matter of the estate of Charles T. Rob! son. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of saij deceased will meet tho Executor of said estate, before tho county judge ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, nt the county court room. In said county, on the 16th day cf July 1913, and on the 15th day of Jan., 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year f,or tho Executor to settle said estate, from the 10th day of June. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published In the North Piatto Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper printed for four successive weeks prior to said date of hearing, July 16th. 1913. J17-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Notice. C. F. Graham, first name unknown, will take notice, that on the 16th day of June, 1913, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of the Peace of North Platte No. 1 Pre cint, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $18.50, in an action pendingbefore him, wherein Mrs. Mpc Post is plaintiff and C. E. Grahr" . -t name unknown, defendant, that projirty consisting of money in the hands of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 4th day of August, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. r Mrs. Maggie Post, Plaintiff, North Platte, Nebr., June 23rd, 1913. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of July, 1913, Charles Vest. Junior, filed a petition in the ofllce of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, praying that a license be granted him by the board of county commissioners of said county to operate a pool hall in the villago of Welifleet, Nebraska. All objections or remon strances to the granting of said license must be on file with the county clerk of said county on or before the 5th day of August, 1913, at two o'clock in the afternoon; at which time the Board of County commissioners will hear and pass upon said application ut the court house in said county. - By order of the Board of Commis sioners. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. ' Notice for Publication. In the county, court of Lincoln county.Nobraska. Allen Brothers Company, a partner ship, Plaintiff, vs E. F. Scott, first and real name unknown,F. S. Scott first and real name unknown, H. L. Groves, first and real name unknown and John Gildea, defendants. Tho defendants E. F. Scott and F. S. Scott will take notice that on the 13th day of June, 1913, the plaintiff filed his petition in the county court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against E. F. Scott and F. S. Scott, H. L. Groves and John Gildea, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $341.80 with interest thereon according to the tenure of certain promisory notes given to secure the purchase price of a stock of merchandise, which said notes arc Sast due and unpaid. That there is now ue upon said notes the sum of $341.80 with interest, for which the plaintiff prays judgment. That an attachment has issued in said action against the goods of the said defendants, towit, a certain stock of merchandise, situated in Dickens, Nebraska, (and in the pos session of John Gildea). You are re quested to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of August, 1913. Dated the 20th day of June, 1913. Allen Brothers Company. J8-4 Plaintiff. By M. E. Crosby, their attorney. Notice for Publication. Chris Rasmussen and E' P. Rasmus sen, first and real name unknown, De fendants, will take notice that on the 14th day of May, 1913, L C. Severns, plaintiff, herein filed his petition in the district court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against the said defendants, and each of ttom, the object and prayer of which are to recover the sum of $303.52, together with interest thereon at tho rate of seven per cent per annum from the 14th day of May, 1913, which said sum is duo and payable to the plaintiff from the defendants, and each of them, upon a certain promissory note executed and delivered by the defen dants on May 20th, 1912, to one Wil liam Bellew, and thereafter sold, trans ferred and delivered to the plaintiff herein for a valuable consideration. That at the same timo plaintiff filed an affidavit in attachment in said action and caused an ordor of attachment to bo issued and property belonging to tho defendants, andeachof them, towit: All of section nine (9) except about ono and one-half acres (1J) in the north east quarter (NEJ) of the south east quar ter (SEJ) in said section, township ten (10), range twenty-eight (28) West of the sixth P. M., Lincoln County, Ne braska, has been attached under said order. Plaintiff prays for judgment against tho said defendants, andeachof them, in tho sum of $363.52, together with interest from tho 14th day of May, 1913. You, and each of you, aro required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of August, 1913. Dated this 15th day of July, 1913. L. C. Severns, By Muldoon & Gibbs, His Attorneys. rj"K'i'-' .rv - t.HMnMftl. w 5in w. v. ,,,. AtfrftttAtfTv n isrivihiuaMr