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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1913)
rwwlrd Bt cwi-HMtt irftm TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 5, 913. No. 56 KM V FORD GUTS PRICES AGAIN Matth Bhtte o? Ifc Ford 5 Passenger Touring Car at North Platte $590 Ford 2 Passenger Runabout at North Platte $540 HENDY Local and Personal. Albert Durbin is. transacting business in Brady this week. Mrs. Thomas Henley left Sunday morning for Denver. Edward Votow left this morning for Denver 'to spend a week or longer. Attorney V. V. Hoagland left yester day for Omaha to spend several days. Wanted A lady roomer 412 E. 3rd Phone Red 104. 55-2 Mr. and Mrs. John Young left today for Salt Lake City to make their homo. Loren Hastings will leave this week for Aurora and Gibbon to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Sam Richards, of Omaha, who visitedln this city last week, returned ome, Sunday morning. AttorneyJames Keefe left last even ing for Alliance to transact business. He will return Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Alden leave this week for a visit with relatives in Kim ball. They- will make the trip in their car. Mrs. M. J. Neary will leave Thursday evening for Denver, Sterling and Colo rado Springs to spend three weeks .with relatives and friends. Mrs. L. W. Walker and Mrs. Isaac Dillon leave torhorrow for a few days' visit vith Mr. and Mrs. David Hunter on their fruit farm north of Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Allen, of New Raymer, Colo., came last evening to 'spend a couple of weeks with the for mer's brother Arthur Allen and family. UP TQ"oaa.n my hUS by th "m( The Ladie3 Missionary circle of the Where tho r'aco of men go by Baptist church will hold their annual They aru Booci. they are bad. they aiW dollar meeting in the basement of weak, they are stronir. I. weak, they are strong. Wise, foolish so am I, S UIS0OLJ AlllfcJl VOV tYIIU IIUU UGCU Utll' ptayed at tho North Platte Produce Company for several months, returned to his home in Ravanna yesterday morning. Before Judge Lewis in tho United States court in Denver an effort is being made to straighten out the tangled affairs of the Buffnlo Bill and Wild. West shows. Dewey Bnily was appoint ed receivor by Judge Lewis and will take over the property. The point at issue-now is how much of the proporty held under tho attachment belongs to them. Your Choice line Then why BhqoW .1 sit lp th rcorntV.'membeis areurged to be present. A ten SKRTS in white and linen while they last at 98c Come Early to Secure Best Style and Fit, & OGIER AUTO CO. Clarnnce Mc Kay went to Sutherland this morning to spend n few days. Florin and Thomas Muchlinski who were called to South Omaha by the ill ness of their mother, returned Inst evening. P. W. Sitton left last night for San Diego, Cnl., where ho will visit his daughter Mrs. Clark Buchanan for a couple of weeks. Buffalo county farmers are feeding wheat to their hogs. They claim that seventy-seyen cent wheat is cheaper than seventy cent corn. ( The Christian Aid Society and the C. W. B. M. will meet in joint session Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Finloy, 521 oast Second street. Mrs. B. Predmestky and Miss Anna Fleishman, of Omaoa, arrived here yes terday afternoon to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleishman for three weeks. G. C. Wiedstrand, of Birdwood pre cinct, died Sunday of cancer of the face, at the age of twenty-eight. Fun eral services will be held today at the O'Fallon school house. Cards have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Miss Cecilia Monahan and Alfred Hartman at Oghkosh tomorrow. , The bride formerly lived here and is well known among the local people. Thirty-seven years ago Saturday a mighty host invaded the Platte Valley in central and western Nebraska and consumed every vestige of vegetation. The grasshopper was tho invader and it only took him a day to. clean things line church Thursday evening. All cent lunch will bo served after the pro gram. Reductions in express rates which will cost the companies fully $29,000,00 a year approximately 1G per cent of gross revenue, were ordered yostorday by the Interstate Commerce commission to become effective on at beford Oct ober 15, 1913. For Sale neany new upngnt piano leu in new upright storage. Cost nearly $300.00. Can be sold today lor $75.00. See Bratt & Goodman. of entire of Morrill Suffers Loss. Firo nt one o'clock last night gutted tho interior of the barn on the premises of Dr. D, E. Morrill on west Fourth street, causing a loss which is placed at about one thousand dollprs by the owner. The insurance held was ?100 on the building and $200 on tho contents. Tho origin of tho fire is a mystery, ns the building is electrically lighted, and no other light had been used. The lower floor of the barn had been used ns a kindergarten room by Miss Alma Morrill and ope or two girl associates, and they hud been in the building during tho early part of tho evening and when leaving everything was in good shape. Tho fire started nenr a window on tho alley and may hnvo been of incendinry orgin. On the second floor was stored tho winter clothing and furnishings of tho family, and those were completely des troyed, together with many other articles of value. The Are had gained considerable headway before discovered, but was quickly extinguished after tho arrival of the hose company. Busy Day for Firemen. . Sunday was a busy day for the fire laddies, no less than four alarms being turned in. Tho first was just before noon, due to burning prairie near tho Standard oil tanks in the oast ond of the yards. A. B. Hoagland and others extinguished the burning grass. In the. afternoon the Frank Kemp house near the new round house was burned to tho ground, there not being sufficient hose at hand to reach the building. Kemp succeeded in carrying out mo3t of his furniture. Lator in tho nftornoon a pile of tios in the east end of tho rail road yards caught fire but the flames were easily subdued. The fourth nlarm was false, at least the fire could not be located. Listed For Quick Sale. Two nice corner lots with five room house, large barn. Only two blocks from north side school. Price $1650.00, Four room house and out-buildings on West 10th in 400 block. Should be $1200.00 but cut down to $950.00 for quick sale. Other nice homes ranging from $2000,00 to $6000,00. Extra good lots $175.00 and upwards. Easy terms. Bratt & Goodman. Re-Mark Roufe. Messrs. McDonald, Ogter, McGovern Sandall, Shaffer and Hupfer , drove through to Gothonburg Sunday and re marked the autombbile route, making it so plain that none can now go astray between this city and the Dawson county town. The poles "at intervals were not only ro-paintod the standard colors, but at turns and bridges the letter "S" was mado large and plain. At intervals, the letter "T" is also dis played, indicating the Trans-continental route. This work is to bo commended, especially as tourists had been complain ing that tho route was not well marked. Bratt & Goodman can loan you money to help buy, build or improve your properly or pay off your old loan. See them. Dressmaking on the Boulevards. ' JLHUs plcturo of llfo In the French caplttl Is given In Frankfort Sommer. vlllo'B "in tho Spirit ot Purls:" An IndUbtrlous woman nt a newspa per kiosk sat making a Jacket In tho Intorvnls between customers. A sleepy cubby, with a cigarette In his month, watched her nt her work. Presently sho put on tho coat and began to fit It and fix It with pins. Sho wns exam ining tho sides to see how thej hung. Sho stooped to plant n pin. But tho cabman strode up, bent and fixed it for her, with a "Volla, mndam," turned to tho other side, measured thu dls tnnco with his eye and Inserted nn other pin, traveled thiw round the gar ment, doubled n clumsy plent, mum bled "It's too big here," at which sho nodded, and then stood back to sco tho effect. "Mercl. monsieur," she said, took off tho Jacket and' 'sat down. A "faro" camo up; tho cabman Jumped to bin seat, cracked his whip and was off. These cars are fully equipped, which includes Top, Windshield, Speedometer, Lights, Tools, Pump, Jack, Top Cover Etc. Let us- place your order for the next shipment Local and Personal. , Don't forget tho raiftoad picnic to morrow at Dillon's grovo. Dick Baker has been visitintr friends uina transacting business In Omaha for several days. ' Mrs. John Dick returned last cvon ing from Chicago where she .spent a fortnight with relatives. Ira Russell returned last evening from a two weeks visit with his brother 1n Chicago. Miss Lillian Sturges roturnd Saturday evening from Hastings wore sho spent two weeks with friands. J. C. Hudson nnd Miss Lillinn Sheehnnof Johnston, Colo, wero granted a permit td wed Saturday afternoon. "Art", that corn crop would be se cure if you had a haii policy on it written by Bratt &. Goodman. H. G. Blnlock who was injured while nt work in tho railroad yards last weok roturned to work yesterday. All going to tho railroa'd picnic .to morrow nro requested to put forks and cups in their lunch baskets. Committee. For Snlo An exceptional good milch cow reasonable, must go by Aug. ICth, inquiro of Mrs. F. R. Glnn, 40S West 2nd street. Lost Jowolod. fraternity pin. Return to 209 west 2nd streot and receive re ward. 5C-2 Weather Forecast Cloudy and coolor tonight. Wednesday fair. Moderate and variable winds. Highest temperaturo yesterday 100; a year ago 76. Lowest temperature G5; u year ago GO. For Sale Eleven hens and eighteen pullets; thoroughbrod Rhodo Island Rods. They can bo seen at tho corner of E. and Cottonwood streets. Mrs. Phillips. . 5G-2 Bratt & Goodman continue writing the best hail, fire, lightning, cyclone and tornado insurance and lowest rates. A Chicago dispatch dated yostorday says: Whether corn would go above 70 cents a bushel was sottlcd today in iu minute. Tho market shot up to that level on tho first trade and soon was far beyond. Drouth, already tho most sevorq in twenty years, promisod to continue all tho present weok, accord ing to tho government forecast. The Bible Class of tho Christian church, hold a farewell reception at the homo of their toachor, H. L. Greo son last evening and presented .him with a loving cup. The evening was pleasantly spent by all nnd tho nice lunch was especially enjoyed. The family will leave in tho near future for York to make their home. While fireman S. T. Richmond was eating his dinner in a Kearnoy restau rant Sunday he laid hispursojcontnlning fifty-four dollars on tho lunch counter and when leaving forgot to pick it up. Upon reaching here ho wird down to Koarney and tho wnllot was found. He etf. yesterday morning to claim his lost purse. Granite Harvester Oil A heavy, free running oil, for farm machines, that takes up all the play and rattle, and reduces friction. Granite Harvester Oil never gums or corrodes, and prevents rust. .. - Supplied in gallons, 5-gallons, barrels and half barrels. For sale by all dealers or gTAWDARDOiL Company Omajia, .3Lfe, """1 MUt'SP!P- 215 East Sixth St. CRYSTAL THEATRE Tuesday's Program In "Tho Awakening," Jennie Mc Phorson takes tho part of tho society woman, who spends hor time speeding around tho country in a high powered automobilo very much to tho detriment of hor homo duties. She is brought to hor senses by an accident to hor little child. "Marooned" has Jnmog Khkwood in tho role of a fisherman and Gertrude Robinson Is tho daughter of tho old soa captain. "Four Oueons and n Jack." Jack is quite a mnn nmomr tho ladies but lio.l sends tho note to tho girl's mother- in stead of to the girl nnd it falls into Pa's hnnds nnd then wowl Wednesday Program Wo are offering "Tho Beauty and tho Boast," a three reel production, in which magnificono and splendor nro ex emplified in overy scene, ono thnt ap peals to tho artistic sentiment of every individual and fills with delight nnd joy the honrts of nil children. This is a fairy talo of the highest typo, thorc are many fino scenes. Ono of tho best is the opening showing a stroet. Thu denunciation Intor by tho witch of tho prince, whore tho latter is transformed into a bonst and nil the court followors scntter in panic through tho pillared corridors, is strong dramatically. Another novel scene is whoro Beauty has gono to tho pnlnco to take upon her self the penalty imposed by tho boast upon her father as a punishment for taking a rose from thu palaco gardens looks in the plncid, dark waters of tho marblo rimmod pool and sees tho vision ot her futhor ill nt homo. It 13 a strik ing conception. Tho final picture, tho arrival of Beauty transformed into a princess, and tho Beast roverted tho prince, is full of charm. Tho court ia drawn up in front of tho palaco. In tho back ground nro statoly rows of trees nnd behind them a rnngo of mountains- Elsio Albert, who portrays Bonuty seems peculiarly adapted to theso pre tentions fairy productions. Thursday's Program The fine two-reel Bison, "Tho Picket Guard," has a quality all too raro in picturo charm, It illustrates effectively a well known poem. Wallace Roid ap pears as tho sentry on guard along 'the Potomac. Homesick nnd lonesomo, ho reviews tho scene leading up to his en listment. Later ho is mortally wounded in a Bkirmish nnd scenes nro shown when tho news is brought to his wife, impersonated by Paulino Bush. The close is tenderly pathotic. This offering is notable for its artistic effects and its appealing story. In a humorous vein wo havo "Binks Ends tho War," Binks with his family goes on n vacation and tho oriontal sor vants hold a nativo celobration. Binks returns while the colobration is on and you will havo to see what happonod to appreciate it. - For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column tf 'PYfZ' SCW- To the One with Idle Money, We have a jew extra choice first mortgage loans netting 7 and 8 per cent semi-annual interest. These mort gages not taxable, Nothing better nor safer for investment. Sec Bratt & Goodman. Local and Personal. Mrs. John Koontz went to Maxwell yesterdaynVorning to visit relatives. M.J. O'Cohuoll loft last evening for Grand Island nnd Kearney on business. Tho Royal Neighbors will meot in tho K. P. hall tomorrow nftornoon at three o'clock. Mrs.-Enrl Carpenter, of Lincoln, camo last evening to spend three or four weeks. Tho, Lady Macabees will entertain their mothers nt tho home of Mrs. R. H. Lnngford this afternoon. Mesdnmeu W S. Dolson and Honry Schott went to Oshkosh this morning to attond the wedding of their neice Miss Cecilia Moriahnn, E. K. Souder, of Moorcfield, and S. M. Soudor and Bort Nnpowteck, of North Platte, Kavo returned from a business vipit in Ogntulla. The Kearney longuo ball tlam hnvo asked for a return game to bo playod hero on August 27, Tho Grand Island team aro billed for August 20. Mrs. A. F. Stroitzsustalnodn sprniu od anklo Friday ovonlng while stopping from hor nutomobilc and will bo unable to walk for some timo. The district Sunday school conven tion was hold Sunday at the Stevens grovo in BignolJ. Sovornl hundred pcoplo nttonded a basket jlinnor that wbb served. Tho S. O. C. club wore tho guests of Mrs. Russell Wymnn Friday nftornoon. McsdnmeH William Stegall and Harry Johnston won tho honors in tho card gamos. A nicely propared lunch was served. A golti watch was stolon from tho Jorry Elliott homo Saturday nnd re turned Sunday morning. A foreigner, who had been at tho house carliar in the day, was suspected and nrrcstcd but tho ovidenco was not sufficient against him. Just recoived a now supply of Blue Bird jewelry at Dixon's. Tho railroad report that tho ovapora orntion from tho soil during tho Inut weok ha8 largely execoded tho rainfall and us a rosult the soil is not in satis factory condition. According to tho Burlington's roport n short corncrojiln Nebraska and tho grontor part of Kan sas is inovitnblo, whilo tho Northwest ern report statoa that corn south of tho Platte haB been damaged from 40 to GO nor cent. Tho corn north ojf tho Platto Is still in good condition, but if tho pre sent dry Rpoll continues it will be suroba damaged. For Rent. Houses, rooms, safe deposit boxes and storage room. Bratt & Goodman. N. J. SCHLACHTER Hooplcss Stave Crib Silo DURABLE-ECONOMICAL lift ' ifJiM tH W atfft-Sf! 'S The Only Stave Crib Silo that will NEVER BLOW DOWN Say MR. FARMER you need that SILO NOW. BIRGE WILL DELIVER IT TODAY See him.