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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
1 1 ( H i ! i H Tm OLD GAMES FOR THE YOUNG pilndfolded Player Mutt Recognize Others by Feeling With Large 8poon Instead of Hands. In tho gnme called "A Spoonful of jFun." Instead of fooling with his tiandu In order to discover who It In that ho has caught, tho blind man la clvcn a largo Hpoon which ho uses aa a wand. As In "Sllenc," tho players EmiHt all remain perfectly still. Direct y hn succeeds In finding sonio one !tho blindfolded player tries, by deftly touching him hero and there with tho flpoon, to discover who It la. As It Is .much oasler than anybody who has not tried can possibly Imaglno to dis cover tho Identity of a person by Npoon touching, It Is best for tho un bllndfolded players to try and dlsgulso thoinselves as much at pousiblo. Homo might stand on tlptoo to make UioniBolvpR appear tailor, others tlo handkerchiefs round their necks or wrap themselves up in shawls: and tho boys might remove their telltale collars or pity on their overcoats. CLEVER AFTER-DINNER TRICK Plate May Be Lifted by Common Rad ish by Butting in Half and Pressing Against Surface. Cut a radish in half, press the low er surface firmly against a plato, as Is shown In the diagram, and you can Radish Lifts Plate. lift tho plate, to which it clings as Iclosoly aH a boy's wot leather disk to itho pavement. Young Financier. Freddie came Into tho housn one Vlay and said that tho woman noxt door had offered him a nanny If h would foil what his mother had said labotit hor. "I'm so glad you didn't toll," re jmarkod his mother. "I wouldn't havo Ibor know for anything that I oven mention hor. You're a wlso llttlo boy, lmy duar." "You bet I am," returned Froddlo. "'Whon alio offered mo tho penny I iold hor that what you said waH some ithlng awful and it was worth half a dollar." BOY'S WORK AND PLAY IN THE COUNTRY A Boy's 'Ono of tho most serious troubles1 'that I had whoji a boy was tho scold ings I received from farmers for dlg- ging.up tholr pastures and meadows In unearthing woodchucks. Hull foucoH and post piles hud to nuffor when old Shop chusod a woodchuck Into his holo or undor them. Ono of tho boyB would usually keop nn eye out for tho farmer, whllo tho roHt of ub would throw posts and rails and did for Mr. Woodchuck: Ono summer nearly ovory boy In our neighborhood had a pot wood chuck, that waa kept In a cago, and soma of thorn becamo vory tamo and would eat from our bunds, clovor. grass, apples arid sweet corn, which MISS MUFFET AT FOOD SHOW How Much Did She Weigh After Eat ing Seven Kinds of Food and Gath ering Many Packages. Vott remember that In Mother Goosi Mss Muffet was vory found of curdi ml, whoy Sho liked othoi thing. mo. Listen: When Mis i Muffet visited tho food show sho ato seven different kinds ol breakfast food and gathered ton pounds of snmplo packages. Then she stepped on tho free weighing in a Miss Muffet at Food Show. chlno and found that hor weight had Increased 10 per cent; whereas, If sho had eaten twice as much breakfast food tho gain would havo been 11 per cent. Can you toll how much Miss Muffet weighed when sho arrived at the food show? At tho food show Miss Muffet weighed 1111-8 pounds when sho ar rived. She ato one and ono-nlnth pounds of breakfast food and gath ered ton pounds of samples, which In creased her weight 10 por com. RIDDLES. What cannot bo called a disinter ested act of hospitality? Entertaining a hope. Why aro tho stars tho best astrono mers? Because they havo studded (stud ied) tho heavens since tho creation. Why Is a schoolmistress Ilka tho letter C? DecauKo sho forms lassos Into classos. What two words contain all tho vowels and In their proper order? 'Facetious, abstemious. Why ,ls it Impossible for a person who Haps to bollove In tho oxlstonco of young ladles? Hecauso with him ovory miss is a myth. Why Is nn old chair that has a now bottom put to it Ilko a paid bill? HocauBo It haa boon ro-Boatcd (re ceipted). When does a man sit down to a melancholy doHsort? When ho situ down to wlno and to plno. What Is tho difference betweon a mother ami a barber? Tho lattor haH rnzors to shavo, and tho former hns shavers to raiso. Pot. aro tholr fnvorlto articles of food Woodchucks usually burrow near or chards or pusturos and aro easy to trap. A No 1 or No. 2 trap Is usually used and Is sot In tholr holes and cov ered with loaves and dirt. Thlu Is uct necessary, howover, us thoy aro not suspicious anlmnlB and aro easily cuught In a trap. Thoy aro vory much disliked by (armors on account of tho danger of (arm animals brouklng a leg by stop ping in their holes. A (ull grown wbodehuck will put up a gamo light against a, dog, and when In thin Hush in tho spring It takes a good dog to master one. 4- W. M. It fQ tim. rH(Mr Uiwii n)siM( ct9 F itimit. 7m At" tcfiiyj)j) QQ COCOA TO COfHf pj f vuffi m$ (,Z-.'jX L AP$j',, At" haiku, J I CATALPA TO RESCUE Death of Captain Anthony Re calls Famous Event. Thrilling 8tory of Releaao of 8lx Fenian Prisoners From British Penal Colony In Australia Many Years Ago. Now Dedford, Mass. Thoro died re cently at Now Iledford, Mass., an old skipper, CapL George S. Anthony, whoso namo la indlssolubly linked with a famous exploit and whoeo mem ory will long bo treasured by Irish men. Ho commanded tho Catalpa In Its daring rescue of six Irish political prisoners from tho convict station of Ficomantlc, western Australia, under tho frowning guns of a IlritlBh cruiser, und landed thorn safely in this couu try. Tho men were former soldiers in tho English eorvlco, who like many others of their kind had been won over to tho cause of Irish nationalism dur ing tho Fonlnn agitation of tho 'CO's, Fifteen of these soldiers were arrested and convicted of treason and sen tenced to various terms of imprison ment at Freemantle. Among tho num ber was John Doylo O'Reilly, who, soon after reaching Frccmantlo, ef fected hlB escapo and, coming to this country, becamo noted as a writer, lecturor and poet. Others among the 15, with tho exception of six, served out their terms. Tho six who remained had been sentenced for lifo and in 1874 a movemont for rescuing thorn was begun by the Clan-na-Qael, tho successor of tho Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, which had slowly devel oped after tho collapse of the Fonlau government. In 1875 tho whaler Catalpa was pur chased by tho CWu-na-Gael and placed In command of Captain Anthony, who undertook tho dlfllcult and dangerous mission with eagerness. Meantimo Breslin, Thomas Des mond of San Francisco and agents of tho 'Clan-na-Gael, were making ac tive preparation in Australia for tho release of tho convicts. Breslin and Dosmond, under assumed numes, posed ub men seeking profitable investments and made friends With tho governor of tho colony. They were permitted to visit tho prison frequently and en tor into communication with tho six Fenian prisoners. They explored tho country about and fixed upon Rocking ham, 23 miles from Freemantle, ns tho placo whero tho boat of tho Catalpa should land and take off tho convicts. After tho Catalpa had put In at Bun bury, Breslin hastened from Freeman tlo to meet Captain Anthony and waa quickly "Introduced" to him in tho hotel. Confidences were exchanged and plans of release discussed. Whllo Breslin returned to Freemantlo, Cap tain Anthony put out to sea, ostensibly J1L x' Figured in Famous Episode. to hunt whales. On Easter Sunday, April 1C, 187C, a whalehoat from tho Catalpa, carrying Captain Anthony and a crow of six men, landed at Rockingham and n,ext morning had considerable difficulty In accounting for thoin8clvoH to a customs officer. Meantime, nt Froemantle, tho work of roscuo had begun. Tho prisoners woro allowed a great deal of Hborty and woro assigned various kinds of work outsido tho prison walls. Two traps, mndo ready by Desmond and Breslin, awaited them on tho Rock ingham toad, within ilvo uitnutra run of tho prison, and when tho prisoners, wearing fetters, loft tho prison for tholr assigned duties they woro taken and conducted by Uretllln and Des mond. The race for Rockingham was then begun and that place was nearly reached before the police learned of tho oscapo and mounted their horses In pursuit. When tho police reached Rocklnghum tho prisoners wero out at sea In tho whaleboaL But tho exciting part of tho rescue had only bun. Tho whuloboat hud a difficult tlmo hi reaching tho Catal pa, which had been out of wight bo iqw the horizon lino when tho smaller boat had loft Rockingham beach. A storm struck tho whuloboat and car ried away Inith mast and sail, whllo water poured over tho r.torn of tha boat, keeping several of tho men busy balling It out. Night fell whllo tho storm Btlll raged and In thlB plight they remained till mining. In tho morning thoy vainly tried to attract tho attention of tho Catalpa, which they could boo; and to tholr consternation thoy beheld tho govern mont steamer Georgotto stoam toward tho Catalpa, which it spoko. Tho fleorgetto mado n wldo circuit around the whaleboat without soelng It and thon utcamed In toward tho shoro. 33 Girls and No Boys. Lawrencoburg, Ind. Thirty-three girls and no brothers In three genera tions was marked whon a daughtor was born to Mr. and Mrs. Silas W. Jackson horo. Tho buby Is tho olovonth daughtor of tho olovouth daughtor of nn eleventh daughtor. fe BLUE FLANNEL FOR SILVEfi White Cloth, Commonly Used, Con tains Sulphur and Causes Ar ticles to Tarnish. Did you ever noUco that tho silver you stow carofully away In neat whlto ranton flannel bags, presumably to keep It from tarnishing, Is blacker and moro stained with tarniBh when ou go to got it out of its bag than tho sliver that has been In uso all tho tlmo? And did you ever notlco, If tho silver Is kopt in a long caso that is wound about Itself, that tho silver best protected, nearest tho middle, Is most badly tarnished? A Jeweler says that tho reason for this is that whito canton flannel Is bleached with a mixture containing sulphur, which spots and tarnishes sliver vory quickly. So when your rxtra dozen Bllver forks aro carofully parked away In their whlto canton (lannel caso, of1 course thoso In tho mldd'e, farthest from tho air, become tho most badly tarnished. It Is for this reason that silver smiths always use bluo canton llannel bags and cases for their silver, not, us many persons think, becuuse bluo Is moro beuutlful than whito. No sulphur Is used In tho preparation o( bluo canton llannel and so none lin gers In Its folds nfter it is mado up into bags and cases for silver. MAKE SOUP FROM PEA WATER Flavor and Valuable Salts of .Veget ables Are Often Thrown Away. It Is a waste of good material not to muko pea soup every tlmo you havo peas for dinner. Much of the flavor and valuable salts of tho peas are left In tho water thoy wero boiled In, and when this 1b thrown away half tho good o( thorn Is lost. To mako it, wash tho peas, shelf thorn and put tho hulls to cook in just enough water to cover them. Let them simmer until they look faded, then throw them away and put the peas to a boll in tho same water, and when dono dish as usual. Thoy are improved by tho additional flavor given by the hulls. Add some now milk to tho water and thicken it slightly with a tablespoon ful each of butter and flour rubbed to a paste, or with a beaten egg, add ed just as tho soup is taken from tho fire. Season with Bait and pepper. When peas aro too old to bo good, uso them to thicken tho soup by putting them through the colander. It is true of any bollod vegetablo that much of Its value stays In tho water In which It was cooked, and any ono of them can be mado into soup in the samo maimer as peas. TAN BOOTS EASILY CLEANED Soap and Water Will Remove Stains and Mud From Washable Footwear. Tho washablo tan boot Is a luxury to tho woman who Is constitutionally i In a hurry and cannot take time for tho ever-recurring cleaning and polish- j lng necessary to tho averago foot wear. All that is necessary to reju vonate tho tant boot Is to wipe over its surface with a sponge or cloth dinned In ordinary nnnn nA wntor. when tho boot emerges as bright as tho day It was bought No polishing necessary and no carrying of pre pared dressings In one's trunk with tlio danger of disaster to one's sum mer finery. Another good point about this now tan leather is Its Immunity from Btains. Even mud will not dis color It and it marches scatheless through wet underbrush and over soaking turf. Suffrage Cake. Three ounces butter, half pound sugar, two and a half cups flour, two and a half teaspoons baking powder, ono lovel teaspoon chopped orange peel, ono wholo egg and yolk of an other, ono and a third cups milk Cream butter and sugar and add eggs Stir theso vigorously ton minutes. Add milk and tho flour nnd baking powder which havo been sifted three times Beat until smooth and at onco dlvldo into throo layers. Bake in a rather quick oven 20 minutes. When cold, remove to a plate. Fill between tho layers and cover top and Bides with this mixture : Two cups confectioner's sugar, yolk of ono egg, ono heaping ta blespoon butter (softened) and two teaspoons orango juice. Stir In a bowl until smooth, adding a fow drops of hot water it too thick. To Prevent Egg Curdling. To prevent the curding of tho yolk of nn egg whon adding to boilng milk ns in making certain custards, add to tho yolk, after beating, ono table spoonful of sweet milk. Stir thor oughly, then stir Into tho balling milk or plo filling, and It will not curdle. Mint Salad. Wash and crisp a sufficient quan tity of young lottuco Sprinkle liber ally with chopped mint and a little minced meat lamb. m.mU or chicken la best then dress with u French dressing Garnish with sprays of mint and serve. Dull Finish Beet to Dust. When you aro buying furniture, thlpk of dusting. Dull, rubhed finish wood docs not show tho duBt nearly sc readily as that with a highly polished Burfaco. Tho fowor grooves tho hotter Canned Rhubarb. Clean tho rhubarb, but do not peel, cut In inch-long pieces, fill tho Jars and till with cold water, shaking to uxcludo the air. Put on rubbers and aeal. Sot In dark part of collar. FARM START IN POULTRY BUSINESS Initial Step Should Be to Determine on Breed of Fowls Adapted to One's Locality. The first thing to do in taking up poultry as a business 1b to find some breed adapted to tho locality, thon stock up with that breed and study it, says tho Poultry Journal. Personal ity enters into tho success of tho poul try Industry to a largo extent. A man must bo good-natured, for ono thing, and willing to glvo his tlmo and pa tlenco to detail work. For theso rea sons a man who takes up this busi ness for pleasure often succeeds much better than tho man who goos Into It for purely the money it brings him. Success in this buslnoss comes slow- Excellent Specimen. i iy. It must be built up. It requires patience, but when success does come everything after that is easy and tho profits aro good. To tho man who wishes to enter tho poultry business at a'small expense, 1 would advise stocking with a dozen hens of some good breed. It is not well to try to do too much until the beginner has learned how to mako a Bmall flock pay. I havo had vory good success In getting eggs from my hens all tho year round. I hatch the chicks as early as posslblo In the spring. Tho best tlmo to market chicks Is whon they weigh about two pounds and fowls jUBt before molting I find It profitable to market eggs whero they must bo guaranteed fresh, working up a good trado for the pro duce at a fair price. CAUSES OF MANY FAILURES Endeavor to'Saveln Expenses by Cheapening Cost of Houses and Space Is Enumerated. The Illinois station gives among tho causes of failure in tho poultry business the 'following: , Endeavoring to keep too many fowls whore room for one only can bo obtained, that is Euving In ex penses by cheapening cost of houses and space. Buying fowls from other farms and thus bringing disease and lico Into tho flocks. Overfeeding, the fowls being sup plied with greater abundance under the supposition, tho moro 'feed the moro eggs. Cold draughts ovor tho fowls al night, with a view to supplying fresh air, whon the tomperaturo is low. Wasting timo with sick fowls in stead of destroying all birds that can not bo cured quickly. .. DOIJLWMM Peklns lay from 120 to 170 eggs a year. Forcing for eggs out of season i unprofitable. Keep tho hens nests clean and pro vide ono for every four hens. If fowls aro compellod to roost in foul and damp houses It causes ill ness. Tho earlier tho maturity, all othoi things being equal, tho greater tho profits. Sell off your old rooster and got a better ono than you over had of some neighbor. Tho chick that Is allvo ten days aftor hatching haB moBt of Its dun gors behind It. If a fowl becomes sick, separate It from tho others and doctor it, as the disease may be contagious. Laying lions drink a very large amount of water if It Is clean and kopt constantly beforo them. Tho old rule of improving the hu man race by beginning with tho grand parents applies also to poultry rais ing. For hatching purposes tako the eggs from tho hens that lay best. Build up, nevor let tho standard down. A shelf a couplo of feet below tho roosts is handy to catch tho droppings nnd handy to clean,. And don't forget to cloan It, . Breeding stock should bo carefully selected by tho poultryman and then given tho best caro, plenty of fresh air, sunshlno and exorcise. A fow mills thrown Into Uin drlnt lng pan will glvo poultry all tho Iron they need, but thoy Bhould not ba al lowed to remain there. Clean tha vessels every day. ""v? tV rnnTTMiiwm 0koo HENTCT HOWLAND EHHER5 FOOLISH KESIRt When father waa a millionaire Tho sky was always blue; I woi a'hero everywhere, I My cares woro email and few. When father caused the benrs to groan And won In every deul, Tho whole world seemed to be my own. And all my friends were leal. Slnco father hns been squeezed and mado To give his winnings back The social clrclo whero I swayed Is closed to me, alack 1 Tho world that used to seem so fair Is dark nnd drear and cold: I cannot nnd them anywhere. The friends 1 had of old. Tho road I travel now Is rough. My cup Is niled with gall; Oh. dad, why were you fool enough To try to get It all! Why She Couldn't Speak. "Now," said tho lawyer who was conducting tho cross-examination, "will you please state how and whoro you first met this man?" "I think." said tho lady with tho sharp nose, "that it was" "Never mind what you think," in terrupted tho lawyer. "Wo want facts horo. Wo don't care what you think, and we haven't any tlmo to waste in listening to what you think. Now. please toll us where and when it was that jou first met thiB man." The witness made no reply. "Come, come," urged the lawyer. "I demand an answer to my question." Still no response from the witness. "Your honor," said the lawyer, turn ing to tho court. "I think 1 am enti tled to an answer to tho question I have put." ''The witness will please answer tha question," said the court in impres sive tones. "Can't," said tho lady. "Why not?" "The court doesn't caro to hear what I think, does it?" "No." "Then there's no use questioning mo further.' I nm not a lawyer, I can't talk without thinking." So they callod tho next witness. HARD LUCK, INDEED. Blimley I'm the unlucklest man on earth. Huntley Why so? Blimley I pro posed to Edith Buzzloy lust night and was accepted. and today I learn that hor father Is about to make an assignment Mounting Heavenward. Mrs. Flinders John, you must put an advertisement In the paper for an other girl tomorrow morning. Mary 1b in Paradise now. Mr. Flinders What! Did alio start tho flro with coal oil? Mrs. Flinders No; she's got a chanco to work In n crockery shop. A Woman's Intuition. Doctor Your husband Insists that he is troubled oxactly as you aro, and yet an examination of him falls to dis close a slnglo similar symptom. I can't understand it. Patient 1 can. You prescribed a glass of wine throo times a day for me. Too Pointed. "Oh, mistress of my heart," ho cried, "Ono word, ono tender look from thee, And I will nevor quit thy sldo In life or In eternity." Sho gazed upon him, kneeling there, And was about to speak, when ho, With ono mad yell, leaped through tho air He'd run a tack into his knool His Only Request. "Why, you talk like a Socialist You surely don't moan what you say." "I mean overy word of It." "Then you aro a Socialist at heart." "All right, maybe I am but call mo something else." n - wvmknkmatitizzmmtmMmix!. ntrv p .-