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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1913)
A QSooiff HI HENRT HOWLAND DKCOVffiY MORTALITY IN BABY CHICKS AVMMf JMil.iJWIEl.! mK MMMk photo 9 iMHg 111 ' ' uVwUM -'Wwlfr J - I ' 1 wlf V'J7g'' ' "" awwstaafcv tmftj&ii3afg Ji.'iak, . ,rfa?- .- Mm I fj W f Church, oSanFranchco, Panama. Wlk- fc9 P, r r , , . . i3 uSmtmi mi. j5j-gj r'"MW Cffy anJ lallYarJ. S? IWS1 " " - Wall, of Porto Bclh'iOUChmck n 1" ' ;:-''' t'J "' ''vJI Migj - ' .nii rm xAvtCJzy1'"""' ' " ntJ lcam Shoecl In the Cut I . Antlcnl "Cmtom House," Porto Btllo. Lg UsJrctlccUk Station Flanu at Cabm Spillway. -. Often Attributed to Parent Stock When Fault Is Really Not Inher ent Test for Cause. Tho largo mortality in baby chicks Ib very often attributed to the part ont stock when tho fault la really noti Inherent. In an effort to ascertain, the real causo for this condition makq a test. Romovo carefully all traces of food; from tho brooders, leaving none what ever near thehm. Tako some of the; chicks that havo tho caro of the moth or hen and place them In tho broodor; over night. Continue this for several) nights In succession, being sure to return them to tho caro of their, mother each morning. Bach morning note the condition of theso little fel lows, and If they aro not injured or aro none tho worse for their expe rience in the brooder you will know that tho temperature In tho brooder is about right and the fault does not Ho in that direction. With tho brooder eliminated as a possible cauzo for' the mortality, you most begin to look elsewhere. This narrows itself down to one of two causes Improper feeding or lack of exercise. Now test for the food cauBe. Chango your conditions of .feeding radically and note tho result.) If the cause is not from tho feeding, it must be from lack of exercise. Correct this by supplying them with a proper amount of this requisite. Simply finding your chicks dead In tho brooder In the morning when they aro all crowded in a corner Is not sufficient proof that they died from too low a temperature. Sick, weakly and Indisposed chicks will always hud dle together whether they aro cold or not. They will not huddle together, how ever, should tho temperature bo ex cessively high, in which event they will spread apart, and when found dead will usually bo lying on their breasts. This condition, however, Is seldom noted, aB it takes a very high temperature to causo them to spread apart and to causo their death. BREED POULTRY FOR RESULTS Difficulty In Mating Unrelated Birds Is to Find Strains With Like Characteristics. "Few peoplo realizo tho advan tages of breeding together unrelatod birds. Every time they are mated a decided improvement ip had in their ijuuiib, m uAiuuiuuii aim uiuuy quai 'itlcs, size and extreme hardiness." Tho above statement was made by IB. It. Phllo of New York, a man who has done much experimenting along tho line of breeding. Lino breeding 1b dangerous unless thoroughly understood, and tho work of years can bo demolished in :a very short time. Ab above stated, Wllfilll wMj Onco I was prone to bo voluble, thlnklnft I bad been splendidly blest In some way, J'nncylnB others wero glad to sit drlnklnn In all tho words that It pleased mo to say; Onco I supposed I had knowledge worth airing, Onco I thought others wero bulging with glee Uecause of the chances they had to be sharing The wit and the wisdom imparted by mo. I huve discovered that people who heard mo Scoffed at me, said I was boorish, in fact Failed to partake of tho gladness that stirred me. Pitied me, oven for wit that I lacked; Since I have learned how to listen se dately Peoplo appear to believe I am wise; No man can talk all the time and talk greatly, But ft fool can by listening learn. It he tries. Prize Winning Plymouth Rock. tho progeny of unrelated fowl3 Ib thrifty and high In utility, points .which every breeder strives for. The greatest handicap in mating unrelated birds is to find strains with like characteristics. When rearing a strain of Rocks for egg production it is sometimes hard to And a suit able male, bred for tho samo results as tho hens he 1h to be mated with. Many breeders havo distinct Mnes of birds, bred for the samo results, but wholly disconnected along blood linos. In this way they can furnish their patrona new blood whenever deulreil. Many n good strain Is run down or ruined becauso of lack of experience of tho brcedor. Ono must know how nnd why tho breed to obtain best success. A gocA pen of layers should not bo mated with a malo or un known heredity. If n flock of birds Is purchased for an egg-laying strain, to keep up their qualities, tho owner must know how they wore bred, and adopt tho samo plan with thorn as tho originator. Getting at the Truth. At twenty-three ho thought fate was making a special effort to keep him down. ' At thlrty-ftve he "thought ho might havo done great things if his wife had not been such a handicap. At forty he believed ho would havo been a great man if his children had not mado it necessary for him to cling to tho sure things. At fifty ho was positivo that there was a conspiracy againbt him on tho part of bis follow men. At sixty he felt that if ho could have been thlrty-flvo again nothing could havo stopped him. , At seventy he began to believe that he had failed because of a lack of courage and inability to make f tho most of his opportunities. At eighty he was almost sure of it. j : Useless. "I suppose," said tho beautiful girl, "you must experlenco all tho emotions you so vividly describe in your poems?" "Not at all," replied tho poet: "When I wrlto of tho emotions that aro stirred within tho breast of a man who has become tho heir to vast estates I novcr get wrought up In tho least. Long ago I learned that deop emotion In such circumstances merely caused useless wear and tear to tho system." Extraordinary Actor. "I can't understand why you should refer to Rautlngham as an extraord inary actor. I saw him last night, and ho seemed to me to possess very little real ability." . "It is not his ability that makes him extraordinary. Tho fact Is that ho has novor beon sued for divorce nor gono Into bankruptcy." Sun and Shade. Plenty of sun and shado aro neces sary in tho life of tho rapidly growing young chicks. Coolness and shado from tho hot sun aro important. Trees and bushes mako tho host shade, but If thoy arc' not available artificial moanB can bo provided that aro al most as efficient Trying Moment. "Colonel," askod tho beautiful girl, "what was the most trylng moment of your life?" "It was when I went to my wife's father for tho purpose of asking him to lot mo havo her. Ho was very deaf and I had to explain tho matter bo foro about 20 clerks." Heredity. lie started out to claim tho carfh, Ho tolled by day nnd schemed at night; Ho got a few things at thnlr worth And took for nothing what he might. Within Its mouth his child nt birth. They tail us. had a golden spoon; II started out to got the earth, Ills boy Is crying for tho moon. Waiting. "Havo you named your baby yot?" "No." "Ho'a getting pretty old to bo with out a name, Isn't ho?" "Yos; but my wife wIbIiqb to call him 1'erclval, and we'ro waiting to find out whether ho is going to havo a lisp." Evidently. "It was too bad that Miss Ruzzloy waB too hoarse to sing last night." ''Evidently you havo never mot MIsh Huzzloy when sho waB not too boarsu to sing." Her Age. A woman may bo as old as she looks, but It is seldom posslblo to get her to admit It. x V? 7 ff v i kllk :2aftwqfefc8awi3ais frtMHri. . .'!??";r' jyliA-fcTMw-wlgTy' -v", a - -, tttahii . iwrtMiin Viftlrflr( rf