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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1913)
State nictcrlctl tctkW totte Jimi-Htolgr rilro m : $ ri i KP Tto TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST i 1913. No. 55 r.$. What ,v Man of Seventy-Six Appropriates Rig Sheriff Slevors roturned yesterday from Maxwell, where, he went to se cure an old man who was captured thore In possession of the horso be longing to C. E. Brumwell, which was stolen several days ago. The man's name is A. A. Underwood, and at first ho was very uncommunicative, but later told the sheriff his complete story. Briefly summarized ho stated that ho was on his way west from Iowa, where ho had beon on a visit to relatives. He rode from Prairia City to Lincoln, but although 76 years of age, he walked from the atate capital to Grand island. Seeing the horse and knowing where the rig was kept, ho thought he would take it and continue to the west by tha means, stating to the sheriff that he was endeavoring to reach North Platte whoro ho has a nephew living. His own home he state is in Wyoming. He was born in Kentucky, sorved through the Civil war, and although his wife is dead he has sons living. He stated that he was injured some time ago by being kicked in the neck by a horse. The old gentle man told a very straight and connected story. Grand Island Independent. Will Dolan, who was up from Max well yesterday says corn in that section is the best he has ever seen, and he has been living at Maxwell since a little codger. Particularly fine is the corn in the hills north of Maxwell. From Wallace comes the report that corn was never batter; in fact with the exception of a few spots, the crop in the county is above tho average. Here's hoping that the present prospects may not become dimmed. Ninety-six per cent of the trainmen and conductors employed on the Pacific division of the Southern Pacific system have voted to strike unless their differ ences with the management oyer'the terms of employment, rates an$ senior ity allowed on the company's electriced lines can be adjusted. The result of the yote, which stands 3,816 in favor of striking to 187 against, was made pub lie. C. S. Sawyer, the drayman, appeared on the streets this morning with a very handsome new busy which he will use largely for passenger service. It is at tractive in design and the interior nicely upholstered. It is the best looking conveyance of its kind ever brought to North" Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murdock who had been visiting in cities of Illinois and Iowa for several weeks, returned home this morning. Building & Loan Money to Help You Build or Improve Your Property With. The Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association of Lincoln, Nebraska, has plenty of money t6 take care of all their loans. (See their financial statement for July 1st 1913, elsewhere in this paper). Will bo glad to explain their plan nnd terms. Phone office, Red 600. C. F. Temple, District Agent. How Strong is Your Desire for Real Pure ' Foods? Is it strong enough to devote three minutes vto its consider ation? Do you really want to know positively how you can have on your breakfast, luncheon and dinner table, real sweet, pure and wholesome foods, We are able to answer this question for you, for we will unquolifyingly certify and guarantee any of the following articles, Shredded Wheat Biscuit Heinze Tomato Soup Van Camp Beans Walter Baker's Cocoa Chase &. Sanborns Teas and Coffees Grand Canyon Mustard Beech Nut Pea Nut Butter Club House Salad Dressing Turtle and Richelieu Canned Goods LIERK-SANDALL CO. Local and Personal. A social dance will bo hold at tho Lloyd opera houso this evening. Robert and Wmr Finney have re turned from a trtp to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Griswold left Tuesday evening for Denver to visit friends for a week or longer. R. H. Willis is inspecting the work at the head of the old North Platto ditch and has ordered work stopped until the river is tested to seo if the sheet piling can not be put in deeper. Albert Muldoon is atSaratogo, Wyo., where ho will roman for a week or so fishing.for trout. Ho will be joined in a few days by Otto Thoelecke. Misses May Wilson, of Plainvipw, Mary, Nettie and Stella Wilson, of Fairfax, who visited'thcir uncle Joseph Wilson this week, have returned home. Mrs. Will Allen arrived from Omaha a few days ago and is a gues't at the parental home. Mr. Allen will arrive next week and accept a position in the C?rson & Landgraf shop. During the ball game Tuesday after noon, third bassmnn Charley Melkcr sprained his ankle while sliding to second base. This will not interfer with him playing in the game this afternoon. Hendy & Ogier will take possession of tho lower floor of tho new McCabe bujlding the early part of next week. The second floor of tho building will not be ready for occupancy for soveral weeks. The school board of Stnpelton is corresponding with Architect Rey nolds of this city relative to plans for a new school building for that village. The board plans a building that will be of sufficient size to accommodate the future needs of that growing town. C. W. McMullin, for many years one of North Platte's best barbers, but now manager of the Loyal hotel shop in Omaha, is in town for a fortnight's vacation, Charley's superior handed him two weeks wages and told him to take a vacation, and of course he did not need to be told a second time. My fire, lightning qnd. tornado policies are backed by the strongest companies in the insurance business. My policies are the most liberal policies beeause I know how to write them to give the assured full protection and they are written at tho lowest possible rate, consistent with good underwriting. C. F. Temple. The members of the Christian church held a pleasant outing at the Birdwood grove yesterday. Tho picnic party went to tho grounds on No. 97 at nine o'clock yesterday morning and roturned on the branch train at five o'clock. All manner of outdoor sports were indul ged in and the two hundred present thoroughly enjoyed the day, The well filled baskets wore opened at noon and tho good things which they contained served generously. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Short or long time, can be returned in monthly payments or at the end of three or five years. Bratt & Goodman. New Time Card A new time card will go into affact on tho Union Pacific Sunday. The changes in the arrival of main lino trains are very slight. The branch train, however, will leave one hour earlier, departing at 8:10 east time, instead of 9:10 as formerly. Entertains Visitors. Mrs. Geo. Back, Mrs. W. C. May, Mrs. E. B. Baisot, Mrs. Abner Piatt. Mrs. Markwood Holmes, Mrs. Bartho lomew and Mrs. Gratton Foley, of Gothenburg, and Mrs. Eva Baldwin, of Lincoln, woro guests of North Platto friends yostcrday. They were givon an auto rido in tho forenoon, entertained at a luncheon by Mrs. Halligan and at 500 during the afternoon by Mrs. Grimes. In the evening another car ride was given. To the luncheon and tho afternoon party several local ladies were invited. Tho Gothenburg ladies returned homo last night. Wanted A lady roomer 412 E. 3rd. Phone Red 104. 55-2 John Strahorn left last evening for the mountains to spend a fortnight or longer. Christian Science Society Sunday 11 0 a. m. Subject "Love," K. P. hall Dewoy St. Mrs. S. C. Clark, of Gering, who had been visiting in town roturned homo this morning. F. J. Diener & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. Farm and city property for sale. tf Bishop Beecher, of Hastings, came last evening to visit Rev. nnd Mrs. C, F. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason left this morning for Lincoln to Atsit friends for a week or longer. Edward Thompson returned last even ing from Chicago where he spent three weeks with friends. The North Platte Military band wore the guests of E. T. Kelihor at his ice "Wednesday evening. Tho Twentieth Century Club will be entertained at a kensington Tuesday afternoon by Mrs., Crook. Mrs. Thomas Doolittle roturned Tuesday evening from a short visit in the eastern part of tho state. Mrs. William Hupfer is visiting friends in Denver, having left for that city the first of this week. Lost Mesh bag with watch, check, and small change. Return to this office and receive five dollar reward. Edward Saltow, 'of Cheyenne, left yosterday after spending six weeks with his uncle John Saltow and family. Mrs. W. A. Tanner, of Lexington, arrived yesterday afternoon to visit her parents'Mr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Redmond. Miss Mabel Hayes, of Cozad, re turned to her home this morning af tor a pleasant visit with Miss Cra Diener. Lrm Bailey is one of tho latest to purchase n home, buying the John Young residence in tho 600 blook on East Sixth street a fow days ago. He will take possession of tho promises the aarly part of next week. An involuntary petition in bank ruptcy was filed at Newark, N. J., Wednesday against tho Buffalo Bill .Wild West and Pawneo Bill great far east shows. Service was made on Gordon W. Lillie, president of tho company, controlling tho shows. The company is a New Jersey corporation. Chancery proceedings were instituted in Denver. The assets and liabilities were not stated in the petition. For Sale. Baptist parsonage, 1009 west 4th St., for sale or exchange for property nearer the business section of the city.'lnquiro of Rov. J. L. Barton or phono Black 884. 55-4 Real Estate Loans. Buchanan & Patterson have plenty of, money on hand to make real estate oans on farms, ranches and city prop erty. Loans closed promptly, no delay Rates and terms the most favorable. EMPRESS THEATRE Friday Mary Stuart, big 3 reel feature A superb production portraying tho tho last ten years of the great struggle batween Mary' Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth. Saturday The Raiders from Double L. Ranch, Kal. drama. His niece from Ireland, 2 reel Drama Lub. The Reformation of Dad, Comedy. ' Special Music The Line Up The line-up in today's ball gamo, ac cording to a wlro received from Mana ger Berte, of the Kearney team, by Homer Musselmnn last night, and as arranged by Manager Cummings, of the local team will be as follows: Koarnoy No Platte ! MCKnight LF Miller Synek 3B Melker Acock 2B Fritts Herriott IB Bright Seheuron CF Dvgort Gray C Dnnzo WondnifT SS n.i Erickson RF McCluro Plympton P Mnupln The troneral admission for today's gamo yvill be 50c Big Crowd Expected. It is expected that at least ono thousand spectators will witnoss the hnll crninn tndnv nn tli lnn1 grounds between tho Kearnoy state league ana tno north t'latto teams. Big bunches of fans will come from Gothenburg, Brady, Maxwell, Hcishey, uuuigimuu Uliu UIUJJICVUII. I'lYO HUH dred booster buttons havo been sold to North Platto fans, nnd nearly as many more boosters not having buttons will bo on the grounds. Tho game is ex pected to bo close in its results. Lexington Defeats North Platte. In tho annual tennis meet between North Platte nnd Lexington, held at the latter place Wednesday, Lexington took tho greater honors, winning tho three doubles and three of tho fivo singles. The North Platto winners in the singles wero Arthur Bullard and Francis Flynn. Lutheran Church. Tho regular servico next Sunduy morning at tho Lutheran church. An anthem by tho choir and trombone solo by Arthur Tramp. Sunday school at 12 m. Fred Waltemath and family and Miss Minnie Salman of North Platto, visited at tho Sudman homo from Sunday un til Monday. They drove up from North Platto in tho Waltemath car Sunday forenoon and leturned tho following day. Chappell Register. Tho electric light poles aro being put up this week, the work wns commenced Monday morning. Noxt week a man from Kearney will be hore to string tho wire. Members of flio village boara aro overseeing the work and report if everything moves along smoothly wo may yet hevo electric lights on tho streets by tho timo tho Chautauqua be gins on Aug. 22. Brick work on tho building was begun last Saturday. Brady Vindicator. ,. At tho home of tho bride on wost 5th street last evening at eight thirty, Charles Stewart Calhoun and Miss Hazel Irene Warrington wero united in marriage by Rov. C. F. Chapman. Tho wedding was marked by its simplicity, only tho relatives of tho contracting parties being piesent. The bridal couple wero unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Cal houn loft on the midnight train for Denver and Salt Lake to spond thoir honeymoon. Tho groom is a well known and popular young gentlomnn of this city and tho bride who camo herefrom Lexington last wintor, has won a host of friends among tho local people. Be fore making her homo in this city sho was a successful teacher in tho Lexing ton schools. Notice. All members nnd thoir families of the B. of R. T., O. R. a, B. of L. E. and B. of L. F. & E. aro invited to bo present at a union picnic to bo held at the Dillion grovo August 6, 1913. Con veyances will bo at the K. P. hall at 1 o'clock p. m. Program will commence at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. H. LeDioyt, Genl. Chairman. CRYSTAL THEATRE Friday Night King Baggot in "The Staanger." This is a two part offering and tells a Kentuckoy mountain story. Baggot a disappointed mllllonaro goes to the mountains whero ho meets Juno (Violet Mercorenu). Tho climax follows aro exciting attack of moonshiner on him and this is handled with originality. King Baggot Ib one of the loading Universal Actors, and his work stands in a class of its own. "Tho Princess of tho valley" is an Indian Story the leading role being by Mona Dark feather about which tnoro is a protty story. Sho is not an Indian but a Spaniard with a great love for Indian people and customs. Tho real Mona Darkfoather when dying nskod the Spanish girl to tnke her name which sho did and it seems she did and it seems sho must have taken tho spirit too for she is topical Indian. Saturday Night "Why Rags Left Home" is tho story of the little Italian newsboy Rocco and his dog. Ho lacks tho funds to nay the license on the dog nnd tho pounumaster takes Rags. This picture will pleaso for it is sincerely acted and humanely iruo in us sorrow anu cry tor sympathy. Let the children como to the mntinco and see the child actor. "Her Nerve," tells a railroad story and tho heroino, Violet Horner saves the money box from tho villian and stops tho passonger train that is roaring toward tho burning trestle. "Hall Room Girls," is a crystal film with Pearl White and Chester Barnott in tho leads. "How Men Propose." nuf said. Monday Night The of the Hanging Rock a two-real Eclair. Pearl's Dilemma, a Crystal Comody Big Bargains Saturday Boys Knickerbocker Pants $1.00 and $1.25 Values 50c Boys Knickerbocker and Long Pants 1-2 Regular Price -. Fit the Boys Out Now 't ". j. b. Mcdonald, THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES Local and Personal t Mrs. F. C. Hoxle want to Ogalall, yesterday afternoon to visit friends for a few days. Mrs. D. J. O'Brien will leave this week for Missouri to maku an extonded visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir and daughtor, who had been visiting in Donvor, havo roturned homo. Mrs. Jack McGrnw nnd nfoce Miss Esther Hummell will go to Wallace to day to visit relatives for a short timo. Miss Sylvia Wntts camo up yostorday afternoon from tho Koarnoy Normal to attend tho wedding of her sister tonight. For Rent Now 8 room houso, all modorn except heat, located at 803 E. Sixth. Inquire of Wm. Malonoy, 803 E. Fifth. Mrs. Walter E. Smith who Bpont nov cral weeks with Mr. and Mra. Wm. Malonoy left Monday ovoning for Mosita, Colo. - , Miss Anna Pagonstatchor, of Council Bluffs, camo yesterday afternoon to visit her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kolly for a couple of weeks. For choice building lots and nice homes in all parts of tho city, as well as Borne nico farms around North Platto, sec Tcmplo, he has them. J. II. Posoy and daughtor Miss Ethel, are contemplating a trip to Kentucky in a short timo to spond a fortnight with relatives. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's bargain list in another column tf The Epworth league will hold asocial and entertainment at the Bradbury homo on east Front street this evening. An interesting program has boon pre pared. Dr. Crocker, an ostoopath, who has been practicing in Minnesota for sev eral years, is in town, looking up a lo cation. If ho can securo a suitablo suito of rooms ho will cast his lot with us. Our ronnfr flnnnrtmnnt fa fconf. nn in the highest possible standard of effic- ency. u your waicn neeus attention bring it to us, you can deponu on full satisfaction and accurate time. Dixon, Tho Joweier. U. P. Watch Inspector. Choice Homes For Sale. I havo tho oxclusivo agency of tho B. L. Robinson, proporty on W. 2nd St.. Goorgo Baskins proporty on W. 8th St., and tno Mrs. Fcdorhoof Dronortv on W. Cth St. Thro very choice properties unu an nro priced cheap considering tno properties, Seo mo nt once about thorn. C. F. Temple. For Sale. 1913 Model Motor Cycles and Motor boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand now machines, on easy payment plan. Got our proposition "before buy ing or you will regret It, also bargains in useu Motor Cycles. Writo us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. L. A. LINE n, 13 ycari experience at tho bench. Can da A n all kinds of repairing. lied rock prlcea. All A X work guaranteed, 3J Suits County Surveyor Roy Cochran and R. It. Lambert went to Hershey on business yostordny. Morlo Laws, of Cozad, came up Tuesday to visit His undo Lem Bailoy ana attend tno ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Frank'McFadden. living north of Paxton, nro in town, having been cajlcd'haro by tho death of Mrs.'McGovern. Mr. and Mrs. Kee, of Loup City, who woro guosts of Mr.-ond Mrs. C. H. Llnningor for a week, loft for homa yosterday afternoon. Miss Sarah Reynolds, of Sholton, who spent two woeks with hor brother Scott Roynolds nnd fnmily, roturned homo yosterday uftornoon. Mrs. M. V. Mltcholl and son Vorna t who woro visiting in Chnppoll with friends, returnod homo Wednesday evening. Louis Thoolecko and daughtor Borthn, of Omaha, who havo been visiting rela tives here for a month, wilf lonvo tho latter part of next week. Mr. Investor and Railroad Man that expects to work In tho new round or shops (now being surveyed) Do you know that Dolson's addition nnd tho oast part of Scouts Rest Addition, both being north of tho tract is going to bo mighty convenient locations. Thoso lots can bo bought at a low flguro and on easy to mm. Lot mo show thm to you. C..F Temple How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disordors that muko life misornblo. Take Chamberlain's Tnblets, keen your bowols regular and you will avoid those,, diseases. Foraaloby all doalors. vV . N. I, SCHLACHTER Hoopless Stave Crib Sib DURABLE ECONOMICAL The Only Stave Crib Silo that will ' NEVER BLOW DOWN Say MR. FARMER you need that SILO NOW. BIRGE WILL DELIVER IT TODAY See him. HnHpSKS . . . f "iWi &HJ